diff options
4 files changed, 1308 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat.en.xml b/doc/en/weechat.en.xml
index c40f97151..65988b542 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat.en.xml
+++ b/doc/en/weechat.en.xml
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ fi
This chapter describes WeeChat plugins interface (API) and
- the default scripts plugins (Perl, Python, Ruby), provided with
+ the default scripts plugins (Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua), provided with
@@ -3203,8 +3203,8 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
<title>Scripts plugins</title>
- Three plugins are provided with WeeChat to use script languages:
- Perl, Python and Ruby.
+ Four plugins are provided with WeeChat to use script languages:
+ Perl, Python, Ruby and Lua.
<section id="secLoadUnloadScripts">
@@ -3212,7 +3212,8 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
Scripts are loaded and unloaded with <command>/perl</command>,
- <command>/python</command> and <command>/ruby</command> commands
+ <command>/python</command>, <command>/ruby</command> and
+ <command>/lua</command> commands
(type <command>/help</command> in WeeChat for help about commands).
@@ -3255,6 +3256,18 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Load a Lua script:
+ <command><userinput>/lua load /tmp/test.lua</userinput></command>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ List all loaded Lua scripts:
+ <command><userinput>/lua</userinput></command>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
@@ -3285,6 +3298,12 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.register ( name, version, end_function, description )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
This is first function to call in script.
All WeeChat scripts have to call this function.
@@ -3330,6 +3349,9 @@ weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
# ruby
Weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
+-- lua
+weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
@@ -3356,6 +3378,12 @@ Weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.print ( message, [channel, [server]] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server
and channel.
@@ -3401,6 +3429,11 @@ weechat.prnt ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
Weechat.print ("message")
Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat")
Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
+-- lua
+weechat.print ("message")
+weechat.print ("message", "#weechat")
+weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
@@ -3427,6 +3460,12 @@ Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.print_infobar ( time, message )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Display a message in infobar for a specified time.
@@ -3459,6 +3498,9 @@ weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
# ruby
Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
+-- lua
+weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
@@ -3485,6 +3527,12 @@ Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.add_message_handler ( message, function )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Add an IRC message handler, called when an IRC message is
@@ -3526,12 +3574,26 @@ sub my_function
# python
weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", my_function)
-def ma_fonction(server, args):
+def my_function(server, args):
null, channel, message = string.split(args, ":", 2)
masque, null, channel = string.split(string.strip(channel), " ", 2)
weechat.prnt("mask="+mask+", canal="+channel+", message="+message)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
+# ruby
+def my_function(server, args)
+ Weechat.print("server=#{server}, args=#{args}")
+ return Weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK
+Weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", "my_function")
+-- lua
+weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", "my_function")
+function my_function(server, args)
+ weechat.print("server=" .. server .. ", args=" .. args)
+ return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK()
@@ -3600,6 +3662,14 @@ def ma_fonction(server, args):
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.add_command_handler ( command, function,
+ [description, arguments, arguments_description,
+ completion_template] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command
(for example /command).
@@ -3652,15 +3722,29 @@ def ma_fonction(server, args):
weechat::add_command_handler ("command", my_command);
sub my_command
- weechat::print("Server: $_[0], arguments: $_[1]\n");
+ weechat::print("server= $_[0], args: $_[1]\n");
return weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK;
# python
weechat.add_command_handler ("command", my_command)
def my_command(server, args):
- weechat.prnt("server:"+server+" arguments:"+args)
+ weechat.prnt("server="+server+", args="+args)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
+# ruby
+def my_command(server, args)
+ Weechat.print("server=#{server}, args=#{args}")
+ return Weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK
+Weechat.add_command_handler ("command", "my_command")
+-- lua
+weechat.add_command_handler ("command", "my_command")
+def my_command(server, args)
+ weechat.print("server="..server..", args="..args)
+ return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK()
@@ -3705,6 +3789,12 @@ def my_command(server, args):
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.remove_handler ( name, function )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Remove a handler.
@@ -3736,6 +3826,9 @@ weechat.remove_handler ("command", my_command)
# ruby
Weechat.remove_handler ("command", my_command)
+-- lua
+weechat.remove_handler ("command", "my_command")
@@ -3762,6 +3855,12 @@ Weechat.remove_handler ("command", my_command)
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.command ( command, [channel, [server]] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Execute a WeeChat command (or send a message to a channel).
@@ -3806,6 +3905,11 @@ weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
Weechat.command ("hello everybody!")
Weechat.command ("/kick toto please leave this channel", "#weechat")
Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
+-- lua
+weechat.command ("hello everybody!")
+weechat.command ("/kick toto please leave this channel", "#weechat")
+weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
@@ -3832,6 +3936,12 @@ Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_info ( name, [server] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return an info about WeeChat or a channel.
@@ -3865,6 +3975,14 @@ $nick = get_info("nick", "freenode");
# python
version = weechat.get_info ("version")
nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+# ruby
+version = Weechat.get_info ("version")
+nick = Weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+-- lua
+version = weechat.get_info ("version")
+nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
@@ -3891,12 +4009,87 @@ nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_dcc_info ( )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return list of DCC currently active or finished.
Return value: list of DCC
(see <xref linkend="secAPI_get_dcc_info" />).
+ <para>
+ Examples:
+# perl
+my @dccs = weechat::get_dcc_info();
+if (@dccs)
+ foreach my $dcc (@dccs)
+ {
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %$dcc)
+ {
+ weechat::print("$key = '$value'");
+ }
+ }
+ weechat::print("no DCC");
+# python
+dccs = weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs != None:
+ if dccs == []:
+ weechat.prnt("no DCC")
+ else:
+ for d in dccs:
+ for b in d.keys():
+ weechat.prnt("%s = '%s'" %(b, d[b]))
+ weechat.prnt("error while getting DCC")
+# ruby
+dccs = Weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs != nil
+ if dccs == []
+ Weechat.print("no DCC")
+ else
+ dccs.each do |m|
+ m.each do |key, value|
+ Weechat.print("#{key} = '#{value}'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Weechat.print("error while getting DCC")
+-- lua
+dccs = weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs ~= nil then
+ if dccs then
+ dcc, dccinfos = next (dccs, nil)
+ while (dcc) do
+ key, value = next (dccinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (dccinfos, key)
+ end
+ dcc, dccinfos = next (dccs, dcc)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("no DCC")
+ end
+ weechat.print("error while getting DCC")
+ </para>
@@ -3921,6 +4114,12 @@ nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_server_info ( )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return list of IRC servers (connected or not).
@@ -3974,6 +4173,26 @@ if servers != nil
Weechat.print("error while getting servers")
+-- lua
+servers = weechat.get_server_info()
+if servers ~= nil then
+ if servers then
+ srv, srvinfos = next (servers, nil)
+ while (srv) do
+ key, value = next (srvinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (srvinfos, key)
+ end
+ srv, srvinfos = next (servers, srv)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("no server")
+ end
+ weechat.print("error while getting servers")
@@ -4000,6 +4219,12 @@ end
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_channel_info ( server )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return list of IRC channels for a server.
@@ -4010,7 +4235,7 @@ end
# perl
-my $channels = weechat::get_channel_info(weechat::get_info('server'));
+my $channels = weechat::get_channel_info(weechat::get_info("server"));
if ($channels)
while (my ($channame, $chaninfos) = each %$channels)
@@ -4027,7 +4252,7 @@ else
# python
-chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info('server'))
+chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info("server"))
if chans != None:
if chans == {}:
weechat.prnt("no channel")
@@ -4039,7 +4264,7 @@ else:
weechat.prnt("error while getting channels")
# ruby
-channels = Weechat.get_channel_info(Weechat.get_info('server'))
+channels = Weechat.get_channel_info(Weechat.get_info("server"))
if channels != nil
if channels == {}
Weechat.print("no channel")
@@ -4053,6 +4278,26 @@ if channels != nil
Weechat.print("error while getting channels")
+-- lua
+chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info("server"))
+if chans ~= nil then
+ if chans then
+ chan, chaninfos = next (chans, nil)
+ while (chan) do
+ key, value = next (chaninfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (chaninfos, key)
+ end
+ chan, chaninfos = next (chans, chan)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("no channel")
+ end
+ weechat.print("error while getting channels")
@@ -4079,6 +4324,12 @@ end
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_nick_info ( server, channel )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return list of nicks for a channel.
@@ -4132,6 +4383,26 @@ if nicks != nil
Weechat.print("error while getting nicks")
+-- lua
+nicks = weechat.get_nick_info("freenode", "#weechat")
+if nicks ~= nil then
+ if nicks then
+ nick, nickinfos = next (nicks, nil)
+ while (nick) do
+ key, value = next (nickinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(nick.."["..key.."] = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (nickinfos, key)
+ end
+ nick, nickinfos = next (nicks, nick)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("no nick")
+ end
+ weechat.print("error while getting nicks")
@@ -4158,6 +4429,12 @@ end
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_config ( option )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return value of a WeeChat config option.
@@ -4183,6 +4460,14 @@ $value2 = weechat::get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin");
# python
value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+# ruby
+value1 = Weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
+value2 = Weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+-- lua
+value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
+value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
@@ -4209,6 +4494,12 @@ value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.set_config ( option, value )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Update value of a WeeChat config option.
@@ -4244,6 +4535,10 @@ weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
# ruby
Weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off")
Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
+-- lua
+weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off")
+weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
@@ -4270,6 +4565,12 @@ Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_plugin_config ( option )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return value of a plugin option. Option is read from file
"<literal>~/.weechat/plugins.rc</literal>" and is like:
"<literal>plugin.option=value</literal>" (note: plugin name
@@ -4296,6 +4597,12 @@ $value = weechat::get_plugin_config ("my_var");
# python
value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
+# ruby
+value = Weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
+-- lua
+value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
@@ -4322,6 +4629,12 @@ value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.set_plugin_config ( option, value )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Update value of a plugin option. Option is written in file
"<literal>~/.weechat/plugins.rc</literal>" and is like:
"<literal>plugin.option=value</literal>" (note: plugin name
@@ -4357,6 +4670,9 @@ weechat.set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value")
# ruby
Weechat.set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value")
+-- lua
+weechat.set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value")
diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/
index 2d802c518..77a8e6b17 100644
--- a/doc/fr/
+++ b/doc/fr/
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ fi
Ce chapitre décrit l'interface des extensions (API) et les extensions
- pour scripts (Perl, Python, Ruby), fournies avec WeeChat.
+ pour scripts (Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua), fournies avec WeeChat.
<section id="secLesExtensionsDansWeeChat">
@@ -3267,7 +3267,7 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
Trois extensions sont fournies en standard avec WeeChat pour utiliser
- des langages de script : Perl, Python et Ruby.
+ des langages de script : Perl, Python, Ruby et Lua.
<section id="secChargerDechargerScripts">
@@ -3275,9 +3275,10 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
Les scripts sont chargés et déchargés avec les commandes
- <command>/perl</command>, <command>/python</command> et
- <command>/ruby</command> (tapez <command>/help</command> dans
- WeeChat pour obtenir de l'aide sur les commandes).
+ <command>/perl</command>, <command>/python</command>,
+ <command>/ruby</command> et <command>/lua</command>
+ (tapez <command>/help</command> dans WeeChat pour obtenir
+ de l'aide sur les commandes).
@@ -3319,6 +3320,18 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Charger un script Lua :
+ <command><userinput>/lua load /tmp/essai.lua</userinput></command>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Lister les scripts Lua chargés :
+ <command><userinput>/lua</userinput></command>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
@@ -3349,6 +3362,12 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.register ( nom, version, fonction_de_fin, description )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
C'est la première fonction à appeler dans le script.
Tout script pour WeeChat doit appeler cette fonction.
@@ -3395,6 +3414,9 @@ weechat.register ("essai", "1.0", "fin_essai", "Script d'essai !")
# ruby
Weechat.register ("essai", "1.0", "fin_essai", "Script d'essai !")
+-- lua
+weechat.register ("essai", "1.0", "fin_essai", "Script d'essai !")
@@ -3421,6 +3443,12 @@ Weechat.register ("essai", "1.0", "fin_essai", "Script d'essai !")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.print ( message, [canal, [serveur]] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Affiche un message sur un tampon WeeChat, identifié par le
serveur et le canal.
@@ -3466,6 +3494,11 @@ weechat.prnt ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
Weechat.print ("message")
Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat")
Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
+-- lua
+weechat.print ("message")
+weechat.print ("message", "#weechat")
+weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
@@ -3492,6 +3525,12 @@ Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.print_infobar ( temps, message )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Affiche un message sur la barre d'infos pour un temps déterminé.
@@ -3524,6 +3563,9 @@ weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
# ruby
Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
+-- lua
+weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
@@ -3550,6 +3592,12 @@ Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.add_message_handler ( message, fonction )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Ajoute un gestionnaire de messages IRC, appelé dès qu'un message
IRC est reçu.
@@ -3599,6 +3647,20 @@ def ma_fonction(serveur, args):
masque, null, canal = string.split(string.strip(canal), " ", 2)
weechat.prnt("masque="+masque+", canal="+canal+", message="+message)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
+# ruby
+def ma_fonction(server, args)
+ Weechat.print("serveur=#{server}, args=#{args}")
+ return Weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK
+Weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", "ma_fonction")
+-- lua
+weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", "ma_fonction")
+function ma_fonction(server, args)
+ weechat.print("serveur=" .. server .. ", args=" .. args)
+ return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK()
@@ -3666,6 +3728,14 @@ def ma_fonction(serveur, args):
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.add_command_handler ( commande, fonction,
+ [description, arguments, arguments_description,
+ modele_completion] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Ajoute un gestionnaire de commande WeeChat, appelé dès que
l'utilisateur utilise la commande (par exemple /commande).
@@ -3719,15 +3789,29 @@ def ma_fonction(serveur, args):
weechat::add_command_handler ("commande", ma_commande);
sub ma_commande
- weechat::print("Serveur: $_[0], paramètres: $_[1]\n");
+ weechat::print("serveur=$_[0], args=$_[1]\n");
return weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK;
# python
weechat.add_command_handler ("commande", ma_commande)
def ma_commande(serveur, args):
- weechat.prnt("serveur:"+serveur+" paramètres:"+args)
+ weechat.prnt("serveur="+serveur+", args="+args)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
+# ruby
+def ma_commande(server, args)
+ Weechat.print("serveur=#{server} args=#{args}")
+ return Weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK
+Weechat.add_command_handler ("command", "ma_commande")
+-- lua
+weechat.add_command_handler ("command", "ma_commande")
+def my_command(server, args)
+ weechat.print("serveur="..server..", args="..args)
+ return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK()
@@ -3771,6 +3855,12 @@ def ma_commande(serveur, args):
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.remove_handler ( nom, fonction )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Supprime un gestionnaire.
@@ -3802,6 +3892,9 @@ weechat.remove_handler ("commande", ma_commande)
# ruby
Weechat.remove_handler ("commande", ma_commande)
+-- lua
+weechat.remove_handler ("commande", "ma_commande")
@@ -3828,6 +3921,12 @@ Weechat.remove_handler ("commande", ma_commande)
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.command ( commande, [canal, [serveur]] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Exécute une commande ou envoie un message à un canal.
@@ -3872,6 +3971,11 @@ weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
Weechat.command ("bonjour tout le monde !")
Weechat.command ("/kick toto merci de quitter ce canal", "#weechat")
Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
+-- lua
+weechat.command ("bonjour tout le monde !")
+weechat.command ("/kick toto merci de quitter ce canal", "#weechat")
+weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
@@ -3898,6 +4002,12 @@ Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_info ( nom, [serveur] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie une information sur WeeChat ou un canal.
@@ -3931,6 +4041,14 @@ $nick = get_info("nick", "freenode");
# python
version = weechat.get_info ("version")
nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+# ruby
+version = Weechat.get_info ("version")
+nick = Weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+-- lua
+version = weechat.get_info ("version")
+nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
@@ -3957,12 +4075,87 @@ nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_dcc_info ( )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la liste des DCC en cours ou terminés.
Valeur renvoyée : la liste des DCC
(voir <xref linkend="secAPI_get_dcc_info" />).
+ <para>
+ Exemples :
+# perl
+my @dccs = weechat::get_dcc_info();
+if (@dccs)
+ foreach my $dcc (@dccs)
+ {
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %$dcc)
+ {
+ weechat::print("$key = '$value'");
+ }
+ }
+ weechat::print("pas de DCC");
+# python
+dccs = weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs != None:
+ if dccs == []:
+ weechat.prnt("pas de DCC")
+ else:
+ for d in dccs:
+ for b in d.keys():
+ weechat.prnt("%s = '%s'" %(b, d[b]))
+ weechat.prnt("erreur de lecture des DCC")
+# ruby
+dccs = Weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs != nil
+ if dccs == []
+ Weechat.print("pas de DCC")
+ else
+ dccs.each do |m|
+ m.each do |key, value|
+ Weechat.print("#{key} = '#{value}'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Weechat.print("erreur de lecture des DCC")
+-- lua
+dccs = weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs ~= nil then
+ if dccs then
+ dcc, dccinfos = next (dccs, nil)
+ while (dcc) do
+ key, value = next (dccinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (dccinfos, key)
+ end
+ dcc, dccinfos = next (dccs, dcc)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("pas de DCC")
+ end
+ weechat.print("erreur de lecture des DCC")
+ </para>
@@ -3987,6 +4180,12 @@ nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_server_info ( )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la liste des serveurs IRC (connectés ou non).
@@ -4002,7 +4201,7 @@ if ($servers)
while (my ($srvname, $srvinfos) = each %$servers)
- while ( my ($key, $value) = each %$srvinfos)
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %$srvinfos)
weechat::print("$srvname[$key] = '$value'");
@@ -4040,6 +4239,26 @@ if servers != nil
Weechat.print("erreur de lecture des serveurs")
+-- lua
+servers = weechat.get_server_info()
+if servers ~= nil then
+ if servers then
+ srv, srvinfos = next (servers, nil)
+ while (srv) do
+ key, value = next (srvinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (srvinfos, key)
+ end
+ srv, srvinfos = next (servers, srv)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("pas de serveur")
+ end
+ weechat.print("erreur de lecture des serveurs")
@@ -4066,6 +4285,12 @@ end
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_channel_info ( serveur )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la liste des canaux IRC pour un serveur.
@@ -4076,7 +4301,7 @@ end
Exemples :
# perl
-my $channels = weechat::get_channel_info(weechat::get_info('server'));
+my $channels = weechat::get_channel_info(weechat::get_info("server"));
if ($channels)
while (my ($channame, $chaninfos) = each %$channels)
@@ -4093,7 +4318,7 @@ else
# python
-chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info('server'))
+chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info("server"))
if chans != None:
if chans == {}:
weechat.prnt("pas de canal")
@@ -4105,7 +4330,7 @@ else:
weechat.prnt("erreur de lecture des canaux")
# ruby
-channels = Weechat.get_channel_info(Weechat.get_info('server'))
+channels = Weechat.get_channel_info(Weechat.get_info("server"))
if channels != nil
if channels == {}
Weechat.print("pas de canal")
@@ -4119,6 +4344,26 @@ if channels != nil
Weechat.print("erreur de lecture des canaux")
+-- lua
+chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info("server"))
+if chans ~= nil then
+ if chans then
+ chan, chaninfos = next (chans, nil)
+ while (chan) do
+ key, value = next (chaninfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (chaninfos, key)
+ end
+ chan, chaninfos = next (chans, chan)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("pas de canal")
+ end
+ weechat.print("erreur de lecture des canaux")
@@ -4129,7 +4374,7 @@ end
Prototype Perl :
- weechat::get_nick_info ( server, canal );
+ weechat::get_nick_info ( serveur, canal );
@@ -4145,6 +4390,12 @@ end
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_nick_info ( serveur, canal )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la liste des pseudos pour un canal.
@@ -4198,6 +4449,26 @@ if nicks != nil
Weechat.print("erreur de lecture des pseudos")
+-- lua
+nicks = weechat.get_nick_info("freenode", "#weechat")
+if nicks ~= nil then
+ if nicks then
+ nick, nickinfos = next (nicks, nil)
+ while (nick) do
+ key, value = next (nickinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(nick.."["..key.."] = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (nickinfos, key)
+ end
+ nick, nickinfos = next (nicks, nick)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("pas de pseudo")
+ end
+ weechat.print("erreur de lecture des pseudos")
@@ -4224,6 +4495,12 @@ end
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_config ( option )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la valeur d'une option de configuration WeeChat.
@@ -4250,6 +4527,14 @@ $value2 = weechat::get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin");
# python
value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+# ruby
+value1 = Weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
+value2 = Weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+-- lua
+value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
+value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
@@ -4276,6 +4561,12 @@ value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.set_config ( option, valeur )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Modifie la valeur d'une option de configuration WeeChat.
@@ -4312,6 +4603,10 @@ weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
# ruby
Weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off")
Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
+-- lua
+weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off")
+weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
@@ -4338,6 +4633,12 @@ Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_plugin_config ( option )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la valeur d'une option de l'extension.
L'option est lue depuis le fichier
"<literal>~/.weechat/plugins.rc</literal>" et est
@@ -4368,6 +4669,12 @@ $value = weechat::get_plugin_config ("ma_variable");
# python
value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("ma_variable")
+# ruby
+value = Weechat.get_plugin_config ("ma_variable")
+-- lua
+value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("ma_variable")
@@ -4394,6 +4701,12 @@ value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("ma_variable")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.set_plugin_config ( option, valeur )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Modifie la valeur d'une option de l'extension.
L'option est écrite dans le fichier
"<literal>~/.weechat/plugins.rc</literal>" et est
@@ -4433,6 +4746,9 @@ weechat.set_plugin_config ("ma_variable", "valeur")
# ruby
Weechat.set_plugin_config ("ma_variable", "valeur")
+-- lua
+weechat.set_plugin_config ("ma_variable", "valeur")
diff --git a/weechat/doc/en/weechat.en.xml b/weechat/doc/en/weechat.en.xml
index c40f97151..65988b542 100644
--- a/weechat/doc/en/weechat.en.xml
+++ b/weechat/doc/en/weechat.en.xml
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ fi
This chapter describes WeeChat plugins interface (API) and
- the default scripts plugins (Perl, Python, Ruby), provided with
+ the default scripts plugins (Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua), provided with
@@ -3203,8 +3203,8 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
<title>Scripts plugins</title>
- Three plugins are provided with WeeChat to use script languages:
- Perl, Python and Ruby.
+ Four plugins are provided with WeeChat to use script languages:
+ Perl, Python, Ruby and Lua.
<section id="secLoadUnloadScripts">
@@ -3212,7 +3212,8 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
Scripts are loaded and unloaded with <command>/perl</command>,
- <command>/python</command> and <command>/ruby</command> commands
+ <command>/python</command>, <command>/ruby</command> and
+ <command>/lua</command> commands
(type <command>/help</command> in WeeChat for help about commands).
@@ -3255,6 +3256,18 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Load a Lua script:
+ <command><userinput>/lua load /tmp/test.lua</userinput></command>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ List all loaded Lua scripts:
+ <command><userinput>/lua</userinput></command>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
@@ -3285,6 +3298,12 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.register ( name, version, end_function, description )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
This is first function to call in script.
All WeeChat scripts have to call this function.
@@ -3330,6 +3349,9 @@ weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
# ruby
Weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
+-- lua
+weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
@@ -3356,6 +3378,12 @@ Weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.print ( message, [channel, [server]] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server
and channel.
@@ -3401,6 +3429,11 @@ weechat.prnt ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
Weechat.print ("message")
Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat")
Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
+-- lua
+weechat.print ("message")
+weechat.print ("message", "#weechat")
+weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
@@ -3427,6 +3460,12 @@ Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.print_infobar ( time, message )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Display a message in infobar for a specified time.
@@ -3459,6 +3498,9 @@ weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
# ruby
Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
+-- lua
+weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
@@ -3485,6 +3527,12 @@ Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.add_message_handler ( message, function )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Add an IRC message handler, called when an IRC message is
@@ -3526,12 +3574,26 @@ sub my_function
# python
weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", my_function)
-def ma_fonction(server, args):
+def my_function(server, args):
null, channel, message = string.split(args, ":", 2)
masque, null, channel = string.split(string.strip(channel), " ", 2)
weechat.prnt("mask="+mask+", canal="+channel+", message="+message)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
+# ruby
+def my_function(server, args)
+ Weechat.print("server=#{server}, args=#{args}")
+ return Weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK
+Weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", "my_function")
+-- lua
+weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", "my_function")
+function my_function(server, args)
+ weechat.print("server=" .. server .. ", args=" .. args)
+ return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK()
@@ -3600,6 +3662,14 @@ def ma_fonction(server, args):
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.add_command_handler ( command, function,
+ [description, arguments, arguments_description,
+ completion_template] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command
(for example /command).
@@ -3652,15 +3722,29 @@ def ma_fonction(server, args):
weechat::add_command_handler ("command", my_command);
sub my_command
- weechat::print("Server: $_[0], arguments: $_[1]\n");
+ weechat::print("server= $_[0], args: $_[1]\n");
return weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK;
# python
weechat.add_command_handler ("command", my_command)
def my_command(server, args):
- weechat.prnt("server:"+server+" arguments:"+args)
+ weechat.prnt("server="+server+", args="+args)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
+# ruby
+def my_command(server, args)
+ Weechat.print("server=#{server}, args=#{args}")
+ return Weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK
+Weechat.add_command_handler ("command", "my_command")
+-- lua
+weechat.add_command_handler ("command", "my_command")
+def my_command(server, args)
+ weechat.print("server="..server..", args="..args)
+ return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK()
@@ -3705,6 +3789,12 @@ def my_command(server, args):
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.remove_handler ( name, function )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Remove a handler.
@@ -3736,6 +3826,9 @@ weechat.remove_handler ("command", my_command)
# ruby
Weechat.remove_handler ("command", my_command)
+-- lua
+weechat.remove_handler ("command", "my_command")
@@ -3762,6 +3855,12 @@ Weechat.remove_handler ("command", my_command)
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.command ( command, [channel, [server]] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Execute a WeeChat command (or send a message to a channel).
@@ -3806,6 +3905,11 @@ weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
Weechat.command ("hello everybody!")
Weechat.command ("/kick toto please leave this channel", "#weechat")
Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
+-- lua
+weechat.command ("hello everybody!")
+weechat.command ("/kick toto please leave this channel", "#weechat")
+weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
@@ -3832,6 +3936,12 @@ Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_info ( name, [server] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return an info about WeeChat or a channel.
@@ -3865,6 +3975,14 @@ $nick = get_info("nick", "freenode");
# python
version = weechat.get_info ("version")
nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+# ruby
+version = Weechat.get_info ("version")
+nick = Weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+-- lua
+version = weechat.get_info ("version")
+nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
@@ -3891,12 +4009,87 @@ nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_dcc_info ( )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return list of DCC currently active or finished.
Return value: list of DCC
(see <xref linkend="secAPI_get_dcc_info" />).
+ <para>
+ Examples:
+# perl
+my @dccs = weechat::get_dcc_info();
+if (@dccs)
+ foreach my $dcc (@dccs)
+ {
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %$dcc)
+ {
+ weechat::print("$key = '$value'");
+ }
+ }
+ weechat::print("no DCC");
+# python
+dccs = weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs != None:
+ if dccs == []:
+ weechat.prnt("no DCC")
+ else:
+ for d in dccs:
+ for b in d.keys():
+ weechat.prnt("%s = '%s'" %(b, d[b]))
+ weechat.prnt("error while getting DCC")
+# ruby
+dccs = Weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs != nil
+ if dccs == []
+ Weechat.print("no DCC")
+ else
+ dccs.each do |m|
+ m.each do |key, value|
+ Weechat.print("#{key} = '#{value}'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Weechat.print("error while getting DCC")
+-- lua
+dccs = weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs ~= nil then
+ if dccs then
+ dcc, dccinfos = next (dccs, nil)
+ while (dcc) do
+ key, value = next (dccinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (dccinfos, key)
+ end
+ dcc, dccinfos = next (dccs, dcc)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("no DCC")
+ end
+ weechat.print("error while getting DCC")
+ </para>
@@ -3921,6 +4114,12 @@ nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_server_info ( )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return list of IRC servers (connected or not).
@@ -3974,6 +4173,26 @@ if servers != nil
Weechat.print("error while getting servers")
+-- lua
+servers = weechat.get_server_info()
+if servers ~= nil then
+ if servers then
+ srv, srvinfos = next (servers, nil)
+ while (srv) do
+ key, value = next (srvinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (srvinfos, key)
+ end
+ srv, srvinfos = next (servers, srv)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("no server")
+ end
+ weechat.print("error while getting servers")
@@ -4000,6 +4219,12 @@ end
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_channel_info ( server )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return list of IRC channels for a server.
@@ -4010,7 +4235,7 @@ end
# perl
-my $channels = weechat::get_channel_info(weechat::get_info('server'));
+my $channels = weechat::get_channel_info(weechat::get_info("server"));
if ($channels)
while (my ($channame, $chaninfos) = each %$channels)
@@ -4027,7 +4252,7 @@ else
# python
-chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info('server'))
+chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info("server"))
if chans != None:
if chans == {}:
weechat.prnt("no channel")
@@ -4039,7 +4264,7 @@ else:
weechat.prnt("error while getting channels")
# ruby
-channels = Weechat.get_channel_info(Weechat.get_info('server'))
+channels = Weechat.get_channel_info(Weechat.get_info("server"))
if channels != nil
if channels == {}
Weechat.print("no channel")
@@ -4053,6 +4278,26 @@ if channels != nil
Weechat.print("error while getting channels")
+-- lua
+chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info("server"))
+if chans ~= nil then
+ if chans then
+ chan, chaninfos = next (chans, nil)
+ while (chan) do
+ key, value = next (chaninfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (chaninfos, key)
+ end
+ chan, chaninfos = next (chans, chan)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("no channel")
+ end
+ weechat.print("error while getting channels")
@@ -4079,6 +4324,12 @@ end
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_nick_info ( server, channel )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return list of nicks for a channel.
@@ -4132,6 +4383,26 @@ if nicks != nil
Weechat.print("error while getting nicks")
+-- lua
+nicks = weechat.get_nick_info("freenode", "#weechat")
+if nicks ~= nil then
+ if nicks then
+ nick, nickinfos = next (nicks, nil)
+ while (nick) do
+ key, value = next (nickinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(nick.."["..key.."] = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (nickinfos, key)
+ end
+ nick, nickinfos = next (nicks, nick)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("no nick")
+ end
+ weechat.print("error while getting nicks")
@@ -4158,6 +4429,12 @@ end
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_config ( option )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return value of a WeeChat config option.
@@ -4183,6 +4460,14 @@ $value2 = weechat::get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin");
# python
value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+# ruby
+value1 = Weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
+value2 = Weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+-- lua
+value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
+value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
@@ -4209,6 +4494,12 @@ value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.set_config ( option, value )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Update value of a WeeChat config option.
@@ -4244,6 +4535,10 @@ weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
# ruby
Weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off")
Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
+-- lua
+weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off")
+weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
@@ -4270,6 +4565,12 @@ Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_plugin_config ( option )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Return value of a plugin option. Option is read from file
"<literal>~/.weechat/plugins.rc</literal>" and is like:
"<literal>plugin.option=value</literal>" (note: plugin name
@@ -4296,6 +4597,12 @@ $value = weechat::get_plugin_config ("my_var");
# python
value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
+# ruby
+value = Weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
+-- lua
+value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
@@ -4322,6 +4629,12 @@ value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
+ Lua prototype:
+ <command>
+ weechat.set_plugin_config ( option, value )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Update value of a plugin option. Option is written in file
"<literal>~/.weechat/plugins.rc</literal>" and is like:
"<literal>plugin.option=value</literal>" (note: plugin name
@@ -4357,6 +4670,9 @@ weechat.set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value")
# ruby
Weechat.set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value")
+-- lua
+weechat.set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value")
diff --git a/weechat/doc/fr/ b/weechat/doc/fr/
index 2d802c518..77a8e6b17 100644
--- a/weechat/doc/fr/
+++ b/weechat/doc/fr/
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ fi
Ce chapitre décrit l'interface des extensions (API) et les extensions
- pour scripts (Perl, Python, Ruby), fournies avec WeeChat.
+ pour scripts (Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua), fournies avec WeeChat.
<section id="secLesExtensionsDansWeeChat">
@@ -3267,7 +3267,7 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
Trois extensions sont fournies en standard avec WeeChat pour utiliser
- des langages de script : Perl, Python et Ruby.
+ des langages de script : Perl, Python, Ruby et Lua.
<section id="secChargerDechargerScripts">
@@ -3275,9 +3275,10 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
Les scripts sont chargés et déchargés avec les commandes
- <command>/perl</command>, <command>/python</command> et
- <command>/ruby</command> (tapez <command>/help</command> dans
- WeeChat pour obtenir de l'aide sur les commandes).
+ <command>/perl</command>, <command>/python</command>,
+ <command>/ruby</command> et <command>/lua</command>
+ (tapez <command>/help</command> dans WeeChat pour obtenir
+ de l'aide sur les commandes).
@@ -3319,6 +3320,18 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Charger un script Lua :
+ <command><userinput>/lua load /tmp/essai.lua</userinput></command>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Lister les scripts Lua chargés :
+ <command><userinput>/lua</userinput></command>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
@@ -3349,6 +3362,12 @@ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.register ( nom, version, fonction_de_fin, description )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
C'est la première fonction à appeler dans le script.
Tout script pour WeeChat doit appeler cette fonction.
@@ -3395,6 +3414,9 @@ weechat.register ("essai", "1.0", "fin_essai", "Script d'essai !")
# ruby
Weechat.register ("essai", "1.0", "fin_essai", "Script d'essai !")
+-- lua
+weechat.register ("essai", "1.0", "fin_essai", "Script d'essai !")
@@ -3421,6 +3443,12 @@ Weechat.register ("essai", "1.0", "fin_essai", "Script d'essai !")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.print ( message, [canal, [serveur]] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Affiche un message sur un tampon WeeChat, identifié par le
serveur et le canal.
@@ -3466,6 +3494,11 @@ weechat.prnt ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
Weechat.print ("message")
Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat")
Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
+-- lua
+weechat.print ("message")
+weechat.print ("message", "#weechat")
+weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
@@ -3492,6 +3525,12 @@ Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.print_infobar ( temps, message )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Affiche un message sur la barre d'infos pour un temps déterminé.
@@ -3524,6 +3563,9 @@ weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
# ruby
Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
+-- lua
+weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
@@ -3550,6 +3592,12 @@ Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.add_message_handler ( message, fonction )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Ajoute un gestionnaire de messages IRC, appelé dès qu'un message
IRC est reçu.
@@ -3599,6 +3647,20 @@ def ma_fonction(serveur, args):
masque, null, canal = string.split(string.strip(canal), " ", 2)
weechat.prnt("masque="+masque+", canal="+canal+", message="+message)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
+# ruby
+def ma_fonction(server, args)
+ Weechat.print("serveur=#{server}, args=#{args}")
+ return Weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK
+Weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", "ma_fonction")
+-- lua
+weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", "ma_fonction")
+function ma_fonction(server, args)
+ weechat.print("serveur=" .. server .. ", args=" .. args)
+ return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK()
@@ -3666,6 +3728,14 @@ def ma_fonction(serveur, args):
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.add_command_handler ( commande, fonction,
+ [description, arguments, arguments_description,
+ modele_completion] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Ajoute un gestionnaire de commande WeeChat, appelé dès que
l'utilisateur utilise la commande (par exemple /commande).
@@ -3719,15 +3789,29 @@ def ma_fonction(serveur, args):
weechat::add_command_handler ("commande", ma_commande);
sub ma_commande
- weechat::print("Serveur: $_[0], paramètres: $_[1]\n");
+ weechat::print("serveur=$_[0], args=$_[1]\n");
return weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK;
# python
weechat.add_command_handler ("commande", ma_commande)
def ma_commande(serveur, args):
- weechat.prnt("serveur:"+serveur+" paramètres:"+args)
+ weechat.prnt("serveur="+serveur+", args="+args)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
+# ruby
+def ma_commande(server, args)
+ Weechat.print("serveur=#{server} args=#{args}")
+ return Weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK
+Weechat.add_command_handler ("command", "ma_commande")
+-- lua
+weechat.add_command_handler ("command", "ma_commande")
+def my_command(server, args)
+ weechat.print("serveur="..server..", args="..args)
+ return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK()
@@ -3771,6 +3855,12 @@ def ma_commande(serveur, args):
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.remove_handler ( nom, fonction )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Supprime un gestionnaire.
@@ -3802,6 +3892,9 @@ weechat.remove_handler ("commande", ma_commande)
# ruby
Weechat.remove_handler ("commande", ma_commande)
+-- lua
+weechat.remove_handler ("commande", "ma_commande")
@@ -3828,6 +3921,12 @@ Weechat.remove_handler ("commande", ma_commande)
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.command ( commande, [canal, [serveur]] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Exécute une commande ou envoie un message à un canal.
@@ -3872,6 +3971,11 @@ weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
Weechat.command ("bonjour tout le monde !")
Weechat.command ("/kick toto merci de quitter ce canal", "#weechat")
Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
+-- lua
+weechat.command ("bonjour tout le monde !")
+weechat.command ("/kick toto merci de quitter ce canal", "#weechat")
+weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
@@ -3898,6 +4002,12 @@ Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_info ( nom, [serveur] )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie une information sur WeeChat ou un canal.
@@ -3931,6 +4041,14 @@ $nick = get_info("nick", "freenode");
# python
version = weechat.get_info ("version")
nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+# ruby
+version = Weechat.get_info ("version")
+nick = Weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+-- lua
+version = weechat.get_info ("version")
+nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
@@ -3957,12 +4075,87 @@ nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_dcc_info ( )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la liste des DCC en cours ou terminés.
Valeur renvoyée : la liste des DCC
(voir <xref linkend="secAPI_get_dcc_info" />).
+ <para>
+ Exemples :
+# perl
+my @dccs = weechat::get_dcc_info();
+if (@dccs)
+ foreach my $dcc (@dccs)
+ {
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %$dcc)
+ {
+ weechat::print("$key = '$value'");
+ }
+ }
+ weechat::print("pas de DCC");
+# python
+dccs = weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs != None:
+ if dccs == []:
+ weechat.prnt("pas de DCC")
+ else:
+ for d in dccs:
+ for b in d.keys():
+ weechat.prnt("%s = '%s'" %(b, d[b]))
+ weechat.prnt("erreur de lecture des DCC")
+# ruby
+dccs = Weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs != nil
+ if dccs == []
+ Weechat.print("pas de DCC")
+ else
+ dccs.each do |m|
+ m.each do |key, value|
+ Weechat.print("#{key} = '#{value}'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Weechat.print("erreur de lecture des DCC")
+-- lua
+dccs = weechat.get_dcc_info()
+if dccs ~= nil then
+ if dccs then
+ dcc, dccinfos = next (dccs, nil)
+ while (dcc) do
+ key, value = next (dccinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (dccinfos, key)
+ end
+ dcc, dccinfos = next (dccs, dcc)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("pas de DCC")
+ end
+ weechat.print("erreur de lecture des DCC")
+ </para>
@@ -3987,6 +4180,12 @@ nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_server_info ( )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la liste des serveurs IRC (connectés ou non).
@@ -4002,7 +4201,7 @@ if ($servers)
while (my ($srvname, $srvinfos) = each %$servers)
- while ( my ($key, $value) = each %$srvinfos)
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %$srvinfos)
weechat::print("$srvname[$key] = '$value'");
@@ -4040,6 +4239,26 @@ if servers != nil
Weechat.print("erreur de lecture des serveurs")
+-- lua
+servers = weechat.get_server_info()
+if servers ~= nil then
+ if servers then
+ srv, srvinfos = next (servers, nil)
+ while (srv) do
+ key, value = next (srvinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (srvinfos, key)
+ end
+ srv, srvinfos = next (servers, srv)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("pas de serveur")
+ end
+ weechat.print("erreur de lecture des serveurs")
@@ -4066,6 +4285,12 @@ end
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_channel_info ( serveur )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la liste des canaux IRC pour un serveur.
@@ -4076,7 +4301,7 @@ end
Exemples :
# perl
-my $channels = weechat::get_channel_info(weechat::get_info('server'));
+my $channels = weechat::get_channel_info(weechat::get_info("server"));
if ($channels)
while (my ($channame, $chaninfos) = each %$channels)
@@ -4093,7 +4318,7 @@ else
# python
-chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info('server'))
+chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info("server"))
if chans != None:
if chans == {}:
weechat.prnt("pas de canal")
@@ -4105,7 +4330,7 @@ else:
weechat.prnt("erreur de lecture des canaux")
# ruby
-channels = Weechat.get_channel_info(Weechat.get_info('server'))
+channels = Weechat.get_channel_info(Weechat.get_info("server"))
if channels != nil
if channels == {}
Weechat.print("pas de canal")
@@ -4119,6 +4344,26 @@ if channels != nil
Weechat.print("erreur de lecture des canaux")
+-- lua
+chans = weechat.get_channel_info(weechat.get_info("server"))
+if chans ~= nil then
+ if chans then
+ chan, chaninfos = next (chans, nil)
+ while (chan) do
+ key, value = next (chaninfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(key.." = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (chaninfos, key)
+ end
+ chan, chaninfos = next (chans, chan)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("pas de canal")
+ end
+ weechat.print("erreur de lecture des canaux")
@@ -4129,7 +4374,7 @@ end
Prototype Perl :
- weechat::get_nick_info ( server, canal );
+ weechat::get_nick_info ( serveur, canal );
@@ -4145,6 +4390,12 @@ end
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_nick_info ( serveur, canal )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la liste des pseudos pour un canal.
@@ -4198,6 +4449,26 @@ if nicks != nil
Weechat.print("erreur de lecture des pseudos")
+-- lua
+nicks = weechat.get_nick_info("freenode", "#weechat")
+if nicks ~= nil then
+ if nicks then
+ nick, nickinfos = next (nicks, nil)
+ while (nick) do
+ key, value = next (nickinfos, nil)
+ while (key) do
+ weechat.print(nick.."["..key.."] = '"..value.."'")
+ key, value = next (nickinfos, key)
+ end
+ nick, nickinfos = next (nicks, nick)
+ end
+ else
+ weechat.print("pas de pseudo")
+ end
+ weechat.print("erreur de lecture des pseudos")
@@ -4224,6 +4495,12 @@ end
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_config ( option )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la valeur d'une option de configuration WeeChat.
@@ -4250,6 +4527,14 @@ $value2 = weechat::get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin");
# python
value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+# ruby
+value1 = Weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
+value2 = Weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+-- lua
+value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist")
+value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
@@ -4276,6 +4561,12 @@ value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.set_config ( option, valeur )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Modifie la valeur d'une option de configuration WeeChat.
@@ -4312,6 +4603,10 @@ weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
# ruby
Weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off")
Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
+-- lua
+weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off")
+weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
@@ -4338,6 +4633,12 @@ Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.get_plugin_config ( option )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Renvoie la valeur d'une option de l'extension.
L'option est lue depuis le fichier
"<literal>~/.weechat/plugins.rc</literal>" et est
@@ -4368,6 +4669,12 @@ $value = weechat::get_plugin_config ("ma_variable");
# python
value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("ma_variable")
+# ruby
+value = Weechat.get_plugin_config ("ma_variable")
+-- lua
+value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("ma_variable")
@@ -4394,6 +4701,12 @@ value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("ma_variable")
+ Prototype Lua :
+ <command>
+ weechat.set_plugin_config ( option, valeur )
+ </command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Modifie la valeur d'une option de l'extension.
L'option est écrite dans le fichier
"<literal>~/.weechat/plugins.rc</literal>" et est
@@ -4433,6 +4746,9 @@ weechat.set_plugin_config ("ma_variable", "valeur")
# ruby
Weechat.set_plugin_config ("ma_variable", "valeur")
+-- lua
+weechat.set_plugin_config ("ma_variable", "valeur")