diff options
7 files changed, 1334 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog.adoc b/ChangeLog.adoc
index 43c2296e7..6a5248202 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.adoc
+++ b/ChangeLog.adoc
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ Bug fixes::
* relay: close properly connection with the IRC client in case of server disconnection (issue #2038)
* ruby: fix use of NULL variable when displaying exception
+ * core: add tests on plugin API info functions
* core: make libintl.h required if CMake option ENABLE_NLS is enabled (issue #2031)
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_dev.en.adoc b/doc/en/weechat_dev.en.adoc
index 7adb71348..34ce392ff 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_dev.en.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_dev.en.adoc
@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ WeeChat "core" is located in following directories:
| | Convert Python code to other languages, used by script
|    unit/ | Root of unit tests.
|       test-plugins.cpp | Tests: plugins.
+|       test-plugins-api-info.cpp | Tests: plugins API info functions.
|       core/ | Root of unit tests for core.
|          test-core-arraylist.cpp | Tests: arraylists.
|          test-core-calc.cpp | Tests: calculation of expressions.
diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/
index 94fd37c03..f50c08f48 100644
--- a/doc/fr/
+++ b/doc/fr/
@@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ Le cœur de WeeChat est situé dans les répertoires suivants :
| | Conversion de code Python vers d'autres langages, utilisé par le script
|    unit/ | Racine des tests unitaires.
|       test-plugins.cpp | Tests : extensions.
+|       test-plugins-api-info.cpp | Tests : fonctions info de l'API.
|       core/ | Racine des tests unitaires pour le cœur.
|          test-core-arraylist.cpp | Tests : listes avec tableau (« arraylists »).
|          test-core-calc.cpp | Tests : calcul d'expressions.
diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_dev.ja.adoc b/doc/ja/weechat_dev.ja.adoc
index ff533dcaf..eed2eb77b 100644
--- a/doc/ja/weechat_dev.ja.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/weechat_dev.ja.adoc
@@ -430,6 +430,8 @@ WeeChat "core" は以下のディレクトリに配置されています:
| | Python コードを別の言語に変換 (スクリプト から使われます)
|    unit/ | 単体テスト用のルートディレクトリ
|       test-plugins.cpp | テスト: プラグイン
+|       test-plugins-api-info.cpp | Tests: plugins API info functions.
|       core/ | core 向け単体テスト用のルートディレクトリ
|          test-core-arraylist.cpp | テスト: 配列リスト
diff --git a/doc/sr/ b/doc/sr/
index 390f74c44..201cfe8c6 100644
--- a/doc/sr/
+++ b/doc/sr/
@@ -405,6 +405,8 @@ WeeChat „језгро” се налази у следећим директо
| | Конверзија Python кода у остале језике, користи је скрипта
|    unit/ | Корен unit тестова.
|       test-plugins.cpp | Тестови: plugins.
+|       test-plugins-api-info.cpp | Tests: plugins API info functions.
|       core/ | Корен unit тестова језгра.
|          test-core-arraylist.cpp | Тестови: arraylists.
|          test-core-calc.cpp | Тестови: калкулација израза.
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 9022a96a3..e53c952f6 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -62,7 +62,10 @@ set(LIB_WEECHAT_UNIT_TESTS_CORE_SRC
add_library(weechat_unit_tests_core STATIC ${LIB_WEECHAT_UNIT_TESTS_CORE_SRC})
# unit tests (plugins)
-set(LIB_WEECHAT_UNIT_TESTS_PLUGINS_SRC unit/plugins/test-plugins.cpp)
+ unit/plugins/test-plugins.cpp
+ unit/plugins/test-plugins-api-info.cpp
diff --git a/tests/unit/plugins/test-plugins-api-info.cpp b/tests/unit/plugins/test-plugins-api-info.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a3cba78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/plugins/test-plugins-api-info.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+ * test-plugins-api-info.cpp - tests API info functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Sébastien Helleu <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client.
+ *
+ * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with WeeChat. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"
+#include "tests/tests.h"
+extern "C"
+#ifndef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+#define HAVE_CONFIG_H
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "src/core/weechat.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-config.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-config-file.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-hashtable.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-hook.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-infolist.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-input.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-proxy.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-secure.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-util.h"
+#include "src/core/wee-version.h"
+#include "src/gui/gui-bar.h"
+#include "src/gui/gui-bar-item.h"
+#include "src/gui/gui-buffer.h"
+#include "src/gui/gui-color.h"
+#include "src/gui/gui-filter.h"
+#include "src/gui/gui-input.h"
+#include "src/gui/gui-layout.h"
+#include "src/gui/gui-window.h"
+extern char *plugin_api_info_absolute_path (const char *directory);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_version_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoVersionCb)
+ const char *version;
+ char *str;
+ version = version_get_version ();
+ WEE_TEST_STR(version, hook_info_get (NULL, "version", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_version_number_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoVersionNumberCb)
+ char *str, str_version_number[128];
+ snprintf (str_version_number, sizeof (str_version_number),
+ "%d", util_version_number (version_get_version ()));
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_version_number, hook_info_get (NULL, "version_number", NULL));
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_version_number, hook_info_get (NULL, "version_number", ""));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("256" /* 0x00000100 */, hook_info_get (NULL, "version_number", "0.0.1"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("16909056" /* 0x01020300 */, hook_info_get (NULL, "version_number", "1.2.3"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("1484470272" /* 0x587B3800 */, hook_info_get (NULL, "version_number", "88.123.56"));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_version_git_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoVersionGitCb)
+ const char *version_git;
+ char *str;
+ version_git = version_get_git ();
+ WEE_TEST_STR(version_git, hook_info_get (NULL, "version_git", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_date_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoDateCb)
+ const char *compilation_date;
+ char *str;
+ compilation_date = version_get_compilation_date_time ();
+ WEE_TEST_STR(compilation_date, hook_info_get (NULL, "date", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_pid_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoPidCb)
+ char *str, str_pid[64];
+ snprintf (str_pid, sizeof (str_pid), "%d", (int)getpid ());
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_pid, hook_info_get (NULL, "pid", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_dir_separator_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoDirSeparatorCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR(DIR_SEPARATOR, hook_info_get (NULL, "dir_separator", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_absolute_path
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoAbsolutePath)
+ char *str;
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, plugin_api_info_absolute_path (NULL));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, plugin_api_info_absolute_path (""));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, plugin_api_info_absolute_path ("/invalid/dir"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("/", plugin_api_info_absolute_path ("/tmp/.."));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_absolute_path
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_config_dir_cb
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_data_dir_cb
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_cache_dir_cb
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_cache_dir_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatDir)
+ char *str;
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_config_dir", NULL);
+ CHECK(str);
+ CHECK(str[0] == '/');
+ CHECK(strlen (str) > 1);
+ CHECK(strstr (str, "/tmp_weechat_test"));
+ free (str);
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_data_dir", NULL);
+ CHECK(str);
+ CHECK(str[0] == '/');
+ CHECK(strlen (str) > 1);
+ CHECK(strstr (str, "/tmp_weechat_test"));
+ free (str);
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_cache_dir", NULL);
+ CHECK(str);
+ CHECK(str[0] == '/');
+ CHECK(strlen (str) > 1);
+ CHECK(strstr (str, "/tmp_weechat_test"));
+ free (str);
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_runtime_dir", NULL);
+ CHECK(str);
+ CHECK(str[0] == '/');
+ CHECK(strlen (str) > 1);
+ CHECK(strstr (str, "/tmp_weechat_test"));
+ free (str);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_libdir_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatLibdirCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR(WEECHAT_LIBDIR, hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_libdir", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_sharedir_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatSharedirCb)
+ char *str;
+ hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_sharedir", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_localedir_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatLocaledirCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR(LOCALEDIR, hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_localedir", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_site_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatSiteCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR(WEECHAT_WEBSITE, hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_site", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_site_download_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatSiteDownloadCb)
+ char *str;
+ hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_site_download", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_upgrading_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatUpgradingCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_upgrading", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_headless_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatHeadlessCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_headless", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_weechat_daemon_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoWeechatDaemonCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "weechat_daemon", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_auto_connect_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoAutoConnectCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR("1", hook_info_get (NULL, "auto_connect", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_auto_load_scripts_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoAutoLoadScriptsCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR("1", hook_info_get (NULL, "auto_load_scripts", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_buffer_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoBufferCb)
+ char *str, str_buffer[64];
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "buffer", NULL));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "buffer", ""));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "buffer", "zzz"));
+ snprintf (str_buffer, sizeof (str_buffer), "0x%lx", (unsigned long)gui_buffers);
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_buffer, hook_info_get (NULL, "buffer", "core.weechat"));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_charset_terminal_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoCharsetTerminalCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR (weechat_local_charset,
+ hook_info_get (NULL, "charset_terminal", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_charset_internal_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoCharsetInternalCb)
+ char *str;
+ hook_info_get (NULL, "charset_internal", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_locale_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoLocaleCb)
+ char *str;
+ hook_info_get (NULL, "locale", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_inactivity_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoInactivityCb)
+ char *str, *error;
+ long long inactivity;
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "inactivity", NULL);
+ inactivity = strtoll (str, &error, 10);
+ CHECK(error && !error[0]);
+ CHECK(inactivity >= 0);
+ free (str);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_filters_enabled_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoFiltersEnabledCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR("1", hook_info_get (NULL, "filters_enabled", NULL));
+ gui_filter_global_disable ();
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "filters_enabled", NULL));
+ gui_filter_global_enable ();
+ WEE_TEST_STR("1", hook_info_get (NULL, "filters_enabled", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_cursor_mode_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoCursorModeCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "cursor_mode", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_mouse_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoMouseCb)
+ char *str;
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "mouse", NULL));
+ config_file_option_set (config_look_mouse, "1", 1);
+ WEE_TEST_STR("1", hook_info_get (NULL, "mouse", NULL));
+ config_file_option_set (config_look_mouse, "0", 1);
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "mouse", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_term_width_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoTermWidthCb)
+ char *str, str_width[64];
+ snprintf (str_width, sizeof (str_width), "%d", gui_window_get_width ());
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_width, hook_info_get (NULL, "term_width", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_term_height_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoTermHeightCb)
+ char *str, str_height[64];
+ snprintf (str_height, sizeof (str_height), "%d", gui_window_get_height ());
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_height, hook_info_get (NULL, "term_height", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_term_colors_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoTermColorsCb)
+ char *str, str_colors[64];
+ snprintf (str_colors, sizeof (str_colors),
+ "%d", gui_color_get_term_colors ());
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_colors, hook_info_get (NULL, "term_colors", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_term_color_pairs_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoTermColorPairsCb)
+ char *str, str_color_pairs[64];
+ snprintf (str_color_pairs, sizeof (str_color_pairs),
+ "%d", gui_color_get_term_color_pairs ());
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_color_pairs, hook_info_get (NULL, "term_color_pairs", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_color_ansi_regex_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoColorAnsiRegexCb)
+ char *str;
+ hook_info_get (NULL, "color_ansi_regex", NULL));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_color_term2rgb_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoColorTerm2rgbCb)
+ char *str;
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "color_term2rgb", NULL));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "color_term2rgb", ""));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("8421504", hook_info_get (NULL, "color_term2rgb", "8"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("11534080", hook_info_get (NULL, "color_term2rgb", "154"));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_color_rgb2term_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoColorRgb2termCb)
+ char *str;
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "color_rgb2term", NULL));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "color_rgb2term", ""));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("8", hook_info_get (NULL, "color_rgb2term", "8421504"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("154", hook_info_get (NULL, "color_rgb2term", "11534080"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("11", hook_info_get (NULL, "color_rgb2term", "11534080,64"));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_nick_color_cb
+ * plugin_api_info_nick_color_name_cb
+ * plugin_api_info_nick_color_ignore_case_cb
+ * plugin_api_info_nick_color_name_ignore_case_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoNickColor)
+ char *str, str_color[64];
+ WEE_TEST_STR("186", hook_info_get (NULL, "nick_color_name", "Nick"));
+ snprintf (str_color, sizeof (str_color), gui_color_get_custom ("186"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_color, hook_info_get (NULL, "nick_color", "Nick"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("blue",
+ hook_info_get (NULL,
+ "nick_color_name",
+ "Nick;green,blue,red,yellow,cyan,magenta"));
+ snprintf (str_color, sizeof (str_color), gui_color_get_custom ("blue"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_color,
+ hook_info_get (NULL,
+ "nick_color",
+ "Nick;green,blue,red,yellow,cyan,magenta"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("212",
+ hook_info_get (NULL,
+ "nick_color_name_ignore_case", "Nick;26"));
+ snprintf (str_color, sizeof (str_color), gui_color_get_custom ("212"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_color, hook_info_get (NULL, "nick_color_ignore_case", "Nick;26"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("green",
+ hook_info_get (NULL,
+ "nick_color_name_ignore_case",
+ "Nick;26;green,blue,red,yellow,cyan,magenta"));
+ snprintf (str_color, sizeof (str_color), gui_color_get_custom ("green"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR(str_color,
+ hook_info_get (NULL,
+ "nick_color_ignore_case",
+ "Nick;26;green,blue,red,yellow,cyan,magenta"));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_build_uptime
+ * plugin_api_info_uptime_cb
+ * plugin_api_info_uptime_current_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoUptime)
+ char *str, *error;
+ long long seconds;
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "uptime", "invalid"));
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "uptime", NULL);
+ STRNCMP_EQUAL("0:00:00:", str, 8);
+ free (str);
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "uptime_current", NULL);
+ STRNCMP_EQUAL("0:00:00:", str, 8);
+ free (str);
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "uptime", "days"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("0", hook_info_get (NULL, "uptime_current", "days"));
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "uptime", "seconds");
+ seconds = strtoll (str, &error, 10);
+ CHECK(error && !error[0]);
+ CHECK(seconds >= 0);
+ str = hook_info_get (NULL, "uptime_current", "seconds");
+ seconds = strtoll (str, &error, 10);
+ CHECK(error && !error[0]);
+ CHECK(seconds >= 0);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_totp_generate_cb
+ * plugin_api_info_totp_validate_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoTotpGenerateCb)
+ char *str;
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "totp_generate", NULL));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "totp_generate", ""));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "totp_validate", NULL));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "totp_validate", ""));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "totp_generate",
+ "secretpasswordbase32,abc"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "totp_generate",
+ "secretpasswordbase32,1540624066,abc"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "totp_validate",
+ "secretpasswordbase32,123456,abc"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_info_get (NULL, "totp_validate",
+ "secretpasswordbase32,123456,1540624066,abc"));
+ WEE_TEST_STR("065486",
+ hook_info_get (NULL,
+ "totp_generate",
+ "secretpasswordbase32,1540624066,6"));
+ hook_info_get (NULL,
+ "totp_validate",
+ "secretpasswordbase32,065486,1540624066,30"));
+ hook_info_get (NULL,
+ "totp_validate",
+ "secretpasswordbase32,123456,1540624066,30"));
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_hashtable_secured_data_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoHashtableSecuredDataCb)
+ struct t_hashtable *hashtable;
+ hashtable = hook_info_get_hashtable (NULL, "secured_data", NULL);
+ CHECK(hashtable);
+ LONGS_EQUAL(0, hashtable_get_integer (hashtable, "items_count"));
+ hashtable_free (hashtable);
+ hashtable_set (secure_hashtable_data, "password", "S3cr3t!");
+ hashtable = hook_info_get_hashtable (NULL, "secured_data", NULL);
+ CHECK(hashtable);
+ LONGS_EQUAL(1, hashtable_get_integer (hashtable, "items_count"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("S3cr3t!", (const char *)hashtable_get (hashtable, "password"));
+ hashtable_free (hashtable);
+ hashtable_remove (secure_hashtable_data, "password");
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_bar_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistBarCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* invalid bar pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ /* all bars */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("input", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("status", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one bar with pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar", gui_bars, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("input", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one bar with name (mask) */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar", NULL, "titl*");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("title", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_bar_item_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistBarItemCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* invalid bar item pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar_item", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ /* all bar items */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar_item", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("input_paste", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("input_prompt", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one bar item with pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar_item", gui_bar_items, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("input_paste", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one bar item with name (mask) */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar_item", NULL, "tim*");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("time", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_bar_window_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistBarWindowCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ struct t_gui_bar *ptr_bar;
+ /* invalid bar window pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar_window", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ /* all bar windows */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar_window", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ ptr_bar = (struct t_gui_bar *)infolist_pointer (infolist, "bar");
+ CHECK(ptr_bar);
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("buflist", ptr_bar->name);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ ptr_bar = (struct t_gui_bar *)infolist_pointer (infolist, "bar");
+ CHECK(ptr_bar);
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("input", ptr_bar->name);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one bar window with pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "bar_window", gui_windows->bar_windows, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ ptr_bar = (struct t_gui_bar *)infolist_pointer (infolist, "bar");
+ CHECK(ptr_bar);
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("input", ptr_bar->name);
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_buffer_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistBufferCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* invalid buffer pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "buffer", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ /* all buffers */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "buffer", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("core.weechat", infolist_string (infolist, "full_name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one buffer with pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "buffer", gui_buffers, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("core.weechat", infolist_string (infolist, "full_name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one buffer with name (mask) */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "buffer", NULL, "core.w*");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("core.weechat", infolist_string (infolist, "full_name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_buffer_lines_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistBufferLinesCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ time_t date;
+ /* invalid buffer lines pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "buffer_lines", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ /* lines of core buffer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "buffer_lines", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ date = infolist_time (infolist, "date");
+ CHECK(date > 0);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* lines of core buffer (using buffer pointer) */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "buffer_lines", gui_buffers, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ LONGS_EQUAL(date, infolist_time (infolist, "date"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_filter_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistFilterCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ struct t_gui_filter *ptr_filter1, *ptr_filter2;
+ /* without filters */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "filter", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* with two filters */
+ ptr_filter1 = gui_filter_new (1, "test_filter1", "core.weechat",
+ "tag1", "regex1.*");
+ CHECK(ptr_filter1);
+ ptr_filter2 = gui_filter_new (1, "test_filter2", "core.weechat",
+ "tag2", "regex2.*");
+ CHECK(ptr_filter2);
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "filter", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("test_filter1", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("tag1", infolist_string (infolist, "tags"));
+ LONGS_EQUAL(1, infolist_integer (infolist, "tags_count"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("test_filter2", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("tag2", infolist_string (infolist, "tags"));
+ LONGS_EQUAL(1, infolist_integer (infolist, "tags_count"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one filter with name (mask) */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "filter", NULL, "test_*2");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("test_filter2", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("tag2", infolist_string (infolist, "tags"));
+ LONGS_EQUAL(1, infolist_integer (infolist, "tags_count"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ gui_filter_free (ptr_filter1);
+ gui_filter_free (ptr_filter2);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_history_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistHistoryCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* invalid history pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "history", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ gui_input_insert_string (gui_buffers, "abc");
+ gui_input_return (gui_buffers);
+ /* global history */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "history", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("abc", infolist_string (infolist, "text"));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* history of core buffer */
+ input_data (gui_buffers, "abc", NULL, 1);
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "history", gui_buffers, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("abc", infolist_string (infolist, "text"));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_hook_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistHookCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ const char *ptr_name;
+ struct t_hook *ptr_hook;
+ char *name, str_args[1024];
+ /* invalid hook pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "hook", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ /* all hooks */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "hook", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ ptr_hook = (struct t_hook *)infolist_pointer (infolist, "pointer");
+ ptr_name = infolist_string (infolist, "command");
+ CHECK(ptr_name);
+ name = strdup (ptr_name);
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("command", infolist_string (infolist, "type"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one command with pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "hook", ptr_hook, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("command", infolist_string (infolist, "type"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL(name, infolist_string (infolist, "command"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one command with name */
+ snprintf (str_args, sizeof (str_args), "command,%s", name);
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "hook", NULL, str_args);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("command", infolist_string (infolist, "type"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL(name, infolist_string (infolist, "command"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* all completion hooks */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "hook", NULL, "completion");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("completion", infolist_string (infolist, "type"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ free (name);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_hotlist_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistHotlistCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ gui_buffer_set (gui_buffers, "hotlist", "2");
+ /* hotlist (one buffer) */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "hotlist", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ LONGS_EQUAL(2, infolist_integer (infolist, "priority"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("core", infolist_string (infolist, "plugin_name"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("weechat", infolist_string (infolist, "buffer_name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ gui_buffer_set (gui_buffers, "hotlist", "-1");
+ /* hotlist (empty) */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "hotlist", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_key_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistKeyCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* invalid key context */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "key", NULL, "invalid_context"));
+ /* keys */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "key", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("backspace", infolist_string (infolist, "key"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* keys of context "search" */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "key", NULL, "search");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("ctrl-q", infolist_string (infolist, "key"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_layout_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistLayoutCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ struct t_gui_layout *ptr_layout;
+ ptr_layout = gui_layout_alloc ("test_layout");
+ CHECK(ptr_layout);
+ gui_layout_add (ptr_layout);
+ gui_layout_window_store (ptr_layout);
+ /* layouts */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "layout", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("test_layout", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ gui_layout_remove (ptr_layout);
+ /* no layouts */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "layout", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_nicklist_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistNicklistCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* missing buffer pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "nicklist", NULL, NULL));
+ /* invalid buffer pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "nicklist", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ /* nicklist */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "nicklist", gui_buffers, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("group", infolist_string (infolist, "type"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("root", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_option_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistOptionCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* invalid option name */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "option", NULL, "");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* all options */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "option", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("alias", infolist_string (infolist, "config_name"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* option with name */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "option", NULL, "weechat.look.mouse");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("weechat", infolist_string (infolist, "config_name"));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("weechat.look.mouse", infolist_string (infolist, "full_name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_plugin_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistPluginCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ struct t_weechat_plugin *ptr_plugin;
+ /* invalid plugin pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "plugin", (void *)0x1, NULL);
+ /* all plugins */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "plugin", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ ptr_plugin = (struct t_weechat_plugin *)infolist_pointer (infolist, "pointer");
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("charset", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one plugin with pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "plugin", ptr_plugin, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("charset", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one plugin with name */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "plugin", NULL, "spel*");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("spell", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_proxy_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistProxyCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ struct t_proxy *ptr_proxy1, *ptr_proxy2;
+ /* invalid proxy pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "proxy", (void *)0x1, NULL);
+ ptr_proxy1 = proxy_new ("proxy1", "http", "off",
+ "", "8000", "user1", "pass1");
+ CHECK(ptr_proxy1);
+ ptr_proxy2 = proxy_new ("proxy2", "http", "off",
+ "", "9000", "user2", "pass2");
+ CHECK(ptr_proxy2);
+ /* all proxies */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "proxy", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("proxy1", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one proxy with pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "proxy", ptr_proxy2, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("proxy2", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one proxy with name (mask) */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "proxy", NULL, "*xy1");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("proxy1", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ proxy_free (ptr_proxy1);
+ proxy_free (ptr_proxy2);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_url_options_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistUrlOptionsCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* URL options */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "url_options", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ STRCMP_EQUAL("VERBOSE", infolist_string (infolist, "name"));
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_infolist_window_cb
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfolistWindowCb)
+ struct t_infolist *infolist;
+ /* invalid window pointer */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "window", (void *)0x1, NULL));
+ /* invalid window number */
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, hook_infolist_get (NULL, "window", NULL, "123"));
+ /* all windows */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "window", NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(gui_buffers, infolist_pointer (infolist, "buffer"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one window with pointer */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "window", gui_windows, NULL);
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(gui_buffers, infolist_pointer (infolist, "buffer"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* current window */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "window", NULL, "current");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(gui_buffers, infolist_pointer (infolist, "buffer"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ /* one window with number */
+ infolist = hook_infolist_get (NULL, "window", NULL, "1");
+ CHECK(infolist);
+ CHECK(infolist_next (infolist));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(gui_buffers, infolist_pointer (infolist, "buffer"));
+ POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, infolist_next (infolist));
+ infolist_free (infolist);
+ * Tests functions:
+ * plugin_api_info_init
+ */
+TEST(PluginsApiInfo, PluginApiInfoInit)
+ /* TODO: write tests */