path: root/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-04Add dprint fixer (#4024)Nathan
2021-12-28Add auto-fixer for crystal (#4016)Alex Piechowski
2021-11-12Implement statix Linter and Fixer (#3969)David Houston
2021-11-09Implement gofumpt Fixer (#3968)David Houston
2021-10-11erblint as fixer (#3935)Roeland
2021-09-21Add support for jsonnetfmt and jsonnet-lint (#3907)Trevor Whitney
2021-08-25Add fixer for "dotnet format" (#3879)Jelte Fennema
2021-08-09Adds fixer for golines (#3862)pigfrown
2021-08-08`purs-tidy` for PureScript (#3863)toastal
2021-07-16Add support for `dart format` fixer (#3764)ghsang
2021-07-13add autoflake fixer (#3779)Nikolay Zakirov
2021-07-09Add support for `lua-format` fixer. (#3804)Mathias Jean Johansen
2021-07-04Add pandoc as a markdown fixer (#3641)Jesse Hathaway
2021-07-03Add stylua fixer for lua (#3789)Robert Liebowitz
2021-05-27ocaml: prepare for filetype separation (#3732)Pau Ruiz Safont
2021-04-09feat: Add protolint as linter and fixer (#2911)yohei yoshimuta
2021-04-07apple-swift-format: linter and fixer with config swiftpm support (#3671)bosr
2021-03-26Add support for V: "v" (compiler) and "vfmt" fixer. (#3622)fiatjaf
2021-03-24Add nixfmt as a Nix fixer. (#3651)David Houston
2021-03-23Add support for `ptop` fixer (#3652)BarrOff
2021-03-20add support for svelte via svelteserver language server (#3644)fiatjaf
2021-02-21Add a buildifier fixer for Bazel files (#3499)Jon Parise
2021-02-18add support for prettier-ruby to prettier fixer (#3593)David Buchan-Swanson
2021-02-05Merge pull request #3576 from cyyever/fish_indentHoracio Sanson
2021-01-22feat: Add Deno fmt fixerMohammed Chelouti
2021-01-22Add yamllint and prettier to openapi.Horacio Sanson
2021-01-20Merge pull request #3261 from toastal/dhallHoracio Sanson
2021-01-15Merge pull request #3234 from hsanson/3233-enable-ktlint-fixer-for-kotlin-filesHoracio Sanson
2021-01-13Merge pull request #3399 from StephenWithPH/suggest-scalafmt-for-sbtHoracio Sanson
2020-12-21merging mastertoastal
2020-11-26fix: correct suggested filetype for yamlfixLyz
2020-11-25feat: add yamlfix fixerLyz
2020-11-21Merge pull request #3409 from lyz-code/feat/add-autoimport-supportw0rp
2020-11-21Merge pull request #2903 from davidtwco/ormolu-fixerw0rp
2020-11-21Add luafmt fixer (#3289)zandr
2020-10-31add doc and testcyy
2020-10-31add fish_indent fixercyy
2020-10-23feat: add autoimport fixerLyz
2020-10-23Add ormolu fixer.David Wood
2020-10-19add sbt as a suggested filetype for scalafmt fixerStephenWithPH
2020-09-25dhall aliastoastal
2020-09-14addressing missing docs + cleaning up older Dhall filestoastal
2020-09-08merge master -- apparently someone else added dhall?toastal
2020-08-25Add dhall-format as a Fixerpatrick brisbin
2020-08-23Close #2556 - Support filename mappingw0rp
2020-08-17Add remark-lint for a markdown fixer (#2836)blyoa
2020-08-14Dhall language support (fixes #2820)toastal
2020-07-26doc: Add C++ desc in astyle entry in registryjhlink
2020-07-25feat: Add cpp to registry.vimjhlink
2020-07-12Enable ktlint fixer for kotlin files.Horacio Sanson