path: root/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
6 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
index 226024726..e2cac0129 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
@@ -742,6 +742,11 @@
** Typ: Zeichenkette
** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette (Standardwert: `""`)
+* [[option_weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline]] *weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline*
+** Beschreibung: `automatically add a newline at the end of pasted text if there are at least two lines and if a confirmation is asked`
+** Typ: boolesch
+** Werte: on, off (Standardwert: `on`)
* [[option_weechat.look.paste_bracketed]] *weechat.look.paste_bracketed*
** Beschreibung: `aktiviert den "bracketed paste mode" des Terminals (wird nicht durch alle Terminals/Multiplexer unterstützt): Dieser Modus erlaubt das Einfügen von Steuersequenzen die in Klammern gesetzt sind. WeeChat kann dadurch ermitteln ob ein Text eingefügt oder geschrieben wurde ("ESC[200~", gefolgt von dem einzufügenden Text und einem abschließenden "ESC[201~")`
** Typ: boolesch
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
index 6cae46645..2791b8229 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
@@ -742,6 +742,11 @@
** type: string
** values: any string (default value: `""`)
+* [[option_weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline]] *weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline*
+** description: `automatically add a newline at the end of pasted text if there are at least two lines and if a confirmation is asked`
+** type: boolean
+** values: on, off (default value: `on`)
* [[option_weechat.look.paste_bracketed]] *weechat.look.paste_bracketed*
** description: `enable terminal "bracketed paste mode" (not supported in all terminals/multiplexers): in this mode, pasted text is bracketed with control sequences so that WeeChat can differentiate pasted text from typed-in text ("ESC[200~", followed by the pasted text, followed by "ESC[201~")`
** type: boolean
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
index f6bbd2773..728c7085f 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
@@ -742,6 +742,11 @@
** type: chaîne
** valeurs: toute chaîne (valeur par défaut: `""`)
+* [[option_weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline]] *weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline*
+** description: `ajouter automatiquement une nouvelle ligne à la fin du texte collé s'il y a au moins deux lignes et si une confirmation est demandée`
+** type: booléen
+** valeurs: on, off (valeur par défaut: `on`)
* [[option_weechat.look.paste_bracketed]] *weechat.look.paste_bracketed*
** description: `activer le mode du terminal "bracketed paste" (pas supporté par tous les terminaux/multiplexeurs) : dans ce mode, le texte collé est entouré avec des séquences de contrôle de sorte que WeeChat puisse différencier le texte collé du texte tapé ("ESC[200~", suivi par le texte collé, suivi par "ESC[201~")`
** type: booléen
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
index 702e17af3..b844fdcf4 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
@@ -742,6 +742,11 @@
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa (valore predefinito: `""`)
+* [[option_weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline]] *weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline*
+** descrizione: `automatically add a newline at the end of pasted text if there are at least two lines and if a confirmation is asked`
+** tipo: bool
+** valori: on, off (valore predefinito: `on`)
* [[option_weechat.look.paste_bracketed]] *weechat.look.paste_bracketed*
** descrizione: `abilita la modalità "bracketed paste" per il terminale (non supportata da tutti i terminali/multiplexer): in questa modalità, il testo incollato viene racchiuso da sequenze di controllo in modo che WeeChat possa differenziare il testo incollato dal testo digitato ("ESC[200~", seguito dal testo incollato, seguito da "ESC[201~")`
** tipo: bool
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
index 9270d2533..31d489d58 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
@@ -742,6 +742,11 @@
** タイプ: 文字列
** 値: 未制約文字列 (デフォルト値: `""`)
+* [[option_weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline]] *weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline*
+** 説明: `automatically add a newline at the end of pasted text if there are at least two lines and if a confirmation is asked`
+** タイプ: ブール
+** 値: on, off (デフォルト値: `on`)
* [[option_weechat.look.paste_bracketed]] *weechat.look.paste_bracketed*
** 説明: `端末の「括弧付きペーストモード」を有効化 (一部の端末/マルチプレクサで利用可能): このモードでは、ペーストされたテキストはコントロールシーケンスで括られます。これにより WeeChat はペーストされたテキストとタイプされたテキストを区別する ("ESC[200~" 、ペーストされたテキスト、"ESC[201~")`
** タイプ: ブール
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
index 64dfcc885..62e26b089 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_options.asciidoc
@@ -742,6 +742,11 @@
** typ: ciąg
** wartości: dowolny ciąg (domyślna wartość: `""`)
+* [[option_weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline]] *weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline*
+** opis: `automatically add a newline at the end of pasted text if there are at least two lines and if a confirmation is asked`
+** typ: bool
+** wartości: on, off (domyślna wartość: `on`)
* [[option_weechat.look.paste_bracketed]] *weechat.look.paste_bracketed*
** opis: `włącza tryb terminala "bracketed paste mode" (nie wszystkie terminale/multiplexery ją wspierają): w tym trybie, wklejany tekst jest otoczony sekwencją kontrolna, dzięki czemu WeeChat może odróżnić tekst wklejony od wpisanego ("ESC[200~", wklejony tekst, "ESC[201~")`
** typ: bool