path: root/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc
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diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc b/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc
index 5494fcc2f..8bd7a5a6c 100644
--- a/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.adoc
@@ -4985,19 +4985,120 @@ trigger.trigger.beep.post_action = none
${tg_displayed} && (${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv})
-=== 正規表現
+=== Regular expression
+The regular expression is used to change variables in callback hashtable.
+Format is one of the following:
+* `s` or `y`: a letter with the command; if missing, default command is `s`
+ and the first char is then used as the delimiter:
+** `s`: regex replacement: first string is a regular expression, second string
+ is the replacement for every matching string
+** `y`: chars translation: first string is a set of characters that are replaced
+ by the characters in the second string; once evaluated, each string must have
+ exactly the same number of UTF-8 chars
+* `/`: the regex delimiter; the char "/" can be replaced by any char
+ (one or more identical chars)
+* `string1`: the first string (use depends on the command)
+* `string2`: the second string (use depends on the command)
+* `var`: the hashtable variable to update
+Many regular expressions can be separated by a space, for example:
+s/regex1/replace1/var1 y/abcdef/ABDDEF/var2
+==== Regex replace
+For the command `s`, the format is: `s/regex/replace` or `s/regex/replace/var`
+(where _var_ is a variable of the hashtable).
+As `s` is the default command, it can be omitted, so `/regex/replace` is also
+valid (but the first char, which is the delimiter, must not be a letter).
+Matching groups can be used in _replace_:
-書式: "/regex/replace" または "/regex/replace/var" (ここで
-_var_ はハッシュテーブルの変数)。
+* `+${re:0}+` to `+${re:99}+`: `+${re:0}+` is the whole match, `+${re:1}+` to
+ `+${re:99}+` are groups captured
+* `+${re:+}+`: the last match (with highest number)
+* `+${hide:c,${re:N}}+`: match "N" with all chars replaced by "c"
+ (example: `+${hide:*,${re:2}}+` is the group #2 with all chars replaced by
+ `+*+`).
-ハッシュテーブル内に _var_ が存在しない場合、空の値を持つ _var_
+Example: use bold for words between `+*+`:
+s/\*([^ ]+)\*/*${color:bold}${re:1}${color:-bold}*/
+Example: default trigger _server_pass_ uses this regular expression to hide
+password in commands `/server` and `/connect` (chars in passwords are replaced
+by `+*+`):
+s==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)([^ ]+)(.*)==${re:1}${hide:*,${re:4}}${re:5}
+In this example, the delimiter used is "==" because there is a "/" in the
+regular expression.
+==== Translate chars
+For the command `y`, the format is: `y/chars1/chars2` or `y/chars1/chars2/var`
+(where _var_ is a variable of the hashtable).
+Example: replace "a", "b" and "c" by upper case letter:
+Example: rotate arrows clockwise:
+Example: convert all letters to lower case:
+Example: shift each letter by one position, preserving case: a→b, b→c … y→z, z→a:
+==== Variable
+If _var_ does not exist in the hashtable, it is created automatically with an
+empty value. This allows to create custom temporary variables.
+If _var_ is not specified, the default variable is used, it depends on hook
@@ -5020,38 +5121,6 @@ _var_
^(1)^ トリガはすべての値を更新できますが、ここで挙げた変数だけがトリガによって返されて
WeeChat によって使われる値に影響を及ぼします
-"/regex1/replace1/var1 /regex2/replace2/var2"。
-文字 "/" を任意の文字 (1 つ以上の同じ文字) に変えることができます。
-マッチグループを "replace" の中で利用できます:
-* `+${re:0}+` から `+${re:99}+`: `+${re:0}+` はマッチ部分の全体、`+${re:1}+` から
- `+${re:99}+` はグループ化されたマッチ部分
-* `+${re:+}+`: 最後のマッチ部分 (最大のグループ番号を持つ)
-* `+${hide:c,${re:N}}+`: マッチグループ "N" のすべての文字を "c" で置換した文字列
- (例: `+${hide:*,${re:2}}+` はグループ #2 のすべての文字を `+*+`
- で置換した文字列)。
-例: `+*+` で囲まれた文字を太字にする:
-/\*([^ ]+)\*/*${color:bold}${re:1}${color:-bold}*/
-例: デフォルトトリガ _server_pass_ はこの正規表現を使って、`/server`
-と `/connect` コマンドのパスワードを隠しています (パスワード部分の文字を
-`*` で置換しています):
-==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)([^ ]+)(.*)==${re:1}${hide:*,${re:4}}${re:5}
-この例では、区切り文字として "==" を使っています。これは正規表現内で
-"/" を使うためです。
=== コマンド