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6 files changed, 126 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
index 4f02de886..24d200856 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
@@ -332,57 +332,57 @@ Beispiele (Bedingungen):
rename <name> <new_name>
del <name>|-all
- list: alle Filter auflisten
- enable: Filter wird aktiviert (Filter werden standardmäßig aktiviert)
-disable: Filter deaktivieren
- toggle: Filter umschalten
- name: Name des Filters ("@" = aktiviert/deaktiviert alle Filter im aktuellen Buffer)
- add: Filter hinzufügen
- rename: benennt einen Filter um
- del: Filter entfernen
- -all: entfernt alle Filter
- buffer: durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Buffer in denen der Filter aktiv sein soll:
- - ist der vollständige Name eines Buffer inklusive seiner Erweiterung (Beispiel: "irc.freenode.#weechat")
- - "*" bedeutet, alle Buffer
- - beginnt ein Name mit '!' wird für diesen Buffer kein Filter genutzt
- - Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden
- tags: durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Schlagwörtern. Zum Beispiel: "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- - logisch "und": mittels "+" zwischen den Tags (zum Beispiel: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- - Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden
- - wird ein Tag mit '!' eingeleitet, dann muss dieser Tag NICHT in der Nachricht enthalten sein
- regex: erweiterter regulärer POSIX Ausdruck, um in einer Zeile zu suchen
- - das Präfix (z.B. Nick) wird mittels '\t' von der Nachricht getrennt. Sonderzeichen wie '|' müssen mit einer Escapesequenz : '\|' eingebunden werden)
- - wird ein regulärer Ausdruck mit '!' eingeleitet dann wird das übereinstimmende Ergebnis umgekehrt (nutze '\!' um mit '!' zu beginnen)
- - es werden zwei reguläre Ausdrücke erstellt: Der erste für den Präfix und der zweite für die eigentliche Nachricht
- - reguläre Ausdrücke unterscheiden nicht zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung. Um zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu unterscheiden müssen diese mit "(?-i)" eingeleitet werden.
-Mit der Tastenvoreinstellung alt+'=' kann die Filterfunktion (de-)aktiviert werden.
-Die am häufigsten gebrauchten Schlagwörter lauten:
- no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log Level),
+ list: list all filters
+ enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
+disable: disable filters
+ toggle: toggle filters
+ name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
+ add: add a filter
+ rename: rename a filter
+ del: delete a filter
+ -all: delete all filters
+ buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
+ - this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
+ - "*" means all buffers
+ - a name starting with '!' is excluded
+ - wildcard "*" is allowed
+ tags: comma separated list of tags, for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
+ - logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
+ - wildcard "*" is allowed
+ - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
+ regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line
+ - use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
+ - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
+ - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
+ - regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
+The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off.
+Tags most commonly used:
+ no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level),
notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
- nick_xxx (xxx ist der Nickname), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc ist die Farbe mit der der Nick dargestellt wird),
- host_xxx (xxx ist der Username + Host),
- irc_xxx (xxx ist durch einen IRC-Befehl/-Nummer zu ersetzen, siehe /server raw oder /debug tags)
+ self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
+ host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message),
+ irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags),
irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
-Mittels "/debug tags" kann man sich die Tags jeder einzelnen Zeile darstellen lassen.
+To see tags for lines in buffers: /debug tags
- aktiviert den intelligenten IRC Filter für alle Buffer:
+ use IRC smart filter on all buffers:
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *
- aktiviert den intelligenten IRC Filter für alle Buffer, außer Buffer die "#weechat" im Namen tragen:
+ use IRC smart filter on all buffers except those with "#weechat" in name:
/filter add irc_smart *,!*#weechat* irc_smart_filter *
- filtert alle IRC join/part/quit Nachrichten:
+ filter all IRC join/part/quit messages:
/filter add joinquit * irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit *
- filtert Nicks wenn diese den Channel betreten oder durch den Befehl "/names" angezeigt werden:
+ filter nicks displayed when joining channels or with /names:
/filter add nicks * irc_366 *
- filtert Nick "toto" im IRC Channel #weechat:
+ filter nick "toto" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add toto irc.freenode.#weechat nick_toto *
- filtert IRC join/action Nachrichten von Nick "toto":
+ filter IRC join/action messages from nick "toto":
/filter add toto * nick_toto+irc_join,nick_toto+irc_action *
- filtert Zeilen die "weechat sucks" im IRC Channel #weechat enthalten:
+ filter lines containing "weechat sucks" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add sucks irc.freenode.#weechat * weechat sucks
- filter Zeilen die exakt "WeeChat sucks" lauten und das in allen Buffern:
+ filter lines that are strictly equal to "WeeChat sucks" on all buffers:
/filter add sucks2 * * (?-i)^WeeChat sucks$
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
index 0f79d5170..d9371e381 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off.
Tags most commonly used:
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level),
notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
- nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
+ self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message),
irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags),
irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
index a22bc85d7..56c2426c0 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ La touche par défaut alt+'=' active/désactive le filtrage.
Les étiquettes les plus couramment utilisées :
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (niveau de log),
notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
- nick_xxx (xxx est le pseudo dans le message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc est la couleur du pseudo),
+ self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx est le pseudo dans le message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc est la couleur du pseudo),
host_xxx (xxx est le nom d'utilisateur + hôte dans le message),
irc_xxx (xxx est un nom de commande ou nombre, voir /server raw ou /debug tags),
irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
index 25846be42..f3f2b5b67 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off.
Tags most commonly used:
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level),
notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
- nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
+ self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message),
irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags),
irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
index 35b8334a1..ed32619ea 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
@@ -332,57 +332,57 @@ hdata と変数の名前については、"プラグイン API リファレン
rename <name> <new_name>
del <name>|-all
- list: 全てのフィルタをリストアップ
- enable: フィルタを有効化 (フィルタはデフォルトで有効になっています)
-disable: フィルタを無効化
- toggle: フィルタの有効無効を切り替え
- name: フィルタの名前 ("@" = 現在のバッファに設定されている全てのフィルタを有効化/無効化)
- add: フィルタを追加
- rename: フィルタをリネーム
- del: フィルタを削除
- -all: 全てのフィルタを削除
- buffer: フィルタが有効化されているバッファのコンマ区切りリスト:
- - これはプラグイン名を含む完全な名前です (例: "irc.freenode.#weechat" または "irc.server.freenode")
- - "*" は全てのバッファを意味します
- - 名前が '!' から始まるものは除外されます
- - ワイルドカード "*" を使うことができます
- tags: タグのコンマ区切りリスト、例えば "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- - 論理積 "and": タグ同士を "+" でつなげてください (例: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- - ワイルドカード "*" を使うことができます
- - タグを '!' で始めると、そのタグが付けられたメッセージとそのタグを含むメッセージはフィルタされません
- regex: 行単位検索の正規表現
- - '\t' を使うと、プレフィックスをメッセージから分離できます。'|' 等の特別な文字は '\|' のようにエスケープしなければいけません
- - 正規表現の最初に '!' が含まれる場合は、マッチ結果が反転されます (最初の '!' にマッチさせたければ、'\!' を使ってください)
- - 2 種類の正規表現があります: 一方はプレフィックス用、他方はメッセージ用
- - 正規表現は大文字小文字を区別しません、"(?-i)" から始まる場合は区別します
-デフォルトではキー alt+'=' でフィルタリングの on/off を切り替えられます。
- no_filter、no_highlight、no_log、log0..log9 (ログレベル)、
- notify_none、notify_message、notify_private、notify_highlight、
- nick_xxx (xxx はメッセージのニックネーム部分)、prefix_nick_ccc (ccc はニックネームの色)、
- host_xxx (xxx はメッセージのユーザ名 + ホスト名部分)、
- irc_xxx (xxx はコマンド名または番号、/server raw または /debug tags で確認)、
- irc_numeric、irc_error、irc_action、irc_ctcp、irc_ctcp_reply、irc_smart_filter、away_info。
-バッファ内でタグを見るには: /debug tags
- 全てのバッファで IRC スマートフィルタを使用:
+ list: list all filters
+ enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
+disable: disable filters
+ toggle: toggle filters
+ name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
+ add: add a filter
+ rename: rename a filter
+ del: delete a filter
+ -all: delete all filters
+ buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
+ - this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
+ - "*" means all buffers
+ - a name starting with '!' is excluded
+ - wildcard "*" is allowed
+ tags: comma separated list of tags, for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
+ - logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
+ - wildcard "*" is allowed
+ - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
+ regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line
+ - use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
+ - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
+ - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
+ - regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
+The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off.
+Tags most commonly used:
+ no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level),
+ notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
+ self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
+ host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message),
+ irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags),
+ irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
+To see tags for lines in buffers: /debug tags
+ use IRC smart filter on all buffers:
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *
- 名前に "#weechat" を含むバッファを除いた全てのバッファで IRC スマートフィルタを使用:
+ use IRC smart filter on all buffers except those with "#weechat" in name:
/filter add irc_smart *,!*#weechat* irc_smart_filter *
- 全ての IRC join/part/quit メッセージをフィルタ:
+ filter all IRC join/part/quit messages:
/filter add joinquit * irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit *
- チャンネルに入った時や /names で表示されるニックネームをフィルタ:
+ filter nicks displayed when joining channels or with /names:
/filter add nicks * irc_366 *
- IRC チャンネル #weechat で "toto" を含むニックネームをフィルタ:
+ filter nick "toto" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add toto irc.freenode.#weechat nick_toto *
- ニックネーム "toto" からの IRC の参加/アクションメッセージをフィルタ:
+ filter IRC join/action messages from nick "toto":
/filter add toto * nick_toto+irc_join,nick_toto+irc_action *
- IRC チャンネル #weechat で "weechat sucks" を含む行をフィルタ:
+ filter lines containing "weechat sucks" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add sucks irc.freenode.#weechat * weechat sucks
- すべてのバッファで "WeeChat sucks" と完全に一致する行をフィルタ:
+ filter lines that are strictly equal to "WeeChat sucks" on all buffers:
/filter add sucks2 * * (?-i)^WeeChat sucks$
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
index 7b6f2aab4..96d85742e 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.adoc
@@ -332,57 +332,57 @@ Przykłady (warunki):
rename <nazwa> <nowa_nazwa>
del <nazwa>|-all
- list: wyświetla wszystkie filtry
- enable: włącza filtry (filtry są domyślnie włączone)
-disable: wyłącza filtry
- toggle: przełącza filtry
- nazwa: nazwa filtru ("@" = włącza/wyłącza wszystkie filtry w obecnym buforze)
- add: dodaje filtr
- rename: zmienia nazwę filtru
- del: usuwa filtr
- -all: usuwa wszystkie filtry
- bufor: oddzielona przecinkami lisa buforów, dla których filtr jest aktywny:
- - jest to pełna nazwa zawierająca wtyczkę (przykład: "irc.freenode.#weechat" lub "irc.server.freenode")
- - "*" oznacza wszystkie bufory
- - nazwa zaczynająca się od '!' jest wykluczana
- - dozwolony jest znak "*"
- tagi: lista tagów oddzielona przecinkiem, np: "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- - logiczne "i": użyj "+" pomiędzy tagami (na przykład: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- - dozwolony jest znak "*"
- - jeśli tag zaczyna się od '!', wtedy jest on wykluczony i NIE może znajdować się w wiadomości
- regex: rozszerzone wyrażenie regularne POSIX do wyszukania w linii
- - użyj '\t' do oddzielenia prefiksu od wiadomości, znaki specjalne jak '|' muszą zostać poprzedzone '\' np: '\|'
- - jeśli wyrażenie zaczyna się od '!', wtedy pasujący wynik jest odwracany (użyj '\!', aby zacząć od '!')
- - dwa wyrażenia są tworzone: jedno dla prefiksu, drugie dla wiadomości
- - wielkość znaków nie ma znaczenia dla wyrażeń, jeśli zaczynają się od "(?-i)" wielkość znaków ma znaczenie
-Domyślny skrót klawiszowy alt+'=' włącza/wyłącza filtrowanie.
-Najczęściej używane tagi:
+ list: list all filters
+ enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
+disable: disable filters
+ toggle: toggle filters
+ name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
+ add: add a filter
+ rename: rename a filter
+ del: delete a filter
+ -all: delete all filters
+ buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
+ - this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
+ - "*" means all buffers
+ - a name starting with '!' is excluded
+ - wildcard "*" is allowed
+ tags: comma separated list of tags, for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
+ - logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
+ - wildcard "*" is allowed
+ - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
+ regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line
+ - use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
+ - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
+ - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
+ - regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
+The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off.
+Tags most commonly used:
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level),
notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
- nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
+ self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message),
irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags),
irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
-Aby zobaczyć listę tagów w liniach buforów wykonaj: /debug tags
+To see tags for lines in buffers: /debug tags
- użyj inteligentnego filtru we wszystkich buforach IRC:
+ use IRC smart filter on all buffers:
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *
- użyj inteligentnego filtru we wszystkich buforach IRC poza tymi zawierającymi "#weechat" w nazwie:
+ use IRC smart filter on all buffers except those with "#weechat" in name:
/filter add irc_smart *,!*#weechat* irc_smart_filter *
- filtruj wszystkie wiadomości IRC o join/part/quit:
+ filter all IRC join/part/quit messages:
/filter add joinquit * irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit *
- filtruj nicki wyświetlane przy wejściu na kanał albo za pomocą /names:
+ filter nicks displayed when joining channels or with /names:
/filter add nicks * irc_366 *
- filtruj nick "toto" na kanale IRC #weechat:
+ filter nick "toto" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add toto irc.freenode.#weechat nick_toto *
- filtruj wejścia/akcje IRC od użytkownika "toto":
+ filter IRC join/action messages from nick "toto":
/filter add toto * nick_toto+irc_join,nick_toto+irc_action *
- filtruj linie zawierające fraze "weechat sucks" na kanale IRC #weechat:
+ filter lines containing "weechat sucks" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add sucks irc.freenode.#weechat * weechat sucks
- filtruj linie "WeeChat sucks" we wszystkich buforach:
+ filter lines that are strictly equal to "WeeChat sucks" on all buffers:
/filter add sucks2 * * (?-i)^WeeChat sucks$