path: root/doc/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-01-01core: update copyright datesSébastien Helleu
2014-12-13core: use https for WeeChat URLsSébastien Helleu
2014-11-12doc: fix docstrings of functionsSébastien Helleu
2014-11-11doc: add IRC color codes 16-99 in user's guideSébastien Helleu
2014-07-01core: remove "www" in URLsSébastien Helleu
2014-05-25doc: use .asciidoc extension instead of .txt for doc filesSébastien Helleu
2014-05-11doc: fix continued indentations in docgen.pySébastien Helleu
2014-05-11doc: fix pylint warnings in docgen.pySébastien Helleu
2014-03-11exec: add exec pluginSebastien Helleu
2014-03-04rmodifier: remove plugin (replaced by trigger)Sebastien Helleu
2014-02-21core: update translationsSebastien Helleu
2014-02-15doc: add trigger plugin in docgen.pySebastien Helleu
2014-01-01core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2013-12-23doc: add polish man page and user's guide, update polish translations and FAQKrzysztof Koroscik
2013-11-04doc: use one line titles and less chars for delimited blocks/tables in asciid...Sebastien Helleu
2013-11-02doc: make script compliant with PEP8, replace %-formatting with .fo...Sebastien Helleu
2013-11-02core: add support of italic text (requires ncurses >= 5.9 patch 20130831)Sebastien Helleu
2013-10-20doc: fix layout of HTML docs when they are printedSebastien Helleu
2013-08-02core: update translationsSebastien Helleu
2013-07-31plugins: remove the demo pluginSebastien Helleu
2013-05-27doc: resize columns for table with hdata (plugin API reference)Sebastien Helleu
2013-01-01core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2012-12-08api: allow creation of structure with hdata_update (allowed for hdata "history")Sebastien Helleu
2012-08-27api: allow update for some variables of hdata, add new functions hdata_update...Sebastien Helleu
2012-08-14core: add new plugin "script" (scripts manager, replacing scripts a...Sebastien Helleu
2012-08-07doc: add japanese user's guide (patch #7827)Sebastien Helleu
2012-07-20core: add support of arrays in hdata variablesSebastien Helleu
2012-01-16core: add URL transfer (using libcurl), add function hook_process_hashtable i...Sebastien Helleu
2012-01-08core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu
2012-01-03doc: make script compatible with Python 3.xSebastien Helleu
2011-11-12doc: add anchors for config file options in user's guideSebastien Helleu
2011-10-26core: remove unneeded whitespaceSebastien Helleu
2011-10-26guile: new script plugin for scheme (task #7289)Sebastien Helleu
2011-08-03doc: add mouse support in user guideSebastien Helleu
2011-07-03doc: convert script to docgen.pySebastien Helleu