diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
24 files changed, 244 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc index 9f832ab24..52e997078 100644 --- a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc +++ b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc @@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ | weechat | cursor_areas | Bereiche in denen der Cursor frei bewegt werden kann ("chat" oder Name einer Bar) +| weechat | env_value | value of an environment variable + +| weechat | env_vars | environment variables + | weechat | filename | Dateinamen | weechat | filters_names | Liste der Filter diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc index 8c05dc214..5995b34e9 100644 --- a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc +++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc @@ -755,33 +755,39 @@ Beispiele: ---- [[command_weechat_set]] -[command]*`set`* Konfigurationsparameter setzen:: +[command]*`set`* set config options and environment variables:: ---- /set [<option> [<value>]] diff [<option> [<option>...]] - -option: Name der zu ändernden Option (um mehrere Optionen anzuzeigen, kann der Platzhalter "*" verwendet werden) - value: neuer Wert, den die Option erhalten soll - diff: es werden nur Optionen angezeigt, die geändert wurden - -Abhängig von der ausgewählten Option, kann die Variable folgenden Inhalt haben: - boolean: on, off oder toggle - integer: Anzahl, ++Anzahl oder --Anzahl - string : jede Zeichenkette ("" für eine leere Zeichenkette) - color : Name einer Farbe, ++Anzahl oder --Anzahl - -Für alle Typen von Variablen kann die Zeichenkette "null" (ohne "") genutzt werden, um den Wert der Option zu löschen (undefinierter Wert). Dies kann nur auf einige besondere Variablen (Erweiterungen) angewendet werden. - -Beispiele: - Zeigt alle Optionen an, die etwas mit highlight zu tun haben: + env [<variable> [<value>]] + +option: name of an option (wildcard "*" is allowed) + value: new value for option, according to type: + boolean: on, off or toggle + integer: number, ++number or --number + string: any string ("" for empty string) + color: color name, ++number or --number + Note: for all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. + diff: display only changed options + env: display or set an environment variable (use value "" to unset a variable) + +Examples: + display options about highlight: /set *highlight* - Fügt ein highlight-Wort hinzu: + add a word to highlight: /set weechat.look.highlight "word" - zeigt geänderte Optionen an: + display changed options: /set diff - zeigt geänderte Optionen, der IRC Erweiterung, an: + display changed options in irc plugin: /set diff irc.* + display value of environment variable LANG: + /set env LANG + set environment variable LANG and use it: + /set env LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 + /upgrade + unset environment variable ABC: + /set env ABC "" ---- [[command_weechat_unset]] diff --git a/doc/de/weechat_faq.de.asciidoc b/doc/de/weechat_faq.de.asciidoc index 2297f3ddf..8665c549e 100644 --- a/doc/de/weechat_faq.de.asciidoc +++ b/doc/de/weechat_faq.de.asciidoc @@ -277,17 +277,22 @@ Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, ein Skript zu nutzen: [[change_locale_without_quit]] === Ich möchte die Meldungen von Weechat in einer anderen Sprache ausgeben lassen, ohne WeeChat zu beenden. Ist dies möglich? -Ja, dazu kannst Du das Python-Skript 'shell.py' verwenden (erhältlich auf der -Internetseite). Nach dem Laden des Skripts führe folgende Befehle aus: +// TRANSLATION MISSING +Yes, with WeeChat ≥ 1.0: ---- -/shell setenv LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 +/set env LANG de_DE.UTF-8 /upgrade ---- -Hierdurch erhält man für das Terminal deutsche, UTF-8 kodierte Meldungen. -Benutzer von ISO-Kodierungen können folgendes eingeben: -`/shell setenv LANG=de_DE`. +// TRANSLATION MISSING +With older WeeChat: + +---- +/script install shell.py +/shell setenv LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 +/upgrade +---- [[use_256_colors]] === Wie kann ich 256 Farben in WeeChat nutzen? @@ -311,12 +316,12 @@ Sollte screen genutzt werden, fügt man folgende Zeile an das Ende der Datei term screen-256color ---- -Enthält die 'TERM'-Umgebungsvariable einen falschen Wert und WeeChat wird bereits -ausgeführt, keine Panik! Mit dem Skript 'shell.py' kann eine Änderung der -Umgebungsvariable durchgeführt werden, ohne das WeeChat neu gestartet werden muss: +// TRANSLATION MISSING +If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, +you can change it with these two commands (with WeeChat ≥ 1.0): ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/de/weechat_user.de.asciidoc b/doc/de/weechat_user.de.asciidoc index 7323322e1..badc85614 100644 --- a/doc/de/weechat_user.de.asciidoc +++ b/doc/de/weechat_user.de.asciidoc @@ -1462,12 +1462,12 @@ Sollte screen genutzt werden, fügt man folgende Zeile an das Ende der Datei term screen-256color ---- -Enthält die 'TERM'-Umgebungsvariable einen falschen Wert und WeeChat wird bereits -ausgeführt, keine Panik! Mittels dem Skript 'shell.py' kann eine Änderung der -Umgebungsvariable durchgeführt werden, ohne das WeeChat neu gestartet werden muss: +// TRANSLATION MISSING +If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, +you can change it with these two commands: ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc index f5edac824..a841c5e0d 100644 --- a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc +++ b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc @@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ | weechat | cursor_areas | areas ("chat" or bar name) for free cursor movement +| weechat | env_value | value of an environment variable + +| weechat | env_vars | environment variables + | weechat | filename | filename | weechat | filters_names | names of filters diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc index 2d230f991..f0aff8e79 100644 --- a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc +++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc @@ -755,23 +755,22 @@ Examples: ---- [[command_weechat_set]] -[command]*`set`* set config options:: +[command]*`set`* set config options and environment variables:: ---- /set [<option> [<value>]] diff [<option> [<option>...]] + env [<variable> [<value>]] option: name of an option (wildcard "*" is allowed) - value: new value for option + value: new value for option, according to type: + boolean: on, off or toggle + integer: number, ++number or --number + string: any string ("" for empty string) + color: color name, ++number or --number + Note: for all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. diff: display only changed options - -New value can be, according to variable type: - boolean: on, off or toggle - integer: number, ++number or --number - string: any string ("" for empty string) - color: color name, ++number or --number - -For all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. + env: display or set an environment variable (use value "" to unset a variable) Examples: display options about highlight: @@ -782,6 +781,13 @@ Examples: /set diff display changed options in irc plugin: /set diff irc.* + display value of environment variable LANG: + /set env LANG + set environment variable LANG and use it: + /set env LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 + /upgrade + unset environment variable ABC: + /set env ABC "" ---- [[command_weechat_unset]] diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.asciidoc b/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.asciidoc index 7d6b48e71..beb83a355 100644 --- a/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.asciidoc +++ b/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.asciidoc @@ -264,16 +264,20 @@ Other solution is to use a script: [[change_locale_without_quit]] === I want to change the language used by WeeChat for messages, but without exiting WeeChat, is it possible? -Yes, you have to use a python script, 'shell.py' (available on WeeChat website) -and issue these commands when script is loaded: +Yes, with WeeChat ≥ 1.0: ---- -/shell setenv LANG=en_US.UTF-8 +/set env LANG en_US.UTF-8 /upgrade ---- -To have English messages with UTF-8 encoding for terminal, for ISO users, you -can issue: `/shell setenv LANG=en_US`. +With older WeeChat: + +---- +/script install shell.py +/shell setenv LANG=en_US.UTF-8 +/upgrade +---- [[use_256_colors]] === How can I use 256 colors in WeeChat? @@ -297,10 +301,10 @@ term screen-256color ---- If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, -don't panic! You can change it without restarting, thanks to script 'shell.py': +you can change it with these two commands (with WeeChat ≥ 1.0): ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_user.en.asciidoc b/doc/en/weechat_user.en.asciidoc index 00bd52e78..84e9194fd 100644 --- a/doc/en/weechat_user.en.asciidoc +++ b/doc/en/weechat_user.en.asciidoc @@ -1441,10 +1441,10 @@ term screen-256color ---- If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, -don't panic! You can change it without restarting, thanks to script 'shell.py': +you can change it with these two commands: ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc index 189002fd9..08bf53b15 100644 --- a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc +++ b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc @@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ | weechat | cursor_areas | zones ("chat" ou un nom de barre) pour le mouvement libre du curseur +| weechat | env_value | valeur d'une variable d'environnement + +| weechat | env_vars | variables d'environnement + | weechat | filename | nom de fichier | weechat | filters_names | noms des filtres diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc index 81d1a14ab..2f4f31ec9 100644 --- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc +++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc @@ -755,23 +755,22 @@ Exemples : ---- [[command_weechat_set]] -[command]*`set`* modifier des options de configuration:: +[command]*`set`* définir des options de configuration et des variables d'environnement:: ---- /set [<option> [<valeur>]] diff [<option> [<option>...]] + env [<variable> [<valeur>]] option : nom d'une option (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé) -valeur : nouvelle valeur pour l'option +valeur : nouvelle valeur pour l'option, selon le type : + booléen : on, off ou toggle + entier : nombre, ++nombre ou --nombre + chaîne : toute chaîne ("" pour une chaîne vide) + couleur : nom de couleur, ++nombre ou --nombre + Note : pour tous les types, vous pouvez utiliser null pour supprimer la valeur de l'option (valeur non définie). Cela ne fonctionne qu'avec certaines options spéciales des extensions. diff : afficher seulement les options modifiées - -La nouvelle valeur peut être, selon le type de l'option : - booléen : on, off ou toggle - entier : nombre, ++nombre ou --nombre - chaîne : toute chaîne ("" pour une chaîne vide) - couleur : nom de couleur, ++nombre ou --nombre - -Pour tous les types, vous pouvez utiliser null pour supprimer la valeur de l'option (valeur non définie). Cela ne fonctionne qu'avec certaines options spéciales des extensions. + env : afficher ou définir une variable d'environnement (utilisez la valeur "" pour supprimer une variable) Exemples : afficher les options à propos du highlight : @@ -782,6 +781,13 @@ Exemples : /set diff afficher les options modifiées dans l'extension irc : /set diff irc.* + afficher la valeur de la variable d'environnement LANG : + /set env LANG + modifier la variable d'environnement LANG et l'utiliser : + /set env LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 + /upgrade + réinitialiser la variable d'environnement ABC : + /set env ABC "" ---- [[command_weechat_unset]] diff --git a/doc/fr/weechat_faq.fr.asciidoc b/doc/fr/weechat_faq.fr.asciidoc index 193e6266b..ff6f578b4 100644 --- a/doc/fr/weechat_faq.fr.asciidoc +++ b/doc/fr/weechat_faq.fr.asciidoc @@ -274,16 +274,20 @@ Une autre solution est d'utiliser un script : [[change_locale_without_quit]] === Je souhaite changer la langue des messages affichés par WeeChat, mais sans quitter WeeChat, est-ce possible ? -Oui, il faut utiliser le script python 'shell.py' (disponible sur le site de -WeeChat) et taper ces commandes une fois le script chargé : +Oui, avec WeeChat ≥ 1.0 : ---- -/shell setenv LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 +/set env LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 /upgrade ---- -Pour avoir des messages anglais avec encodage UTF-8 pour le terminal, pour les -utilisateurs en ISO, vous pouvez taper : `/shell setenv LANG=fr_FR`. +Avec un ancien WeeChat : + +---- +/script install shell.py +/shell setenv LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 +/upgrade +---- [[use_256_colors]] === Comment puis-je utiliser 256 couleurs sous WeeChat ? @@ -307,11 +311,10 @@ term screen-256color ---- Si votre variable 'TERM' a une valeur erronée et que WeeChat est déjà lancé, -ne paniquez pas ! Vous pouvez la changer sans redémarrer, grâce au script -'shell.py' : +vous pouvez la changer avec ces deux commandes (avec WeeChat ≥ 1.0) : ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/fr/weechat_user.fr.asciidoc b/doc/fr/weechat_user.fr.asciidoc index ae18a616f..88bd35448 100644 --- a/doc/fr/weechat_user.fr.asciidoc +++ b/doc/fr/weechat_user.fr.asciidoc @@ -1482,11 +1482,10 @@ term screen-256color ---- Si votre variable 'TERM' a une valeur erronée et que WeeChat est déjà lancé, -ne paniquez pas ! Vous pouvez la changer sans redémarrer, grâce au script -'shell.py' : +vous pouvez la changer avec ces deux commandes : ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc index 4d8186a31..1921b0889 100644 --- a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc +++ b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc @@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ | weechat | cursor_areas | aree ("chat" o nome barra) per il movimento libero del cursore +| weechat | env_value | value of an environment variable + +| weechat | env_vars | environment variables + | weechat | filename | nome file | weechat | filters_names | nomi dei filtri diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc index 21a6b1d60..5bff01774 100644 --- a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc +++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc @@ -755,23 +755,22 @@ Examples: ---- [[command_weechat_set]] -[command]*`set`* imposta le opzioni di configurazione:: +[command]*`set`* set config options and environment variables:: ---- -/set [<opzione> [<valore>]] - diff [<opzione> [<opzione>...]] +/set [<option> [<value>]] + diff [<option> [<option>...]] + env [<variable> [<value>]] option: name of an option (wildcard "*" is allowed) - value: new value for option + value: new value for option, according to type: + boolean: on, off or toggle + integer: number, ++number or --number + string: any string ("" for empty string) + color: color name, ++number or --number + Note: for all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. diff: display only changed options - -New value can be, according to variable type: - boolean: on, off or toggle - integer: number, ++number or --number - string: any string ("" for empty string) - color: color name, ++number or --number - -For all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. + env: display or set an environment variable (use value "" to unset a variable) Examples: display options about highlight: @@ -782,6 +781,13 @@ Examples: /set diff display changed options in irc plugin: /set diff irc.* + display value of environment variable LANG: + /set env LANG + set environment variable LANG and use it: + /set env LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 + /upgrade + unset environment variable ABC: + /set env ABC "" ---- [[command_weechat_unset]] diff --git a/doc/it/weechat_faq.it.asciidoc b/doc/it/weechat_faq.it.asciidoc index f0e040067..19e255cc8 100644 --- a/doc/it/weechat_faq.it.asciidoc +++ b/doc/it/weechat_faq.it.asciidoc @@ -276,16 +276,22 @@ Una soluzione alternativa è usare uno script: [[change_locale_without_quit]] === Voglio cambiare la lingua utilizzata da WeeChat per i messaggi, ma senza uscire da WeeChat, è possibile? -Sì. è necessario uno script python, 'shell.py' (disponibile sul sito di WeeChat) -e digitare questi comandi quando viene caricato lo script: +// TRANSLATION MISSING +Yes, with WeeChat ≥ 1.0: ---- -/shell setenv LANG=it_IT.UTF-8 +/set env LANG it_IT.UTF-8 /upgrade ---- -Per avere i messaggi in inglese con la codifica UTF-8 per il terminale, per gli -utenti ISO, digitare: `/shell setenv LANG=en_US`. +// TRANSLATION MISSING +With older WeeChat: + +---- +/script install shell.py +/shell setenv LANG=it_IT.UTF-8 +/upgrade +---- [[use_256_colors]] === Come posso usare 256 colori in WeeChat? @@ -309,11 +315,12 @@ proprio '~/.screenrc': term screen-256color ---- -Se la variabile 'TERM' contiene un valore errato e WeeChat è già in esecuzione, -niente panico! È possibile cambiarla senza riavviare, grazie allo script 'shell.py': +// TRANSLATION MISSING +If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, +you can change it with these two commands (with WeeChat ≥ 1.0): ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/it/weechat_user.it.asciidoc b/doc/it/weechat_user.it.asciidoc index beec0362d..04634ba0b 100644 --- a/doc/it/weechat_user.it.asciidoc +++ b/doc/it/weechat_user.it.asciidoc @@ -1495,11 +1495,12 @@ proprio '~/.screenrc': term screen-256color ---- -Se la variabile 'TERM' contiene un valore errato e WeeChat è già in esecuzione, -niente panico! È possibile cambiarla senza riavviare, grazie allo script 'shell.py': +// TRANSLATION MISSING +If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, +you can change it with these two commands: ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc index ed6421fd8..372aff72d 100644 --- a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc +++ b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc @@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ | weechat | cursor_areas | カーソルを自由に動かせるエリア ("chat" またはバーの名前) +| weechat | env_value | value of an environment variable + +| weechat | env_vars | environment variables + | weechat | filename | ファイル名 | weechat | filters_names | フィルタ名 diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc index 3139f558b..18bbf706c 100644 --- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc +++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc @@ -755,33 +755,39 @@ ${sec.data.xxx} の形でフォーマットされた保護データは以下の ---- [[command_weechat_set]] -[command]*`set`* オプションの設定:: +[command]*`set`* set config options and environment variables:: ---- /set [<option> [<value>]] diff [<option> [<option>...]] - -option: オプションの名前 (ワイルドカード '*' を使うことができます) - value: オプションに対する新しい値 - diff: 変更されたオプションのみを表示 - -新しいオプションは以下の変数型に従います: - boolean: on、off、toggle - integer: 番号、++番号、--番号 - string: 任意の文字列 (空文字列は "") - color: 色の名前、++色番号、--色番号 - -どんな型であっても、オプションの値を削除する (未定義値にする) には null が使えます。これはいくつかの特別なプラグイン変数でのみ有効です。 - -例: - ハイライトに関するオプションを表示: + env [<variable> [<value>]] + +option: name of an option (wildcard "*" is allowed) + value: new value for option, according to type: + boolean: on, off or toggle + integer: number, ++number or --number + string: any string ("" for empty string) + color: color name, ++number or --number + Note: for all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. + diff: display only changed options + env: display or set an environment variable (use value "" to unset a variable) + +Examples: + display options about highlight: /set *highlight* - highlight に単語を追加: + add a word to highlight: /set weechat.look.highlight "word" - 変更されたオプションを表示: + display changed options: /set diff - irc プラグインのオプションの内、変更されたオプションを表示 + display changed options in irc plugin: /set diff irc.* + display value of environment variable LANG: + /set env LANG + set environment variable LANG and use it: + /set env LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 + /upgrade + unset environment variable ABC: + /set env ABC "" ---- [[command_weechat_unset]] diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.asciidoc b/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.asciidoc index dcb7c87a1..18423a8d5 100644 --- a/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.asciidoc +++ b/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.asciidoc @@ -263,16 +263,22 @@ WeeChat ≥ 0.3.6 では、"eat_newline_glitch" オプションを有効化で [[change_locale_without_quit]] === WeeChat が出力するメッセージの言語を、再起動せずに変更したいです。このようなことは可能ですか。 -可能です。python スクリプト 'shell.py' (WeeChat ウェブサイトから入手可能) を使い、 -スクリプトを読み込んだら以下のコマンドを打ってください。 +// TRANSLATION MISSING +Yes, with WeeChat ≥ 1.0: ---- -/shell setenv LANG=en_US.UTF-8 +/set env LANG ja_JP.UTF-8 /upgrade ---- -UTF-8 エンコードされた英語メッセージが表示されるようになります、 -ISO ユーザは以下のようにして下さい: `/shell setenv LANG=en_US` +// TRANSLATION MISSING +With older WeeChat: + +---- +/script install shell.py +/shell setenv LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 +/upgrade +---- [[use_256_colors]] === どうすれば WeeChat で 256 色が使えますか。 @@ -295,11 +301,12 @@ screen を使っている場合は、以下の行を '~/.screenrc' に追加し term screen-256color ---- -'TERM' 変数の設定に間違いがあり、WeeChat が起動中の場合でも、 -慌てないでください! 'shell.py' を使えば再起動せずに環境変数を変更できます。 +// TRANSLATION MISSING +If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, +you can change it with these two commands (with WeeChat ≥ 1.0): ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.asciidoc b/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.asciidoc index c373af340..a88d7fa0d 100644 --- a/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.asciidoc +++ b/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.asciidoc @@ -1439,11 +1439,12 @@ screen を使っている場合、'~/.screenrc' に以下の内容を追加し term screen-256color ---- -'TERM' 環境変数に間違った値が設定された状態で WeeChat を起動しても、あわてないでください! -'shell.py' スクリプトを使えば WeeChat を再起動せずに環境変数の値を変更できます。 +// TRANSLATION MISSING +If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, +you can change it with these two commands: ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc index a2d197699..acfba879e 100644 --- a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc +++ b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/completions.asciidoc @@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ | weechat | cursor_areas | obszary ("chat" albo nazwa paska) dla wolnego przemieszczania się kursora +| weechat | env_value | value of an environment variable + +| weechat | env_vars | environment variables + | weechat | filename | nazwa pliku | weechat | filters_names | nazwy filtrów diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc index fdab5daf5..71d04c8c7 100644 --- a/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc +++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/weechat_commands.asciidoc @@ -755,23 +755,22 @@ Examples: ---- [[command_weechat_set]] -[command]*`set`* ustawia opcje konfiguracyjne:: +[command]*`set`* set config options and environment variables:: ---- -/set [<opcja> [<wartość>]] - diff [<opcja> [<opcja>...]] +/set [<option> [<value>]] + diff [<option> [<option>...]] + env [<variable> [<value>]] option: name of an option (wildcard "*" is allowed) - value: new value for option + value: new value for option, according to type: + boolean: on, off or toggle + integer: number, ++number or --number + string: any string ("" for empty string) + color: color name, ++number or --number + Note: for all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. diff: display only changed options - -New value can be, according to variable type: - boolean: on, off or toggle - integer: number, ++number or --number - string: any string ("" for empty string) - color: color name, ++number or --number - -For all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. + env: display or set an environment variable (use value "" to unset a variable) Examples: display options about highlight: @@ -782,6 +781,13 @@ Examples: /set diff display changed options in irc plugin: /set diff irc.* + display value of environment variable LANG: + /set env LANG + set environment variable LANG and use it: + /set env LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 + /upgrade + unset environment variable ABC: + /set env ABC "" ---- [[command_weechat_unset]] diff --git a/doc/pl/weechat_faq.pl.asciidoc b/doc/pl/weechat_faq.pl.asciidoc index 5ba30ffda..c19d50191 100644 --- a/doc/pl/weechat_faq.pl.asciidoc +++ b/doc/pl/weechat_faq.pl.asciidoc @@ -267,16 +267,22 @@ Innym rozwiązaniem jest użycie skryptu: [[change_locale_without_quit]] === Chcę zmienić język komunikatów wyświetlanych przez WeeChat, ale bez jego zamykania, czy jest to możliwe? -Tak, musisz użyć pythonowego skryptu 'shell.py' (dostępny na stronie programu), -oraz użyć tych komend po załadowaniu skryptu: +// TRANSLATION MISSING +Yes, with WeeChat ≥ 1.0: ---- -/shell setenv LANG=pl_PL.UTF-8 +/set env LANG pl_PL.UTF-8 /upgrade ---- -Aby otrzymać polskie komunikaty dla kodowania UTF-8 w terminalu, osoby -używające ISO, mogą wykonać: `/shell setenv LANG=pl_PL`. +// TRANSLATION MISSING +With older WeeChat: + +---- +/script install shell.py +/shell setenv LANG=pl_PL.UTF-8 +/upgrade +---- [[use_256_colors]] === Jak mogę użyć 256 kolorów w WeeChat? @@ -299,11 +305,12 @@ Jeśli używasz screena, możesz dodać to do swojego '~/.screenrc': term screen-256color ---- -Jeśli wartość zmiennej 'TERM' jest niepoprawna, oraz WeeChat został już uruchomiony -nie należy panikować! Można to zmienić bez konieczności restartu, za pomocą skryptu 'shell.py': +// TRANSLATION MISSING +If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, +you can change it with these two commands (with WeeChat ≥ 1.0): ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- diff --git a/doc/pl/weechat_user.pl.asciidoc b/doc/pl/weechat_user.pl.asciidoc index 51c100580..b5e517539 100644 --- a/doc/pl/weechat_user.pl.asciidoc +++ b/doc/pl/weechat_user.pl.asciidoc @@ -1452,11 +1452,12 @@ Jeśli używasz screena, możesz dodać to do swojego '~/.screenrc': term screen-256color ---- -Jeśli wartość zmiennej 'TERM' jest niewłaściwa, a WeeChat został już uruchomiony, -nie panikuj! Możesz zmienić ją bez restatowania, za pomocą skryptu 'shell.py': +// TRANSLATION MISSING +If your 'TERM' variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, +you can change it with these two commands: ---- -/shell setenv TERM=screen-256color +/set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- |