AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-09-08Fix #912 - Close lists automatically when g:ale_open_list is set to 'on_save'...v1.5.1w0rp
2017-09-04Fix #907 - Stop LSP integration breaking with empty string keys in NeoVimw0rp
2017-09-03Fix #899 - Make the quickfix and loclist windows close againw0rp
2017-09-03Fix #891 - Do not check ctrlp-funky windowsw0rp
2017-08-31Fix #895 - Run Node.js scripts with node.exe instead of node on Windowsw0rp
2017-08-30Fix #888 - Disable pycodestyle by defaultw0rp
2017-08-29Add a missing scriptencoding linew0rp
2017-08-29#869 - Detect the shell dialect from the hashbang for shellcheckw0rp
2017-08-28Handle jobstart() returning -1 in the NeoVim 0.2.0, just in casev1.5.0w0rp
2017-08-26#868 - Prefer cmd.js files for executing standardw0rp
2017-08-26Set the end column for some Vint problemsw0rp
2017-08-26Fix #825 - Downgrade signs when problems changew0rp
2017-08-25Fix #876 - Save history in a separate buffer variable so history works when l...w0rp
2017-08-25Add pycodestyle Python linter support (#872)Michael
2017-08-24Add clang-format fixer for C/C++ (#873)Peter Renström
2017-08-23Include executable checks in ALEInfow0rp
2017-08-22#653 Set loclists better when taking data from previous buffersw0rp
2017-08-22Remove some redundant eslint test codew0rp
2017-08-22Suppress warning about .eslintignore'd file (#836)Eric Stern
2017-08-22#653 - Always set loclist or quickfix in a timer callback, which prevents err...w0rp
2017-08-22Prevent .swp files from causing the tests to hang in Vim 8w0rp
2017-08-22Merge pull request #865 from jez/erubis-linterw0rp
2017-08-21Add erubis linterJake Zimmerman
2017-08-21Fix #864 - Use the user's configured executable for phpstan for executable() ...w0rp
2017-08-20#653 Show errors from other files for mypyw0rp
2017-08-20#653 - Jump to the position which Vim does not jump to for moving from quickf...w0rp
2017-08-20Merge pull request #862 from notomo/add-phpcbf-fixerw0rp
2017-08-20Fix some indentationw0rp
2017-08-20Added new linter for GraphQL: gqlint (#863)Michiel Westerbeek
2017-08-20#653 Document the automatic error prompt closing behaviourw0rp
2017-08-20#653 - Automatically accept annoying loclist and quickfix errors from Vimw0rp
2017-08-20add phpcbf fixertmn-o3
2017-08-20#653 - Explain the new `filename` key support in the documentationw0rp
2017-08-20#653 Update tslint to set the filename key for problems in other filesw0rp
2017-08-19#653 Treat temporary filenames as being for the current bufferw0rp
2017-08-19#653 Set problems from other buffers when buffers are first checkedw0rp
2017-08-19Syntaxerl linter feature check (#861)Dmitri Vereshchagin
2017-08-19#860 Only enable the new option for setting the original filename for SyntaxE...w0rp
2017-08-19Merge pull request #860 from dmitrivereshchagin/update-syntaxerl-linterw0rp
2017-08-19Add original filename to SyntaxErl commandDmitri Vereshchagin
2017-08-19Update SyntaxErl linter testsDmitri Vereshchagin
2017-08-19Update the documentation to mention the new behaviour for quickfixw0rp
2017-08-19#653 Collect items for quickfix from all buffers, and de-duplicate them. Set ...w0rp
2017-08-19Stress the need for tests even furtherw0rp
2017-08-18Increase the default maximum completion suggestions to a more useful but safe...w0rp
2017-08-18Change the completeopt setting just before showing suggestions too, which wor...w0rp
2017-08-18Fix #858 - Fix the stack ghc-mod commandw0rp
2017-08-18Update the summary in the README for fixing and completion supportw0rp
2017-08-18Document completion support for ALE, and expand the fixer documentation a littlew0rp
2017-08-17Automatically adjust the completion options when using completion while you typew0rp