path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-18make Listener Send + SyncWez Furlong
2020-01-18Make properly Send safeWez Furlong
2019-10-20Make Session be `Send` againWez Furlong
2019-07-29Channel, Sftp no longer borrow SessionWez Furlong
2019-07-29cargo fmtWez Furlong
2015-03-30Remove the unsafe destructor featureAlex Crichton
2015-01-18Tweak impls/apisAlex Crichton
2015-01-17Update to rust masterAlex Crichton
2015-01-09Update to rust masterAlex Crichton
2014-09-19Beef up documentationAlex Crichton
2014-09-18More bindings to more channel functionsAlex Crichton