path: root/doc/de/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-08-02core: rename binary and man page from "weechat-curses" to "weechat" (task #11...Sebastien Helleu
2013-07-31core: add cmake option ENABLE_MAN to compile man page (on by default)Sebastien Helleu
2013-06-29doc: add flag "-L" for a2x when building man page (do not check asciidoc outp...Sebastien Helleu
2013-06-28core: update man page and add translations (in french, german, italian, and j...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-01core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2012-01-08core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2011-11-04doc: fix toclevels (from 3 to 4) for user guide in Makefile.amSebastien Helleu
2011-10-10core: uninstall docs and weechat-plugin.h on "make uninstall", fix compilatio...Sebastien Helleu
2011-08-20doc: set asciidoc language with "-a lang=xx" to translate notes, tips, warnin...Sebastien Helleu
2011-05-15core: fix compilation of doc in standalone packageSebastien Helleu
2011-03-16Use new style for keys in FAQSebastien Helleu
2011-02-25Add styles for keys in user guideSebastien Helleu
2011-01-01Update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2010-12-06Add some custom css styles for asciidocSebastien Helleu
2010-08-06Add missing autogen files for german user guideSebastien Helleu
2010-08-05Add german scripting guideSebastien Helleu
2010-06-22Update licenses and copyrights, add missing author names in sourcesSebastien Helleu
2010-06-14Add german user guideSebastien Helleu
2010-01-24Remove evil tabs in sourcesSebastien Helleu
2010-01-03Update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2009-11-18Add italian docs: quickstart and testerSebastien Helleu
2009-09-10Add german FAQSebastien Helleu
2009-09-09Add german tester's guideSebastien Helleu
2009-09-05Add german quickstart guideSebastien Helleu
2009-05-28Convert all docs to asciidoc format, add scripting guideSebastien Helleu
2009-05-15Convert some docs to asciidoc format, add tester's guide, remove some obsolet...Sebastien Helleu
2009-04-24Remove old docs for notify pluginSebastien Helleu
2009-04-14Add missing API functions in doc (infolists and upgrade), move infos and info...Sebastien Helleu
2009-04-11Add support of many templates for completion of command arguments, rename def...Sebastien Helleu
2009-03-29Add missing autogen doc files in makefilesSebastien Helleu
2009-01-15Add Jabber plugin (alpha version, many Jabber features are missing)Sebastien Helleu
2009-01-03Update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2008-11-07Update developer guide (add 50% of new C API functions)Sebastien Helleu
2008-11-06Add missing doc files for autotoolsSebastien Helleu
2008-11-06Rename developer doc (-devel to -dev)Sebastien Helleu
2008-11-05Clean old docs output before buildingSebastien Helleu
2008-11-05Split doc into 2 docs: user and developer guideSebastien Helleu
2008-10-26Add missing XML files authors.xx.xml in makefilesSebastien Helleu
2008-10-10Clean doc/xx/ directory after build with autotoolsSebastien Helleu
2008-09-05Many changes in docSebastien Helleu
2008-05-26Update docSebastien Helleu
2008-02-24XML doc files (weechat.XX.xml) splitted in many XML filesSebastien Helleu
2008-01-02Update of year in some copyrightsSebastien Helleu
2007-07-02Replaced GPL 2 license by GPL 3Sebastien Helleu
2007-01-05Changed copyright date (2006 -> 2007)Sebastien Helleu
2006-12-02Added doc formats in ./configure output, fixed problem with make install when...Sebastien Helleu
2006-12-01Documentation can now be built in pdf formatJulien Louis
2006-07-30Fixed compilation problems under IrixSebastien Helleu
2006-05-31Added german quickstart guideSebastien Helleu
2006-05-08Added date in docSebastien Helleu