diff options
36 files changed, 4044 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
index 934a88196..91b9effd6 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
| exec | exec_commands_ids | IDs (Nummern und Namen) von ausgeführten Befehlen
+| fset | fset_options | configuration files, sections, options and words of options
| guile | guile_script | Liste der Skripten
| irc | irc_channel | aktueller IRC-Channel
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
index 2ff83d495..8f920e53d 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,26 @@
| Erweiterung | Name | Beschreibung | Listen | Variablen
+| fset
+| [[hdata_fset_option]]<<hdata_fset_option,fset_option>>
+| fset options
+| -
+| _file_   (string) +
+_section_   (string) +
+_option_   (string) +
+_name_   (string) +
+_parent_name_   (string) +
+_type_   (integer) +
+_default_value_   (string) +
+_value_   (string) +
+_parent_value_   (string) +
+_min_   (string) +
+_max_   (string) +
+_description_   (string) +
+_string_values_   (string) +
+_marked_   (integer) +
| guile
| [[hdata_guile_script]]<<hdata_guile_script,guile_script>>
| Liste der Skripten
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
index 9ec065af1..1eaa4d4e7 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
| alias | alias | Liste der Alias | Alias Pointer (optional) | Name des Alias (Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden) (optional)
+| fset | fset_option | list of fset options | fset option pointer (optional) | Name einer Einstellung (Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden) (optional)
| guile | guile_script | Liste der Skripten | Skript Pointer (optional) | Name des Skriptes (Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden) (optional)
| irc | irc_channel | Liste der Channels eines IRC-Servers | Channel Pointer (optional) | Server,Channel (Channel ist optional)
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
index 1ad2eebae..897838e0e 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
// This file is auto-generated by script
-. charset (14000)
-. logger (13000)
-. exec (12000)
-. trigger (11000)
-. aspell (10000)
-. alias (9000)
-. buflist (8000)
+. charset (15000)
+. logger (14000)
+. exec (13000)
+. trigger (12000)
+. aspell (11000)
+. alias (10000)
+. buflist (9000)
+. fset (8000)
. fifo (7000)
. xfer (6000)
. irc (5000)
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7733cc3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* `+fset+`: fast set WeeChat and plugins options
+/fset -bar
+ -refresh
+ -up|-down [<number>]
+ -left|-right [<percent>]
+ -go <line>|end
+ -toggle
+ -add [<value>]
+ -reset
+ -unset
+ -set
+ -setnew
+ -append
+ -mark
+ -format
+ -export [-help|-nohelp] <filename>
+ <filter>
+ -bar: add the help bar
+ -refresh: refresh list of options, then whole screen (command: /window refresh)
+ -up: move the selected line up by "number" lines
+ -down: move the selected line down by "number" lines
+ -left: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the left
+ -right: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the right
+ -go: select a line by number, first line number is 0 ("end" to select the last line)
+ -toggle: toggle the boolean value, set a new value for other types
+ -add: add "value" (which can be a negative number) for integers and colors, set/append to value for other types (set for a negative value, append for a positive value)
+ -reset: reset the value of option
+ -unset: unset the option
+ -set: add the /set command in input to edit the value of option (move the cursor at the beginning of value)
+ -setnew: add the /set command in input to edit a new value for the option
+ -append: add the /set command to append something in the value of option (move the cursor at the end of value)
+ -mark: toggle mark
+ -format: switch to the next available format
+ -export: export the options and values displayed in a file (each line has format: "/set name value" or "/unset name")
+ -help: force writing of help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ -nohelp: do not write help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ filter: set a new filter to see only matching options (this filter can be used as input in fset buffer as well); allowed formats are:
+ * show all options (no filter)
+ xxx show only options with "xxx" in name
+ f:xxx show only configuration file "xxx"
+ t:xxx show only type "xxx" (bool/int/str/col)
+ d show only changed options
+ d:xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in name
+ d=xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in value
+ d==xxx show only changed options with exact value "xxx"
+ =xxx show only options with "xxx" in value
+ ==xxx show only options with exact value "xxx"
+ c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: file, section, option, name, parent_name, type, type_en, type_short (bool/int/str/col), type_tiny (b/i/s/c), default_value, default_value_undef, value, quoted_value, value_undef, value_changed, parent_value, min, max, description, description2, description_en, description_en2, string_values
+The lines with options are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options:
+ - fset.format.option{1,2}: formats for an option which is not marked nor the selected line
+ - fset.format.option_marked{1,2}: formats for a marked option
+ - fset.format.option_selected{1,2}: formats for the selected option
+The following variables can be used in these options:
+ - option data, with color and padded by spaces on the right:
+ - ${file}: configuration file (for example "weechat" or "irc")
+ - ${section}: section
+ - ${option}: option name
+ - ${name}: full option name (file.section.option)
+ - ${parent_name}: parent option name
+ - ${type}: option type (translated)
+ - ${type_en}: option type (in English)
+ - ${type_short}: short option type (bool/int/str/col)
+ - ${type_tiny}: tiny option type (b/i/s/c)
+ - ${default_value}: option default value
+ - ${default_value_undef}: "1" if default value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value}: option value
+ - ${value_undef}: "1" if value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value_changed}: "1" if value is different from default value, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value2}: option value, with inherited value if null
+ - ${parent_value}: parent option value
+ - ${min}: min value
+ - ${max}: max value
+ - ${description}: option description (translated)
+ - ${description2}: option description (translated), "(no description)" (translated) if there's no description
+ - ${description_en}: option description (in English)
+ - ${description_en2}: option description (in English), "(no description)" if there's no description
+ - ${string_values}: string values allowed for set of an integer option using strings
+ - ${marked}: "1" if option is marked, otherwise "0"
+ - ${index}: index of option in list
+ - option data, with color but no spaces:
+ - same names prefixed by underscore, for example: ${_name}, ${_type}, ...
+ - option data, raw format (no colors/spaces):
+ - same names prefixed by two underscores, for example: ${__name}, ${__type}, ...
+ - option data, only spaces:
+ - same names prefixed with "empty_", for example: ${empty_name}, ${empty_type}
+ - other data:
+ - ${selected_line}: "1" if the line is selected, otherwise "0"
+ - ${newline}: insert a new line at point, so the option is displayed on multiple lines
+Keys and input to move in on fset buffer:
+ up move one line up
+ down move one line down
+ pgup move one page up
+ pgdn move one page down
+ alt-home << move to first line
+ alt-end >> move to last line
+ F11 < scroll horizontally on the left
+ F12 > scroll horizontally on the right
+Keys and input to set options on fset buffer:
+ alt+space t toggle boolean value
+ alt+'-' - subtract 1 from value for integer/color, set value for other types
+ alt+'+' + add 1 to value for integer/color, append to value for other types
+ alt+f, alt+r r reset value
+ alt+f, alt+u u unset value
+ alt+enter s set value
+ alt+f, alt+n n set new value
+ alt+f, alt+a a append to value
+ alt+',' , mark/unmark option
+ shift+up move one line up and mark/unmark option
+ shift+down mark/unmark option and move one line down
+ m:xxx mark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+ u:xxx unmark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+Other keys and input on fset buffer:
+ ctrl+L refresh options and whole screen (command: /fset -refresh)
+ $ refresh options (keep marked options)
+ $$ refresh options (unmark all options)
+ p toggle plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)
+ v toggle help bar
+ s:x,y sort options by fields x,y (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ s: reset sort to its default value (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ w:xxx export options in file "xxx"
+ w-:xxx export options in file "xxx" without help
+ w+:xxx export options in file "xxx" with help
+ ctrl+X x switch the format used to display options
+ q close fset buffer
+Mouse actions on fset buffer:
+ wheel up/down move line up/down
+ left button move line here
+ right button toggle boolean (on/off) or edit the option value
+ right button + drag left/right increase/decrease value for integer/color, set/append to value for other types
+ right button + drag up/down mark/unmark multiple options
+Note: spaces at beginning of input are ignored, so for example "q" closes the fset buffer while " q" searches all options with "q" inside name.
+ show IRC options changed:
+ /fset d:irc.*
+ show all options with "nicklist" in name:
+ /fset nicklist
+ show all values which contain "red":
+ /fset =red
+ show all values which are exactly "red":
+ /fset ==red
+ show all integer options in irc plugin:
+ /fset c:${file} == irc && ${type_en} == integer
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc b/doc/de/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d97b2cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value]] *fset.color.default_value*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for default value]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value_selected]] *fset.color.default_value_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for default value on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description]] *fset.color.description*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for description]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description_selected]] *fset.color.description_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for description on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file]] *fset.color.file*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for file]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed]] *fset.color.file_changed*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for file if value is changed]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed_selected]] *fset.color.file_changed_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for file if value is changed on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_selected]] *fset.color.file_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for file on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_default_value]] *fset.color.help_default_value*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for default value in help bar]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_description]] *fset.color.help_description*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for description in help bar]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_name]] *fset.color.help_name*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for name in help bar]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_quotes]] *fset.color.help_quotes*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_values]] *fset.color.help_values*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for allowed values]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index]] *fset.color.index*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for index of option]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index_selected]] *fset.color.index_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for index of option on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg1]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg1*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg2]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg2*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg1]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg1*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+blue+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg2]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg2*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+red+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked]] *fset.color.marked*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for mark indicator]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked_selected]] *fset.color.marked_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for mark indicator on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max]] *fset.color.max*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for max value]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max_selected]] *fset.color.max_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for max value on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min]] *fset.color.min*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for min value]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min_selected]] *fset.color.min_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for min value on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[]] **
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for name]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed]] *fset.color.name_changed*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for name if value is changed]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed_selected]] *fset.color.name_changed_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for name if value is changed on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_selected]] *fset.color.name_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for name on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option]] *fset.color.option*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for option]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed]] *fset.color.option_changed*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for option if value is changed]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed_selected]] *fset.color.option_changed_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for option if value is changed on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_selected]] *fset.color.option_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for option on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name]] *fset.color.parent_name*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for name of parent option]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name_selected]] *fset.color.parent_name_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for name of parent option on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value]] *fset.color.parent_value*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for value of parent option]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value_selected]] *fset.color.parent_value_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for value of parent option on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes]] *fset.color.quotes*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed]] *fset.color.quotes_changed*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_changed_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for quotes around string values on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section]] *fset.color.section*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for section]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed]] *fset.color.section_changed*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for section if value is changed]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed_selected]] *fset.color.section_changed_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for section if value is changed on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_selected]] *fset.color.section_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for section on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values]] *fset.color.string_values*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for string values]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values_selected]] *fset.color.string_values_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for string values on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_count_options]] *fset.color.title_count_options*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for the count of options found with the current filter in title of buffer]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_current_option]] *fset.color.title_current_option*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for current option number in title of buffer]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_filter]] *fset.color.title_filter*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for filter in title of buffer]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_marked_options]] *fset.color.title_marked_options*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for number of marked options in title of buffer]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_sort]] *fset.color.title_sort*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for sort in title of buffer]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type]] *fset.color.type*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for type]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+green+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type_selected]] *fset.color.type_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for type on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked]] *fset.color.unmarked*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked_selected]] *fset.color.unmarked_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value]] *fset.color.value*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for value]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed]] *fset.color.value_changed*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default)]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed_selected]] *fset.color.value_changed_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_selected]] *fset.color.value_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for value on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef]] *fset.color.value_undef*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for undefined value]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+magenta+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef_selected]] *fset.color.value_undef_selected*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[color for undefined value on the selected line]
+** Typ: Farbe
+** Werte: ein Farbname für WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), eine Terminal-Farbnummer oder ein Alias; Attribute können vor eine Farbe gesetzt werden (gilt ausschließlich für die Textfarbe und nicht für den Hintergrund): "*" für fett, "!" für invertiert, "/" für kursiv, "_" für unterstrichen
+** Standardwert: `+lightmagenta+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_help]] *fset.format.export_help*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+"# ${description2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option]] *fset.format.export_option*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+"/set ${name} ${quoted_value}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option_null]] *fset.format.export_option_null*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[format of each option with "null" value exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+"/unset ${name}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option1]] *fset.format.option1*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option2]] *fset.format.option2*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[second format of each line with an option which is not marked not the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}${newline} ${empty_name} ${_default_value}${color:darkgray} -- ${min}..${max}${newline} ${empty_name} ${description}"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.auto_unmark]] *fset.look.auto_unmark*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[automatically unmark all options after an action on marked options or after a refresh]
+** Typ: boolesch
+** Werte: on, off
+** Standardwert: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.condition_catch_set]] *fset.look.condition_catch_set*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[condition to catch /set command and display results in the fset buffer; following variables can be used: ${name} (name of option given for the /set command), ${count} (number of options found with the /set argument); an empty string disables the catch of /set command; with value "1", the fset buffer is always used with /set command]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+"${count} >= 1"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.export_help_default]] *fset.look.export_help_default*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[write help for each option exported by default (this can be overridden with arguments "-help" and "-nohelp" for command /fset -export)]
+** Typ: boolesch
+** Werte: on, off
+** Standardwert: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.format_number]] *fset.look.format_number*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[number of format used to display options; this is dynamically changed by the key ctrl-X on the fset buffer]
+** Typ: integer
+** Werte: 1 .. 2
+** Standardwert: `+1+`
+* [[option_fset.look.marked_string]] *fset.look.marked_string*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[string displayed when an option is marked (to do an action on multiple options)]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+"*"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.scroll_horizontal]] *fset.look.scroll_horizontal*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[left/right scroll in fset buffer (percent of width)]
+** Typ: integer
+** Werte: 1 .. 100
+** Standardwert: `+10+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_help_bar]] *fset.look.show_help_bar*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[display help bar in fset buffer (description of option, allowed values and default value)]
+** Typ: boolesch
+** Werte: on, off
+** Standardwert: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_plugins_desc]] *fset.look.show_plugins_desc*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[show the plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)]
+** Typ: boolesch
+** Werte: on, off
+** Standardwert: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.sort]] *fset.look.sort*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[comma-separated list of fields to sort options (see /help fset for a list of fields); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case insensitive comparison; example: "-~name" for case insensitive and reverse sort on option name]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+"~name"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.unmarked_string]] *fset.look.unmarked_string*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[string displayed when an option is not marked]
+** Typ: Zeichenkette
+** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette
+** Standardwert: `+" "+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_color_value]] *fset.look.use_color_value*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[use the color to display value of color options]
+** Typ: boolesch
+** Werte: on, off
+** Standardwert: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_keys]] *fset.look.use_keys*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[use keys alt+X in fset buffer to do actions on options; if disabled, only the input is allowed]
+** Typ: boolesch
+** Werte: on, off
+** Standardwert: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_mute]] *fset.look.use_mute*
+** Beschreibung: pass:none[use /mute command to set options]
+** Typ: boolesch
+** Werte: on, off
+** Standardwert: `+off+`
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
index 418382849..564c26e24 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
| exec | exec_commands_ids | ids (numbers and names) of executed commands
+| fset | fset_options | configuration files, sections, options and words of options
| guile | guile_script | list of scripts
| irc | irc_channel | current IRC channel
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
index f31150142..eebe899e1 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,26 @@
| Plugin | Name | Description | Lists | Variables
+| fset
+| [[hdata_fset_option]]<<hdata_fset_option,fset_option>>
+| fset options
+| -
+| _file_   (string) +
+_section_   (string) +
+_option_   (string) +
+_name_   (string) +
+_parent_name_   (string) +
+_type_   (integer) +
+_default_value_   (string) +
+_value_   (string) +
+_parent_value_   (string) +
+_min_   (string) +
+_max_   (string) +
+_description_   (string) +
+_string_values_   (string) +
+_marked_   (integer) +
| guile
| [[hdata_guile_script]]<<hdata_guile_script,guile_script>>
| list of scripts
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
index b3dbc6338..972063964 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
| alias | alias | list of aliases | alias pointer (optional) | alias name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional)
+| fset | fset_option | list of fset options | fset option pointer (optional) | option name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional)
| guile | guile_script | list of scripts | script pointer (optional) | script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional)
| irc | irc_channel | list of channels for an IRC server | channel pointer (optional) | server,channel (channel is optional)
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
index 1ad2eebae..897838e0e 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
// This file is auto-generated by script
-. charset (14000)
-. logger (13000)
-. exec (12000)
-. trigger (11000)
-. aspell (10000)
-. alias (9000)
-. buflist (8000)
+. charset (15000)
+. logger (14000)
+. exec (13000)
+. trigger (12000)
+. aspell (11000)
+. alias (10000)
+. buflist (9000)
+. fset (8000)
. fifo (7000)
. xfer (6000)
. irc (5000)
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7733cc3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* `+fset+`: fast set WeeChat and plugins options
+/fset -bar
+ -refresh
+ -up|-down [<number>]
+ -left|-right [<percent>]
+ -go <line>|end
+ -toggle
+ -add [<value>]
+ -reset
+ -unset
+ -set
+ -setnew
+ -append
+ -mark
+ -format
+ -export [-help|-nohelp] <filename>
+ <filter>
+ -bar: add the help bar
+ -refresh: refresh list of options, then whole screen (command: /window refresh)
+ -up: move the selected line up by "number" lines
+ -down: move the selected line down by "number" lines
+ -left: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the left
+ -right: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the right
+ -go: select a line by number, first line number is 0 ("end" to select the last line)
+ -toggle: toggle the boolean value, set a new value for other types
+ -add: add "value" (which can be a negative number) for integers and colors, set/append to value for other types (set for a negative value, append for a positive value)
+ -reset: reset the value of option
+ -unset: unset the option
+ -set: add the /set command in input to edit the value of option (move the cursor at the beginning of value)
+ -setnew: add the /set command in input to edit a new value for the option
+ -append: add the /set command to append something in the value of option (move the cursor at the end of value)
+ -mark: toggle mark
+ -format: switch to the next available format
+ -export: export the options and values displayed in a file (each line has format: "/set name value" or "/unset name")
+ -help: force writing of help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ -nohelp: do not write help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ filter: set a new filter to see only matching options (this filter can be used as input in fset buffer as well); allowed formats are:
+ * show all options (no filter)
+ xxx show only options with "xxx" in name
+ f:xxx show only configuration file "xxx"
+ t:xxx show only type "xxx" (bool/int/str/col)
+ d show only changed options
+ d:xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in name
+ d=xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in value
+ d==xxx show only changed options with exact value "xxx"
+ =xxx show only options with "xxx" in value
+ ==xxx show only options with exact value "xxx"
+ c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: file, section, option, name, parent_name, type, type_en, type_short (bool/int/str/col), type_tiny (b/i/s/c), default_value, default_value_undef, value, quoted_value, value_undef, value_changed, parent_value, min, max, description, description2, description_en, description_en2, string_values
+The lines with options are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options:
+ - fset.format.option{1,2}: formats for an option which is not marked nor the selected line
+ - fset.format.option_marked{1,2}: formats for a marked option
+ - fset.format.option_selected{1,2}: formats for the selected option
+The following variables can be used in these options:
+ - option data, with color and padded by spaces on the right:
+ - ${file}: configuration file (for example "weechat" or "irc")
+ - ${section}: section
+ - ${option}: option name
+ - ${name}: full option name (file.section.option)
+ - ${parent_name}: parent option name
+ - ${type}: option type (translated)
+ - ${type_en}: option type (in English)
+ - ${type_short}: short option type (bool/int/str/col)
+ - ${type_tiny}: tiny option type (b/i/s/c)
+ - ${default_value}: option default value
+ - ${default_value_undef}: "1" if default value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value}: option value
+ - ${value_undef}: "1" if value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value_changed}: "1" if value is different from default value, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value2}: option value, with inherited value if null
+ - ${parent_value}: parent option value
+ - ${min}: min value
+ - ${max}: max value
+ - ${description}: option description (translated)
+ - ${description2}: option description (translated), "(no description)" (translated) if there's no description
+ - ${description_en}: option description (in English)
+ - ${description_en2}: option description (in English), "(no description)" if there's no description
+ - ${string_values}: string values allowed for set of an integer option using strings
+ - ${marked}: "1" if option is marked, otherwise "0"
+ - ${index}: index of option in list
+ - option data, with color but no spaces:
+ - same names prefixed by underscore, for example: ${_name}, ${_type}, ...
+ - option data, raw format (no colors/spaces):
+ - same names prefixed by two underscores, for example: ${__name}, ${__type}, ...
+ - option data, only spaces:
+ - same names prefixed with "empty_", for example: ${empty_name}, ${empty_type}
+ - other data:
+ - ${selected_line}: "1" if the line is selected, otherwise "0"
+ - ${newline}: insert a new line at point, so the option is displayed on multiple lines
+Keys and input to move in on fset buffer:
+ up move one line up
+ down move one line down
+ pgup move one page up
+ pgdn move one page down
+ alt-home << move to first line
+ alt-end >> move to last line
+ F11 < scroll horizontally on the left
+ F12 > scroll horizontally on the right
+Keys and input to set options on fset buffer:
+ alt+space t toggle boolean value
+ alt+'-' - subtract 1 from value for integer/color, set value for other types
+ alt+'+' + add 1 to value for integer/color, append to value for other types
+ alt+f, alt+r r reset value
+ alt+f, alt+u u unset value
+ alt+enter s set value
+ alt+f, alt+n n set new value
+ alt+f, alt+a a append to value
+ alt+',' , mark/unmark option
+ shift+up move one line up and mark/unmark option
+ shift+down mark/unmark option and move one line down
+ m:xxx mark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+ u:xxx unmark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+Other keys and input on fset buffer:
+ ctrl+L refresh options and whole screen (command: /fset -refresh)
+ $ refresh options (keep marked options)
+ $$ refresh options (unmark all options)
+ p toggle plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)
+ v toggle help bar
+ s:x,y sort options by fields x,y (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ s: reset sort to its default value (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ w:xxx export options in file "xxx"
+ w-:xxx export options in file "xxx" without help
+ w+:xxx export options in file "xxx" with help
+ ctrl+X x switch the format used to display options
+ q close fset buffer
+Mouse actions on fset buffer:
+ wheel up/down move line up/down
+ left button move line here
+ right button toggle boolean (on/off) or edit the option value
+ right button + drag left/right increase/decrease value for integer/color, set/append to value for other types
+ right button + drag up/down mark/unmark multiple options
+Note: spaces at beginning of input are ignored, so for example "q" closes the fset buffer while " q" searches all options with "q" inside name.
+ show IRC options changed:
+ /fset d:irc.*
+ show all options with "nicklist" in name:
+ /fset nicklist
+ show all values which contain "red":
+ /fset =red
+ show all values which are exactly "red":
+ /fset ==red
+ show all integer options in irc plugin:
+ /fset c:${file} == irc && ${type_en} == integer
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc b/doc/en/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6497f78e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value]] *fset.color.default_value*
+** description: pass:none[color for default value]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value_selected]] *fset.color.default_value_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for default value on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description]] *fset.color.description*
+** description: pass:none[color for description]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description_selected]] *fset.color.description_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for description on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file]] *fset.color.file*
+** description: pass:none[color for file]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed]] *fset.color.file_changed*
+** description: pass:none[color for file if value is changed]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed_selected]] *fset.color.file_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for file if value is changed on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_selected]] *fset.color.file_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for file on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_default_value]] *fset.color.help_default_value*
+** description: pass:none[color for default value in help bar]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_description]] *fset.color.help_description*
+** description: pass:none[color for description in help bar]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_name]] *fset.color.help_name*
+** description: pass:none[color for name in help bar]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_quotes]] *fset.color.help_quotes*
+** description: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_values]] *fset.color.help_values*
+** description: pass:none[color for allowed values]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index]] *fset.color.index*
+** description: pass:none[color for index of option]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index_selected]] *fset.color.index_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for index of option on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg1]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg1*
+** description: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg2]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg2*
+** description: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg1]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg1*
+** description: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+blue+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg2]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg2*
+** description: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+red+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked]] *fset.color.marked*
+** description: pass:none[color for mark indicator]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked_selected]] *fset.color.marked_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for mark indicator on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max]] *fset.color.max*
+** description: pass:none[color for max value]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max_selected]] *fset.color.max_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for max value on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min]] *fset.color.min*
+** description: pass:none[color for min value]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min_selected]] *fset.color.min_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for min value on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[]] **
+** description: pass:none[color for name]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed]] *fset.color.name_changed*
+** description: pass:none[color for name if value is changed]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed_selected]] *fset.color.name_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for name if value is changed on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_selected]] *fset.color.name_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for name on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option]] *fset.color.option*
+** description: pass:none[color for option]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed]] *fset.color.option_changed*
+** description: pass:none[color for option if value is changed]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed_selected]] *fset.color.option_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for option if value is changed on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_selected]] *fset.color.option_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for option on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name]] *fset.color.parent_name*
+** description: pass:none[color for name of parent option]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name_selected]] *fset.color.parent_name_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for name of parent option on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value]] *fset.color.parent_value*
+** description: pass:none[color for value of parent option]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value_selected]] *fset.color.parent_value_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for value of parent option on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes]] *fset.color.quotes*
+** description: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed]] *fset.color.quotes_changed*
+** description: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for quotes around string values on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section]] *fset.color.section*
+** description: pass:none[color for section]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed]] *fset.color.section_changed*
+** description: pass:none[color for section if value is changed]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed_selected]] *fset.color.section_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for section if value is changed on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_selected]] *fset.color.section_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for section on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values]] *fset.color.string_values*
+** description: pass:none[color for string values]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values_selected]] *fset.color.string_values_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for string values on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_count_options]] *fset.color.title_count_options*
+** description: pass:none[color for the count of options found with the current filter in title of buffer]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_current_option]] *fset.color.title_current_option*
+** description: pass:none[color for current option number in title of buffer]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_filter]] *fset.color.title_filter*
+** description: pass:none[color for filter in title of buffer]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_marked_options]] *fset.color.title_marked_options*
+** description: pass:none[color for number of marked options in title of buffer]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_sort]] *fset.color.title_sort*
+** description: pass:none[color for sort in title of buffer]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type]] *fset.color.type*
+** description: pass:none[color for type]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+green+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type_selected]] *fset.color.type_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for type on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked]] *fset.color.unmarked*
+** description: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked_selected]] *fset.color.unmarked_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value]] *fset.color.value*
+** description: pass:none[color for value]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed]] *fset.color.value_changed*
+** description: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default)]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed_selected]] *fset.color.value_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_selected]] *fset.color.value_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for value on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef]] *fset.color.value_undef*
+** description: pass:none[color for undefined value]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+magenta+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef_selected]] *fset.color.value_undef_selected*
+** description: pass:none[color for undefined value on the selected line]
+** type: color
+** values: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** default value: `+lightmagenta+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_help]] *fset.format.export_help*
+** description: pass:none[format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+"# ${description2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option]] *fset.format.export_option*
+** description: pass:none[format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+"/set ${name} ${quoted_value}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option_null]] *fset.format.export_option_null*
+** description: pass:none[format of each option with "null" value exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+"/unset ${name}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option1]] *fset.format.option1*
+** description: pass:none[first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option2]] *fset.format.option2*
+** description: pass:none[second format of each line with an option which is not marked not the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}${newline} ${empty_name} ${_default_value}${color:darkgray} -- ${min}..${max}${newline} ${empty_name} ${description}"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.auto_unmark]] *fset.look.auto_unmark*
+** description: pass:none[automatically unmark all options after an action on marked options or after a refresh]
+** type: boolean
+** values: on, off
+** default value: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.condition_catch_set]] *fset.look.condition_catch_set*
+** description: pass:none[condition to catch /set command and display results in the fset buffer; following variables can be used: ${name} (name of option given for the /set command), ${count} (number of options found with the /set argument); an empty string disables the catch of /set command; with value "1", the fset buffer is always used with /set command]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+"${count} >= 1"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.export_help_default]] *fset.look.export_help_default*
+** description: pass:none[write help for each option exported by default (this can be overridden with arguments "-help" and "-nohelp" for command /fset -export)]
+** type: boolean
+** values: on, off
+** default value: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.format_number]] *fset.look.format_number*
+** description: pass:none[number of format used to display options; this is dynamically changed by the key ctrl-X on the fset buffer]
+** type: integer
+** values: 1 .. 2
+** default value: `+1+`
+* [[option_fset.look.marked_string]] *fset.look.marked_string*
+** description: pass:none[string displayed when an option is marked (to do an action on multiple options)]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+"*"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.scroll_horizontal]] *fset.look.scroll_horizontal*
+** description: pass:none[left/right scroll in fset buffer (percent of width)]
+** type: integer
+** values: 1 .. 100
+** default value: `+10+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_help_bar]] *fset.look.show_help_bar*
+** description: pass:none[display help bar in fset buffer (description of option, allowed values and default value)]
+** type: boolean
+** values: on, off
+** default value: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_plugins_desc]] *fset.look.show_plugins_desc*
+** description: pass:none[show the plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)]
+** type: boolean
+** values: on, off
+** default value: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.sort]] *fset.look.sort*
+** description: pass:none[comma-separated list of fields to sort options (see /help fset for a list of fields); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case insensitive comparison; example: "-~name" for case insensitive and reverse sort on option name]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+"~name"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.unmarked_string]] *fset.look.unmarked_string*
+** description: pass:none[string displayed when an option is not marked]
+** type: string
+** values: any string
+** default value: `+" "+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_color_value]] *fset.look.use_color_value*
+** description: pass:none[use the color to display value of color options]
+** type: boolean
+** values: on, off
+** default value: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_keys]] *fset.look.use_keys*
+** description: pass:none[use keys alt+X in fset buffer to do actions on options; if disabled, only the input is allowed]
+** type: boolean
+** values: on, off
+** default value: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_mute]] *fset.look.use_mute*
+** description: pass:none[use /mute command to set options]
+** type: boolean
+** values: on, off
+** default value: `+off+`
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
index 7d3e4dfc8..27c9b1846 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
| exec | exec_commands_ids | ids (nombres et noms) des commandes exécutées
+| fset | fset_options | fichiers de configuration, section, options et mots des options
| guile | guile_script | liste des scripts
| irc | irc_channel | canal IRC courant
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
index 68c253bd1..70eed1350 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,26 @@
| Extension | Nom | Description | Listes | Variables
+| fset
+| [[hdata_fset_option]]<<hdata_fset_option,fset_option>>
+| options fset
+| -
+| _file_   (string) +
+_section_   (string) +
+_option_   (string) +
+_name_   (string) +
+_parent_name_   (string) +
+_type_   (integer) +
+_default_value_   (string) +
+_value_   (string) +
+_parent_value_   (string) +
+_min_   (string) +
+_max_   (string) +
+_description_   (string) +
+_string_values_   (string) +
+_marked_   (integer) +
| guile
| [[hdata_guile_script]]<<hdata_guile_script,guile_script>>
| liste des scripts
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
index b4f9f5259..11e040fd7 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
| alias | alias | liste des alias | pointeur vers l'alias (optionnel) | nom d'alias (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé) (optionnel)
+| fset | fset_option | liste des options fset | pointeur vers l'option fset (optionnel) | nom d'option (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé) (optionnel)
| guile | guile_script | liste des scripts | pointeur vers le script (optionnel) | nom de script (le caractère joker "*" est autorisé) (optionnel)
| irc | irc_channel | liste des canaux pour un serveur IRC | pointeur vers le canal (optionnel) | serveur,canal (le canal est optionnel)
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
index 1ad2eebae..897838e0e 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
// This file is auto-generated by script
-. charset (14000)
-. logger (13000)
-. exec (12000)
-. trigger (11000)
-. aspell (10000)
-. alias (9000)
-. buflist (8000)
+. charset (15000)
+. logger (14000)
+. exec (13000)
+. trigger (12000)
+. aspell (11000)
+. alias (10000)
+. buflist (9000)
+. fset (8000)
. fifo (7000)
. xfer (6000)
. irc (5000)
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b98c9d80d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* `+fset+`: définir rapidement des options WeeChat et des extensions
+/fset -bar
+ -refresh
+ -up|-down [<nombre>]
+ -left|-right [<pourcentage>]
+ -go <ligne>|end
+ -toggle
+ -add [<valeur>]
+ -reset
+ -unset
+ -set
+ -setnew
+ -append
+ -mark
+ -format
+ -export [-help|-nohelp] <fichier>
+ <filtre>
+ -bar : ajouter la barre d'aide
+ -refresh : rafraîchir la liste des options, puis l'écran entier (commande : /window refresh)
+ -up : déplacer la ligne sélectionnée de "nombre" lignes vers le haut
+ -down : déplacer la ligne sélectionnée de "nombre" lignes vers le bas
+ -left : faire défier le tampon fset de "pourcentage" de largeur vers la gauche
+ -right : faire défier le tampon fset de "pourcentage" de largeur vers la droite
+ -go : sélectionner une ligne par numéro, la première ligne est 0 ("end" pour sélectionner la dernière ligne)
+ -toggle : basculer la valeur booléenne, définir une nouvelle valeur pour les autres types
+ -add : ajouter "valeur" (qui peut être un nombre négatif) pour les entiers et couleurs, définir/ajouter à la valeur pour les autres types (définir pour une valeur négative, ajouter pour un nombre positif)
+ -reset : réinitialiser la valeur de l'option
+ -unset : supprimer/réinitialiser l'option
+ -set : ajouter la commande /set dans l'entrée pour éditer la valeur de l'option (déplacer le curseur au début de la valeur)
+ -setnew : ajouter la commande /set dans l'entrée pour éditer une nouvelle valeur pour l'option
+ -append : ajouter la commande /set pour ajouter quelque chose dans la valeur de l'option (déplacer le curseur à la fin de la valeur)
+ -mark : marquer/démarquer
+ -format : basculer vers le prochain format disponible
+ -export : exporter les options et valeurs affichées dans un fichier (chaque ligne a le format : "/set nom valeur" ou "/unset nom")
+ -help : forcer l'écriture de l'aide sur les options dans le fichier exporté (voir /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ -nohelp : ne pas écrire l'aide sur les options dans le fichier exporté (voir /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ filter : définir un nouveau filtre pour voir seulement les options correspondantes (ce filtre peut aussi être utilisé en entrée du tampon fset) ; les formats autorisés sont :
+ * afficher toutes les options (pas de filtre)
+ xxx afficher seulement les options avec "xxx" dans le nom
+ f:xxx afficher seulement le fichier de configuration "xxx"
+ t:xxx afficher seulement le type "xxx" (bool/int/str/col)
+ d afficher seulement les options changées
+ d:xxx afficher seulement les options changées avec "xxx" dans le nom
+ d=xxx afficher seulement les options changées avec "xxx" dans la valeur
+ d==xxx afficher seulement les options changées avec la valeur exacte "xxx"
+ =xxx afficher seulement les options avec "xxx" dans la valeur
+ ==xxx afficher seulement les options avec la valeur exacte "xxx"
+ c:xxx afficher seulement les options qui correspondent à la condition évaluée "xxx", en utilisant les variables suiantes : file, section, option, name, parent_name, type, type_en, type_short (bool/int/str/col), type_tiny (b/i/s/c), default_value, default_value_undef, value, quoted_value, value_undef, value_changed, parent_value, min, max, description, description2, description_en, description_en2, string_values
+Les lignes avec des options sont affichées en utilisant l'évaluation de chaîne (voir /help eval pour le format), avec ces options :
+ - fset.format.option{1,2} : formats pour une option qui n'est pas marquée ni sur la ligne sélectionnée
+ - fset.format.option_marked{1,2} : formats pour une option marquée
+ - fset.format.option_selected{1,2} : formats pour une option sélectionnée
+Les variables suivantes peuvent être utilisées dans ces options :
+ - données de l'option, avec couleur et alignées avec des espaces sur la droite :
+ - ${file} : fichier de configuration (par exemple "weechat" ou "irc")
+ - ${section} : section
+ - ${option} : nom de l'option
+ - ${name} : nom complet de l'option (fichier.section.option)
+ - ${parent_name} : nom de l'option parente
+ - ${type} : type de l'option (traduit)
+ - ${type_en} : type de l'option (en Anglais)
+ - ${type_short} : type court de l'option (bool/int/str/col)
+ - ${type_tiny} : type très court de l'option (b/i/s/c)
+ - ${default_value} : valeur par défaut de l'option
+ - ${default_value_undef} : "1" si la valeur par défaut est null, sinon "0"
+ - ${value} : valeur de l'option
+ - ${value_undef} : "1" si la valer est null, sinon "0"
+ - ${value_changed} : "1" si la valeur est différente de la valeur par défaut, sinon "0"
+ - ${value2} : valeur de l'option, avec la valeur héritée si null
+ - ${parent_value} : valeur de l'option parente
+ - ${min} : valeur minimale
+ - ${max} : valeur maximale
+ - ${description} : description de l'option (traduite)
+ - ${description2} : description de l'option (traduite), "(pas de description)" s'il n'y a pas de description
+ - ${description_en} : description de l'option (en Anglais)
+ - ${description_en2} : description de l'option (en Anglais), "(no description)" s'il n'y a pas de description
+ - ${string_values} : valeurs chaîne autorisées pour définir une option de type entier utilisant des chaînes
+ - ${marked} : "1" si l'option est marquée, sinon "0"
+ - ${index} : index de l'option dans la liste
+ - données de l'option, avec couleur mais sans espaces :
+ - mêmes noms préfixés par un underscore, par exemple : ${_name}, ${_type}, ...
+ - données de l'option, format brut (par de couleurs/espaces) :
+ - mêmes noms préfixés par deux underscores, par exemple : ${__name}, ${__type}, ...
+ - données de l'option, seulement des espaces :
+ - mêmes noms préfixés par "empty_", par exemple : ${empty_name}, ${empty_type}
+ - autres données :
+ - ${selected_line} : "1" si la ligne est sélectionnée, sinon "0"
+ - ${newline} : insérer une nouvelle ligne à cet endroit, pour afficher l'option sur plusieurs lignes
+Touches et entrées pour le déplacement dans le tampon fset :
+ up se déplacer d'une ligne vers le haut
+ down se déplacer d'une ligne vers le bas
+ pgup se déplacer d'une page vers le haut
+ pgdn se déplacer d'une page vers le bas
+ alt-home << se déplacer à la première ligne
+ alt-end >> se déplacer à la dernière ligne
+ F11 < faire défiler horizontalement vers la gauche
+ F12 > faire défiler horizontalement vers la droite
+Touches et entrées pour définir les options sur le tampon fset :
+ alt+space t basculer la valeur booléenne
+ alt+'-' - soustraire 1 de la valeur pour un entier/couleur, définir la valeur pour les autres types
+ alt+'+' + ajouter 1 à la valeur pour un entier/couleur, ajouter à la valeur pour les autres types
+ alt+f, alt+r r réinitialiser la valeur
+ alt+f, alt+u u supprimer/réinitialiser la valeur
+ alt+enter s définir la valeur
+ alt+f, alt+n n définie une nouvelle valeur
+ alt+f, alt+a a ajouter à la valeur
+ alt+',' , marquer/démarquer l'option
+ shift+up se déplacer d'une ligne vers le haut et marquer/démarquer l'option
+ shift+down marquer/démarquer l'option et se déplacer d'une ligne vers le bas
+ m:xxx marquer les options affichées qui correspondent au filtre "xxx" (tout filtre sur une option ou valeur est autorisé, voir les filtres ci-dessus)
+ u:xxx démarquer les options affichées qui correspondent au filtre "xxx" (tout filtre sur une option ou valeur est autorisé, voir les filtres ci-dessus)
+Autres touches et entrées sur le tampon fset :
+ ctrl+L rafraîchir les options et l'écran entier (commande : /fset -refresh)
+ $ rafraîchir les options (garder les options marquées)
+ $$ rafraîchir les options (démarquer toutes les options)
+ p activer/désactiver la description des options d'extensions (plugins.desc.*)
+ v activer/désactiver la barre d'aide
+ s:x,y trier les options par les champs x,y (voir /help fset.look.sort)
+ s: réinitialiser le tri à sa valeur par défaut (voir /help fset.look.sort)
+ w:xxx exporter les options dans le fichier "xxx"
+ w-:xxx exporter les options dans le fichier "xxx" sans aide
+ w+:xxx exporter les options dans le fichier "xxx" avec aide
+ ctrl+X x basculer le format utilisé pour afficher les options
+ q fermer le tampon fset
+Actions de la souris sur le tampon fset :
+ wheel up/down se déplacer vers le haut/bas
+ left button se déplacer à cette ligne
+ right button basculer le booleén (on/off) ou éditer la valeur de l'option
+ right button + drag left/right incrémenter/décrémenter la valeur pour un entier/couleur, définir/ajouter à la valeur pour les autres types
+ right button + drag up/down marquer/démarquer plusieurs options
+Note : les espaces au début et à la fin de l'entrée sont ignorés, donc par exemple "q" ferme le tampon fset, tandis que " q" cherche toutes les options avec "q" dans le nom.
+Exemples :
+ afficher les options IRC changées :
+ /fset d:irc.*
+ afficher les options avec "nicklist" dans le nom :
+ /fset nicklist
+ afficher les valeurs qui contiennent "red" :
+ /fset =red
+ afficher les valeurs qui sont exactement "red" :
+ /fset ==red
+ afficher toutes les options de type "entier" dans l'extension irc :
+ /fset c:${file} == irc && ${type_en} == integer
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc b/doc/fr/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b99ecbc10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value]] *fset.color.default_value*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur par défaut]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value_selected]] *fset.color.default_value_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur par défaut sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description]] *fset.color.description*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la description]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description_selected]] *fset.color.description_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la description sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file]] *fset.color.file*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le fichier]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed]] *fset.color.file_changed*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le fichier si la valeur est changée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed_selected]] *fset.color.file_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le fichier si la valeur est changée sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_selected]] *fset.color.file_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le fichier sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_default_value]] *fset.color.help_default_value*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur par défaut dans la barre d'aide]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_description]] *fset.color.help_description*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la description dans la barre d'aide]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_name]] *fset.color.help_name*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nom dans la barre d'aide]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_quotes]] *fset.color.help_quotes*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour les guillemets autour des valeurs de type chaîne]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_values]] *fset.color.help_values*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour les valeurs autorisées]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index]] *fset.color.index*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'index de l'option]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index_selected]] *fset.color.index_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'index de l'option sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg1]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg1*
+** description: pass:none[couleur du fond pour une ligne marquée (utilisé avec le premier format, voir l'option fset.format.option1)]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg2]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg2*
+** description: pass:none[couleur du fond pour une ligne marquée (utilisé avec le second format, voir l'option fset.format.option2)]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg1]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg1*
+** description: pass:none[couleur du fond pour la ligne sélectionnée (utilisé avec le premier format, voir l'option fset.format.option1)]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+blue+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg2]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg2*
+** description: pass:none[couleur du fond pour la ligne sélectionnée (utilisé avec le second format, voir l'option fset.format.option2)]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+red+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked]] *fset.color.marked*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'indicateur de marquage]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked_selected]] *fset.color.marked_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'indicateur de marquage sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max]] *fset.color.max*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur maximale]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max_selected]] *fset.color.max_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur maximale sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min]] *fset.color.min*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur minimale]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min_selected]] *fset.color.min_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur minimale sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[]] **
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nom]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed]] *fset.color.name_changed*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nom si la valeur est changée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed_selected]] *fset.color.name_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nom si la valeur est changée sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_selected]] *fset.color.name_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nom sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option]] *fset.color.option*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'option]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed]] *fset.color.option_changed*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'option si la valeur est changée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed_selected]] *fset.color.option_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur de l'option si la valeur est changée sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_selected]] *fset.color.option_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'option sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name]] *fset.color.parent_name*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nom de l'option parente]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name_selected]] *fset.color.parent_name_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nom de l'option parente sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value]] *fset.color.parent_value*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur de l'option parente]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value_selected]] *fset.color.parent_value_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur de l'option parente sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes]] *fset.color.quotes*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour les guillemets autour des valeurs de type chaîne]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed]] *fset.color.quotes_changed*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour les guillemets autour des valeurs de chaîne qui sont changées]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur des guillemets autour des valeurs de chaîne qui sont changées sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour les guillemets autour des valeurs de chaîne sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section]] *fset.color.section*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la section]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed]] *fset.color.section_changed*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la section si la valeur est changée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed_selected]] *fset.color.section_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la section si la valeur est changée sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_selected]] *fset.color.section_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la section sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values]] *fset.color.string_values*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour les valeurs de chaîne]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values_selected]] *fset.color.string_values_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour les valeurs de chaîne sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_count_options]] *fset.color.title_count_options*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nombre d'options trouvées avec le filtre courant dans le titre du tampon]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_current_option]] *fset.color.title_current_option*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le numéro de l'option courante dans le titre du tampon]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_filter]] *fset.color.title_filter*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le filtre dans le titre du tampon]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_marked_options]] *fset.color.title_marked_options*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le nombre d'option marquées dans le titre du tampon]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_sort]] *fset.color.title_sort*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le tri dans le titre du tampon]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type]] *fset.color.type*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le type]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+green+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type_selected]] *fset.color.type_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour le type sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked]] *fset.color.unmarked*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'indicateur de marquage lorsque l'option n'est pas marquée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked_selected]] *fset.color.unmarked_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour l'indicateur de marquage lorsque l'option n'est pas marquée sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value]] *fset.color.value*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed]] *fset.color.value_changed*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour une valeur changée (différente de la valeur par défaut)]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed_selected]] *fset.color.value_changed_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur changée (différente de la valeur par défaut) sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_selected]] *fset.color.value_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour la valeur sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef]] *fset.color.value_undef*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour une valeur non définie]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+magenta+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef_selected]] *fset.color.value_undef_selected*
+** description: pass:none[couleur pour une valeur non définie sur la ligne sélectionnée]
+** type: couleur
+** valeurs: un nom de couleur WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), un numéro de couleur du terminal ou un alias ; des attributs sont autorisés avant la couleur (seulement pour la couleur du texte, pas le fond) : "*" pour le gras, "!" pour la vidéo inverse, "/" pour l'italique, "_" pour le souligné
+** valeur par défaut: `+lightmagenta+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_help]] *fset.format.export_help*
+** description: pass:none[format pour l'aide sur l'option écrite avant chaque option dans le fichier exporté (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset)]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+"# ${description2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option]] *fset.format.export_option*
+** description: pass:none[format pour chaque option exportée dans un fichier (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset)]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+"/set ${name} ${quoted_value}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option_null]] *fset.format.export_option_null*
+** description: pass:none[format pour chaque option avec la valeur "null" exportée dans un fichier (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset)]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+"/unset ${name}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option1]] *fset.format.option1*
+** description: pass:none[premier format de chaque ligne avec une option qui n'est pas marquée ni sélectionnée (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset) ; les formats peuvent être changés avec la touche ctrl+X]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option2]] *fset.format.option2*
+** description: pass:none[second format de chaque ligne avec une option qui n'est pas marquée ni sélectionnée (note : le contenu est évalué, voir /help fset) ; les formats peuvent être changés avec la touche ctrl+X]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}${newline} ${empty_name} ${_default_value}${color:darkgray} -- ${min}..${max}${newline} ${empty_name} ${description}"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.auto_unmark]] *fset.look.auto_unmark*
+** description: pass:none[démarquer automatiquement toutes les options après une action sur les options marquées ou après un rafraichissement]
+** type: booléen
+** valeurs: on, off
+** valeur par défaut: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.condition_catch_set]] *fset.look.condition_catch_set*
+** description: pass:none[condition pour capturer la commande /set et afficher les résultats dans le tampon fset ; les variables suivantes peuvent être utilisées : ${name} (nom de l'option donné pour la commande /set), ${count} (nombre d'options trouvées avec le paramètre de /set) ; une chaîne vide désactive la capture de la commande /set ; avec la valeur "1", le tampon fset est toujours utilisé avec la commande /fset]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+"${count} >= 1"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.export_help_default]] *fset.look.export_help_default*
+** description: pass:none[afficher l'aide de chaque option exportée par défaut (cela peut être passé outre avec les paramètres "-help" et "-nohelp" pour la commande /fset -export)]
+** type: booléen
+** valeurs: on, off
+** valeur par défaut: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.format_number]] *fset.look.format_number*
+** description: pass:none[numéro du format utilisé pour afficher les options ; cela est dynamiquement changé par la touche ctrl-X sur le tampon fset]
+** type: entier
+** valeurs: 1 .. 2
+** valeur par défaut: `+1+`
+* [[option_fset.look.marked_string]] *fset.look.marked_string*
+** description: pass:none[chaîne affichée lorsqu'une option est marquée (pour effectuer une action sur plusieurs options)]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+"*"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.scroll_horizontal]] *fset.look.scroll_horizontal*
+** description: pass:none[défilement gauche/droite dans le tampon fset (pourcentage de la largeur)]
+** type: entier
+** valeurs: 1 .. 100
+** valeur par défaut: `+10+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_help_bar]] *fset.look.show_help_bar*
+** description: pass:none[afficher la barre d'aide dans le tampon fset (description de l'option, valeurs autorisées et valeur par défaut)]
+** type: booléen
+** valeurs: on, off
+** valeur par défaut: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_plugins_desc]] *fset.look.show_plugins_desc*
+** description: pass:none[afficher les options de description des extensions (plugins.desc.*)]
+** type: booléen
+** valeurs: on, off
+** valeur par défaut: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.sort]] *fset.look.sort*
+** description: pass:none[liste de champs séparés par des virgules pour trier les options (voir /help fset pour la liste des champs) ; le caractère "-" peut être utilisé pour inverser l'ordre, le caractère "~" peut être utilisé pour effectuer une comparaison insensible à la casse ; exemple : "-~name" pour un tri inverse insensible à la casse sur le nom de l'option]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+"~name"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.unmarked_string]] *fset.look.unmarked_string*
+** description: pass:none[chaîne affichée lorsqu'un option n'est pas marquée]
+** type: chaîne
+** valeurs: toute chaîne
+** valeur par défaut: `+" "+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_color_value]] *fset.look.use_color_value*
+** description: pass:none[utiliser la couleur pour afficher la valeur des options de couleur]
+** type: booléen
+** valeurs: on, off
+** valeur par défaut: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_keys]] *fset.look.use_keys*
+** description: pass:none[utiliser les touches alt+X sur le tampon fset pour effectuer les actions sur les options ; si désactivé, seule l'entrée est autorisée]
+** type: booléen
+** valeurs: on, off
+** valeur par défaut: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_mute]] *fset.look.use_mute*
+** description: pass:none[utiliser la commande /mute pour définir les options]
+** type: booléen
+** valeurs: on, off
+** valeur par défaut: `+off+`
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
index 1203f44fc..cc4b2c3c3 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
| exec | exec_commands_ids | ids (numbers and names) of executed commands
+| fset | fset_options | configuration files, sections, options and words of options
| guile | guile_script | elenco degli script
| irc | irc_channel | canale IRC corrente
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
index b97c80caf..302dfcda4 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,26 @@
| Plugin | Nome | Descrizione | Lists | Variables
+| fset
+| [[hdata_fset_option]]<<hdata_fset_option,fset_option>>
+| fset options
+| -
+| _file_   (string) +
+_section_   (string) +
+_option_   (string) +
+_name_   (string) +
+_parent_name_   (string) +
+_type_   (integer) +
+_default_value_   (string) +
+_value_   (string) +
+_parent_value_   (string) +
+_min_   (string) +
+_max_   (string) +
+_description_   (string) +
+_string_values_   (string) +
+_marked_   (integer) +
| guile
| [[hdata_guile_script]]<<hdata_guile_script,guile_script>>
| elenco degli script
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
index 9fb925e3b..8cd5ff8b0 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
| alias | alias | elenco di alias | puntatore all'alias (opzionale) | alias name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional)
+| fset | fset_option | list of fset options | fset option pointer (optional) | option name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional)
| guile | guile_script | elenco degli script | puntatore allo script (opzionale) | script name (wildcard "*" is allowed) (optional)
| irc | irc_channel | elenco dei canali per un server IRC | puntatore al canale (opzionale) | server,canale (canale è opzionale)
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
index 1ad2eebae..897838e0e 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
// This file is auto-generated by script
-. charset (14000)
-. logger (13000)
-. exec (12000)
-. trigger (11000)
-. aspell (10000)
-. alias (9000)
-. buflist (8000)
+. charset (15000)
+. logger (14000)
+. exec (13000)
+. trigger (12000)
+. aspell (11000)
+. alias (10000)
+. buflist (9000)
+. fset (8000)
. fifo (7000)
. xfer (6000)
. irc (5000)
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7733cc3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* `+fset+`: fast set WeeChat and plugins options
+/fset -bar
+ -refresh
+ -up|-down [<number>]
+ -left|-right [<percent>]
+ -go <line>|end
+ -toggle
+ -add [<value>]
+ -reset
+ -unset
+ -set
+ -setnew
+ -append
+ -mark
+ -format
+ -export [-help|-nohelp] <filename>
+ <filter>
+ -bar: add the help bar
+ -refresh: refresh list of options, then whole screen (command: /window refresh)
+ -up: move the selected line up by "number" lines
+ -down: move the selected line down by "number" lines
+ -left: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the left
+ -right: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the right
+ -go: select a line by number, first line number is 0 ("end" to select the last line)
+ -toggle: toggle the boolean value, set a new value for other types
+ -add: add "value" (which can be a negative number) for integers and colors, set/append to value for other types (set for a negative value, append for a positive value)
+ -reset: reset the value of option
+ -unset: unset the option
+ -set: add the /set command in input to edit the value of option (move the cursor at the beginning of value)
+ -setnew: add the /set command in input to edit a new value for the option
+ -append: add the /set command to append something in the value of option (move the cursor at the end of value)
+ -mark: toggle mark
+ -format: switch to the next available format
+ -export: export the options and values displayed in a file (each line has format: "/set name value" or "/unset name")
+ -help: force writing of help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ -nohelp: do not write help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ filter: set a new filter to see only matching options (this filter can be used as input in fset buffer as well); allowed formats are:
+ * show all options (no filter)
+ xxx show only options with "xxx" in name
+ f:xxx show only configuration file "xxx"
+ t:xxx show only type "xxx" (bool/int/str/col)
+ d show only changed options
+ d:xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in name
+ d=xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in value
+ d==xxx show only changed options with exact value "xxx"
+ =xxx show only options with "xxx" in value
+ ==xxx show only options with exact value "xxx"
+ c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: file, section, option, name, parent_name, type, type_en, type_short (bool/int/str/col), type_tiny (b/i/s/c), default_value, default_value_undef, value, quoted_value, value_undef, value_changed, parent_value, min, max, description, description2, description_en, description_en2, string_values
+The lines with options are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options:
+ - fset.format.option{1,2}: formats for an option which is not marked nor the selected line
+ - fset.format.option_marked{1,2}: formats for a marked option
+ - fset.format.option_selected{1,2}: formats for the selected option
+The following variables can be used in these options:
+ - option data, with color and padded by spaces on the right:
+ - ${file}: configuration file (for example "weechat" or "irc")
+ - ${section}: section
+ - ${option}: option name
+ - ${name}: full option name (file.section.option)
+ - ${parent_name}: parent option name
+ - ${type}: option type (translated)
+ - ${type_en}: option type (in English)
+ - ${type_short}: short option type (bool/int/str/col)
+ - ${type_tiny}: tiny option type (b/i/s/c)
+ - ${default_value}: option default value
+ - ${default_value_undef}: "1" if default value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value}: option value
+ - ${value_undef}: "1" if value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value_changed}: "1" if value is different from default value, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value2}: option value, with inherited value if null
+ - ${parent_value}: parent option value
+ - ${min}: min value
+ - ${max}: max value
+ - ${description}: option description (translated)
+ - ${description2}: option description (translated), "(no description)" (translated) if there's no description
+ - ${description_en}: option description (in English)
+ - ${description_en2}: option description (in English), "(no description)" if there's no description
+ - ${string_values}: string values allowed for set of an integer option using strings
+ - ${marked}: "1" if option is marked, otherwise "0"
+ - ${index}: index of option in list
+ - option data, with color but no spaces:
+ - same names prefixed by underscore, for example: ${_name}, ${_type}, ...
+ - option data, raw format (no colors/spaces):
+ - same names prefixed by two underscores, for example: ${__name}, ${__type}, ...
+ - option data, only spaces:
+ - same names prefixed with "empty_", for example: ${empty_name}, ${empty_type}
+ - other data:
+ - ${selected_line}: "1" if the line is selected, otherwise "0"
+ - ${newline}: insert a new line at point, so the option is displayed on multiple lines
+Keys and input to move in on fset buffer:
+ up move one line up
+ down move one line down
+ pgup move one page up
+ pgdn move one page down
+ alt-home << move to first line
+ alt-end >> move to last line
+ F11 < scroll horizontally on the left
+ F12 > scroll horizontally on the right
+Keys and input to set options on fset buffer:
+ alt+space t toggle boolean value
+ alt+'-' - subtract 1 from value for integer/color, set value for other types
+ alt+'+' + add 1 to value for integer/color, append to value for other types
+ alt+f, alt+r r reset value
+ alt+f, alt+u u unset value
+ alt+enter s set value
+ alt+f, alt+n n set new value
+ alt+f, alt+a a append to value
+ alt+',' , mark/unmark option
+ shift+up move one line up and mark/unmark option
+ shift+down mark/unmark option and move one line down
+ m:xxx mark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+ u:xxx unmark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+Other keys and input on fset buffer:
+ ctrl+L refresh options and whole screen (command: /fset -refresh)
+ $ refresh options (keep marked options)
+ $$ refresh options (unmark all options)
+ p toggle plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)
+ v toggle help bar
+ s:x,y sort options by fields x,y (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ s: reset sort to its default value (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ w:xxx export options in file "xxx"
+ w-:xxx export options in file "xxx" without help
+ w+:xxx export options in file "xxx" with help
+ ctrl+X x switch the format used to display options
+ q close fset buffer
+Mouse actions on fset buffer:
+ wheel up/down move line up/down
+ left button move line here
+ right button toggle boolean (on/off) or edit the option value
+ right button + drag left/right increase/decrease value for integer/color, set/append to value for other types
+ right button + drag up/down mark/unmark multiple options
+Note: spaces at beginning of input are ignored, so for example "q" closes the fset buffer while " q" searches all options with "q" inside name.
+ show IRC options changed:
+ /fset d:irc.*
+ show all options with "nicklist" in name:
+ /fset nicklist
+ show all values which contain "red":
+ /fset =red
+ show all values which are exactly "red":
+ /fset ==red
+ show all integer options in irc plugin:
+ /fset c:${file} == irc && ${type_en} == integer
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc b/doc/it/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c07e00482
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+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
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+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value]] *fset.color.default_value*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for default value]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value_selected]] *fset.color.default_value_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for default value on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description]] *fset.color.description*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for description]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description_selected]] *fset.color.description_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for description on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file]] *fset.color.file*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for file]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed]] *fset.color.file_changed*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for file if value is changed]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed_selected]] *fset.color.file_changed_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for file if value is changed on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_selected]] *fset.color.file_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for file on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_default_value]] *fset.color.help_default_value*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for default value in help bar]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_description]] *fset.color.help_description*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for description in help bar]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_name]] *fset.color.help_name*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for name in help bar]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_quotes]] *fset.color.help_quotes*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_values]] *fset.color.help_values*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for allowed values]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index]] *fset.color.index*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for index of option]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index_selected]] *fset.color.index_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for index of option on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg1]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg1*
+** descrizione: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg2]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg2*
+** descrizione: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg1]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg1*
+** descrizione: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+blue+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg2]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg2*
+** descrizione: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+red+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked]] *fset.color.marked*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for mark indicator]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked_selected]] *fset.color.marked_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for mark indicator on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max]] *fset.color.max*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for max value]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max_selected]] *fset.color.max_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for max value on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min]] *fset.color.min*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for min value]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min_selected]] *fset.color.min_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for min value on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[]] **
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for name]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed]] *fset.color.name_changed*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for name if value is changed]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed_selected]] *fset.color.name_changed_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for name if value is changed on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_selected]] *fset.color.name_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for name on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option]] *fset.color.option*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for option]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed]] *fset.color.option_changed*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for option if value is changed]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed_selected]] *fset.color.option_changed_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for option if value is changed on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_selected]] *fset.color.option_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for option on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name]] *fset.color.parent_name*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for name of parent option]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name_selected]] *fset.color.parent_name_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for name of parent option on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value]] *fset.color.parent_value*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for value of parent option]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value_selected]] *fset.color.parent_value_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for value of parent option on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes]] *fset.color.quotes*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed]] *fset.color.quotes_changed*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_changed_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for quotes around string values on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section]] *fset.color.section*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for section]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed]] *fset.color.section_changed*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for section if value is changed]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed_selected]] *fset.color.section_changed_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for section if value is changed on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_selected]] *fset.color.section_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for section on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values]] *fset.color.string_values*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for string values]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values_selected]] *fset.color.string_values_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for string values on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_count_options]] *fset.color.title_count_options*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for the count of options found with the current filter in title of buffer]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_current_option]] *fset.color.title_current_option*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for current option number in title of buffer]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_filter]] *fset.color.title_filter*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for filter in title of buffer]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_marked_options]] *fset.color.title_marked_options*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for number of marked options in title of buffer]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_sort]] *fset.color.title_sort*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for sort in title of buffer]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type]] *fset.color.type*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for type]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+green+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type_selected]] *fset.color.type_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for type on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked]] *fset.color.unmarked*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked_selected]] *fset.color.unmarked_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value]] *fset.color.value*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for value]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed]] *fset.color.value_changed*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default)]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed_selected]] *fset.color.value_changed_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_selected]] *fset.color.value_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for value on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef]] *fset.color.value_undef*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for undefined value]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+magenta+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef_selected]] *fset.color.value_undef_selected*
+** descrizione: pass:none[color for undefined value on the selected line]
+** tipo: colore
+** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
+** valore predefinito: `+lightmagenta+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_help]] *fset.format.export_help*
+** descrizione: pass:none[format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+"# ${description2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option]] *fset.format.export_option*
+** descrizione: pass:none[format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+"/set ${name} ${quoted_value}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option_null]] *fset.format.export_option_null*
+** descrizione: pass:none[format of each option with "null" value exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+"/unset ${name}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option1]] *fset.format.option1*
+** descrizione: pass:none[first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option2]] *fset.format.option2*
+** descrizione: pass:none[second format of each line with an option which is not marked not the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}${newline} ${empty_name} ${_default_value}${color:darkgray} -- ${min}..${max}${newline} ${empty_name} ${description}"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.auto_unmark]] *fset.look.auto_unmark*
+** descrizione: pass:none[automatically unmark all options after an action on marked options or after a refresh]
+** tipo: bool
+** valori: on, off
+** valore predefinito: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.condition_catch_set]] *fset.look.condition_catch_set*
+** descrizione: pass:none[condition to catch /set command and display results in the fset buffer; following variables can be used: ${name} (name of option given for the /set command), ${count} (number of options found with the /set argument); an empty string disables the catch of /set command; with value "1", the fset buffer is always used with /set command]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+"${count} >= 1"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.export_help_default]] *fset.look.export_help_default*
+** descrizione: pass:none[write help for each option exported by default (this can be overridden with arguments "-help" and "-nohelp" for command /fset -export)]
+** tipo: bool
+** valori: on, off
+** valore predefinito: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.format_number]] *fset.look.format_number*
+** descrizione: pass:none[number of format used to display options; this is dynamically changed by the key ctrl-X on the fset buffer]
+** tipo: intero
+** valori: 1 .. 2
+** valore predefinito: `+1+`
+* [[option_fset.look.marked_string]] *fset.look.marked_string*
+** descrizione: pass:none[string displayed when an option is marked (to do an action on multiple options)]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+"*"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.scroll_horizontal]] *fset.look.scroll_horizontal*
+** descrizione: pass:none[left/right scroll in fset buffer (percent of width)]
+** tipo: intero
+** valori: 1 .. 100
+** valore predefinito: `+10+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_help_bar]] *fset.look.show_help_bar*
+** descrizione: pass:none[display help bar in fset buffer (description of option, allowed values and default value)]
+** tipo: bool
+** valori: on, off
+** valore predefinito: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_plugins_desc]] *fset.look.show_plugins_desc*
+** descrizione: pass:none[show the plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)]
+** tipo: bool
+** valori: on, off
+** valore predefinito: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.sort]] *fset.look.sort*
+** descrizione: pass:none[comma-separated list of fields to sort options (see /help fset for a list of fields); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case insensitive comparison; example: "-~name" for case insensitive and reverse sort on option name]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+"~name"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.unmarked_string]] *fset.look.unmarked_string*
+** descrizione: pass:none[string displayed when an option is not marked]
+** tipo: stringa
+** valori: qualsiasi stringa
+** valore predefinito: `+" "+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_color_value]] *fset.look.use_color_value*
+** descrizione: pass:none[use the color to display value of color options]
+** tipo: bool
+** valori: on, off
+** valore predefinito: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_keys]] *fset.look.use_keys*
+** descrizione: pass:none[use keys alt+X in fset buffer to do actions on options; if disabled, only the input is allowed]
+** tipo: bool
+** valori: on, off
+** valore predefinito: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_mute]] *fset.look.use_mute*
+** descrizione: pass:none[use /mute command to set options]
+** tipo: bool
+** valori: on, off
+** valore predefinito: `+off+`
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
index fb6b50cda..ac4c87e76 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
| exec | exec_commands_ids | 実行されたコマンドの識別子 (番号と名前)
+| fset | fset_options | configuration files, sections, options and words of options
| guile | guile_script | スクリプトのリスト
| irc | irc_channel | 現在の IRC チャンネル
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
index 604ad7d68..ad56963c5 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,26 @@
| プラグイン | 名前 | 説明 | リスト | 変数
+| fset
+| [[hdata_fset_option]]<<hdata_fset_option,fset_option>>
+| fset options
+| -
+| _file_   (string) +
+_section_   (string) +
+_option_   (string) +
+_name_   (string) +
+_parent_name_   (string) +
+_type_   (integer) +
+_default_value_   (string) +
+_value_   (string) +
+_parent_value_   (string) +
+_min_   (string) +
+_max_   (string) +
+_description_   (string) +
+_string_values_   (string) +
+_marked_   (integer) +
| guile
| [[hdata_guile_script]]<<hdata_guile_script,guile_script>>
| スクリプトのリスト
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
index cfadf71f4..435b396bb 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
| alias | alias | 別名のリスト | 別名のポインタ (任意) | 別名の名前 (ワイルドカード "*" を使うことができます) (任意)
+| fset | fset_option | list of fset options | fset option pointer (optional) | オプション名 (ワイルドカード "*" を使うことができます) (任意)
| guile | guile_script | スクリプトのリスト | スクリプトポインタ (任意) | スクリプト名 (ワイルドカード "*" を使うことができます) (任意)
| irc | irc_channel | IRC サーバのチャンネルリスト | チャンネルポインタ (任意) | server,channel (チャンネルは任意)
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
index 1ad2eebae..897838e0e 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
// This file is auto-generated by script
-. charset (14000)
-. logger (13000)
-. exec (12000)
-. trigger (11000)
-. aspell (10000)
-. alias (9000)
-. buflist (8000)
+. charset (15000)
+. logger (14000)
+. exec (13000)
+. trigger (12000)
+. aspell (11000)
+. alias (10000)
+. buflist (9000)
+. fset (8000)
. fifo (7000)
. xfer (6000)
. irc (5000)
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7733cc3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* `+fset+`: fast set WeeChat and plugins options
+/fset -bar
+ -refresh
+ -up|-down [<number>]
+ -left|-right [<percent>]
+ -go <line>|end
+ -toggle
+ -add [<value>]
+ -reset
+ -unset
+ -set
+ -setnew
+ -append
+ -mark
+ -format
+ -export [-help|-nohelp] <filename>
+ <filter>
+ -bar: add the help bar
+ -refresh: refresh list of options, then whole screen (command: /window refresh)
+ -up: move the selected line up by "number" lines
+ -down: move the selected line down by "number" lines
+ -left: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the left
+ -right: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the right
+ -go: select a line by number, first line number is 0 ("end" to select the last line)
+ -toggle: toggle the boolean value, set a new value for other types
+ -add: add "value" (which can be a negative number) for integers and colors, set/append to value for other types (set for a negative value, append for a positive value)
+ -reset: reset the value of option
+ -unset: unset the option
+ -set: add the /set command in input to edit the value of option (move the cursor at the beginning of value)
+ -setnew: add the /set command in input to edit a new value for the option
+ -append: add the /set command to append something in the value of option (move the cursor at the end of value)
+ -mark: toggle mark
+ -format: switch to the next available format
+ -export: export the options and values displayed in a file (each line has format: "/set name value" or "/unset name")
+ -help: force writing of help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ -nohelp: do not write help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ filter: set a new filter to see only matching options (this filter can be used as input in fset buffer as well); allowed formats are:
+ * show all options (no filter)
+ xxx show only options with "xxx" in name
+ f:xxx show only configuration file "xxx"
+ t:xxx show only type "xxx" (bool/int/str/col)
+ d show only changed options
+ d:xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in name
+ d=xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in value
+ d==xxx show only changed options with exact value "xxx"
+ =xxx show only options with "xxx" in value
+ ==xxx show only options with exact value "xxx"
+ c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: file, section, option, name, parent_name, type, type_en, type_short (bool/int/str/col), type_tiny (b/i/s/c), default_value, default_value_undef, value, quoted_value, value_undef, value_changed, parent_value, min, max, description, description2, description_en, description_en2, string_values
+The lines with options are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options:
+ - fset.format.option{1,2}: formats for an option which is not marked nor the selected line
+ - fset.format.option_marked{1,2}: formats for a marked option
+ - fset.format.option_selected{1,2}: formats for the selected option
+The following variables can be used in these options:
+ - option data, with color and padded by spaces on the right:
+ - ${file}: configuration file (for example "weechat" or "irc")
+ - ${section}: section
+ - ${option}: option name
+ - ${name}: full option name (file.section.option)
+ - ${parent_name}: parent option name
+ - ${type}: option type (translated)
+ - ${type_en}: option type (in English)
+ - ${type_short}: short option type (bool/int/str/col)
+ - ${type_tiny}: tiny option type (b/i/s/c)
+ - ${default_value}: option default value
+ - ${default_value_undef}: "1" if default value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value}: option value
+ - ${value_undef}: "1" if value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value_changed}: "1" if value is different from default value, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value2}: option value, with inherited value if null
+ - ${parent_value}: parent option value
+ - ${min}: min value
+ - ${max}: max value
+ - ${description}: option description (translated)
+ - ${description2}: option description (translated), "(no description)" (translated) if there's no description
+ - ${description_en}: option description (in English)
+ - ${description_en2}: option description (in English), "(no description)" if there's no description
+ - ${string_values}: string values allowed for set of an integer option using strings
+ - ${marked}: "1" if option is marked, otherwise "0"
+ - ${index}: index of option in list
+ - option data, with color but no spaces:
+ - same names prefixed by underscore, for example: ${_name}, ${_type}, ...
+ - option data, raw format (no colors/spaces):
+ - same names prefixed by two underscores, for example: ${__name}, ${__type}, ...
+ - option data, only spaces:
+ - same names prefixed with "empty_", for example: ${empty_name}, ${empty_type}
+ - other data:
+ - ${selected_line}: "1" if the line is selected, otherwise "0"
+ - ${newline}: insert a new line at point, so the option is displayed on multiple lines
+Keys and input to move in on fset buffer:
+ up move one line up
+ down move one line down
+ pgup move one page up
+ pgdn move one page down
+ alt-home << move to first line
+ alt-end >> move to last line
+ F11 < scroll horizontally on the left
+ F12 > scroll horizontally on the right
+Keys and input to set options on fset buffer:
+ alt+space t toggle boolean value
+ alt+'-' - subtract 1 from value for integer/color, set value for other types
+ alt+'+' + add 1 to value for integer/color, append to value for other types
+ alt+f, alt+r r reset value
+ alt+f, alt+u u unset value
+ alt+enter s set value
+ alt+f, alt+n n set new value
+ alt+f, alt+a a append to value
+ alt+',' , mark/unmark option
+ shift+up move one line up and mark/unmark option
+ shift+down mark/unmark option and move one line down
+ m:xxx mark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+ u:xxx unmark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+Other keys and input on fset buffer:
+ ctrl+L refresh options and whole screen (command: /fset -refresh)
+ $ refresh options (keep marked options)
+ $$ refresh options (unmark all options)
+ p toggle plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)
+ v toggle help bar
+ s:x,y sort options by fields x,y (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ s: reset sort to its default value (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ w:xxx export options in file "xxx"
+ w-:xxx export options in file "xxx" without help
+ w+:xxx export options in file "xxx" with help
+ ctrl+X x switch the format used to display options
+ q close fset buffer
+Mouse actions on fset buffer:
+ wheel up/down move line up/down
+ left button move line here
+ right button toggle boolean (on/off) or edit the option value
+ right button + drag left/right increase/decrease value for integer/color, set/append to value for other types
+ right button + drag up/down mark/unmark multiple options
+Note: spaces at beginning of input are ignored, so for example "q" closes the fset buffer while " q" searches all options with "q" inside name.
+ show IRC options changed:
+ /fset d:irc.*
+ show all options with "nicklist" in name:
+ /fset nicklist
+ show all values which contain "red":
+ /fset =red
+ show all values which are exactly "red":
+ /fset ==red
+ show all integer options in irc plugin:
+ /fset c:${file} == irc && ${type_en} == integer
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc b/doc/ja/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34bb3d9a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value]] *fset.color.default_value*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for default value]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value_selected]] *fset.color.default_value_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for default value on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description]] *fset.color.description*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for description]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description_selected]] *fset.color.description_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for description on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file]] *fset.color.file*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for file]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed]] *fset.color.file_changed*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for file if value is changed]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed_selected]] *fset.color.file_changed_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for file if value is changed on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_selected]] *fset.color.file_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for file on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_default_value]] *fset.color.help_default_value*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for default value in help bar]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_description]] *fset.color.help_description*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for description in help bar]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_name]] *fset.color.help_name*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for name in help bar]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_quotes]] *fset.color.help_quotes*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_values]] *fset.color.help_values*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for allowed values]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index]] *fset.color.index*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for index of option]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index_selected]] *fset.color.index_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for index of option on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg1]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg1*
+** 説明: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg2]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg2*
+** 説明: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg1]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg1*
+** 説明: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+blue+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg2]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg2*
+** 説明: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+red+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked]] *fset.color.marked*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for mark indicator]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked_selected]] *fset.color.marked_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for mark indicator on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max]] *fset.color.max*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for max value]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max_selected]] *fset.color.max_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for max value on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min]] *fset.color.min*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for min value]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min_selected]] *fset.color.min_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for min value on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[]] **
+** 説明: pass:none[color for name]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed]] *fset.color.name_changed*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for name if value is changed]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed_selected]] *fset.color.name_changed_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for name if value is changed on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_selected]] *fset.color.name_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for name on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option]] *fset.color.option*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for option]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed]] *fset.color.option_changed*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for option if value is changed]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed_selected]] *fset.color.option_changed_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for option if value is changed on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_selected]] *fset.color.option_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for option on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name]] *fset.color.parent_name*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for name of parent option]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name_selected]] *fset.color.parent_name_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for name of parent option on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value]] *fset.color.parent_value*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for value of parent option]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value_selected]] *fset.color.parent_value_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for value of parent option on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes]] *fset.color.quotes*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed]] *fset.color.quotes_changed*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_changed_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for quotes around string values on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section]] *fset.color.section*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for section]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed]] *fset.color.section_changed*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for section if value is changed]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed_selected]] *fset.color.section_changed_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for section if value is changed on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_selected]] *fset.color.section_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for section on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values]] *fset.color.string_values*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for string values]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values_selected]] *fset.color.string_values_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for string values on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_count_options]] *fset.color.title_count_options*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for the count of options found with the current filter in title of buffer]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_current_option]] *fset.color.title_current_option*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for current option number in title of buffer]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_filter]] *fset.color.title_filter*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for filter in title of buffer]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_marked_options]] *fset.color.title_marked_options*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for number of marked options in title of buffer]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_sort]] *fset.color.title_sort*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for sort in title of buffer]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type]] *fset.color.type*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for type]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+green+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type_selected]] *fset.color.type_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for type on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked]] *fset.color.unmarked*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked_selected]] *fset.color.unmarked_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value]] *fset.color.value*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for value]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed]] *fset.color.value_changed*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default)]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed_selected]] *fset.color.value_changed_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_selected]] *fset.color.value_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for value on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef]] *fset.color.value_undef*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for undefined value]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+magenta+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef_selected]] *fset.color.value_undef_selected*
+** 説明: pass:none[color for undefined value on the selected line]
+** タイプ: 色
+** 値: WeeChat の色名 (default、black、(dark)gray、white、(light)red、(light)green、brown、yellow、(light)blue、(light)magenta、(light)cyan) 、端末色番号またはその別名; 色の前に属性を置くことができます (テキスト前景色のみ、背景色は出来ません): 太字は "*"、反転は "!"、イタリックは "/"、下線は "_"
+** デフォルト値: `+lightmagenta+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_help]] *fset.format.export_help*
+** 説明: pass:none[format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+"# ${description2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option]] *fset.format.export_option*
+** 説明: pass:none[format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+"/set ${name} ${quoted_value}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option_null]] *fset.format.export_option_null*
+** 説明: pass:none[format of each option with "null" value exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+"/unset ${name}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option1]] *fset.format.option1*
+** 説明: pass:none[first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option2]] *fset.format.option2*
+** 説明: pass:none[second format of each line with an option which is not marked not the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}${newline} ${empty_name} ${_default_value}${color:darkgray} -- ${min}..${max}${newline} ${empty_name} ${description}"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.auto_unmark]] *fset.look.auto_unmark*
+** 説明: pass:none[automatically unmark all options after an action on marked options or after a refresh]
+** タイプ: ブール
+** 値: on, off
+** デフォルト値: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.condition_catch_set]] *fset.look.condition_catch_set*
+** 説明: pass:none[condition to catch /set command and display results in the fset buffer; following variables can be used: ${name} (name of option given for the /set command), ${count} (number of options found with the /set argument); an empty string disables the catch of /set command; with value "1", the fset buffer is always used with /set command]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+"${count} >= 1"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.export_help_default]] *fset.look.export_help_default*
+** 説明: pass:none[write help for each option exported by default (this can be overridden with arguments "-help" and "-nohelp" for command /fset -export)]
+** タイプ: ブール
+** 値: on, off
+** デフォルト値: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.format_number]] *fset.look.format_number*
+** 説明: pass:none[number of format used to display options; this is dynamically changed by the key ctrl-X on the fset buffer]
+** タイプ: 整数
+** 値: 1 .. 2
+** デフォルト値: `+1+`
+* [[option_fset.look.marked_string]] *fset.look.marked_string*
+** 説明: pass:none[string displayed when an option is marked (to do an action on multiple options)]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+"*"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.scroll_horizontal]] *fset.look.scroll_horizontal*
+** 説明: pass:none[left/right scroll in fset buffer (percent of width)]
+** タイプ: 整数
+** 値: 1 .. 100
+** デフォルト値: `+10+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_help_bar]] *fset.look.show_help_bar*
+** 説明: pass:none[display help bar in fset buffer (description of option, allowed values and default value)]
+** タイプ: ブール
+** 値: on, off
+** デフォルト値: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_plugins_desc]] *fset.look.show_plugins_desc*
+** 説明: pass:none[show the plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)]
+** タイプ: ブール
+** 値: on, off
+** デフォルト値: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.sort]] *fset.look.sort*
+** 説明: pass:none[comma-separated list of fields to sort options (see /help fset for a list of fields); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case insensitive comparison; example: "-~name" for case insensitive and reverse sort on option name]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+"~name"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.unmarked_string]] *fset.look.unmarked_string*
+** 説明: pass:none[string displayed when an option is not marked]
+** タイプ: 文字列
+** 値: 未制約文字列
+** デフォルト値: `+" "+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_color_value]] *fset.look.use_color_value*
+** 説明: pass:none[use the color to display value of color options]
+** タイプ: ブール
+** 値: on, off
+** デフォルト値: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_keys]] *fset.look.use_keys*
+** 説明: pass:none[use keys alt+X in fset buffer to do actions on options; if disabled, only the input is allowed]
+** タイプ: ブール
+** 値: on, off
+** デフォルト値: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_mute]] *fset.look.use_mute*
+** 説明: pass:none[use /mute command to set options]
+** タイプ: ブール
+** 値: on, off
+** デフォルト値: `+off+`
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
index 20eb53145..41155e82e 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/completions.adoc
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
| exec | exec_commands_ids | id (numery i nazwy) wykonywanych komend
+| fset | fset_options | configuration files, sections, options and words of options
| guile | guile_script | lista skryptów
| irc | irc_channel | obecny kanał IRC
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
index c814b32be..391da4593 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/hdata.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,26 @@
| Wtyczka | Nazwa | Opis | Listy | Zmienne
+| fset
+| [[hdata_fset_option]]<<hdata_fset_option,fset_option>>
+| fset options
+| -
+| _file_   (string) +
+_section_   (string) +
+_option_   (string) +
+_name_   (string) +
+_parent_name_   (string) +
+_type_   (integer) +
+_default_value_   (string) +
+_value_   (string) +
+_parent_value_   (string) +
+_min_   (string) +
+_max_   (string) +
+_description_   (string) +
+_string_values_   (string) +
+_marked_   (integer) +
| guile
| [[hdata_guile_script]]<<hdata_guile_script,guile_script>>
| lista skryptów
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
index 33f4a999a..bc2a4a218 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.adoc
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
| alias | alias | lista aliasów | wskaźnik aliasu (opcjonalny) | nazwa aliasu (wildcard "*" jest dozwolony) (opcjonalne)
+| fset | fset_option | list of fset options | fset option pointer (optional) | nazwa opcji (wildcard "*" jest dozwolony) (opcjonalne)
| guile | guile_script | lista skryptów | wskaźnik skryptu (opcjonalne) | nazwa skryptu (wildcard "*" jest dozwolony) (opcjonalne)
| irc | irc_channel | lista kanałów IRC | wskaźnik kanału (opcjonalne) | serwer,kanał (kanał jest opcjonalny)
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
index 1ad2eebae..897838e0e 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/plugin_api/plugins_priority.adoc
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
// This file is auto-generated by script
-. charset (14000)
-. logger (13000)
-. exec (12000)
-. trigger (11000)
-. aspell (10000)
-. alias (9000)
-. buflist (8000)
+. charset (15000)
+. logger (14000)
+. exec (13000)
+. trigger (12000)
+. aspell (11000)
+. alias (10000)
+. buflist (9000)
+. fset (8000)
. fifo (7000)
. xfer (6000)
. irc (5000)
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7733cc3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/fset_commands.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* `+fset+`: fast set WeeChat and plugins options
+/fset -bar
+ -refresh
+ -up|-down [<number>]
+ -left|-right [<percent>]
+ -go <line>|end
+ -toggle
+ -add [<value>]
+ -reset
+ -unset
+ -set
+ -setnew
+ -append
+ -mark
+ -format
+ -export [-help|-nohelp] <filename>
+ <filter>
+ -bar: add the help bar
+ -refresh: refresh list of options, then whole screen (command: /window refresh)
+ -up: move the selected line up by "number" lines
+ -down: move the selected line down by "number" lines
+ -left: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the left
+ -right: scroll the fset buffer by "percent" of width on the right
+ -go: select a line by number, first line number is 0 ("end" to select the last line)
+ -toggle: toggle the boolean value, set a new value for other types
+ -add: add "value" (which can be a negative number) for integers and colors, set/append to value for other types (set for a negative value, append for a positive value)
+ -reset: reset the value of option
+ -unset: unset the option
+ -set: add the /set command in input to edit the value of option (move the cursor at the beginning of value)
+ -setnew: add the /set command in input to edit a new value for the option
+ -append: add the /set command to append something in the value of option (move the cursor at the end of value)
+ -mark: toggle mark
+ -format: switch to the next available format
+ -export: export the options and values displayed in a file (each line has format: "/set name value" or "/unset name")
+ -help: force writing of help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ -nohelp: do not write help on options in exported file (see /help fset.look.export_help_default)
+ filter: set a new filter to see only matching options (this filter can be used as input in fset buffer as well); allowed formats are:
+ * show all options (no filter)
+ xxx show only options with "xxx" in name
+ f:xxx show only configuration file "xxx"
+ t:xxx show only type "xxx" (bool/int/str/col)
+ d show only changed options
+ d:xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in name
+ d=xxx show only changed options with "xxx" in value
+ d==xxx show only changed options with exact value "xxx"
+ =xxx show only options with "xxx" in value
+ ==xxx show only options with exact value "xxx"
+ c:xxx show only options matching the evaluated condition "xxx", using following variables: file, section, option, name, parent_name, type, type_en, type_short (bool/int/str/col), type_tiny (b/i/s/c), default_value, default_value_undef, value, quoted_value, value_undef, value_changed, parent_value, min, max, description, description2, description_en, description_en2, string_values
+The lines with options are displayed using string evaluation (see /help eval for the format), with these options:
+ - fset.format.option{1,2}: formats for an option which is not marked nor the selected line
+ - fset.format.option_marked{1,2}: formats for a marked option
+ - fset.format.option_selected{1,2}: formats for the selected option
+The following variables can be used in these options:
+ - option data, with color and padded by spaces on the right:
+ - ${file}: configuration file (for example "weechat" or "irc")
+ - ${section}: section
+ - ${option}: option name
+ - ${name}: full option name (file.section.option)
+ - ${parent_name}: parent option name
+ - ${type}: option type (translated)
+ - ${type_en}: option type (in English)
+ - ${type_short}: short option type (bool/int/str/col)
+ - ${type_tiny}: tiny option type (b/i/s/c)
+ - ${default_value}: option default value
+ - ${default_value_undef}: "1" if default value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value}: option value
+ - ${value_undef}: "1" if value is null, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value_changed}: "1" if value is different from default value, otherwise "0"
+ - ${value2}: option value, with inherited value if null
+ - ${parent_value}: parent option value
+ - ${min}: min value
+ - ${max}: max value
+ - ${description}: option description (translated)
+ - ${description2}: option description (translated), "(no description)" (translated) if there's no description
+ - ${description_en}: option description (in English)
+ - ${description_en2}: option description (in English), "(no description)" if there's no description
+ - ${string_values}: string values allowed for set of an integer option using strings
+ - ${marked}: "1" if option is marked, otherwise "0"
+ - ${index}: index of option in list
+ - option data, with color but no spaces:
+ - same names prefixed by underscore, for example: ${_name}, ${_type}, ...
+ - option data, raw format (no colors/spaces):
+ - same names prefixed by two underscores, for example: ${__name}, ${__type}, ...
+ - option data, only spaces:
+ - same names prefixed with "empty_", for example: ${empty_name}, ${empty_type}
+ - other data:
+ - ${selected_line}: "1" if the line is selected, otherwise "0"
+ - ${newline}: insert a new line at point, so the option is displayed on multiple lines
+Keys and input to move in on fset buffer:
+ up move one line up
+ down move one line down
+ pgup move one page up
+ pgdn move one page down
+ alt-home << move to first line
+ alt-end >> move to last line
+ F11 < scroll horizontally on the left
+ F12 > scroll horizontally on the right
+Keys and input to set options on fset buffer:
+ alt+space t toggle boolean value
+ alt+'-' - subtract 1 from value for integer/color, set value for other types
+ alt+'+' + add 1 to value for integer/color, append to value for other types
+ alt+f, alt+r r reset value
+ alt+f, alt+u u unset value
+ alt+enter s set value
+ alt+f, alt+n n set new value
+ alt+f, alt+a a append to value
+ alt+',' , mark/unmark option
+ shift+up move one line up and mark/unmark option
+ shift+down mark/unmark option and move one line down
+ m:xxx mark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+ u:xxx unmark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see filters above)
+Other keys and input on fset buffer:
+ ctrl+L refresh options and whole screen (command: /fset -refresh)
+ $ refresh options (keep marked options)
+ $$ refresh options (unmark all options)
+ p toggle plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)
+ v toggle help bar
+ s:x,y sort options by fields x,y (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ s: reset sort to its default value (see /help fset.look.sort)
+ w:xxx export options in file "xxx"
+ w-:xxx export options in file "xxx" without help
+ w+:xxx export options in file "xxx" with help
+ ctrl+X x switch the format used to display options
+ q close fset buffer
+Mouse actions on fset buffer:
+ wheel up/down move line up/down
+ left button move line here
+ right button toggle boolean (on/off) or edit the option value
+ right button + drag left/right increase/decrease value for integer/color, set/append to value for other types
+ right button + drag up/down mark/unmark multiple options
+Note: spaces at beginning of input are ignored, so for example "q" closes the fset buffer while " q" searches all options with "q" inside name.
+ show IRC options changed:
+ /fset d:irc.*
+ show all options with "nicklist" in name:
+ /fset nicklist
+ show all values which contain "red":
+ /fset =red
+ show all values which are exactly "red":
+ /fset ==red
+ show all integer options in irc plugin:
+ /fset c:${file} == irc && ${type_en} == integer
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc b/doc/pl/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9e7bfcb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/fset_options.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// This file is auto-generated by script
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value]] *fset.color.default_value*
+** opis: pass:none[color for default value]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.default_value_selected]] *fset.color.default_value_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for default value on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description]] *fset.color.description*
+** opis: pass:none[color for description]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.description_selected]] *fset.color.description_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for description on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file]] *fset.color.file*
+** opis: pass:none[color for file]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed]] *fset.color.file_changed*
+** opis: pass:none[color for file if value is changed]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_changed_selected]] *fset.color.file_changed_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for file if value is changed on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.file_selected]] *fset.color.file_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for file on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_default_value]] *fset.color.help_default_value*
+** opis: pass:none[color for default value in help bar]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_description]] *fset.color.help_description*
+** opis: pass:none[color for description in help bar]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_name]] *fset.color.help_name*
+** opis: pass:none[color for name in help bar]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_quotes]] *fset.color.help_quotes*
+** opis: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.help_values]] *fset.color.help_values*
+** opis: pass:none[color for allowed values]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index]] *fset.color.index*
+** opis: pass:none[color for index of option]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.index_selected]] *fset.color.index_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for index of option on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg1]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg1*
+** opis: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_marked_bg2]] *fset.color.line_marked_bg2*
+** opis: pass:none[background color for a marked line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg1]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg1*
+** opis: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+blue+`
+* [[option_fset.color.line_selected_bg2]] *fset.color.line_selected_bg2*
+** opis: pass:none[background color for the selected line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+red+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked]] *fset.color.marked*
+** opis: pass:none[color for mark indicator]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.marked_selected]] *fset.color.marked_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for mark indicator on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max]] *fset.color.max*
+** opis: pass:none[color for max value]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.max_selected]] *fset.color.max_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for max value on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min]] *fset.color.min*
+** opis: pass:none[color for min value]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.min_selected]] *fset.color.min_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for min value on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[]] **
+** opis: pass:none[color for name]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed]] *fset.color.name_changed*
+** opis: pass:none[color for name if value is changed]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_changed_selected]] *fset.color.name_changed_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for name if value is changed on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.name_selected]] *fset.color.name_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for name on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option]] *fset.color.option*
+** opis: pass:none[color for option]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed]] *fset.color.option_changed*
+** opis: pass:none[color for option if value is changed]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_changed_selected]] *fset.color.option_changed_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for option if value is changed on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.option_selected]] *fset.color.option_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for option on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name]] *fset.color.parent_name*
+** opis: pass:none[color for name of parent option]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_name_selected]] *fset.color.parent_name_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for name of parent option on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value]] *fset.color.parent_value*
+** opis: pass:none[color for value of parent option]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.parent_value_selected]] *fset.color.parent_value_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for value of parent option on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes]] *fset.color.quotes*
+** opis: pass:none[color for quotes around string values]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+darkgray+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed]] *fset.color.quotes_changed*
+** opis: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_changed_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_changed_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.quotes_selected]] *fset.color.quotes_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for quotes around string values on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section]] *fset.color.section*
+** opis: pass:none[color for section]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed]] *fset.color.section_changed*
+** opis: pass:none[color for section if value is changed]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_changed_selected]] *fset.color.section_changed_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for section if value is changed on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.section_selected]] *fset.color.section_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for section on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values]] *fset.color.string_values*
+** opis: pass:none[color for string values]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.string_values_selected]] *fset.color.string_values_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for string values on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_count_options]] *fset.color.title_count_options*
+** opis: pass:none[color for the count of options found with the current filter in title of buffer]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_current_option]] *fset.color.title_current_option*
+** opis: pass:none[color for current option number in title of buffer]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_filter]] *fset.color.title_filter*
+** opis: pass:none[color for filter in title of buffer]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_marked_options]] *fset.color.title_marked_options*
+** opis: pass:none[color for number of marked options in title of buffer]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.title_sort]] *fset.color.title_sort*
+** opis: pass:none[color for sort in title of buffer]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type]] *fset.color.type*
+** opis: pass:none[color for type]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+green+`
+* [[option_fset.color.type_selected]] *fset.color.type_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for type on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+lightgreen+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked]] *fset.color.unmarked*
+** opis: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+default+`
+* [[option_fset.color.unmarked_selected]] *fset.color.unmarked_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for mark indicator when the option is not marked on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+white+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value]] *fset.color.value*
+** opis: pass:none[color for value]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+cyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed]] *fset.color.value_changed*
+** opis: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default)]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+brown+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_changed_selected]] *fset.color.value_changed_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+yellow+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_selected]] *fset.color.value_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for value on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+lightcyan+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef]] *fset.color.value_undef*
+** opis: pass:none[color for undefined value]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+magenta+`
+* [[option_fset.color.value_undef_selected]] *fset.color.value_undef_selected*
+** opis: pass:none[color for undefined value on the selected line]
+** typ: kolor
+** wartości: nazwa koloru WeeChat (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), numer koloru terminala albo alias; atrybuty dozwolone przed kolorem (tylko dla kolorów testu, nie tła): "*" pogrubienie, "!" odwrócenie, "/" pochylenie, "_" podkreślenie
+** domyślna wartość: `+lightmagenta+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_help]] *fset.format.export_help*
+** opis: pass:none[format of help line written before each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+"# ${description2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option]] *fset.format.export_option*
+** opis: pass:none[format of each option exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+"/set ${name} ${quoted_value}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.export_option_null]] *fset.format.export_option_null*
+** opis: pass:none[format of each option with "null" value exported in a file (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset)]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+"/unset ${name}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option1]] *fset.format.option1*
+** opis: pass:none[first format of each line with an option which is not marked nor the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}"+`
+* [[option_fset.format.option2]] *fset.format.option2*
+** opis: pass:none[second format of each line with an option which is not marked not the selected one (note: content is evaluated, see /help fset); formats can be switched with key ctrl+X]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+"${marked} ${name} ${type} ${value2}${newline} ${empty_name} ${_default_value}${color:darkgray} -- ${min}..${max}${newline} ${empty_name} ${description}"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.auto_unmark]] *fset.look.auto_unmark*
+** opis: pass:none[automatically unmark all options after an action on marked options or after a refresh]
+** typ: bool
+** wartości: on, off
+** domyślna wartość: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.condition_catch_set]] *fset.look.condition_catch_set*
+** opis: pass:none[condition to catch /set command and display results in the fset buffer; following variables can be used: ${name} (name of option given for the /set command), ${count} (number of options found with the /set argument); an empty string disables the catch of /set command; with value "1", the fset buffer is always used with /set command]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+"${count} >= 1"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.export_help_default]] *fset.look.export_help_default*
+** opis: pass:none[write help for each option exported by default (this can be overridden with arguments "-help" and "-nohelp" for command /fset -export)]
+** typ: bool
+** wartości: on, off
+** domyślna wartość: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.format_number]] *fset.look.format_number*
+** opis: pass:none[number of format used to display options; this is dynamically changed by the key ctrl-X on the fset buffer]
+** typ: liczba
+** wartości: 1 .. 2
+** domyślna wartość: `+1+`
+* [[option_fset.look.marked_string]] *fset.look.marked_string*
+** opis: pass:none[string displayed when an option is marked (to do an action on multiple options)]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+"*"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.scroll_horizontal]] *fset.look.scroll_horizontal*
+** opis: pass:none[left/right scroll in fset buffer (percent of width)]
+** typ: liczba
+** wartości: 1 .. 100
+** domyślna wartość: `+10+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_help_bar]] *fset.look.show_help_bar*
+** opis: pass:none[display help bar in fset buffer (description of option, allowed values and default value)]
+** typ: bool
+** wartości: on, off
+** domyślna wartość: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.show_plugins_desc]] *fset.look.show_plugins_desc*
+** opis: pass:none[show the plugin description options (plugins.desc.*)]
+** typ: bool
+** wartości: on, off
+** domyślna wartość: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.sort]] *fset.look.sort*
+** opis: pass:none[comma-separated list of fields to sort options (see /help fset for a list of fields); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case insensitive comparison; example: "-~name" for case insensitive and reverse sort on option name]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+"~name"+`
+* [[option_fset.look.unmarked_string]] *fset.look.unmarked_string*
+** opis: pass:none[string displayed when an option is not marked]
+** typ: ciąg
+** wartości: dowolny ciąg
+** domyślna wartość: `+" "+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_color_value]] *fset.look.use_color_value*
+** opis: pass:none[use the color to display value of color options]
+** typ: bool
+** wartości: on, off
+** domyślna wartość: `+off+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_keys]] *fset.look.use_keys*
+** opis: pass:none[use keys alt+X in fset buffer to do actions on options; if disabled, only the input is allowed]
+** typ: bool
+** wartości: on, off
+** domyślna wartość: `+on+`
+* [[option_fset.look.use_mute]] *fset.look.use_mute*
+** opis: pass:none[use /mute command to set options]
+** typ: bool
+** wartości: on, off
+** domyślna wartość: `+off+`