diff options
author | Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org> | 2022-12-25 17:00:37 +0100 |
committer | Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org> | 2022-12-25 17:00:37 +0100 |
commit | c9796a31415dee3ac3745f6b4c0792d7a9da313b (patch) | |
tree | c31160c4514ab562caefab8e060a26d729ef0b97 | |
parent | 9bd6cbf4bdfc0e228628f56614ce98279a957bc6 (diff) | |
download | weechat-c9796a31415dee3ac3745f6b4c0792d7a9da313b.zip |
core: move `/input` jump actions to command `/buffer jump`
Actions moved to command `/buffer jump`:
* `/input jump_smart` -> `/buffer jump smart`
* `/input jump_previously_visited_buffer` -> `/buffer jump prev_visited`
* `/input jump_next_visited_buffer` -> `/buffer jump next_visited`
* `/input jump_last_buffer_displayed` -> `/buffer jump last_displayed`
39 files changed, 1210 insertions, 675 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog.adoc b/ChangeLog.adoc index d91d263af..685d8d1da 100644 --- a/ChangeLog.adoc +++ b/ChangeLog.adoc @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ https://weechat.org/files/releasenotes/ReleaseNotes-devel.html[release notes] New features:: + * core: move `/input` jump actions to command `/buffer jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited` * core: improve case convert and insensitive char comparisons (issue #258) * core: add color attributes "blink" and "dim" (half bright) (issue #1855) * core: allow command `/toggle` to create option before setting the value, if allowed in the section (issue #1837) diff --git a/ReleaseNotes.adoc b/ReleaseNotes.adoc index 141495128..8aea246e2 100644 --- a/ReleaseNotes.adoc +++ b/ReleaseNotes.adoc @@ -20,6 +20,27 @@ https://weechat.org/files/changelog/ChangeLog-devel.html[ChangeLog] [[v3.8]] == Version 3.8 (under dev) +[[v3.8_command_input_options]] +=== Options in command /input + +Some options of `/input` command have been moved to other commands (they can +still be used with `/input` but marked as deprecated and completion doesn't +work any more): + +* `/input jump_smart` -> `/buffer jump smart` +* `/input jump_previously_visited_buffer` -> `/buffer jump prev_visited` +* `/input jump_next_visited_buffer` -> `/buffer jump next_visited` +* `/input jump_last_buffer_displayed` -> `/buffer jump last_displayed` + +The following default keys can be reset to use the new command: + +---- +/key reset meta-a +/key reset meta-< +/key reset meta-> +/key reset meta-/ +---- + [[v3.8_return_code_string_comparison_functions]] === Return code of string comparison functions diff --git a/doc/de/includes/autogen_user_commands.de.adoc b/doc/de/includes/autogen_user_commands.de.adoc index 2a6244be5..e1d94605e 100644 --- a/doc/de/includes/autogen_user_commands.de.adoc +++ b/doc/de/includes/autogen_user_commands.de.adoc @@ -1188,66 +1188,72 @@ Beispiele: delvar <name> set <property> [<value>] get <property> + jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited <number>|-|+|<name> - list: alle geöffneten Buffer werden aufgelistet (ohne Angabe von Argumente wird diese Liste standardmäßig ausgegeben) - add: öffnet einen neuen Buffer (dieser kann mit "/buffer close" oder "q" in der Eingabezeile, beendet werden) - clear: leert den Inhalt des Buffers (entweder durch Angabe der entsprechenden Nummer des Buffers oder "-merged " für zusammengefügte Buffer oder "-all" für alle Buffer. Ohne Angabe eines Arguments wird der aktuelle Buffer gelöscht) - move: Buffer in der Liste verschieben (kann auch relativ sein, z.B. -1); "-" = auf erste Position verschieben, "+" = auf letzte Position + 1 verschieben - swap: tauscht zwei Buffer miteinander aus (bei Angabe von nur einem Buffer (Buffernummer/-name), wird der aktuelle Buffer mit dem angegebenen Buffer getauscht) - cycle: springt in einer Schleife von einem Buffer zum nächsten, die in einer Liste angegeben werden - merge: fügt den aktuellen Buffer mit einem anderen Buffer zusammen (bei einem Chat-Buffer werden zwei Buffer zusammengefügt - (Bei der Standardtastenbelegung wird mittels "CTRL-x" zwischen zusammengefügten Buffern umgeschaltet) - unmerge: trennt Buffer wieder voneinander, falls zwei Buffer die selbe Nummer teilen - hide: versteckt einen Buffer - unhide: macht Buffer wieder sichtbar -renumber: Buffer werden umnummeriert (Einstellung weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber muss deaktiviert sein) - close: Buffer schließen (Nummer oder Bereich ist optional) - notify: Benachrichtigungsstufe für den aktuellen Buffer anzeigen oder einstellen. Folgende Möglichkeiten bestimmen den Grad der Benachrichtigung und ob der Buffer in der Hotlist angezeigt wird: - none: keine Benachrichtigung - highlight: Benachrichtigung bei hervorgehobenen Nachrichten (Highlights) - message: Benachrichtigung bei Nachrichten von Usern + Highlights - all: Benachrichtigung bei allen Nachrichten - reset: Benachrichtigung auf Standardwert zurück setzen (all) - listvar: zeigt die lokalen Variablen für den aktuellen Buffer an - setvar: legt eine lokale Variable für den aktuellen Buffer an - delvar: löscht eine lokale Variable des aktuellen Buffers - set: setzt eine Eigenschaft für den aktuellen Buffer - get: zeigt eine Eigenschaft für den aktuellen Buffer an - number: wechselt von einem Buffer zu einem anderen, mögliche Optionen: - '+': relativer Sprung um 'n'-Buffer - '-': relativer Sprung, um 'n'-Buffer - '*': wechselt zum Buffer mit der Nummer 'n'; nutzt die interne Einstellung "weechat.look.jump_current_to_previous_buffer" - -: springt zum ersten Buffer - +: springt zum letzten Buffer - name: wechselt zum Buffer mit dem angegebenen Namen (Name muss nicht vollständig sein!) + list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed) + add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with "/buffer close" or input "q") + clear: clear buffer content (number for a buffer, -merged for merged buffers, -all for all buffers, or nothing for current buffer) + move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1); "-" = move to first buffer number, "+" = move to last buffer number + 1 + swap: swap two buffers (swap with current buffer if only one number/name given) + cycle: jump loop between a list of buffers + merge: merge current buffer to another buffer (chat area will be mix of both buffers) + (by default ctrl-x switches between merged buffers) + unmerge: unmerge buffer from other buffers which have same number + hide: hide the buffer + unhide: unhide the buffer +renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber is off) + close: close buffer (number/range or name is optional) + notify: display or set notify level for current buffer: this level determines whether buffer will be added to hotlist or not: + none: never + highlight: for highlights only + message: for messages from users + highlights + all: all messages + reset: reset to default value (all) + listvar: display local variables in a buffer + setvar: set a local variable in the current buffer + delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer + set: set a property in the current buffer + get: display a property of current buffer + jump: jump to another buffer: + smart: next buffer with activity + last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) + prev_visited: previously visited buffer + next_visited: jump to next visited buffer + number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix: + '+': relative jump, add number to current + '-': relative jump, sub number to current + '*': jump to number, using option "weechat.look.jump_current_to_previous_buffer" + -: jump to first buffer number + +: jump to last buffer number + name: jump to buffer by (partial) name -Beispiele: - leert den aktuellen Buffer: +Examples: + clear current buffer: /buffer clear - verschiebt Buffer auf Position 5: + move buffer to number 5: /buffer move 5 - tauscht Buffer 1 und 3: + swap buffer 1 with 3: /buffer swap 1 3 - tauscht Buffer #weechat und den aktuellen Buffer: + swap buffer #weechat with current buffer: /buffer swap #weechat - springt in einer Schleife zu den Buffern #chan1, #chan2, #chan3: + jump on #chan1, #chan2, #chan3 and loop: /buffer cycle #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 - verbindet Buffer mit dem Core-Buffer: + merge with core buffer: /buffer merge 1 - verbindet Buffer mit #weechat buffer: + merge with #weechat buffer: /buffer merge #weechat - trennt Buffer voneinander: + unmerge buffer: /buffer unmerge - schließt aktuellen Buffer: + close current buffer: /buffer close - schließt Buffer 5 bis 7: + close buffers 5 to 7: /buffer close 5-7 - springt zum Buffer: #weechat: + jump to #weechat: /buffer #weechat - springt zum nächsten Buffer: + jump to next buffer: /buffer +1 - springt zum letzten Buffer: + jump to last buffer number: /buffer + ---- @@ -1609,64 +1615,60 @@ value: Anzahl der gewünschten Einträgen im Befehlsverlauf anzeigen ---- /input <action> [<arguments>] -Auflistung der möglichen Aktionen: - return: simuliert die "enter" Taste - complete_next: vervollständigt Wort mit nächster Komplettierung - complete_previous: vervollständigt Word mit vorheriger Komplettierung - search_text_here: Textsuche ab aktueller Position - search_text: Textsuche im Buffer - search_switch_case: schaltet Groß-/Kleinschreibung ein und aus - search_switch_regex: Wechsel des Suchmodus: einfache Textsuche/reguläre Ausdrücke - search_switch_where: wechselt Suche in Nachricht/Präfix - search_previous: sucht vorheriger Zeile - search_next: sucht nächste Zeile - search_stop_here: beendet Suche ab aktueller Position - search_stop: suche beenden - delete_previous_char: entfernt vorheriges Zeichen - delete_next_char: entfernt nächstes Zeichen - delete_previous_word: entfernt vorheriges Wort - delete_previous_word_whitespace: vorheriges Wort löschen (bis zum Leerzeichen) - delete_next_word: entfernt nächstes Wort - delete_beginning_of_line: entfernt alle Zeichen ab Zeilenanfang bis zum Cursor - delete_end_of_line: entfernt alle Zeichen ab Cursor bis zum Ende der Zeile - delete_line: löscht die komplette Eingabezeile - clipboard_paste: fügt Zeichenkette aus der internen Zwischenablage ein - transpose_chars: Zeichen austauschen - undo: letzten Befehl in der Eingabezeile rückgängig machen - redo: letzten Befehl in der Eingabezeile wiederherstellen - move_beginning_of_line: springt an den Anfang der Eingabezeile - move_end_of_line: springt ans Ende der Eingabezeile - move_previous_char: setzt den Cursor eine Position nach links - move_next_char: setzt den Cursor eine Position nach rechts - move_previous_word: springt zum Anfang des vorherigen Wortes, in der Eingabezeile - move_next_word: springt zum Anfang des nächsten Wortes, in der Eingabezeile - history_previous: ruft vorherigen Befehl oder Nachricht aus dem Befehlsspeicher auf (im Such-Modus: rückwärts suchen) - history_next: ruft nächsten Befehl oder Nachricht aus dem Befehlsspeicher auf (im Such-Modus: vorwärts suchen) - history_global_previous: ruft vorherigen Befehl/Nachricht aus dem globalen Befehlsspeicher auf (für alle Buffer) - history_global_next: ruft nächsten Befehl/Nachricht aus dem globalen Befehlsspeicher auf (für alle Buffer) - jump_smart: wechselt zum nächsten Buffer mit Aktivität (nach Priorität: highlight, Nachricht, …) - jump_last_buffer_displayed: wechselt zum jeweils zuletzt angezeigten Buffer - jump_previously_visited_buffer: springt zum letzten besuchten Buffer - jump_next_visited_buffer: springt zum nächsten besuchten Buffer - hotlist_clear: löscht Hotlist (Aktivitätsanzeige für die Buffer), (optionales Argument: "lowest" löscht den niedrigsten Eintrag der Hotlist, "highest" löscht den höchsten Eintrag der Hotlist, oder eine integer Maske: eine Kombination aus 1=join/part, 2=Nachricht,4=privat,8=highlight) - hotlist_remove_buffer: entferne aktuellen Buffer von der Hotlist - hotlist_restore_buffer: Wiederherstellen der neuesten Hotlist, die im aktuellen Buffer entfernt wurde - hotlist_restore_all: Wiederherstellen der neuesten Hotlist, die in allen Buffern entfernt wurde - grab_key: fängt eine Taste (optionales Argument: Verzögerung um eine Taste einzufangen. Standard sind 500 Millisekunden) - grab_key_command: zeigt den Tastencode (inklusive des eingebundenen Befehls) einer Tastenkombination an und fügt ihn in die Befehlszeile ein (optionales Argument: Verzögerung um eine Taste einzufangen. Standard sind 500 Millisekunden) - grab_mouse: fängt den Code einer Maus Aktivität - grab_mouse_area: fängt den Code einer Maus Aktivität mit entsprechendem Bereich - set_unread: setzt für alle Buffer die Markierung der ungelesen Nachrichten - set_unread_current_buffer: setzt nur für den aktuellen Buffer eine Markierung der ungelesen Nachrichten - switch_active_buffer: springt zum nächsten zusammengefügten Buffer - switch_active_buffer_previous: springt zum vorherigen zusammengefügten Buffer - zoom_merged_buffer: zoomt in zusammengefügte Buffer - insert: fügt einen Text in die Eingabezeile ein (Escapesequenzen sind möglich, siehe /help print) - send: schickt Text an einen Buffer - paste_start: Einfügen wird gestartet (bracketed paste mode) - paste_stop: Einfügen wird beendet (bracketed paste mode) - -Dieser Befehl wird sinnvollerweise mittels Tastenbelegungen oder Erweiterungen genutzt. +list of actions: + return: simulate key "enter" + complete_next: complete word with next completion + complete_previous: complete word with previous completion + search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position + search_text: search text in buffer + search_switch_case: switch exact case for search + search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression + search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes + search_previous: search previous line + search_next: search next line + search_stop_here: stop search at current position + search_stop: stop search + delete_previous_char: delete previous char + delete_next_char: delete next char + delete_previous_word: delete previous word + delete_previous_word_whitespace: delete previous word (until whitespace) + delete_next_word: delete next word + delete_beginning_of_line: delete from beginning of line until cursor + delete_end_of_line: delete from cursor until end of line + delete_line: delete entire line + clipboard_paste: paste from the internal clipboard + transpose_chars: transpose two chars + undo: undo last command line action + redo: redo last command line action + move_beginning_of_line: move cursor to beginning of line + move_end_of_line: move cursor to end of line + move_previous_char: move cursor to previous char + move_next_char: move cursor to next char + move_previous_word: move cursor to previous word + move_next_word: move cursor to next word + history_previous: recall previous command in current buffer history + history_next: recall next command in current buffer history + history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history + history_global_next: recall next command in global history + hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: "lowest" to clear only lowest level in hotlist, "highest" to clear only highest level in hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight) + hotlist_remove_buffer: remove current buffer from hotlist + hotlist_restore_buffer: restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer + hotlist_restore_all: restore latest hotlist removed in all buffers + grab_key: grab a key (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds) + grab_key_command: grab a key with its associated command (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds) + grab_mouse: grab mouse event code + grab_mouse_area: grab mouse event code with area + set_unread: set unread marker for all buffers + set_unread_current_buffer: set unread marker for current buffer + switch_active_buffer: switch to next merged buffer + switch_active_buffer_previous: switch to previous merged buffer + zoom_merged_buffer: zoom on merged buffer + insert: insert text in command line (escaped chars are allowed, see /help print) + send: send text to the buffer + paste_start: start paste (bracketed paste mode) + paste_stop: stop paste (bracketed paste mode) + +This command is used by key bindings or plugins. ---- [[command_weechat_item]] diff --git a/doc/de/weechat_user.de.adoc b/doc/de/weechat_user.de.adoc index afb00bd75..5dc663df1 100644 --- a/doc/de/weechat_user.de.adoc +++ b/doc/de/weechat_user.de.adoc @@ -1612,9 +1612,9 @@ Sie können mit dem Befehl <<command_weechat_key,/key>> geändert und neue hinzu | kbd:[Alt+n] | springt zur nächsten Highlight Nachricht. | `+/window scroll_next_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+p] | springt zur vorherigen Highlight Nachricht. | `+/window scroll_previous_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | springt zur ersten ungelesenen Zeile im Buffer. | `+/window scroll_unread+` -| kbd:[Alt+<] | springt zum letzten besuchten Buffer. | `+/input jump_previously_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+>] | springt zum nächsten besuchten Buffer. | `+/input jump_next_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+/] | wechselt zum jeweils zuletzt angezeigten Buffern. | `+/input jump_last_buffer_displayed+` +| kbd:[Alt+<] | springt zum letzten besuchten Buffer. | `+/buffer jump prev_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+>] | springt zum nächsten besuchten Buffer. | `+/buffer jump next_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+/] | wechselt zum jeweils zuletzt angezeigten Buffern. | `+/buffer jump last_displayed+` |=== [[key_bindings_windows]] @@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ Sie können mit dem Befehl <<command_weechat_key,/key>> geändert und neue hinzu [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Taste | Beschreibung | Befehl -| kbd:[Alt+a] | wechselt zum nächsten Buffer mit Aktivität (nach Priorität: highlight, Nachricht, ...). | `+/input jump_smart+` +| kbd:[Alt+a] | wechselt zum nächsten Buffer mit Aktivität (nach Priorität: highlight, Nachricht, ...). | `+/buffer jump smart+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] | Hotlist löschen (Aktivitätsbenachrichtigung bei Buffern). | `+/input hotlist_clear+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+m] | Aktuellen Puffer aus Hotlist entfernen. | `+/input hotlist_remove_buffer+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+r] | stelle die letzte aus dem aktuellen Buffer entfernte Hotlist wieder her. | `+/input hotlist_restore_buffer+` @@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@ wurde (Befehl: `+/mouse toggle+`). | ◾◽◽ | links | Chat | zum vorherigen Buffer springen. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | rechts | Chat | zum nächsten Buffer springen. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | links(lang) | Chat | wechselt zum ersten Buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1+` -| ◾◽◽ | rechts(lang) | Chat | wechselt zum letzten Buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer+` +| ◾◽◽ | rechts(lang) | Chat | wechselt zum letzten Buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer ++` | kbd:[▲] | - | Chat | mehrere Zeilen im Verlaufsspeicher des Buffer nach oben blättern. | `+/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[▼] | - | Chat | mehrere Zeilen im Verlaufsspeicher des Buffer nach unten blättern. | `+/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | Chat | horizontal, nach links scrollen. | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%+` diff --git a/doc/en/includes/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc b/doc/en/includes/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc index 8a9d77f08..a90b7673f 100644 --- a/doc/en/includes/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc +++ b/doc/en/includes/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc @@ -1188,6 +1188,7 @@ Examples: delvar <name> set <property> [<value>] get <property> + jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited <number>|-|+|<name> list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed) @@ -1214,6 +1215,11 @@ renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumb delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer set: set a property in the current buffer get: display a property of current buffer + jump: jump to another buffer: + smart: next buffer with activity + last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) + prev_visited: previously visited buffer + next_visited: jump to next visited buffer number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix: '+': relative jump, add number to current '-': relative jump, sub number to current @@ -1644,10 +1650,6 @@ list of actions: history_next: recall next command in current buffer history history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history history_global_next: recall next command in global history - jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity - jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) - jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer - jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: "lowest" to clear only lowest level in hotlist, "highest" to clear only highest level in hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight) hotlist_remove_buffer: remove current buffer from hotlist hotlist_restore_buffer: restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_user.en.adoc b/doc/en/weechat_user.en.adoc index 74907ab5d..e16e737ea 100644 --- a/doc/en/weechat_user.en.adoc +++ b/doc/en/weechat_user.en.adoc @@ -1595,9 +1595,9 @@ They can be changed and new ones can be added with the <<command_weechat_key,/ke | kbd:[Alt+n] | Scroll to next highlight. | `+/window scroll_next_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+p] | Scroll to previous highlight. | `+/window scroll_previous_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | Scroll to first unread line in buffer. | `+/window scroll_unread+` -| kbd:[Alt+<] | Switch to previous buffer in list of visited buffers. | `+/input jump_previously_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+>] | Switch to next buffer in list of visited buffers. | `+/input jump_next_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+/] | Switch to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer). | `+/input jump_last_buffer_displayed+` +| kbd:[Alt+<] | Switch to previous buffer in list of visited buffers. | `+/buffer jump prev_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+>] | Switch to next buffer in list of visited buffers. | `+/buffer jump next_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+/] | Switch to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer). | `+/buffer jump last_displayed+` |=== [[key_bindings_windows]] @@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ They can be changed and new ones can be added with the <<command_weechat_key,/ke [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command -| kbd:[Alt+a] | Switch to next buffer with activity (with priority: highlight, message, other). | `+/input jump_smart+` +| kbd:[Alt+a] | Switch to next buffer with activity (with priority: highlight, message, other). | `+/buffer jump smart+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] | Clear hotlist (activity notification on buffers). | `+/input hotlist_clear+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+m] | Remove current buffer from hotlist. | `+/input hotlist_remove_buffer+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+r] | Restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer. | `+/input hotlist_restore_buffer+` @@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@ These mouse actions are possible only if mouse is enabled with key kbd:[Alt+m] | ◾◽◽ | left | chat | Switch to previous buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | right | chat | Switch to next buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | left (long) | chat | Switch to first buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1+` -| ◾◽◽ | right (long) | chat | Switch to last buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer+` +| ◾◽◽ | right (long) | chat | Switch to last buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer ++` | kbd:[▲] | - | chat | Scroll up a few lines in buffer history. | `+/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[▼] | - | chat | Scroll down a few lines in buffer history. | `+/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | chat | Scroll horizontally to the left. | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%+` diff --git a/doc/fr/includes/autogen_user_commands.fr.adoc b/doc/fr/includes/autogen_user_commands.fr.adoc index 411c93502..ffb390132 100644 --- a/doc/fr/includes/autogen_user_commands.fr.adoc +++ b/doc/fr/includes/autogen_user_commands.fr.adoc @@ -1188,7 +1188,8 @@ Exemples : delvar <nom> set <propriété> [<valeur>] get <propriété> - <nombre>|<nom> + jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited + <nombre>|-|+|<nom> list : lister les tampons ouverts (sans paramètre, cette liste est affichée) add : ajouter un nouveau tampon (il peut être fermé avec "/buffer close" ou l'entrée "q") @@ -1214,9 +1215,14 @@ renumber : renuméroter des tampons (fonctionne seulement si l'option weechat.l delvar : supprimer une variable locale du tampon courant set : modifier une propriété du tampon courant get : afficher une propriété du tampon courant + jump : sauter vers un autre tampon : + smart : prochain tampon avec de l'activité + last_displayed : dernier tampon affiché (avant le dernier saut vers un tampon) + prev_visited : tampon visité précédemment + next_visited : tampon visité après nombre : sauter au tampon qui a ce numéro, préfixe possible : - '+' : saut relatif, ajoute le numéro au courant, - '-' : saut relatif, soustrait le numéro au courant, + '+' : saut relatif, ajoute le numéro au courant + '-' : saut relatif, soustrait le numéro au courant '*' : saut au numéro en utilisant l'option "jump_current_to_previous_buffer" - : sauter au premier numéro de tampon + : sauter au dernier numéro de tampon @@ -1644,10 +1650,6 @@ liste des actions : history_next : rappeler la commande suivante dans l'historique du tampon courant history_global_previous : rappeler la commande précédente dans l'historique global history_global_next : rappeler la commande suivante dans l'historique global - jump_smart : sauter au prochain tampon avec de l'activité - jump_last_buffer_displayed : sauter au dernier tampon affiché (avant le dernier saut vers un tampon) - jump_previously_visited_buffer : sauter au tampon visité précédemment - jump_next_visited_buffer : sauter au tampon visité après hotlist_clear : effacer la hotlist (paramètre facultatif : "lowest" pour effacer seulement le plus petit niveau dans la hotlist, "highest" pour effacer seulement le niveau le plus haut dans la hotlist, ou un masque de niveaux : entier qui est une combinaison de 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=privé, 8=highlight) hotlist_remove_buffer : supprimer le tampon courant de la hotlist hotlist_restore_buffer : restaurer la dernière hotlist supprimée dans le tampon courant diff --git a/doc/fr/weechat_user.fr.adoc b/doc/fr/weechat_user.fr.adoc index 5dcf14214..dc5ddeb48 100644 --- a/doc/fr/weechat_user.fr.adoc +++ b/doc/fr/weechat_user.fr.adoc @@ -1634,9 +1634,9 @@ Ils peuvent être modifiés et de nouveaux peuvent être ajoutés avec la comman | kbd:[Alt+n] | Se positionner sur le highlight suivant. | `+/window scroll_next_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+p] | Se positionner sur le highlight précédent. | `+/window scroll_previous_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | Se positionner sur la première ligne non lue du tampon. | `+/window scroll_unread+` -| kbd:[Alt+<] | Sauter au tampon précédent dans la liste des tampons visités. | `+/input jump_previously_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+>] | Sauter au tampon suivant dans la liste des tampons visités. | `+/input jump_next_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+/] | Sauter au dernier tampon affiché (avant le dernier saut vers un tampon). | `+/input jump_last_buffer_displayed+` +| kbd:[Alt+<] | Sauter au tampon précédent dans la liste des tampons visités. | `+/buffer jump prev_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+>] | Sauter au tampon suivant dans la liste des tampons visités. | `+/buffer jump next_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+/] | Sauter au dernier tampon affiché (avant le dernier saut vers un tampon). | `+/buffer jump last_displayed+` |=== [[key_bindings_windows]] @@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@ Ils peuvent être modifiés et de nouveaux peuvent être ajoutés avec la comman [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Touche | Description | Commande -| kbd:[Alt+a] | Sauter au prochain tampon avec activité (avec priorité : highlight, message, autre). | `+/input jump_smart+` +| kbd:[Alt+a] | Sauter au prochain tampon avec activité (avec priorité : highlight, message, autre). | `+/buffer jump smart+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] | Vider la hotlist (notification d'activité sur les tampons). | `+/input hotlist_clear+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+m] | Supprimer le tampon courant de la hotlist. | `+/input hotlist_remove_buffer+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+r] | Restaurer la dernière hotlist supprimée dans le tampon courant. | `+/input hotlist_restore_buffer+` @@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@ avec la touche kbd:[Alt+m] (commande : `+/mouse toggle+`). | ◾◽◽ | left | chat | Aller au tampon précédent. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | right | chat | Aller au tampon suivant. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | left (long) | chat | Aller au premier tampon. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1+` -| ◾◽◽ | right (long) | chat | Aller au dernier tampon. | `+/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer+` +| ◾◽◽ | right (long) | chat | Aller au dernier tampon. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer ++` | kbd:[▲] | - | chat | Monter de quelques lignes dans l'historique du tampon. | `+/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[▼] | - | chat | Descendre de quelques lignes dans l'historique du tampon. | `+/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | chat | Faire défiler horizontalement vers la gauche. | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%+` diff --git a/doc/it/includes/autogen_user_commands.it.adoc b/doc/it/includes/autogen_user_commands.it.adoc index 90f427554..2558c4265 100644 --- a/doc/it/includes/autogen_user_commands.it.adoc +++ b/doc/it/includes/autogen_user_commands.it.adoc @@ -1188,6 +1188,7 @@ Examples: delvar <name> set <property> [<value>] get <property> + jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited <number>|-|+|<name> list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed) @@ -1214,6 +1215,11 @@ renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumb delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer set: set a property in the current buffer get: display a property of current buffer + jump: jump to another buffer: + smart: next buffer with activity + last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) + prev_visited: previously visited buffer + next_visited: jump to next visited buffer number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix: '+': relative jump, add number to current '-': relative jump, sub number to current @@ -1644,10 +1650,6 @@ list of actions: history_next: recall next command in current buffer history history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history history_global_next: recall next command in global history - jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity - jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) - jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer - jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: "lowest" to clear only lowest level in hotlist, "highest" to clear only highest level in hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight) hotlist_remove_buffer: remove current buffer from hotlist hotlist_restore_buffer: restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer diff --git a/doc/it/weechat_user.it.adoc b/doc/it/weechat_user.it.adoc index 76d43e518..eba0faf67 100644 --- a/doc/it/weechat_user.it.adoc +++ b/doc/it/weechat_user.it.adoc @@ -1736,9 +1736,9 @@ They can be changed and new ones can be added with the <<command_weechat_key,/ke | kbd:[Alt+n] | Scorre fino alla notifica successiva. | `+/window scroll_next_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+p] | Scorre fino alla notifica precedente. | `+/window scroll_previous_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | Scorre fino alla prima riga non letta nel buffer. | `+/window scroll_unread+` -| kbd:[Alt+<] | Passa al buffer precedente nella lista dei buffer visitati. | `+/input jump_previously_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+>] | Passa al buffer successivo nella lista dei buffer visitati. | `+/input jump_next_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+/] | Passa all'ultimo buffer mostrato (prima dell'ultimo passaggio ad un buffer). | `+/input jump_last_buffer_displayed+` +| kbd:[Alt+<] | Passa al buffer precedente nella lista dei buffer visitati. | `+/buffer jump prev_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+>] | Passa al buffer successivo nella lista dei buffer visitati. | `+/buffer jump next_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+/] | Passa all'ultimo buffer mostrato (prima dell'ultimo passaggio ad un buffer). | `+/buffer jump last_displayed+` |=== // TRANSLATION MISSING @@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ They can be changed and new ones can be added with the <<command_weechat_key,/ke [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Tasti | Descrizione | Comando -| kbd:[Alt+a] | Passa al buffer successivo con attività (con priorità: highligh, messagge, altro). | `+/input jump_smart+` +| kbd:[Alt+a] | Passa al buffer successivo con attività (con priorità: highligh, messagge, altro). | `+/buffer jump smart+` // TRANSLATION MISSING | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] | Clear hotlist (activity notification on buffers). | `+/input hotlist_clear+` // TRANSLATION MISSING @@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ These mouse actions are possible only if mouse is enabled with key kbd:[Alt+m] | ◾◽◽ | sinistra | chat | Passa al buffer precedente. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | destra | chat | Passa al buffer successivo. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | sinistra (lungo) | chat | Switch to first buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1+` -| ◾◽◽ | destra (lungo) | chat | Passa all'ultimo buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer+` +| ◾◽◽ | destra (lungo) | chat | Passa all'ultimo buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer ++` | kbd:[▲] | - | chat | Scorre di qualche riga in alto nella cronologia del buffer. | `+/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[▼] | - | chat | Scorre di qualche riga in basso nella cronologia del buffer. | `+/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | chat | Scroll horizontally to the left. | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%+` diff --git a/doc/ja/includes/autogen_user_commands.ja.adoc b/doc/ja/includes/autogen_user_commands.ja.adoc index 8d739010c..12256465a 100644 --- a/doc/ja/includes/autogen_user_commands.ja.adoc +++ b/doc/ja/includes/autogen_user_commands.ja.adoc @@ -1188,6 +1188,7 @@ message: 離席メッセージ (メッセージが無い場合は、離席状態 delvar <name> set <property> [<value>] get <property> + jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited <number>|-|+|<name> list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed) @@ -1214,6 +1215,11 @@ renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumb delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer set: set a property in the current buffer get: display a property of current buffer + jump: jump to another buffer: + smart: next buffer with activity + last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) + prev_visited: previously visited buffer + next_visited: jump to next visited buffer number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix: '+': relative jump, add number to current '-': relative jump, sub number to current @@ -1644,10 +1650,6 @@ list of actions: history_next: recall next command in current buffer history history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history history_global_next: recall next command in global history - jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity - jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) - jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer - jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: "lowest" to clear only lowest level in hotlist, "highest" to clear only highest level in hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight) hotlist_remove_buffer: remove current buffer from hotlist hotlist_restore_buffer: restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc b/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc index c16d8f32e..b99caf015 100644 --- a/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc +++ b/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc @@ -1682,9 +1682,9 @@ They can be changed and new ones can be added with the <<command_weechat_key,/ke | kbd:[Alt+n] | 次のハイライトまでスクロール | `+/window scroll_next_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+p] | 前のハイライトまでスクロール | `+/window scroll_previous_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | バッファを最初の未読行までスクロール | `+/window scroll_unread+` -| kbd:[Alt+<] | バッファ訪問履歴で前のバッファに移動 | `+/input jump_previously_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+>] | バッファ訪問履歴で次のバッファに移動 | `+/input jump_next_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+/] | 最後に表示したバッファに移動 (バッファ移動前に表示していたウィンドウ) | `+/input jump_last_buffer_displayed+` +| kbd:[Alt+<] | バッファ訪問履歴で前のバッファに移動 | `+/buffer jump prev_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+>] | バッファ訪問履歴で次のバッファに移動 | `+/buffer jump next_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+/] | 最後に表示したバッファに移動 (バッファ移動前に表示していたウィンドウ) | `+/buffer jump last_displayed+` |=== // TRANSLATION MISSING @@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ They can be changed and new ones can be added with the <<command_weechat_key,/ke [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | キー | 説明 | コマンド -| kbd:[Alt+a] | 変更のあった次のバッファに移動 (優先順位: ハイライト、新規メッセージ、その他) | `+/input jump_smart+` +| kbd:[Alt+a] | 変更のあった次のバッファに移動 (優先順位: ハイライト、新規メッセージ、その他) | `+/buffer jump smart+` // TRANSLATION MISSING | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] | Clear hotlist (activity notification on buffers). | `+/input hotlist_clear+` // TRANSLATION MISSING @@ -1831,7 +1831,7 @@ These mouse actions are possible only if mouse is enabled with key kbd:[Alt+m] | ◾◽◽ | 左 | チャット | 前のバッファに移動 | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | 右 | チャット | 次のバッファに移動 | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | 左 (長く) | チャット | 最初のバッファに移動 | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1+` -| ◾◽◽ | 右 (長く) | チャット | 最後のバッファに移動 | `+/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer+` +| ◾◽◽ | 右 (長く) | チャット | 最後のバッファに移動 | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer ++` | kbd:[▲] | - | チャット | バッファ履歴を上方向にスクロール | `+/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[▼] | - | チャット | バッファ履歴を下方向にスクロール | `+/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | チャット | 水平左方向にスクロール | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%+` diff --git a/doc/pl/includes/autogen_user_commands.pl.adoc b/doc/pl/includes/autogen_user_commands.pl.adoc index 1d3f647a8..f91c0f4dc 100644 --- a/doc/pl/includes/autogen_user_commands.pl.adoc +++ b/doc/pl/includes/autogen_user_commands.pl.adoc @@ -1170,83 +1170,89 @@ Przykłady: ---- /buffer list - add [-free] [-switch] <nazwa> - clear [<numer>|<nazwa>|-merged|-all [<numer>|<nazwa>...]] - move <numer>|-|+ - swap <numer1>|<nazwa1> [<numer2>|<nazwa2>] - cycle <numer>|<nazwa> [<numer>|<nazwa>...] - merge <numer>|<nazwa> - unmerge [<numer>|-all] - hide [<numer>|<nazwa>|-all [<numer>|<nazwa>...]] - unhide [<numer>|<nazwa>|-all [<numer>|<nazwa>...]] - renumber [<numer1> [<numer2> [<start>]]] - close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<nazwa>...] - notify <poziom> - listvar [<numer>|<nazwa>] - setvar <nazwa> [<value>] - delvar <nazwa> - set <właściwość> [<wartość>] - get <właściwość> - <numer>|-|+|<nazwa> - - list: wyświetla listę buforów (bez podania argumenty wyświetlana jest ta lista) - add: dodaje nowy bufor (może zostać zamknięty komendą "/buffer close" albo "q") - clear: czyści zawartość bufora (numer bufora, -merged dla połączonych buforów, -all dla wszystkich buforów, lub nic dla obecnego bufora) - move: przesuwa bufor na liście (może być względne, np -1); "-" = przesuwa na pierwszy numer, "+" = przesuwa na ostatni numer bufora +1 - swap: zamienia miejscami dwa bufory (zamienia z obecnym buforem, jeśli podano tylko jeden numer/nazwę) - cycle: przełącza w pętli między listą buforów - merge: łączy obecny bufor z innym (obszar rozmowy zostanie pomieszany między oba bufory) - (domyślnie ctrl-x przełącza pomiędzy połączonymi buforami) - unmerge: odłącza bufor od innych mających taki sam numer - hide: ukrywa bufor - unhide: przywraca ukryty bufor -renumber: zmienia numer bufora (działa tylko, jeśli opcja weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber jest wyłączona) - close: zamyka bufor (numer/przedział są opcjonalne) - notify: ustawia poziom powiadomień dla obecnego bufora: ten poziom określa czy bufor zostanie dodany do hotlisty czy nie: - none: nigdy - highlight: tylko dla higlightów - message: wiadomości od użytkowników + highlighty - all: wszystkie wiadomości - reset: przywraca wartości domyślne (all) -localvar: wyświetla zmienne lokalne obecnego bufora - setvar: ustawia zmienną lokalną w obecnym buforze - delvar: kasuje zmienną lokalna z obecnego bufora - set: ustawia właściwość obecnego bufora - get: wyświetla właściwości obecnego bufora - numer: przechodzi do bufora o numerze, dostępne prefiksy: - '+': przejście względne, dodaje numer do obecnego - '-': przejście względne, odejmuje numer od obecnego - '*': przejście do numeru, używając opcji "weechat.look.jump_current_to_previous_buffer" - -: przejście do pierwszego bufora - +: przejście do ostatniego bufora - nazwa: przejście do bufora o (częściowej) nazwie + add [-free] [-switch] <name> + clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-all [<number>|<name>...]] + move <number>|-|+ + swap <number1>|<name1> [<number2>|<name2>] + cycle <number>|<name> [<number>|<name>...] + merge <number>|<name> + unmerge [<number>|-all] + hide [<number>|<name>|-all [<number>|<name>...]] + unhide [<number>|<name>|-all [<number>|<name>...]] + renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] + close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<name>...] + notify [<level>] + listvar [<number>|<name>] + setvar <name> [<value>] + delvar <name> + set <property> [<value>] + get <property> + jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited + <number>|-|+|<name> + + list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed) + add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with "/buffer close" or input "q") + clear: clear buffer content (number for a buffer, -merged for merged buffers, -all for all buffers, or nothing for current buffer) + move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1); "-" = move to first buffer number, "+" = move to last buffer number + 1 + swap: swap two buffers (swap with current buffer if only one number/name given) + cycle: jump loop between a list of buffers + merge: merge current buffer to another buffer (chat area will be mix of both buffers) + (by default ctrl-x switches between merged buffers) + unmerge: unmerge buffer from other buffers which have same number + hide: hide the buffer + unhide: unhide the buffer +renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber is off) + close: close buffer (number/range or name is optional) + notify: display or set notify level for current buffer: this level determines whether buffer will be added to hotlist or not: + none: never + highlight: for highlights only + message: for messages from users + highlights + all: all messages + reset: reset to default value (all) + listvar: display local variables in a buffer + setvar: set a local variable in the current buffer + delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer + set: set a property in the current buffer + get: display a property of current buffer + jump: jump to another buffer: + smart: next buffer with activity + last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) + prev_visited: previously visited buffer + next_visited: jump to next visited buffer + number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix: + '+': relative jump, add number to current + '-': relative jump, sub number to current + '*': jump to number, using option "weechat.look.jump_current_to_previous_buffer" + -: jump to first buffer number + +: jump to last buffer number + name: jump to buffer by (partial) name -Przykłady: - czyści zawartość obecnego bufora: +Examples: + clear current buffer: /buffer clear - przenosi bufor na numer 5: + move buffer to number 5: /buffer move 5 - zamienia bufor 1 z 3: + swap buffer 1 with 3: /buffer swap 1 3 - zamienia bufor #weechat z obecnym buforem: + swap buffer #weechat with current buffer: /buffer swap #weechat - przełącza w pętli między #chan1, #chan2, #chan3: + jump on #chan1, #chan2, #chan3 and loop: /buffer cycle #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 - łączy z głównym buforem: + merge with core buffer: /buffer merge 1 - łączy z buforem #weechat: + merge with #weechat buffer: /buffer merge #weechat - odłącza bufory: + unmerge buffer: /buffer unmerge - zamyka obecny bufor: + close current buffer: /buffer close - zamyka bufory od 5 do 7: + close buffers 5 to 7: /buffer close 5-7 - przechodzi do #weechat: + jump to #weechat: /buffer #weechat - przechodzi do następnego bufora: + jump to next buffer: /buffer +1 - przechodzi do ostatniego bufora: + jump to last buffer number: /buffer + ---- @@ -1643,10 +1649,6 @@ list of actions: history_next: recall next command in current buffer history history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history history_global_next: recall next command in global history - jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity - jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) - jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer - jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: "lowest" to clear only lowest level in hotlist, "highest" to clear only highest level in hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight) hotlist_remove_buffer: remove current buffer from hotlist hotlist_restore_buffer: restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer diff --git a/doc/pl/weechat_user.pl.adoc b/doc/pl/weechat_user.pl.adoc index b936d46e2..9c903d83f 100644 --- a/doc/pl/weechat_user.pl.adoc +++ b/doc/pl/weechat_user.pl.adoc @@ -1623,9 +1623,9 @@ Można je zmienić oraz dodać nowe za pomocą komendy <<command_weechat_key,/ke | kbd:[Alt+n] | Przewiń do następnego powiadomienia. | `+/window scroll_next_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+p] | Przewiń do poprzedniego powiadomienia. | `+/window scroll_previous_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | Przewiń do pierwszej nieprzeczytanej linii w buforze. | `+/window scroll_unread+` -| kbd:[Alt+<] | Przełącz na poprzedni bufor z listy odwiedzonych buforów. | `+/input jump_previously_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+>] | Przełącz na następny bufor z listy odwiedzonych buforów. | `+/input jump_next_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+/] | Przełącz na ostatnio wyświetlony bufor (przed ostatnią zmianą bufora). | `+/input jump_last_buffer_displayed+` +| kbd:[Alt+<] | Przełącz na poprzedni bufor z listy odwiedzonych buforów. | `+/buffer jump prev_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+>] | Przełącz na następny bufor z listy odwiedzonych buforów. | `+/buffer jump next_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+/] | Przełącz na ostatnio wyświetlony bufor (przed ostatnią zmianą bufora). | `+/buffer jump last_displayed+` |=== [[key_bindings_windows]] @@ -1677,7 +1677,7 @@ Można je zmienić oraz dodać nowe za pomocą komendy <<command_weechat_key,/ke [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Skrót | Opis | Komenda -| kbd:[Alt+a] | Przełącz na następny bufor z aktywnością (z priorytetem: powiadomienie, wiadomość, inne). | `+/input jump_smart+` +| kbd:[Alt+a] | Przełącz na następny bufor z aktywnością (z priorytetem: powiadomienie, wiadomość, inne). | `+/buffer jump smart+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] | Wyczyść hotliste (powiadomienia o aktywności w buforach). | `+/input hotlist_clear+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+m] | Usuń obecny bufor z hotlisty. | `+/input hotlist_remove_buffer+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+r] | Przywróć ostatnią usuniętą hotlistę w obecnym buforze. | `+/input hotlist_restore_buffer+` @@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@ za pomocą skrótu kbd:[Alt+m] (komenda: `+/mouse toggle+`). | ◾◽◽ | lewo | chat | Przełącz na poprzedni bufor. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | prawo | chat | Przełącz na następny bufor. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | lewo (długo) | chat | Przełącz na pierwszy bufor. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1+` -| ◾◽◽ | prawo (długo) | chat | Przełącz na ostatni bufor. | `+/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer+` +| ◾◽◽ | prawo (długo) | chat | Przełącz na ostatni bufor. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer ++` | kbd:[▲] | - | chat | Przewiń w górę kilka linii w historii bufora. | `+/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[▼] | - | chat | Przewiń w dół kilka linii w historii bufora. | `+/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | chat | Przewiń poziomo w lewo. | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%+` diff --git a/doc/sr/includes/autogen_user_commands.sr.adoc b/doc/sr/includes/autogen_user_commands.sr.adoc index 1825bf31b..f0a1fbb97 100644 --- a/doc/sr/includes/autogen_user_commands.sr.adoc +++ b/doc/sr/includes/autogen_user_commands.sr.adoc @@ -1171,83 +1171,89 @@ addcompletion: додавање алијаса са кориснички деф ---- /buffer list - add [-free] [-switch] <име> - clear [<број>|<име>|-merged|-all [<број>|<име>...]] - move <број>|-|+ - swap <број1>|<име1> [<број2>|<име2>] - cycle <број>|<име> [<број>|<име>...] - merge <број>|<име> - unmerge [<број>|-all] - hide [<број>|<име>|-all [<број>|<име>...]] - unhide [<број>|<име>|-all [<број>|<име>...]] - renumber [<број1> [<број2> [<старт>]]] - close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<име>...] - notify [<ниво>] - listvar [<број>|<име>] - setvar <име> [<вредн>] - delvar <име> - set <особина> [<вредн>] - get <особина> - <број>|-|+|<име> - - list: листа бафера (без аргумента, исписује се ова листа) - add: додаје нови бафер (може да се затвори са „/buffer close” или уносом „q”) - clear: брише садржај бафера (број за бафер, -merged за спојене бафере, -all за све бафере, или ништа за текући бафер) - move: помера бафер у листи (може бити и релативно, на пример -1); „-” = помери на први број бафера, „+” = помери на последњи број бафера + 1 - swap: замењује два бафера (замењује са текућим бафером ако се зада само један број/име) - cycle: скаче у круг по листи бафера - merge: спаја текући бафер са другим бафером (простор разговора ће бити мешавина оба бафера) - (ctrl-x подразумевано пребацује између спојених бафера) - unmerge: раздваја спојени бафер од осталих бафера који имају исти број - hide: скрива бафер - unhide: открива бафер -renumber: ренумерише бафере (ради само ако је искључена опција weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber) - close: затвара бафер (број/опсег или име није обавезно) - notify: приказује или поставља ниво обавештавања за текући бафер: овај ниво одређује да ли се бафер поставља на врућу листу или не: - none: никада - highlight: само за истицања - message: за поруке од корисника + истицања - all: све поруке - reset: ресет на подразумевану вредност (all) - listvar: приказује локалне променљиве у баферу - setvar: поставља локалну променљиву у текући бафер - delvar: брише локалну променљиву из текућег бафера - set: поставља особину текућег бафера - get: приказује особину текућег бафера - број: скок на бафер са бројем, могући префикси: - ’+’: релативни скок, број се додаје на текући - ’-’: релативни скок, број се одузима од текућег - ’*’: скок на број, уз употребу опције „weechat.look.jump_current_to_previous_buffer” - -: скок на први број бафера - +: скок на последњи број бафера - име: скок на бафер под (делимичним) именом + add [-free] [-switch] <name> + clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-all [<number>|<name>...]] + move <number>|-|+ + swap <number1>|<name1> [<number2>|<name2>] + cycle <number>|<name> [<number>|<name>...] + merge <number>|<name> + unmerge [<number>|-all] + hide [<number>|<name>|-all [<number>|<name>...]] + unhide [<number>|<name>|-all [<number>|<name>...]] + renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] + close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<name>...] + notify [<level>] + listvar [<number>|<name>] + setvar <name> [<value>] + delvar <name> + set <property> [<value>] + get <property> + jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited + <number>|-|+|<name> + + list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed) + add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with "/buffer close" or input "q") + clear: clear buffer content (number for a buffer, -merged for merged buffers, -all for all buffers, or nothing for current buffer) + move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1); "-" = move to first buffer number, "+" = move to last buffer number + 1 + swap: swap two buffers (swap with current buffer if only one number/name given) + cycle: jump loop between a list of buffers + merge: merge current buffer to another buffer (chat area will be mix of both buffers) + (by default ctrl-x switches between merged buffers) + unmerge: unmerge buffer from other buffers which have same number + hide: hide the buffer + unhide: unhide the buffer +renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber is off) + close: close buffer (number/range or name is optional) + notify: display or set notify level for current buffer: this level determines whether buffer will be added to hotlist or not: + none: never + highlight: for highlights only + message: for messages from users + highlights + all: all messages + reset: reset to default value (all) + listvar: display local variables in a buffer + setvar: set a local variable in the current buffer + delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer + set: set a property in the current buffer + get: display a property of current buffer + jump: jump to another buffer: + smart: next buffer with activity + last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) + prev_visited: previously visited buffer + next_visited: jump to next visited buffer + number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix: + '+': relative jump, add number to current + '-': relative jump, sub number to current + '*': jump to number, using option "weechat.look.jump_current_to_previous_buffer" + -: jump to first buffer number + +: jump to last buffer number + name: jump to buffer by (partial) name -Примери: - брише текући бафер: +Examples: + clear current buffer: /buffer clear - прелази на бафер под бројем 5: + move buffer to number 5: /buffer move 5 - замењује бафер 1 са 3: + swap buffer 1 with 3: /buffer swap 1 3 - замењује бафер #weechat са текућим бафером: + swap buffer #weechat with current buffer: /buffer swap #weechat - скаче на #chan1, #chan2, #chan3 па у круг: + jump on #chan1, #chan2, #chan3 and loop: /buffer cycle #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 - спајање са основним бафером: + merge with core buffer: /buffer merge 1 - спајање са #weechat бафером: + merge with #weechat buffer: /buffer merge #weechat - раздвајање бафера: + unmerge buffer: /buffer unmerge - затвара текући бафер: + close current buffer: /buffer close - затвара бафере од 5 до 7: + close buffers 5 to 7: /buffer close 5-7 - скок на #weechat: + jump to #weechat: /buffer #weechat - скок на следећи бафер: + jump to next buffer: /buffer +1 - скок на бафер под последњим бројем: + jump to last buffer number: /buffer + ---- @@ -1609,64 +1615,60 @@ addreplace: додаје или замењује постојећи филтер ---- /input <акција> [<аргументи>] -листа акција: - return: симулира притисак на тастер „ентер” - complete_next: довршава реч са наредним довршавањем - complete_previous: довршава реч са претходним довршавањем - search_text_here: претражује текст у баферу почевши од текуће позиције - search_text: претражује текст у баферу - search_switch_case: укључује употребу тачне величине слова код претраге - search_switch_regex: мења тип претраге: стринг/регуларни израз - search_switch_where: укључује претрагу у порукама/префиксима - search_previous: претрага у претходној линији - search_next: претрага у наредној линији - search_stop_here: зауставља претрагу на текућој позицији - search_stop: зауставља претрагу - delete_previous_char: брише претходни карактер - delete_next_char: брише наредни карактер - delete_previous_word: брише претходну реч - delete_previous_word_whitespace: брише претходну реч (до празног простора) - delete_next_word: брише наредну реч - delete_beginning_of_line: брише од почетка линије до позиције курсора - delete_end_of_line: брише од позиције курсора до краја линије - delete_line: брише комплетну линију - clipboard_paste: налепљује из интерног клипборда - transpose_chars: транспонује два карактера (замењују места) - undo: поништава последњу акцију командне линије - redo: обнавља последње поништену акцију команде линије - move_beginning_of_line: помера курсор на почетак линије - move_end_of_line: помера курсор на крај линије - move_previous_char: помера курсор на претходни карактер - move_next_char: помера курсор на наредни карактер - move_previous_word: помера курсор на претходну реч - move_next_word: помера курсор на наредну реч - history_previous: позива претходну команду из историје команди текућег бафера - history_next: позива наредну команду из историје команди текућег бафера - history_global_previous: позива претходну команду из глобалне историје команди - history_global_next: позива наредну команду из глобалне историје команди - jump_smart: скаче на наредни бафер у коме постоји активност - jump_last_buffer_displayed: скаче на последњи приказани бафер (пре последњег скока на бафер) - jump_previously_visited_buffer: скаче на претходно посећени бафер - jump_next_visited_buffer: скаче на наредни посећени бафер - hotlist_clear: брише врућу листу (необавезни аргументи: „lowest” за брисање само најнижег нивоа у врућој листи, „highest” за брисање само највишег нивоа у врућој листи, или маска нивоа: целобројна вредност која представља комбинацију 1=join/part, 2=порука, 4=приватно, 8=истицање) - hotlist_remove_buffer: уклања текући бафер из вруће листе - hotlist_restore_buffer: враћа последњу уклоњену врућу листу у текући бафер - hotlist_restore_all: враћа последњу уклоњену врућу листу у све бафере - grab_key: преузима тастер (необавезни аргумент: кашњење за крај преузимања, подразумевано је 500 милисекунди) - grab_key_command: преузима тастер са својом придруженом командом (необавезни аргумент: кашњење за крај преузимања, подразумевано је 500 милисекунди) - grab_mouse: преузима кôд догађаја миша - grab_mouse_area: преузима кôд догађаја миша заједно са површином - set_unread: поставља маркер непрочитан за све бафере - set_unread_current_buffer: поставља маркер непрочитан за текући бафер - switch_active_buffer: прелази на наредни спојени бафер - switch_active_buffer_previous: прелази на претходни спојени бафер - zoom_merged_buffer: зумира на спојени бафер - insert: умеће текст у командну линију (дозвољени су означени карактери, погледајте /help print) - send: шаље текст баферу - paste_start: започиње налепљивање (режим ограђеног налепљивања) - paste_stop: зауставља налепљивање (режим ограђеног налепљивања) - -Ову команду користе тастерске пречице или додаци. +list of actions: + return: simulate key "enter" + complete_next: complete word with next completion + complete_previous: complete word with previous completion + search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position + search_text: search text in buffer + search_switch_case: switch exact case for search + search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression + search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes + search_previous: search previous line + search_next: search next line + search_stop_here: stop search at current position + search_stop: stop search + delete_previous_char: delete previous char + delete_next_char: delete next char + delete_previous_word: delete previous word + delete_previous_word_whitespace: delete previous word (until whitespace) + delete_next_word: delete next word + delete_beginning_of_line: delete from beginning of line until cursor + delete_end_of_line: delete from cursor until end of line + delete_line: delete entire line + clipboard_paste: paste from the internal clipboard + transpose_chars: transpose two chars + undo: undo last command line action + redo: redo last command line action + move_beginning_of_line: move cursor to beginning of line + move_end_of_line: move cursor to end of line + move_previous_char: move cursor to previous char + move_next_char: move cursor to next char + move_previous_word: move cursor to previous word + move_next_word: move cursor to next word + history_previous: recall previous command in current buffer history + history_next: recall next command in current buffer history + history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history + history_global_next: recall next command in global history + hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: "lowest" to clear only lowest level in hotlist, "highest" to clear only highest level in hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight) + hotlist_remove_buffer: remove current buffer from hotlist + hotlist_restore_buffer: restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer + hotlist_restore_all: restore latest hotlist removed in all buffers + grab_key: grab a key (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds) + grab_key_command: grab a key with its associated command (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds) + grab_mouse: grab mouse event code + grab_mouse_area: grab mouse event code with area + set_unread: set unread marker for all buffers + set_unread_current_buffer: set unread marker for current buffer + switch_active_buffer: switch to next merged buffer + switch_active_buffer_previous: switch to previous merged buffer + zoom_merged_buffer: zoom on merged buffer + insert: insert text in command line (escaped chars are allowed, see /help print) + send: send text to the buffer + paste_start: start paste (bracketed paste mode) + paste_stop: stop paste (bracketed paste mode) + +This command is used by key bindings or plugins. ---- [[command_weechat_item]] diff --git a/doc/sr/weechat_user.sr.adoc b/doc/sr/weechat_user.sr.adoc index d65131260..a614a0341 100644 --- a/doc/sr/weechat_user.sr.adoc +++ b/doc/sr/weechat_user.sr.adoc @@ -1505,9 +1505,9 @@ WeeChat нуди доста подразумеваних тастерских п | kbd:[Alt+n] | Скроловање до наредног истицања. | `+/window scroll_next_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+p] | Скроловање на претходно истицање. | `+/window scroll_previous_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | Скроловање на прву непрочитану линију у баферу. | `+/window scroll_unread+` -| kbd:[Alt+<] | Прелаз на претходни бафер у листи посећених бафера. | `+/input jump_previously_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+>] | Прелаз на наредни бафер у листи посећених бафера. | `+/input jump_next_visited_buffer+` -| kbd:[Alt+/] | Прелаз на последње приказани бафер. | `+/input jump_last_buffer_displayed+` +| kbd:[Alt+<] | Прелаз на претходни бафер у листи посећених бафера. | `+/buffer jump prev_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+>] | Прелаз на наредни бафер у листи посећених бафера. | `+/buffer jump next_visited+` +| kbd:[Alt+/] | Прелаз на последње приказани бафер. | `+/buffer jump last_displayed+` |=== [[key_bindings_windows]] @@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@ WeeChat нуди доста подразумеваних тастерских п [width="100%", cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5", options="header"] |=== | Тастер | Опис | Команда -| kbd:[Alt+a] | Пребацивање на следећи бафер у коме има активности (са приоритетом: истицање, порука, остало). | `+/input jump_smart+` +| kbd:[Alt+a] | Пребацивање на следећи бафер у коме има активности (са приоритетом: истицање, порука, остало). | `+/buffer jump smart+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] | Брисање вруће листе (обавештења о активности у баферима). | `+/input hotlist_clear+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+m] | Уклањање текућег бафера из вруће листе. | `+/input hotlist_remove_buffer+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+r] | Враћање најновије вруће листе уклоњене из текућег бафера. | `+/input hotlist_restore_buffer+` @@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ WeeChat нуди доста подразумеваних тастерских п | ◾◽◽ | лево | чет | Пребацивање на претходни бафер. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | десно | чет | Пребацивање на наредни бафер. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | ◾◽◽ | лево (дуго) | чет | Пребацивање на први бафер. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1+` -| ◾◽◽ | десно (дуго) | чет | Пребацивање на последњи бафер. | `+/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer+` +| ◾◽◽ | десно (дуго) | чет | Пребацивање на последњи бафер. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer ++` | kbd:[▲] | - | чет | Скролује навише неколико линија у историји бафера. | `+/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[▼] | - | чет | Скролује наниже неколико линија у историји бафера. | `+/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | чет | Скролује хоризонтално у лево. | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%+` @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <mimi.vx@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || clear [<číslo>|-merged|-all] || move|merge <číslo> || unmerge " "[<číslo>] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]] || notify <úroveň> || localvar || set " @@ -1272,6 +1272,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -1859,11 +1865,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-14 22:37+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Nils Görs <weechatter@arcor.de>\n" "Language-Team: German - Germany <weechatter@arcor.de>\n" @@ -1255,6 +1255,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "manage buffers" msgstr "Buffer verwalten" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-" +#| "all [<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " +#| "[<number2>|<name2>] || cycle <number>|<name> [<number>|<name>...] || " +#| "merge <number>|<name> || unmerge [<number>|-all] || hide [<number>|" +#| "<name>|-all [<number>|<name>...]] || unhide [<number>|<name>|-all " +#| "[<number>|<name>...]] || renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || " +#| "close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|" +#| "<name>] || setvar <name> [<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> " +#| "[<value>] || get <property> || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgid "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-all " "[<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " @@ -1264,7 +1275,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-all " "[<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " @@ -1276,6 +1287,75 @@ msgstr "" "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " "<number>|-|+|<name>" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" +#| " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" or " +#| "input \"q\")\n" +#| " clear: clear buffer content (number for a buffer, -merged for merged " +#| "buffers, -all for all buffers, or nothing for current buffer)\n" +#| " move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1); \"-" +#| "\" = move to first buffer number, \"+\" = move to last buffer number + 1\n" +#| " swap: swap two buffers (swap with current buffer if only one number/" +#| "name given)\n" +#| " cycle: jump loop between a list of buffers\n" +#| " merge: merge current buffer to another buffer (chat area will be mix " +#| "of both buffers)\n" +#| " (by default ctrl-x switches between merged buffers)\n" +#| " unmerge: unmerge buffer from other buffers which have same number\n" +#| " hide: hide the buffer\n" +#| " unhide: unhide the buffer\n" +#| "renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look." +#| "buffer_auto_renumber is off)\n" +#| " close: close buffer (number/range or name is optional)\n" +#| " notify: display or set notify level for current buffer: this level " +#| "determines whether buffer will be added to hotlist or not:\n" +#| " none: never\n" +#| " highlight: for highlights only\n" +#| " message: for messages from users + highlights\n" +#| " all: all messages\n" +#| " reset: reset to default value (all)\n" +#| " listvar: display local variables in a buffer\n" +#| " setvar: set a local variable in the current buffer\n" +#| " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" +#| " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" +#| " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +#| " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" +#| " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" +#| " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" +#| " '*': jump to number, using option \"weechat.look." +#| "jump_current_to_previous_buffer\"\n" +#| " -: jump to first buffer number\n" +#| " +: jump to last buffer number\n" +#| " name: jump to buffer by (partial) name\n" +#| "\n" +#| "Examples:\n" +#| " clear current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer clear\n" +#| " move buffer to number 5:\n" +#| " /buffer move 5\n" +#| " swap buffer 1 with 3:\n" +#| " /buffer swap 1 3\n" +#| " swap buffer #weechat with current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer swap #weechat\n" +#| " jump on #chan1, #chan2, #chan3 and loop:\n" +#| " /buffer cycle #chan1 #chan2 #chan3\n" +#| " merge with core buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer merge 1\n" +#| " merge with #weechat buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer merge #weechat\n" +#| " unmerge buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer unmerge\n" +#| " close current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer close\n" +#| " close buffers 5 to 7:\n" +#| " /buffer close 5-7\n" +#| " jump to #weechat:\n" +#| " /buffer #weechat\n" +#| " jump to next buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer +1\n" +#| " jump to last buffer number:\n" +#| " /buffer +" msgid "" " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" or input " @@ -1308,6 +1388,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -2243,6 +2329,75 @@ msgstr "Funktionen für die Befehlszeile" msgid "<action> [<arguments>]" msgstr "<action> [<arguments>]" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "list of actions:\n" +#| " return: simulate key \"enter\"\n" +#| " complete_next: complete word with next completion\n" +#| " complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n" +#| " search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n" +#| " search_text: search text in buffer\n" +#| " search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n" +#| " search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n" +#| " search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n" +#| " search_previous: search previous line\n" +#| " search_next: search next line\n" +#| " search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n" +#| " search_stop: stop search\n" +#| " delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n" +#| " delete_next_char: delete next char\n" +#| " delete_previous_word: delete previous word\n" +#| " delete_previous_word_whitespace: delete previous word (until " +#| "whitespace)\n" +#| " delete_next_word: delete next word\n" +#| " delete_beginning_of_line: delete from beginning of line until cursor\n" +#| " delete_end_of_line: delete from cursor until end of line\n" +#| " delete_line: delete entire line\n" +#| " clipboard_paste: paste from the internal clipboard\n" +#| " transpose_chars: transpose two chars\n" +#| " undo: undo last command line action\n" +#| " redo: redo last command line action\n" +#| " move_beginning_of_line: move cursor to beginning of line\n" +#| " move_end_of_line: move cursor to end of line\n" +#| " move_previous_char: move cursor to previous char\n" +#| " move_next_char: move cursor to next char\n" +#| " move_previous_word: move cursor to previous word\n" +#| " move_next_word: move cursor to next word\n" +#| " history_previous: recall previous command in current buffer history\n" +#| " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" +#| " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" +#| " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" +#| " jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" +#| " jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " +#| "jump to a buffer)\n" +#| " jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" +#| " jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" +#| " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear " +#| "only lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in " +#| "hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, " +#| "2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight)\n" +#| " hotlist_remove_buffer: remove current buffer from hotlist\n" +#| " hotlist_restore_buffer: restore latest hotlist removed in the current " +#| "buffer\n" +#| " hotlist_restore_all: restore latest hotlist removed in all buffers\n" +#| " grab_key: grab a key (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default " +#| "is 500 milliseconds)\n" +#| " grab_key_command: grab a key with its associated command (optional " +#| "argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds)\n" +#| " grab_mouse: grab mouse event code\n" +#| " grab_mouse_area: grab mouse event code with area\n" +#| " set_unread: set unread marker for all buffers\n" +#| " set_unread_current_buffer: set unread marker for current buffer\n" +#| " switch_active_buffer: switch to next merged buffer\n" +#| " switch_active_buffer_previous: switch to previous merged buffer\n" +#| " zoom_merged_buffer: zoom on merged buffer\n" +#| " insert: insert text in command line (escaped chars are allowed, see /" +#| "help print)\n" +#| " send: send text to the buffer\n" +#| " paste_start: start paste (bracketed paste mode)\n" +#| " paste_stop: stop paste (bracketed paste mode)\n" +#| "\n" +#| "This command is used by key bindings or plugins." msgid "" "list of actions:\n" " return: simulate key \"enter\"\n" @@ -2279,11 +2434,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Santiago Forero <santiago@forero.xyz>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <nombre> || clear [<número>|<nombre>|-merged|-" "all [<número>|<nombre>...]] || move <número>|-|+ || swap <número1>|<nombre1> " @@ -1326,6 +1326,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -2263,11 +2269,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-22 20:51+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-25 16:51+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" "Language: fr\n" @@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <nom> || clear [<nombre>|<nom>|-merged|-all " "[<nombre>|<nom>...]] || move <nombre>|-|+ || swap <nombre1>|<nom1> " @@ -1249,8 +1249,8 @@ msgstr "" "[<nombre>|<nom>...]] || unhide [<nombre>|<nom>|-all [<nombre>|<nom>...]] || " "renumber <nombre1> [<nombre2> [<départ>]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<nom>...] || " "notify [<niveau>] || listvar [<nombre>|<nom>] || setvar <nom> [<valeur>] || " -"delvar <nom> || set <propriété> [<valeur>] || get <propriété> || <nombre>|" -"<nom>" +"delvar <nom> || set <propriété> [<valeur>] || get <propriété> || jump smart|" +"last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <nombre>|-|+|<nom>" msgid "" " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" @@ -1284,6 +1284,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -1357,9 +1363,15 @@ msgstr "" " delvar : supprimer une variable locale du tampon courant\n" " set : modifier une propriété du tampon courant\n" " get : afficher une propriété du tampon courant\n" +" jump : sauter vers un autre tampon :\n" +" smart : prochain tampon avec de l'activité\n" +" last_displayed : dernier tampon affiché (avant le dernier saut " +"vers un tampon)\n" +" prev_visited : tampon visité précédemment\n" +" next_visited : tampon visité après\n" " nombre : sauter au tampon qui a ce numéro, préfixe possible :\n" -" '+' : saut relatif, ajoute le numéro au courant,\n" -" '-' : saut relatif, soustrait le numéro au courant,\n" +" '+' : saut relatif, ajoute le numéro au courant\n" +" '-' : saut relatif, soustrait le numéro au courant\n" " '*' : saut au numéro en utilisant l'option " "\"jump_current_to_previous_buffer\"\n" " - : sauter au premier numéro de tampon\n" @@ -2199,11 +2211,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -2273,11 +2280,6 @@ msgstr "" "l'historique global\n" " history_global_next : rappeler la commande suivante dans l'historique " "global\n" -" jump_smart : sauter au prochain tampon avec de l'activité\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed : sauter au dernier tampon affiché (avant le " -"dernier saut vers un tampon)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer : sauter au tampon visité précédemment\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer : sauter au tampon visité après\n" " hotlist_clear : effacer la hotlist (paramètre facultatif : \"lowest\" pour " "effacer seulement le plus petit niveau dans la hotlist, \"highest\" pour " "effacer seulement le niveau le plus haut dans la hotlist, ou un masque de " @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <voroskoi@frugalware.org>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" #, fuzzy @@ -1204,6 +1204,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -1736,11 +1742,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <exio4.com@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || clear [<numero>|<nome>|-merged|-all] || move|merge <numero> || swap " "<numero1>|<nome1> [<numero2>|<nome2>] || unmerge [<numero>|-all] || close " @@ -1239,6 +1239,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -1922,11 +1928,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <i38w7i3@yahoo.co.jp>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese <https://github.com/l/weechat/tree/master/" @@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-all " "[<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " @@ -1277,6 +1277,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -2181,11 +2187,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <soltys@soltys.info>\n" "Language-Team: Polish <kde-i18n-doc@kde.org>\n" @@ -1254,6 +1254,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "manage buffers" msgstr "zarządzaj buforami" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-" +#| "all [<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " +#| "[<number2>|<name2>] || cycle <number>|<name> [<number>|<name>...] || " +#| "merge <number>|<name> || unmerge [<number>|-all] || hide [<number>|" +#| "<name>|-all [<number>|<name>...]] || unhide [<number>|<name>|-all " +#| "[<number>|<name>...]] || renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || " +#| "close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|" +#| "<name>] || setvar <name> [<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> " +#| "[<value>] || get <property> || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgid "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-all " "[<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " @@ -1263,7 +1274,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <nazwa> || clear [<numer>|<nazwa>|-merged|-all " "[<numer>|<nazwa>...]] || move <numer>|-|+ || swap <numer1>|<nazwa1> " @@ -1275,6 +1286,75 @@ msgstr "" "<nazwa> [<value>] || delvar <nazwa> || set <właściwość> [<wartość>] || get " "<właściwość> || <numer>|-|+|<nazwa>" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" +#| " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" or " +#| "input \"q\")\n" +#| " clear: clear buffer content (number for a buffer, -merged for merged " +#| "buffers, -all for all buffers, or nothing for current buffer)\n" +#| " move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1); \"-" +#| "\" = move to first buffer number, \"+\" = move to last buffer number + 1\n" +#| " swap: swap two buffers (swap with current buffer if only one number/" +#| "name given)\n" +#| " cycle: jump loop between a list of buffers\n" +#| " merge: merge current buffer to another buffer (chat area will be mix " +#| "of both buffers)\n" +#| " (by default ctrl-x switches between merged buffers)\n" +#| " unmerge: unmerge buffer from other buffers which have same number\n" +#| " hide: hide the buffer\n" +#| " unhide: unhide the buffer\n" +#| "renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look." +#| "buffer_auto_renumber is off)\n" +#| " close: close buffer (number/range or name is optional)\n" +#| " notify: display or set notify level for current buffer: this level " +#| "determines whether buffer will be added to hotlist or not:\n" +#| " none: never\n" +#| " highlight: for highlights only\n" +#| " message: for messages from users + highlights\n" +#| " all: all messages\n" +#| " reset: reset to default value (all)\n" +#| " listvar: display local variables in a buffer\n" +#| " setvar: set a local variable in the current buffer\n" +#| " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" +#| " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" +#| " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +#| " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" +#| " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" +#| " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" +#| " '*': jump to number, using option \"weechat.look." +#| "jump_current_to_previous_buffer\"\n" +#| " -: jump to first buffer number\n" +#| " +: jump to last buffer number\n" +#| " name: jump to buffer by (partial) name\n" +#| "\n" +#| "Examples:\n" +#| " clear current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer clear\n" +#| " move buffer to number 5:\n" +#| " /buffer move 5\n" +#| " swap buffer 1 with 3:\n" +#| " /buffer swap 1 3\n" +#| " swap buffer #weechat with current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer swap #weechat\n" +#| " jump on #chan1, #chan2, #chan3 and loop:\n" +#| " /buffer cycle #chan1 #chan2 #chan3\n" +#| " merge with core buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer merge 1\n" +#| " merge with #weechat buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer merge #weechat\n" +#| " unmerge buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer unmerge\n" +#| " close current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer close\n" +#| " close buffers 5 to 7:\n" +#| " /buffer close 5-7\n" +#| " jump to #weechat:\n" +#| " /buffer #weechat\n" +#| " jump to next buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer +1\n" +#| " jump to last buffer number:\n" +#| " /buffer +" msgid "" " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" or input " @@ -1307,6 +1387,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -2416,11 +2502,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <vascomalmeida@sapo.pt>\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n" @@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || clear [<número>|<nome>|-merged|-all [<número>|<nome>...]] || move " "<número>|-|+ || swap <número1>|<nome1> [<número2>|<nome2>] || cycle <número>|" @@ -1275,6 +1275,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -2173,11 +2179,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po index 5de96c949..97671d53b 100644 --- a/po/pt_BR.po +++ b/po/pt_BR.po @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Érico Nogueira <ericonr@disroot.org>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || clear [<número>|<nome>|-merged|-all] || move|merge <número> || swap " "<número1>|<nome1> [<número2>|<nome2>] || unmerge [<número>|-all] || close " @@ -1281,6 +1281,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -1988,11 +1994,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <ixti@member.fsf.org>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" #, fuzzy @@ -1224,6 +1224,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -1757,11 +1763,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-05 09:44+0400\n" "Last-Translator: Ivan Pešić <ivan.pesic@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1228,6 +1228,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "manage buffers" msgstr "управљање баферима" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-" +#| "all [<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " +#| "[<number2>|<name2>] || cycle <number>|<name> [<number>|<name>...] || " +#| "merge <number>|<name> || unmerge [<number>|-all] || hide [<number>|" +#| "<name>|-all [<number>|<name>...]] || unhide [<number>|<name>|-all " +#| "[<number>|<name>...]] || renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || " +#| "close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|" +#| "<name>] || setvar <name> [<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> " +#| "[<value>] || get <property> || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgid "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-all " "[<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " @@ -1237,7 +1248,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <име> || clear [<број>|<име>|-merged|-all " "[<број>|<име>...]] || move <број>|-|+ || swap <број1>|<име1> [<број2>|" @@ -1248,6 +1259,75 @@ msgstr "" "[<број>|<име>] || setvar <име> [<вредн>] || delvar <име> || set <особина> " "[<вредн>] || get <особина> || <број>|-|+|<име>" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" +#| " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" or " +#| "input \"q\")\n" +#| " clear: clear buffer content (number for a buffer, -merged for merged " +#| "buffers, -all for all buffers, or nothing for current buffer)\n" +#| " move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1); \"-" +#| "\" = move to first buffer number, \"+\" = move to last buffer number + 1\n" +#| " swap: swap two buffers (swap with current buffer if only one number/" +#| "name given)\n" +#| " cycle: jump loop between a list of buffers\n" +#| " merge: merge current buffer to another buffer (chat area will be mix " +#| "of both buffers)\n" +#| " (by default ctrl-x switches between merged buffers)\n" +#| " unmerge: unmerge buffer from other buffers which have same number\n" +#| " hide: hide the buffer\n" +#| " unhide: unhide the buffer\n" +#| "renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look." +#| "buffer_auto_renumber is off)\n" +#| " close: close buffer (number/range or name is optional)\n" +#| " notify: display or set notify level for current buffer: this level " +#| "determines whether buffer will be added to hotlist or not:\n" +#| " none: never\n" +#| " highlight: for highlights only\n" +#| " message: for messages from users + highlights\n" +#| " all: all messages\n" +#| " reset: reset to default value (all)\n" +#| " listvar: display local variables in a buffer\n" +#| " setvar: set a local variable in the current buffer\n" +#| " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" +#| " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" +#| " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +#| " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" +#| " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" +#| " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" +#| " '*': jump to number, using option \"weechat.look." +#| "jump_current_to_previous_buffer\"\n" +#| " -: jump to first buffer number\n" +#| " +: jump to last buffer number\n" +#| " name: jump to buffer by (partial) name\n" +#| "\n" +#| "Examples:\n" +#| " clear current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer clear\n" +#| " move buffer to number 5:\n" +#| " /buffer move 5\n" +#| " swap buffer 1 with 3:\n" +#| " /buffer swap 1 3\n" +#| " swap buffer #weechat with current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer swap #weechat\n" +#| " jump on #chan1, #chan2, #chan3 and loop:\n" +#| " /buffer cycle #chan1 #chan2 #chan3\n" +#| " merge with core buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer merge 1\n" +#| " merge with #weechat buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer merge #weechat\n" +#| " unmerge buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer unmerge\n" +#| " close current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer close\n" +#| " close buffers 5 to 7:\n" +#| " /buffer close 5-7\n" +#| " jump to #weechat:\n" +#| " /buffer #weechat\n" +#| " jump to next buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer +1\n" +#| " jump to last buffer number:\n" +#| " /buffer +" msgid "" " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" or input " @@ -1280,6 +1360,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -2170,6 +2256,75 @@ msgstr "функције за командну линију" msgid "<action> [<arguments>]" msgstr "<акција> [<аргументи>]" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "list of actions:\n" +#| " return: simulate key \"enter\"\n" +#| " complete_next: complete word with next completion\n" +#| " complete_previous: complete word with previous completion\n" +#| " search_text_here: search text in buffer at current position\n" +#| " search_text: search text in buffer\n" +#| " search_switch_case: switch exact case for search\n" +#| " search_switch_regex: switch search type: string/regular expression\n" +#| " search_switch_where: switch search in messages/prefixes\n" +#| " search_previous: search previous line\n" +#| " search_next: search next line\n" +#| " search_stop_here: stop search at current position\n" +#| " search_stop: stop search\n" +#| " delete_previous_char: delete previous char\n" +#| " delete_next_char: delete next char\n" +#| " delete_previous_word: delete previous word\n" +#| " delete_previous_word_whitespace: delete previous word (until " +#| "whitespace)\n" +#| " delete_next_word: delete next word\n" +#| " delete_beginning_of_line: delete from beginning of line until cursor\n" +#| " delete_end_of_line: delete from cursor until end of line\n" +#| " delete_line: delete entire line\n" +#| " clipboard_paste: paste from the internal clipboard\n" +#| " transpose_chars: transpose two chars\n" +#| " undo: undo last command line action\n" +#| " redo: redo last command line action\n" +#| " move_beginning_of_line: move cursor to beginning of line\n" +#| " move_end_of_line: move cursor to end of line\n" +#| " move_previous_char: move cursor to previous char\n" +#| " move_next_char: move cursor to next char\n" +#| " move_previous_word: move cursor to previous word\n" +#| " move_next_word: move cursor to next word\n" +#| " history_previous: recall previous command in current buffer history\n" +#| " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" +#| " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" +#| " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" +#| " jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" +#| " jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " +#| "jump to a buffer)\n" +#| " jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" +#| " jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" +#| " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear " +#| "only lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in " +#| "hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, " +#| "2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight)\n" +#| " hotlist_remove_buffer: remove current buffer from hotlist\n" +#| " hotlist_restore_buffer: restore latest hotlist removed in the current " +#| "buffer\n" +#| " hotlist_restore_all: restore latest hotlist removed in all buffers\n" +#| " grab_key: grab a key (optional argument: delay for end of grab, default " +#| "is 500 milliseconds)\n" +#| " grab_key_command: grab a key with its associated command (optional " +#| "argument: delay for end of grab, default is 500 milliseconds)\n" +#| " grab_mouse: grab mouse event code\n" +#| " grab_mouse_area: grab mouse event code with area\n" +#| " set_unread: set unread marker for all buffers\n" +#| " set_unread_current_buffer: set unread marker for current buffer\n" +#| " switch_active_buffer: switch to next merged buffer\n" +#| " switch_active_buffer_previous: switch to previous merged buffer\n" +#| " zoom_merged_buffer: zoom on merged buffer\n" +#| " insert: insert text in command line (escaped chars are allowed, see /" +#| "help print)\n" +#| " send: send text to the buffer\n" +#| " paste_start: start paste (bracketed paste mode)\n" +#| " paste_stop: stop paste (bracketed paste mode)\n" +#| "\n" +#| "This command is used by key bindings or plugins." msgid "" "list of actions:\n" " return: simulate key \"enter\"\n" @@ -2206,11 +2361,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-15 22:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Emir SARI <emir_sari@icloud.com>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1216,6 +1216,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "manage buffers" msgstr "arabellekleri yönet" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-" +#| "all [<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " +#| "[<number2>|<name2>] || cycle <number>|<name> [<number>|<name>...] || " +#| "merge <number>|<name> || unmerge [<number>|-all] || hide [<number>|" +#| "<name>|-all [<number>|<name>...]] || unhide [<number>|<name>|-all " +#| "[<number>|<name>...]] || renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || " +#| "close [<n1>[-<n2>]|<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|" +#| "<name>] || setvar <name> [<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> " +#| "[<value>] || get <property> || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgid "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <name> || clear [<number>|<name>|-merged|-all " "[<number>|<name>...]] || move <number>|-|+ || swap <number1>|<name1> " @@ -1225,7 +1236,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" "list || add [-free] [-switch] <ad> || clear [<numara>|<ad>|-merged|-all " "[<numara>|<ad>...]] || move <numara>|-|+ || swap <numara1>|<ad1> [<numara2>|" @@ -1236,6 +1247,75 @@ msgstr "" "[<düzey>] || listvar [<numara>|<ad>] || setvar <ad> [<değer>] || delvar <ad> " "|| set <özellik> [<değer>] || get <özellik> || <numara>|-|+|<ad>" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" +#| " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" or " +#| "input \"q\")\n" +#| " clear: clear buffer content (number for a buffer, -merged for merged " +#| "buffers, -all for all buffers, or nothing for current buffer)\n" +#| " move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1); \"-" +#| "\" = move to first buffer number, \"+\" = move to last buffer number + 1\n" +#| " swap: swap two buffers (swap with current buffer if only one number/" +#| "name given)\n" +#| " cycle: jump loop between a list of buffers\n" +#| " merge: merge current buffer to another buffer (chat area will be mix " +#| "of both buffers)\n" +#| " (by default ctrl-x switches between merged buffers)\n" +#| " unmerge: unmerge buffer from other buffers which have same number\n" +#| " hide: hide the buffer\n" +#| " unhide: unhide the buffer\n" +#| "renumber: renumber buffers (works only if option weechat.look." +#| "buffer_auto_renumber is off)\n" +#| " close: close buffer (number/range or name is optional)\n" +#| " notify: display or set notify level for current buffer: this level " +#| "determines whether buffer will be added to hotlist or not:\n" +#| " none: never\n" +#| " highlight: for highlights only\n" +#| " message: for messages from users + highlights\n" +#| " all: all messages\n" +#| " reset: reset to default value (all)\n" +#| " listvar: display local variables in a buffer\n" +#| " setvar: set a local variable in the current buffer\n" +#| " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" +#| " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" +#| " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +#| " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" +#| " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" +#| " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" +#| " '*': jump to number, using option \"weechat.look." +#| "jump_current_to_previous_buffer\"\n" +#| " -: jump to first buffer number\n" +#| " +: jump to last buffer number\n" +#| " name: jump to buffer by (partial) name\n" +#| "\n" +#| "Examples:\n" +#| " clear current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer clear\n" +#| " move buffer to number 5:\n" +#| " /buffer move 5\n" +#| " swap buffer 1 with 3:\n" +#| " /buffer swap 1 3\n" +#| " swap buffer #weechat with current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer swap #weechat\n" +#| " jump on #chan1, #chan2, #chan3 and loop:\n" +#| " /buffer cycle #chan1 #chan2 #chan3\n" +#| " merge with core buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer merge 1\n" +#| " merge with #weechat buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer merge #weechat\n" +#| " unmerge buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer unmerge\n" +#| " close current buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer close\n" +#| " close buffers 5 to 7:\n" +#| " /buffer close 5-7\n" +#| " jump to #weechat:\n" +#| " /buffer #weechat\n" +#| " jump to next buffer:\n" +#| " /buffer +1\n" +#| " jump to last buffer number:\n" +#| " /buffer +" msgid "" " list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" or input " @@ -1268,6 +1348,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -2395,11 +2481,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " diff --git a/po/weechat.pot b/po/weechat.pot index e64a997d8..40eeff0c4 100644 --- a/po/weechat.pot +++ b/po/weechat.pot @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: flashcode@flashtux.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-10 17:20+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-25 16:37+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>\n" "Language-Team: weechat-dev <weechat-dev@nongnu.org>\n" @@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ msgid "" "|| renumber [<number1> [<number2> [<start>]]] || close [<n1>[-<n2>]|" "<name>...] || notify [<level>] || listvar [<number>|<name>] || setvar <name> " "[<value>] || delvar <name> || set <property> [<value>] || get <property> || " -"<number>|-|+|<name>" +"jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited || <number>|-|+|<name>" msgstr "" msgid "" @@ -1107,6 +1107,12 @@ msgid "" " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" +" jump: jump to another buffer:\n" +" smart: next buffer with activity\n" +" last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump to a " +"buffer)\n" +" prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" +" next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -1596,11 +1602,6 @@ msgid "" " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" -" jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" -" jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before last " -"jump to a buffer)\n" -" jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" -" jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to clear only " "lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only highest level in hotlist, " "or level mask: integer which is a combination of 1=join/part, 2=message, " diff --git a/src/core/wee-command.c b/src/core/wee-command.c index 3ea8c2699..e59a91f7f 100644 --- a/src/core/wee-command.c +++ b/src/core/wee-command.c @@ -1265,6 +1265,23 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(buffer) return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } + /* jump to another buffer */ + if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump") == 0) + { + COMMAND_MIN_ARGS(3, "jump"); + if (string_strcasecmp (argv[2], "smart") == 0) + gui_buffer_jump_smart (gui_current_window); + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[2], "last_displayed") == 0) + gui_buffer_jump_last_buffer_displayed (gui_current_window); + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[2], "prev_visited") == 0) + gui_buffer_jump_previously_visited_buffer (gui_current_window); + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[2], "next_visited") == 0) + gui_buffer_jump_next_visited_buffer (gui_current_window); + else + COMMAND_ERROR; + return WEECHAT_RC_OK; + } + /* relative jump '-' */ if (argv[1][0] == '-') { @@ -1419,7 +1436,7 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(buffer) && (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_jump_current_to_previous_buffer)) && gui_buffers_visited) { - gui_input_jump_previously_visited_buffer (buffer); + gui_buffer_jump_previously_visited_buffer (gui_current_window); } else { @@ -3338,17 +3355,6 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(input) gui_input_history_global_previous (buffer); else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "history_global_next") == 0) gui_input_history_global_next (buffer); - else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_smart") == 0) - gui_input_jump_smart (buffer); - /* not used any more in WeeChat >= 1.0 (replaced by "/buffer +") */ - else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_last_buffer") == 0) - (void) input_data (buffer, "/buffer +", NULL); - else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_last_buffer_displayed") == 0) - gui_input_jump_last_buffer_displayed (buffer); - else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_previously_visited_buffer") == 0) - gui_input_jump_previously_visited_buffer (buffer); - else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_next_visited_buffer") == 0) - gui_input_jump_next_visited_buffer (buffer); else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "hotlist_clear") == 0) gui_input_hotlist_clear (buffer, (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : NULL); else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "hotlist_remove_buffer") == 0) @@ -3396,7 +3402,28 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(input) } else { - COMMAND_ERROR; + /* + * deprecated options kept for compatibility + * (they may be removed in future) + */ + + /* since WeeChat 3.8: "/buffer jump smart" */ + if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_smart") == 0) + gui_buffer_jump_smart (gui_current_window); + /* since WeeChat 1.0: "/buffer +" */ + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_last_buffer") == 0) + (void) input_data (buffer, "/buffer +", NULL); + /* since WeeChat 3.8: "/buffer jump last_displayed" */ + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_last_buffer_displayed") == 0) + gui_buffer_jump_last_buffer_displayed (gui_current_window); + /* since WeeChat 3.8: "/buffer jump prev_visited" */ + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_previously_visited_buffer") == 0) + gui_buffer_jump_previously_visited_buffer (gui_current_window); + /* since WeeChat 3.8: "/buffer jump next_visited" */ + else if (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "jump_next_visited_buffer") == 0) + gui_buffer_jump_next_visited_buffer (gui_current_window); + else + COMMAND_ERROR; } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; @@ -7460,6 +7487,7 @@ command_init () " || delvar <name>" " || set <property> [<value>]" " || get <property>" + " || jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited" " || <number>|-|+|<name>"), N_(" list: list buffers (without argument, this list is displayed)\n" " add: add a new buffer (it can be closed with \"/buffer close\" " @@ -7493,6 +7521,12 @@ command_init () " delvar: delete a local variable from the current buffer\n" " set: set a property in the current buffer\n" " get: display a property of current buffer\n" + " jump: jump to another buffer:\n" + " smart: next buffer with activity\n" + " last_displayed: last buffer displayed (before last jump " + "to a buffer)\n" + " prev_visited: previously visited buffer\n" + " next_visited: jump to next visited buffer\n" " number: jump to buffer by number, possible prefix:\n" " '+': relative jump, add number to current\n" " '-': relative jump, sub number to current\n" @@ -7551,6 +7585,7 @@ command_init () " || delvar %(buffer_local_variables)" " || set %(buffer_properties_set)" " || get %(buffer_properties_get)" + " || jump smart|last_displayed|prev_visited|next_visited" " || %(buffers_plugins_names)|%(buffers_names)|%(irc_channels)|" "%(irc_privates)|%(buffers_numbers)|-|-1|+|+1", &command_buffer, NULL, NULL); @@ -8044,11 +8079,6 @@ command_init () " history_next: recall next command in current buffer history\n" " history_global_previous: recall previous command in global history\n" " history_global_next: recall next command in global history\n" - " jump_smart: jump to next buffer with activity\n" - " jump_last_buffer_displayed: jump to last buffer displayed (before " - "last jump to a buffer)\n" - " jump_previously_visited_buffer: jump to previously visited buffer\n" - " jump_next_visited_buffer: jump to next visited buffer\n" " hotlist_clear: clear hotlist (optional argument: \"lowest\" to " "clear only lowest level in hotlist, \"highest\" to clear only " "highest level in hotlist, or level mask: integer which is a " @@ -8076,25 +8106,30 @@ command_init () " paste_stop: stop paste (bracketed paste mode)\n" "\n" "This command is used by key bindings or plugins."), - "return || complete_next || complete_previous || search_text_here || " + "return || " + "complete_next || complete_previous || search_text_here || " "search_text || search_switch_case || search_switch_regex || " "search_switch_where || search_previous || search_next || " - "search_stop_here || search_stop || delete_previous_char || " - "delete_next_char || delete_previous_word || " + "search_stop_here || search_stop || " + "delete_previous_char || delete_next_char || delete_previous_word || " "delete_previous_word_whitespace || delete_next_word || " "delete_beginning_of_line || delete_end_of_line || delete_line || " - "clipboard_paste || transpose_chars || undo || redo || " + "clipboard_paste || " + "transpose_chars || " + "undo || redo || " "move_beginning_of_line || move_end_of_line || move_previous_char || " "move_next_char || move_previous_word || move_next_word || " "history_previous || history_next || history_global_previous || " - "history_global_next || jump_smart || jump_last_buffer_displayed || " - "jump_previously_visited_buffer || jump_next_visited_buffer || " + "history_global_next || " "hotlist_clear 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|lowest|highest || " "hotlist_remove_buffer || hotlist_restore_buffer || " - "hotlist_restore_all || grab_key || grab_key_command || grab_mouse || " - "grab_mouse_area || set_unread || set_unread_current_buffer || " + "hotlist_restore_all || " + "grab_key || grab_key_command || grab_mouse || grab_mouse_area || " + "set_unread || set_unread_current_buffer || " "switch_active_buffer || switch_active_buffer_previous || " - "zoom_merged_buffer || insert || send || paste_start || paste_stop", + "zoom_merged_buffer || " + "insert || send || " + "paste_start || paste_stop", &command_input, NULL, NULL); hook_command ( NULL, "item", diff --git a/src/gui/curses/gui-curses-key.c b/src/gui/curses/gui-curses-key.c index 218940305..0d9ac53c6 100644 --- a/src/gui/curses/gui-curses-key.c +++ b/src/gui/curses/gui-curses-key.c @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ gui_key_default_bindings (int context) BIND(/* ^<down> */ "meta-Ob", "/input history_global_next"); BIND(/* ^<down> */ "meta-OB", "/input history_global_next"); BIND(/* ^<down> */ "meta2-1;5B", "/input history_global_next"); - BIND(/* m-a */ "meta-a", "/input jump_smart"); + BIND(/* m-a */ "meta-a", "/buffer jump smart"); BIND(/* m-j,m-f */ "meta-jmeta-f", "/buffer -"); BIND(/* m-j,m-l */ "meta-jmeta-l", "/buffer +"); BIND(/* m-j,m-r */ "meta-jmeta-r", "/server raw"); @@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ gui_key_default_bindings (int context) BIND(/* m-7 */ "meta-7", "/buffer *7"); BIND(/* m-8 */ "meta-8", "/buffer *8"); BIND(/* m-9 */ "meta-9", "/buffer *9"); - BIND(/* m-< */ "meta-<", "/input jump_previously_visited_buffer"); - BIND(/* m-> */ "meta->", "/input jump_next_visited_buffer"); - BIND(/* m-/ */ "meta-/", "/input jump_last_buffer_displayed"); + BIND(/* m-< */ "meta-<", "/buffer jump prev_visited"); + BIND(/* m-> */ "meta->", "/buffer jump next_visited"); + BIND(/* m-/ */ "meta-/", "/buffer jump last_displayed"); BIND(/* m-l */ "meta-l", "/window bare"); BIND(/* m-m */ "meta-m", "/mute mouse toggle"); BIND(/* start paste */ "meta2-200~", "/input paste_start"); @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ gui_key_default_bindings (int context) BIND("@chat:button1-gesture-left", "/window ${_window_number};/buffer -1"); BIND("@chat:button1-gesture-right", "/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1"); BIND("@chat:button1-gesture-left-long", "/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1"); - BIND("@chat:button1-gesture-right-long", "/window ${_window_number};/input jump_last_buffer"); + BIND("@chat:button1-gesture-right-long", "/window ${_window_number};/buffer +"); BIND("@chat:wheelup", "/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}"); BIND("@chat:wheeldown", "/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}"); BIND("@chat:ctrl-wheelup", "/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%"); diff --git a/src/gui/gui-buffer.c b/src/gui/gui-buffer.c index acfb2fe73..9e32c7f23 100644 --- a/src/gui/gui-buffer.c +++ b/src/gui/gui-buffer.c @@ -4441,6 +4441,129 @@ gui_buffer_visited_get_index_next () } /* + * Jumps to buffer with activity. + */ + +void +gui_buffer_jump_smart (struct t_gui_window *window) +{ + int scroll_to_bottom; + + if (!window) + return; + + scroll_to_bottom = 0; + + if (gui_hotlist) + { + if (!gui_hotlist_initial_buffer) + gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = window->buffer; + gui_window_switch_to_buffer (window, gui_hotlist->buffer, 1); + gui_hotlist_remove_buffer (window->buffer, 0); + scroll_to_bottom = 1; + } + else + { + if (gui_hotlist_initial_buffer) + { + if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_jump_smart_back_to_buffer)) + { + gui_window_switch_to_buffer (window, + gui_hotlist_initial_buffer, 1); + scroll_to_bottom = 1; + } + gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = NULL; + } + else + { + gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = NULL; + } + } + + /* + * scroll to bottom if window was scrolled (except if scrolled + * beyond the end) + */ + if (scroll_to_bottom + && window->scroll + && window->scroll->start_line + && (window->scroll->start_line_pos >= 0)) + { + gui_window_scroll_bottom (window); + } +} + +/* + * Jumps to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer). + */ + +void +gui_buffer_jump_last_buffer_displayed (struct t_gui_window *window) +{ + if (window && gui_buffer_last_displayed) + { + gui_buffer_switch_by_number (window, + gui_buffer_last_displayed->number); + } +} + +/* + * Jumps to a visited buffer by index (called by functions to jump to + * previously / next visited buffer). + */ + +void +gui_buffer_jump_visited_by_index (struct t_gui_window *window, int index) +{ + struct t_gui_buffer_visited *ptr_buffer_visited; + + if (!window || (index < 0)) + return; + + gui_buffers_visited_index = index; + + ptr_buffer_visited = + gui_buffer_visited_search_by_number (gui_buffers_visited_index); + if (ptr_buffer_visited) + { + gui_buffers_visited_frozen = 1; + gui_buffer_switch_by_number (window, + ptr_buffer_visited->buffer->number); + gui_buffers_visited_frozen = 0; + } +} + +/* + * Jumps to previously visited buffer (buffer displayed before current one). + */ + +void +gui_buffer_jump_previously_visited_buffer (struct t_gui_window *window) +{ + if (!window) + return; + + gui_buffer_jump_visited_by_index ( + window, + gui_buffer_visited_get_index_previous ()); +} + +/* + * Jumps to next visited buffer (buffer displayed after current one). + */ + +void +gui_buffer_jump_next_visited_buffer (struct t_gui_window *window) +{ + if (!window) + return; + + gui_buffer_jump_visited_by_index ( + window, + gui_buffer_visited_get_index_next ()); +} + +/* * Returns hdata for buffer. */ diff --git a/src/gui/gui-buffer.h b/src/gui/gui-buffer.h index d4b840e90..9fc329929 100644 --- a/src/gui/gui-buffer.h +++ b/src/gui/gui-buffer.h @@ -385,6 +385,10 @@ extern void gui_buffer_visited_remove_by_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); extern struct t_gui_buffer_visited *gui_buffer_visited_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); extern int gui_buffer_visited_get_index_previous (); extern int gui_buffer_visited_get_index_next (); +extern void gui_buffer_jump_smart (struct t_gui_window *window); +extern void gui_buffer_jump_last_buffer_displayed (struct t_gui_window *window); +extern void gui_buffer_jump_previously_visited_buffer (struct t_gui_window *window); +extern void gui_buffer_jump_next_visited_buffer (struct t_gui_window *window); extern struct t_hdata *gui_buffer_hdata_buffer_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name); diff --git a/src/gui/gui-input.c b/src/gui/gui-input.c index 6fb378575..3208ca08d 100644 --- a/src/gui/gui-input.c +++ b/src/gui/gui-input.c @@ -1461,148 +1461,6 @@ gui_input_history_global_next (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) } /* - * Jumps to buffer with activity (default key: alt-a). - */ - -void -gui_input_jump_smart (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) -{ - struct t_gui_window *window; - int scroll_to_bottom; - - scroll_to_bottom = 0; - window = gui_window_search_with_buffer (buffer); - if (window - && (window->buffer->text_search == GUI_TEXT_SEARCH_DISABLED)) - { - if (gui_hotlist) - { - if (!gui_hotlist_initial_buffer) - gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = window->buffer; - gui_window_switch_to_buffer (window, gui_hotlist->buffer, 1); - gui_hotlist_remove_buffer (window->buffer, 0); - scroll_to_bottom = 1; - } - else - { - if (gui_hotlist_initial_buffer) - { - if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_jump_smart_back_to_buffer)) - { - gui_window_switch_to_buffer (window, - gui_hotlist_initial_buffer, 1); - scroll_to_bottom = 1; - } - gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = NULL; - } - else - { - gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = NULL; - } - } - - /* - * scroll to bottom if window was scrolled (except if scrolled - * beyond the end) - */ - if (scroll_to_bottom - && window->scroll - && window->scroll->start_line - && (window->scroll->start_line_pos >= 0)) - { - gui_window_scroll_bottom (window); - } - } -} - -/* - * Jumps to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer) (default key: - * alt-/). - */ - -void -gui_input_jump_last_buffer_displayed (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) -{ - struct t_gui_window *window; - - window = gui_window_search_with_buffer (buffer); - if (window - && (window->buffer->text_search == GUI_TEXT_SEARCH_DISABLED)) - { - if (gui_buffer_last_displayed) - gui_buffer_switch_by_number (window, - gui_buffer_last_displayed->number); - } -} - -/* - * Jumps to previously visited buffer (buffer displayed before current one) - * (default key: alt-<). - */ - -void -gui_input_jump_previously_visited_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) -{ - struct t_gui_window *window; - int index; - struct t_gui_buffer_visited *ptr_buffer_visited; - - window = gui_window_search_with_buffer (buffer); - if (window - && (window->buffer->text_search == GUI_TEXT_SEARCH_DISABLED)) - { - index = gui_buffer_visited_get_index_previous (); - if (index >= 0) - { - gui_buffers_visited_index = index; - - ptr_buffer_visited = - gui_buffer_visited_search_by_number (gui_buffers_visited_index); - if (ptr_buffer_visited) - { - gui_buffers_visited_frozen = 1; - gui_buffer_switch_by_number (window, - ptr_buffer_visited->buffer->number); - gui_buffers_visited_frozen = 0; - } - } - } -} - -/* - * Jumps to next visited buffer (buffer displayed after current one) (default - * key: alt->). - */ - -void -gui_input_jump_next_visited_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) -{ - struct t_gui_window *window; - int index; - struct t_gui_buffer_visited *ptr_buffer_visited; - - window = gui_window_search_with_buffer (buffer); - if (window - && (window->buffer->text_search == GUI_TEXT_SEARCH_DISABLED)) - { - index = gui_buffer_visited_get_index_next (); - if (index >= 0) - { - gui_buffers_visited_index = index; - - ptr_buffer_visited = gui_buffer_visited_search_by_number (gui_buffers_visited_index); - if (ptr_buffer_visited) - { - gui_buffers_visited_frozen = 1; - gui_buffer_switch_by_number (window, - ptr_buffer_visited->buffer->number); - gui_buffers_visited_frozen = 0; - } - } - } -} - -/* * Clears hotlist (default key: alt-h, alt-c). */ diff --git a/src/gui/gui-input.h b/src/gui/gui-input.h index 9aedf0ea1..49e6c1eb2 100644 --- a/src/gui/gui-input.h +++ b/src/gui/gui-input.h @@ -72,10 +72,6 @@ extern void gui_input_history_local_previous (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); extern void gui_input_history_local_next (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); extern void gui_input_history_global_previous (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); extern void gui_input_history_global_next (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); -extern void gui_input_jump_smart (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); -extern void gui_input_jump_last_buffer_displayed (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); -extern void gui_input_jump_previously_visited_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); -extern void gui_input_jump_next_visited_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); extern void gui_input_hotlist_clear (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *level_mask); extern void gui_input_hotlist_remove_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer); diff --git a/src/plugins/buflist/buflist-mouse.c b/src/plugins/buflist/buflist-mouse.c index ea2010830..ad72937b8 100644 --- a/src/plugins/buflist/buflist-mouse.c +++ b/src/plugins/buflist/buflist-mouse.c @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ buflist_hsignal_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal, buflist_config_look_mouse_jump_visited_buffer) && (current_buffer_number == number)) { - weechat_command (NULL, "/input jump_previously_visited_buffer"); + weechat_command (NULL, "/buffer jump prev_visited"); } else { @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ buflist_hsignal_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal, buflist_config_look_mouse_jump_visited_buffer) && (current_buffer_number == number)) { - weechat_command (NULL, "/input jump_next_visited_buffer"); + weechat_command (NULL, "/buffer jump next_visited"); } } else if (weechat_string_match (ptr_key, "*wheelup", 1)) diff --git a/tests/unit/gui/test-gui-buffer.cpp b/tests/unit/gui/test-gui-buffer.cpp index 06f94d127..4c056cfe3 100644 --- a/tests/unit/gui/test-gui-buffer.cpp +++ b/tests/unit/gui/test-gui-buffer.cpp @@ -1389,6 +1389,56 @@ TEST(GuiBuffer, VisitedGetIndexNext) /* * Tests functions: + * gui_buffer_jump_smart + */ + +TEST(GuiBuffer, JumpSmart) +{ + /* TODO: write tests */ +} + +/* + * Tests functions: + * gui_buffer_jump_last_buffer_displayed + */ + +TEST(GuiBuffer, JumpLastBufferDisplayed) +{ + /* TODO: write tests */ +} + +/* + * Tests functions: + * gui_buffer_jump_visited_by_index + */ + +TEST(GuiBuffer, JumpVisitedByIndex) +{ + /* TODO: write tests */ +} + +/* + * Tests functions: + * gui_buffer_jump_previously_visited_buffer + */ + +TEST(GuiBuffer, JumpPreviouslyVisitedBuffer) +{ + /* TODO: write tests */ +} + +/* + * Tests functions: + * gui_buffer_jump_next_visited_buffer + */ + +TEST(GuiBuffer, JumpNextVisitedBuffer) +{ + /* TODO: write tests */ +} + +/* + * Tests functions: * gui_buffer_hdata_buffer_cb */ diff --git a/tests/unit/gui/test-gui-input.cpp b/tests/unit/gui/test-gui-input.cpp index 2476baf7d..a0dfac7a8 100644 --- a/tests/unit/gui/test-gui-input.cpp +++ b/tests/unit/gui/test-gui-input.cpp @@ -784,46 +784,6 @@ TEST(GuiInput, HistoryGlobalNext) /* * Tests functions: - * gui_input_jump_smart - */ - -TEST(GuiInput, JumpSmart) -{ - /* TODO: write tests */ -} - -/* - * Tests functions: - * gui_input_jump_last_buffer_displayed - */ - -TEST(GuiInput, JumpLastBufferDisplayed) -{ - /* TODO: write tests */ -} - -/* - * Tests functions: - * gui_input_jump_previously_visited_buffer - */ - -TEST(GuiInput, JumpPreviouslyVisitedBuffer) -{ - /* TODO: write tests */ -} - -/* - * Tests functions: - * gui_input_jump_next_visited_buffer - */ - -TEST(GuiInput, JumpNextVisitedBuffer) -{ - /* TODO: write tests */ -} - -/* - * Tests functions: * gui_input_hotlist_clear */ |