path: root/src/gui/gui-key.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-09-27core: fix paste detection (problem with end of lines)Sebastien Helleu
2011-08-28core: fix bugs with calls to reallocSebastien Helleu
2011-08-20core: add functions "key_bind" and "key_unbind" in plugin APISebastien Helleu
2011-08-15core: allow a second area for keys in context "mouse" (for drag & drop betwee...Sebastien Helleu
2011-08-14core: return info about line/word for chat area in focus hashtable, add keys ...Sebastien Helleu
2011-08-10core: allow mix of commands and hsignals for keys in context "mouse"Sebastien Helleu
2011-08-09core: allow send of hsignal instead of command for keys in context "mouse"Sebastien Helleu
2011-08-08core: add optional buffer name for area "chat" in keys of mouse contextSebastien Helleu
2011-08-01core: add info about position where mouse button is released in hook_focus (f...Sebastien Helleu
2011-07-30core: add "/input grab_mouse" and "/input grab_mouse_area" (default: right cl...Sebastien Helleu
2011-07-28core: improve mouse support: process utf-8 codes, add option weechat.look.mou...Sebastien Helleu
2011-07-27core: fix message with new key added (displayed on current buffer instead of ...Sebastien Helleu
2011-07-26core: add mouse support (task #5435), free cursor movement, hook_focus, fix b...Sebastien Helleu
2011-07-05core: add context "search" for keys (to define keys used during search in buf...Sebastien Helleu