path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-01-11relay: add debug message for signal "irc_disconnected"Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-11relay: fix name of signal in debug message (replace "irc_out" by "irc_outtags")Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-10aspell: store dictionaries in buffer local variable "aspell_dict"Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-10core: fix some copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2013-01-10Revert "perl: simplify code to load scripts"Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-09perl: simplify code to load scriptsNei
2013-01-08perl: display script filename in error messagesNei
2013-01-08perl: fix calls to callbacks during load of script when multiplicity is disab...Nei
2013-01-08relay: add message when address family is not supported by protocol (on socke...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-07relay: add error number and string when socket creation failsSebastien Helleu
2013-01-07core: fix memory leak in evaluation of expression when a logical operator ("&...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-06api: allow return code WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT in callbacks of hook_signal and hook...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-06irc: fix display of actions (/me) when they are received from a relay client ...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-05core: fix refresh of bars when applying layout (bug #37944, bug #37952)Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-04core: add buffer pointer in arguments for signals "input_search", "input_text...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-04aspell: ignore self and remote nicks in private buffersSebastien Helleu
2013-01-04core: fix compilation on OpenBSD (bug #38022)Simon Kuhnle
2013-01-04core: fix help of option weechat.color.separatorSebastien Helleu
2013-01-01aspell: fix compilation warningSebastien Helleu
2013-01-01aspell: add signal "aspell_suggest" (sent when new suggestions are displayed)Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-01relay: send UTC time in irc backlog (when server capability "server-time" is ...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-01core: fix scroll to bottom of window (default key: alt+end) when line display...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-01core: fix scroll in buffer after enabling/disabling some filters (if scroll i...Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-01core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2012-12-25xfer: fix memory leak when refreshing xfer bufferSebastien Helleu
2012-12-25script: add missing close of file in case of error when computing MD5 checksu...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-25relay: fix memory leak when adding hdata to a message (weechat protocol)Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-25irc: remove unneeded check of nick pointer (can not be NULL there)Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-25irc: fix memory leak when updating modes of channelSebastien Helleu
2012-12-25core: fix memory leak in case of error when building content of bar item for ...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-25core: fix detection of command in input: a single command char is considered ...Nils Görs
2012-12-24relay: add backlog, options and server capability "server-time" for irc proto...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-24irc: add tags "irc_nick1_xxx" and "irc_nick2_yyy" in message displayed for co...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-24irc: fix crash when splitting a message with tagsSebastien Helleu
2012-12-23relay: fix crash after /upgrade when a client is connectedSebastien Helleu
2012-12-21relay: add tag "relay_client" in all messages about clientNils Görs
2012-12-21script: do not open script buffer when unknown arguments are given to command...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-20alias: improve completion of command /aliasSebastien Helleu
2012-12-20core: improve completion of commands /help, /mute and /setSebastien Helleu
2012-12-20core: add template %(windows_numbers) for first argument of command /windowSebastien Helleu
2012-12-20core: group templates of command /mouse into a single templateSebastien Helleu
2012-12-20core: search for a fallback template when a no template is matching command a...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-20core: add option "diff" for command /set (list options with changed value)Peter Boström
2012-12-20core: fix another bug with horizontal separator displayed at bottom after spl...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-19core: fix refresh of windows after split (fix bug with horizontal separator b...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-19core: add cmake dependency between targets weechat_core and version_gitSebastien Helleu
2012-12-19core: fix compilation warning on FreeBSDSebastien Helleu
2012-12-19core: fix stuck mouse (patch from Nei) (bug #36533)Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-19script: fix scroll with mouse when window with script buffer is not the curre...Sebastien Helleu
2012-12-19core: fix default mouse buttons actions for script buffer (focus the window b...Sebastien Helleu