diff options
2 files changed, 1781 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index ba5f730c4..aae055ec5 100755
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ This script requires Python 3.6+.
from pathlib import Path
+from textwrap import indent
import re
@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ CONSTANT_RE = (
FUNCTION_RE = r"""\[source,python\]
# prototype
-def (?P<function>\w+)(?P<args>[^)]*)(?P<return>\) -> [^:]+:) \.\.\."""
+def (?P<function>\w+)(?P<args>[^)]*)(?P<return>\) -> [^:]+:) \.\.\.(?P<example>.*?)
def print_stub_constants() -> None:
@@ -80,10 +82,16 @@ def print_stub_functions() -> None:
api_doc =
for match in function_pattern.finditer(api_doc):
url = f'{match["function"]}'
+ example = (
+ f'\n ::\n\n{indent(match["example"].lstrip(), " " * 8)}'
+ if match["example"]
+ else ""
+ )
def {match["function"]}{match["args"]}{match["return"]}
- \"""`{match["function"]} in WeeChat plugin API reference <{url}>`_\"""
+ \"""`{match["function"]} in WeeChat plugin API reference <{url}>`_{example}
+ \"""
diff --git a/src/plugins/python/weechat.pyi b/src/plugins/python/weechat.pyi
index 8c20260c9..54ff08446 100644
--- a/src/plugins/python/weechat.pyi
+++ b/src/plugins/python/weechat.pyi
@@ -48,202 +48,436 @@ WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER: str = "pointer"
def register(name: str, author: str, version: str, license: str, description: str, shutdown_function: str, charset: str) -> int:
- """`register in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`register in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ """
def plugin_get_name(plugin: str) -> str:
- """`plugin_get_name in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`plugin_get_name in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ plugin = weechat.buffer_get_pointer(weechat.current_buffer(), "plugin")
+ name = weechat.plugin_get_name(plugin)
+ """
def charset_set(charset: str) -> int:
- """`charset_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`charset_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.charset_set("iso-8859-1")
+ """
def iconv_to_internal(charset: str, string: str) -> str:
- """`iconv_to_internal in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`iconv_to_internal in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ str = weechat.iconv_to_internal("iso-8859-1", "iso string: é à")
+ """
def iconv_from_internal(charset: str, string: str) -> str:
- """`iconv_from_internal in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`iconv_from_internal in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ str = weechat.iconv_from_internal("iso-8859-1", "utf-8 string: é à")
+ """
def gettext(string: str) -> str:
- """`gettext in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`gettext in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ str = weechat.gettext("hello")
+ """
def ngettext(string: str, plural: str, count: int) -> str:
- """`ngettext in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`ngettext in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ num_files = 2
+ str = weechat.ngettext("file", "files", num_files)
+ """
def strlen_screen(string: str) -> int:
- """`strlen_screen in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`strlen_screen in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ length = weechat.strlen_screen("é") # 1
+ """
def string_match(string: str, mask: str, case_sensitive: int) -> int:
- """`string_match in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_match in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ match1 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "abc*", 0) # == 1
+ match2 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*dd*", 0) # == 0
+ match3 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*def", 0) # == 1
+ match4 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*de*", 0) # == 1
+ match5 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*b*d*", 0) # == 1
+ """
def string_match_list(string: str, masks: str, case_sensitive: int) -> int:
- """`string_match_list in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_match_list in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ match1 = weechat.string_match("abc", "*,!abc*", 0) # == 0
+ match2 = weechat.string_match("abcdef", "*,!abc*", 0) # == 0
+ match3 = weechat.string_match("def", "*,!abc*", 0) # == 1
+ """
def string_eval_path_home(path: str, pointers: Dict[str, str], extra_vars: Dict[str, str], options: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
- """`string_eval_path_home in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_eval_path_home in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ path = weechat.string_eval_path_home("${weechat_config_dir}/test.conf", {}, {}, {})
+ # path == "/home/user/.config/weechat/test.conf"
+ """
def string_mask_to_regex(mask: str) -> str:
- """`string_mask_to_regex in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_mask_to_regex in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ regex = weechat.string_mask_to_regex("test*mask") # "test.*mask"
+ """
def string_has_highlight(string: str, highlight_words: str) -> int:
- """`string_has_highlight in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_has_highlight in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ highlight = weechat.string_has_highlight("my test string", "test,word2") # 1
+ """
def string_has_highlight_regex(string: str, regex: str) -> int:
- """`string_has_highlight_regex in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_has_highlight_regex in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ highlight = weechat.string_has_highlight_regex("my test string", "test|word2") # 1
+ """
def string_format_size(size: int) -> str:
- """`string_format_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_format_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ str = weechat.string_format_size(15200) # == "15.2 KB"
+ """
def string_parse_size(size: str) -> int:
- """`string_parse_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_parse_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ size = weechat.string_parse_size("1.34m") # 1340000
+ """
def string_color_code_size(string: str) -> int:
- """`string_color_code_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_color_code_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ size = weechat.string_color_code_size("test") # size == 0
+ size = weechat.string_color_code_size(weechat.color("bold")) # size == 2
+ size = weechat.string_color_code_size(weechat.color("yellow,red")) # size == 7
+ """
def string_remove_color(string: str, replacement: str) -> str:
- """`string_remove_color in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_remove_color in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ str = weechat.string_remove_color(my_string, "?")
+ """
def string_is_command_char(string: str) -> int:
- """`string_is_command_char in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_is_command_char in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ command_char1 = weechat.string_is_command_char("/test") # == 1
+ command_char2 = weechat.string_is_command_char("test") # == 0
+ """
def string_input_for_buffer(string: str) -> str:
- """`string_input_for_buffer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_input_for_buffer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ str1 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("test") # "test"
+ str2 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("/test") # ""
+ str3 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("//test") # "/test"
+ """
def string_eval_expression(expr: str, pointers: Dict[str, str], extra_vars: Dict[str, str], options: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
- """`string_eval_expression in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`string_eval_expression in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ # conditions
+ str1 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${window.win_width} > 100", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "1"
+ str2 = weechat.string_eval_expression("abc =~ def", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "0"
+ # simple expression
+ str3 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${buffer.full_name}", {}, {}, {}) # "core.weechat"
+ # replace with regex: add brackets around URLs
+ options = {
+ "regex": "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+://[^ ]+",
+ "regex_replace": "[ ${re:0} ]",
+ }
+ str4 = weechat.string_eval_expression("test:", {}, {}, options) # "test: [ ]"
+ # replace with regex: hide passwords
+ options = {
+ "regex": "(password=)([^ ]+)",
+ "regex_replace": "${re:1}${hide:*,${re:2}}",
+ }
+ str5 = weechat.string_eval_expression("password=abc password=def", {}, {}, options) # "password=*** password=***"
+ """
def mkdir_home(directory: str, mode: int) -> int:
- """`mkdir_home in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`mkdir_home in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.mkdir_home("${weechat_cache_dir}/temp", 0755)
+ """
def mkdir(directory: str, mode: int) -> int:
- """`mkdir in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`mkdir in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.mkdir("/tmp/mydir", 0755)
+ """
def mkdir_parents(directory: str, mode: int) -> int:
- """`mkdir_parents in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`mkdir_parents in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.mkdir_parents("/tmp/my/dir", 0755)
+ """
def list_new() -> str:
- """`list_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ list = weechat.list_new()
+ """
def list_add(list: str, data: str, where: str, user_data: str) -> str:
- """`list_add in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_add in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ item = weechat.list_add(list, "my data", weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT, "")
+ """
def list_search(list: str, data: str) -> str:
- """`list_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ item = weechat.list_search(list, "my data")
+ """
def list_search_pos(list: str, data: str) -> int:
- """`list_search_pos in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_search_pos in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ pos_item = weechat.list_search_pos(list, "my data")
+ """
def list_casesearch(list: str, data: str) -> str:
- """`list_casesearch in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_casesearch in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ item = weechat.list_casesearch(list, "my data")
+ """
def list_casesearch_pos(list: str, data: str) -> int:
- """`list_casesearch_pos in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_casesearch_pos in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ pos_item = weechat.list_casesearch_pos(list, "my data")
+ """
def list_get(list: str, position: int) -> str:
- """`list_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ item = weechat.list_get(list, 0)
+ """
def list_set(item: str, value: str) -> int:
- """`list_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.list_set(item, "new data")
+ """
def list_next(item: str) -> str:
- """`list_next in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_next in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ item = weechat.list_next(item)
+ """
def list_prev(item: str) -> str:
- """`list_prev in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_prev in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ item = weechat.list_prev(item)
+ """
def list_string(item: str) -> str:
- """`list_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "value of item: %s" % weechat.list_string(item))
+ """
def list_size(list: str) -> int:
- """`list_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "size of list: %d" % weechat.list_size(list))
+ """
def list_remove(list: str, item: str) -> int:
- """`list_remove in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_remove in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.list_remove(list, item)
+ """
def list_remove_all(list: str) -> int:
- """`list_remove_all in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_remove_all in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.list_remove_all(list)
+ """
def list_free(list: str) -> int:
- """`list_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`list_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.list_free(list)
+ """
def config_new(name: str, callback_reload: str, callback_reload_data: str) -> str:
- """`config_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_config_reload_cb(data: str, config_file: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ config_file = weechat.config_new("test", "my_config_reload_cb", "")
+ """
@@ -254,12 +488,50 @@ def config_new_section(config_file: str, name: str,
callback_write_default: str, callback_write_default_data: str,
callback_create_option: str, callback_create_option_data: str,
callback_delete_option: str, callback_delete_option_data: str) -> str:
- """`config_new_section in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_new_section in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_section_read_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section: str, option_name: str, value: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ def my_section_write_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK
+ def my_section_write_default_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK
+ def my_section_create_option_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section: str, option_name: str, value: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ def my_section_delete_option_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section: str, option: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ section = weechat.config_new_section(config_file, "section1", 1, 1,
+ "my_section_read_cb", "",
+ "my_section_write_cb", "",
+ "my_section_write_default_cb", "",
+ "my_section_create_option_cb", "",
+ "my_section_delete_option_cb", "")
+ """
def config_search_section(config_file: str, section_name: str) -> str:
- """`config_search_section in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_search_section in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ section = weechat.config_search_section(config_file, "section")
+ """
@@ -269,545 +541,1497 @@ def config_new_option(config_file: str, section: str, name: str, type: str, desc
callback_check_value: str, callback_check_value_data: str,
callback_change: str, callback_change_data: str,
callback_delete: str, callback_delete_data: str) -> str:
- """`config_new_option in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_new_option in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def option4_check_value_cb(data: str, option: str, value: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return 1
+ # return 0
+ def option4_change_cb(data: str, option: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ def option4_delete_cb(data: str, option: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ option1 = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option1", "boolean",
+ "My option, type boolean",
+ "", 0, 0, "on", "on", 0,
+ "", "",
+ "", "",
+ "", "")
+ option2 = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option2", "integer",
+ "My option, type integer",
+ "", 0, 100, "15", "15", 0,
+ "", "",
+ "", "",
+ "", "")
+ option3 = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option3", "integer",
+ "My option, type integer (with string values)",
+ "top|bottom|left|right",
+ 0, 0, "bottom", "bottom", 0,
+ "", "",
+ "", "",
+ "", "")
+ option4 = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option4", "string",
+ "My option, type string",
+ "", 0, 0, "test", "test", 1,
+ "option4_check_value_cb", "",
+ "option4_change_cb", "",
+ "option4_delete_cb", "")
+ option5 = weechat.config_new_option(config_file, section, "option5", "color",
+ "My option, type color",
+ "", 0, 0, "lightblue", "lightblue", 0,
+ "", "",
+ "", "",
+ "", "")
+ """
def config_search_option(config_file: str, section: str, option_name: str) -> str:
- """`config_search_option in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_search_option in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_search_option(config_file, section, "option")
+ """
def config_string_to_boolean(text: str) -> int:
- """`config_string_to_boolean in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_string_to_boolean in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ if weechat.config_string_to_boolean(text):
+ # ...
+ """
def config_option_reset(option: str, run_callback: int) -> int:
- """`config_option_reset in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_option_reset in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_option_reset(option, 1)
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ """
def config_option_set(option: str, value: str, run_callback: int) -> int:
- """`config_option_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_option_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_option_set(option, "new_value", 1)
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ """
def config_option_set_null(option: str, run_callback: int) -> int:
- """`config_option_set_null in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_option_set_null in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_option_set_null(option, 1)
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ """
def config_option_unset(option: str) -> int:
- """`config_option_unset in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_option_unset in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_option_unset(option)
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ """
def config_option_rename(option: str, new_name: str) -> int:
- """`config_option_rename in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_option_rename in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.config_option_rename(option, "new_name")
+ """
def config_option_is_null(option: str) -> int:
- """`config_option_is_null in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_option_is_null in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ if weechat.config_option_is_null(option):
+ # ...
+ """
def config_option_default_is_null(option: str) -> int:
- """`config_option_default_is_null in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_option_default_is_null in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ if weechat.config_option_default_is_null(option):
+ # ...
+ """
def config_boolean(option: str) -> int:
- """`config_boolean in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_boolean in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
+ if weechat.config_boolean(option):
+ # ...
+ """
def config_boolean_default(option: str) -> int:
- """`config_boolean_default in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_boolean_default in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
+ if weechat.config_boolean_default(option):
+ # ...
+ """
def config_integer(option: str) -> int:
- """`config_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
+ value = weechat.config_integer(option)
+ """
def config_integer_default(option: str) -> int:
- """`config_integer_default in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_integer_default in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
+ value = weechat.config_integer_default(option)
+ """
def config_string(option: str) -> str:
- """`config_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
+ value = weechat.config_string(option)
+ """
def config_string_default(option: str) -> str:
- """`config_string_default in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_string_default in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
+ value = weechat.config_string_default(option)
+ """
def config_color(option: str) -> str:
- """`config_color in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_color in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
+ value = weechat.config_color(option)
+ """
def config_color_default(option: str) -> str:
- """`config_color_default in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_color_default in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("plugin.section.option")
+ value = weechat.config_color_default(option)
+ """
def config_write_option(config_file: str, option: str) -> int:
- """`config_write_option in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_write_option in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_section_write_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str) -> int:
+ weechat.config_write_line(config_file, "my_section", "")
+ weechat.config_write_option(config_file, option)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ """
def config_write_line(config_file: str, option_name: str, value: str) -> int:
- """`config_write_line in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_write_line in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_section_write_cb(data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str) -> int:
+ weechat.config_write_line(config_file, "my_section", "")
+ weechat.config_write_line(config_file, "option", "value")
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ """
def config_write(config_file: str) -> int:
- """`config_write in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_write in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_write(config_file)
+ if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK:
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ elif rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR:
+ # ...
+ """
def config_read(config_file: str) -> int:
- """`config_read in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_read in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_read(config_file)
+ if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK:
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ """
def config_reload(config_file: str) -> int:
- """`config_reload in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_reload in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_reload(config_file)
+ if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK:
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ """
def config_option_free(option: str) -> int:
- """`config_option_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_option_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.config_option_free(option)
+ """
def config_section_free_options(section: str) -> int:
- """`config_section_free_options in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_section_free_options in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.config_section_free_options(section)
+ """
def config_section_free(section: str) -> int:
- """`config_section_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_section_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.config_section_free(section)
+ """
def config_free(config_file: str) -> int:
- """`config_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.config_free(config_file)
+ """
def config_get(option_name: str) -> str:
- """`config_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ option = weechat.config_get("weechat.look.item_time_format")
+ """
def config_get_plugin(option_name: str) -> str:
- """`config_get_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_get_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ value = weechat.config_get_plugin("option")
+ """
def config_is_set_plugin(option_name: str) -> int:
- """`config_is_set_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_is_set_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ if weechat.config_is_set_plugin("option"):
+ # option is set
+ # ...
+ else:
+ # option does not exist
+ # ...
+ """
def config_set_plugin(option_name: str, value: str) -> int:
- """`config_set_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_set_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_set_plugin("option", "test_value")
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ """
def config_set_desc_plugin(option_name: str, description: str) -> int:
- """`config_set_desc_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_set_desc_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ version = weechat.info_get("version_number", "") or 0
+ if int(version) >= 0x00030500:
+ weechat.config_set_desc_plugin("option", "description of option")
+ """
def config_unset_plugin(option_name: str) -> int:
- """`config_unset_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`config_unset_plugin in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.config_unset_plugin("option")
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ """
def key_bind(context: str, keys: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
- """`key_bind in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`key_bind in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ keys = {"@chat(python.test):button1": "hsignal:test_mouse",
+ "@chat(python.test):wheelup": "/mycommand up",
+ "@chat(python.test):wheeldown": "/mycommand down"}
+ weechat.key_bind("mouse", keys)
+ """
def key_unbind(context: str, key: str) -> int:
- """`key_unbind in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`key_unbind in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ # remove a single key
+ weechat.key_unbind("mouse", "@chat(plugin.buffer):button1")
+ # remove all keys with area "chat(python.test)"
+ weechat.key_unbind("mouse", "area:chat(python.test)")
+ """
def prefix(prefix: str) -> str:
- """`prefix in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`prefix in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "%sThis is an error..." % weechat.prefix("error"))
+ """
def color(color_name: str) -> str:
- """`color in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`color in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "Color: %sblue %sdefault color %syellow on red"
+ % (weechat.color("blue"), weechat.color("chat"), weechat.color("yellow,red")))
+ """
def prnt(buffer: str, message: str) -> int:
- """`prnt in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`prnt in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "Hello on WeeChat buffer")
+ weechat.prnt(buffer, "Hello on this buffer")
+ weechat.prnt(buffer, "%sThis is an error!" % weechat.prefix("error"))
+ weechat.prnt(buffer, " \tMessage without prefix but with \t some \t tabs")
+ weechat.prnt(buffer, "\t\tMessage without time/alignment")
+ weechat.prnt(buffer, "\t\t") # empty line (without time)
+ """
def prnt_date_tags(buffer: str, date: int, tags: str, message: str) -> int:
- """`prnt_date_tags in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`prnt_date_tags in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ time = int(time.time())
+ weechat.prnt_date_tags("", time - 120, "notify_message",
+ "Message 2 minutes ago, with a tag 'notify_message'")
+ """
def prnt_y(buffer: str, y: int, message: str) -> int:
- """`prnt_y in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`prnt_y in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt_y("", 2, "My message on third line")
+ """
def prnt_y_date_tags(buffer: str, y: int, date: int, tags: str, message: str) -> int:
- """`prnt_y_date_tags in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`prnt_y_date_tags in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt_y_date_tags("", 2, 0, "my_tag", "My message on third line with a tag")
+ """
def log_print(message: str) -> int:
- """`log_print in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`log_print in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.log_print("My message in log file")
+ """
def hook_command(command: str, description: str, args: str, args_description: str,
completion: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_command in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_command in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_command_cb(data: str, buffer: str, args: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ hook = weechat.hook_command("myfilter", "description of myfilter",
+ "[list] | [enable|disable|toggle [name]] | [add name plugin.buffer tags regex] | [del name|-all]",
+ "description of arguments...",
+ "list"
+ " || enable %(filters_names)"
+ " || disable %(filters_names)"
+ " || toggle %(filters_names)"
+ " || add %(filters_names) %(buffers_plugins_names)|*"
+ " || del %(filters_names)|-all",
+ "my_command_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_completion(completion_item: str, description: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_completion in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_completion in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_completion_cb(data: str, completion_item: str, buffer: str, completion: str) -> int:
+ weechat.completion_list_add(completion, "word1", 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
+ weechat.completion_list_add(completion, "test_word2", 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ hook = weechat.hook_completion("plugin_item", "my custom completion!",
+ "my_completion_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_command_run(command: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_command_run in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_command_run in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_command_run_cb(data: str, buffer: str, command: str) -> int:
+ weechat.prnt("", "I'm eating the completion!")
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
+ hook = weechat.hook_command_run("/input complete*", "my_command_run_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_timer(interval: int, align_second: int, max_calls: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_timer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_timer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_timer_cb(data: str, remaining_calls: int) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ # timer called each 20 seconds
+ hook = weechat.hook_timer(20 * 1000, 0, 0, "my_timer_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_fd(fd: int, flag_read: int, flag_write: int, flag_exception: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_fd in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_fd in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_fd_cb(data: str, fd: int) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ sock = ...
+ hook = weechat.hook_fd(sock, 1, 0, 0, "my_fd_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_process(command: str, timeout: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_process in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_process in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example with an external command
+ def my_process_cb(data: str, command: str, return_code: int, out: str, err: str) -> int:
+ if return_code == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR:
+ weechat.prnt("", "Error with command '%s'" % command)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ if return_code >= 0:
+ weechat.prnt("", "return_code = %d" % return_code)
+ if out:
+ weechat.prnt("", "stdout: %s" % out)
+ if err:
+ weechat.prnt("", "stderr: %s" % err)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ hook = weechat.hook_process("ls", 5000, "my_process_cb", "")
+ # example with a script function
+ def get_status(data: str) -> str:
+ # do something blocking...
+ # ...
+ return "this is the result"
+ def my_process_cb(data: str, command: str, return_code: int, out: str, err: str) -> int:
+ if return_code == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR:
+ weechat.prnt("", "Error with command '%s'" % command)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ if return_code >= 0:
+ weechat.prnt("", "return_code = %d" % return_code)
+ if out:
+ weechat.prnt("", "stdout: %s" % out)
+ if err:
+ weechat.prnt("", "stderr: %s" % err)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ hook = weechat.hook_process("func:get_status", 5000, "my_process_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_process_hashtable(command: str, options: Dict[str, str], timeout: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_process_hashtable in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_process_hashtable in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_process_cb(data: str, command: str, return_code: int, out: str, err: str) -> int:
+ if return_code == weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR:
+ weechat.prnt("", "Error with command '%s'" % command)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ if return_code >= 0:
+ weechat.prnt("", "return_code = %d" % return_code)
+ if out:
+ weechat.prnt("", "stdout: %s" % out)
+ if err:
+ weechat.prnt("", "stderr: %s" % err)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ # example 1: download URL
+ hook1 = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("url:",
+ {"file_out": "/tmp/"},
+ 20000, "my_process_cb", "")
+ # example 2: open URL with custom HTTP headers
+ options = {
+ "httpheader": "\n".join([
+ "Header1: value1",
+ "Header2: value2",
+ ]),
+ }
+ hook2 = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("url:http://localhost:8080/",
+ options,
+ 20000, "my_process_cb", "")
+ # example 3: execute a notify program with a message from someone
+ hook3 = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("my-notify-command",
+ {"arg1": "-from",
+ "arg2": nick,
+ "arg3": "-msg",
+ "arg4": message}, # untrusted argument
+ 20000, "my_process_cb", "")
+ # example 4: call shell to execute a command (command must be SAFE)
+ hook4 = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("sh",
+ {"arg1": "-c",
+ "arg2": "ls -l /tmp | grep something"},
+ 20000, "my_process_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_connect(proxy: str, address: str, port: int, ipv6: int, retry: int, local_hostname: str,
callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_connect in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_connect in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_connect_cb(data: str, status: int, gnutls_rc: int, sock: int, error: str, ip_address: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ hook = weechat.hook_connect("", "", 1234, 1, 0, "",
+ "my_connect_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_line(buffer_type: str, buffer_name: str, tags: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_line in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_line in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_line_cb(data: str, line: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ # force a highlight on the line
+ return {"highlight": "1"}
+ # catch lines with tag "irc_join"
+ hook = weechat.hook_line("", "", "irc_join", "my_line_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_print(buffer: str, tags: str, message: str, strip_colors: int, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_print in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_print in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_print_cb(data: str, buffer: str, date: str, tags: str, displayed: int, highlight: int, prefix: str, message: str) -> int:
+ if highlight:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ # catch all messages, on all buffers, without color
+ hook = weechat.hook_print("", "", "", 1, "my_print_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_signal(signal: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_signal in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_signal in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_signal_cb(data: str, signal: str, signal_data: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ # catch signals "quit" and "upgrade"
+ hook = weechat.hook_signal("quit;upgrade", "my_signal_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_signal_send(signal: str, type_data: str, signal_data: str) -> int:
- """`hook_signal_send in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_signal_send in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.hook_signal_send("my_signal", weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, my_string)
+ """
def hook_hsignal(signal: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_hsignal in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_hsignal in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_hsignal_cb(data: str, signal: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ hook = weechat.hook_hsignal("test", "my_hsignal_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_hsignal_send(signal: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
- """`hook_hsignal_send in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_hsignal_send in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.hook_hsignal_send("my_hsignal", {"key": "value"})
+ """
def hook_config(option: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_config in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_config in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_config_cb(data: str, option: str, value: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ # catch changes to option "weechat.look.item_time_format"
+ hook = weechat.hook_config("weechat.look.item_time_format", "my_config_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_modifier(modifier: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_modifier in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_modifier in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_modifier_cb(data: str, modifier: str, modifier_data: str, string: str) -> str:
+ return "%s xxx" % string
+ hook = weechat.hook_modifier("weechat_print", "my_modifier_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_modifier_exec(modifier: str, modifier_data: str, string: str) -> str:
- """`hook_modifier_exec in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_modifier_exec in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.hook_modifier_exec("my_modifier", my_data, my_string)
+ """
def hook_info(info_name: str, description: str, args_description: str,
callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_info in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_info in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_info_cb(data: str, info_name: str, arguments: str) -> str:
+ return "some_info"
+ hook = weechat.hook_info("my_info", "Some info", "Info about arguments",
+ "my_info_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_info_hashtable(info_name: str, description: str, args_description: str,
output_description: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_info_hashtable in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_info_hashtable in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_info_hashtable_cb(data: str, info_name: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ return {"test_key": "test_value"}
+ hook = weechat.hook_info_hashtable("my_info_hashtable", "Some info",
+ "Info about input hashtable",
+ "Info about output hashtable",
+ "my_info_hashtable_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_infolist(infolist_name: str, description: str, pointer_description: str,
args_description: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_infolist in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_infolist in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_infolist_cb(data: str, infolist_name: str, pointer: str, arguments: str) -> str:
+ # build infolist
+ # ...
+ return my_infolist
+ hook = weechat.hook_infolist("my_infolist", "Infolist with some data",
+ "Info about pointer", "Info about arguments",
+ "my_infolist_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_focus(area: str, callback: str, callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`hook_focus in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_focus in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_focus_nicklist_cb(data: str, info: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ # build dict
+ # ...
+ return my_dict
+ hook = weechat.hook_focus("buffer_nicklist", "my_focus_nicklist_cb", "")
+ """
def hook_set(hook: str, property: str, value: str) -> int:
- """`hook_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hook_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_process_cb(data: str, command: str, return_code: int, out: str, err: str) -> int:
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ hook = weechat.hook_process_hashtable("/path/to/command", {"stdin": "1"},
+ 20000, "my_process_cb", "")
+ weechat.hook_set(hook, "stdin", "data sent to stdin of child process")
+ weechat.hook_set(hook, "stdin_close", "") # optional
+ """
def unhook(hook: str) -> int:
- """`unhook in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`unhook in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.unhook(my_hook)
+ """
def unhook_all() -> int:
- """`unhook_all in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`unhook_all in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.unhook_all()
+ """
def buffer_new(name: str, input_callback: str, input_callback_data: str,
close_callback: str, close_callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`buffer_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_input_cb(data: str, buffer: str, input_data: str) -> int:
+ weechat.prnt(buffer, "Text: %s" % input_data)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ def my_close_cb(data: str, buffer: str) -> int:
+ weechat.prnt("", "Buffer '%s' will be closed!" % weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name"))
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_new("my_buffer", "my_input_cb", "", "my_close_cb", "")
+ """
def buffer_new_props(name: str, properties: Dict[str, str],
input_callback: str, input_callback_data: str,
close_callback: str, close_callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`buffer_new_props in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_new_props in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_input_cb(data: str, buffer: str, input_data: str) -> int:
+ weechat.prnt(buffer, "Text: %s" % input_data)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ def my_close_cb(data: str, buffer: str) -> int:
+ weechat.prnt("", "Buffer '%s' will be closed!" % weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name"))
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ properties = {
+ "type": "free", # buffer with free content
+ "localvar_set_no_log": "1", # no logging on this buffer
+ "key_bind_meta-c": "/my_command", # bind key alt-c on this buffer
+ }
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_new_props("my_buffer", properties, "my_input_cb", "", "my_close_cb", "")
+ """
def current_buffer() -> str:
- """`current_buffer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`current_buffer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt(weechat.current_buffer(), "Text on current buffer")
+ """
def buffer_search(plugin: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`buffer_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search("my_plugin", "my_buffer")
+ """
def buffer_search_main() -> str:
- """`buffer_search_main in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_search_main in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
+ """
def buffer_clear(buffer: str) -> int:
- """`buffer_clear in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_clear in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search("my_plugin", "my_buffer")
+ if buffer:
+ weechat.buffer_clear(buffer)
+ """
def buffer_close(buffer: str) -> int:
- """`buffer_close in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_close in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_new("my_buffer", "my_input_cb", "", "my_close_cb", "")
+ # ...
+ weechat.buffer_close(buffer)
+ """
def buffer_merge(buffer: str, target_buffer: str) -> int:
- """`buffer_merge in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_merge in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ # merge current buffer with WeeChat "core" buffer
+ weechat.buffer_merge(weechat.current_buffer(), weechat.buffer_search_main())
+ """
def buffer_unmerge(buffer: str, number: int) -> int:
- """`buffer_unmerge in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_unmerge in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.buffer_unmerge(weechat.current_buffer(), 1)
+ """
def buffer_get_integer(buffer: str, property: str) -> int:
- """`buffer_get_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_get_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "my buffer number is: %d" % weechat.buffer_get_integer(my_buffer, "number"))
+ """
def buffer_get_string(buffer: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`buffer_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "name / short name of buffer are: %s / %s"
+ % (weechat.buffer_get_string(my_buffer, "name"),
+ weechat.buffer_get_string(my_buffer, "short_name")))
+ """
def buffer_get_pointer(buffer: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`buffer_get_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_get_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "plugin pointer of my buffer: %s" % weechat.buffer_get_pointer(my_buffer, "plugin"))
+ """
def buffer_set(buffer: str, property: str, value: str) -> int:
- """`buffer_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ # disable hotlist (for all buffers)
+ weechat.buffer_set("", "hotlist", "-")
+ # enable again hotlist
+ weechat.buffer_set("", "hotlist", "+")
+ # change buffer name
+ weechat.buffer_set(my_buffer, "name", "my_new_name")
+ # add new local variable "toto" with value "abc"
+ weechat.buffer_set(my_buffer, "localvar_set_toto", "abc")
+ # remove local variable "toto"
+ weechat.buffer_set(my_buffer, "localvar_del_toto", "")
+ """
def buffer_string_replace_local_var(buffer: str, string: str) -> str:
- """`buffer_string_replace_local_var in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_string_replace_local_var in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.buffer_set(my_buffer, "localvar_set_toto", "abc")
+ str = weechat.buffer_string_replace_local_var(my_buffer, "test with $toto")
+ # str contains "test with abc"
+ """
def buffer_match_list(buffer: str, string: str) -> int:
- """`buffer_match_list in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`buffer_match_list in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search("irc", "libera.#weechat")
+ if buffer:
+ weechat.prnt("", "%d" % weechat.buffer_match_list(buffer, "*")) # 1
+ weechat.prnt("", "%d" % weechat.buffer_match_list(buffer, "*,!*#weechat*")) # 0
+ weechat.prnt("", "%d" % weechat.buffer_match_list(buffer, "irc.libera.*")) # 1
+ weechat.prnt("", "%d" % weechat.buffer_match_list(buffer, "irc.oftc.*,python.*")) # 0
+ """
def current_window() -> str:
- """`current_window in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`current_window in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ current_window = weechat.current_window()
+ """
def window_search_with_buffer(buffer: str) -> str:
- """`window_search_with_buffer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`window_search_with_buffer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "window displaying core buffer: %s"
+ % weechat.window_search_with_buffer(weechat.buffer_search_main()))
+ """
def window_get_integer(window: str, property: str) -> int:
- """`window_get_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`window_get_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "current window is at position (x,y): (%d,%d)"
+ % (weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(), "win_x"),
+ weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(), "win_y")))
+ """
def window_get_string(window: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`window_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`window_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ """
def window_get_pointer(window: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`window_get_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`window_get_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "buffer displayed in current window: %s"
+ % weechat.window_get_pointer(weechat.current_window(), "buffer"))
+ """
def window_set_title(title: str) -> int:
- """`window_set_title in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`window_set_title in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.window_set_title("new title here")
+ """
def nicklist_add_group(buffer: str, parent_group: str, name: str, color: str, visible: int) -> str:
- """`nicklist_add_group in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_add_group in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ group = weechat.nicklist_add_group(my_buffer, my_parent_group, "test_group",
+ "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1)
+ """
def nicklist_search_group(buffer: str, from_group: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`nicklist_search_group in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_search_group in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ group = weechat.nicklist_search_group(my_buffer, "", "test_group")
+ """
def nicklist_add_nick(buffer: str, group: str, name: str, color: str, prefix: str, prefix_color: str, visible: int) -> str:
- """`nicklist_add_nick in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_add_nick in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ if nick_away:
+ color = "weechat.color.nicklist_away"
+ else:
+ color = "bar_fg"
+ nick = weechat.nicklist_add_nick(my_buffer, my_group, "test_nick", color, "@", "lightgreen", 1)
+ """
def nicklist_search_nick(buffer: str, from_group: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`nicklist_search_nick in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_search_nick in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ nick = weechat.nicklist_search_nick(my_buffer, "", "test_nick")
+ """
def nicklist_remove_group(buffer: str, group: str) -> int:
- """`nicklist_remove_group in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_remove_group in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.nicklist_remove_group(my_buffer, my_group)
+ """
def nicklist_remove_nick(buffer: str, nick: str) -> int:
- """`nicklist_remove_nick in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_remove_nick in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.nicklist_remove_nick(my_buffer, my_nick)
+ """
def nicklist_remove_all(buffer: str) -> int:
- """`nicklist_remove_all in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_remove_all in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.nicklist_remove_all(my_buffer)
+ """
def nicklist_group_get_integer(buffer: str, group: str, property: str) -> int:
- """`nicklist_group_get_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_group_get_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ visible = weechat.nicklist_group_get_integer(buffer, group, "visible")
+ """
def nicklist_group_get_string(buffer: str, group: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`nicklist_group_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_group_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ color = weechat.nicklist_group_get_string(buffer, group, "color")
+ """
def nicklist_group_get_pointer(buffer: str, group: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`nicklist_group_get_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_group_get_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ parent = weechat.nicklist_group_get_pointer(buffer, group, "parent")
+ """
def nicklist_group_set(buffer: str, group: str, property: str, value: str) -> int:
- """`nicklist_group_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_group_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ # change group color to "bar_fg"
+ weechat.nicklist_group_set(buffer, group, "color", "bar_fg")
+ # change group color to yellow
+ weechat.nicklist_group_set(buffer, group, "color", "yellow")
+ # hide group in nicklist
+ weechat.nicklist_group_set(buffer, group, "visible", "0")
+ """
def nicklist_nick_get_integer(buffer: str, nick: str, property: str) -> int:
- """`nicklist_nick_get_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_nick_get_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ visible = weechat.nicklist_nick_get_integer(buffer, nick, "visible")
+ """
def nicklist_nick_get_string(buffer: str, nick: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`nicklist_nick_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_nick_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ color = weechat.nicklist_nick_get_string(buffer, nick, "color")
+ """
def nicklist_nick_get_pointer(buffer: str, nick: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`nicklist_nick_get_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_nick_get_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ group = weechat.nicklist_nick_get_pointer(buffer, nick, "group")
+ """
def nicklist_nick_set(buffer: str, nick: str, property: str, value: str) -> int:
- """`nicklist_nick_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`nicklist_nick_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # examples
+ # change nick color to cyan
+ weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer, nick, "color", "cyan")
+ # change prefix to "+"
+ weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer, nick, "prefix", "+")
+ # change prefix color to yellow
+ weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer, nick, "prefix_color", "yellow")
+ # hide nick in nicklist
+ weechat.nicklist_nick_set(buffer, nick, "visible", "0")
+ """
def bar_item_search(name: str) -> str:
- """`bar_item_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_item_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ bar_item = weechat.bar_item_search("myitem")
+ """
def bar_item_new(name: str, build_callback: str, build_callback_data: str) -> str:
- """`bar_item_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_item_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example (callback without "buffer" and "extra_info")
+ def my_build_callback(data: str, item: str, window: str) -> str:
+ return "my content"
+ bar_item = weechat.bar_item_new("myitem", "my_build_callback", "")
+ # example (callback with all arguments, for WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2)
+ def my_build_callback2(data: str, item: str, window: str, buffer: str, extra_info: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
+ return "my content"
+ bar_item2 = weechat.bar_item_new("(extra)myitem2", "my_build_callback2", "") # WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2
+ """
def bar_item_update(name: str) -> int:
- """`bar_item_update in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_item_update in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.bar_item_update("myitem")
+ """
def bar_item_remove(item: str) -> int:
- """`bar_item_remove in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_item_remove in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.bar_item_remove(myitem)
+ """
def bar_search(name: str) -> str:
- """`bar_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ bar = weechat.bar_search("mybar")
+ """
@@ -815,272 +2039,616 @@ def bar_new(name: str, hidden: str, priority: str, type: str, condition: str, po
filling_top_bottom: str, filling_left_right: str, size: str, size_max: str,
color_fg: str, color_delim: str, color_bg: str, color_bg_inactive: str,
separator: str, items: str) -> str:
- """`bar_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ bar = weechat.bar_new("mybar", "off", "100", "window", "", "top", "horizontal", "vertical",
+ "0", "5", "default", "cyan", "blue", "darkgray", "off", "time,buffer_number+buffer_name")
+ """
def bar_set(bar: str, property: str, value: str) -> int:
- """`bar_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_set in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.bar_set(my_bar, "position", "bottom")
+ """
def bar_update(name: str) -> int:
- """`bar_update in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_update in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.bar_update("mybar")
+ """
def bar_remove(bar: str) -> int:
- """`bar_remove in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`bar_remove in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.bar_remove(my_bar)
+ """
def command(buffer: str, command: str) -> int:
- """`command in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`command in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.command(weechat.buffer_search("irc", "libera.#weechat"), "/whois FlashCode")
+ """
def command_options(buffer: str, command: str, options: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
- """`command_options in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`command_options in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example: allow any command except /exec
+ rc = weechat.command("", "/some_command arguments", {"commands": "*,!exec"})
+ """
def completion_new(buffer: str) -> str:
- """`completion_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`completion_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ completion = weechat.completion_new(weechat.buffer_search_main())
+ """
def completion_search(completion: str, data: str, position: int, direction: int) -> int:
- """`completion_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`completion_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ completion = weechat.completion_new(weechat.buffer_search_main())
+ if weechat.completion_search(completion, "/help filt", 10, 1):
+ # ...
+ """
def completion_get_string(completion: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`completion_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`completion_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ def my_completion_cb(data: str, completion_item: str, buffer: str, completion: str) -> int:
+ # get arguments of command
+ args = weechat.completion_get_string(completion, "args")
+ # completion depending on args
+ # ...
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ """
def completion_list_add(completion: str, word: str, nick_completion: int, where: str) -> int:
- """`completion_list_add in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`completion_list_add in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example: see function hook_completion
+ """
def completion_free(completion: str) -> int:
- """`completion_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`completion_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.completion_free(completion)
+ """
def info_get(info_name: str, arguments: str) -> str:
- """`info_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`info_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "Current WeeChat version is: %s (compiled on %s)"
+ % (weechat.info_get("version", ""), weechat.info_get("date", ""))
+ weechat.prnt("", "WeeChat config directory is: %s" % weechat.info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""))
+ """
def info_get_hashtable(info_name: str, dict_in: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
- """`info_get_hashtable in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`info_get_hashtable in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ dict_in = {"message": ":nick!user@host PRIVMSG #weechat :message here"}
+ weechat.prnt("", "message parsed: %s"
+ % weechat.info_get_hashtable("irc_message_parse", dict_in))
+ """
def infolist_new() -> str:
- """`infolist_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ infolist = weechat.infolist_new()
+ """
def infolist_new_item(infolist: str) -> str:
- """`infolist_new_item in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_new_item in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ item = weechat.infolist_new_item(infolist)
+ """
def infolist_new_var_integer(item: str, name: str, value: int) -> str:
- """`infolist_new_var_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_new_var_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ var = weechat.infolist_new_var_integer(item, "my_integer", 123)
+ """
def infolist_new_var_string(item: str, name: str, value: str) -> str:
- """`infolist_new_var_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_new_var_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ var = weechat.infolist_new_var_string(item, "my_string", "value")
+ """
def infolist_new_var_pointer(item: str, name: str, pointer: str) -> str:
- """`infolist_new_var_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_new_var_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ var = weechat.infolist_new_var_pointer(item, "my_pointer", pointer)
+ """
def infolist_new_var_time(item: str, name: str, time: int) -> str:
- """`infolist_new_var_time in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_new_var_time in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ var = weechat.infolist_new_var_time(item, "my_time", int(time.time()))
+ """
def infolist_get(infolist_name: str, pointer: str, arguments: str) -> str:
- """`infolist_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ infolist = weechat.infolist_get("irc_server", "", "")
+ """
def infolist_next(infolist: str) -> int:
- """`infolist_next in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_next in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.infolist_next(infolist)
+ if rc:
+ # read variables in item...
+ else:
+ # no more item available
+ """
def infolist_prev(infolist: str) -> int:
- """`infolist_prev in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_prev in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ rc = weechat.infolist_prev(infolist)
+ if rc:
+ # read variables in item...
+ else:
+ # no more item available
+ """
def infolist_reset_item_cursor(infolist: str) -> int:
- """`infolist_reset_item_cursor in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_reset_item_cursor in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.infolist_reset_item_cursor(infolist)
+ """
def infolist_search_var(infolist: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`infolist_search_var in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_search_var in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ if weechat.infolist_search_var(infolist, "name"):
+ # variable "name" exists
+ # ...
+ """
def infolist_fields(infolist: str) -> str:
- """`infolist_fields in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_fields in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ fields = weechat.infolist_fields(infolist)
+ # fields contains something like:
+ # "i:my_integer,s:my_string,p:my_pointer,b:my_buffer,t:my_time"
+ """
def infolist_integer(infolist: str, var: str) -> int:
- """`infolist_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "integer = %d" % weechat.infolist_integer(infolist, "my_integer"))
+ """
def infolist_string(infolist: str, var: str) -> str:
- """`infolist_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "string = %s" % weechat.infolist_string(infolist, "my_string"))
+ """
def infolist_pointer(infolist: str, var: str) -> str:
- """`infolist_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "pointer = 0x%s" % weechat.infolist_pointer(infolist, "my_pointer"))
+ """
def infolist_time(infolist: str, var: str) -> int:
- """`infolist_time in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_time in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "time = %ld" % weechat.infolist_time(infolist, "my_time"))
+ """
def infolist_free(infolist: str) -> int:
- """`infolist_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`infolist_free in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.infolist_free(infolist)
+ """
def hdata_get(hdata_name: str) -> str:
- """`hdata_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_get in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("irc_server")
+ """
def hdata_get_var_offset(hdata: str, name: str) -> int:
- """`hdata_get_var_offset in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_get_var_offset in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ offset = weechat.hdata_get_var_offset(hdata, "name")
+ """
def hdata_get_var_type_string(hdata: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`hdata_get_var_type_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_get_var_type_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "type = %s" % weechat.hdata_get_var_type_string("name"))
+ """
def hdata_get_var_array_size(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int:
- """`hdata_get_var_array_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_get_var_array_size in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ array_size = weechat.hdata_get_var_array_size(hdata, pointer, "name")
+ """
def hdata_get_var_array_size_string(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`hdata_get_var_array_size_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_get_var_array_size_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ array_size = weechat.hdata_get_var_array_size_string(hdata, pointer, "name")
+ """
def hdata_get_var_hdata(hdata: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`hdata_get_var_hdata in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_get_var_hdata in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "hdata = %s" % weechat.hdata_get_var_hdata(hdata, "name"))
+ """
def hdata_get_list(hdata: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`hdata_get_list in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_get_list in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
+ buffers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "gui_buffers")
+ """
def hdata_check_pointer(hdata: str, list: str, pointer: str) -> int:
- """`hdata_check_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_check_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
+ if weechat.hdata_check_pointer(hdata, weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "gui_buffers"), ptr_buffer):
+ # valid pointer
+ # ...
+ else:
+ # invalid pointer
+ # ...
+ """
def hdata_move(hdata: str, pointer: str, count: int) -> str:
- """`hdata_move in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_move in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
+ # move to next buffer, 2 times
+ buffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, buffer, 2)
+ # move to previous buffer
+ if buffer:
+ buffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, buffer, -1)
+ """
def hdata_search(hdata: str, pointer: str, search: str,
pointers: Dict[str, str], extra_vars: Dict[str, str], options: Dict[str, str],
count: int) -> str:
- """`hdata_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_search in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("irc_server")
+ servers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "irc_servers")
+ # search irc server with name "libera"
+ server = weechat.hdata_search(hdata, servers, "${} == ${server_name}",
+ {}, {"server_name": "libera"}, {}, 1)
+ if server:
+ # ...
+ """
def hdata_char(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int:
- """`hdata_char in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_char in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "letter = %c" % weechat.hdata_char(hdata, pointer, "letter"))
+ """
def hdata_integer(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int:
- """`hdata_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_integer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
+ weechat.prnt("", "number = %d" % weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "number"))
+ """
def hdata_long(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int:
- """`hdata_long in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_long in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "longvar = %ld" % weechat.hdata_long(hdata, pointer, "longvar"))
+ """
def hdata_string(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`hdata_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
+ weechat.prnt("", "name = %s" % weechat.hdata_string(hdata, buffer, "name"))
+ """
def hdata_pointer(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> str:
- """`hdata_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_pointer in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
+ weechat.prnt("", "lines = %lx" % weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata, buffer, "lines"))
+ """
def hdata_time(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> int:
- """`hdata_time in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_time in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ buf = weechat.buffer_search_main()
+ ptr = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("buffer"), buf, "lines")
+ if ptr:
+ ptr = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("lines"), ptr, "first_line")
+ if ptr:
+ ptr = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("line"), ptr, "data")
+ if ptr:
+ date = weechat.hdata_time(weechat.hdata_get("line_data"), ptr, "date")
+ weechat.prnt("", "time of first line displayed = %s" % time.strftime("%F %T", time.localtime(int(date))))
+ """
def hdata_hashtable(hdata: str, pointer: str, name: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
- """`hdata_hashtable in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_hashtable in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
+ buffer = weechat.buffer_search_main()
+ hash = weechat.hdata_hashtable(hdata, buffer, "local_variables")
+ weechat.prnt("", "local variables in core buffer:")
+ for key in hash:
+ weechat.prnt("", " %s == %s" % (key, hash[key]))
+ """
def hdata_compare(hdata: str, pointer1: str, pointer2: str, name: str, case_sensitive: int) -> int:
- """`hdata_compare in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_compare in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
+ buffer1 = weechat.buffer_search("irc", "libera.#weechat")
+ buffer2 = weechat.buffer_search("irc", "libera.#weechat-fr")
+ weechat.prnt("", "number comparison = %d" % weechat.hdata_compare(hdata, buffer1, buffer2, "number", 0))
+ """
def hdata_update(hdata: str, pointer: str, hashtable: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
- """`hdata_update in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_update in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example: subtract one hour on last message displayed in current buffer
+ own_lines = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("buffer"), weechat.current_buffer(), "own_lines")
+ if own_lines:
+ line = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("lines"), own_lines, "last_line")
+ if line:
+ line_data = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("line"), line, "data")
+ hdata = weechat.hdata_get("line_data")
+ weechat.hdata_update(hdata, line_data, {"date": str(weechat.hdata_time(hdata, line_data, "date") - 3600)})
+ """
def hdata_get_string(hdata: str, property: str) -> str:
- """`hdata_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`hdata_get_string in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.prnt("", "variables in hdata: %s" % weechat.hdata_get_string(hdata, "var_keys"))
+ weechat.prnt("", "lists in hdata: %s" % weechat.hdata_get_string(hdata, "list_keys"))
+ """
def upgrade_new(filename: str, callback_read: str, callback_read_data: str) -> str:
- """`upgrade_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`upgrade_new in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ upgrade_file = weechat.upgrade_new("my_file", "", "")
+ """
def upgrade_write_object(upgrade_file: str, object_id: int, infolist: str) -> int:
- """`upgrade_write_object in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`upgrade_write_object in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.upgrade_write_object(upgrade_file, 1, infolist)
+ """
def upgrade_read(upgrade_file: str) -> int:
- """`upgrade_read in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`upgrade_read in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.upgrade_read(upgrade_file)
+ """
def upgrade_close(upgrade_file: str) -> int:
- """`upgrade_close in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_"""
+ """`upgrade_close in WeeChat plugin API reference <>`_
+ ::
+ # example
+ weechat.upgrade_close(upgrade_file)
+ """