path: root/autoload/ale/fixers/standard.vim
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-26Enable gopls by default with GOPATH detectionw0rp
2020-03-12Fix 2816 - Standard fix does not work.Horacio Sanson
2019-10-21Allow the use of StandardX for StandardJS linting and fixing.Ian Campbell
2019-10-21Remove standardts fixer in favor of allowing standard.vim fixer to handle Jav...Ian Campbell
2018-12-18Close #2152 - Use ale_javascript_standard_options for fixing files toow0rp
2018-04-09Close #542 - Add an option for disabling running locally installed executable...w0rp
2017-10-01Get fixer tests to work on Windowsw0rp
2017-08-31Fix #895 - Run Node.js scripts with node.exe instead of node on Windowsw0rp
2017-07-21added tests for Standard.jsSumner Evans
2017-07-19added fixer for StandardSumner Evans