path: root/it/welcome/what-is-debian.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'it/welcome/what-is-debian.xml')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/it/welcome/what-is-debian.xml b/it/welcome/what-is-debian.xml
index 5f5de9606..b5b321536 100644
--- a/it/welcome/what-is-debian.xml
+++ b/it/welcome/what-is-debian.xml
@@ -3,9 +3,25 @@
<sect1 id="what-is-debian">
+ <!-- <title>What is Debian?</title> -->
<title>Cosa &egrave; Debian?</title>
+Debian is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to developing free
+software and promoting the ideals of the Free Software Foundation.
+The Debian Project began in 1993, when Ian Murdock issued an open
+invitation to software developers to contribute to a complete and
+coherent software distribution based on the relatively new Linux
+kernel. That relatively small band of dedicated enthusiasts,
+originally funded by the
+<ulink url="&url-fsf-intro;">Free Software Foundation</ulink>
+and influenced by the
+<ulink url="&url-gnu-intro;">GNU</ulink>
+philosophy, has grown over the years into an organization of around
+&num-of-debian-developers; <firstterm>Debian Developers</firstterm>.
Debian &egrave; un'organizzazione di volontari dedita allo
sviluppo di software libero e alla promozione degli ideali della
Free Software Foundation. Il progetto Debian &egrave; iniziato
@@ -20,21 +36,17 @@ e influenzata dalla filosofia
anni in una organizzazione di circa
&num-of-debian-developers; <firstterm>sviluppatori Debian</firstterm>.
-<!-- Debian is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to developing free
-software and promoting the ideals of the Free Software Foundation.
-The Debian Project began in 1993, when Ian Murdock issued an open
-invitation to software developers to contribute to a complete and
-coherent software distribution based on the relatively new Linux
-kernel. That relatively small band of dedicated enthusiasts,
-originally funded by the
-<ulink url="&url-fsf-intro;">Free Software Foundation</ulink>
-and influenced by the
-<ulink url="&url-gnu-intro;">GNU</ulink>
-philosophy, has grown over the years into an organization of around
-&num-of-debian-developers; <firstterm>Debian Developers</firstterm>. -->
+Debian Developers are involved in a variety of activities, including
+<ulink url="&url-debian-home;">Web</ulink>
+and <ulink url="&url-debian-ftp;">FTP</ulink>
+site administration, graphic design, legal analysis of
+software licenses, writing documentation, and, of course, maintaining
+software packages.
Gli sviluppatori Debian sono coinvolti in una variet&agrave; di
attivit&agrave; inclusa l'amministrazione dei siti
<ulink url="&url-debian-home;">Web</ulink>
@@ -43,28 +55,34 @@ il disegno grafico, l'analisi legale delle licenze software,
la stesura della documentazione e, ovviamente, la manutenzione dei
pacchetti software.
-<!-- Debian Developers are involved in a variety of activities, including
-<ulink url="&url-debian-home;">Web</ulink>
-and <ulink url="&url-debian-ftp;">FTP</ulink>
-site administration, graphic design, legal analysis of
-software licenses, writing documentation, and, of course, maintaining
-software packages. -->
+In the interest of communicating our philosophy and attracting
+developers who believe in the principles that Debian stands for, the
+Debian Project has published a number of documents that outline our
+values and serve as guides to what it means to be a Debian Developer:
Nell'interesse di comunicare la sua filosofia e attrarre sviluppatori che
credono nei principi che Debian rappresenta, il Progetto Debian ha
pubblicato un numero di documenti che sottolineano i suoi valori e servono
come guida per cosa vuol dire essere uno sviluppatore Debian.
-<!-- In the interest of communicating our philosophy and attracting
-developers who believe in the principles that Debian stands for, the
-Debian Project has published a number of documents that outline our
-values and serve as guides to what it means to be a Debian Developer: -->
+<ulink url="&url-social-contract;">Debian Social Contract</ulink> is
+a statement of Debian's commitments to the Free Software Community.
+Anyone who agrees to abide to the Social Contract may become a
+<ulink url="&url-new-maintainer;">maintainer</ulink>.
+Any maintainer can introduce new software into Debian &mdash; provided
+that the software meets our criteria for being free, and the package
+follows our quality standards.
Il <ulink url="&url-social-contract;">Debian Social Contract</ulink>
&egrave; una dichiarazione degli impegni di Debian verso la
comunit&agrave; del software libero. Chiunque sia d'accordo
@@ -74,113 +92,114 @@ Ogni responsabile pu&ograve; introdurre nuovo software in Debian
&mdash; a patto che il software soddisfi i criteri di essere libero
e che il pacchetto segua gli standard di qualit&agrave;.
-<!-- The
-<ulink url="&url-social-contract;">Debian Social Contract</ulink> is
-a statement of Debian's commitments to the Free Software Community.
-Anyone who agrees to abide to the Social Contract may become a
-<ulink url="&url-new-maintainer;">maintainer</ulink>.
-Any maintainer can introduce new software into Debian &mdash; provided
-that the software meets our criteria for being free, and the package
-follows our quality standards. -->
-<ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink> sono
-una chiara e concisa dichiarazione dei criteri Debian per il software
-libero. Le DFSG sono un documento che influenza molto il movimento del
-software libero e sono il fondamento della
-<ulink url="&url-osd;">The Open Source Definition</ulink>.
-<!-- The
<ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink> are a
clear and concise statement of Debian's criteria for free software.
The DFSG is a very influential document in the Free Software Movement,
and was the foundation of the
-<ulink url="&url-osd;">The Open Source Definition</ulink>. -->
+<ulink url="&url-osd;">The Open Source Definition</ulink>.
+Le <ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink> sono
+una chiara e concisa dichiarazione dei criteri Debian per il software
+libero. Le DFSG sono un documento che influenza molto il movimento del
+software libero e sono il fondamento della
+<ulink url="&url-osd;">The Open Source Definition</ulink>.
-<ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian Policy Manual</ulink> &egrave;
+<ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian Policy Manual</ulink> is an
+extensive specification of the Debian Project's standards of quality.
+Il <ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian Policy Manual</ulink> &egrave;
una specifica dettagliata degli standard di qualit&agrave; del
Progetto Debian.
-<!-- The
-<ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian Policy Manual</ulink> is an
-extensive specification of the Debian Project's standards of quality. -->
+Debian developers are also involved in a number of other projects;
+some specific to Debian, others involving some or all of the Linux
+community. Some examples include:
Gli sviluppatori Debian sono coinvolti anche in un certo numero di
altri progetti; alcuni specifici di Debian, altri che coinvolgono
una parte o tutta la comunit&agrave; Linux. Alcuni esempi sono:
-<!-- Debian developers are also involved in a number of other projects;
-some specific to Debian, others involving some or all of the Linux
-community. Some examples include: -->
-La <ulink url="&url-lsb-org;">Linux Standard Base</ulink>
+<ulink url="&url-lsb-org;">Linux Standard Base</ulink>
+(LSB) is a project aimed at standardizing the basic GNU/Linux system,
+which will enable third-party software and hardware developers to
+easily design programs and device drivers for Linux-in-general, rather
+than for a specific GNU/Linux distribution.
+Il <ulink url="&url-lsb-org;">Linux Standard Base</ulink>
(LSB) &egrave; un progetto il cui scopo &egrave; quello di
standardizzare il sistema base GNU/Linux, che dovr&agrave;
permettere a sviluppatori software e hardware di terze parti
di progettare facilmente programmi e device driver per Linux in
generale, piuttosto che per una specifica distribuzione GNU/Linux.
-<!-- The
-<ulink url="&url-lsb-org;">Linux Standard Base</ulink>
-(LSB) is a project aimed at standardizing the basic GNU/Linux system,
-which will enable third-party software and hardware developers to
-easily design programs and device drivers for Linux-in-general, rather
-than for a specific GNU/Linux distribution. -->
+<ulink url="&url-fhs-home;">Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</ulink>
+(FHS) is an effort to standardize the layout of the Linux
+file system. The FHS will allow software developers to concentrate
+their efforts on designing programs, without having to worry about how
+the package will be installed in different GNU/Linux distributions.
Il <ulink url="&url-fhs-home;">Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</ulink>
(FHS) &egrave; uno sforzo di standardizzazione dell'organizzazione del
-file system di Linux. La FHS dovr&agrave; permettere agli sviluppatori
+file system di Linux. Il FHS dovr&agrave; permettere agli sviluppatori
di concentrare i loro sforzi sul disegno dei programmi senza doversi
preoccupare di come il pacchetto sar&agrave; installato sulle diverse
distribuzioni GNU/Linux.
-<!-- The
-<ulink url="&url-fhs-home;">Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</ulink>
-(FHS) is an effort to standardize the layout of the Linux
-file system. The FHS will allow software developers to concentrate
-their efforts on designing programs, without having to worry about how
-the package will be installed in different GNU/Linux distributions. -->
+<ulink url="&url-debian-jr;">Debian Jr.</ulink>
+is an internal project, aimed at making sure Debian has something to
+offer to our youngest users.
<ulink url="&url-debian-jr;">Debian Jr.</ulink>
&egrave; un progetto interno il cui scopo &egrave; quello di essere sicuri
che Debian abbia qualcosa da offrire agli utenti pi&ugrave; piccoli.
-<!-- <ulink url="&url-debian-jr;">Debian Jr.</ulink>
-is an internal project, aimed at making sure Debian has something to
-offer to our youngest users. -->
-Per maggiori informazioni su Debian si guardi
+For more general information about Debian, see the
<ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ</ulink>.
-<!-- For more general information about Debian, see the
-<ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ</ulink>. -->
+Per maggiori informazioni su Debian si consultino le
+<ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ</ulink>.