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6 files changed, 58 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
index 0d769c523..cd4c7d5e6 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
@@ -9,37 +9,38 @@
/buflist bar
- bar: fügt eine "buflist" Bar hinzu
-refresh: erzwingt eine Aktualisierung des "buflist" Bar-Item
+ bar: add the "buflist" bar
+refresh: force the refresh of the "buflist" bar item
-Jede Zeile die einen Buffer anzeigt wird mittels Zeichenketten-Evaluation dargestellt (siehe /help eval für das Format), dazu werden folgende Optionen genutzt:
- - buflist.look.display_conditions: Bedingungen um einen Buffer in der Liste darzustellen
- - buflist.format.buffer: Format für den Buffer, der nicht der aktuell dargestellte Buffer ist
- - buflist.format.buffer_current: Format für den aktuell dargestellten Buffer
+The lines with buffers are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options:
+ - buflist.look.display_conditions: conditions to display a buffer in the list
+ - buflist.format.buffer: format for a buffer which is not current buffer
+ - buflist.format.buffer_current: format for the current buffer
-Die folgenden Variablen können in den obigen Optionen genutzt werden:
- - buffer data (siehe hdata "buffer" in API Dokumentation für eine vollständige Liste), zum Beispiel:
+The following variables can be used in these options:
+ - buffer data (see hdata "buffer" in API doc for a complete list), for example:
- ${buffer.number}
- ${}
- ${buffer.full_name}
- ${buffer.short_name}
- ${buffer.nicklist_nicks_count}
- - irc_server: IRC Serverdaten, ausschließlich genutzt bei einem IRC Buffer (siehe hdata "irc_server" in API Dokumentation)
- - irc_channel: IRC Channeldaten, ausschließlich genutzt bei einem IRC Channel Buffer (siehe hdata "irc_channel" in API Dokumentation)
- - zusätzliche Variablen die durch buflist bereitgestellt werden:
- - ${format_buffer}: der evaluierte Wert der Option buflist.format.buffer; dies kann in der Option buflist.format.buffer_current genutzt werden um zum Beispiel die Hintergrundfarbe zu verändern
- - ${current_buffer}: ein Boolean ("0" oder "1"), "1" falls es sich um den aktuellen Buffer handelt; dies kann in einer Bedingung verwendet werden: ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...}
- - ${format_number}: eingerückte Numer mit Trennzeichen (evaluiert aus Option buflist.format.number)
- - ${number}: eingerückte Nummer, zum Beispiel " 1", falls die Anzahl der Buffer zwischen 10 und 99 liegt
- - ${number_displayed}: "1" falls Nummer angezeigt wird, ansonsten "0"
- - ${indent}: Einrückung für Name (Channel und private Buffer werden eingerückt) (evaluiert aus Option buflist.format.indent)
- - ${format_nick_prefix}: Nick-Präfix mit entsprechender Farbe für einen Channel (evaluiert aus Option buflist.format.nick_prefix)
- - ${color_nick_prefix}: Farbe für den Nick-Präfix von einem Channel (wird nur genutzt wenn die Option buflist.look.nick_prefix aktiviert ist)
- - ${nick_prefix}: der Nick-Präfix für einen Channel (wird nur genutzt falls die Option buflist.look.nick_prefix aktiviert ist)
- - ${name}: der Kurzname (falls einer gesetzt ist), Ersatzweise wird auf den Originalnamen zurückgegriffen
- - ${color_hotlist}: die Farbe mit der höchsten Priorität für den entsprechenden Buffer (evaluiert aus Option buflist.format.hotlist_xxx wobei xxx der entsprechende Level ist)
- - ${format_hotlist}: die formatierte Hotlist (evaluiert aus Option buflist.format.hotlist)
- - ${hotlist}: die Hotlist in der Rohform
- - ${hotlist_priority}: "none", "low", "message", "private" oder "highlight"
- - ${format_lag}: die Verzögerung für einen IRC Server-Buffer, ist leer falls es keine Verzögerung gibt (evaluiert aus Option buflist.format.lag)
+ - irc_server: IRC server data, defined only on an IRC buffer (see hdata "irc_server" in API doc)
+ - irc_channel: IRC channel data, defined only on an IRC channel buffer (see hdata "irc_channel" in API doc)
+ - extra variables added by buflist for convenience:
+ - ${format_buffer}: the evaluated value of option buflist.format.buffer; this can be used in option buflist.format.buffer_current to just change the background color for example
+ - ${current_buffer}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if this is the current buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...}
+ - ${merged}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if the buffer is merged with at least another buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${merged}?...:...}
+ - ${format_number}: indented number with separator (evaluation of option buflist.format.number)
+ - ${number}: indented number, for example " 1" if there are between 10 and 99 buffers
+ - ${number_displayed}: "1" if the number is displayed, otherwise "0"
+ - ${indent}: indentation for name (channel and private buffers are indented) (evaluation of option buflist.format.indent)
+ - ${format_nick_prefix}: colored nick prefix for a channel (evaluation of option buflist.format.nick_prefix)
+ - ${color_nick_prefix}: color of nick prefix for a channel (set only if the option buflist.look.nick_prefix is enabled)
+ - ${nick_prefix}: nick prefix for a channel (set only if the option buflist.look.nick_prefix is enabled)
+ - ${name}: the short name (if set), with a fallback on the name
+ - ${color_hotlist}: the color depending on the highest hotlist level for the buffer (evaluation of option buflist.format.hotlist_xxx where xxx is the level)
+ - ${format_hotlist}: the formatted hotlist (evaluation of option buflist.format.hotlist)
+ - ${hotlist}: the raw hotlist
+ - ${hotlist_priority}: "none", "low", "message", "private" or "highlight"
+ - ${format_lag}: the lag for an IRC server buffer, empty if there's no lag (evaluation of option buflist.format.lag)
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
index ccd38f9b8..277fcc063 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ The following variables can be used in these options:
- extra variables added by buflist for convenience:
- ${format_buffer}: the evaluated value of option buflist.format.buffer; this can be used in option buflist.format.buffer_current to just change the background color for example
- ${current_buffer}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if this is the current buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...}
+ - ${merged}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if the buffer is merged with at least another buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${merged}?...:...}
- ${format_number}: indented number with separator (evaluation of option buflist.format.number)
- ${number}: indented number, for example " 1" if there are between 10 and 99 buffers
- ${number_displayed}: "1" if the number is displayed, otherwise "0"
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
index ba939fa02..9d4900395 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Les variables suivantes peuvent être utilisées dans ces options :
- variables additionnelles ajoutées par buflist pour des raisons pratiques :
- ${format_buffer} : la valeur évaluée de l'option buflist.format.buffer ; peut être utilisée dans l'option buflist.format.buffer_current pour juste changer la couleur de fond par exemple
- ${current_buffer} : un booléen ("0" ou "1"), "1" s'il s'agit du tampon courant ; cela peut être utilisé dans une condition : ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...}
+ - ${merged} : un booléen ("0" ou "1"), "1" si le tampon est mélangé avec au moins un autre tampon ; cela peut être utilisé dans une condition : ${if:${merged}?...:...}
- ${format_number} : numéro indenté avec un séparateur (évaluation de l'option buflist.format.number)
- ${number} : numéro indenté, par exemple " 1" s'il y a entre 10 et 99 tampons
- ${number_displayed} : "1" si le numéro est affiché, sinon "0"
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
index ccd38f9b8..277fcc063 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ The following variables can be used in these options:
- extra variables added by buflist for convenience:
- ${format_buffer}: the evaluated value of option buflist.format.buffer; this can be used in option buflist.format.buffer_current to just change the background color for example
- ${current_buffer}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if this is the current buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...}
+ - ${merged}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if the buffer is merged with at least another buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${merged}?...:...}
- ${format_number}: indented number with separator (evaluation of option buflist.format.number)
- ${number}: indented number, for example " 1" if there are between 10 and 99 buffers
- ${number_displayed}: "1" if the number is displayed, otherwise "0"
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
index bced8b857..b272c5f1f 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
@@ -9,37 +9,38 @@
/buflist bar
- bar: "buflist" バーを追加します
-refresh: 強制的に "buflist" バー要素の内容を最新の状態に更新します
+ bar: add the "buflist" bar
+refresh: force the refresh of the "buflist" bar item
-各バッファエントリは文字列評価 (書式は /help eval を参照してください) を使って表示されます、以下のオプションで指定します:
- - buflist.look.display_conditions: バッファをリスト内に表示する条件
- - buflist.format.buffer: 現在のバッファ以外のバッファを表示する書式
- - buflist.format.buffer_current: 現在のバッファを表示する書式
+The lines with buffers are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options:
+ - buflist.look.display_conditions: conditions to display a buffer in the list
+ - buflist.format.buffer: format for a buffer which is not current buffer
+ - buflist.format.buffer_current: format for the current buffer
- - バッファデータ (完全なリストは API リファレンスの hdata "buffer" を参照してください)、例:
+The following variables can be used in these options:
+ - buffer data (see hdata "buffer" in API doc for a complete list), for example:
- ${buffer.number}
- ${}
- ${buffer.full_name}
- ${buffer.short_name}
- ${buffer.nicklist_nicks_count}
- - irc_server: IRC サーバデータ、IRC バッファのみで定義 (API リファレンスの hdata "irc_server" を参照してください)
- - irc_channel: IRC チャンネルデータ、IRC チャンネルバッファのみで定義 (API リファレンスの hdata "irc_channel" を参照してください)
- - buflist プラグインが利便性向上の目的で追加した変数:
- - ${format_buffer}: buflist.format.buffer オプションの評価結果; 例えば単に背景色を変えるなどの目的で、この変数を buflist.format.buffer_current オプションの中で使うことも可能です。
- - ${current_buffer}: ブール値 ("0" または "1")、対象のバッファが現在のバッファの場合に "1"; 次のように条件中で使うことができます: ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...}
- - ${format_number}: 区切り文字を付けたインデント済み番号 (buflist.format.number オプションの評価結果)
- - ${number}: インデント済み番号、例えば 10 から 99 番のバッファがある場合に " 1"
- - ${number_displayed}: 番号が表示される場合に "1"、それ以外の場合に "0"
- - ${indent}: 名前用のインデント (チャンネルとプライベートバッファがインデントされます)
- - ${format_nick_prefix}: チャンネルにおける色付きニックネームプレフィックス (buflist.format.nick_prefix オプションの評価結果)
- - ${color_nick_prefix}: チャンネルにおけるニックネームプレフィックスの色 (buflist.look.nick_prefix オプションが有効化された場合のみ設定されます)
- - ${nick_prefix}: チャンネルにおけるニックネームプレフィックス (buflist.look.nick_prefix オプションが有効化された場合のみ設定されます)
- - ${name}: 短縮名 (設定済みの場合)、未設定の場合には名前
- - ${color_hotlist}: 対象バッファのホットリストレベルの最大値に対応する色 (buflist.format.hotlist_xxx オプションの評価結果、xxx がレベル)
- - ${format_hotlist}: 評価後のホットリスト (buflist.format.hotlist オプションの評価結果)
- - ${hotlist}: 評価前のホットリスト
- - ${hotlist_priority}: "none"、"low"、"message"、"private"、"highlight"
- - ${format_lag}: IRC サーババッファの遅延時間、遅延がない場合は空 (buflist.format.lag オプションの評価結果)
+ - irc_server: IRC server data, defined only on an IRC buffer (see hdata "irc_server" in API doc)
+ - irc_channel: IRC channel data, defined only on an IRC channel buffer (see hdata "irc_channel" in API doc)
+ - extra variables added by buflist for convenience:
+ - ${format_buffer}: the evaluated value of option buflist.format.buffer; this can be used in option buflist.format.buffer_current to just change the background color for example
+ - ${current_buffer}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if this is the current buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...}
+ - ${merged}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if the buffer is merged with at least another buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${merged}?...:...}
+ - ${format_number}: indented number with separator (evaluation of option buflist.format.number)
+ - ${number}: indented number, for example " 1" if there are between 10 and 99 buffers
+ - ${number_displayed}: "1" if the number is displayed, otherwise "0"
+ - ${indent}: indentation for name (channel and private buffers are indented) (evaluation of option buflist.format.indent)
+ - ${format_nick_prefix}: colored nick prefix for a channel (evaluation of option buflist.format.nick_prefix)
+ - ${color_nick_prefix}: color of nick prefix for a channel (set only if the option buflist.look.nick_prefix is enabled)
+ - ${nick_prefix}: nick prefix for a channel (set only if the option buflist.look.nick_prefix is enabled)
+ - ${name}: the short name (if set), with a fallback on the name
+ - ${color_hotlist}: the color depending on the highest hotlist level for the buffer (evaluation of option buflist.format.hotlist_xxx where xxx is the level)
+ - ${format_hotlist}: the formatted hotlist (evaluation of option buflist.format.hotlist)
+ - ${hotlist}: the raw hotlist
+ - ${hotlist_priority}: "none", "low", "message", "private" or "highlight"
+ - ${format_lag}: the lag for an IRC server buffer, empty if there's no lag (evaluation of option buflist.format.lag)
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
index de582424f..82505e76b 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/buflist_commands.adoc
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ The following variables can be used in these options:
- extra variables added by buflist for convenience:
- ${format_buffer}: the evaluated value of option buflist.format.buffer; this can be used in option buflist.format.buffer_current to just change the background color for example
- ${current_buffer}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if this is the current buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${current_buffer}?...:...}
+ - ${merged}: a boolean ("0" or "1"), "1" if the buffer is merged with at least another buffer; it can be used in a condition: ${if:${merged}?...:...}
- ${format_number}: indented number with separator (evaluation of option buflist.format.number)
- ${number}: indented number, for example " 1" if there are between 10 and 99 buffers
- ${number_displayed}: "1" if the number is displayed, otherwise "0"