path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-22Handle more precise SFTP error codes (#203)Matteo Bigoi
2020-01-18remove now-unused Binding traitWez Furlong
2019-07-29remove SessionBinding traitWez Furlong
2019-07-29cargo fmtWez Furlong
2019-01-03Normalize to Unix-style path separators (#102)cygnus9
2017-04-13Return unknown error when none is returned by last_errorAlexandre Bury
2015-04-29Fix build on windowsAlex Crichton
2015-03-27Remove usage of AsOsStrAlex Crichton
2015-02-23Update to std::ioAlex Crichton
2015-01-18Tweak impls/apisAlex Crichton