diff options
authorSebastien Helleu <>2005-12-12 11:38:15 +0000
committerSebastien Helleu <>2005-12-12 11:38:15 +0000
commit756f7354e925f6be0e8a344e2038c60ccf707eb9 (patch)
parentceaf9fa287de4ba5ed8d29cb90a709339eb61662 (diff)
Added up/down/left/right args to /window command completion, help & doc
20 files changed, 1742 insertions, 1642 deletions
diff --git a/doc/weechat_doc_en.texi b/doc/weechat_doc_en.texi
index c5762e92d..2f10a9bb0 100644
--- a/doc/weechat_doc_en.texi
+++ b/doc/weechat_doc_en.texi
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@title WeeChat - User guide
@subtitle Fast, light and extensible IRC client
-@subtitle Documentation for WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - December, 11 2005
+@subtitle Documentation for WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - December, 12 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@@ -941,6 +941,7 @@ change charset for server or channel@*
decode_iso: charset used for decoding ISO@*
decode_utf: charset used for decoding UTF@*
encode: charset used for encoding messages@*
+ charset: charset to use (for example: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8,..)@*
@item clear [-all]
@@ -1069,7 +1070,7 @@ show WeeChat uptime@*
-o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message@*
-@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
+@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
manage windows@*
@@ -1077,6 +1078,10 @@ list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)@*
-1: jump to previous window@*
+1: jump to next window@*
b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #@*
+up: switch to window above current one@*
+down: switch to window below current one@*
+left: switch to window on the left@*
+right: switch to window on the right@*
splith: split current window horizontally@*
splitv: split current window vertically@*
resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window@*
diff --git a/doc/weechat_doc_es.texi b/doc/weechat_doc_es.texi
index 74b3eb824..2e3e87dce 100644
--- a/doc/weechat_doc_es.texi
+++ b/doc/weechat_doc_es.texi
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Gui@'on de usuario.
@subtitle Cliente IRC r@'apido, peque@~no y extensible
-@subtitle Documentaci@'on para WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 11 de diciembre de 2005
+@subtitle Documentaci@'on para WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 12 de diciembre de 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@@ -914,17 +914,17 @@ Scroll nicklist@*
Comandos internos WeeChat:@*
@table @kbd
-@item alias [nombre_alias [comando [argumentos]]
+@item alias [alias_name [command [arguments]]
-crear un alias para un comando@*
+create an alias for a command@*
-nombre_alias: nombre del seud@'onimo@*
-comando: nombre del comando (comando WeeChat o IRC, sin el primer '/')@*
-argumentos: par@'ametros para el comando@*
+alias_name: name of alias@*
+command: command name (WeeChat or IRC command, without first '/')@*
+arguments: arguments for command@*
-@item buffer [acci@'on | nmero | [[servidor] [canal]]]
+@item buffer [action | number | [[server] [channel]]]
-gestionar los bfers@*
+manage buffers@*
action: action to do:@*
move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1)@*
@@ -941,123 +941,124 @@ change charset for server or channel@*
decode_iso: charset used for decoding ISO@*
decode_utf: charset used for decoding UTF@*
encode: charset used for encoding messages@*
+ charset: charset to use (for example: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8,..)@*
@item clear [-all]
-limpiar la(s) ventana(s)@*
+clear window(s)@*
--all: limpiar todas las ventanas@*
+-all: clear all windows@*
-@item connect [nombre_del_servidor]
+@item connect [servername]
-conectarse a un servidor@*
+connect to a server@*
-nombre_del_servidor: nombre del servidor al que conectarse@*
+servername: server name to connect@*
-@item disconnect [nombre_del_servidor]
+@item disconnect [servername]
-desconectarse de un servidor@*
+disconnect from a server@*
-nombre_del_servidor: nombre del servidor del que desconectarse@*
+servername: server name to disconnect@*
-@item debug volcar | ventanas
+@item debug dump | windows
-imprime mensajes de depuraci@'on@*
+print debug messages@*
-volcar: guarda el volcado de memoria en el archivo de registro de WeeChat (se escribe el mismo volcado cuando WeeChat se cuelga)@*
-ventanas: muestra el @'arbol de ventanas@*
+dump: save memory dump in WeeChat log file (same dump is written when WeeChat crashes)@*
+windows: display windows tree@*
-@item help [comando]
+@item help [command]
-mostrar ayuda sobre los comandos@*
+display help about commands@*
-comando: nombre de un comando de Weechat o de IRC@*
+command: name of a WeeChat or IRC command@*
-@item history [limpiar | valor]
+@item history [clear | value]
-mostrar historial de comandos de bfer@*
+show buffer command history@*
-limpiar: limpiar historial@*
-valor: nmero de entradas del historial para mostrar@*
+clear: clear history@*
+value: number of history entries to show@*
-@item ignore [m@'ascara [[tipo | comando] [canal [servidor]]]]
+@item ignore [mask [[type | command] [channel [server]]]]
-ignorar los mensajes IRC y/o los hosts@*
+ignore IRC messages and/or hosts@*
- m@'ascara: m@'ascara de usuario o m@'aquina que ignorar@*
- tipo: tipo de mensaje que ignorar (action, ctcp, dcc, pv)@*
-comando: comando IRC@*
-canal: nombre del canal que ignorar@*
- servidor: nombre del servidor que ignorar@*
+ mask: nick or host mask to ignore@*
+ type: type of message to ignore (action, ctcp, dcc, pv)@*
+command: IRC command@*
+channel: name of channel for ignore@*
+ server: name of server for ignore@*
-Para cada argumento, '*' significa todo.@*
-Sin argumentos, el comando /ignore lista todos los ignores definidos.@*
+For each argument, '*' means all.@*
+Without argument, /ignore command lists all defined ignore.@*
-@item key [clave funci@'on/comando] [desatar clave] [funciones] [reset -yes]
+@item key [key function/command] [unbind key] [functions] [reset -yes]
-atar/desatar claves@*
+bind/unbind keys@*
-clave: ata esta clave a una funci@'on interna o a un comando (comenzando por "/ ")@*
-desatar: desata una clave(si "all", se restauran los anclajes por defecto)@*
-funciones: lista funciones internas para el anclaje de claves@*
-reset: restaura anclajes a los valores por defecto y elimina todos los anclajes personales (usar cuidadosamente)@*
+key: bind this key to an internal function or a command (beginning by "/")@*
+unbind: unbind a key (if "all", default bindings are restored)@*
+functions: list internal functions for key bindings@*
+reset: restore bindings to the default values and delete ALL personal binding (use carefully!)@*
-@item plugin [cargar fichero] | [autocargar] | [recargar] | [descargar]
+@item plugin [load filename] | [autoload] | [reload] | [unload]
-listar/cargar/descargar plugins@*
+list/load/unload plugins@*
-fichero: plugin (archivo) WeeChat para cargar@*
+filename: WeeChat plugin (file) to load@*
-Sin argumentos, el comando /plugin lista todos los plugins cargados.@*
+Without argument, /plugin command lists all loaded plugins.@*
-@item server [nombre_de_servidor] | [nombre_de_servidor nombre/IP puerto [-auto | -noauto] [-ipv6] [-ssl] [-pwd contrase@~na] [-nicks alias1 alias2 alias3] [-username nombre de usuario] [-realname nombre_real] [-command comando] [-autojoin canal[,canal]] ] | [del nombre_de_servidor]
+@item server [servername] | [servername hostname port [-auto | -noauto] [-ipv6] [-ssl] [-pwd password] [-nicks nick1 nick2 nick3] [-username username] [-realname realname] [-command command] [-autojoin channel[,channel]] ] | [del servername]
-lista, a@~nde o elimina servidores@*
+list, add or remove servers@*
-nombre_de_servidor: nombre del servidor, para uso interno y para mostrar@*
-nombre_de_anfitri@'on: nombre o direcci@'on IP del servidor@*
-puerto: puerto para el servidor (nmero entero)@*
-ipv6: utilizar protocolo IPv6@*
-ssl: utilizar protocolo SSL@*
-contrase@~na: contrase@~na para el servidor@*
-alias1: primer alias para el servidor@*
-alias2: alias alternativo para el servidor@*
-alias3: segundo alias alternativo para el servidor@*
-nombre_de_usuario: nombre de usuario@*
-nombre_real: nombre real del usuario@*
+servername: server name, for internal & display use@*
+hostname: name or IP address of server@*
+port: port for server (integer)@*
+ipv6: use IPv6 protocol@*
+ssl: use SSL protocol@*
+password: password for server@*
+nick1: first nick for server@*
+nick2: alternate nick for server@*
+nick3: second alternate nick for server@*
+username: user name@*
+realname: real name of user@*
-@item save [archivo]
+@item save [file]
-guardar configuraci@'on a disco@*
+save config to disk@*
-archivo: fichero en el que guardar la configuraci@'on@*
+file: filename for writing config@*
-@item set [opci@'on [ = valor]]
+@item set [option [ = value]]
-modificar par@'ametros de configuraci@'on@*
+set config parameters@*
-opci@'on: nombre de una opci@'on (si el nombre est@'a completo y no se da ningn valor, entonces se muestra la ayuda de la opci@'on)@*
-valor: valor para una opci@'on@*
+option: name of an option (if name is full and no value is given, then help is displayed on option)@*
+value: value for option@*
-@item unalias alias
+@item unalias alias_name
-eliminar un alias@*
+remove an alias@*
-alias: nombre del alias a suprimir@*
+alias_name: name of alias to remove@*
-@item unignore [nmero | [m@'ascara [[tipo | comando] [canal [servidor]]]]]
+@item unignore [number | [mask [[type | command] [channel [server]]]]]
-no ignorar mensajes IRC y/o hosts@*
+unignore IRC messages and/or hosts@*
- nmero: # de ignores para quitar (el nmero se muestra por la lista de ignores)@*
- m@'ascara de usuario o m@'aquina para no ignorar@*
- tipo: tipo de mensaje para no ignorar(action, ctcp, dcc, pv)@*
-comando: comando IRC@*
-canal: nombre del canal para no ignorar@*
- servidor: nombre del servidor para no ignorar@*
+ number: # of ignore to unignore (number is displayed by list of ignore)@*
+ mask: nick or host mask to unignore@*
+ type: type of message to unignore (action, ctcp, dcc, pv)@*
+command: IRC command@*
+channel: name of channel for unignore@*
+ server: name of server for unignore@*
-Para cada argumento, '*' significa todo.@*
-Sin argumentos, el comando /unignore lista todos los ignores definidos.@*
+For each argument, '*' means all.@*
+Without argument, /unignore command lists all defined ignore.@*
@item upgrade
@@ -1065,24 +1066,28 @@ upgrade WeeChat without disconnecting from servers@*
@item uptime [-o]
-muestra el tiempo de uso de WeeChat@*
+show WeeChat uptime@*
--o: env@'ia el tiempo de uso en el canal actual como un mensaje IRC@*
+-o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message@*
-@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
+@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
-gesti@'on de ventanas@*
+manage windows@*
-list: lista las ventanas abiertas(sin par@'ametros implica esta lista)@*
--1: salta a la ventana previa@*
-+1: salta a la ventana siguiente@*
-b#: salta a la ventana siguiente mostrando el nmero de bfer@*
-splith: divide la ventana actual horizontalmente@*
-splitv: divide la ventana actual verticalmente@*
-resize: redimensiona el tama@~no de la ventana, el nuevo tama@~no es <pct>%% de la ventana padre@*
-merge: fusionar la ventana con otra(all = mantener s@'olo una ventana)@*
+list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)@*
+-1: jump to previous window@*
++1: jump to next window@*
+b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #@*
+up: switch to window above current one@*
+down: switch to window below current one@*
+left: switch to window on the left@*
+right: switch to window on the right@*
+splith: split current window horizontally@*
+splitv: split current window vertically@*
+resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window@*
+merge: merge window with another (all = keep only one window)@*
-Para splith y splitv, pct es un porcentaje que representa el tama@~no de la nueva ventana, tomando como referencia el tama@~no de la ventana actual. Por ejemplo 25 significa crear una nueva ventana con tama@~no = tama@~no_actual / 4@*
+For splith and splitv, pct is a pourcentage which represents size of new window, computed with current window as size reference. For example 25 means create a new window with size = current_size / 4@*
@end table
diff --git a/doc/weechat_doc_fr.texi b/doc/weechat_doc_fr.texi
index 96f01401d..b408c8db6 100644
--- a/doc/weechat_doc_fr.texi
+++ b/doc/weechat_doc_fr.texi
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Guide utilisateur
@subtitle Client IRC rapide, l@'eger et extensible
-@subtitle Documentation pour WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 11 decembre 2005
+@subtitle Documentation pour WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 12 decembre 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@@ -939,9 +939,10 @@ nombre: sauter au tampon qui a ce num@'ero@*
changer le jeu de caract@`eres pour le serveur ou le canal@*
-decode_iso: jeu de caract@`ere utilis@'e pour d@'ecoder l'ISO@*
-decode_utf: jeu de caract@`ere utilis@'e pour d@'ecoder l'UTF@*
- encode: jeu de caract@`ere utilis@'e pour encoder les messages@*
+decode_iso: jeu de caract@`eres utilis@'e pour d@'ecoder l'ISO@*
+decode_utf: jeu de caract@`eres utilis@'e pour d@'ecoder l'UTF@*
+ encode: jeu de caract@`eres utilis@'e pour encoder les messages@*
+ charset: jeu de caract@`eres @`a utiliser (par exemple: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8,..)@*
@item clear [-all]
@@ -1070,7 +1071,7 @@ montrer l'uptime de WeeChat@*
-o: envoyer l'uptime sur le canal courant en tant que message IRC@*
-@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [ptc] | resize pct | merge [all]]
+@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [ptc] | resize pct | merge [all]]
gestion des fen@^etres@*
@@ -1078,6 +1079,10 @@ list: liste les fen@^etres ouvertes (pas de param@`etre affiche cette liste)@*
-1: saute @`a la fen@^etre pr@'ec@'edente@*
+1: saute @`a la fen@^etre suivante@*
b#: saute @`a la fen@^etre affichant le tampon n#@*
+up: saute @`a la fen@^etre au dessus@*
+down: saute @`a la fen@^etre au dessous@*
+left: saute @`a la fen@^etre @`a gauche@*
+right: saute @`a la fen@^etre @`a droite@*
splith: @'eclate la fen@^etre en deux horizontalement@*
splitv: @'eclate la fen@^etre en deux verticalement@*
resize: redimensionne une fen@^etre, la nouvelle taille est <pct>%% de la fen@^etre parent@*
diff --git a/doc/weechat_doc_pt.texi b/doc/weechat_doc_pt.texi
index b4f472bd7..215109365 100644
--- a/doc/weechat_doc_pt.texi
+++ b/doc/weechat_doc_pt.texi
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Guia do Utilizador
@subtitle Cliente de IRC rapido, leve e extencivel
-@subtitle Documenta@,{c}@~ao do WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 11 de dezembro de 2005
+@subtitle Documenta@,{c}@~ao do WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 12 de dezembro de 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@@ -939,6 +939,7 @@ change charset for server or channel@*
decode_iso: charset used for decoding ISO@*
decode_utf: charset used for decoding UTF@*
encode: charset used for encoding messages@*
+ charset: charset to use (for example: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8,..)@*
@item clear [-all]
@@ -1067,7 +1068,7 @@ show WeeChat uptime@*
-o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message@*
-@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
+@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
manage windows@*
@@ -1075,6 +1076,10 @@ list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)@*
-1: jump to previous window@*
+1: jump to next window@*
b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #@*
+up: switch to window above current one@*
+down: switch to window below current one@*
+left: switch to window on the left@*
+right: switch to window on the right@*
splith: split current window horizontally@*
splitv: split current window vertically@*
resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window@*
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
index 9b7de8b99..b191e3bc4 100644
--- a/po/cs.po
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.7-cvs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-11 14:51+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-12 12:05+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-11 14:53+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jiri Golembiovsky <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ msgstr "neznámý"
msgid "%s: using local hostname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s: používám lokální jméno hosta \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:809
+#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:814
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu najít přezdívku pro poslání zprávy\n"
@@ -1409,8 +1409,8 @@ msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz může být spuštěn pouze v okně kanálu\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:489 src/irc/irc-send.c:501 src/irc/irc-send.c:519
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1184 src/irc/irc-send.c:1309 src/irc/irc-send.c:1842
-#: src/common/command.c:1600 src/common/command.c:2098
-#: src/common/command.c:2237
+#: src/common/command.c:1605 src/common/command.c:2103
+#: src/common/command.c:2242
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s špatný počet parametrů pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
@@ -1748,11 +1748,11 @@ msgstr "%s%s %s(%s%s@%s%s)%s byl %s\n"
msgid "%s[%s%s%s]%s idle: "
msgstr "%s[%s%s%s]%s nečinný: "
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "days"
msgstr "dní"
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "day"
msgstr "den"
@@ -2489,7 +2489,7 @@ msgstr "obnov obrazovku"
msgid "grab a key"
msgstr "zachytit klávesu"
-#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2113
+#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to bind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu napojit kalávesu \"%s\"\n"
@@ -2850,20 +2850,25 @@ msgid "manage windows"
msgstr "spravuje okna"
#: src/common/command.c:164
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
+"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv "
+"[pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
msgstr ""
"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
-#: src/common/command.c:165
+#: src/common/command.c:166
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+"up: switch to window above current one\n"
+"down: switch to window below current one\n"
+"left: switch to window on the left\n"
+"right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
@@ -2881,28 +2886,28 @@ msgstr ""
"splitv: rozdělí aktuální okno vertikálně\n"
"merge: spojí okno s jiným"
-#: src/common/command.c:318
+#: src/common/command.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"
msgstr "%s alias nebo příkaz \"%s\" již existuje!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:328
+#: src/common/command.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"
msgstr "%s alias nemůže pouštět jiný ailas!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:335
+#: src/common/command.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "%s target command \"/%s\" does not exist!\n"
msgstr "%s cílový příkaz \"/%s\" neexistuje!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:573
+#: src/common/command.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s špatný počet argumentů pro %s příkaz \"%s\" (očekáváno: %d argumentů%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:585
+#: src/common/command.c:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2911,18 +2916,18 @@ msgstr ""
"%s špatyný počet argumentů pro %s příkaz \"%s\" (očekáváno: mezi %d a %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:607 src/common/command.c:676
+#: src/common/command.c:612 src/common/command.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" failed\n"
msgstr "%s příkaz \"%s\" selhal\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:632
+#: src/common/command.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s chybný počet argumentů pro IRC příkaz \"%s\" (očekáváno: %d argumentů%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:644
+#: src/common/command.c:649
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2931,310 +2936,310 @@ msgstr ""
"%s špatný počet argumentů pro IRC příkaz \"%s\" (očekáváno: mezi %d a %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:659
+#: src/common/command.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"
msgstr "%s příkaz \"%s\" potřebuje připojení na server!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:720
+#: src/common/command.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"
msgstr "%s neznámý příkaz \"%s\" (zadejte /help pro nápovědu)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:854
+#: src/common/command.c:859
msgid "This window is not a channel!\n"
msgstr "Tohe není okno kanálu!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:885 src/common/command.c:916 src/common/command.c:1031
+#: src/common/command.c:890 src/common/command.c:921 src/common/command.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s chybí argumenty pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:892
+#: src/common/command.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias can not start with \"/\"\n"
msgstr "%s alias nemůže žačínat \"/\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:901
+#: src/common/command.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" vytvořen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:907
+#: src/common/command.c:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr "Selhalo vytvoření aliasu \"%s\" => \"%s\" (nedostatek paměti)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:927
+#: src/common/command.c:932
msgid "List of aliases:\n"
msgstr "Seznam pro aliasy:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:941
+#: src/common/command.c:946
msgid "No alias defined.\n"
msgstr "Žádné aliasy nejsou definovány.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:960
+#: src/common/command.c:965
#, c-format
msgid "%sServer: %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sServer: %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:965
+#: src/common/command.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "%snot connected\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:969
+#: src/common/command.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "%sChannel: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sKanál: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:978
+#: src/common/command.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "%sPrivate with: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sSoukromý s: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:987
+#: src/common/command.c:992
#, c-format
msgid "%sunknown\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1010
+#: src/common/command.c:1015
msgid "Opened buffers:\n"
msgstr "Otevřené buffery:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1054
+#: src/common/command.c:1059
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer number\n"
msgstr "%s nekorektní číslo bufferu\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1070
+#: src/common/command.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close the single buffer\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu zavřít jediný buffer\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1080
+#: src/common/command.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close server buffer while channels are opened\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu zavřít buffer serveru dokud jsou otevřeny kanály\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1129
+#: src/common/command.c:1134
msgid "Notify levels: "
msgstr "Level upozornění: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1158 src/common/command.c:1206
+#: src/common/command.c:1163 src/common/command.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect notify level (must be between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr "%s nekorektní level upozornění (musí být mezi %d a %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1167
+#: src/common/command.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer for notify (must be channel or private)\n"
msgstr "%s nekorektní buffer pro upozornění (musí být kanál nebo soukromý)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1176
+#: src/common/command.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "New notify level for %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
msgstr "Nový level upozornění %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:1186
+#: src/common/command.c:1191
msgid "(hotlist: never)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: nikdy)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1189
+#: src/common/command.c:1194
msgid "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: zvýraznění)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1192
+#: src/common/command.c:1197
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: zvýraznění + zprávy)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1195
+#: src/common/command.c:1200
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (all))\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: zvýrazění + zprávy + připojení/odpojení (vše))\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1294
+#: src/common/command.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for server %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1302
+#: src/common/command.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for channel %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1310
+#: src/common/command.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for private %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1338 src/common/command.c:1368
-#: src/common/command.c:1398
+#: src/common/command.c:1343 src/common/command.c:1373
+#: src/common/command.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid " (inherited: \"%s%s%s\")"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1462 src/common/command.c:1485
-#: src/common/command.c:1619 src/common/command.c:2230
-#: src/common/command.c:3307 src/common/command.c:3350
+#: src/common/command.c:1467 src/common/command.c:1490
+#: src/common/command.c:1624 src/common/command.c:2235
+#: src/common/command.c:3312 src/common/command.c:3355
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s neznámá volba pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1515
+#: src/common/command.c:1520
#, c-format
msgid "%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s již vytvořený server \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1523
+#: src/common/command.c:1528
#, c-format
msgid "%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s zrovna připojuji k serveru \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1541 src/common/command.c:1664
+#: src/common/command.c:1546 src/common/command.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "%s server not found\n"
msgstr "%s server nenalezen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1648
+#: src/common/command.c:1653
#, c-format
msgid "%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s nepřipojen k serveru \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1656
+#: src/common/command.c:1661
msgid "Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n"
msgstr "Automatické znovupřipojené je zrušeno\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1690 src/common/weechat.c:400
+#: src/common/command.c:1695 src/common/weechat.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "%s internal commands:\n"
msgstr "%s vnitřní příkazy:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1700 src/common/weechat.c:420
+#: src/common/command.c:1705 src/common/weechat.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "IRC commands:\n"
msgstr "IRC příkazy:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1714
+#: src/common/command.c:1719
msgid "Plugin commands:\n"
msgstr "Příkazy pluginu:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1830
+#: src/common/command.c:1835
#, c-format
msgid "No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"
msgstr "Není dostupná žádná nápověda, \"%s\" je neznámý příkaz\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1896
+#: src/common/command.c:1901
#, c-format
msgid "%son %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoring %s%s%s from %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sna %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoruji %s%s%s od %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1930
+#: src/common/command.c:1935
msgid "List of ignore:\n"
msgstr "Seznam ignorování:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1947
+#: src/common/command.c:1952
msgid "No ignore defined.\n"
msgstr "Žádné ignorování není definováno.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1973
+#: src/common/command.c:1978
msgid "New ignore:"
msgstr "Nové ignorování:"
-#: src/common/command.c:1993
+#: src/common/command.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "New key binding: %s"
msgstr "Nová klávesová zkratka: %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:2030
+#: src/common/command.c:2035
msgid "Key bindings:\n"
msgstr "Klávesové zkratky:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2044
+#: src/common/command.c:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Key \"%s\" unbinded\n"
msgstr "Klávesa \"%s\" odpojena\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2050
+#: src/common/command.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to unbind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu odpojit klávesu \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2058 src/common/weechat.c:452
+#: src/common/command.c:2063 src/common/weechat.c:452
#, c-format
msgid "Internal key functions:\n"
msgstr "Vnitřní klávesové funkce:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2078
+#: src/common/command.c:2083
msgid "Default key bindings restored\n"
msgstr "Výchozí klávesové zkratky obnoveny\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2084
+#: src/common/command.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"-yes\" argument is required for keys reset (securuty reason)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s \"-yes\" argument je požadován pro reset kaláves (bezpečnostní opatření)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2143
+#: src/common/command.c:2148
msgid "Plugins loaded:\n"
msgstr "Načtené pluginy:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2159
+#: src/common/command.c:2164
msgid " message handlers:\n"
msgstr " obsluhovače zpráv:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2168
+#: src/common/command.c:2173
#, c-format
msgid " IRC(%s)\n"
msgstr " IRC(%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2175
+#: src/common/command.c:2180
msgid " (no message handler)\n"
msgstr " (není obsluhovač zprávy)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2180
+#: src/common/command.c:2185
msgid " command handlers:\n"
msgstr " obsluhovače příkazu:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2201
+#: src/common/command.c:2206
msgid " (no command handler)\n"
msgstr " (není obsluhovač příkazu)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2207
+#: src/common/command.c:2212
msgid " (no plugin)\n"
msgstr " (není plugin)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2243
+#: src/common/command.c:2248
msgid ""
"Command \"plugin\" is not available, WeeChat was built without plugins "
msgstr ""
"Příkaz \"plugin\" není dostupný, WeeChat byl přeložen bez podpory pluginů.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2294
+#: src/common/command.c:2299
msgid "No server.\n"
msgstr "žádný server.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2305
+#: src/common/command.c:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Server '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr "Server '%s' nenalezen.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2317
+#: src/common/command.c:2322
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s chybí jméno serveru pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2325
+#: src/common/command.c:2330
#, c-format
msgid "%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"
msgstr "%s příliž mnoho argumentů pro příkaz \"%s\", ignoruji argumety\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2344
+#: src/common/command.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s server \"%s\" nenalezen pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2352
+#: src/common/command.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. Try /"
@@ -3243,212 +3248,212 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nemůžete odebrat server \"%s\", protože jste k němu připojent. Skuste "
"nejprve /dissconnect %s.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2372
+#: src/common/command.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s has been deleted\n"
msgstr "Server %s%s%s byl odebrán\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2391
+#: src/common/command.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s chybí parametry pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2401
+#: src/common/command.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"
msgstr "%s server \"%s\" již existuje, nemohu jej vytvořít!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2430 src/common/command.c:2458
-#: src/common/command.c:2471 src/common/command.c:2497
+#: src/common/command.c:2435 src/common/command.c:2463
+#: src/common/command.c:2476 src/common/command.c:2502
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s chybí heslo pro parametr \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2443
+#: src/common/command.c:2448
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s chybí přezdívka/přezdívky pro parametr \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2484
+#: src/common/command.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s chybí příkaz pro parametr \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2520
+#: src/common/command.c:2525
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s created\n"
msgstr "Server %s%s%s vytvořen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2529
+#: src/common/command.c:2534
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to create server\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořit server\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2588
+#: src/common/command.c:2593
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr "(neznámý)"
-#: src/common/command.c:2611
+#: src/common/command.c:2616
#, c-format
msgid "%s(password hidden) "
msgstr "%s(heslo schováno) "
-#: src/common/command.c:2707
+#: src/common/command.c:2712
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s server \"%s\" nenalezen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2740 src/common/command.c:2788
+#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2793
#, c-format
msgid "%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s volba nastavení \"%s\" nenalezena\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2780
+#: src/common/command.c:2750 src/common/command.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nekorektní hodnota pro volbu \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2761
+#: src/common/command.c:2766
#, c-format
msgid "%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"
msgstr "%s volba \"%s\" nemůže být změněna dokud WeeChat běží\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2871
+#: src/common/command.c:2876
#, c-format
msgid "No config option found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Nebyla nalezena žádná volba nastavení s \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2874
+#: src/common/command.c:2879
msgid "No config option found\n"
msgstr "Nebyla nalezena žádná volba nastavení\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2881
+#: src/common/command.c:2886
#, c-format
msgid "%sDetail:\n"
msgstr "%sDetail:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2886 src/common/weechat.c:336
+#: src/common/command.c:2891 src/common/weechat.c:336
#, c-format
msgid " . type boolean (values: 'on' or 'off')\n"
msgstr " . typ boolean (hodnota: 'on' nebo 'off')\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2887 src/common/command.c:2910
-#: src/common/command.c:2916 src/common/command.c:2922
+#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/command.c:2915
+#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/command.c:2927
#: src/common/weechat.c:337 src/common/weechat.c:360 src/common/weechat.c:366
#: src/common/weechat.c:372
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: '%s'\n"
msgstr " . výchozí hodnota: '%s'\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/weechat.c:342
+#: src/common/command.c:2897 src/common/weechat.c:342
#, c-format
msgid " . type integer (values: between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr " . typ celočíselný (hodnoty: mezi %d a %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2895 src/common/weechat.c:345
+#: src/common/command.c:2900 src/common/weechat.c:345
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: %d\n"
msgstr " . výchozí hodnota: %d\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2899 src/common/weechat.c:349
+#: src/common/command.c:2904 src/common/weechat.c:349
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (values: "
msgstr " . typ řetězec (hodnoty: "
-#: src/common/command.c:2912 src/common/command.c:2918
-#: src/common/command.c:2924 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
+#: src/common/command.c:2917 src/common/command.c:2923
+#: src/common/command.c:2929 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
#: src/common/weechat.c:374
msgid "empty"
msgstr "prázdný"
-#: src/common/command.c:2915 src/common/weechat.c:365
+#: src/common/command.c:2920 src/common/weechat.c:365
#, c-format
msgid " . type color (Curses or Gtk color, look at WeeChat doc)\n"
msgstr " . typ barva (Curses nebo Gtk barva, viz WeeChat dokumentace)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/weechat.c:371
+#: src/common/command.c:2926 src/common/weechat.c:371
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (any string)\n"
msgstr " . typ řetězec (jakýkoliv řetězec)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2927 src/common/weechat.c:377
+#: src/common/command.c:2932 src/common/weechat.c:377
#, c-format
msgid " . description: %s\n"
msgstr " . popis: %s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2938
+#: src/common/command.c:2943
#, c-format
msgid "config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "volba/volby nastavení nalezeny s \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2941
+#: src/common/command.c:2946
msgid "config option(s) found\n"
msgstr "volba/volby nastavení nalezeny\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2965
+#: src/common/command.c:2970
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s alias nebo příkaz \"%s\" nenalezen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2975
+#: src/common/command.c:2980
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" removed\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" odebrán\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3031
+#: src/common/command.c:3036
msgid "ignore were removed.\n"
msgstr "ignorování bylo odebráno.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3033
+#: src/common/command.c:3038
msgid "ignore was removed.\n"
msgstr "ignorování bylo odebrán\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3038
+#: src/common/command.c:3043
#, c-format
msgid "%s no ignore found\n"
msgstr "%s žádné ignorování nenaleyeno\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3070
+#: src/common/command.c:3075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one server is pending\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3080
+#: src/common/command.c:3085
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one SSL server is active (should be "
"fixed in a future version)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3096
+#: src/common/command.c:3101
msgid "Upgrading WeeChat...\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3103
+#: src/common/command.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to save session in file\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3141
+#: src/common/command.c:3146
#, c-format
msgid "%s exec failed (program: \"%s\"), exiting WeeChat\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3177
+#: src/common/command.c:3182
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, started on %s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3191
+#: src/common/command.c:3196
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, started on %s%s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3231
+#: src/common/command.c:3236
msgid "Opened windows:\n"
msgstr "Otevřené okna:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3318
+#: src/common/command.c:3323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can not merge windows, there's no other window with same size near "
@@ -3619,193 +3624,193 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading channel)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1020
+#: src/common/session.c:1022
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from channel (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1043
+#: src/common/session.c:1045
msgid "nick found without channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1051
+#: src/common/session.c:1053
msgid "nick name not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1061
+#: src/common/session.c:1063
msgid "can't create new nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1071
+#: src/common/session.c:1073
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading nick)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1087
+#: src/common/session.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from nick (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1113
+#: src/common/session.c:1115
msgid "can't create new DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1117
+#: src/common/session.c:1119
msgid "session: loading DCC\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1127
+#: src/common/session.c:1129
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading DCC)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1146
+#: src/common/session.c:1148
msgid "server not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1155
+#: src/common/session.c:1157
msgid "DCC with channel but without server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1167
+#: src/common/session.c:1169
msgid "channel not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1241
+#: src/common/session.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from DCC (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1261
+#: src/common/session.c:1263
msgid "session: loading buffer history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1263
+#: src/common/session.c:1265
msgid "session: loading global history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1271
+#: src/common/session.c:1273
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading history)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1291
+#: src/common/session.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from history (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1317
+#: src/common/session.c:1319
msgid "server name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1325
+#: src/common/session.c:1327
msgid "channel name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1332
+#: src/common/session.c:1334
msgid "dcc flag not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1337
+#: src/common/session.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "session: loading buffer (server: %s, channel: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1348
+#: src/common/session.c:1350
msgid "server not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1358
+#: src/common/session.c:1360
msgid "channel not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1366
+#: src/common/session.c:1368
msgid "can't create new buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1379
+#: src/common/session.c:1381
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading buffer)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1389
+#: src/common/session.c:1391
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from buffer (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1411
+#: src/common/session.c:1413
msgid "line found without buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1419
+#: src/common/session.c:1421
msgid "can't create new line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1429
+#: src/common/session.c:1431
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading line)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1460
+#: src/common/session.c:1462
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from line (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1490
+#: src/common/session.c:1492
msgid "session file not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1497
+#: src/common/session.c:1499
msgid "signature not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1502
+#: src/common/session.c:1504
msgid "bad session signature"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1513
+#: src/common/session.c:1515
msgid "object id not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1521
+#: src/common/session.c:1523
msgid "failed to load server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1528
+#: src/common/session.c:1530
msgid "failed to load channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1535
+#: src/common/session.c:1537
msgid "failed to load nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1542
+#: src/common/session.c:1544
msgid "failed to load DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1549
+#: src/common/session.c:1551
msgid "failed to load history"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1556
+#: src/common/session.c:1558
msgid "failed to load buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1563
+#: src/common/session.c:1565
msgid "failed to load line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1568
+#: src/common/session.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring object (id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1572
+#: src/common/session.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "failed to ignore object (id: %d)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1596
+#: src/common/session.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't delete session file (%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1602
+#: src/common/session.c:1604
msgid "Upgrade completed successfully\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
index 7c6f8a215..d25f7dacb 100644
--- a/po/es.po
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.7-cvs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-11 14:51+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-11 14:53+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-12 12:05+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-12 12:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Roberto Gonzlez Cardenete <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ msgstr "desconocido"
msgid "%s: using local hostname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s: utilizacin del nombre de mquina local \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:809
+#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:814
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible encontrar el usuario al que enviar el mensaje\n"
@@ -1422,8 +1422,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:489 src/irc/irc-send.c:501 src/irc/irc-send.c:519
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1184 src/irc/irc-send.c:1309 src/irc/irc-send.c:1842
-#: src/common/command.c:1600 src/common/command.c:2098
-#: src/common/command.c:2237
+#: src/common/command.c:1605 src/common/command.c:2103
+#: src/common/command.c:2242
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando \"%s\"\n"
@@ -1761,11 +1761,11 @@ msgstr "%s%s %s(%s%s@%s%s)%s estaba %s\n"
msgid "%s[%s%s%s]%s idle: "
msgstr "%s[%s%s%s]%s inactividad: "
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "days"
msgstr "das"
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "day"
msgstr "da"
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ msgstr "recargar la pantalla"
msgid "grab a key"
msgstr "capturar una clave"
-#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2113
+#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to bind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s No ha sido posible atar la clave \"%s\"\n"
@@ -2879,19 +2879,21 @@ msgstr "gestin de ventanas"
#: src/common/command.c:164
msgid ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
-msgstr ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
+"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv "
+"[pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
+msgstr "[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
-#: src/common/command.c:165
-#, c-format
+#: src/common/command.c:166
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+"up: switch to window above current one\n"
+"down: switch to window below current one\n"
+"left: switch to window on the left\n"
+"right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
@@ -2915,29 +2917,29 @@ msgstr ""
"nueva ventana, tomando como referencia el tamao de la ventana actual. Por "
"ejemplo 25 significa crear una nueva ventana con tamao = tamao_actual / 4"
-#: src/common/command.c:318
+#: src/common/command.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"
msgstr "%s el alias o el comando \"%s\" ya existe!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:328
+#: src/common/command.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"
msgstr "%s el alias no puede ejecutar otro alias!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:335
+#: src/common/command.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "%s target command \"/%s\" does not exist!\n"
msgstr "%s el comando objetivo \"/%s\" no existe!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:573
+#: src/common/command.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando %s \"%s\" (esperado: %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:585
+#: src/common/command.c:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2946,19 +2948,19 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando %s \"%s\" (esperado: "
"entre %d y %d parmetro%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:607 src/common/command.c:676
+#: src/common/command.c:612 src/common/command.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" failed\n"
msgstr "%s el comando \"%s\" ha fallado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:632
+#: src/common/command.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando IRC \"%s\" (esperado: %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:644
+#: src/common/command.c:649
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2967,283 +2969,283 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando IRC \"%s\" (esperado: "
"entre %d y %d parmetro%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:659
+#: src/common/command.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"
msgstr "%s el comando \"%s\" requiere una conexin a servidor!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:720
+#: src/common/command.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" desconocido (escriba /help para la ayuda)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:854
+#: src/common/command.c:859
msgid "This window is not a channel!\n"
msgstr "Esta ventana no es un canal!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:885 src/common/command.c:916 src/common/command.c:1031
+#: src/common/command.c:890 src/common/command.c:921 src/common/command.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s faltan argumentos para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:892
+#: src/common/command.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias can not start with \"/\"\n"
msgstr "%s el alias no puede empezar con \"/\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:901
+#: src/common/command.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" creado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:907
+#: src/common/command.c:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
"No ha sido posible crear el alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (no hay suficiente "
-#: src/common/command.c:927
+#: src/common/command.c:932
msgid "List of aliases:\n"
msgstr "Lista de alias:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:941
+#: src/common/command.c:946
msgid "No alias defined.\n"
msgstr "Ningn alias definido.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:960
+#: src/common/command.c:965
#, c-format
msgid "%sServer: %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sServidor: %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:965
+#: src/common/command.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "%snot connected\n"
msgstr "%sno conectado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:969
+#: src/common/command.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "%sChannel: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%s Canal: %s%s %s(servidor: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:978
+#: src/common/command.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "%sPrivate with: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sPrivado con: %s%s %s(servidor: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:987
+#: src/common/command.c:992
#, c-format
msgid "%sunknown\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1010
+#: src/common/command.c:1015
msgid "Opened buffers:\n"
msgstr "Bfers abiertos:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1054
+#: src/common/command.c:1059
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer number\n"
msgstr "%s nmero de bfer incorrecto\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1070
+#: src/common/command.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close the single buffer\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible cerrar el nico bfer\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1080
+#: src/common/command.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close server buffer while channels are opened\n"
msgstr ""
"%s no se puede cerrar el bfer de servidor mientras haya canales abiertos\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1129
+#: src/common/command.c:1134
msgid "Notify levels: "
msgstr "Niveles de notificacin: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1158 src/common/command.c:1206
+#: src/common/command.c:1163 src/common/command.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect notify level (must be between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr "%s nivel de notificacin incorrecto (debe estar entre %d y %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1167
+#: src/common/command.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer for notify (must be channel or private)\n"
msgstr "%s bfer incorrecto para notificar (debe ser canal o privado)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1176
+#: src/common/command.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "New notify level for %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
msgstr "Nuevo nivel de notificacin para %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:1186
+#: src/common/command.c:1191
msgid "(hotlist: never)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: nunca)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1189
+#: src/common/command.c:1194
msgid "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: resaltados)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1192
+#: src/common/command.c:1197
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: resaltados + mensajes)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1195
+#: src/common/command.c:1200
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (all))\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: resaltados + mensajes + join/part (todos))\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1294
+#: src/common/command.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for server %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1302
+#: src/common/command.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for channel %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1310
+#: src/common/command.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for private %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1338 src/common/command.c:1368
-#: src/common/command.c:1398
+#: src/common/command.c:1343 src/common/command.c:1373
+#: src/common/command.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid " (inherited: \"%s%s%s\")"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1462 src/common/command.c:1485
-#: src/common/command.c:1619 src/common/command.c:2230
-#: src/common/command.c:3307 src/common/command.c:3350
+#: src/common/command.c:1467 src/common/command.c:1490
+#: src/common/command.c:1624 src/common/command.c:2235
+#: src/common/command.c:3312 src/common/command.c:3355
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s opcin desconocida para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1515
+#: src/common/command.c:1520
#, c-format
msgid "%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s ya conectado al servidor \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1523
+#: src/common/command.c:1528
#, c-format
msgid "%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s actualmente conectando al servidor \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1541 src/common/command.c:1664
+#: src/common/command.c:1546 src/common/command.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "%s server not found\n"
msgstr "%s servidor no encontrado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1648
+#: src/common/command.c:1653
#, c-format
msgid "%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s no conectado al servidor \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1656
+#: src/common/command.c:1661
msgid "Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n"
msgstr "La reconexin automtica est anulada\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1690 src/common/weechat.c:400
+#: src/common/command.c:1695 src/common/weechat.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "%s internal commands:\n"
msgstr "Comandos internos %s :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1700 src/common/weechat.c:420
+#: src/common/command.c:1705 src/common/weechat.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "IRC commands:\n"
msgstr "Comandos IRC :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1714
+#: src/common/command.c:1719
msgid "Plugin commands:\n"
msgstr "Comandos de plugin:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1830
+#: src/common/command.c:1835
#, c-format
msgid "No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"
msgstr "No hay ayuda disponible, el comando \"%s\" es desconocido\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1896
+#: src/common/command.c:1901
#, c-format
msgid "%son %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoring %s%s%s from %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sen %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignorando %s%s%s de %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1930
+#: src/common/command.c:1935
msgid "List of ignore:\n"
msgstr "Lista de ignores:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1947
+#: src/common/command.c:1952
msgid "No ignore defined.\n"
msgstr "Sin ignores definidos.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1973
+#: src/common/command.c:1978
msgid "New ignore:"
msgstr "Nuevo ignore:"
-#: src/common/command.c:1993
+#: src/common/command.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "New key binding: %s"
msgstr "Nueva anclaje de clave: %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:2030
+#: src/common/command.c:2035
msgid "Key bindings:\n"
msgstr "Anclajes de clave:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2044
+#: src/common/command.c:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Key \"%s\" unbinded\n"
msgstr "Clave \"%s\" desatada\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2050
+#: src/common/command.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to unbind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s No ha sido posible desatar la clave \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2058 src/common/weechat.c:452
+#: src/common/command.c:2063 src/common/weechat.c:452
#, c-format
msgid "Internal key functions:\n"
msgstr "Funciones de clave internas:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2078
+#: src/common/command.c:2083
msgid "Default key bindings restored\n"
msgstr "Anclajes de clave por defecto restaurados\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2084
+#: src/common/command.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"-yes\" argument is required for keys reset (securuty reason)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s \"-yes\" se requiere argumento para resetear las claves (por razones de "
-#: src/common/command.c:2143
+#: src/common/command.c:2148
msgid "Plugins loaded:\n"
msgstr "Plugins cargados:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2159
+#: src/common/command.c:2164
msgid " message handlers:\n"
msgstr " manejadores de mensaje:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2168
+#: src/common/command.c:2173
#, c-format
msgid " IRC(%s)\n"
msgstr " IRC(%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2175
+#: src/common/command.c:2180
msgid " (no message handler)\n"
msgstr " (sin manejador de mensaje)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2180
+#: src/common/command.c:2185
msgid " command handlers:\n"
msgstr " manejadores de comando:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2201
+#: src/common/command.c:2206
msgid " (no command handler)\n"
msgstr " (sin manejador de comando)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2207
+#: src/common/command.c:2212
msgid " (no plugin)\n"
msgstr " (sin plugins)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2243
+#: src/common/command.c:2248
msgid ""
"Command \"plugin\" is not available, WeeChat was built without plugins "
@@ -3251,32 +3253,32 @@ msgstr ""
"El comando \"plugin\" no est disponible, Weechat fue compilado sin soporte "
"para plugins.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2294
+#: src/common/command.c:2299
msgid "No server.\n"
msgstr "Ningn servidor.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2305
+#: src/common/command.c:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Server '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr "Servidor '%s' no encontrado.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2317
+#: src/common/command.c:2322
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s falta el nombre de servidor para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2325
+#: src/common/command.c:2330
#, c-format
msgid "%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"
msgstr ""
"%s demasiados argumentos para el comando \"%s\", ignorando parmetros\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2344
+#: src/common/command.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s servidor \"%s\" no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2352
+#: src/common/command.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. Try /"
@@ -3285,216 +3287,216 @@ msgstr ""
"%s usted no puede eliminar el servidor \"%s\" ya que est usted conectado a "
"l. Pruebe /disconnect %s antes.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2372
+#: src/common/command.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s has been deleted\n"
msgstr "El servidor %s%s%s ha sido borrado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2391
+#: src/common/command.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s faltan parmetros para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2401
+#: src/common/command.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"
msgstr "%s el servidor \"%s\" ya existe, no se puede crear!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2430 src/common/command.c:2458
-#: src/common/command.c:2471 src/common/command.c:2497
+#: src/common/command.c:2435 src/common/command.c:2463
+#: src/common/command.c:2476 src/common/command.c:2502
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s falta contrasea para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2443
+#: src/common/command.c:2448
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s falta(n) usuario(s) para el parmetro \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2484
+#: src/common/command.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s falta comando para el parmetro \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2520
+#: src/common/command.c:2525
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s created\n"
msgstr "Servidor %s%s%s creado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2529
+#: src/common/command.c:2534
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to create server\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible crear el servidor\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2588
+#: src/common/command.c:2593
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr "(desconocido)"
-#: src/common/command.c:2611
+#: src/common/command.c:2616
#, c-format
msgid "%s(password hidden) "
msgstr "%s(contrasea oculta) "
-#: src/common/command.c:2707
+#: src/common/command.c:2712
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s servidor \"%s\" no encontrado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2740 src/common/command.c:2788
+#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2793
#, c-format
msgid "%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s opcin de configuracin \"%s\" no encontrada\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2780
+#: src/common/command.c:2750 src/common/command.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s valor incorrecto para la opcin \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2761
+#: src/common/command.c:2766
#, c-format
msgid "%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"
msgstr ""
"%s la opcin \"%s\" no puede ser modificada mientras WeeChat est en "
-#: src/common/command.c:2871
+#: src/common/command.c:2876
#, c-format
msgid "No config option found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Ninguna opcin de configuracin encontrada con \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2874
+#: src/common/command.c:2879
msgid "No config option found\n"
msgstr "Ninguna opcin de configuracin encontrada\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2881
+#: src/common/command.c:2886
#, c-format
msgid "%sDetail:\n"
msgstr "%sDetalle:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2886 src/common/weechat.c:336
+#: src/common/command.c:2891 src/common/weechat.c:336
#, c-format
msgid " . type boolean (values: 'on' or 'off')\n"
msgstr " . tipo booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off')\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2887 src/common/command.c:2910
-#: src/common/command.c:2916 src/common/command.c:2922
+#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/command.c:2915
+#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/command.c:2927
#: src/common/weechat.c:337 src/common/weechat.c:360 src/common/weechat.c:366
#: src/common/weechat.c:372
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: '%s'\n"
msgstr " . valor por defecto: '%s'\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/weechat.c:342
+#: src/common/command.c:2897 src/common/weechat.c:342
#, c-format
msgid " . type integer (values: between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr " . tipo entero (valores: entre %d y %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2895 src/common/weechat.c:345
+#: src/common/command.c:2900 src/common/weechat.c:345
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: %d\n"
msgstr " . valor por defecto: %d\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2899 src/common/weechat.c:349
+#: src/common/command.c:2904 src/common/weechat.c:349
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (values: "
msgstr " . tipo cadena (valores: "
-#: src/common/command.c:2912 src/common/command.c:2918
-#: src/common/command.c:2924 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
+#: src/common/command.c:2917 src/common/command.c:2923
+#: src/common/command.c:2929 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
#: src/common/weechat.c:374
msgid "empty"
msgstr "vaco"
-#: src/common/command.c:2915 src/common/weechat.c:365
+#: src/common/command.c:2920 src/common/weechat.c:365
#, c-format
msgid " . type color (Curses or Gtk color, look at WeeChat doc)\n"
msgstr " . tipo color (color Curses o Gtk, ver la documentacin de WeeChat)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/weechat.c:371
+#: src/common/command.c:2926 src/common/weechat.c:371
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (any string)\n"
msgstr " . tipo cadena (cualquier cadena)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2927 src/common/weechat.c:377
+#: src/common/command.c:2932 src/common/weechat.c:377
#, c-format
msgid " . description: %s\n"
msgstr " . descripcin: %s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2938
+#: src/common/command.c:2943
#, c-format
msgid "config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "opcin/opciones de configuracin encontrada(s) con \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2941
+#: src/common/command.c:2946
msgid "config option(s) found\n"
msgstr "opcin/opciones de configuracin encontrada(s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2965
+#: src/common/command.c:2970
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s alias o comando \"%s\" no encontrado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2975
+#: src/common/command.c:2980
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" removed\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" eliminado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3031
+#: src/common/command.c:3036
msgid "ignore were removed.\n"
msgstr "los ignores fueron eliminados.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3033
+#: src/common/command.c:3038
msgid "ignore was removed.\n"
msgstr "el ignore fue eliminado.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3038
+#: src/common/command.c:3043
#, c-format
msgid "%s no ignore found\n"
msgstr "%s no se encontraron ignores\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3070
+#: src/common/command.c:3075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one server is pending\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3080
+#: src/common/command.c:3085
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one SSL server is active (should be "
"fixed in a future version)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3096
+#: src/common/command.c:3101
msgid "Upgrading WeeChat...\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3103
+#: src/common/command.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to save session in file\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3141
+#: src/common/command.c:3146
#, c-format
msgid "%s exec failed (program: \"%s\"), exiting WeeChat\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3177
+#: src/common/command.c:3182
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, started on %s"
msgstr "Tiempo de uso de WeeChat: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, empez en %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:3191
+#: src/common/command.c:3196
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, started on %s%s"
msgstr ""
"Tiempo de uso de WeeChat: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s: %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, empez en %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:3231
+#: src/common/command.c:3236
msgid "Opened windows:\n"
msgstr "Ventanas abiertas:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3318
+#: src/common/command.c:3323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can not merge windows, there's no other window with same size near "
@@ -3669,193 +3671,193 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading channel)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1020
+#: src/common/session.c:1022
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from channel (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1043
+#: src/common/session.c:1045
msgid "nick found without channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1051
+#: src/common/session.c:1053
msgid "nick name not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1061
+#: src/common/session.c:1063
msgid "can't create new nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1071
+#: src/common/session.c:1073
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading nick)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1087
+#: src/common/session.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from nick (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1113
+#: src/common/session.c:1115
msgid "can't create new DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1117
+#: src/common/session.c:1119
msgid "session: loading DCC\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1127
+#: src/common/session.c:1129
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading DCC)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1146
+#: src/common/session.c:1148
msgid "server not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1155
+#: src/common/session.c:1157
msgid "DCC with channel but without server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1167
+#: src/common/session.c:1169
msgid "channel not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1241
+#: src/common/session.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from DCC (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1261
+#: src/common/session.c:1263
msgid "session: loading buffer history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1263
+#: src/common/session.c:1265
msgid "session: loading global history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1271
+#: src/common/session.c:1273
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading history)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1291
+#: src/common/session.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from history (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1317
+#: src/common/session.c:1319
msgid "server name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1325
+#: src/common/session.c:1327
msgid "channel name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1332
+#: src/common/session.c:1334
msgid "dcc flag not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1337
+#: src/common/session.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "session: loading buffer (server: %s, channel: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1348
+#: src/common/session.c:1350
msgid "server not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1358
+#: src/common/session.c:1360
msgid "channel not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1366
+#: src/common/session.c:1368
msgid "can't create new buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1379
+#: src/common/session.c:1381
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading buffer)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1389
+#: src/common/session.c:1391
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from buffer (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1411
+#: src/common/session.c:1413
msgid "line found without buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1419
+#: src/common/session.c:1421
msgid "can't create new line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1429
+#: src/common/session.c:1431
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading line)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1460
+#: src/common/session.c:1462
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from line (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1490
+#: src/common/session.c:1492
msgid "session file not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1497
+#: src/common/session.c:1499
msgid "signature not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1502
+#: src/common/session.c:1504
msgid "bad session signature"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1513
+#: src/common/session.c:1515
msgid "object id not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1521
+#: src/common/session.c:1523
msgid "failed to load server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1528
+#: src/common/session.c:1530
msgid "failed to load channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1535
+#: src/common/session.c:1537
msgid "failed to load nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1542
+#: src/common/session.c:1544
msgid "failed to load DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1549
+#: src/common/session.c:1551
msgid "failed to load history"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1556
+#: src/common/session.c:1558
msgid "failed to load buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1563
+#: src/common/session.c:1565
msgid "failed to load line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1568
+#: src/common/session.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring object (id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1572
+#: src/common/session.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "failed to ignore object (id: %d)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1596
+#: src/common/session.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't delete session file (%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1602
+#: src/common/session.c:1604
msgid "Upgrade completed successfully\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
index 3caf3ca1c..5ac576ccf 100644
--- a/po/fr.po
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.7-cvs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-11 14:51+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-11 14:53+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-12 12:05+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-12 12:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: FlashCode <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ msgstr "inconnu"
msgid "%s: using local hostname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s: utilisation du nom de machine local \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:809
+#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:814
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de trouver le pseudo pour envoyer le message\n"
@@ -1419,8 +1419,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:489 src/irc/irc-send.c:501 src/irc/irc-send.c:519
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1184 src/irc/irc-send.c:1309 src/irc/irc-send.c:1842
-#: src/common/command.c:1600 src/common/command.c:2098
-#: src/common/command.c:2237
+#: src/common/command.c:1605 src/common/command.c:2103
+#: src/common/command.c:2242
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nombre de paramtres erron pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
@@ -1759,11 +1759,11 @@ msgstr "%s%s %s(%s%s@%s%s)%s tait %s\n"
msgid "%s[%s%s%s]%s idle: "
msgstr "%s[%s%s%s]%s inactivit: "
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "day"
msgstr "jour"
@@ -2509,7 +2509,7 @@ msgstr "rafraichir l'cran"
msgid "grab a key"
msgstr "capturer une touche"
-#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2113
+#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to bind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de crer la touche \"%s\"\n"
@@ -2880,19 +2880,21 @@ msgstr "gestion des fentres"
#: src/common/command.c:164
msgid ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
-msgstr ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [ptc] | resize pct | merge "
+"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv "
+"[pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
+msgstr "[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [ptc] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
-#: src/common/command.c:165
+#: src/common/command.c:166
#, c-format
msgid ""
"list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+"up: switch to window above current one\n"
+"down: switch to window below current one\n"
+"left: switch to window on the left\n"
+"right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
@@ -2906,40 +2908,40 @@ msgstr ""
"-1: saute la fentre prcdente\n"
"+1: saute la fentre suivante\n"
"b#: saute la fentre affichant le tampon n#\n"
+"up: saute la fentre au dessus\n"
+"down: saute la fentre au dessous\n"
+"left: saute la fentre gauche\n"
+"right: saute la fentre droite\n"
"splith: clate la fentre en deux horizontalement\n"
"splitv: clate la fentre en deux verticalement\n"
-"resize: redimensionne une fentre, la nouvelle taille est <pct>%% de la "
-"fentre parent\n"
+"resize: redimensionne une fentre, la nouvelle taille est <pct>%% de la fentre parent\n"
"merge: fusionne la fentre avec une autre\n"
-"Pour splith et splitv, pct est un pourcentage qui reprsente la taille de la "
-"nouvelle fentre, calcule par rapport la taille de la fentre courante. "
-"Par exemple 25 signifie crer une fentre qui a pour taille: "
-"taille_courante / 4"
+"Pour splith et splitv, pct est un pourcentage qui reprsente la taille de la nouvelle fentre, calcule par rapport la taille de la fentre courante. Par exemple 25 signifie crer une fentre qui a pour taille: taille_courante / 4"
-#: src/common/command.c:318
+#: src/common/command.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"
msgstr "%s l'alias ou la commande \"%s\" existe dj !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:328
+#: src/common/command.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"
msgstr "%s l'alias ne peut pas lancer un autre alias !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:335
+#: src/common/command.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "%s target command \"/%s\" does not exist!\n"
msgstr "%s la commande cible \"/%s\" n'existe pas !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:573
+#: src/common/command.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nombre de paramtres incorrect pour la commande %s \"%s\" (attendu: %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:585
+#: src/common/command.c:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2948,19 +2950,19 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nombre de paramtres incorrect pour la commande %s \"%s\" (attendu: entre "
"%d et %d paramtre%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:607 src/common/command.c:676
+#: src/common/command.c:612 src/common/command.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" failed\n"
msgstr "%s la commande \"%s\" a chou\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:632
+#: src/common/command.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nombre de paramtres incorrect pour la commande IRC \"%s\" (attendu: %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:644
+#: src/common/command.c:649
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2969,283 +2971,283 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nombre de paramtres incorrect pour la commande IRC \"%s\" (attendu: "
"entre %d et %d paramtre%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:659
+#: src/common/command.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"
msgstr "%s la commande \"%s\" ncessite une connexion au serveur !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:720
+#: src/common/command.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" inconnue (tapez /help pour l'aide)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:854
+#: src/common/command.c:859
msgid "This window is not a channel!\n"
msgstr "Cette fentre n'est pas un canal !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:885 src/common/command.c:916 src/common/command.c:1031
+#: src/common/command.c:890 src/common/command.c:921 src/common/command.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s paramtres manquants pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:892
+#: src/common/command.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias can not start with \"/\"\n"
msgstr "%s l'alias ne peut pas commencer par \"/\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:901
+#: src/common/command.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" cr\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:907
+#: src/common/command.c:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr "Impossible de crer l'alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (pas assez de mmoire)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:927
+#: src/common/command.c:932
msgid "List of aliases:\n"
msgstr "Liste des alias:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:941
+#: src/common/command.c:946
msgid "No alias defined.\n"
msgstr "Aucun alias dfini.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:960
+#: src/common/command.c:965
#, c-format
msgid "%sServer: %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sServeur: %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:965
+#: src/common/command.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "%snot connected\n"
msgstr "%snon connect\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:969
+#: src/common/command.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "%sChannel: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sCanal: %s%s %s(serveur: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:978
+#: src/common/command.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "%sPrivate with: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sPriv avec: %s%s %s(serveur: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:987
+#: src/common/command.c:992
#, c-format
msgid "%sunknown\n"
msgstr "%sinconnu\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1010
+#: src/common/command.c:1015
msgid "Opened buffers:\n"
msgstr "Tampons ouverts:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1054
+#: src/common/command.c:1059
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer number\n"
msgstr "%s numro de buffer incorrect\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1070
+#: src/common/command.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close the single buffer\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de fermer le tampon unique\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1080
+#: src/common/command.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close server buffer while channels are opened\n"
msgstr ""
"%s impossible de fermer le tampon du serveur tant que des canaux sont "
-#: src/common/command.c:1129
+#: src/common/command.c:1134
msgid "Notify levels: "
msgstr "Niveaux de notification: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1158 src/common/command.c:1206
+#: src/common/command.c:1163 src/common/command.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect notify level (must be between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr "%s niveau de notification incorrect (doit tre entre %d et %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1167
+#: src/common/command.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer for notify (must be channel or private)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s tampon incorrect pour la notification (doit tre un canal ou un priv)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1176
+#: src/common/command.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "New notify level for %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
msgstr "Nouveau niveau de notification pour %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:1186
+#: src/common/command.c:1191
msgid "(hotlist: never)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: jamais)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1189
+#: src/common/command.c:1194
msgid "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1192
+#: src/common/command.c:1197
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1195
+#: src/common/command.c:1200
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (all))\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (tous))\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1294
+#: src/common/command.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for server %s%s%s: "
msgstr "Jeux de caractres pour le serveur %s%s%s: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1302
+#: src/common/command.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for channel %s%s%s: "
msgstr "Jeux de caractres pour le canal %s%s%s: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1310
+#: src/common/command.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for private %s%s%s: "
msgstr "Jeux de caractres pour le priv %s%s%s: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1338 src/common/command.c:1368
-#: src/common/command.c:1398
+#: src/common/command.c:1343 src/common/command.c:1373
+#: src/common/command.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid " (inherited: \"%s%s%s\")"
msgstr " (hrit: \"%s%s%s\")"
-#: src/common/command.c:1462 src/common/command.c:1485
-#: src/common/command.c:1619 src/common/command.c:2230
-#: src/common/command.c:3307 src/common/command.c:3350
+#: src/common/command.c:1467 src/common/command.c:1490
+#: src/common/command.c:1624 src/common/command.c:2235
+#: src/common/command.c:3312 src/common/command.c:3355
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s option inconnue pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1515
+#: src/common/command.c:1520
#, c-format
msgid "%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s dj connect au serveur \"%s\" !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1523
+#: src/common/command.c:1528
#, c-format
msgid "%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s une connexion vers le serveur \"%s\" est en cours !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1541 src/common/command.c:1664
+#: src/common/command.c:1546 src/common/command.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "%s server not found\n"
msgstr "%s serveur non trouv\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1648
+#: src/common/command.c:1653
#, c-format
msgid "%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s non connect au serveur \"%s\" !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1656
+#: src/common/command.c:1661
msgid "Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n"
msgstr "La reconnexion automatique est annule\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1690 src/common/weechat.c:400
+#: src/common/command.c:1695 src/common/weechat.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "%s internal commands:\n"
msgstr "Commandes internes %s :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1700 src/common/weechat.c:420
+#: src/common/command.c:1705 src/common/weechat.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "IRC commands:\n"
msgstr "Commandes IRC :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1714
+#: src/common/command.c:1719
msgid "Plugin commands:\n"
msgstr "Commandes d'extension :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1830
+#: src/common/command.c:1835
#, c-format
msgid "No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"
msgstr "Pas d'aide disponible, la commande \"%s\" est inconnue\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1896
+#: src/common/command.c:1901
#, c-format
msgid "%son %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoring %s%s%s from %s%s\n"
msgstr "%ssur %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignore %s%s%s de %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1930
+#: src/common/command.c:1935
msgid "List of ignore:\n"
msgstr "Liste des ignore:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1947
+#: src/common/command.c:1952
msgid "No ignore defined.\n"
msgstr "Aucun ignore dfini.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1973
+#: src/common/command.c:1978
msgid "New ignore:"
msgstr "Nouveau ignore:"
-#: src/common/command.c:1993
+#: src/common/command.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "New key binding: %s"
msgstr "Nouvelle touche: %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:2030
+#: src/common/command.c:2035
msgid "Key bindings:\n"
msgstr "Associations de touches:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2044
+#: src/common/command.c:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Key \"%s\" unbinded\n"
msgstr "Touche \"%s\" supprime\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2050
+#: src/common/command.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to unbind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de supprimer la touche \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2058 src/common/weechat.c:452
+#: src/common/command.c:2063 src/common/weechat.c:452
#, c-format
msgid "Internal key functions:\n"
msgstr "Fonctions internes pour les touches:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2078
+#: src/common/command.c:2083
msgid "Default key bindings restored\n"
msgstr "Touches par dfaut restaures\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2084
+#: src/common/command.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"-yes\" argument is required for keys reset (securuty reason)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s le paramtre \"-yes\" est requis pour la rinitialisation des touches "
"(raison de scurit)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2143
+#: src/common/command.c:2148
msgid "Plugins loaded:\n"
msgstr "Extensions charges :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2159
+#: src/common/command.c:2164
msgid " message handlers:\n"
msgstr " fonctions de message :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2168
+#: src/common/command.c:2173
#, c-format
msgid " IRC(%s)\n"
msgstr " IRC(%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2175
+#: src/common/command.c:2180
msgid " (no message handler)\n"
msgstr " (aucunne fonction de message)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2180
+#: src/common/command.c:2185
msgid " command handlers:\n"
msgstr " commandes :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2201
+#: src/common/command.c:2206
msgid " (no command handler)\n"
msgstr " (aucune commande)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2207
+#: src/common/command.c:2212
msgid " (no plugin)\n"
msgstr " (aucune extension)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2243
+#: src/common/command.c:2248
msgid ""
"Command \"plugin\" is not available, WeeChat was built without plugins "
@@ -3253,31 +3255,31 @@ msgstr ""
"La commande \"plugin\" n'est pas disponible, WeeChat a t compil sans le "
"support des extensions.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2294
+#: src/common/command.c:2299
msgid "No server.\n"
msgstr "Pas de serveur.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2305
+#: src/common/command.c:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Server '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr "Serveur '%s' non trouv.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2317
+#: src/common/command.c:2322
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s il manque le nom du serveur pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2325
+#: src/common/command.c:2330
#, c-format
msgid "%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"
msgstr "%s trop de paramtres pour la commande \"%s\", paramtres ignors\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2344
+#: src/common/command.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s le serveur \"%s\" n'existe pas pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2352
+#: src/common/command.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. Try /"
@@ -3286,179 +3288,179 @@ msgstr ""
"%s vous ne pouvez pas supprimer le server \"%s\" car vous tes connect "
"dessus. Essayez /disconnect %s avant.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2372
+#: src/common/command.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s has been deleted\n"
msgstr "Le serveur %s%s%s a t supprim\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2391
+#: src/common/command.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s paramtres manquants pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2401
+#: src/common/command.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"
msgstr "%s le serveur \"%s\" existe dj, impossible de le crer !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2430 src/common/command.c:2458
-#: src/common/command.c:2471 src/common/command.c:2497
+#: src/common/command.c:2435 src/common/command.c:2463
+#: src/common/command.c:2476 src/common/command.c:2502
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s mot de passe manquant pour le paramtre \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2443
+#: src/common/command.c:2448
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s pseudo(s) manquant(s) pour le paramtre \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2484
+#: src/common/command.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s commande manquante pour le paramtre \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2520
+#: src/common/command.c:2525
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s created\n"
msgstr "Serveur %s%s%s cr\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2529
+#: src/common/command.c:2534
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to create server\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de crer le serveur\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2588
+#: src/common/command.c:2593
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr "(inconnu)"
-#: src/common/command.c:2611
+#: src/common/command.c:2616
#, c-format
msgid "%s(password hidden) "
msgstr "%s(mot de passe cach) "
-#: src/common/command.c:2707
+#: src/common/command.c:2712
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s serveur \"%s\" non trouv\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2740 src/common/command.c:2788
+#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2793
#, c-format
msgid "%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s option de configuration \"%s\" non trouve\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2780
+#: src/common/command.c:2750 src/common/command.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s valeur incorrecte pour l'option \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2761
+#: src/common/command.c:2766
#, c-format
msgid "%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"
msgstr "%s l'option \"%s\" ne peut pas tre change lorsque WeeChat tourne\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2871
+#: src/common/command.c:2876
#, c-format
msgid "No config option found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Aucune option de configuration trouve avec \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2874
+#: src/common/command.c:2879
msgid "No config option found\n"
msgstr "Aucune option de configuration trouve\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2881
+#: src/common/command.c:2886
#, c-format
msgid "%sDetail:\n"
msgstr "%sDtail :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2886 src/common/weechat.c:336
+#: src/common/command.c:2891 src/common/weechat.c:336
#, c-format
msgid " . type boolean (values: 'on' or 'off')\n"
msgstr " . type boolen (valeurs: 'on' ou 'off')\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2887 src/common/command.c:2910
-#: src/common/command.c:2916 src/common/command.c:2922
+#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/command.c:2915
+#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/command.c:2927
#: src/common/weechat.c:337 src/common/weechat.c:360 src/common/weechat.c:366
#: src/common/weechat.c:372
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: '%s'\n"
msgstr " . valeur par dfaut: '%s'\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/weechat.c:342
+#: src/common/command.c:2897 src/common/weechat.c:342
#, c-format
msgid " . type integer (values: between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr " . type entier (valeurs: entre %d et %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2895 src/common/weechat.c:345
+#: src/common/command.c:2900 src/common/weechat.c:345
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: %d\n"
msgstr " . valeur par dfaut: %d\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2899 src/common/weechat.c:349
+#: src/common/command.c:2904 src/common/weechat.c:349
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (values: "
msgstr " . type chane (valeurs: "
-#: src/common/command.c:2912 src/common/command.c:2918
-#: src/common/command.c:2924 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
+#: src/common/command.c:2917 src/common/command.c:2923
+#: src/common/command.c:2929 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
#: src/common/weechat.c:374
msgid "empty"
msgstr "vide"
-#: src/common/command.c:2915 src/common/weechat.c:365
+#: src/common/command.c:2920 src/common/weechat.c:365
#, c-format
msgid " . type color (Curses or Gtk color, look at WeeChat doc)\n"
msgstr " . type couleur (couleur Curses ou Gtk, voir la doc WeeChat)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/weechat.c:371
+#: src/common/command.c:2926 src/common/weechat.c:371
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (any string)\n"
msgstr " . type chane (toute chane)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2927 src/common/weechat.c:377
+#: src/common/command.c:2932 src/common/weechat.c:377
#, c-format
msgid " . description: %s\n"
msgstr " . description: %s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2938
+#: src/common/command.c:2943
#, c-format
msgid "config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "option(s) de configuration trouve(s) avec \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2941
+#: src/common/command.c:2946
msgid "config option(s) found\n"
msgstr "option(s) de configuration trouve(s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2965
+#: src/common/command.c:2970
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s alias ou commande \"%s\" non trouv\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2975
+#: src/common/command.c:2980
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" removed\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" supprim\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3031
+#: src/common/command.c:3036
msgid "ignore were removed.\n"
msgstr "ignore ont t supprims.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3033
+#: src/common/command.c:3038
msgid "ignore was removed.\n"
msgstr "ignore a t supprim.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3038
+#: src/common/command.c:3043
#, c-format
msgid "%s no ignore found\n"
msgstr "%s aucun ignore trouv\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3070
+#: src/common/command.c:3075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one server is pending\n"
msgstr ""
"%s impossible de mettre jour: une connexion au moins un serveur est en "
-#: src/common/command.c:3080
+#: src/common/command.c:3085
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one SSL server is active (should be "
@@ -3467,35 +3469,35 @@ msgstr ""
"%s impossible de mettre jour: une connexion au moins un serveur SSL est "
"active (devrait tre corrig dans une future version)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3096
+#: src/common/command.c:3101
msgid "Upgrading WeeChat...\n"
msgstr "Mise jour de WeeChat...\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3103
+#: src/common/command.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to save session in file\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de sauver la session dans le fichier\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3141
+#: src/common/command.c:3146
#, c-format
msgid "%s exec failed (program: \"%s\"), exiting WeeChat\n"
msgstr "%s l'excution a chou (programme: \"%s\"), sortie de WeeChat\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3177
+#: src/common/command.c:3182
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, started on %s"
msgstr "Uptime WeeChat: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, dmarr le %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:3191
+#: src/common/command.c:3196
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, started on %s%s"
msgstr "Uptime WeeChat: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, dmarr le %s%s"
-#: src/common/command.c:3231
+#: src/common/command.c:3236
msgid "Opened windows:\n"
msgstr "Fentres ouvertes:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3318
+#: src/common/command.c:3323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can not merge windows, there's no other window with same size near "
@@ -3673,193 +3675,193 @@ msgstr "impossible de crer un nouveau canal"
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading channel)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'un canal)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1020
+#: src/common/session.c:1022
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from channel (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un canal (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1043
+#: src/common/session.c:1045
msgid "nick found without channel"
msgstr "pseudo non trouv pour le canal"
-#: src/common/session.c:1051
+#: src/common/session.c:1053
msgid "nick name not found"
msgstr "pseudo non trouv"
-#: src/common/session.c:1061
+#: src/common/session.c:1063
msgid "can't create new nick"
msgstr "impossible de crer un nouveau pseudo"
-#: src/common/session.c:1071
+#: src/common/session.c:1073
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading nick)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'un pseudo)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1087
+#: src/common/session.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from nick (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un pseudo (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1113
+#: src/common/session.c:1115
msgid "can't create new DCC"
msgstr "impossible de crer un nouveau DCC"
-#: src/common/session.c:1117
+#: src/common/session.c:1119
msgid "session: loading DCC\n"
msgstr "session: chargement du DCC\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1127
+#: src/common/session.c:1129
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading DCC)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'un DCC)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1146
+#: src/common/session.c:1148
msgid "server not found for DCC"
msgstr "serveur non trouv pour le DCC"
-#: src/common/session.c:1155
+#: src/common/session.c:1157
msgid "DCC with channel but without server"
msgstr "DCC avec un canal mais sans serveur"
-#: src/common/session.c:1167
+#: src/common/session.c:1169
msgid "channel not found for DCC"
msgstr "canal non trouv pour le DCC"
-#: src/common/session.c:1241
+#: src/common/session.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from DCC (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un DCC (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1261
+#: src/common/session.c:1263
msgid "session: loading buffer history\n"
msgstr "session: chargement de l'historique du tampon\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1263
+#: src/common/session.c:1265
msgid "session: loading global history\n"
msgstr "session: chargement de l'historique global\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1271
+#: src/common/session.c:1273
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading history)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture de l'historique)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1291
+#: src/common/session.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from history (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un historique (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1317
+#: src/common/session.c:1319
msgid "server name not found for buffer"
msgstr "nom de serveur non trouve pour le tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1325
+#: src/common/session.c:1327
msgid "channel name not found for buffer"
msgstr "nom de canal non trouv pour un tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1332
+#: src/common/session.c:1334
msgid "dcc flag not found for buffer"
msgstr "drapeau dcc non trouv pour un tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1337
+#: src/common/session.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "session: loading buffer (server: %s, channel: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: chargement du tampon (serveur: %s, canal: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1348
+#: src/common/session.c:1350
msgid "server not found for buffer"
msgstr "serveur non trouv pour le tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1358
+#: src/common/session.c:1360
msgid "channel not found for buffer"
msgstr "canal non trouv pour le tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1366
+#: src/common/session.c:1368
msgid "can't create new buffer"
msgstr "impossible de crer un nouveau tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1379
+#: src/common/session.c:1381
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading buffer)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'un tampon)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1389
+#: src/common/session.c:1391
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from buffer (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un pseudo (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1411
+#: src/common/session.c:1413
msgid "line found without buffer"
msgstr "ligne trouve sans tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1419
+#: src/common/session.c:1421
msgid "can't create new line"
msgstr "impossible de crer une nouvelle ligne"
-#: src/common/session.c:1429
+#: src/common/session.c:1431
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading line)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'une ligne)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1460
+#: src/common/session.c:1462
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from line (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour une ligne (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1490
+#: src/common/session.c:1492
msgid "session file not found"
msgstr "fichier de session non trouv"
-#: src/common/session.c:1497
+#: src/common/session.c:1499
msgid "signature not found"
msgstr "signature non trouve"
-#: src/common/session.c:1502
+#: src/common/session.c:1504
msgid "bad session signature"
msgstr "signature de session errone"
-#: src/common/session.c:1513
+#: src/common/session.c:1515
msgid "object id not found"
msgstr "id objet non trouv"
-#: src/common/session.c:1521
+#: src/common/session.c:1523
msgid "failed to load server"
msgstr "chec de chargement du serveur"
-#: src/common/session.c:1528
+#: src/common/session.c:1530
msgid "failed to load channel"
msgstr "chec de chargement du canal"
-#: src/common/session.c:1535
+#: src/common/session.c:1537
msgid "failed to load nick"
msgstr "chec de chargement du pseudo"
-#: src/common/session.c:1542
+#: src/common/session.c:1544
msgid "failed to load DCC"
msgstr "chec de chargement du DCC"
-#: src/common/session.c:1549
+#: src/common/session.c:1551
msgid "failed to load history"
msgstr "chec de chargement de l'historique"
-#: src/common/session.c:1556
+#: src/common/session.c:1558
msgid "failed to load buffer"
msgstr "chec de chargement du tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1563
+#: src/common/session.c:1565
msgid "failed to load line"
msgstr "chec de chargement de la ligne"
-#: src/common/session.c:1568
+#: src/common/session.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring object (id: %d)\n"
msgstr "objet ignor (id: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1572
+#: src/common/session.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "failed to ignore object (id: %d)"
msgstr "impossible d'ignorer l'objet (id: %d)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1596
+#: src/common/session.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't delete session file (%s)\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de supprimer le fichier de session (%s)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1602
+#: src/common/session.c:1604
msgid "Upgrade completed successfully\n"
msgstr "Mise jour effectue avec succs\n"
diff --git a/po/weechat.pot b/po/weechat.pot
index 8c02446f2..5bc460d30 100644
--- a/po/weechat.pot
+++ b/po/weechat.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-11 14:51+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-12 12:05+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: using local hostname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:809
+#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:814
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -1304,8 +1304,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:489 src/irc/irc-send.c:501 src/irc/irc-send.c:519
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1184 src/irc/irc-send.c:1309 src/irc/irc-send.c:1842
-#: src/common/command.c:1600 src/common/command.c:2098
-#: src/common/command.c:2237
+#: src/common/command.c:1605 src/common/command.c:2103
+#: src/common/command.c:2242
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -1643,11 +1643,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s[%s%s%s]%s idle: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "day"
msgstr ""
@@ -2349,7 +2349,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "grab a key"
msgstr ""
-#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2113
+#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to bind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -2650,17 +2650,21 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/common/command.c:164
msgid ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
+"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv "
+"[pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:165
+#: src/common/command.c:166
#, c-format
msgid ""
"list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+"up: switch to window above current one\n"
+"down: switch to window below current one\n"
+"left: switch to window on the left\n"
+"right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
@@ -2671,564 +2675,564 @@ msgid ""
"create a new window with size = current_size / 4"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:318
+#: src/common/command.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:328
+#: src/common/command.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:335
+#: src/common/command.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "%s target command \"/%s\" does not exist!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:573
+#: src/common/command.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:585
+#: src/common/command.c:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:607 src/common/command.c:676
+#: src/common/command.c:612 src/common/command.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" failed\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:632
+#: src/common/command.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:644
+#: src/common/command.c:649
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:659
+#: src/common/command.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:720
+#: src/common/command.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:854
+#: src/common/command.c:859
msgid "This window is not a channel!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:885 src/common/command.c:916 src/common/command.c:1031
+#: src/common/command.c:890 src/common/command.c:921 src/common/command.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:892
+#: src/common/command.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias can not start with \"/\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:901
+#: src/common/command.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:907
+#: src/common/command.c:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:927
+#: src/common/command.c:932
msgid "List of aliases:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:941
+#: src/common/command.c:946
msgid "No alias defined.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:960
+#: src/common/command.c:965
#, c-format
msgid "%sServer: %s%s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:965
+#: src/common/command.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "%snot connected\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:969
+#: src/common/command.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "%sChannel: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:978
+#: src/common/command.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "%sPrivate with: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:987
+#: src/common/command.c:992
#, c-format
msgid "%sunknown\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1010
+#: src/common/command.c:1015
msgid "Opened buffers:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1054
+#: src/common/command.c:1059
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer number\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1070
+#: src/common/command.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close the single buffer\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1080
+#: src/common/command.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close server buffer while channels are opened\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1129
+#: src/common/command.c:1134
msgid "Notify levels: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1158 src/common/command.c:1206
+#: src/common/command.c:1163 src/common/command.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect notify level (must be between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1167
+#: src/common/command.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer for notify (must be channel or private)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1176
+#: src/common/command.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "New notify level for %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1186
+#: src/common/command.c:1191
msgid "(hotlist: never)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1189
+#: src/common/command.c:1194
msgid "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1192
+#: src/common/command.c:1197
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1195
+#: src/common/command.c:1200
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (all))\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1294
+#: src/common/command.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for server %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1302
+#: src/common/command.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for channel %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1310
+#: src/common/command.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for private %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1338 src/common/command.c:1368
-#: src/common/command.c:1398
+#: src/common/command.c:1343 src/common/command.c:1373
+#: src/common/command.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid " (inherited: \"%s%s%s\")"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1462 src/common/command.c:1485
-#: src/common/command.c:1619 src/common/command.c:2230
-#: src/common/command.c:3307 src/common/command.c:3350
+#: src/common/command.c:1467 src/common/command.c:1490
+#: src/common/command.c:1624 src/common/command.c:2235
+#: src/common/command.c:3312 src/common/command.c:3355
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1515
+#: src/common/command.c:1520
#, c-format
msgid "%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1523
+#: src/common/command.c:1528
#, c-format
msgid "%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1541 src/common/command.c:1664
+#: src/common/command.c:1546 src/common/command.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "%s server not found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1648
+#: src/common/command.c:1653
#, c-format
msgid "%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1656
+#: src/common/command.c:1661
msgid "Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1690 src/common/weechat.c:400
+#: src/common/command.c:1695 src/common/weechat.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "%s internal commands:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1700 src/common/weechat.c:420
+#: src/common/command.c:1705 src/common/weechat.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "IRC commands:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1714
+#: src/common/command.c:1719
msgid "Plugin commands:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1830
+#: src/common/command.c:1835
#, c-format
msgid "No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1896
+#: src/common/command.c:1901
#, c-format
msgid "%son %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoring %s%s%s from %s%s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1930
+#: src/common/command.c:1935
msgid "List of ignore:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1947
+#: src/common/command.c:1952
msgid "No ignore defined.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1973
+#: src/common/command.c:1978
msgid "New ignore:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1993
+#: src/common/command.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "New key binding: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2030
+#: src/common/command.c:2035
msgid "Key bindings:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2044
+#: src/common/command.c:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Key \"%s\" unbinded\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2050
+#: src/common/command.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to unbind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2058 src/common/weechat.c:452
+#: src/common/command.c:2063 src/common/weechat.c:452
#, c-format
msgid "Internal key functions:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2078
+#: src/common/command.c:2083
msgid "Default key bindings restored\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2084
+#: src/common/command.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"-yes\" argument is required for keys reset (securuty reason)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2143
+#: src/common/command.c:2148
msgid "Plugins loaded:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2159
+#: src/common/command.c:2164
msgid " message handlers:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2168
+#: src/common/command.c:2173
#, c-format
msgid " IRC(%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2175
+#: src/common/command.c:2180
msgid " (no message handler)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2180
+#: src/common/command.c:2185
msgid " command handlers:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2201
+#: src/common/command.c:2206
msgid " (no command handler)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2207
+#: src/common/command.c:2212
msgid " (no plugin)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2243
+#: src/common/command.c:2248
msgid ""
"Command \"plugin\" is not available, WeeChat was built without plugins "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2294
+#: src/common/command.c:2299
msgid "No server.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2305
+#: src/common/command.c:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Server '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2317
+#: src/common/command.c:2322
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2325
+#: src/common/command.c:2330
#, c-format
msgid "%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2344
+#: src/common/command.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2352
+#: src/common/command.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. Try /"
"disconnect %s before.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2372
+#: src/common/command.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s has been deleted\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2391
+#: src/common/command.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2401
+#: src/common/command.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2430 src/common/command.c:2458
-#: src/common/command.c:2471 src/common/command.c:2497
+#: src/common/command.c:2435 src/common/command.c:2463
+#: src/common/command.c:2476 src/common/command.c:2502
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2443
+#: src/common/command.c:2448
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2484
+#: src/common/command.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2520
+#: src/common/command.c:2525
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s created\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2529
+#: src/common/command.c:2534
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to create server\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2588
+#: src/common/command.c:2593
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2611
+#: src/common/command.c:2616
#, c-format
msgid "%s(password hidden) "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2707
+#: src/common/command.c:2712
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2740 src/common/command.c:2788
+#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2793
#, c-format
msgid "%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2780
+#: src/common/command.c:2750 src/common/command.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2761
+#: src/common/command.c:2766
#, c-format
msgid "%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2871
+#: src/common/command.c:2876
#, c-format
msgid "No config option found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2874
+#: src/common/command.c:2879
msgid "No config option found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2881
+#: src/common/command.c:2886
#, c-format
msgid "%sDetail:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2886 src/common/weechat.c:336
+#: src/common/command.c:2891 src/common/weechat.c:336
#, c-format
msgid " . type boolean (values: 'on' or 'off')\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2887 src/common/command.c:2910
-#: src/common/command.c:2916 src/common/command.c:2922
+#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/command.c:2915
+#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/command.c:2927
#: src/common/weechat.c:337 src/common/weechat.c:360 src/common/weechat.c:366
#: src/common/weechat.c:372
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: '%s'\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/weechat.c:342
+#: src/common/command.c:2897 src/common/weechat.c:342
#, c-format
msgid " . type integer (values: between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2895 src/common/weechat.c:345
+#: src/common/command.c:2900 src/common/weechat.c:345
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: %d\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2899 src/common/weechat.c:349
+#: src/common/command.c:2904 src/common/weechat.c:349
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (values: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2912 src/common/command.c:2918
-#: src/common/command.c:2924 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
+#: src/common/command.c:2917 src/common/command.c:2923
+#: src/common/command.c:2929 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
#: src/common/weechat.c:374
msgid "empty"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2915 src/common/weechat.c:365
+#: src/common/command.c:2920 src/common/weechat.c:365
#, c-format
msgid " . type color (Curses or Gtk color, look at WeeChat doc)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/weechat.c:371
+#: src/common/command.c:2926 src/common/weechat.c:371
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (any string)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2927 src/common/weechat.c:377
+#: src/common/command.c:2932 src/common/weechat.c:377
#, c-format
msgid " . description: %s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2938
+#: src/common/command.c:2943
#, c-format
msgid "config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2941
+#: src/common/command.c:2946
msgid "config option(s) found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2965
+#: src/common/command.c:2970
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2975
+#: src/common/command.c:2980
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" removed\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3031
+#: src/common/command.c:3036
msgid "ignore were removed.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3033
+#: src/common/command.c:3038
msgid "ignore was removed.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3038
+#: src/common/command.c:3043
#, c-format
msgid "%s no ignore found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3070
+#: src/common/command.c:3075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one server is pending\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3080
+#: src/common/command.c:3085
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one SSL server is active (should be "
"fixed in a future version)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3096
+#: src/common/command.c:3101
msgid "Upgrading WeeChat...\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3103
+#: src/common/command.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to save session in file\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3141
+#: src/common/command.c:3146
#, c-format
msgid "%s exec failed (program: \"%s\"), exiting WeeChat\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3177
+#: src/common/command.c:3182
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, started on %s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3191
+#: src/common/command.c:3196
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, started on %s%s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3231
+#: src/common/command.c:3236
msgid "Opened windows:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3318
+#: src/common/command.c:3323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can not merge windows, there's no other window with same size near "
@@ -3399,193 +3403,193 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading channel)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1020
+#: src/common/session.c:1022
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from channel (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1043
+#: src/common/session.c:1045
msgid "nick found without channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1051
+#: src/common/session.c:1053
msgid "nick name not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1061
+#: src/common/session.c:1063
msgid "can't create new nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1071
+#: src/common/session.c:1073
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading nick)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1087
+#: src/common/session.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from nick (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1113
+#: src/common/session.c:1115
msgid "can't create new DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1117
+#: src/common/session.c:1119
msgid "session: loading DCC\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1127
+#: src/common/session.c:1129
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading DCC)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1146
+#: src/common/session.c:1148
msgid "server not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1155
+#: src/common/session.c:1157
msgid "DCC with channel but without server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1167
+#: src/common/session.c:1169
msgid "channel not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1241
+#: src/common/session.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from DCC (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1261
+#: src/common/session.c:1263
msgid "session: loading buffer history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1263
+#: src/common/session.c:1265
msgid "session: loading global history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1271
+#: src/common/session.c:1273
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading history)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1291
+#: src/common/session.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from history (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1317
+#: src/common/session.c:1319
msgid "server name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1325
+#: src/common/session.c:1327
msgid "channel name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1332
+#: src/common/session.c:1334
msgid "dcc flag not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1337
+#: src/common/session.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "session: loading buffer (server: %s, channel: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1348
+#: src/common/session.c:1350
msgid "server not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1358
+#: src/common/session.c:1360
msgid "channel not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1366
+#: src/common/session.c:1368
msgid "can't create new buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1379
+#: src/common/session.c:1381
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading buffer)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1389
+#: src/common/session.c:1391
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from buffer (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1411
+#: src/common/session.c:1413
msgid "line found without buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1419
+#: src/common/session.c:1421
msgid "can't create new line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1429
+#: src/common/session.c:1431
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading line)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1460
+#: src/common/session.c:1462
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from line (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1490
+#: src/common/session.c:1492
msgid "session file not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1497
+#: src/common/session.c:1499
msgid "signature not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1502
+#: src/common/session.c:1504
msgid "bad session signature"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1513
+#: src/common/session.c:1515
msgid "object id not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1521
+#: src/common/session.c:1523
msgid "failed to load server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1528
+#: src/common/session.c:1530
msgid "failed to load channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1535
+#: src/common/session.c:1537
msgid "failed to load nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1542
+#: src/common/session.c:1544
msgid "failed to load DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1549
+#: src/common/session.c:1551
msgid "failed to load history"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1556
+#: src/common/session.c:1558
msgid "failed to load buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1563
+#: src/common/session.c:1565
msgid "failed to load line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1568
+#: src/common/session.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring object (id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1572
+#: src/common/session.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "failed to ignore object (id: %d)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1596
+#: src/common/session.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't delete session file (%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1602
+#: src/common/session.c:1604
msgid "Upgrade completed successfully\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/src/common/command.c b/src/common/command.c
index 60795911e..4eaaed094 100644
--- a/src/common/command.c
+++ b/src/common/command.c
@@ -161,11 +161,16 @@ t_weechat_command weechat_commands[] =
N_("-o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message"),
0, 1, weechat_cmd_uptime, NULL },
{ "window", N_("manage windows"),
- N_("[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"),
+ N_("[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] "
+ "| splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"),
N_("list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+ "up: switch to window above current one\n"
+ "down: switch to window below current one\n"
+ "left: switch to window on the left\n"
+ "right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
diff --git a/src/common/completion.c b/src/common/completion.c
index f681bd097..c4202997f 100644
--- a/src/common/completion.c
+++ b/src/common/completion.c
@@ -569,6 +569,18 @@ completion_build_list (t_completion *completion, void *server, void *channel)
weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ &completion->last_completion,
+ "up");
+ weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ &completion->last_completion,
+ "down");
+ weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ &completion->last_completion,
+ "left");
+ weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ &completion->last_completion,
+ "right");
diff --git a/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_en.texi b/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_en.texi
index c5762e92d..2f10a9bb0 100644
--- a/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_en.texi
+++ b/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_en.texi
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@title WeeChat - User guide
@subtitle Fast, light and extensible IRC client
-@subtitle Documentation for WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - December, 11 2005
+@subtitle Documentation for WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - December, 12 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@@ -941,6 +941,7 @@ change charset for server or channel@*
decode_iso: charset used for decoding ISO@*
decode_utf: charset used for decoding UTF@*
encode: charset used for encoding messages@*
+ charset: charset to use (for example: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8,..)@*
@item clear [-all]
@@ -1069,7 +1070,7 @@ show WeeChat uptime@*
-o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message@*
-@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
+@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
manage windows@*
@@ -1077,6 +1078,10 @@ list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)@*
-1: jump to previous window@*
+1: jump to next window@*
b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #@*
+up: switch to window above current one@*
+down: switch to window below current one@*
+left: switch to window on the left@*
+right: switch to window on the right@*
splith: split current window horizontally@*
splitv: split current window vertically@*
resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window@*
diff --git a/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_es.texi b/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_es.texi
index 74b3eb824..2e3e87dce 100644
--- a/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_es.texi
+++ b/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_es.texi
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Gui@'on de usuario.
@subtitle Cliente IRC r@'apido, peque@~no y extensible
-@subtitle Documentaci@'on para WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 11 de diciembre de 2005
+@subtitle Documentaci@'on para WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 12 de diciembre de 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@@ -914,17 +914,17 @@ Scroll nicklist@*
Comandos internos WeeChat:@*
@table @kbd
-@item alias [nombre_alias [comando [argumentos]]
+@item alias [alias_name [command [arguments]]
-crear un alias para un comando@*
+create an alias for a command@*
-nombre_alias: nombre del seud@'onimo@*
-comando: nombre del comando (comando WeeChat o IRC, sin el primer '/')@*
-argumentos: par@'ametros para el comando@*
+alias_name: name of alias@*
+command: command name (WeeChat or IRC command, without first '/')@*
+arguments: arguments for command@*
-@item buffer [acci@'on | nmero | [[servidor] [canal]]]
+@item buffer [action | number | [[server] [channel]]]
-gestionar los bfers@*
+manage buffers@*
action: action to do:@*
move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1)@*
@@ -941,123 +941,124 @@ change charset for server or channel@*
decode_iso: charset used for decoding ISO@*
decode_utf: charset used for decoding UTF@*
encode: charset used for encoding messages@*
+ charset: charset to use (for example: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8,..)@*
@item clear [-all]
-limpiar la(s) ventana(s)@*
+clear window(s)@*
--all: limpiar todas las ventanas@*
+-all: clear all windows@*
-@item connect [nombre_del_servidor]
+@item connect [servername]
-conectarse a un servidor@*
+connect to a server@*
-nombre_del_servidor: nombre del servidor al que conectarse@*
+servername: server name to connect@*
-@item disconnect [nombre_del_servidor]
+@item disconnect [servername]
-desconectarse de un servidor@*
+disconnect from a server@*
-nombre_del_servidor: nombre del servidor del que desconectarse@*
+servername: server name to disconnect@*
-@item debug volcar | ventanas
+@item debug dump | windows
-imprime mensajes de depuraci@'on@*
+print debug messages@*
-volcar: guarda el volcado de memoria en el archivo de registro de WeeChat (se escribe el mismo volcado cuando WeeChat se cuelga)@*
-ventanas: muestra el @'arbol de ventanas@*
+dump: save memory dump in WeeChat log file (same dump is written when WeeChat crashes)@*
+windows: display windows tree@*
-@item help [comando]
+@item help [command]
-mostrar ayuda sobre los comandos@*
+display help about commands@*
-comando: nombre de un comando de Weechat o de IRC@*
+command: name of a WeeChat or IRC command@*
-@item history [limpiar | valor]
+@item history [clear | value]
-mostrar historial de comandos de bfer@*
+show buffer command history@*
-limpiar: limpiar historial@*
-valor: nmero de entradas del historial para mostrar@*
+clear: clear history@*
+value: number of history entries to show@*
-@item ignore [m@'ascara [[tipo | comando] [canal [servidor]]]]
+@item ignore [mask [[type | command] [channel [server]]]]
-ignorar los mensajes IRC y/o los hosts@*
+ignore IRC messages and/or hosts@*
- m@'ascara: m@'ascara de usuario o m@'aquina que ignorar@*
- tipo: tipo de mensaje que ignorar (action, ctcp, dcc, pv)@*
-comando: comando IRC@*
-canal: nombre del canal que ignorar@*
- servidor: nombre del servidor que ignorar@*
+ mask: nick or host mask to ignore@*
+ type: type of message to ignore (action, ctcp, dcc, pv)@*
+command: IRC command@*
+channel: name of channel for ignore@*
+ server: name of server for ignore@*
-Para cada argumento, '*' significa todo.@*
-Sin argumentos, el comando /ignore lista todos los ignores definidos.@*
+For each argument, '*' means all.@*
+Without argument, /ignore command lists all defined ignore.@*
-@item key [clave funci@'on/comando] [desatar clave] [funciones] [reset -yes]
+@item key [key function/command] [unbind key] [functions] [reset -yes]
-atar/desatar claves@*
+bind/unbind keys@*
-clave: ata esta clave a una funci@'on interna o a un comando (comenzando por "/ ")@*
-desatar: desata una clave(si "all", se restauran los anclajes por defecto)@*
-funciones: lista funciones internas para el anclaje de claves@*
-reset: restaura anclajes a los valores por defecto y elimina todos los anclajes personales (usar cuidadosamente)@*
+key: bind this key to an internal function or a command (beginning by "/")@*
+unbind: unbind a key (if "all", default bindings are restored)@*
+functions: list internal functions for key bindings@*
+reset: restore bindings to the default values and delete ALL personal binding (use carefully!)@*
-@item plugin [cargar fichero] | [autocargar] | [recargar] | [descargar]
+@item plugin [load filename] | [autoload] | [reload] | [unload]
-listar/cargar/descargar plugins@*
+list/load/unload plugins@*
-fichero: plugin (archivo) WeeChat para cargar@*
+filename: WeeChat plugin (file) to load@*
-Sin argumentos, el comando /plugin lista todos los plugins cargados.@*
+Without argument, /plugin command lists all loaded plugins.@*
-@item server [nombre_de_servidor] | [nombre_de_servidor nombre/IP puerto [-auto | -noauto] [-ipv6] [-ssl] [-pwd contrase@~na] [-nicks alias1 alias2 alias3] [-username nombre de usuario] [-realname nombre_real] [-command comando] [-autojoin canal[,canal]] ] | [del nombre_de_servidor]
+@item server [servername] | [servername hostname port [-auto | -noauto] [-ipv6] [-ssl] [-pwd password] [-nicks nick1 nick2 nick3] [-username username] [-realname realname] [-command command] [-autojoin channel[,channel]] ] | [del servername]
-lista, a@~nde o elimina servidores@*
+list, add or remove servers@*
-nombre_de_servidor: nombre del servidor, para uso interno y para mostrar@*
-nombre_de_anfitri@'on: nombre o direcci@'on IP del servidor@*
-puerto: puerto para el servidor (nmero entero)@*
-ipv6: utilizar protocolo IPv6@*
-ssl: utilizar protocolo SSL@*
-contrase@~na: contrase@~na para el servidor@*
-alias1: primer alias para el servidor@*
-alias2: alias alternativo para el servidor@*
-alias3: segundo alias alternativo para el servidor@*
-nombre_de_usuario: nombre de usuario@*
-nombre_real: nombre real del usuario@*
+servername: server name, for internal & display use@*
+hostname: name or IP address of server@*
+port: port for server (integer)@*
+ipv6: use IPv6 protocol@*
+ssl: use SSL protocol@*
+password: password for server@*
+nick1: first nick for server@*
+nick2: alternate nick for server@*
+nick3: second alternate nick for server@*
+username: user name@*
+realname: real name of user@*
-@item save [archivo]
+@item save [file]
-guardar configuraci@'on a disco@*
+save config to disk@*
-archivo: fichero en el que guardar la configuraci@'on@*
+file: filename for writing config@*
-@item set [opci@'on [ = valor]]
+@item set [option [ = value]]
-modificar par@'ametros de configuraci@'on@*
+set config parameters@*
-opci@'on: nombre de una opci@'on (si el nombre est@'a completo y no se da ningn valor, entonces se muestra la ayuda de la opci@'on)@*
-valor: valor para una opci@'on@*
+option: name of an option (if name is full and no value is given, then help is displayed on option)@*
+value: value for option@*
-@item unalias alias
+@item unalias alias_name
-eliminar un alias@*
+remove an alias@*
-alias: nombre del alias a suprimir@*
+alias_name: name of alias to remove@*
-@item unignore [nmero | [m@'ascara [[tipo | comando] [canal [servidor]]]]]
+@item unignore [number | [mask [[type | command] [channel [server]]]]]
-no ignorar mensajes IRC y/o hosts@*
+unignore IRC messages and/or hosts@*
- nmero: # de ignores para quitar (el nmero se muestra por la lista de ignores)@*
- m@'ascara de usuario o m@'aquina para no ignorar@*
- tipo: tipo de mensaje para no ignorar(action, ctcp, dcc, pv)@*
-comando: comando IRC@*
-canal: nombre del canal para no ignorar@*
- servidor: nombre del servidor para no ignorar@*
+ number: # of ignore to unignore (number is displayed by list of ignore)@*
+ mask: nick or host mask to unignore@*
+ type: type of message to unignore (action, ctcp, dcc, pv)@*
+command: IRC command@*
+channel: name of channel for unignore@*
+ server: name of server for unignore@*
-Para cada argumento, '*' significa todo.@*
-Sin argumentos, el comando /unignore lista todos los ignores definidos.@*
+For each argument, '*' means all.@*
+Without argument, /unignore command lists all defined ignore.@*
@item upgrade
@@ -1065,24 +1066,28 @@ upgrade WeeChat without disconnecting from servers@*
@item uptime [-o]
-muestra el tiempo de uso de WeeChat@*
+show WeeChat uptime@*
--o: env@'ia el tiempo de uso en el canal actual como un mensaje IRC@*
+-o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message@*
-@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
+@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
-gesti@'on de ventanas@*
+manage windows@*
-list: lista las ventanas abiertas(sin par@'ametros implica esta lista)@*
--1: salta a la ventana previa@*
-+1: salta a la ventana siguiente@*
-b#: salta a la ventana siguiente mostrando el nmero de bfer@*
-splith: divide la ventana actual horizontalmente@*
-splitv: divide la ventana actual verticalmente@*
-resize: redimensiona el tama@~no de la ventana, el nuevo tama@~no es <pct>%% de la ventana padre@*
-merge: fusionar la ventana con otra(all = mantener s@'olo una ventana)@*
+list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)@*
+-1: jump to previous window@*
++1: jump to next window@*
+b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #@*
+up: switch to window above current one@*
+down: switch to window below current one@*
+left: switch to window on the left@*
+right: switch to window on the right@*
+splith: split current window horizontally@*
+splitv: split current window vertically@*
+resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window@*
+merge: merge window with another (all = keep only one window)@*
-Para splith y splitv, pct es un porcentaje que representa el tama@~no de la nueva ventana, tomando como referencia el tama@~no de la ventana actual. Por ejemplo 25 significa crear una nueva ventana con tama@~no = tama@~no_actual / 4@*
+For splith and splitv, pct is a pourcentage which represents size of new window, computed with current window as size reference. For example 25 means create a new window with size = current_size / 4@*
@end table
diff --git a/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_fr.texi b/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_fr.texi
index 96f01401d..b408c8db6 100644
--- a/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_fr.texi
+++ b/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_fr.texi
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Guide utilisateur
@subtitle Client IRC rapide, l@'eger et extensible
-@subtitle Documentation pour WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 11 decembre 2005
+@subtitle Documentation pour WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 12 decembre 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@@ -939,9 +939,10 @@ nombre: sauter au tampon qui a ce num@'ero@*
changer le jeu de caract@`eres pour le serveur ou le canal@*
-decode_iso: jeu de caract@`ere utilis@'e pour d@'ecoder l'ISO@*
-decode_utf: jeu de caract@`ere utilis@'e pour d@'ecoder l'UTF@*
- encode: jeu de caract@`ere utilis@'e pour encoder les messages@*
+decode_iso: jeu de caract@`eres utilis@'e pour d@'ecoder l'ISO@*
+decode_utf: jeu de caract@`eres utilis@'e pour d@'ecoder l'UTF@*
+ encode: jeu de caract@`eres utilis@'e pour encoder les messages@*
+ charset: jeu de caract@`eres @`a utiliser (par exemple: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8,..)@*
@item clear [-all]
@@ -1070,7 +1071,7 @@ montrer l'uptime de WeeChat@*
-o: envoyer l'uptime sur le canal courant en tant que message IRC@*
-@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [ptc] | resize pct | merge [all]]
+@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [ptc] | resize pct | merge [all]]
gestion des fen@^etres@*
@@ -1078,6 +1079,10 @@ list: liste les fen@^etres ouvertes (pas de param@`etre affiche cette liste)@*
-1: saute @`a la fen@^etre pr@'ec@'edente@*
+1: saute @`a la fen@^etre suivante@*
b#: saute @`a la fen@^etre affichant le tampon n#@*
+up: saute @`a la fen@^etre au dessus@*
+down: saute @`a la fen@^etre au dessous@*
+left: saute @`a la fen@^etre @`a gauche@*
+right: saute @`a la fen@^etre @`a droite@*
splith: @'eclate la fen@^etre en deux horizontalement@*
splitv: @'eclate la fen@^etre en deux verticalement@*
resize: redimensionne une fen@^etre, la nouvelle taille est <pct>%% de la fen@^etre parent@*
diff --git a/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_pt.texi b/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_pt.texi
index b4f472bd7..215109365 100644
--- a/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_pt.texi
+++ b/weechat/doc/weechat_doc_pt.texi
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@title WeeChat - Guia do Utilizador
@subtitle Cliente de IRC rapido, leve e extencivel
-@subtitle Documenta@,{c}@~ao do WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 11 de dezembro de 2005
+@subtitle Documenta@,{c}@~ao do WeeChat v0.1.7-cvs - 12 de dezembro de 2005
@author FlashCode <@email{, flashcode AT}>
@@ -939,6 +939,7 @@ change charset for server or channel@*
decode_iso: charset used for decoding ISO@*
decode_utf: charset used for decoding UTF@*
encode: charset used for encoding messages@*
+ charset: charset to use (for example: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8,..)@*
@item clear [-all]
@@ -1067,7 +1068,7 @@ show WeeChat uptime@*
-o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message@*
-@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
+@item window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]
manage windows@*
@@ -1075,6 +1076,10 @@ list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)@*
-1: jump to previous window@*
+1: jump to next window@*
b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #@*
+up: switch to window above current one@*
+down: switch to window below current one@*
+left: switch to window on the left@*
+right: switch to window on the right@*
splith: split current window horizontally@*
splitv: split current window vertically@*
resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window@*
diff --git a/weechat/po/cs.po b/weechat/po/cs.po
index 9b7de8b99..b191e3bc4 100644
--- a/weechat/po/cs.po
+++ b/weechat/po/cs.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.7-cvs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-11 14:51+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-12 12:05+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-11 14:53+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jiri Golembiovsky <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ msgstr "neznámý"
msgid "%s: using local hostname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s: používám lokální jméno hosta \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:809
+#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:814
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu najít přezdívku pro poslání zprávy\n"
@@ -1409,8 +1409,8 @@ msgstr "%s \"%s\" příkaz může být spuštěn pouze v okně kanálu\n"
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:489 src/irc/irc-send.c:501 src/irc/irc-send.c:519
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1184 src/irc/irc-send.c:1309 src/irc/irc-send.c:1842
-#: src/common/command.c:1600 src/common/command.c:2098
-#: src/common/command.c:2237
+#: src/common/command.c:1605 src/common/command.c:2103
+#: src/common/command.c:2242
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s špatný počet parametrů pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
@@ -1748,11 +1748,11 @@ msgstr "%s%s %s(%s%s@%s%s)%s byl %s\n"
msgid "%s[%s%s%s]%s idle: "
msgstr "%s[%s%s%s]%s nečinný: "
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "days"
msgstr "dní"
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "day"
msgstr "den"
@@ -2489,7 +2489,7 @@ msgstr "obnov obrazovku"
msgid "grab a key"
msgstr "zachytit klávesu"
-#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2113
+#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to bind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu napojit kalávesu \"%s\"\n"
@@ -2850,20 +2850,25 @@ msgid "manage windows"
msgstr "spravuje okna"
#: src/common/command.c:164
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
+"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv "
+"[pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
msgstr ""
"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
-#: src/common/command.c:165
+#: src/common/command.c:166
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+"up: switch to window above current one\n"
+"down: switch to window below current one\n"
+"left: switch to window on the left\n"
+"right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
@@ -2881,28 +2886,28 @@ msgstr ""
"splitv: rozdělí aktuální okno vertikálně\n"
"merge: spojí okno s jiným"
-#: src/common/command.c:318
+#: src/common/command.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"
msgstr "%s alias nebo příkaz \"%s\" již existuje!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:328
+#: src/common/command.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"
msgstr "%s alias nemůže pouštět jiný ailas!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:335
+#: src/common/command.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "%s target command \"/%s\" does not exist!\n"
msgstr "%s cílový příkaz \"/%s\" neexistuje!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:573
+#: src/common/command.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s špatný počet argumentů pro %s příkaz \"%s\" (očekáváno: %d argumentů%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:585
+#: src/common/command.c:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2911,18 +2916,18 @@ msgstr ""
"%s špatyný počet argumentů pro %s příkaz \"%s\" (očekáváno: mezi %d a %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:607 src/common/command.c:676
+#: src/common/command.c:612 src/common/command.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" failed\n"
msgstr "%s příkaz \"%s\" selhal\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:632
+#: src/common/command.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s chybný počet argumentů pro IRC příkaz \"%s\" (očekáváno: %d argumentů%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:644
+#: src/common/command.c:649
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2931,310 +2936,310 @@ msgstr ""
"%s špatný počet argumentů pro IRC příkaz \"%s\" (očekáváno: mezi %d a %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:659
+#: src/common/command.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"
msgstr "%s příkaz \"%s\" potřebuje připojení na server!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:720
+#: src/common/command.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"
msgstr "%s neznámý příkaz \"%s\" (zadejte /help pro nápovědu)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:854
+#: src/common/command.c:859
msgid "This window is not a channel!\n"
msgstr "Tohe není okno kanálu!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:885 src/common/command.c:916 src/common/command.c:1031
+#: src/common/command.c:890 src/common/command.c:921 src/common/command.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s chybí argumenty pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:892
+#: src/common/command.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias can not start with \"/\"\n"
msgstr "%s alias nemůže žačínat \"/\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:901
+#: src/common/command.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" vytvořen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:907
+#: src/common/command.c:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr "Selhalo vytvoření aliasu \"%s\" => \"%s\" (nedostatek paměti)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:927
+#: src/common/command.c:932
msgid "List of aliases:\n"
msgstr "Seznam pro aliasy:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:941
+#: src/common/command.c:946
msgid "No alias defined.\n"
msgstr "Žádné aliasy nejsou definovány.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:960
+#: src/common/command.c:965
#, c-format
msgid "%sServer: %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sServer: %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:965
+#: src/common/command.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "%snot connected\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:969
+#: src/common/command.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "%sChannel: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sKanál: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:978
+#: src/common/command.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "%sPrivate with: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sSoukromý s: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:987
+#: src/common/command.c:992
#, c-format
msgid "%sunknown\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1010
+#: src/common/command.c:1015
msgid "Opened buffers:\n"
msgstr "Otevřené buffery:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1054
+#: src/common/command.c:1059
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer number\n"
msgstr "%s nekorektní číslo bufferu\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1070
+#: src/common/command.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close the single buffer\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu zavřít jediný buffer\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1080
+#: src/common/command.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close server buffer while channels are opened\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu zavřít buffer serveru dokud jsou otevřeny kanály\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1129
+#: src/common/command.c:1134
msgid "Notify levels: "
msgstr "Level upozornění: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1158 src/common/command.c:1206
+#: src/common/command.c:1163 src/common/command.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect notify level (must be between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr "%s nekorektní level upozornění (musí být mezi %d a %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1167
+#: src/common/command.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer for notify (must be channel or private)\n"
msgstr "%s nekorektní buffer pro upozornění (musí být kanál nebo soukromý)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1176
+#: src/common/command.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "New notify level for %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
msgstr "Nový level upozornění %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:1186
+#: src/common/command.c:1191
msgid "(hotlist: never)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: nikdy)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1189
+#: src/common/command.c:1194
msgid "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: zvýraznění)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1192
+#: src/common/command.c:1197
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: zvýraznění + zprávy)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1195
+#: src/common/command.c:1200
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (all))\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: zvýrazění + zprávy + připojení/odpojení (vše))\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1294
+#: src/common/command.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for server %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1302
+#: src/common/command.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for channel %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1310
+#: src/common/command.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for private %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1338 src/common/command.c:1368
-#: src/common/command.c:1398
+#: src/common/command.c:1343 src/common/command.c:1373
+#: src/common/command.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid " (inherited: \"%s%s%s\")"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1462 src/common/command.c:1485
-#: src/common/command.c:1619 src/common/command.c:2230
-#: src/common/command.c:3307 src/common/command.c:3350
+#: src/common/command.c:1467 src/common/command.c:1490
+#: src/common/command.c:1624 src/common/command.c:2235
+#: src/common/command.c:3312 src/common/command.c:3355
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s neznámá volba pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1515
+#: src/common/command.c:1520
#, c-format
msgid "%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s již vytvořený server \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1523
+#: src/common/command.c:1528
#, c-format
msgid "%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s zrovna připojuji k serveru \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1541 src/common/command.c:1664
+#: src/common/command.c:1546 src/common/command.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "%s server not found\n"
msgstr "%s server nenalezen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1648
+#: src/common/command.c:1653
#, c-format
msgid "%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s nepřipojen k serveru \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1656
+#: src/common/command.c:1661
msgid "Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n"
msgstr "Automatické znovupřipojené je zrušeno\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1690 src/common/weechat.c:400
+#: src/common/command.c:1695 src/common/weechat.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "%s internal commands:\n"
msgstr "%s vnitřní příkazy:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1700 src/common/weechat.c:420
+#: src/common/command.c:1705 src/common/weechat.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "IRC commands:\n"
msgstr "IRC příkazy:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1714
+#: src/common/command.c:1719
msgid "Plugin commands:\n"
msgstr "Příkazy pluginu:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1830
+#: src/common/command.c:1835
#, c-format
msgid "No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"
msgstr "Není dostupná žádná nápověda, \"%s\" je neznámý příkaz\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1896
+#: src/common/command.c:1901
#, c-format
msgid "%son %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoring %s%s%s from %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sna %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoruji %s%s%s od %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1930
+#: src/common/command.c:1935
msgid "List of ignore:\n"
msgstr "Seznam ignorování:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1947
+#: src/common/command.c:1952
msgid "No ignore defined.\n"
msgstr "Žádné ignorování není definováno.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1973
+#: src/common/command.c:1978
msgid "New ignore:"
msgstr "Nové ignorování:"
-#: src/common/command.c:1993
+#: src/common/command.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "New key binding: %s"
msgstr "Nová klávesová zkratka: %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:2030
+#: src/common/command.c:2035
msgid "Key bindings:\n"
msgstr "Klávesové zkratky:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2044
+#: src/common/command.c:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Key \"%s\" unbinded\n"
msgstr "Klávesa \"%s\" odpojena\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2050
+#: src/common/command.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to unbind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu odpojit klávesu \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2058 src/common/weechat.c:452
+#: src/common/command.c:2063 src/common/weechat.c:452
#, c-format
msgid "Internal key functions:\n"
msgstr "Vnitřní klávesové funkce:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2078
+#: src/common/command.c:2083
msgid "Default key bindings restored\n"
msgstr "Výchozí klávesové zkratky obnoveny\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2084
+#: src/common/command.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"-yes\" argument is required for keys reset (securuty reason)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s \"-yes\" argument je požadován pro reset kaláves (bezpečnostní opatření)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2143
+#: src/common/command.c:2148
msgid "Plugins loaded:\n"
msgstr "Načtené pluginy:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2159
+#: src/common/command.c:2164
msgid " message handlers:\n"
msgstr " obsluhovače zpráv:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2168
+#: src/common/command.c:2173
#, c-format
msgid " IRC(%s)\n"
msgstr " IRC(%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2175
+#: src/common/command.c:2180
msgid " (no message handler)\n"
msgstr " (není obsluhovač zprávy)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2180
+#: src/common/command.c:2185
msgid " command handlers:\n"
msgstr " obsluhovače příkazu:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2201
+#: src/common/command.c:2206
msgid " (no command handler)\n"
msgstr " (není obsluhovač příkazu)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2207
+#: src/common/command.c:2212
msgid " (no plugin)\n"
msgstr " (není plugin)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2243
+#: src/common/command.c:2248
msgid ""
"Command \"plugin\" is not available, WeeChat was built without plugins "
msgstr ""
"Příkaz \"plugin\" není dostupný, WeeChat byl přeložen bez podpory pluginů.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2294
+#: src/common/command.c:2299
msgid "No server.\n"
msgstr "žádný server.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2305
+#: src/common/command.c:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Server '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr "Server '%s' nenalezen.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2317
+#: src/common/command.c:2322
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s chybí jméno serveru pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2325
+#: src/common/command.c:2330
#, c-format
msgid "%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"
msgstr "%s příliž mnoho argumentů pro příkaz \"%s\", ignoruji argumety\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2344
+#: src/common/command.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s server \"%s\" nenalezen pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2352
+#: src/common/command.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. Try /"
@@ -3243,212 +3248,212 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nemůžete odebrat server \"%s\", protože jste k němu připojent. Skuste "
"nejprve /dissconnect %s.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2372
+#: src/common/command.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s has been deleted\n"
msgstr "Server %s%s%s byl odebrán\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2391
+#: src/common/command.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s chybí parametry pro příkaz \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2401
+#: src/common/command.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"
msgstr "%s server \"%s\" již existuje, nemohu jej vytvořít!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2430 src/common/command.c:2458
-#: src/common/command.c:2471 src/common/command.c:2497
+#: src/common/command.c:2435 src/common/command.c:2463
+#: src/common/command.c:2476 src/common/command.c:2502
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s chybí heslo pro parametr \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2443
+#: src/common/command.c:2448
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s chybí přezdívka/přezdívky pro parametr \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2484
+#: src/common/command.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s chybí příkaz pro parametr \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2520
+#: src/common/command.c:2525
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s created\n"
msgstr "Server %s%s%s vytvořen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2529
+#: src/common/command.c:2534
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to create server\n"
msgstr "%s nemohu vytvořit server\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2588
+#: src/common/command.c:2593
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr "(neznámý)"
-#: src/common/command.c:2611
+#: src/common/command.c:2616
#, c-format
msgid "%s(password hidden) "
msgstr "%s(heslo schováno) "
-#: src/common/command.c:2707
+#: src/common/command.c:2712
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s server \"%s\" nenalezen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2740 src/common/command.c:2788
+#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2793
#, c-format
msgid "%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s volba nastavení \"%s\" nenalezena\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2780
+#: src/common/command.c:2750 src/common/command.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s nekorektní hodnota pro volbu \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2761
+#: src/common/command.c:2766
#, c-format
msgid "%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"
msgstr "%s volba \"%s\" nemůže být změněna dokud WeeChat běží\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2871
+#: src/common/command.c:2876
#, c-format
msgid "No config option found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Nebyla nalezena žádná volba nastavení s \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2874
+#: src/common/command.c:2879
msgid "No config option found\n"
msgstr "Nebyla nalezena žádná volba nastavení\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2881
+#: src/common/command.c:2886
#, c-format
msgid "%sDetail:\n"
msgstr "%sDetail:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2886 src/common/weechat.c:336
+#: src/common/command.c:2891 src/common/weechat.c:336
#, c-format
msgid " . type boolean (values: 'on' or 'off')\n"
msgstr " . typ boolean (hodnota: 'on' nebo 'off')\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2887 src/common/command.c:2910
-#: src/common/command.c:2916 src/common/command.c:2922
+#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/command.c:2915
+#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/command.c:2927
#: src/common/weechat.c:337 src/common/weechat.c:360 src/common/weechat.c:366
#: src/common/weechat.c:372
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: '%s'\n"
msgstr " . výchozí hodnota: '%s'\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/weechat.c:342
+#: src/common/command.c:2897 src/common/weechat.c:342
#, c-format
msgid " . type integer (values: between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr " . typ celočíselný (hodnoty: mezi %d a %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2895 src/common/weechat.c:345
+#: src/common/command.c:2900 src/common/weechat.c:345
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: %d\n"
msgstr " . výchozí hodnota: %d\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2899 src/common/weechat.c:349
+#: src/common/command.c:2904 src/common/weechat.c:349
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (values: "
msgstr " . typ řetězec (hodnoty: "
-#: src/common/command.c:2912 src/common/command.c:2918
-#: src/common/command.c:2924 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
+#: src/common/command.c:2917 src/common/command.c:2923
+#: src/common/command.c:2929 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
#: src/common/weechat.c:374
msgid "empty"
msgstr "prázdný"
-#: src/common/command.c:2915 src/common/weechat.c:365
+#: src/common/command.c:2920 src/common/weechat.c:365
#, c-format
msgid " . type color (Curses or Gtk color, look at WeeChat doc)\n"
msgstr " . typ barva (Curses nebo Gtk barva, viz WeeChat dokumentace)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/weechat.c:371
+#: src/common/command.c:2926 src/common/weechat.c:371
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (any string)\n"
msgstr " . typ řetězec (jakýkoliv řetězec)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2927 src/common/weechat.c:377
+#: src/common/command.c:2932 src/common/weechat.c:377
#, c-format
msgid " . description: %s\n"
msgstr " . popis: %s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2938
+#: src/common/command.c:2943
#, c-format
msgid "config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "volba/volby nastavení nalezeny s \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2941
+#: src/common/command.c:2946
msgid "config option(s) found\n"
msgstr "volba/volby nastavení nalezeny\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2965
+#: src/common/command.c:2970
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s alias nebo příkaz \"%s\" nenalezen\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2975
+#: src/common/command.c:2980
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" removed\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" odebrán\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3031
+#: src/common/command.c:3036
msgid "ignore were removed.\n"
msgstr "ignorování bylo odebráno.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3033
+#: src/common/command.c:3038
msgid "ignore was removed.\n"
msgstr "ignorování bylo odebrán\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3038
+#: src/common/command.c:3043
#, c-format
msgid "%s no ignore found\n"
msgstr "%s žádné ignorování nenaleyeno\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3070
+#: src/common/command.c:3075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one server is pending\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3080
+#: src/common/command.c:3085
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one SSL server is active (should be "
"fixed in a future version)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3096
+#: src/common/command.c:3101
msgid "Upgrading WeeChat...\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3103
+#: src/common/command.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to save session in file\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3141
+#: src/common/command.c:3146
#, c-format
msgid "%s exec failed (program: \"%s\"), exiting WeeChat\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3177
+#: src/common/command.c:3182
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, started on %s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3191
+#: src/common/command.c:3196
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, started on %s%s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3231
+#: src/common/command.c:3236
msgid "Opened windows:\n"
msgstr "Otevřené okna:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3318
+#: src/common/command.c:3323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can not merge windows, there's no other window with same size near "
@@ -3619,193 +3624,193 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading channel)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1020
+#: src/common/session.c:1022
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from channel (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1043
+#: src/common/session.c:1045
msgid "nick found without channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1051
+#: src/common/session.c:1053
msgid "nick name not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1061
+#: src/common/session.c:1063
msgid "can't create new nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1071
+#: src/common/session.c:1073
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading nick)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1087
+#: src/common/session.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from nick (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1113
+#: src/common/session.c:1115
msgid "can't create new DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1117
+#: src/common/session.c:1119
msgid "session: loading DCC\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1127
+#: src/common/session.c:1129
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading DCC)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1146
+#: src/common/session.c:1148
msgid "server not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1155
+#: src/common/session.c:1157
msgid "DCC with channel but without server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1167
+#: src/common/session.c:1169
msgid "channel not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1241
+#: src/common/session.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from DCC (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1261
+#: src/common/session.c:1263
msgid "session: loading buffer history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1263
+#: src/common/session.c:1265
msgid "session: loading global history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1271
+#: src/common/session.c:1273
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading history)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1291
+#: src/common/session.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from history (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1317
+#: src/common/session.c:1319
msgid "server name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1325
+#: src/common/session.c:1327
msgid "channel name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1332
+#: src/common/session.c:1334
msgid "dcc flag not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1337
+#: src/common/session.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "session: loading buffer (server: %s, channel: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1348
+#: src/common/session.c:1350
msgid "server not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1358
+#: src/common/session.c:1360
msgid "channel not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1366
+#: src/common/session.c:1368
msgid "can't create new buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1379
+#: src/common/session.c:1381
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading buffer)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1389
+#: src/common/session.c:1391
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from buffer (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1411
+#: src/common/session.c:1413
msgid "line found without buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1419
+#: src/common/session.c:1421
msgid "can't create new line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1429
+#: src/common/session.c:1431
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading line)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1460
+#: src/common/session.c:1462
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from line (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1490
+#: src/common/session.c:1492
msgid "session file not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1497
+#: src/common/session.c:1499
msgid "signature not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1502
+#: src/common/session.c:1504
msgid "bad session signature"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1513
+#: src/common/session.c:1515
msgid "object id not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1521
+#: src/common/session.c:1523
msgid "failed to load server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1528
+#: src/common/session.c:1530
msgid "failed to load channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1535
+#: src/common/session.c:1537
msgid "failed to load nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1542
+#: src/common/session.c:1544
msgid "failed to load DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1549
+#: src/common/session.c:1551
msgid "failed to load history"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1556
+#: src/common/session.c:1558
msgid "failed to load buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1563
+#: src/common/session.c:1565
msgid "failed to load line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1568
+#: src/common/session.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring object (id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1572
+#: src/common/session.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "failed to ignore object (id: %d)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1596
+#: src/common/session.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't delete session file (%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1602
+#: src/common/session.c:1604
msgid "Upgrade completed successfully\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/weechat/po/es.po b/weechat/po/es.po
index 7c6f8a215..d25f7dacb 100644
--- a/weechat/po/es.po
+++ b/weechat/po/es.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.7-cvs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-11 14:51+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-11 14:53+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-12 12:05+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-12 12:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Roberto Gonzlez Cardenete <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ msgstr "desconocido"
msgid "%s: using local hostname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s: utilizacin del nombre de mquina local \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:809
+#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:814
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"
msgstr "%s no ha sido posible encontrar el usuario al que enviar el mensaje\n"
@@ -1422,8 +1422,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:489 src/irc/irc-send.c:501 src/irc/irc-send.c:519
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1184 src/irc/irc-send.c:1309 src/irc/irc-send.c:1842
-#: src/common/command.c:1600 src/common/command.c:2098
-#: src/common/command.c:2237
+#: src/common/command.c:1605 src/common/command.c:2103
+#: src/common/command.c:2242
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando \"%s\"\n"
@@ -1761,11 +1761,11 @@ msgstr "%s%s %s(%s%s@%s%s)%s estaba %s\n"
msgid "%s[%s%s%s]%s idle: "
msgstr "%s[%s%s%s]%s inactividad: "
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "days"
msgstr "das"
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "day"
msgstr "da"
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ msgstr "recargar la pantalla"
msgid "grab a key"
msgstr "capturar una clave"
-#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2113
+#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to bind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s No ha sido posible atar la clave \"%s\"\n"
@@ -2879,19 +2879,21 @@ msgstr "gestin de ventanas"
#: src/common/command.c:164
msgid ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
-msgstr ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
+"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv "
+"[pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
+msgstr "[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
-#: src/common/command.c:165
-#, c-format
+#: src/common/command.c:166
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+"up: switch to window above current one\n"
+"down: switch to window below current one\n"
+"left: switch to window on the left\n"
+"right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
@@ -2915,29 +2917,29 @@ msgstr ""
"nueva ventana, tomando como referencia el tamao de la ventana actual. Por "
"ejemplo 25 significa crear una nueva ventana con tamao = tamao_actual / 4"
-#: src/common/command.c:318
+#: src/common/command.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"
msgstr "%s el alias o el comando \"%s\" ya existe!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:328
+#: src/common/command.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"
msgstr "%s el alias no puede ejecutar otro alias!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:335
+#: src/common/command.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "%s target command \"/%s\" does not exist!\n"
msgstr "%s el comando objetivo \"/%s\" no existe!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:573
+#: src/common/command.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando %s \"%s\" (esperado: %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:585
+#: src/common/command.c:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2946,19 +2948,19 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando %s \"%s\" (esperado: "
"entre %d y %d parmetro%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:607 src/common/command.c:676
+#: src/common/command.c:612 src/common/command.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" failed\n"
msgstr "%s el comando \"%s\" ha fallado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:632
+#: src/common/command.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando IRC \"%s\" (esperado: %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:644
+#: src/common/command.c:649
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2967,283 +2969,283 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nmero de argumentos incorrecto para el comando IRC \"%s\" (esperado: "
"entre %d y %d parmetro%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:659
+#: src/common/command.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"
msgstr "%s el comando \"%s\" requiere una conexin a servidor!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:720
+#: src/common/command.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"
msgstr "%s comando \"%s\" desconocido (escriba /help para la ayuda)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:854
+#: src/common/command.c:859
msgid "This window is not a channel!\n"
msgstr "Esta ventana no es un canal!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:885 src/common/command.c:916 src/common/command.c:1031
+#: src/common/command.c:890 src/common/command.c:921 src/common/command.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s faltan argumentos para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:892
+#: src/common/command.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias can not start with \"/\"\n"
msgstr "%s el alias no puede empezar con \"/\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:901
+#: src/common/command.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" creado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:907
+#: src/common/command.c:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
"No ha sido posible crear el alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (no hay suficiente "
-#: src/common/command.c:927
+#: src/common/command.c:932
msgid "List of aliases:\n"
msgstr "Lista de alias:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:941
+#: src/common/command.c:946
msgid "No alias defined.\n"
msgstr "Ningn alias definido.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:960
+#: src/common/command.c:965
#, c-format
msgid "%sServer: %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sServidor: %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:965
+#: src/common/command.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "%snot connected\n"
msgstr "%sno conectado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:969
+#: src/common/command.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "%sChannel: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%s Canal: %s%s %s(servidor: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:978
+#: src/common/command.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "%sPrivate with: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sPrivado con: %s%s %s(servidor: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:987
+#: src/common/command.c:992
#, c-format
msgid "%sunknown\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1010
+#: src/common/command.c:1015
msgid "Opened buffers:\n"
msgstr "Bfers abiertos:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1054
+#: src/common/command.c:1059
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer number\n"
msgstr "%s nmero de bfer incorrecto\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1070
+#: src/common/command.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close the single buffer\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible cerrar el nico bfer\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1080
+#: src/common/command.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close server buffer while channels are opened\n"
msgstr ""
"%s no se puede cerrar el bfer de servidor mientras haya canales abiertos\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1129
+#: src/common/command.c:1134
msgid "Notify levels: "
msgstr "Niveles de notificacin: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1158 src/common/command.c:1206
+#: src/common/command.c:1163 src/common/command.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect notify level (must be between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr "%s nivel de notificacin incorrecto (debe estar entre %d y %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1167
+#: src/common/command.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer for notify (must be channel or private)\n"
msgstr "%s bfer incorrecto para notificar (debe ser canal o privado)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1176
+#: src/common/command.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "New notify level for %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
msgstr "Nuevo nivel de notificacin para %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:1186
+#: src/common/command.c:1191
msgid "(hotlist: never)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: nunca)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1189
+#: src/common/command.c:1194
msgid "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: resaltados)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1192
+#: src/common/command.c:1197
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: resaltados + mensajes)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1195
+#: src/common/command.c:1200
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (all))\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: resaltados + mensajes + join/part (todos))\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1294
+#: src/common/command.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for server %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1302
+#: src/common/command.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for channel %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1310
+#: src/common/command.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for private %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1338 src/common/command.c:1368
-#: src/common/command.c:1398
+#: src/common/command.c:1343 src/common/command.c:1373
+#: src/common/command.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid " (inherited: \"%s%s%s\")"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1462 src/common/command.c:1485
-#: src/common/command.c:1619 src/common/command.c:2230
-#: src/common/command.c:3307 src/common/command.c:3350
+#: src/common/command.c:1467 src/common/command.c:1490
+#: src/common/command.c:1624 src/common/command.c:2235
+#: src/common/command.c:3312 src/common/command.c:3355
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s opcin desconocida para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1515
+#: src/common/command.c:1520
#, c-format
msgid "%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s ya conectado al servidor \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1523
+#: src/common/command.c:1528
#, c-format
msgid "%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s actualmente conectando al servidor \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1541 src/common/command.c:1664
+#: src/common/command.c:1546 src/common/command.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "%s server not found\n"
msgstr "%s servidor no encontrado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1648
+#: src/common/command.c:1653
#, c-format
msgid "%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s no conectado al servidor \"%s\"!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1656
+#: src/common/command.c:1661
msgid "Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n"
msgstr "La reconexin automtica est anulada\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1690 src/common/weechat.c:400
+#: src/common/command.c:1695 src/common/weechat.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "%s internal commands:\n"
msgstr "Comandos internos %s :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1700 src/common/weechat.c:420
+#: src/common/command.c:1705 src/common/weechat.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "IRC commands:\n"
msgstr "Comandos IRC :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1714
+#: src/common/command.c:1719
msgid "Plugin commands:\n"
msgstr "Comandos de plugin:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1830
+#: src/common/command.c:1835
#, c-format
msgid "No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"
msgstr "No hay ayuda disponible, el comando \"%s\" es desconocido\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1896
+#: src/common/command.c:1901
#, c-format
msgid "%son %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoring %s%s%s from %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sen %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignorando %s%s%s de %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1930
+#: src/common/command.c:1935
msgid "List of ignore:\n"
msgstr "Lista de ignores:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1947
+#: src/common/command.c:1952
msgid "No ignore defined.\n"
msgstr "Sin ignores definidos.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1973
+#: src/common/command.c:1978
msgid "New ignore:"
msgstr "Nuevo ignore:"
-#: src/common/command.c:1993
+#: src/common/command.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "New key binding: %s"
msgstr "Nueva anclaje de clave: %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:2030
+#: src/common/command.c:2035
msgid "Key bindings:\n"
msgstr "Anclajes de clave:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2044
+#: src/common/command.c:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Key \"%s\" unbinded\n"
msgstr "Clave \"%s\" desatada\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2050
+#: src/common/command.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to unbind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s No ha sido posible desatar la clave \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2058 src/common/weechat.c:452
+#: src/common/command.c:2063 src/common/weechat.c:452
#, c-format
msgid "Internal key functions:\n"
msgstr "Funciones de clave internas:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2078
+#: src/common/command.c:2083
msgid "Default key bindings restored\n"
msgstr "Anclajes de clave por defecto restaurados\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2084
+#: src/common/command.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"-yes\" argument is required for keys reset (securuty reason)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s \"-yes\" se requiere argumento para resetear las claves (por razones de "
-#: src/common/command.c:2143
+#: src/common/command.c:2148
msgid "Plugins loaded:\n"
msgstr "Plugins cargados:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2159
+#: src/common/command.c:2164
msgid " message handlers:\n"
msgstr " manejadores de mensaje:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2168
+#: src/common/command.c:2173
#, c-format
msgid " IRC(%s)\n"
msgstr " IRC(%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2175
+#: src/common/command.c:2180
msgid " (no message handler)\n"
msgstr " (sin manejador de mensaje)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2180
+#: src/common/command.c:2185
msgid " command handlers:\n"
msgstr " manejadores de comando:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2201
+#: src/common/command.c:2206
msgid " (no command handler)\n"
msgstr " (sin manejador de comando)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2207
+#: src/common/command.c:2212
msgid " (no plugin)\n"
msgstr " (sin plugins)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2243
+#: src/common/command.c:2248
msgid ""
"Command \"plugin\" is not available, WeeChat was built without plugins "
@@ -3251,32 +3253,32 @@ msgstr ""
"El comando \"plugin\" no est disponible, Weechat fue compilado sin soporte "
"para plugins.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2294
+#: src/common/command.c:2299
msgid "No server.\n"
msgstr "Ningn servidor.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2305
+#: src/common/command.c:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Server '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr "Servidor '%s' no encontrado.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2317
+#: src/common/command.c:2322
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s falta el nombre de servidor para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2325
+#: src/common/command.c:2330
#, c-format
msgid "%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"
msgstr ""
"%s demasiados argumentos para el comando \"%s\", ignorando parmetros\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2344
+#: src/common/command.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s servidor \"%s\" no encontrado para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2352
+#: src/common/command.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. Try /"
@@ -3285,216 +3287,216 @@ msgstr ""
"%s usted no puede eliminar el servidor \"%s\" ya que est usted conectado a "
"l. Pruebe /disconnect %s antes.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2372
+#: src/common/command.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s has been deleted\n"
msgstr "El servidor %s%s%s ha sido borrado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2391
+#: src/common/command.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s faltan parmetros para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2401
+#: src/common/command.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"
msgstr "%s el servidor \"%s\" ya existe, no se puede crear!\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2430 src/common/command.c:2458
-#: src/common/command.c:2471 src/common/command.c:2497
+#: src/common/command.c:2435 src/common/command.c:2463
+#: src/common/command.c:2476 src/common/command.c:2502
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s falta contrasea para el comando \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2443
+#: src/common/command.c:2448
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s falta(n) usuario(s) para el parmetro \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2484
+#: src/common/command.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s falta comando para el parmetro \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2520
+#: src/common/command.c:2525
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s created\n"
msgstr "Servidor %s%s%s creado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2529
+#: src/common/command.c:2534
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to create server\n"
msgstr "%s no es posible crear el servidor\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2588
+#: src/common/command.c:2593
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr "(desconocido)"
-#: src/common/command.c:2611
+#: src/common/command.c:2616
#, c-format
msgid "%s(password hidden) "
msgstr "%s(contrasea oculta) "
-#: src/common/command.c:2707
+#: src/common/command.c:2712
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s servidor \"%s\" no encontrado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2740 src/common/command.c:2788
+#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2793
#, c-format
msgid "%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s opcin de configuracin \"%s\" no encontrada\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2780
+#: src/common/command.c:2750 src/common/command.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s valor incorrecto para la opcin \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2761
+#: src/common/command.c:2766
#, c-format
msgid "%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"
msgstr ""
"%s la opcin \"%s\" no puede ser modificada mientras WeeChat est en "
-#: src/common/command.c:2871
+#: src/common/command.c:2876
#, c-format
msgid "No config option found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Ninguna opcin de configuracin encontrada con \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2874
+#: src/common/command.c:2879
msgid "No config option found\n"
msgstr "Ninguna opcin de configuracin encontrada\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2881
+#: src/common/command.c:2886
#, c-format
msgid "%sDetail:\n"
msgstr "%sDetalle:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2886 src/common/weechat.c:336
+#: src/common/command.c:2891 src/common/weechat.c:336
#, c-format
msgid " . type boolean (values: 'on' or 'off')\n"
msgstr " . tipo booleano (valores: 'on' u 'off')\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2887 src/common/command.c:2910
-#: src/common/command.c:2916 src/common/command.c:2922
+#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/command.c:2915
+#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/command.c:2927
#: src/common/weechat.c:337 src/common/weechat.c:360 src/common/weechat.c:366
#: src/common/weechat.c:372
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: '%s'\n"
msgstr " . valor por defecto: '%s'\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/weechat.c:342
+#: src/common/command.c:2897 src/common/weechat.c:342
#, c-format
msgid " . type integer (values: between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr " . tipo entero (valores: entre %d y %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2895 src/common/weechat.c:345
+#: src/common/command.c:2900 src/common/weechat.c:345
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: %d\n"
msgstr " . valor por defecto: %d\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2899 src/common/weechat.c:349
+#: src/common/command.c:2904 src/common/weechat.c:349
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (values: "
msgstr " . tipo cadena (valores: "
-#: src/common/command.c:2912 src/common/command.c:2918
-#: src/common/command.c:2924 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
+#: src/common/command.c:2917 src/common/command.c:2923
+#: src/common/command.c:2929 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
#: src/common/weechat.c:374
msgid "empty"
msgstr "vaco"
-#: src/common/command.c:2915 src/common/weechat.c:365
+#: src/common/command.c:2920 src/common/weechat.c:365
#, c-format
msgid " . type color (Curses or Gtk color, look at WeeChat doc)\n"
msgstr " . tipo color (color Curses o Gtk, ver la documentacin de WeeChat)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/weechat.c:371
+#: src/common/command.c:2926 src/common/weechat.c:371
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (any string)\n"
msgstr " . tipo cadena (cualquier cadena)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2927 src/common/weechat.c:377
+#: src/common/command.c:2932 src/common/weechat.c:377
#, c-format
msgid " . description: %s\n"
msgstr " . descripcin: %s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2938
+#: src/common/command.c:2943
#, c-format
msgid "config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "opcin/opciones de configuracin encontrada(s) con \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2941
+#: src/common/command.c:2946
msgid "config option(s) found\n"
msgstr "opcin/opciones de configuracin encontrada(s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2965
+#: src/common/command.c:2970
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s alias o comando \"%s\" no encontrado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2975
+#: src/common/command.c:2980
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" removed\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" eliminado\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3031
+#: src/common/command.c:3036
msgid "ignore were removed.\n"
msgstr "los ignores fueron eliminados.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3033
+#: src/common/command.c:3038
msgid "ignore was removed.\n"
msgstr "el ignore fue eliminado.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3038
+#: src/common/command.c:3043
#, c-format
msgid "%s no ignore found\n"
msgstr "%s no se encontraron ignores\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3070
+#: src/common/command.c:3075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one server is pending\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3080
+#: src/common/command.c:3085
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one SSL server is active (should be "
"fixed in a future version)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3096
+#: src/common/command.c:3101
msgid "Upgrading WeeChat...\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3103
+#: src/common/command.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to save session in file\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3141
+#: src/common/command.c:3146
#, c-format
msgid "%s exec failed (program: \"%s\"), exiting WeeChat\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3177
+#: src/common/command.c:3182
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, started on %s"
msgstr "Tiempo de uso de WeeChat: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, empez en %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:3191
+#: src/common/command.c:3196
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, started on %s%s"
msgstr ""
"Tiempo de uso de WeeChat: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s: %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, empez en %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:3231
+#: src/common/command.c:3236
msgid "Opened windows:\n"
msgstr "Ventanas abiertas:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3318
+#: src/common/command.c:3323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can not merge windows, there's no other window with same size near "
@@ -3669,193 +3671,193 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading channel)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1020
+#: src/common/session.c:1022
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from channel (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1043
+#: src/common/session.c:1045
msgid "nick found without channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1051
+#: src/common/session.c:1053
msgid "nick name not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1061
+#: src/common/session.c:1063
msgid "can't create new nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1071
+#: src/common/session.c:1073
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading nick)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1087
+#: src/common/session.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from nick (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1113
+#: src/common/session.c:1115
msgid "can't create new DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1117
+#: src/common/session.c:1119
msgid "session: loading DCC\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1127
+#: src/common/session.c:1129
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading DCC)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1146
+#: src/common/session.c:1148
msgid "server not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1155
+#: src/common/session.c:1157
msgid "DCC with channel but without server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1167
+#: src/common/session.c:1169
msgid "channel not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1241
+#: src/common/session.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from DCC (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1261
+#: src/common/session.c:1263
msgid "session: loading buffer history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1263
+#: src/common/session.c:1265
msgid "session: loading global history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1271
+#: src/common/session.c:1273
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading history)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1291
+#: src/common/session.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from history (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1317
+#: src/common/session.c:1319
msgid "server name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1325
+#: src/common/session.c:1327
msgid "channel name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1332
+#: src/common/session.c:1334
msgid "dcc flag not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1337
+#: src/common/session.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "session: loading buffer (server: %s, channel: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1348
+#: src/common/session.c:1350
msgid "server not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1358
+#: src/common/session.c:1360
msgid "channel not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1366
+#: src/common/session.c:1368
msgid "can't create new buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1379
+#: src/common/session.c:1381
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading buffer)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1389
+#: src/common/session.c:1391
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from buffer (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1411
+#: src/common/session.c:1413
msgid "line found without buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1419
+#: src/common/session.c:1421
msgid "can't create new line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1429
+#: src/common/session.c:1431
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading line)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1460
+#: src/common/session.c:1462
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from line (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1490
+#: src/common/session.c:1492
msgid "session file not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1497
+#: src/common/session.c:1499
msgid "signature not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1502
+#: src/common/session.c:1504
msgid "bad session signature"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1513
+#: src/common/session.c:1515
msgid "object id not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1521
+#: src/common/session.c:1523
msgid "failed to load server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1528
+#: src/common/session.c:1530
msgid "failed to load channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1535
+#: src/common/session.c:1537
msgid "failed to load nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1542
+#: src/common/session.c:1544
msgid "failed to load DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1549
+#: src/common/session.c:1551
msgid "failed to load history"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1556
+#: src/common/session.c:1558
msgid "failed to load buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1563
+#: src/common/session.c:1565
msgid "failed to load line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1568
+#: src/common/session.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring object (id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1572
+#: src/common/session.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "failed to ignore object (id: %d)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1596
+#: src/common/session.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't delete session file (%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1602
+#: src/common/session.c:1604
msgid "Upgrade completed successfully\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/weechat/po/fr.po b/weechat/po/fr.po
index 3caf3ca1c..5ac576ccf 100644
--- a/weechat/po/fr.po
+++ b/weechat/po/fr.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat 0.1.7-cvs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-11 14:51+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-11 14:53+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-12 12:05+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-12 12:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: FlashCode <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ msgstr "inconnu"
msgid "%s: using local hostname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s: utilisation du nom de machine local \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:809
+#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:814
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de trouver le pseudo pour envoyer le message\n"
@@ -1419,8 +1419,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:489 src/irc/irc-send.c:501 src/irc/irc-send.c:519
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1184 src/irc/irc-send.c:1309 src/irc/irc-send.c:1842
-#: src/common/command.c:1600 src/common/command.c:2098
-#: src/common/command.c:2237
+#: src/common/command.c:1605 src/common/command.c:2103
+#: src/common/command.c:2242
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s nombre de paramtres erron pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
@@ -1759,11 +1759,11 @@ msgstr "%s%s %s(%s%s@%s%s)%s tait %s\n"
msgid "%s[%s%s%s]%s idle: "
msgstr "%s[%s%s%s]%s inactivit: "
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "day"
msgstr "jour"
@@ -2509,7 +2509,7 @@ msgstr "rafraichir l'cran"
msgid "grab a key"
msgstr "capturer une touche"
-#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2113
+#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to bind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de crer la touche \"%s\"\n"
@@ -2880,19 +2880,21 @@ msgstr "gestion des fentres"
#: src/common/command.c:164
msgid ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
-msgstr ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [ptc] | resize pct | merge "
+"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv "
+"[pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
+msgstr "[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [ptc] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
-#: src/common/command.c:165
+#: src/common/command.c:166
#, c-format
msgid ""
"list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+"up: switch to window above current one\n"
+"down: switch to window below current one\n"
+"left: switch to window on the left\n"
+"right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
@@ -2906,40 +2908,40 @@ msgstr ""
"-1: saute la fentre prcdente\n"
"+1: saute la fentre suivante\n"
"b#: saute la fentre affichant le tampon n#\n"
+"up: saute la fentre au dessus\n"
+"down: saute la fentre au dessous\n"
+"left: saute la fentre gauche\n"
+"right: saute la fentre droite\n"
"splith: clate la fentre en deux horizontalement\n"
"splitv: clate la fentre en deux verticalement\n"
-"resize: redimensionne une fentre, la nouvelle taille est <pct>%% de la "
-"fentre parent\n"
+"resize: redimensionne une fentre, la nouvelle taille est <pct>%% de la fentre parent\n"
"merge: fusionne la fentre avec une autre\n"
-"Pour splith et splitv, pct est un pourcentage qui reprsente la taille de la "
-"nouvelle fentre, calcule par rapport la taille de la fentre courante. "
-"Par exemple 25 signifie crer une fentre qui a pour taille: "
-"taille_courante / 4"
+"Pour splith et splitv, pct est un pourcentage qui reprsente la taille de la nouvelle fentre, calcule par rapport la taille de la fentre courante. Par exemple 25 signifie crer une fentre qui a pour taille: taille_courante / 4"
-#: src/common/command.c:318
+#: src/common/command.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"
msgstr "%s l'alias ou la commande \"%s\" existe dj !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:328
+#: src/common/command.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"
msgstr "%s l'alias ne peut pas lancer un autre alias !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:335
+#: src/common/command.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "%s target command \"/%s\" does not exist!\n"
msgstr "%s la commande cible \"/%s\" n'existe pas !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:573
+#: src/common/command.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nombre de paramtres incorrect pour la commande %s \"%s\" (attendu: %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:585
+#: src/common/command.c:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2948,19 +2950,19 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nombre de paramtres incorrect pour la commande %s \"%s\" (attendu: entre "
"%d et %d paramtre%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:607 src/common/command.c:676
+#: src/common/command.c:612 src/common/command.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" failed\n"
msgstr "%s la commande \"%s\" a chou\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:632
+#: src/common/command.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nombre de paramtres incorrect pour la commande IRC \"%s\" (attendu: %d "
-#: src/common/command.c:644
+#: src/common/command.c:649
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
@@ -2969,283 +2971,283 @@ msgstr ""
"%s nombre de paramtres incorrect pour la commande IRC \"%s\" (attendu: "
"entre %d et %d paramtre%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:659
+#: src/common/command.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"
msgstr "%s la commande \"%s\" ncessite une connexion au serveur !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:720
+#: src/common/command.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"
msgstr "%s commande \"%s\" inconnue (tapez /help pour l'aide)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:854
+#: src/common/command.c:859
msgid "This window is not a channel!\n"
msgstr "Cette fentre n'est pas un canal !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:885 src/common/command.c:916 src/common/command.c:1031
+#: src/common/command.c:890 src/common/command.c:921 src/common/command.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s paramtres manquants pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:892
+#: src/common/command.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias can not start with \"/\"\n"
msgstr "%s l'alias ne peut pas commencer par \"/\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:901
+#: src/common/command.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" cr\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:907
+#: src/common/command.c:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr "Impossible de crer l'alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (pas assez de mmoire)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:927
+#: src/common/command.c:932
msgid "List of aliases:\n"
msgstr "Liste des alias:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:941
+#: src/common/command.c:946
msgid "No alias defined.\n"
msgstr "Aucun alias dfini.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:960
+#: src/common/command.c:965
#, c-format
msgid "%sServer: %s%s\n"
msgstr "%sServeur: %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:965
+#: src/common/command.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "%snot connected\n"
msgstr "%snon connect\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:969
+#: src/common/command.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "%sChannel: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sCanal: %s%s %s(serveur: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:978
+#: src/common/command.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "%sPrivate with: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr "%sPriv avec: %s%s %s(serveur: %s%s%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:987
+#: src/common/command.c:992
#, c-format
msgid "%sunknown\n"
msgstr "%sinconnu\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1010
+#: src/common/command.c:1015
msgid "Opened buffers:\n"
msgstr "Tampons ouverts:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1054
+#: src/common/command.c:1059
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer number\n"
msgstr "%s numro de buffer incorrect\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1070
+#: src/common/command.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close the single buffer\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de fermer le tampon unique\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1080
+#: src/common/command.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close server buffer while channels are opened\n"
msgstr ""
"%s impossible de fermer le tampon du serveur tant que des canaux sont "
-#: src/common/command.c:1129
+#: src/common/command.c:1134
msgid "Notify levels: "
msgstr "Niveaux de notification: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1158 src/common/command.c:1206
+#: src/common/command.c:1163 src/common/command.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect notify level (must be between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr "%s niveau de notification incorrect (doit tre entre %d et %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1167
+#: src/common/command.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer for notify (must be channel or private)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s tampon incorrect pour la notification (doit tre un canal ou un priv)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1176
+#: src/common/command.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "New notify level for %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
msgstr "Nouveau niveau de notification pour %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:1186
+#: src/common/command.c:1191
msgid "(hotlist: never)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: jamais)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1189
+#: src/common/command.c:1194
msgid "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1192
+#: src/common/command.c:1197
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1195
+#: src/common/command.c:1200
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (all))\n"
msgstr "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (tous))\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1294
+#: src/common/command.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for server %s%s%s: "
msgstr "Jeux de caractres pour le serveur %s%s%s: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1302
+#: src/common/command.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for channel %s%s%s: "
msgstr "Jeux de caractres pour le canal %s%s%s: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1310
+#: src/common/command.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for private %s%s%s: "
msgstr "Jeux de caractres pour le priv %s%s%s: "
-#: src/common/command.c:1338 src/common/command.c:1368
-#: src/common/command.c:1398
+#: src/common/command.c:1343 src/common/command.c:1373
+#: src/common/command.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid " (inherited: \"%s%s%s\")"
msgstr " (hrit: \"%s%s%s\")"
-#: src/common/command.c:1462 src/common/command.c:1485
-#: src/common/command.c:1619 src/common/command.c:2230
-#: src/common/command.c:3307 src/common/command.c:3350
+#: src/common/command.c:1467 src/common/command.c:1490
+#: src/common/command.c:1624 src/common/command.c:2235
+#: src/common/command.c:3312 src/common/command.c:3355
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s option inconnue pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1515
+#: src/common/command.c:1520
#, c-format
msgid "%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s dj connect au serveur \"%s\" !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1523
+#: src/common/command.c:1528
#, c-format
msgid "%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s une connexion vers le serveur \"%s\" est en cours !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1541 src/common/command.c:1664
+#: src/common/command.c:1546 src/common/command.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "%s server not found\n"
msgstr "%s serveur non trouv\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1648
+#: src/common/command.c:1653
#, c-format
msgid "%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr "%s non connect au serveur \"%s\" !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1656
+#: src/common/command.c:1661
msgid "Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n"
msgstr "La reconnexion automatique est annule\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1690 src/common/weechat.c:400
+#: src/common/command.c:1695 src/common/weechat.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "%s internal commands:\n"
msgstr "Commandes internes %s :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1700 src/common/weechat.c:420
+#: src/common/command.c:1705 src/common/weechat.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "IRC commands:\n"
msgstr "Commandes IRC :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1714
+#: src/common/command.c:1719
msgid "Plugin commands:\n"
msgstr "Commandes d'extension :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1830
+#: src/common/command.c:1835
#, c-format
msgid "No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"
msgstr "Pas d'aide disponible, la commande \"%s\" est inconnue\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1896
+#: src/common/command.c:1901
#, c-format
msgid "%son %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoring %s%s%s from %s%s\n"
msgstr "%ssur %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignore %s%s%s de %s%s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1930
+#: src/common/command.c:1935
msgid "List of ignore:\n"
msgstr "Liste des ignore:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1947
+#: src/common/command.c:1952
msgid "No ignore defined.\n"
msgstr "Aucun ignore dfini.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:1973
+#: src/common/command.c:1978
msgid "New ignore:"
msgstr "Nouveau ignore:"
-#: src/common/command.c:1993
+#: src/common/command.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "New key binding: %s"
msgstr "Nouvelle touche: %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:2030
+#: src/common/command.c:2035
msgid "Key bindings:\n"
msgstr "Associations de touches:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2044
+#: src/common/command.c:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Key \"%s\" unbinded\n"
msgstr "Touche \"%s\" supprime\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2050
+#: src/common/command.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to unbind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de supprimer la touche \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2058 src/common/weechat.c:452
+#: src/common/command.c:2063 src/common/weechat.c:452
#, c-format
msgid "Internal key functions:\n"
msgstr "Fonctions internes pour les touches:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2078
+#: src/common/command.c:2083
msgid "Default key bindings restored\n"
msgstr "Touches par dfaut restaures\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2084
+#: src/common/command.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"-yes\" argument is required for keys reset (securuty reason)\n"
msgstr ""
"%s le paramtre \"-yes\" est requis pour la rinitialisation des touches "
"(raison de scurit)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2143
+#: src/common/command.c:2148
msgid "Plugins loaded:\n"
msgstr "Extensions charges :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2159
+#: src/common/command.c:2164
msgid " message handlers:\n"
msgstr " fonctions de message :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2168
+#: src/common/command.c:2173
#, c-format
msgid " IRC(%s)\n"
msgstr " IRC(%s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2175
+#: src/common/command.c:2180
msgid " (no message handler)\n"
msgstr " (aucunne fonction de message)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2180
+#: src/common/command.c:2185
msgid " command handlers:\n"
msgstr " commandes :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2201
+#: src/common/command.c:2206
msgid " (no command handler)\n"
msgstr " (aucune commande)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2207
+#: src/common/command.c:2212
msgid " (no plugin)\n"
msgstr " (aucune extension)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2243
+#: src/common/command.c:2248
msgid ""
"Command \"plugin\" is not available, WeeChat was built without plugins "
@@ -3253,31 +3255,31 @@ msgstr ""
"La commande \"plugin\" n'est pas disponible, WeeChat a t compil sans le "
"support des extensions.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2294
+#: src/common/command.c:2299
msgid "No server.\n"
msgstr "Pas de serveur.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2305
+#: src/common/command.c:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Server '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr "Serveur '%s' non trouv.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2317
+#: src/common/command.c:2322
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s il manque le nom du serveur pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2325
+#: src/common/command.c:2330
#, c-format
msgid "%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"
msgstr "%s trop de paramtres pour la commande \"%s\", paramtres ignors\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2344
+#: src/common/command.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s le serveur \"%s\" n'existe pas pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2352
+#: src/common/command.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. Try /"
@@ -3286,179 +3288,179 @@ msgstr ""
"%s vous ne pouvez pas supprimer le server \"%s\" car vous tes connect "
"dessus. Essayez /disconnect %s avant.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2372
+#: src/common/command.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s has been deleted\n"
msgstr "Le serveur %s%s%s a t supprim\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2391
+#: src/common/command.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr "%s paramtres manquants pour la commande \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2401
+#: src/common/command.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"
msgstr "%s le serveur \"%s\" existe dj, impossible de le crer !\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2430 src/common/command.c:2458
-#: src/common/command.c:2471 src/common/command.c:2497
+#: src/common/command.c:2435 src/common/command.c:2463
+#: src/common/command.c:2476 src/common/command.c:2502
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s mot de passe manquant pour le paramtre \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2443
+#: src/common/command.c:2448
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s pseudo(s) manquant(s) pour le paramtre \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2484
+#: src/common/command.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr "%s commande manquante pour le paramtre \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2520
+#: src/common/command.c:2525
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s created\n"
msgstr "Serveur %s%s%s cr\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2529
+#: src/common/command.c:2534
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to create server\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de crer le serveur\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2588
+#: src/common/command.c:2593
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr "(inconnu)"
-#: src/common/command.c:2611
+#: src/common/command.c:2616
#, c-format
msgid "%s(password hidden) "
msgstr "%s(mot de passe cach) "
-#: src/common/command.c:2707
+#: src/common/command.c:2712
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s serveur \"%s\" non trouv\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2740 src/common/command.c:2788
+#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2793
#, c-format
msgid "%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s option de configuration \"%s\" non trouve\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2780
+#: src/common/command.c:2750 src/common/command.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "%s valeur incorrecte pour l'option \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2761
+#: src/common/command.c:2766
#, c-format
msgid "%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"
msgstr "%s l'option \"%s\" ne peut pas tre change lorsque WeeChat tourne\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2871
+#: src/common/command.c:2876
#, c-format
msgid "No config option found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Aucune option de configuration trouve avec \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2874
+#: src/common/command.c:2879
msgid "No config option found\n"
msgstr "Aucune option de configuration trouve\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2881
+#: src/common/command.c:2886
#, c-format
msgid "%sDetail:\n"
msgstr "%sDtail :\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2886 src/common/weechat.c:336
+#: src/common/command.c:2891 src/common/weechat.c:336
#, c-format
msgid " . type boolean (values: 'on' or 'off')\n"
msgstr " . type boolen (valeurs: 'on' ou 'off')\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2887 src/common/command.c:2910
-#: src/common/command.c:2916 src/common/command.c:2922
+#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/command.c:2915
+#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/command.c:2927
#: src/common/weechat.c:337 src/common/weechat.c:360 src/common/weechat.c:366
#: src/common/weechat.c:372
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: '%s'\n"
msgstr " . valeur par dfaut: '%s'\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/weechat.c:342
+#: src/common/command.c:2897 src/common/weechat.c:342
#, c-format
msgid " . type integer (values: between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr " . type entier (valeurs: entre %d et %d)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2895 src/common/weechat.c:345
+#: src/common/command.c:2900 src/common/weechat.c:345
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: %d\n"
msgstr " . valeur par dfaut: %d\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2899 src/common/weechat.c:349
+#: src/common/command.c:2904 src/common/weechat.c:349
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (values: "
msgstr " . type chane (valeurs: "
-#: src/common/command.c:2912 src/common/command.c:2918
-#: src/common/command.c:2924 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
+#: src/common/command.c:2917 src/common/command.c:2923
+#: src/common/command.c:2929 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
#: src/common/weechat.c:374
msgid "empty"
msgstr "vide"
-#: src/common/command.c:2915 src/common/weechat.c:365
+#: src/common/command.c:2920 src/common/weechat.c:365
#, c-format
msgid " . type color (Curses or Gtk color, look at WeeChat doc)\n"
msgstr " . type couleur (couleur Curses ou Gtk, voir la doc WeeChat)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/weechat.c:371
+#: src/common/command.c:2926 src/common/weechat.c:371
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (any string)\n"
msgstr " . type chane (toute chane)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2927 src/common/weechat.c:377
+#: src/common/command.c:2932 src/common/weechat.c:377
#, c-format
msgid " . description: %s\n"
msgstr " . description: %s\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2938
+#: src/common/command.c:2943
#, c-format
msgid "config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "option(s) de configuration trouve(s) avec \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2941
+#: src/common/command.c:2946
msgid "config option(s) found\n"
msgstr "option(s) de configuration trouve(s)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2965
+#: src/common/command.c:2970
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "%s alias ou commande \"%s\" non trouv\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:2975
+#: src/common/command.c:2980
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" removed\n"
msgstr "Alias \"%s\" supprim\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3031
+#: src/common/command.c:3036
msgid "ignore were removed.\n"
msgstr "ignore ont t supprims.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3033
+#: src/common/command.c:3038
msgid "ignore was removed.\n"
msgstr "ignore a t supprim.\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3038
+#: src/common/command.c:3043
#, c-format
msgid "%s no ignore found\n"
msgstr "%s aucun ignore trouv\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3070
+#: src/common/command.c:3075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one server is pending\n"
msgstr ""
"%s impossible de mettre jour: une connexion au moins un serveur est en "
-#: src/common/command.c:3080
+#: src/common/command.c:3085
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one SSL server is active (should be "
@@ -3467,35 +3469,35 @@ msgstr ""
"%s impossible de mettre jour: une connexion au moins un serveur SSL est "
"active (devrait tre corrig dans une future version)\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3096
+#: src/common/command.c:3101
msgid "Upgrading WeeChat...\n"
msgstr "Mise jour de WeeChat...\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3103
+#: src/common/command.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to save session in file\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de sauver la session dans le fichier\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3141
+#: src/common/command.c:3146
#, c-format
msgid "%s exec failed (program: \"%s\"), exiting WeeChat\n"
msgstr "%s l'excution a chou (programme: \"%s\"), sortie de WeeChat\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3177
+#: src/common/command.c:3182
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, started on %s"
msgstr "Uptime WeeChat: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, dmarr le %s"
-#: src/common/command.c:3191
+#: src/common/command.c:3196
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, started on %s%s"
msgstr "Uptime WeeChat: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, dmarr le %s%s"
-#: src/common/command.c:3231
+#: src/common/command.c:3236
msgid "Opened windows:\n"
msgstr "Fentres ouvertes:\n"
-#: src/common/command.c:3318
+#: src/common/command.c:3323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can not merge windows, there's no other window with same size near "
@@ -3673,193 +3675,193 @@ msgstr "impossible de crer un nouveau canal"
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading channel)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'un canal)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1020
+#: src/common/session.c:1022
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from channel (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un canal (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1043
+#: src/common/session.c:1045
msgid "nick found without channel"
msgstr "pseudo non trouv pour le canal"
-#: src/common/session.c:1051
+#: src/common/session.c:1053
msgid "nick name not found"
msgstr "pseudo non trouv"
-#: src/common/session.c:1061
+#: src/common/session.c:1063
msgid "can't create new nick"
msgstr "impossible de crer un nouveau pseudo"
-#: src/common/session.c:1071
+#: src/common/session.c:1073
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading nick)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'un pseudo)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1087
+#: src/common/session.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from nick (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un pseudo (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1113
+#: src/common/session.c:1115
msgid "can't create new DCC"
msgstr "impossible de crer un nouveau DCC"
-#: src/common/session.c:1117
+#: src/common/session.c:1119
msgid "session: loading DCC\n"
msgstr "session: chargement du DCC\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1127
+#: src/common/session.c:1129
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading DCC)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'un DCC)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1146
+#: src/common/session.c:1148
msgid "server not found for DCC"
msgstr "serveur non trouv pour le DCC"
-#: src/common/session.c:1155
+#: src/common/session.c:1157
msgid "DCC with channel but without server"
msgstr "DCC avec un canal mais sans serveur"
-#: src/common/session.c:1167
+#: src/common/session.c:1169
msgid "channel not found for DCC"
msgstr "canal non trouv pour le DCC"
-#: src/common/session.c:1241
+#: src/common/session.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from DCC (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un DCC (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1261
+#: src/common/session.c:1263
msgid "session: loading buffer history\n"
msgstr "session: chargement de l'historique du tampon\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1263
+#: src/common/session.c:1265
msgid "session: loading global history\n"
msgstr "session: chargement de l'historique global\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1271
+#: src/common/session.c:1273
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading history)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture de l'historique)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1291
+#: src/common/session.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from history (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un historique (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1317
+#: src/common/session.c:1319
msgid "server name not found for buffer"
msgstr "nom de serveur non trouve pour le tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1325
+#: src/common/session.c:1327
msgid "channel name not found for buffer"
msgstr "nom de canal non trouv pour un tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1332
+#: src/common/session.c:1334
msgid "dcc flag not found for buffer"
msgstr "drapeau dcc non trouv pour un tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1337
+#: src/common/session.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "session: loading buffer (server: %s, channel: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: chargement du tampon (serveur: %s, canal: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1348
+#: src/common/session.c:1350
msgid "server not found for buffer"
msgstr "serveur non trouv pour le tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1358
+#: src/common/session.c:1360
msgid "channel not found for buffer"
msgstr "canal non trouv pour le tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1366
+#: src/common/session.c:1368
msgid "can't create new buffer"
msgstr "impossible de crer un nouveau tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1379
+#: src/common/session.c:1381
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading buffer)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'un tampon)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1389
+#: src/common/session.c:1391
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from buffer (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour un pseudo (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1411
+#: src/common/session.c:1413
msgid "line found without buffer"
msgstr "ligne trouve sans tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1419
+#: src/common/session.c:1421
msgid "can't create new line"
msgstr "impossible de crer une nouvelle ligne"
-#: src/common/session.c:1429
+#: src/common/session.c:1431
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading line)"
msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue (en lecture d'une ligne)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1460
+#: src/common/session.c:1462
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from line (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr "session: attention: valeur ignore pour une ligne (id objet: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1490
+#: src/common/session.c:1492
msgid "session file not found"
msgstr "fichier de session non trouv"
-#: src/common/session.c:1497
+#: src/common/session.c:1499
msgid "signature not found"
msgstr "signature non trouve"
-#: src/common/session.c:1502
+#: src/common/session.c:1504
msgid "bad session signature"
msgstr "signature de session errone"
-#: src/common/session.c:1513
+#: src/common/session.c:1515
msgid "object id not found"
msgstr "id objet non trouv"
-#: src/common/session.c:1521
+#: src/common/session.c:1523
msgid "failed to load server"
msgstr "chec de chargement du serveur"
-#: src/common/session.c:1528
+#: src/common/session.c:1530
msgid "failed to load channel"
msgstr "chec de chargement du canal"
-#: src/common/session.c:1535
+#: src/common/session.c:1537
msgid "failed to load nick"
msgstr "chec de chargement du pseudo"
-#: src/common/session.c:1542
+#: src/common/session.c:1544
msgid "failed to load DCC"
msgstr "chec de chargement du DCC"
-#: src/common/session.c:1549
+#: src/common/session.c:1551
msgid "failed to load history"
msgstr "chec de chargement de l'historique"
-#: src/common/session.c:1556
+#: src/common/session.c:1558
msgid "failed to load buffer"
msgstr "chec de chargement du tampon"
-#: src/common/session.c:1563
+#: src/common/session.c:1565
msgid "failed to load line"
msgstr "chec de chargement de la ligne"
-#: src/common/session.c:1568
+#: src/common/session.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring object (id: %d)\n"
msgstr "objet ignor (id: %d)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1572
+#: src/common/session.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "failed to ignore object (id: %d)"
msgstr "impossible d'ignorer l'objet (id: %d)"
-#: src/common/session.c:1596
+#: src/common/session.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't delete session file (%s)\n"
msgstr "%s impossible de supprimer le fichier de session (%s)\n"
-#: src/common/session.c:1602
+#: src/common/session.c:1604
msgid "Upgrade completed successfully\n"
msgstr "Mise jour effectue avec succs\n"
diff --git a/weechat/po/weechat.pot b/weechat/po/weechat.pot
index 8c02446f2..5bc460d30 100644
--- a/weechat/po/weechat.pot
+++ b/weechat/po/weechat.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-11 14:51+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-12 12:05+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: using local hostname \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:809
+#: src/irc/irc-send.c:177 src/common/command.c:814
#, c-format
msgid "%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -1304,8 +1304,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:489 src/irc/irc-send.c:501 src/irc/irc-send.c:519
#: src/irc/irc-send.c:1184 src/irc/irc-send.c:1309 src/irc/irc-send.c:1842
-#: src/common/command.c:1600 src/common/command.c:2098
-#: src/common/command.c:2237
+#: src/common/command.c:1605 src/common/command.c:2103
+#: src/common/command.c:2242
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -1643,11 +1643,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s[%s%s%s]%s idle: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3179 src/common/command.c:3197
+#: src/irc/irc-recv.c:3159 src/common/command.c:3184 src/common/command.c:3202
msgid "day"
msgstr ""
@@ -2349,7 +2349,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "grab a key"
msgstr ""
-#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2113
+#: src/gui/gui-keyboard.c:434 src/common/command.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to bind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -2650,17 +2650,21 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/common/command.c:164
msgid ""
-"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge "
+"[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv "
+"[pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:165
+#: src/common/command.c:166
#, c-format
msgid ""
"list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+"up: switch to window above current one\n"
+"down: switch to window below current one\n"
+"left: switch to window on the left\n"
+"right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
@@ -2671,564 +2675,564 @@ msgid ""
"create a new window with size = current_size / 4"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:318
+#: src/common/command.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:328
+#: src/common/command.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:335
+#: src/common/command.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "%s target command \"/%s\" does not exist!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:573
+#: src/common/command.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:585
+#: src/common/command.c:590
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:607 src/common/command.c:676
+#: src/common/command.c:612 src/common/command.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" failed\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:632
+#: src/common/command.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: %d arg%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:644
+#: src/common/command.c:649
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" (expected: between %d and %d "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:659
+#: src/common/command.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:720
+#: src/common/command.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:854
+#: src/common/command.c:859
msgid "This window is not a channel!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:885 src/common/command.c:916 src/common/command.c:1031
+#: src/common/command.c:890 src/common/command.c:921 src/common/command.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:892
+#: src/common/command.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias can not start with \"/\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:901
+#: src/common/command.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:907
+#: src/common/command.c:912
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" (not enough memory)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:927
+#: src/common/command.c:932
msgid "List of aliases:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:941
+#: src/common/command.c:946
msgid "No alias defined.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:960
+#: src/common/command.c:965
#, c-format
msgid "%sServer: %s%s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:965
+#: src/common/command.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "%snot connected\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:969
+#: src/common/command.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "%sChannel: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:978
+#: src/common/command.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "%sPrivate with: %s%s %s(server: %s%s%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:987
+#: src/common/command.c:992
#, c-format
msgid "%sunknown\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1010
+#: src/common/command.c:1015
msgid "Opened buffers:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1054
+#: src/common/command.c:1059
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer number\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1070
+#: src/common/command.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close the single buffer\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1080
+#: src/common/command.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "%s can not close server buffer while channels are opened\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1129
+#: src/common/command.c:1134
msgid "Notify levels: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1158 src/common/command.c:1206
+#: src/common/command.c:1163 src/common/command.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect notify level (must be between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1167
+#: src/common/command.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect buffer for notify (must be channel or private)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1176
+#: src/common/command.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "New notify level for %s%s%s: %s%d %s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1186
+#: src/common/command.c:1191
msgid "(hotlist: never)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1189
+#: src/common/command.c:1194
msgid "(hotlist: highlights)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1192
+#: src/common/command.c:1197
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1195
+#: src/common/command.c:1200
msgid "(hotlist: highlights + messages + join/part (all))\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1294
+#: src/common/command.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for server %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1302
+#: src/common/command.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for channel %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1310
+#: src/common/command.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid "Charsets for private %s%s%s: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1338 src/common/command.c:1368
-#: src/common/command.c:1398
+#: src/common/command.c:1343 src/common/command.c:1373
+#: src/common/command.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid " (inherited: \"%s%s%s\")"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1462 src/common/command.c:1485
-#: src/common/command.c:1619 src/common/command.c:2230
-#: src/common/command.c:3307 src/common/command.c:3350
+#: src/common/command.c:1467 src/common/command.c:1490
+#: src/common/command.c:1624 src/common/command.c:2235
+#: src/common/command.c:3312 src/common/command.c:3355
#, c-format
msgid "%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1515
+#: src/common/command.c:1520
#, c-format
msgid "%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1523
+#: src/common/command.c:1528
#, c-format
msgid "%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1541 src/common/command.c:1664
+#: src/common/command.c:1546 src/common/command.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "%s server not found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1648
+#: src/common/command.c:1653
#, c-format
msgid "%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1656
+#: src/common/command.c:1661
msgid "Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1690 src/common/weechat.c:400
+#: src/common/command.c:1695 src/common/weechat.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "%s internal commands:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1700 src/common/weechat.c:420
+#: src/common/command.c:1705 src/common/weechat.c:420
#, c-format
msgid "IRC commands:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1714
+#: src/common/command.c:1719
msgid "Plugin commands:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1830
+#: src/common/command.c:1835
#, c-format
msgid "No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1896
+#: src/common/command.c:1901
#, c-format
msgid "%son %s%s%s/%s%s%s:%s ignoring %s%s%s from %s%s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1930
+#: src/common/command.c:1935
msgid "List of ignore:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1947
+#: src/common/command.c:1952
msgid "No ignore defined.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1973
+#: src/common/command.c:1978
msgid "New ignore:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:1993
+#: src/common/command.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "New key binding: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2030
+#: src/common/command.c:2035
msgid "Key bindings:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2044
+#: src/common/command.c:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Key \"%s\" unbinded\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2050
+#: src/common/command.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to unbind key \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2058 src/common/weechat.c:452
+#: src/common/command.c:2063 src/common/weechat.c:452
#, c-format
msgid "Internal key functions:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2078
+#: src/common/command.c:2083
msgid "Default key bindings restored\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2084
+#: src/common/command.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "%s \"-yes\" argument is required for keys reset (securuty reason)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2143
+#: src/common/command.c:2148
msgid "Plugins loaded:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2159
+#: src/common/command.c:2164
msgid " message handlers:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2168
+#: src/common/command.c:2173
#, c-format
msgid " IRC(%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2175
+#: src/common/command.c:2180
msgid " (no message handler)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2180
+#: src/common/command.c:2185
msgid " command handlers:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2201
+#: src/common/command.c:2206
msgid " (no command handler)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2207
+#: src/common/command.c:2212
msgid " (no plugin)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2243
+#: src/common/command.c:2248
msgid ""
"Command \"plugin\" is not available, WeeChat was built without plugins "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2294
+#: src/common/command.c:2299
msgid "No server.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2305
+#: src/common/command.c:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Server '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2317
+#: src/common/command.c:2322
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2325
+#: src/common/command.c:2330
#, c-format
msgid "%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2344
+#: src/common/command.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2352
+#: src/common/command.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. Try /"
"disconnect %s before.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2372
+#: src/common/command.c:2377
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s has been deleted\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2391
+#: src/common/command.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2401
+#: src/common/command.c:2406
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2430 src/common/command.c:2458
-#: src/common/command.c:2471 src/common/command.c:2497
+#: src/common/command.c:2435 src/common/command.c:2463
+#: src/common/command.c:2476 src/common/command.c:2502
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2443
+#: src/common/command.c:2448
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2484
+#: src/common/command.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2520
+#: src/common/command.c:2525
#, c-format
msgid "Server %s%s%s created\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2529
+#: src/common/command.c:2534
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to create server\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2588
+#: src/common/command.c:2593
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2611
+#: src/common/command.c:2616
#, c-format
msgid "%s(password hidden) "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2707
+#: src/common/command.c:2712
#, c-format
msgid "%s server \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2740 src/common/command.c:2788
+#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2793
#, c-format
msgid "%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2745 src/common/command.c:2780
+#: src/common/command.c:2750 src/common/command.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2761
+#: src/common/command.c:2766
#, c-format
msgid "%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2871
+#: src/common/command.c:2876
#, c-format
msgid "No config option found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2874
+#: src/common/command.c:2879
msgid "No config option found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2881
+#: src/common/command.c:2886
#, c-format
msgid "%sDetail:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2886 src/common/weechat.c:336
+#: src/common/command.c:2891 src/common/weechat.c:336
#, c-format
msgid " . type boolean (values: 'on' or 'off')\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2887 src/common/command.c:2910
-#: src/common/command.c:2916 src/common/command.c:2922
+#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/command.c:2915
+#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/command.c:2927
#: src/common/weechat.c:337 src/common/weechat.c:360 src/common/weechat.c:366
#: src/common/weechat.c:372
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: '%s'\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2892 src/common/weechat.c:342
+#: src/common/command.c:2897 src/common/weechat.c:342
#, c-format
msgid " . type integer (values: between %d and %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2895 src/common/weechat.c:345
+#: src/common/command.c:2900 src/common/weechat.c:345
#, c-format
msgid " . default value: %d\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2899 src/common/weechat.c:349
+#: src/common/command.c:2904 src/common/weechat.c:349
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (values: "
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2912 src/common/command.c:2918
-#: src/common/command.c:2924 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
+#: src/common/command.c:2917 src/common/command.c:2923
+#: src/common/command.c:2929 src/common/weechat.c:362 src/common/weechat.c:368
#: src/common/weechat.c:374
msgid "empty"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2915 src/common/weechat.c:365
+#: src/common/command.c:2920 src/common/weechat.c:365
#, c-format
msgid " . type color (Curses or Gtk color, look at WeeChat doc)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2921 src/common/weechat.c:371
+#: src/common/command.c:2926 src/common/weechat.c:371
#, c-format
msgid " . type string (any string)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2927 src/common/weechat.c:377
+#: src/common/command.c:2932 src/common/weechat.c:377
#, c-format
msgid " . description: %s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2938
+#: src/common/command.c:2943
#, c-format
msgid "config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2941
+#: src/common/command.c:2946
msgid "config option(s) found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2965
+#: src/common/command.c:2970
#, c-format
msgid "%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:2975
+#: src/common/command.c:2980
#, c-format
msgid "Alias \"%s\" removed\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3031
+#: src/common/command.c:3036
msgid "ignore were removed.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3033
+#: src/common/command.c:3038
msgid "ignore was removed.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3038
+#: src/common/command.c:3043
#, c-format
msgid "%s no ignore found\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3070
+#: src/common/command.c:3075
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one server is pending\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3080
+#: src/common/command.c:3085
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can't upgrade: connection to at least one SSL server is active (should be "
"fixed in a future version)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3096
+#: src/common/command.c:3101
msgid "Upgrading WeeChat...\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3103
+#: src/common/command.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "%s unable to save session in file\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3141
+#: src/common/command.c:3146
#, c-format
msgid "%s exec failed (program: \"%s\"), exiting WeeChat\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3177
+#: src/common/command.c:3182
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %d %s %02d:%02d:%02d, started on %s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3191
+#: src/common/command.c:3196
#, c-format
msgid "WeeChat uptime: %s%d %s%s %s%02d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d%s, started on %s%s"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3231
+#: src/common/command.c:3236
msgid "Opened windows:\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/command.c:3318
+#: src/common/command.c:3323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s can not merge windows, there's no other window with same size near "
@@ -3399,193 +3403,193 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading channel)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1020
+#: src/common/session.c:1022
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from channel (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1043
+#: src/common/session.c:1045
msgid "nick found without channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1051
+#: src/common/session.c:1053
msgid "nick name not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1061
+#: src/common/session.c:1063
msgid "can't create new nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1071
+#: src/common/session.c:1073
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading nick)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1087
+#: src/common/session.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from nick (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1113
+#: src/common/session.c:1115
msgid "can't create new DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1117
+#: src/common/session.c:1119
msgid "session: loading DCC\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1127
+#: src/common/session.c:1129
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading DCC)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1146
+#: src/common/session.c:1148
msgid "server not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1155
+#: src/common/session.c:1157
msgid "DCC with channel but without server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1167
+#: src/common/session.c:1169
msgid "channel not found for DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1241
+#: src/common/session.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from DCC (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1261
+#: src/common/session.c:1263
msgid "session: loading buffer history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1263
+#: src/common/session.c:1265
msgid "session: loading global history\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1271
+#: src/common/session.c:1273
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading history)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1291
+#: src/common/session.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from history (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1317
+#: src/common/session.c:1319
msgid "server name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1325
+#: src/common/session.c:1327
msgid "channel name not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1332
+#: src/common/session.c:1334
msgid "dcc flag not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1337
+#: src/common/session.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "session: loading buffer (server: %s, channel: %s, dcc: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1348
+#: src/common/session.c:1350
msgid "server not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1358
+#: src/common/session.c:1360
msgid "channel not found for buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1366
+#: src/common/session.c:1368
msgid "can't create new buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1379
+#: src/common/session.c:1381
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading buffer)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1389
+#: src/common/session.c:1391
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from buffer (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1411
+#: src/common/session.c:1413
msgid "line found without buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1419
+#: src/common/session.c:1421
msgid "can't create new line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1429
+#: src/common/session.c:1431
msgid "unexpected end of file (reading line)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1460
+#: src/common/session.c:1462
#, c-format
msgid "session: warning: ignoring value from line (object id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1490
+#: src/common/session.c:1492
msgid "session file not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1497
+#: src/common/session.c:1499
msgid "signature not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1502
+#: src/common/session.c:1504
msgid "bad session signature"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1513
+#: src/common/session.c:1515
msgid "object id not found"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1521
+#: src/common/session.c:1523
msgid "failed to load server"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1528
+#: src/common/session.c:1530
msgid "failed to load channel"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1535
+#: src/common/session.c:1537
msgid "failed to load nick"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1542
+#: src/common/session.c:1544
msgid "failed to load DCC"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1549
+#: src/common/session.c:1551
msgid "failed to load history"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1556
+#: src/common/session.c:1558
msgid "failed to load buffer"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1563
+#: src/common/session.c:1565
msgid "failed to load line"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1568
+#: src/common/session.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring object (id: %d)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1572
+#: src/common/session.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "failed to ignore object (id: %d)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1596
+#: src/common/session.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "%s can't delete session file (%s)\n"
msgstr ""
-#: src/common/session.c:1602
+#: src/common/session.c:1604
msgid "Upgrade completed successfully\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/weechat/src/common/command.c b/weechat/src/common/command.c
index 60795911e..4eaaed094 100644
--- a/weechat/src/common/command.c
+++ b/weechat/src/common/command.c
@@ -161,11 +161,16 @@ t_weechat_command weechat_commands[] =
N_("-o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message"),
0, 1, weechat_cmd_uptime, NULL },
{ "window", N_("manage windows"),
- N_("[list | -1 | +1 | b# | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"),
+ N_("[list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] "
+ "| splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all]]"),
N_("list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n"
"-1: jump to previous window\n"
"+1: jump to next window\n"
"b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number #\n"
+ "up: switch to window above current one\n"
+ "down: switch to window below current one\n"
+ "left: switch to window on the left\n"
+ "right: switch to window on the right\n"
"splith: split current window horizontally\n"
"splitv: split current window vertically\n"
"resize: resize window size, new size is <pct>%% of parent window\n"
diff --git a/weechat/src/common/completion.c b/weechat/src/common/completion.c
index f681bd097..c4202997f 100644
--- a/weechat/src/common/completion.c
+++ b/weechat/src/common/completion.c
@@ -569,6 +569,18 @@ completion_build_list (t_completion *completion, void *server, void *channel)
weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ &completion->last_completion,
+ "up");
+ weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ &completion->last_completion,
+ "down");
+ weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ &completion->last_completion,
+ "left");
+ weelist_add (&completion->completion_list,
+ &completion->last_completion,
+ "right");