path: root/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
6 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
index 70a5956b6..1754107fa 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
** Standardwert: `+", "+`
* [[option_weechat.look.hotlist_count_max]] *weechat.look.hotlist_count_max*
-** Beschreibung: pass:none[maximale Anzahl an Nachrichten für den Nachrichtenzähler in der Hotlist, für jeden Buffer (0 = der Nachrichtenzähler wird nicht dargestellt, siehe weechat.look.buffer_notify_default)]
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[max number of messages count to display in hotlist for a buffer: 0 = never display messages count, 1 = display count for highlights/private messages, 2 = display count for highlight/private messages and messages, 3 = display count for all types of messages]
** Typ: integer
** Werte: 0 .. 4
** Standardwert: `+2+`
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
index 657fbcef7..ff30c575d 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
** default value: `+", "+`
* [[option_weechat.look.hotlist_count_max]] *weechat.look.hotlist_count_max*
-** description: pass:none[max number of messages count to display in hotlist for a buffer (0 = never display messages count)]
+** description: pass:none[max number of messages count to display in hotlist for a buffer: 0 = never display messages count, 1 = display count for highlights/private messages, 2 = display count for highlight/private messages and messages, 3 = display count for all types of messages]
** type: integer
** values: 0 .. 4
** default value: `+2+`
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
index f3503d637..40bdc41a9 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
** valeur par défaut: `+", "+`
* [[option_weechat.look.hotlist_count_max]] *weechat.look.hotlist_count_max*
-** description: pass:none[nombre maximum de compteurs de messages à afficher dans la hotlist pour un tampon (0 = ne jamais afficher les compteurs de messages)]
+** description: pass:none[nombre maximum de compteurs de messages à afficher dans la hotlist pour un tampon : 0 = ne jamais afficher les compteurs de messages, 1 = afficher les compteurs pour les highlights/messages privés, 2 = afficher les compteurs pour les highlights/messages privés et messages, 3 = afficher les compteurs pour tous les types de messages]
** type: entier
** valeurs: 0 .. 4
** valeur par défaut: `+2+`
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
index a3571ed2c..221e75715 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
** valore predefinito: `+", "+`
* [[option_weechat.look.hotlist_count_max]] *weechat.look.hotlist_count_max*
-** descrizione: pass:none[numero massimo del conteggio di messaggi da mostrare nella hotlist per un buffer (0 = non mostrare mai il contatore messaggi)]
+** descrizione: pass:none[max number of messages count to display in hotlist for a buffer: 0 = never display messages count, 1 = display count for highlights/private messages, 2 = display count for highlight/private messages and messages, 3 = display count for all types of messages]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 4
** valore predefinito: `+2+`
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
index d8f0d30bd..edacfb693 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
** デフォルト値: `+", "+`
* [[option_weechat.look.hotlist_count_max]] *weechat.look.hotlist_count_max*
-** 説明: pass:none[任意のバッファに関するホットリストに表示されるメッセージ数の最大値 (0 = メッセージ数は非表示)]
+** 説明: pass:none[max number of messages count to display in hotlist for a buffer: 0 = never display messages count, 1 = display count for highlights/private messages, 2 = display count for highlight/private messages and messages, 3 = display count for all types of messages]
** タイプ: 整数
** 値: 0 .. 4
** デフォルト値: `+2+`
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
index 301b595db..5fb1a053d 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_options.adoc
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
** domyślna wartość: `+", "+`
* [[option_weechat.look.hotlist_count_max]] *weechat.look.hotlist_count_max*
-** opis: pass:none[maksymalna liczba wiadomości do wyświetlania w hotliście dla bufora (0 = nie wyświetlaj licznika)]
+** opis: pass:none[max number of messages count to display in hotlist for a buffer: 0 = never display messages count, 1 = display count for highlights/private messages, 2 = display count for highlight/private messages and messages, 3 = display count for all types of messages]
** typ: liczba
** wartości: 0 .. 4
** domyślna wartość: `+2+`