path: root/doc/en
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2 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.adoc b/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.adoc
index e9510755b..fe1c19d37 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.adoc
@@ -9560,7 +9560,7 @@ Line data sent to the callback is a hashtable, with following values
| buffer |
Buffer pointer. |
Buffer pointer. |
- `+0x12345678+`
+ `+0x1234abcd+`
| buffer_name |
Buffer name. |
@@ -11506,39 +11506,39 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
New content of message.
| [[hook_modifier_bar_condition_yyy]] bar_condition_yyy ^(2)^ |
- String with window pointer ("0x123..") |
+ String with window pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Empty string. |
"1" to display bar, "0" to hide it.
| [[hook_modifier_history_add]] history_add +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.2)_ |
- String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
+ String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line to add in command history (buffer and global). |
String added to command history.
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_content]] input_text_content |
- String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
+ String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line. |
New content of command line.
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display]] input_text_display |
- String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
+ String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line, without cursor tag. |
New string, for display only (command line is not changed).
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_display_with_cursor]] input_text_display_with_cursor |
- String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
+ String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line, with cursor tag. |
New string, for display only (command line is not changed).
| [[hook_modifier_input_text_for_buffer]] input_text_for_buffer +
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.3.7)_ |
- String with buffer pointer ("0x123..") |
+ String with buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") |
Content of command line sent to buffer (text or command). |
New content of command line sent to buffer.
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
- buffer pointer ("0x123...") + ";" + tags ^(3)^ |
+ buffer pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") + ";" + tags ^(3)^ |
Message printed. |
New message printed. +
For more information on the hooks called when a line is printed, see
@@ -12078,13 +12078,13 @@ Content of hashtable sent to callback (keys and values are of type "string"):
"button1", "button2-gesture-left", ... |
| _window | Pointer to window. |
- "0x12345678" | ""
+ "0x1234abcd" | ""
| _window_number | Number of window . |
"1" ... "n" | "*"
| _buffer | Pointer to buffer. |
- "0x12345678" | ""
+ "0x1234abcd" | ""
| _buffer_number | Number of buffer. |
"1" ... "n" | "-1"
@@ -12106,7 +12106,7 @@ Content of hashtable sent to callback (keys and values are of type "string"):
| _chat_line | Pointer to line +
_(WeeChat ≥ 1.2)_. |
- "0x12345678" | ""
+ "0x1234abcd" | ""
| _chat_line_x | Column in line ^(3)^. |
"0" ... "n" | "-1"
@@ -12161,7 +12161,7 @@ Content of hashtable sent to callback (keys and values are of type "string"):
| _bar_window | Pointer to bar window +
_(WeeChat ≥ 2.9)_. |
- "0x12345678" | ""
+ "0x1234abcd" | ""
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_relay_protocol.en.adoc b/doc/en/weechat_relay_protocol.en.adoc
index 869c66e3b..15c512b58 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_relay_protocol.en.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_relay_protocol.en.adoc
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ Arguments:
* _path_: path to a hdata, with format: "hdata:pointer/var/var/.../var", the
last var is the hdata returned:
** _hdata_: name of hdata
-** _pointer_: pointer ("0x12345") or list name (for example: "gui_buffers")
+** _pointer_: pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") or list name (for example: "gui_buffers")
(count allowed, see below)
** _var_: a variable name in parent hdata (previous name in path)
(count allowed, see below)
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ Syntax:
-* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
+* _buffer_: pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ Syntax:
-* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
+* _buffer_: pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
* _data_: data to send to buffer: if beginning by `/`, this will be executed as
a command on buffer, otherwise text is sent as input of buffer
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ Syntax:
-* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
+* _buffer_: pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
* _position_: position for completion in string (starts to 0);
if the value is -1, the position is the length of _data_ (so the completion
@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ Syntax:
-* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
+* _buffer_: pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_); name "*" can be used to
specify all buffers
* _options_: one of following keywords, separated by commas (default is
@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ Syntax:
-* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
+* _buffer_: pointer (eg: "0x1234abcd") or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_); name "*" can be used to
specify all buffers
* _options_: one of following keywords, separated by commas (default is