path: root/doc
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authorSebastien Helleu <>2014-02-14 12:25:36 +0100
committerSebastien Helleu <>2014-02-14 12:25:36 +0100
commit90c233a364510230800e3ef65b4858b2eba208a9 (patch)
treef5fbca2c76990d76084730bebfb2cda0ce419c79 /doc
parentfa2600f496ae74ee742a545d0d339584189dbfb6 (diff)
doc: add function string_convert_escaped_chars in plugin API reference
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
4 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.txt b/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.txt
index 9d3d8ebc5..6db28bd8c 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.txt
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.txt
@@ -995,6 +995,56 @@ free (str);
This function is not available in scripting API.
+==== weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars
+_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.4._
+Convert escaped chars to their value:
+* `\"`: double quote
+* `\\`: backslash
+* `\a`: alert (BEL)
+* `\b`: backspace
+* `\e`: escape
+* `\f`: form feed
+* `\n`: new line
+* `\r`: carriage return
+* `\t`: horizontal tab
+* `\v`: vertical tab
+* `\0ooo`: char as octal value (ooo is 0 to 3 digits)
+* `\xhh`: char as hexadecimal value (hh is 1 to 2 digits)
+* `\uhhhh`: unicode char as hexadecimal value (hhhh is 1 to 4 digits)
+* `\Uhhhhhhhh`: unicode char as hexadecimal value (hhhhhhhh is 1 to 8 digits)
+char *weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars (const char *string);
+* 'string': string
+Return value:
+* string with escaped chars replaced by their value (must be freed by calling
+ "free" after use)
+C example:
+char *str = weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars ("snowman: \\u2603");
+/* str == "snowman: ☃" */
+/* ... */
+free (str);
+This function is not available in scripting API.
==== weechat_string_mask_to_regex
Return a regex, built with a mask, where only special char is "`*`". All other
diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/
index 5f09302d2..117d25031 100644
--- a/doc/fr/
+++ b/doc/fr/
@@ -1005,6 +1005,58 @@ free (str);
Cette fonction n'est pas disponible dans l'API script.
+==== weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars
+_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.4._
+Convertir les caractères échappés par leur valeur :
+* `\"` : double guillemet droit
+* `\\` : barre oblique inversée
+* `\a` : alerte (BEL)
+* `\b` : retour arrière
+* `\e` : échappement
+* `\f` : saut de page
+* `\n` : nouvelle ligne
+* `\r` : retour chariot
+* `\t` : tabulation horizontale
+* `\v` : tabulation verticale
+* `\0ooo` : caractère sous forme de valeur octale (ooo a 0 à 3 chiffres)
+* `\xhh` : caractère sous forme de valeur hexadécimale (hh a 1 à 2 chiffres)
+* `\uhhhh` : caractère unicode sous forme de valeur hexadécimale (hhhh a 1 à 4
+ chiffres)
+* `\Uhhhhhhhh` : caractère unicode sous forme de valeur hexadécimale (hhhhhhhh
+ a 1 à 8 chiffres)
+Prototype :
+char *weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars (const char *string);
+Paramètres :
+* 'string' : chaîne
+Valeur de retour :
+* chaîne avec les caractères échappés remplacés par leur valeur (doit être
+ supprimée par un appel à "free" après utilisation)
+Exemple en C :
+char *str = weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars ("snowman: \\u2603");
+/* str == "snowman: ☃" */
+/* ... */
+free (str);
+Cette fonction n'est pas disponible dans l'API script.
==== weechat_string_mask_to_regex
Retourner une expression régulière ("regex"), construite avec un masque où le
diff --git a/doc/it/ b/doc/it/
index 363a62654..3bde8d1d2 100644
--- a/doc/it/
+++ b/doc/it/
@@ -1012,6 +1012,58 @@ free (str);
Questa funzione non è disponibile nelle API per lo scripting.
+==== weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars
+_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.4._
+Convert escaped chars to their value:
+* `\"`: double quote
+* `\\`: backslash
+* `\a`: alert (BEL)
+* `\b`: backspace
+* `\e`: escape
+* `\f`: form feed
+* `\n`: new line
+* `\r`: carriage return
+* `\t`: horizontal tab
+* `\v`: vertical tab
+* `\0ooo`: char as octal value (ooo is 0 to 3 digits)
+* `\xhh`: char as hexadecimal value (hh is 1 to 2 digits)
+* `\uhhhh`: unicode char as hexadecimal value (hhhh is 1 to 4 digits)
+* `\Uhhhhhhhh`: unicode char as hexadecimal value (hhhhhhhh is 1 to 8 digits)
+char *weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars (const char *string);
+* 'string': stringa
+Valore restituito:
+* string with escaped chars replaced by their value (deve essere liberata
+ chiamando "free" dopo l'uso)
+Esempio in C:
+char *str = weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars ("snowman: \\u2603");
+/* str == "snowman: ☃" */
+/* ... */
+free (str);
+Questa funzione non è disponibile nelle API per lo scripting.
==== weechat_string_mask_to_regex
Restituisce una espressione regolare con una mask, dove l'unico carattere
diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_plugin_api.ja.txt b/doc/ja/weechat_plugin_api.ja.txt
index e634409ca..060bdccb3 100644
--- a/doc/ja/weechat_plugin_api.ja.txt
+++ b/doc/ja/weechat_plugin_api.ja.txt
@@ -994,6 +994,58 @@ free (str);
スクリプト API ではこの関数を利用できません。
+==== weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars
+_WeeChat バージョン 0.4.4 以上で利用可。_
+Convert escaped chars to their value:
+* `\"`: double quote
+* `\\`: backslash
+* `\a`: alert (BEL)
+* `\b`: backspace
+* `\e`: escape
+* `\f`: form feed
+* `\n`: new line
+* `\r`: carriage return
+* `\t`: horizontal tab
+* `\v`: vertical tab
+* `\0ooo`: char as octal value (ooo is 0 to 3 digits)
+* `\xhh`: char as hexadecimal value (hh is 1 to 2 digits)
+* `\uhhhh`: unicode char as hexadecimal value (hhhh is 1 to 4 digits)
+* `\Uhhhhhhhh`: unicode char as hexadecimal value (hhhhhhhh is 1 to 8 digits)
+char *weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars (const char *string);
+* 'string': 文字列
+* string with escaped chars replaced by their value
+ (使用後には必ず "free" を呼び出して領域を開放してください)
+C 言語での使用例:
+char *str = weechat_string_convert_escaped_chars ("snowman: \\u2603");
+/* str == "snowman: ☃" */
+/* ... */
+free (str);
+スクリプト API ではこの関数を利用できません。
==== weechat_string_mask_to_regex