path: root/src/plugins/spell
diff options
authorSébastien Helleu <>2020-08-24 22:12:45 +0200
committerSébastien Helleu <>2020-08-24 22:12:45 +0200
commit299f74bfef9e0d239ad141a4df3b2dcf11a4c0da (patch)
treebca424b6d51234ce4226ca7df619921fea188575 /src/plugins/spell
parentcfd221014c1e5337ec14503430c98ca620024f81 (diff)
spell: use dynamic string functions to return modified string
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/spell')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/spell/spell.c b/src/plugins/spell/spell.c
index 905864019..2f813d7d4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/spell/spell.c
+++ b/src/plugins/spell/spell.c
@@ -651,14 +651,13 @@ spell_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
unsigned long value;
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer;
struct t_spell_speller_buffer *ptr_speller_buffer;
- char *result, *ptr_string, *ptr_string_orig, *pos_space;
+ char **result, *str_result, *ptr_string, *ptr_string_orig, *pos_space;
char *ptr_end, *ptr_end_valid, save_end;
char *misspelled_word, *old_misspelled_word, *old_suggestions, *suggestions;
char *word_and_suggestions;
const char *color_normal, *color_error, *ptr_suggestions, *pos_colon;
int code_point, char_size, color_code_size;
- int length, index_result, length_word, word_ok;
- int length_color_normal, length_color_error, rc;
+ int length, word_ok, rc;
int input_pos, current_pos, word_start_pos, word_end_pos, word_end_pos_valid;
/* make C compiler happy */
@@ -728,200 +727,180 @@ spell_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
ptr_speller_buffer->input_pos = input_pos;
color_normal = weechat_color ("bar_fg");
- length_color_normal = strlen (color_normal);
color_error = weechat_color (weechat_config_string (spell_config_color_misspelled));
- length_color_error = strlen (color_error);
length = strlen (string);
- result = malloc (length + (length * length_color_error) + 1);
+ result = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (length * 2);
+ if (!result)
+ return NULL;
- if (result)
+ ptr_string = ptr_speller_buffer->modifier_string;
+ /* check if string is a command */
+ if (!weechat_string_input_for_buffer (ptr_string))
- result[0] = '\0';
+ char_size = weechat_utf8_char_size (ptr_string);
+ ptr_string += char_size;
+ pos_space = ptr_string;
+ while (pos_space && pos_space[0] && (pos_space[0] != ' '))
+ {
+ pos_space = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (pos_space);
+ }
+ if (!pos_space || !pos_space[0])
+ {
+ weechat_string_dyn_free (result, 1);
+ return NULL;
+ }
- ptr_string = ptr_speller_buffer->modifier_string;
- index_result = 0;
+ pos_space[0] = '\0';
- /* check if string is a command */
- if (!weechat_string_input_for_buffer (ptr_string))
+ /* exit if command is not authorized for spell checking */
+ if (!spell_command_authorized (ptr_string))
- char_size = weechat_utf8_char_size (ptr_string);
- ptr_string += char_size;
- pos_space = ptr_string;
- while (pos_space && pos_space[0] && (pos_space[0] != ' '))
- {
- pos_space = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (pos_space);
- }
- if (!pos_space || !pos_space[0])
- {
- free (result);
- return NULL;
- }
+ weechat_string_dyn_free (result, 1);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ weechat_string_dyn_concat (result,
+ ptr_speller_buffer->modifier_string,
+ char_size);
+ weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, ptr_string, -1);
- pos_space[0] = '\0';
+ pos_space[0] = ' ';
+ ptr_string = pos_space;
+ }
- /* exit if command is not authorized for spell checking */
- if (!spell_command_authorized (ptr_string))
- {
- free (result);
- return NULL;
- }
- memcpy (result + index_result,
- ptr_speller_buffer->modifier_string,
- char_size);
- index_result += char_size;
- strcpy (result + index_result, ptr_string);
- index_result += strlen (ptr_string);
- pos_space[0] = ' ';
- ptr_string = pos_space;
- }
+ current_pos = 0;
+ while (ptr_string[0])
+ {
+ ptr_string_orig = NULL;
- current_pos = 0;
- while (ptr_string[0])
+ /* skip color codes */
+ while ((color_code_size = weechat_string_color_code_size (ptr_string)) > 0)
- ptr_string_orig = NULL;
+ weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, ptr_string, color_code_size);
+ ptr_string += color_code_size;
+ }
+ if (!ptr_string[0])
+ break;
+ /* find start of word: it must start with an alphanumeric char */
+ code_point = weechat_utf8_char_int (ptr_string);
+ while ((!iswalnum (code_point)) || iswspace (code_point))
+ {
/* skip color codes */
while ((color_code_size = weechat_string_color_code_size (ptr_string)) > 0)
- memcpy (result + index_result, ptr_string, color_code_size);
- index_result += color_code_size;
+ weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, ptr_string, color_code_size);
ptr_string += color_code_size;
if (!ptr_string[0])
- /* find start of word: it must start with an alphanumeric char */
+ if (!ptr_string_orig && !iswspace (code_point))
+ ptr_string_orig = ptr_string;
+ char_size = weechat_utf8_char_size (ptr_string);
+ weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, ptr_string, char_size);
+ ptr_string += char_size;
+ current_pos++;
+ if (!ptr_string[0])
+ break;
code_point = weechat_utf8_char_int (ptr_string);
- while ((!iswalnum (code_point)) || iswspace (code_point))
+ }
+ if (!ptr_string[0])
+ break;
+ if (!ptr_string_orig)
+ ptr_string_orig = ptr_string;
+ word_start_pos = current_pos;
+ word_end_pos = current_pos;
+ word_end_pos_valid = current_pos;
+ /* find end of word: ' and - allowed in word, but not at the end */
+ ptr_end_valid = ptr_string;
+ ptr_end = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (ptr_string);
+ code_point = weechat_utf8_char_int (ptr_end);
+ while (iswalnum (code_point) || (code_point == '\'')
+ || (code_point == '-'))
+ {
+ word_end_pos++;
+ if (iswalnum (code_point))
- /* skip color codes */
- while ((color_code_size = weechat_string_color_code_size (ptr_string)) > 0)
- {
- memcpy (result + index_result, ptr_string, color_code_size);
- index_result += color_code_size;
- ptr_string += color_code_size;
- }
- if (!ptr_string[0])
- break;
- if (!ptr_string_orig && !iswspace (code_point))
- ptr_string_orig = ptr_string;
- char_size = weechat_utf8_char_size (ptr_string);
- memcpy (result + index_result, ptr_string, char_size);
- index_result += char_size;
- ptr_string += char_size;
- current_pos++;
- if (!ptr_string[0])
- break;
- code_point = weechat_utf8_char_int (ptr_string);
+ /* pointer to last alphanumeric char in the word */
+ ptr_end_valid = ptr_end;
+ word_end_pos_valid = word_end_pos;
- if (!ptr_string[0])
+ ptr_end = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (ptr_end);
+ if (!ptr_end[0])
- if (!ptr_string_orig)
- ptr_string_orig = ptr_string;
- word_start_pos = current_pos;
- word_end_pos = current_pos;
- word_end_pos_valid = current_pos;
- /* find end of word: ' and - allowed in word, but not at the end */
- ptr_end_valid = ptr_string;
- ptr_end = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (ptr_string);
code_point = weechat_utf8_char_int (ptr_end);
- while (iswalnum (code_point) || (code_point == '\'')
- || (code_point == '-'))
+ }
+ ptr_end = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (ptr_end_valid);
+ word_end_pos = word_end_pos_valid;
+ word_ok = 0;
+ if (spell_string_is_url (ptr_string)
+ || spell_string_is_nick (buffer, ptr_string_orig))
+ {
+ /*
+ * word is an URL or a nick, then it is OK: search for next
+ * space (will be end of word)
+ */
+ word_ok = 1;
+ if (ptr_end[0])
- word_end_pos++;
- if (iswalnum (code_point))
- {
- /* pointer to last alphanumeric char in the word */
- ptr_end_valid = ptr_end;
- word_end_pos_valid = word_end_pos;
- }
- ptr_end = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (ptr_end);
- if (!ptr_end[0])
- break;
code_point = weechat_utf8_char_int (ptr_end);
- }
- ptr_end = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (ptr_end_valid);
- word_end_pos = word_end_pos_valid;
- word_ok = 0;
- if (spell_string_is_url (ptr_string)
- || spell_string_is_nick (buffer, ptr_string_orig))
- {
- /*
- * word is an URL or a nick, then it is OK: search for next
- * space (will be end of word)
- */
- word_ok = 1;
- if (ptr_end[0])
+ while (!iswspace (code_point))
+ ptr_end = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (ptr_end);
+ if (!ptr_end[0])
+ break;
code_point = weechat_utf8_char_int (ptr_end);
- while (!iswspace (code_point))
- {
- ptr_end = (char *)weechat_utf8_next_char (ptr_end);
- if (!ptr_end[0])
- break;
- code_point = weechat_utf8_char_int (ptr_end);
- }
- save_end = ptr_end[0];
- ptr_end[0] = '\0';
- length_word = ptr_end - ptr_string;
+ }
+ save_end = ptr_end[0];
+ ptr_end[0] = '\0';
- if (!word_ok)
+ if (!word_ok)
+ {
+ if ((save_end != '\0')
+ || (weechat_config_integer (spell_config_check_real_time)))
- if ((save_end != '\0')
- || (weechat_config_integer (spell_config_check_real_time)))
+ word_ok = spell_check_word (ptr_speller_buffer,
+ ptr_string);
+ if (!word_ok && (input_pos >= word_start_pos))
- word_ok = spell_check_word (ptr_speller_buffer,
- ptr_string);
- if (!word_ok && (input_pos >= word_start_pos))
- {
- /*
- * if word is misspelled and that cursor is after
- * the beginning of this word, save the word (we will
- * look for suggestions after this loop)
- */
- if (misspelled_word)
- free (misspelled_word);
- misspelled_word = strdup (ptr_string);
- }
+ /*
+ * if word is misspelled and that cursor is after
+ * the beginning of this word, save the word (we will
+ * look for suggestions after this loop)
+ */
+ if (misspelled_word)
+ free (misspelled_word);
+ misspelled_word = strdup (ptr_string);
- else
- word_ok = 1;
+ else
+ word_ok = 1;
+ }
- /* add error color */
- if (!word_ok)
- {
- strcpy (result + index_result, color_error);
- index_result += length_color_error;
- }
+ /* add error color */
+ if (!word_ok)
+ weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, color_error, -1);
- /* add word */
- strcpy (result + index_result, ptr_string);
- index_result += length_word;
+ /* add word */
+ weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, ptr_string, -1);
- /* add normal color (after misspelled word) */
- if (!word_ok)
- {
- strcpy (result + index_result, color_normal);
- index_result += length_color_normal;
- }
+ /* add normal color (after misspelled word) */
+ if (!word_ok)
+ weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, color_normal, -1);
- if (save_end == '\0')
- break;
+ if (save_end == '\0')
+ break;
- ptr_end[0] = save_end;
- ptr_string = ptr_end;
- current_pos = word_end_pos + 1;
- }
- result[index_result] = '\0';
+ ptr_end[0] = save_end;
+ ptr_string = ptr_end;
+ current_pos = word_end_pos + 1;
/* save old suggestions in buffer */
@@ -1007,12 +986,12 @@ spell_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
if (old_suggestions)
free (old_suggestions);
- if (!result)
- return NULL;
+ ptr_speller_buffer->modifier_result = strdup (*result);
- ptr_speller_buffer->modifier_result = strdup (result);
+ str_result = *result;
+ weechat_string_dyn_free (result, 0);
- return result;
+ return str_result;