path: root/doc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-02-01core: add info about doc and function to read in /help weechat.completion.def...Sebastien Helleu
2013-02-01doc: add description of command "test" in relay protocolSebastien Helleu
2013-01-31aspell: optimization on spellers to improve speed (save state by buffer), add...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-31doc: fix typo in user's guideSebastien Helleu
2013-01-29core: add "/debug tags" in /help filterNils Görs
2013-01-26core: use default hash/comparison callback for keys of type integer/pointer/t...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-26doc: fix monospaced font used for literal and listing blocks in japaneseSebastien Helleu
2013-01-26doc: use boxes/arrows chars for diagram in differences with C API (scripting ...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-26doc: add example of callback in each language (scripting guide)Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-26doc: add command "/script" in scripting guideSebastien Helleu
2013-01-20doc: fix examples of function weechat_hook_connect (plugin API reference)stfn
2013-01-20Merge branch 'guile2'Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-19core: update japanese translationsRyuunosuke Ayanokouzi
2013-01-16guile: fix compilation with guile 2.0Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-12core: update german translationsNils Görs
2013-01-12doc: update polish FAQ, quickstart and scripting guideKrzysztof Koroscik
2013-01-12core: fix line returned when clicking on a bar (according to position and fil...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-10core: fix some copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2013-01-10core: replace "behaviour" by "behavior"Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-10doc: fix buffer argument for function "command": NULL value means current buf...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-07doc: fix typosSebastien Helleu
2013-01-07doc: replace iteritems() by items() in scripting guide (compatibility with Py...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-07doc: remove comment for in tester's guide (command required even f...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-06api: allow return code WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT in callbacks of hook_signal and hook...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-04doc: update signals arguments in plugin API referenceSebastien Helleu
2013-01-04core: fix help of option weechat.color.separatorSebastien Helleu
2013-01-03doc: add note about double tab in function weechat_printf, to display message...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-02doc: use github repository for script in developer's guideSebastien Helleu
2013-01-02doc: update japanese docsRyuunosuke Ayanokouzi
2013-01-01doc: update japanese translations and docsRyuunosuke Ayanokouzi
2013-01-01aspell: add signal "aspell_suggest" (sent when new suggestions are displayed)Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-01doc: update german translations, FAQ, scripting and user guideNils Görs
2013-01-01core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2012-12-24relay: add backlog, options and server capability "server-time" for irc proto...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-20core: add option "diff" for command /set (list options with changed value)Peter Boström
2012-12-16irc: return git version in CTCP VERSION and FINGER by default, add "$git" and...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-16core: add git version in build, display it in "weechat-curses --help" and /ve...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-14doc: add warning for autotools in user's guideSebastien Helleu
2012-12-13core: reformat comments for functionsSebastien Helleu
2012-12-08api: allow creation of structure with hdata_update (allowed for hdata "history")Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-07doc: remove chapter "Authors" in user's guide (list is in file AUTHORS), remo...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-05irc: read local variable "autorejoin" in buffer to override server option "au...Nils Görs
2012-12-05doc: update IRC commands in user's guideSebastien Helleu
2012-12-04doc: fix style for prefixes in function weechat_prefix (plugin API reference)Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-01core: add color support in options weechat.look.prefix_{action|error|join|net...Nils Görs
2012-11-30doc: add option "" in FAQ to reduce memory usedSebastien Helleu
2012-11-27doc: update FAQ and quickstart guideNils Görs
2012-11-27doc: add SASL authentication in FAQSebastien Helleu
2012-11-27doc: add SASL authentication in quickstart guideSebastien Helleu
2012-11-23irc: add support of tags in messages, add support of "server-time" capability...Sebastien Helleu