path: root/src
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1 files changed, 150 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/wee-command.c b/src/core/wee-command.c
index 9030f8433..0fd835c71 100644
--- a/src/core/wee-command.c
+++ b/src/core/wee-command.c
@@ -1476,31 +1476,28 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(filter)
- * command_help: display help about commands
+ * command_help_list_plugin_commands: display help for commands of a plugin
+ * (or core commands if plugin is NULL)
+command_help_list_plugin_commands (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin,
+ int verbose)
struct t_hook *ptr_hook;
- struct t_config_option *ptr_option;
- int i, length, command_found, first_line_displayed;
- char *string, *ptr_string, *pos_double_pipe, *pos_end;
- char empty_string[1] = { '\0' }, str_format[64];
+ struct t_weelist *list;
+ struct t_weelist_item *item;
+ int command_found, length, max_length, list_size;
+ int cols, lines, col, line, index;
+ char str_format[64], str_command[256], str_line[2048];
- /* make C compiler happy */
- (void) data;
- (void) buffer;
- (void) argv_eol;
- /* display help for all commands */
- if (argc == 1)
+ if (verbose)
command_found = 0;
for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMMAND]; ptr_hook;
ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook)
- if (!ptr_hook->deleted
- && !ptr_hook->plugin
+ if (!ptr_hook->deleted && (ptr_hook->plugin == plugin)
&& HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)
&& HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)[0])
@@ -1508,12 +1505,14 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(help)
gui_chat_printf (NULL, "");
gui_chat_printf (NULL,
- /* TRANSLATORS: "%s" is "weechat" */
- _("%s internal commands:"),
+ "%s[%s%s%s]",
+ plugin_get_name (plugin),
command_found = 1;
- gui_chat_printf (NULL, " %s%s%s%s%s",
+ gui_chat_printf (NULL, " %s%s%s%s%s",
HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command),
@@ -1525,34 +1524,138 @@ COMMAND_CALLBACK(help)
_(HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, description)) : "");
- command_found = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ max_length = -1;
+ list = weelist_new ();
+ /*
+ * build list of commands for plugin and save max length of command
+ * names
+ */
for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMMAND]; ptr_hook;
ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook)
- if (!ptr_hook->deleted
- && ptr_hook->plugin
+ if (!ptr_hook->deleted && (ptr_hook->plugin == plugin)
&& HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)
&& HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)[0])
- if (!command_found)
+ length = utf8_strlen_screen (HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command));
+ if (length > max_length)
+ max_length = length;
+ weelist_add (list, HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command),
+ }
+ }
+ /* use list to display commands, sorted by columns */
+ list_size = weelist_size (list);
+ if ((max_length > 0) && (list_size > 0))
+ {
+ gui_chat_printf (NULL, "");
+ gui_chat_printf (NULL,
+ "%s[%s%s%s]",
+ plugin_get_name (plugin),
+ snprintf (str_format, sizeof (str_format),
+ " %%-%ds", max_length);
+ /* auto compute number of colums, max size is 90% of chat width */
+ cols = ((gui_current_window->win_chat_width * 90) / 100) / (max_length + 1);
+ if (cols == 0)
+ cols = 1;
+ lines = ((list_size - 1) / cols) + 1;
+ for (line = 0; line < lines; line++)
+ {
+ str_line[0] = '\0';
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++)
- gui_chat_printf (NULL, "");
- gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("Other commands:"));
- command_found = 1;
+ index = (col * lines) + line;
+ if (index < list_size)
+ {
+ item = weelist_get (list, index);
+ if (item)
+ {
+ if (strlen (str_line) + strlen (weelist_string (item)) + 1 < (int)sizeof (str_line))
+ {
+ snprintf (str_command, sizeof (str_command),
+ str_format, weelist_string (item));
+ strcat (str_line, str_command);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- gui_chat_printf (NULL, " %s%s%s%s%s",
- HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command),
- (HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, description)
- && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, description)[0]) ?
- " - " : "",
- (HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, description)
- && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, description)[0]) ?
- _(HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, description)) : "");
+ gui_chat_printf (NULL, " %s", str_line);
+ weelist_free (list);
+ }
+ * command_help_list_commands: display help for commands
+ */
+command_help_list_commands (int verbose)
+ struct t_weechat_plugin *ptr_plugin;
+ /* WeeChat commands */
+ command_help_list_plugin_commands (NULL, verbose);
+ /* plugins commands */
+ for (ptr_plugin = weechat_plugins; ptr_plugin;
+ ptr_plugin = ptr_plugin->next_plugin)
+ {
+ command_help_list_plugin_commands (ptr_plugin, verbose);
+ }
+ * command_help: display help about commands
+ */
+ struct t_hook *ptr_hook;
+ struct t_weechat_plugin *ptr_plugin;
+ struct t_config_option *ptr_option;
+ int i, length, command_found, first_line_displayed, verbose;
+ char *string, *ptr_string, *pos_double_pipe, *pos_end;
+ char empty_string[1] = { '\0' }, str_format[64];
+ /* make C compiler happy */
+ (void) data;
+ (void) buffer;
+ (void) argv_eol;
+ /* display help for all commands */
+ if ((argc == 1)
+ || ((argc > 1) && (string_strncasecmp (argv[1], "-list", 5) == 0)))
+ {
+ verbose = ((argc > 1) && (string_strcasecmp (argv[1], "-listfull") == 0));
+ if (argc > 2)
+ {
+ for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ if (string_strcasecmp (argv[i], PLUGIN_CORE) == 0)
+ command_help_list_plugin_commands (NULL, verbose);
+ else
+ {
+ ptr_plugin = plugin_search (argv[i]);
+ if (ptr_plugin)
+ command_help_list_plugin_commands (ptr_plugin, verbose);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ command_help_list_commands (verbose);
@@ -2954,7 +3057,7 @@ command_plugin_list (const char *name, int full)
gui_chat_printf (NULL, _(" (no plugin)"));
* command_plugin: list/load/unload WeeChat plugins
@@ -4695,11 +4798,17 @@ command_init ()
&command_filter, NULL);
hook_command (NULL, "help",
N_("display help about commands and options"),
- N_("<command>"
+ N_("-list|-listfull [<plugin> [<plugin>...]]"
+ " || <command>"
" || <option>"),
- N_("command: a command name\n"
- " option: an option name (use /set to see list)"),
- "%(commands)|%(config_options)",
+ N_(" -list: list commands, by plugin (without argument, "
+ "this list is displayed)\n"
+ "-listfull: list commands with description, by plugin\n"
+ " plugin: list commands for this plugin\n"
+ " command: a command name\n"
+ " option: an option name (use /set to see list)"),
+ "-list|-listfull|%(commands)|%(config_options) "
+ "%(plugins_names)|" PLUGIN_CORE "|%*",
&command_help, NULL);
hook_command (NULL, "history",
N_("show buffer command history"),