path: root/src/irc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2005-04-19Added "-all" option for /nick command, added "341" IRC command (for invitation)Sebastien Helleu
2005-04-09Hotlist not changed when self away or nick changeSebastien Helleu
2005-03-21Added missing IRC command 307Sebastien Helleu
2005-03-17Fixed display bug when halfop flag is set/unsetSebastien Helleu
2005-03-16Added /halfop & /dehalfop commands, fixed halfop display bug in nicklistSebastien Helleu
2005-03-15Added nicks count for channel buffersSebastien Helleu
2005-03-15More explicit message when channel or nick not foundSebastien Helleu
2005-03-13Added /ban, /unban and /kickban commands, fixed /kick commandSebastien Helleu
2005-03-13Do not highlight server buffer for notices from memoservSebastien Helleu
2005-03-13Do not highlight server buffer for notices from nickserv and chanservSebastien Helleu
2005-03-12Fixed /invite command (and now invite requests are displayed)Sebastien Helleu
2005-03-12Added FIFO pipe for remote controlSebastien Helleu
2005-03-10Fixed type used for Mac OS (replaced uint32_t by u_int32_t)Sebastien Helleu
2005-03-09Display "Disconnected" only on connected serversSebastien Helleu
2005-03-09Fixed crash when cancelling DCC CHAT that was not startedSebastien Helleu
2005-03-07Properly display CTCP SOUND on channelSebastien Helleu
2005-03-06Fixed bug in server messages parserSebastien Helleu
2005-03-05Server errors are now displayed on appropriate buffers (default is server buf...Sebastien Helleu
2005-03-05Added crash dump when WeeChat receives SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-28Fixed some translationsSebastien Helleu
2005-02-27Fixed some translationsSebastien Helleu
2005-02-27Added spanish translationSebastien Helleu
2005-02-27Fixed bug with disconnection (was causing high cpu usage)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-27Added date/time for DCC CHAT on DCC bufferSebastien Helleu
2005-02-27Added DCC CHAT (send & recv)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-26Improved display: align messages after prefixes (for example: "-@-" or "-=-")Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-24Don't check for away on channels when connection to server is downSebastien Helleu
2005-02-22Nicklist now refreshed when using multiple windowsSebastien Helleu
2005-02-22Fixed crash when quitting WeeChatSebastien Helleu
2005-02-21Fixed /connect and /disconnect commands, improved output of some commandsSebastien Helleu
2005-02-20Fixed minor display bugSebastien Helleu
2005-02-20Connection to IRC server is now made by child process (non blocking)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-20Added DCC sendSebastien Helleu
2005-02-15Added support for UnrealIrcd ("~" for chan owner, "&" for chan admin)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-13Fixed display bugs when many windows are openedSebastien Helleu
2005-02-12Plugins messages are logged with new config option (log_plugin_msg); on serve...Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-06Fixed charset conversions when locale is UTF-8 (added "look_charset_internal"...Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-05Away check is now customizable (with new irc_away_check option)Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-31Fixed many memory leaksSebastien Helleu
2005-01-27Fixed bug when sending automatically who command during server splitSebastien Helleu
2005-01-27Fixed bug in message parser when connected to many serversSebastien Helleu
2005-01-26Fixed bug in message parser when connected to many serversSebastien Helleu
2005-01-26Away nicks are now displayed with another colorSebastien Helleu
2005-01-25Added away indicatorSebastien Helleu
2005-01-23Wait "irc_lag_check" seconds for 1st lag check after connection to serverSebastien Helleu
2005-01-23Added lag indicatorSebastien Helleu
2005-01-19Fixed possible crash with "/server del" and "/buffer close" commandsSebastien Helleu
2005-01-16Improved completion (now completes commands args), fixed color bug (gray remo...Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-09Fixed /quit command with arg and %vSebastien Helleu
2005-01-08Fixed /me command (now ok without parameter)Sebastien Helleu