path: root/scripts/python/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/python/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 462 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/python/ b/scripts/python/
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index 360a7eaa4..000000000
--- a/scripts/python/
+++ /dev/null
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-# UrlGrab, version 1.1, for weechat version 0.2.4
-# Listens to all channels for URLs, collects them in a list, and launches
-# them in your favourite web server on the local host or a remote server.
-# Usage:
-# The /url command provides access to all UrlGrab functions. Run
-# '/url help' for complete command usage.
-# In general, use '/url list' to list the entire url list for the current
-# channel, and '/url <n>' to launch the nth url in the list. For
-# example, to launch the first (and most-recently added) url in the list,
-# you would run '/url 1'
-# From the server window, you must specify a specific channel for the
-# list and launch commands, for example:
-# /url list #weechat
-# /url 3 #weechat
-# Configuration:
-# The '/url set' command lets you get and set the following options:
-# historysize
-# The maximum number of URLs saved per channel. Default is 10
-# method
-# Must be one of 'local' or 'remote' - Defines how URLs are launched by
-# the script. If 'local', the script will run 'localcmd' on the host.
-# If 'remote', the script will run 'remotessh remotehost remotecmd' on
-# the local host which should normally use ssh to connect to another
-# host and run the browser command there.
-# localcmd
-# The command to run on the local host to launch URLs in 'local' mode.
-# The string '%s' will be replaced with the URL. The default is
-# 'firefox %s'.
-# remotessh
-# The command (and arguments) used to connect to the remote host for
-# 'remote' mode. The default is 'ssh -x' which will connect as the
-# current username via ssh and disable X11 forwarding.
-# remotehost
-# The remote host to which we will connect in 'remote' mode. For ssh,
-# this can just be a hostname or 'user@host' to specify a username
-# other than your current login name. The default is 'localhost'.
-# remotecmd
-# The command to execute on the remote host for 'remote' mode. The
-# default is 'bash -c "DISPLAY=:0.0 firefox %s"' Which runs bash, sets
-# up the environment to display on the remote host's main X display,
-# and runs firefox. As with 'localcmd', the string '%s' will be
-# replaced with the URL.
-# cmdoutput
-# The file where the command output (if any) is saved. Overwritten
-# each time you launch a new URL. Default is ~/.weechat/urllaunch.log
-# default
-# The command that will be run if no arguemnts to /url are given.
-# Default is help
-# Requirements:
-# - Designed to run with weechat version 0.2.4 or better.
-# Acknowlegements:
-# - Based on an earlier version called '' by 'kolter' of
-# Honestly, I just cleaned up the code a bit and
-# made the settings a little more useful (to me).
-# - With changes by Leonid Evdokimov (weechat at darkk dot net another dot ru):
-# v1.1: added better handling of dead zombie-childs
-# added parsing of private messages
-# added default command setting
-# added parsing of scrollback buffers on load
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Jim Ramsay <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
-# USA.
-import sys
-import os
-import weechat
-import subprocess
-def urlGrabPrint(message):
- weechat.prnt("-[%s]- %s" % ( UC_NAME, message ) )
-class WeechatSetting:
- def __init__(self, name, default, description = "" ):
- = name
- self.default = default
- self.description = description
- test = weechat.get_plugin_config( name )
- if test is None or test == "":
- weechat.set_plugin_config( name, default )
-class UrlGrabSettings:
- def __init__(self):
- self.settings = {
- 'default':WeechatSetting('default', 'help',
- "default command to /url to run if none given" ),
- 'historysize':WeechatSetting('historysize', '10',
- "Number of URLs to keep per channel" ),
- 'method':WeechatSetting('method', 'local',
- """Where to launch URLs
- If 'local', runs %localcmd%.
- If 'remote' runs the following command:
- `%remotessh% %remotehost% %remotecmd`"""),
- 'localcmd':WeechatSetting('localcmd', 'firefox %s',
- """Command to launch local URLs. '%s' becomes the URL.
- Default 'firefox %s'"""),
- 'remotessh':WeechatSetting('remotessh', 'ssh -x',
- """Command (and arguments) to connect to a remote machine.
- Default 'ssh -x'"""),
- 'remotehost':WeechatSetting('remotehost', 'localhost',
- """Hostname for remote launching
- Default 'localhost'"""),
- 'remotecmd':WeechatSetting('remotecmd',
- 'bash -c \"DISPLAY=:0.0 firefox %s\"',
- """Command to launch remote URLs. '%s' becomes the URL.
- Default 'bash -c \"DISPLAY=:0.0 firefox %s\"'"""),
- 'cmdlog':WeechatSetting('cmdlog',
- '~/.weechat/urllaunch.log',
- """File where command output is saved. Overwritten each
- time an URL is launched
- Default '~/.weechat/urllaunch.log'""" )
- }
- def has(self, name):
- return self.settings.has_key(name)
- def names(self):
- return self.settings.keys()
- def description(self, name):
- return self.settings[name].description
- def set(self, name, value):
- # Force string values only
- if type(value) != type("a"):
- value = str(value)
- if name == "method":
- if value.lower() == "remote":
- weechat.set_plugin_config( 'method', "remote" )
- elif value.lower() == "local":
- weechat.set_plugin_config( 'method', "local" )
- else:
- raise ValueError( "\'%s\' is not \'local\' or \'remote\'" % value )
- elif name == "localcmd":
- if value.find( "%s" ) == -1:
- weechat.set_plugin_config( 'localcmd', value + " %s" )
- else:
- weechat.set_plugin_config( 'localcmd', value )
- elif name == "remotecmd":
- if value.find( "%s" ) == -1:
- weechat.set_plugin_config( 'remotecmd', value + " %s" )
- else:
- weechat.set_plugin_config( 'remotecmd', value )
- elif self.has(name):
- weechat.set_plugin_config( name, value )
- if name == "historysize":
- urlGrab.setHistorysize(int(value))
- else:
- raise KeyError( name )
- def get(self, name):
- if self.has(name):
- return weechat.get_plugin_config(name)
- else:
- raise KeyError( name )
- def prnt(self, name, verbose = True):
- weechat.prnt( " %s = %s" % (name.ljust(11), self.get(name)) )
- if verbose:
- weechat.prnt( " -> %s" % (self.settings[name].description) )
- def prntall(self):
- for key in self.names():
- self.prnt(key, verbose = False)
- def createCmdList(self, url):
- if weechat.get_plugin_config( 'method' ) == 'remote':
- tmplist = weechat.get_plugin_config( 'remotessh' ).split(" ")
- tmplist.append(weechat.get_plugin_config( 'remotehost' ))
- tmplist.append(weechat.get_plugin_config( 'remotecmd' ) % (url))
- else:
- tmplist = (weechat.get_plugin_config( 'localcmd' ) % (url) ).split(" ")
- return tmplist
-class UrlGrabber:
- def __init__(self, historysize):
- # init
- self.urls = {}
- self.historysize = 5
- # control
- self.setHistorysize(historysize)
- def setHistorysize(self, count):
- if count > 1:
- self.historysize = count
- def getHistorysize(self):
- return self.historysize
- def addUrl(self, url, channel, server):
- # check for server
- if not self.urls.has_key(server):
- self.urls[server] = {}
- # check for chan
- if not self.urls[server].has_key(channel):
- self.urls[server][channel] = []
- # add url
- if url in self.urls[server][channel]:
- self.urls[server][channel].remove(url)
- self.urls[server][channel].insert(0, url)
- # removing old urls
- while len(self.urls[server][channel]) > self.historysize:
- self.urls[server][channel].pop()
- def hasIndex( self, index, channel, server ):
- return self.urls.has_key(server) and \
- self.urls[server].has_key(channel) and \
- len(self.url[server][channel]) >= index
- def hasChannel( self, channel, server ):
- return self.urls.has_key(server) and \
- self.urls[server].has_key(channel)
- def hasServer( self, server ):
- return self.urls.has_key(server)
- def getUrl(self, index, channel, server):
- url = ""
- if self.urls.has_key(server):
- if self.urls[server].has_key(channel):
- if len(self.urls[server][channel]) >= index:
- url = self.urls[server][channel][index-1]
- return url
- def prnt(self, channel, server):
- found = True
- if self.urls.has_key(server):
- if self.urls[server].has_key(channel):
- urlGrabPrint(channel + "@" + server)
- if len(self.urls[server][channel]) > 0:
- i = 1
- for url in self.urls[server][channel]:
- weechat.prnt(" --> " + str(i) + " : " + url)
- i += 1
- else:
- found = False
- elif channel == "*":
- for channel in self.urls[server].keys():
- self.prnt(channel, server)
- else:
- found = False
- else:
- found = False
- if not found:
- urlGrabPrint(channel + "@" + server + ": no entries")
-def urlGrabParsemsg(server, command):
- # :nick!ident@host PRIVMSG dest :foobarbaz
- l = command.split(' ')
- mask = l[0][1:]
- dest = l[2]
- message = ' '.join(l[3:])[1:]
- ###########################################
- #nothing, info, message = command.split(":", 2)
- #info = info.split(' ')
- if dest == weechat.get_info('nick', server):
- source = mask.split("!")[0]
- else:
- source = dest
- return (source, message)
-def urlGrabCheckMsgline(server, chan, message):
- # Ignore output from ''
- if message.startswith( "[AKA]" ):
- return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
- # Check for URLs
- for word in message.split(" "):
- if word[0:7] == "http://" or \
- word[0:8] == "https://" or \
- word[0:6] == "ftp://":
- urlGrab.addUrl(word, chan, server)
-def urlGrabCheck(server, args):
- global urlGrab
- chan, message = urlGrabParsemsg(server, args)
- urlGrabCheckMsgline(server, chan, message)
- return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
-def urlGrabCheckOnload():
- for buf in weechat.get_buffer_info().itervalues():
- if len(buf['channel']):
- lines = weechat.get_buffer_data(buf['server'], buf['channel'])
- for line in reversed(lines):
- urlGrabCheckMsgline(buf['server'], buf['channel'], line['data'])
-def urlGrabOpen(index, channel = None):
- global urlGrab, urlGrabSettings
- server = weechat.get_info("server")
- if channel is None or channel == "":
- channel = weechat.get_info("channel")
- if channel == "":
- urlGrabPrint( "No current channel, you must specify one" )
- elif not urlGrab.hasChannel( channel, server ):
- urlGrabPrint("No URL found - Invalid channel")
- else:
- if index <= 0:
- urlGrabPrint("No URL found - Invalid index")
- return
- url = urlGrab.getUrl(index, channel, server)
- if url == "":
- urlGrabPrint("No URL found - Invalid index")
- else:
- urlGrabPrint("loading %s %sly" % (url, urlGrabSettings.get("method")))
- logfile = os.path.expanduser( urlGrabSettings.get( 'cmdlog' ) )
- argl = urlGrabSettings.createCmdList( url )
- dout = open(logfile, "w")
- dout.write( "UrlGrab: Running '%s'\n" % (" ".join(argl)) )
- dout.close()
- try:
- childpid = os.fork()
- except:
- urlGrabPrint("Fork failed!")
- if childpid == 0:
- logfile = os.path.expanduser( urlGrabSettings.get( 'cmdlog' ) )
- try:
- subprocess.Popen(
- argl,
- stdin = open('/dev/null', 'r'),
- stdout = open(logfile, 'a'),
- stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
- except:
- urlGrabPrint(traceback.format_exc(None))
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- # In the parent - we may wait for stub to fork again and let the init kill grand-child
- try:
- os.waitpid(childpid, 0)
- except:
- pass
- return
-def urlGrabList( args ):
- global urlGrab
- channel = ""
- if len(args) == 0:
- channel = weechat.get_info("channel")
- else:
- channel = args[0]
- if channel == "" or channel == "all":
- channel = "*"
- urlGrab.prnt(channel, weechat.get_info("server"))
-def urlGrabHelp():
- weechat.prnt("")
- urlGrabPrint("Help")
- weechat.prnt(" Usage : ")
- weechat.prnt(" /url help")
- weechat.prnt(" -> display this help")
- weechat.prnt(" /url list [channel]")
- weechat.prnt(" -> display list of recorded urls in the specified channel")
- weechat.prnt(" If no channel is given, lists the current channel")
- weechat.prnt(" /url set [name [[=] value]]")
- weechat.prnt(" -> set or get one of the parameters")
- weechat.prnt(" /url n [channel]")
- weechat.prnt(" -> launch the nth url in `/url list`")
- weechat.prnt(" or the nth url in the specified channel")
- weechat.prnt("")
-def urlGrabMain(server, args):
- largs = args.split(" ")
- #strip spaces
- while '' in largs:
- largs.remove('')
- while ' ' in largs:
- largs.remove(' ')
- if len(largs) == 0:
- largs = [urlGrabSettings.get('default')]
- if largs[0] == 'help':
- urlGrabHelp()
- elif largs[0] == 'list':
- urlGrabList( largs[1:] )
- elif largs[0] == 'set':
- try:
- if (len(largs) == 1):
- urlGrabPrint( "Available settings:" )
- urlGrabSettings.prntall()
- elif (len(largs) == 2):
- name = largs[1]
- urlGrabPrint( "Get %s" % name )
- urlGrabSettings.prnt( name )
- elif (len(largs) > 2):
- name = largs[1]
- value = None
- if( largs[2] != "="):
- value = " ".join(largs[2:])
- elif( largs > 3 and largs[2] == "=" ):
- value = " ".join(largs[3:])
- urlGrabPrint( "set %s = \'%s\'" % (name, value) )
- if value is not None:
- try:
- urlGrabSettings.set( name, value )
- urlGrabSettings.prnt( name, verbose=False )
- except ValueError, msg:
- weechat.prnt( " Failed: %s" % msg )
- else:
- weechat.prnt( " Failed: No value given" )
- except KeyError:
- weechat.prnt( " Failed: Unrecognized parameter '%s'" % name )
- else:
- try:
- no = int(largs[0])
- if len(largs) > 1:
- urlGrabOpen(no, largs[1])
- else:
- urlGrabOpen(no)
- except ValueError:
- urlGrabPrint( "Unknown command '%s'. Try '/url help' for usage" % largs[0])
- return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
-if weechat.register (UC_NAME, UC_VERSION, "", "Url collector/launcher for weechat"):
- urlGrabSettings = UrlGrabSettings()
- urlGrab = UrlGrabber( urlGrabSettings.get('historysize') )
- urlGrabCheckOnload()
- weechat.add_message_handler("privmsg", "urlGrabCheck")
- weechat.add_command_handler("url", "urlGrabMain", "Controls UrlGrab -> '/url help' for usage")