path: root/src/common
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2005-04-07Allow nick completion in private buffer with /me commandSebastien Helleu
2005-03-24Fixed crash with 64-bits arch (like AMD64) when converting UTF-8, added weech...Sebastien Helleu
2005-03-20Option irc_away_check is now 0 by default (waiting for fix)Sebastien Helleu
2005-03-13Added /ban, /unban and /kickban commands, fixed /kick commandSebastien Helleu
2005-03-12FIFO command/text not authorized on special buffers like DCCSebastien Helleu
2005-03-12Added FIFO pipe for remote controlSebastien Helleu
2005-03-10Fixed some commands help for docSebastien Helleu
2005-03-10Fixed list of commands outputSebastien Helleu
2005-03-10Added --irc-commands and --weechat-commands command line optionsSebastien Helleu
2005-03-06Crash message modifiedSebastien Helleu
2005-03-05Nick completion with nothing as base word is disabledSebastien Helleu
2005-03-05Added crash dump when WeeChat receives SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-28Fixed some translationsSebastien Helleu
2005-02-27Added spanish translationSebastien Helleu
2005-02-27Fixed completion bug: now allows command completion in private buffersSebastien Helleu
2005-02-27Added DCC CHAT (send & recv)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-21Fixed /connect and /disconnect commands, improved output of some commandsSebastien Helleu
2005-02-20/set command does not add "=" any more after completed option nameSebastien Helleu
2005-02-20Connection to IRC server is now made by child process (non blocking)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-20Added DCC sendSebastien Helleu
2005-02-19Added test of HAVE_ICONV, so compile is ok if iconv is not foundSebastien Helleu
2005-02-17Improved /help command outputSebastien Helleu
2005-02-15Added support for UnrealIrcd ("~" for chan owner, "&" for chan admin)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-15Fixed /buffer close command (now ok when disconnected from server)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-14Fixed /help command (display bug)Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-12Plugins messages are logged with new config option (log_plugin_msg); on serve...Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-12Default decoded charset is UTF-8Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-06Fixed charset conversions when locale is UTF-8 (added "look_charset_internal"...Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-06Improved /window command: now split and merge are ok, fixed crash when resizi...Sebastien Helleu
2005-02-05Away check is now customizable (with new irc_away_check option)Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-31Fixed many memory leaksSebastien Helleu
2005-01-26Away nicks are now displayed with another colorSebastien Helleu
2005-01-23Improved completion for /set command (now adds '=' at the end)Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-23Min value for "irc_lag_min_show" is now 0Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-23Added lag indicatorSebastien Helleu
2005-01-19Added nick completion in private buffersSebastien Helleu
2005-01-19Fixed possible crash with "/server del" and "/buffer close" commandsSebastien Helleu
2005-01-17Allow nick completion for /quote commandSebastien Helleu
2005-01-16Allow nick completion for /me commandSebastien Helleu
2005-01-16Improved completion (now completes commands args), fixed color bug (gray remo...Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-08Logs are now disabled by default (server/channel/private)Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-05Improved /set command: new colors, server options can be changed while WeeCha...Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-04Fixed /away command, new [irc] config section, option "look_display_away" mov...Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-03Server & error messages now prefixed, /server command modified, ~/.weechat/lo...Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-02Added chmod on ~/.weeechat/weechat.rc file (only onwer can read/write)Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-02Fixed /set command (now empty strings are allowed)Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-02Added new options look_charset_decode/look_charset_encode and /unset command.Sebastien Helleu
2005-01-01Version 0.0.9Sebastien Helleu
2004-12-31Added /buffer close, new keys: Alt-S (switch to server buffer), Alt-X (switch...Sebastien Helleu
2004-12-27Inline help is now translated with gettextSebastien Helleu