AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2006-05-07Fixed typo in setup option helpSebastien Helleu
2006-05-07Fixed refresh bug (deadlock in curses) when terminal is resized (bug #16542)Sebastien Helleu
2006-05-05update email and jabber addressEmmanuel Bouthenot
2006-05-05Fixed nicklist sort bugSebastien Helleu
2006-04-30Added russian translationsSebastien Helleu
2006-04-30Added german docSebastien Helleu
2006-04-25Added colors in doc CSSSebastien Helleu
2006-04-23Added IRC commands 290, 292, 437, 974Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-23Fixed bug #16369: fixed crash when multiple pv have same name: now it's forbi...Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-23Fixed bug #16416 (crash when purging old DCC chats)Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-22Nick modes are now saved with /upgradeSebastien Helleu
2006-04-22Splited GUI sourcesSebastien Helleu
2006-04-22Splited gui-display.c into many sourcesSebastien Helleu
2006-04-21Command /clear [-all] now clears hotlistSebastien Helleu
2006-04-19Removed known bugs, added URL to Savannah bugs pageSebastien Helleu
2006-04-19Fixed crash after /upgrade if a line in history is emptySebastien Helleu
2006-04-18Fixed bug in logs with nick for names lines (nicks on channel when joining ne...Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-16Fixed typo in /window command helpSebastien Helleu
2006-04-16Fixed typo in /window command helpSebastien Helleu
2006-04-16Changed default nick prefix/suffixSebastien Helleu
2006-04-16Added option "look_align_size_max", nick alignment to right is now set by def...Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-15Fixed many crashes with DCC chatSebastien Helleu
2006-04-14Added german translationSebastien Helleu
2006-04-13Fixed typosSebastien Helleu
2006-04-13Fixed typos in docSebastien Helleu
2006-04-13Added more help for input prompt formatSebastien Helleu
2006-04-12Added --auto option, to remove wait for Return key (useful for automatic CVS ...Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-12fix minor bug with ruby 1.9 and stdout/stderr redirectionsEmmanuel Bouthenot
2006-04-12Added new option to customize input prompt, added nick modes, fixed commands ...Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-11Removed charset conversion for commands (only allowed in text sent to channel...Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-10Removed color encoding in commands (only allowed in text sent to channel/priv...Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-09Added nick host in doc (for get_nick_info API function)Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-08Fix possible minor bug in getting hostnames in plugins/scriptsEmmanuel Bouthenot
2006-04-08Added hostnames associeted to nicks in plugins/scriptsEmmanuel Bouthenot
2006-04-08Added hostnames associeted to nicks (available for /ban completion)Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-07make gcc-2.95 happyEmmanuel Bouthenot
2006-04-04Added "+p" mode for channels, fixed mode display in status barSebastien Helleu
2006-04-04Updated czech translationsSebastien Helleu
2006-04-03Added alignment for local away messageSebastien Helleu
2006-04-03Added nick alignment in DCC chat, /query and /msg, fixed DCC chat bug when cl...Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-03Added nick alignment in private buffersSebastien Helleu
2006-04-02Fixed typos in docSebastien Helleu
2006-04-02Added nick alignment optionsSebastien Helleu
2006-04-02Fixed string explosion bug (should return 0 with empty string)Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-02Fixed /buffer close bug with part messageSebastien Helleu
2006-04-01add regular expression support for /list commandEmmanuel Bouthenot
2006-04-01Fixed /names command: now displays result when not on a channelSebastien Helleu
2006-04-01Fixed display but with input command line (when text is longer than window size)Sebastien Helleu
2006-04-01Fixed plugin command handler call when no argument is givenSebastien Helleu
2006-03-31Fixed nicklist display bugs when on top or bottom of chat window, fixed refre...Sebastien Helleu