path: root/scripts/python/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/python/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 445 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/python/ b/scripts/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index d5117716e..000000000
--- a/scripts/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-# -*- encoding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2006 by EgS <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-# #
-# This script enables the execution of events triggered commands #
-# where the events are attach or detach of the screen weechat #
-# is running in. #
-# #
-# Name: OnAttach #
-# Licence: GPL v2 #
-# Author: Marcus Eggenberger <> #
-# #
-# Usage: #
-# /onattach or /ondetach to add new events #
-# /screenevents to manage events #
-# #
-# use /help command for detailed information #
-# #
-# Changelog: #
-# 0.5: added screen guessing to backup screen-detection #
-# 0.4: fixed TypeError in weechat 0.1.9 #
-# 0.3: now checking on startup if weechat runs in a screen #
-# 0.2: added usage of get/set_plugin_config to store eventlist #
-# 0.1: first version released #
-# #
-# ====================
-# Imports
-# ====================
-import os
-import sys
-# ====================
-# Constants
-# ====================
-NAME = 'OnAttach'
-VERSION = '0.5'
-DESCRIPTION = "Executing commands on screen Attach/Detach"
-OFF = False
-ON = True
-# ====================
-# Exceptions
-# ====================
-class OnAttachError(Exception):
- pass
-# ====================
-# Helpers
-# ====================
-class WeePrint(object):
- def write(self, text):
- text = text.rstrip(' \0\n') # strip the null byte appended by pythons print
- if text:
- weechat.prnt(text,'')
-def getScreenByPpid():
- # the screen we are in should be our parents parent
- # aka something like:
- # \_ -/bin/bash
- # \_ weechat-curses
- ppid = os.getppid()
- # get SCREEN pid
- pipe = os.popen("ps o ppid= -p %d" % ppid)
- screenpid =
- pipe.close()
- # check if screen pid really belongs to a screen
- pipe = os.popen("ps o cmd= -p %s" % screenpid)
- cmd =
- pipe.close()
- if 'screen' not in cmd.lower():
- raise OnAttachError
- else:
- return screenpid
-def getScreenByList():
- # checks if there is only one attached screen
- # if so use: it! ;)
- pipe = os.popen("screen -list | grep -i attached")
- screens =
- pipe.close()
- screens = screens.splitlines()
- if len(screens) > 1:
- print "There are more then one screen currently attached."
- print "Detach all other running screens and reload OnAttach"
- print "to ensure correct screen detection."
- raise OnAttachError
- try:
- socket, status = screens[0].split()
- except:
- # thats no common screen list...
- print "failed!"
- raise OnAttachError
- else:
- print "Using screen %s" % socket
- return socket
-def getScreenPid():
- try:
- return getScreenByPpid()
- except OnAttachError:
- print "!!! Unable to determine screen by parentid!"
- print "Trying to guess screen..."
- return getScreenByList()
-def registerFunction(function):
- # Register a python function as a commandhandler
- # Function needs to be named like weeFunction and
- # is bound to /function
- # docstring is used for weechat help
- functionname = function.__name__ # guess what :)
- weecommand = functionname[3:].lower() # strip the wee
- doc = function.__doc__.splitlines()
- arguments = doc[0] # First docstring line is the arguments string
- description = doc[1][4:]
- args_description = '\n'.join([line[4:] for line in doc[2:-1]]) # join rest and strip indentation
- if not function.func_defaults: # use args default value as template
- template = ''
- elif len(function.func_defaults) == 1:
- template = function.func_defaults[0]
- elif len(function.func_defaults) == 2:
- template = func.func_defaults[1]
- weechat.add_command_handler(weecommand, functionname, description, arguments, args_description, template)
-def registerFunctions():
- functions = [function for name, function in globals().iteritems() if name.startswith('wee') and callable(function)]
- for func in functions:
- registerFunction(func)
-# ====================
-# Classes
-# ====================
-class Event(object):
- def __init__(self, delay, step, channel, server, command, activehigh=True):
- self.delay = int(delay)
- self.step = step
- = channel
- self.server = server
- self.command = command
- self.activestate = activehigh
- self.reset()
- #@classmethod
- def unserialize(cls, step, serial):
- try:
- # let's try the easy way :)
- delay, channel, server, command, activestate = serial.split()
- except ValueError:
- # ok we got an escaped separator... :/
- data = serial.split(cls.SEPARATOR)
- for i in range(len(data)):
- if data[i].endswith(cls.ESCAPECHAR):
- data[i+1] = data[i] + cls.SEPARATOR + data[i+1]
- data = [item.replace(cls.ESCAPECHAR + cls.SEPARATOR, cls.SEPARATOR) for item in data if not item.endswith(cls.ESCAPECHAR)]
- delay, channel, server, command, activestate = data
- delay = int(delay)
- activestate = activestate == 'True'
- return cls(delay, step, channel, server, command, activestate)
- # lets go for 2.3 compatiblity
- unserialize = classmethod(unserialize)
- #@property
- def serialized(self):
- data = [self.delay,, self.server, self.command, self.activestate]
- data = [str(item).replace(self.SEPARATOR, self.ESCAPECHAR + self.SEPARATOR) for item in data]
- return self.SEPARATOR.join(data)
- # lets go for 2.3 compatiblity
- serialized = property(serialized)
- def reset(self):
- self.currentdelay = self.delay
- self.fired = False
- def fire(self):
- weechat.command(self.command,, self.server)
- self.fired = True
- def stimulus(self, state):
- if state != self.activestate:
- self.reset()
- else:
- self.currentdelay -= self.step
- if self.currentdelay <= 0 and not self.fired:
-class CheckStatus(object):
- eventlist = []
- step = 5
- def __init__(self):
- try:
- self.screenpid = getScreenPid()
- except OnAttachError:
- raise
- # try to read config data
- serializedEvents = weechat.get_plugin_config("events")
- if not serializedEvents:
- return
- events = serializedEvents.split(self.SEPARATOR)
- for i in range(len(events)):
- if events[i].endswith(self.ESCAPECHAR):
- events[i+1] = events[i] + self.SEPARATOR + ss[i+1]
- events = [event.replace(self.ESCAPECHAR + self.SEPARATOR, self.SEPARATOR) for event in events if not event.endswith(self.ESCAPECHAR)]
- for event in events:
- try:
- self.eventlist.append(Event.unserialize(self.step, event))
- except:
- print "Unable to unserialize event!"
- print "Try to add the event manualy and save config again."
- def __call__(self, server="", args=""):
- # check if the screen is attached or detatched
- pipe = os.popen("screen -list | grep %s" % self.screenpid)
- screenlist =
- pipe.close()
- if 'attached' in screenlist.lower():
- state = ON
- elif 'detached' in screenlist.lower():
- state = OFF
- else:
- print "Unable to determine screen status"
- return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_KO
- for event in self.eventlist:
- event.stimulus(state)
- return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
- def addEvent(self, delay, channel, server, command, activehigh=True):
- event = Event(delay, self.step, channel, server, command, activehigh)
- self.eventlist.append(event)
- def showEvents(self):
- format = "%2s | %-10s | %-10s | %-15s | %-7s | %-2s %s"
- separator = "---+------------+------------+-----------------+---------+----"
- print separator
- print format % ("ID", "Server", "Channel", "Command", "Delay", "on", "")
- print separator
- for i in range(len(self.eventlist)):
- event = self.eventlist[i]
- if event.activestate:
- atde = 'AT'
- else:
- atde = 'DE'
- if event.fired:
- fired = '*'
- else:
- fired = ''
- print format % (i, event.server[:10],[:10], event.command[:15], "%3d sec" % event.delay, atde, fired)
- print separator
- def save(self):
- weechat.set_plugin_config("events",self.serialized)
- #@property
- def serialized(self):
- events = [str(event.serialized).replace(self.SEPARATOR, self.ESCAPECHAR + self.SEPARATOR) for event in self.eventlist]
- return self.SEPARATOR.join(events)
- # lets go for 2.3 compatiblity
- serialized = property(serialized)
- def dropEvent(self, eventid):
- del self.eventlist[eventid]
-# ====================
-# Functions
-# ====================
-def addEvent(server, args, activehigh=True):
- delay, channel, command = args.split(' ', 2)
- delay = int(delay)
- channel = channel.strip("'\"")
- checkStatus.addEvent(delay, channel, server, command, activehigh)
- if activehigh:
- atde = "at"
- else:
- atde = "de"
- print "Added %stach event '%s' for channel %s on network %s with %d seconds delay" % (atde, command, channel, server, delay)
-def weeOnAttach(server, args):
- """delay channel command
- Adds a command which is executed after attaching the screen
- The command is executed <delay> seconds after the attach.
- Use "" or '' as channel if the command should be executed in
- the server buffer.
- Example:
- /onattach 180 &bitlbee account on 0
- """
- try:
- addEvent(server, args)
- except:
- weechat.command("/help onattach", "", server)
- return 0
- else:
- return 1
-def weeOnDetach(server, args):
- """delay channel command
- Adds a command which is executed after detaching the screen
- The command is executed <delay> seconds after the detach.
- Use "" or '' as channel if the command should be executed in
- the server buffer.
- Example:
- /ondetach 180 &bitlbee account on 0
- """
- try:
- addEvent(server, args, activehigh=False)
- except:
- weechat.command("/help onattach", "", server)
- return 0
- else:
- return 1
-def weeScreenevents(server, args="show|save|drop"):
- """show | save | drop eventid [eventid [...]]
- shows, saves or drops events
- show:
- Shows all current active events
- save:
- Saves current events permanently
- drop:
- Delete event from onAttach/onDetach list.
- Use /showevents to get eventid
- """
- try:
- action, args = args.split(' ',1)
- except ValueError:
- action = args.strip()
- args = ''
- actions = {'show':showEvents,
- 'drop':dropEvent,
- 'save':saveEvents}
- try:
- action = actions[action]
- except KeyError:
- weechat.command("/help screenevents", "", server)
- return 0
- else:
- return action(server, args)
-def showEvents(server, args):
- checkStatus.showEvents()
- return 1
-def dropEvent(server, args):
- try:
- eventids = [int(id) for id in args.split()]
- except:
- print "eventid musst be a number!"
- return 0
- eventids.sort()
- eventids.reverse()
- for eventid in eventids:
- try:
- checkStatus.dropEvent(eventid)
- except:
- print "Unable to drop Event %d" % eventid
- return 0
- print "dropped %d events!" % len(eventids)
- return 1
-def saveEvents(server, args):
- return 1
-# ====================
-# Let's Register!
-# ====================
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- import weechat
- except ImportError:
- print "This script is to be loaded as PythonScript in WeeChat"
- print "Get WeeChat now at:"
- import sys
- sys.exit(10)
- # kick pythons print to weechat.prnt(msg, '')
- sys.stdout = WeePrint()
- weechat.register(NAME, VERSION, "", DESCRIPTION)
- try:
- checkStatus = CheckStatus()
- except OnAttachError:
- print "!!! Requirements for %s not met:" % NAME
- print "!!! - WeeChat is not running in a screen or not able to get screen PID"
- print "!!! --> Run WeeChat in a screen to fix the problem!"
- else:
- weechat.add_timer_handler(checkStatus.step, "checkStatus")
- registerFunctions()