path: root/doc
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6 files changed, 57 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
index 81d82b8f1..e30f0f767 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
@@ -146,11 +146,17 @@ Beispiele:
[command]*`ctcp`* CTCP-Nachricht verschicken::
-/ctcp <target> <type> [<arguments>]
+/ctcp [-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]
- target: Nick- oder Channelname an welchen eine CTCP-Nachricht geschickt werden soll
- type: CTCP-Nachricht (Beispiele: "version", "ping", ..)
-arguments: Argumente für CTCP
+ server: send to this server (internal name)
+ target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
+ type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
+arguments: arguments for CTCP
+ /ctcp toto time
+ /ctcp toto version
+ /ctcp * version
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
index b8a469d11..4f3b4d1e4 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
@@ -146,11 +146,17 @@ Examples:
[command]*`ctcp`* send a CTCP message (Client-To-Client Protocol)::
-/ctcp <target> <type> [<arguments>]
+/ctcp [-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]
- target: nick or channel name to send CTCP to
- type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
+ server: send to this server (internal name)
+ target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
+ type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
arguments: arguments for CTCP
+ /ctcp toto time
+ /ctcp toto version
+ /ctcp * version
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
index 2bf1c1749..55e24c41e 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
@@ -146,11 +146,18 @@ Exemples :
[command]*`ctcp`* envoyer un message CTCP (Client-To-Client Protocol)::
-/ctcp <cible> <type> [<arguments>]
+/ctcp [-server <serveur>] <cible>[,<cible>...] <type> [<paramètres>]
- cible : pseudo ou nom de canal à qui envoyer le CTCP
+ server : envoyer à ce serveur (nom interne)
+ cible : pseudo ou nom de canal ('*' = canal courant)
type : type de CTCP (exemples : "version", "ping", etc...)
arguments : paramètres pour le CTCP
+Exemples :
+ /ctcp toto time
+ /ctcp toto version
+ /ctcp * version
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
index 496018dfd..8cfc01c35 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
@@ -146,11 +146,17 @@ Examples:
[command]*`ctcp`* invia un messaggio CTCP (Protocollo Client-A-Client)::
-/ctcp <destinazione> <tipo> [<argomenti>]
+/ctcp [-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]
- target: nick or channel name to send CTCP to
- type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
+ server: send to this server (internal name)
+ target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
+ type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
arguments: arguments for CTCP
+ /ctcp toto time
+ /ctcp toto version
+ /ctcp * version
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
index 01f42003f..e5678ef0c 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
@@ -146,11 +146,17 @@ WeeChat がサポートする機能: account-notify、away-notify、cap-notify
[command]*`ctcp`* CTCP メッセージの送信 (Client-To-Client Protocol)::
-/ctcp <target> <type> [<arguments>]
+/ctcp [-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]
- target: CTCP を送信するニックネーム又はチャンネル
- type: CTCP タイプ (例: "version"、"ping"、..)
-arguments: CTCP の引数
+ server: send to this server (internal name)
+ target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
+ type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
+arguments: arguments for CTCP
+ /ctcp toto time
+ /ctcp toto version
+ /ctcp * version
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
index 23224a9fa..c6e8aa333 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/irc_commands.asciidoc
@@ -146,11 +146,17 @@ Przykłady:
[command]*`ctcp`* wyślij wiadomość CTCP (protokół klient-klient)::
-/ctcp <cel> <typ> [<argumenty>]
+/ctcp [-server <server>] <target>[,<target>...] <type> [<arguments>]
- cel: nick albo kanał, na który wysłać CTCP
- typ: typ CTCP (przykłady: "version", "ping", ..)
-argumenty: argumenty dla CTCP
+ server: send to this server (internal name)
+ target: nick or channel ('*' = current channel)
+ type: CTCP type (examples: "version", "ping", ..)
+arguments: arguments for CTCP
+ /ctcp toto time
+ /ctcp toto version
+ /ctcp * version