AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-16Fix #560 #763 - Silence errors for setting signs, and do nothing for dirvishv1.4.1w0rp
2017-07-10Fix #749 - Use /bin/sh when the shell is fishw0rp
2017-07-10Fix #730 - Lint files on save even when nothing was fixedw0rp
2017-07-07Fix windows path check on rust linter (#736)daa84
2017-07-07Fix #735 - Support old versions of Flow by only adding --respect-pragma for s...w0rp
2017-07-07#710 - Fix a parsing bug caused by the last fixw0rp
2017-07-07#710 - Show warnings as warnings for ghcw0rp
2017-07-06#732 - Use the configuration files when fixing files with rubocopw0rp
2017-07-06Initialize rubocop variables in one placew0rp
2017-07-04Store the output of commands by default so I don't have to ask people to turn...w0rp
2017-07-03Fix #216 - Filter out errors for other files for ansible-lintw0rp
2017-07-01Merge pull request #716 from sobrinho/masterw0rp
2017-06-29Fix #706 - Skip fixers with jobs that return empty output, in case they have ...w0rp
2017-06-27Remove the script for runnning tests from git archivesw0rp
2017-06-27Do not include the code of conduct in git archivesw0rp
2017-06-27Remove style classification from E999 (#696)v1.4.0Nick Krichevsky
2017-06-27Fix #680 - Use --shadow-file to check for problems with mypy while you typew0rp
2017-06-27#678 - Document the sign column color behaviourw0rp
2017-06-26Document :ALEInfo betterw0rp
2017-06-26#171 - Document every highlightw0rp
2017-06-26Merge pull request #695 from jsivak/feature/fix_multiple_parensw0rp
2017-06-25Change regex to better handle messages with multiple groups of parentheses.John Sivak
2017-06-25Fix #694 - Ignore BEGIN failed errors for Perl only for certain errorsw0rp
2017-06-25Detect .git directories for finding the project root for C projectsw0rp
2017-06-25Move ale#handlers#c functions into ale#cw0rp
2017-06-25Add ruby fixer using `rubocop --auto-correct` (#689)Lynn Dylan Hurley
2017-06-25Explain how to use the airline extension betterw0rp
2017-06-25Feature/restore display of symbol (#693)John Sivak
2017-06-25Improve elm linter (#637)Jasper Woudenberg
2017-06-25Fix #690 - Filter out errors from other files for Haskellw0rp
2017-06-25#684 Handle tslint errors without the severity included, and use character in...w0rp
2017-06-25Fix the tests harderw0rp
2017-06-25Fix the tests for the fix on save featurew0rp
2017-06-25#665 - Replace the nomodified line with :w!w0rp
2017-06-25Fix #665 - Stop prompts appearing when fixing files on savew0rp
2017-06-25Fix #684 - Use the JSON format for tslint, for consistency betwen versions, a...w0rp
2017-06-25Ask for let g:ale_history_log_output = 1 first in the issue templatew0rp
2017-06-24Fix #683 Recommend prettier and eslint over prettier-eslintw0rp
2017-06-24Add clangcheck Linter to cpp (#686)Gagbo
2017-06-24Added builddir option to clang-tidy to point to json folder (#688)Gagbo
2017-06-24#681 Show extra kotlin errors at line 1w0rp
2017-06-24Fix #687 - Check files on enter if they have changedw0rp
2017-06-22Fix #677 - Ignore errors from other files for cppcheckw0rp
2017-06-22Fix the Perl tests in Dockerw0rp
2017-06-22Fix #676 - Fix handling of Perl errorsw0rp
2017-06-22Set the --no-color flag for Vint if we fail to parse the version number for s...w0rp
2017-06-21Document the new phpcs optionsw0rp
2017-06-21Fix some escaping and make some tests set filenames consistentlyw0rp
2017-06-21Support project's local phpcs installation (#666)Eric Stern
2017-06-21Fix the standard and xo handlers so they call the eslint functionw0rp