path: root/src/common
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-05-22Improved IRC long message split: use word boundary (task #6685)Sebastien Helleu
2007-05-22Fixed "%C" completion: now completes with all channels of all serversSebastien Helleu
2007-05-22Removed ":" for unknown IRC commands before arguments (bug #19929)Sebastien Helleu
2007-05-22Fixed bug with "/buffer query_name", added server and channel completion for ...Sebastien Helleu
2007-05-21Added cmake for weechat compileSebastien Helleu
2007-05-11Code cleanup: renamed IRC functions to have uniform name (with prefix based o...Sebastien Helleu
2007-05-11Fixed bug with nick prefixes on some IRC servers (bug #19854)Sebastien Helleu
2007-05-09Improved setup file save: now writes temporary file, then rename it (task #6847)Sebastien Helleu
2007-05-09Fixed bug with $nick/$channel/$server variables in commandsSebastien Helleu
2007-05-04Added protocol priority for gnutls (patch #5915)Sebastien Helleu
2007-05-02Added channel admin mode '!' for some IRC serversSebastien Helleu
2007-05-02Fixed bug with iso2022jp locale (bug #18719)Sebastien Helleu
2007-04-24Added /reconnect command (task #5448)Sebastien Helleu
2007-04-24Added "-all" option for /connect and /disconnect commands (task #6232)Sebastien Helleu
2007-04-15Nick completion: completes with self nick at the end of completion listSebastien Helleu
2007-04-14Improved nick completion: completes with last speakers first (task #5896), fi...Sebastien Helleu
2007-04-04Added color for input text not found in buffer historySebastien Helleu
2007-03-27Fixed command parsing: now "/*" is not considered any more as a command (task...Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-23Fixed crash when closing a pv if a DCC chat is open on same nick (bug #19147)Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-21Added current buffer in hotlist when scrolling up in buffer (task #6664)Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-20Fixed minor bug in /upgrade commandSebastien Helleu
2007-03-19Fixed bug with explode_string / free_exploded_string when max_items > 0Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-16Fixed /topic completion when no topic set on current channel (bug #19322)Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-16Improved password hiding, code cleanup (bug #19229) (new commit after savanna...Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-07Updated translationsSebastien Helleu
2007-03-05Fixed /help command: displays plugin help for redefined commands (bug #19166)Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-05Updated /help alias with $nick/$channel/$server (bug #19194)Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-01Prefix '/' disabled in commands (patch #5769)Sebastien Helleu
2007-03-01Fixed completion of redefined commands removed by plugins (bug #19176)Sebastien Helleu
2007-02-12Added "call" option to /key command, added new key function "insert" to inser...Sebastien Helleu
2007-02-06Fixed permissions on "dcc" and "logs" directories (bug #18978)Sebastien Helleu
2007-02-05Added event handlers in plugin list commands outputs (/plugin and script comm...Sebastien Helleu
2007-02-03Added numeric argument for /clear command (buffer number) (patch #5372)Sebastien Helleu
2007-01-16Fixed crash when closing a buffer opened on many windowsSebastien Helleu
2007-01-08Fixed again iconvSebastien Helleu
2007-01-08Fixed iconv problem, causing truncated words when using iso localeSebastien Helleu
2007-01-06Fixed compilation problem with iconv under FreeBSDSebastien Helleu
2007-01-05Changed copyright date (2006 -> 2007)Sebastien Helleu
2006-12-08Fixed bug with nick completion in command args (now uses option look_nick_com...Sebastien Helleu
2006-12-04Added anti-flood option (irc_anti_flood) (task #5442)Sebastien Helleu
2006-11-29Added keys (F9/F10) to scroll topic (task #6030)Sebastien Helleu
2006-11-29Added auto completion with channels and filenamesSebastien Helleu
2006-11-19Fixed refresh bug when changing config options if window is splitedSebastien Helleu
2006-11-19Removed unused charset options in default config file for serversSebastien Helleu
2006-11-17Added option "look_nicklist_separator" (task #5437)Sebastien Helleu
2006-11-15fix possible stack overflow in filename completionEmmanuel Bouthenot
2006-11-11Fixed random crash with completionSebastien Helleu
2006-11-09Added "irc_send_unknown_commands" option to send unknown commands to IRC serv...Sebastien Helleu
2006-11-08Remove some unneeded iconv calls (for UTF-8 term)Sebastien Helleu
2006-11-08Fixed display bug with new charset and unreadable UTF-8 chars in ISO termSebastien Helleu