path: root/doc
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authorSébastien Helleu <>2017-07-22 13:56:28 +0200
committerSébastien Helleu <>2017-07-22 13:56:28 +0200
commit1e7b7094390f99d0c04fe4682fda99e85650a220 (patch)
tree49d4f067a96d2672ea07a1341c166ae5fe0ea315 /doc
parent71965ddbae49da5be742119300bb04af1dce4bde (diff)
doc: update question about buffers list (FAQ)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
6 files changed, 87 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/ b/doc/de/
index 6ac7e5b4c..2865fee28 100644
--- a/doc/de/
+++ b/doc/de/
@@ -187,32 +187,40 @@ Jedes Fenster stellt einen Buffer dar. Ein Buffer kann unsichtbar sein (er wird
in einem Fenster nicht angezeigt). Oder ein Buffer wird durch ein oder mehrere Fenster
=== Wie kann ich eine Liste mit den Buffern z.B. auf der linken Seite anzeigen lassen?
-Nutze dazu das Skript _buffers.pl_:
+With WeeChat ≥ 1.8, the plugin "buflist" is loaded and enabled by default.
+With an older version, you can install script _buffers.pl_:
/script install
-Um die Größe der Bar zu limitieren:
+To limit size of bar (replace "buflist" by "buffers" if you're using the script
-/set 15
+/set 15
-Um die Bar nach oben zu verschieben:
+To move bar to bottom:
-/set bottom
+/set bottom
-um den Inhalt der Bar zu scollen: sollte die Mausunterstützung aktiviert sein (Taste: kbd:[Alt+m]),
-kann man den Inhalt der Bar ganz einfach mit dem Mausrad vor- und zurück scrollen.
+To scroll the bar: if mouse is enabled (key: kbd:[Alt+m]), you can scroll the
+bar with your mouse wheel.
+Default keys to scroll _buflist_ bar are kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1]
+and kbd:[Alt+F2].
-man kann aber auch Tastenbefehle nutzen, ähnlich den schon existierenden Tastenbefehlen mit welchen
-man die Nickliste vor- und zurück scrollen kann: kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] und kbd:[Alt+F2]:
+For script _buffers.pl_, you can define keys, similar to the existing keys to
+scroll nicklist. +
+For example to use kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] and kbd:[Alt+F2]:
/key bind meta-OP /bar scroll buffers * -100%
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.adoc b/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.adoc
index f0e663670..32a626a67 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.adoc
@@ -172,28 +172,35 @@ window) or displayed by one or more windows.
=== How to display the buffers list on the left side?
-Use script _buffers.pl_:
+With WeeChat ≥ 1.8, the plugin "buflist" is loaded and enabled by default.
+With an older version, you can install script _buffers.pl_:
/script install
-To limit size of bar:
+To limit size of bar (replace "buflist" by "buffers" if you're using the script
-/set 15
+/set 15
To move bar to bottom:
-/set bottom
+/set bottom
To scroll the bar: if mouse is enabled (key: kbd:[Alt+m]), you can scroll the
bar with your mouse wheel.
-Or you can define keys, similar to the existing keys to scroll nicklist.
+Default keys to scroll _buflist_ bar are kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1]
+and kbd:[Alt+F2].
+For script _buffers.pl_, you can define keys, similar to the existing keys to
+scroll nicklist. +
For example to use kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] and kbd:[Alt+F2]:
diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/
index 9c170b43e..035d5226d 100644
--- a/doc/fr/
+++ b/doc/fr/
@@ -180,13 +180,16 @@ aucune fenêtre) ou affiché par une ou plusieurs fenêtres.
=== Comment afficher la liste des tampons sur la gauche ?
-Utilisez le script _buffers.pl_ :
+Avec WeeChat ≥ 1.8, l'extension "buflist" est chargée et activée par défaut.
+Avec une version plus ancienne, vous pouvez installer le script _buffers.pl_ :
/script install
-Pour limiter la taille de la barre :
+Pour limiter la taille de la barre (remplacez "buflist" par "buffers" si vous
+utilisez le script _buffers.pl_) :
/set 15
@@ -201,8 +204,11 @@ Pour déplacer la barre en bas :
Pour faire défiler la barre : si la souris est activée (touche : kbd:[Alt+m]),
vous pouvez faire défiler avec la roulette de votre souris.
-Ou vous pouvez définir des touches, comme les touches déjà existantes pour faire
-défiler la liste de pseudos.
+Les touches par défaut pour faire défiler la barre _buflist_ sont kbd:[F1],
+kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] et kbd:[Alt+F2].
+Pour le script _buffers.pl_, vous pouvez définir des touches, comme les touches
+déjà existantes pour faire défiler la liste de pseudos. +
Par exemple pour utiliser kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] et kbd:[Alt+F2] :
diff --git a/doc/it/ b/doc/it/
index a21940d58..7585fc17f 100644
--- a/doc/it/
+++ b/doc/it/
@@ -189,33 +189,39 @@ un buffer. È possibile dividere lo schermo in più finestre.
Ogni finestra visualizza un buffer. Un buffer può essere nascosto (non visualizzato
da una finestra) o visualizzato da una o più finestre.
=== Come si può visualizzare la lista dei buffer sulla sinistra?
-Utilizzando lo script _buffers.pl_:
+With WeeChat ≥ 1.8, the plugin "buflist" is loaded and enabled by default.
+With an older version, you can install script _buffers.pl_:
/script install
-Per limitare la dimensione della barra:
+To limit size of bar (replace "buflist" by "buffers" if you're using the script
-/set 15
+/set 15
-Per spostare la barra in basso:
+To move bar to bottom:
-/set bottom
+/set bottom
To scroll the bar: if mouse is enabled (key: kbd:[Alt+m]), you can scroll the
bar with your mouse wheel.
-Or you can define keys, similar to the existing keys to scroll nicklist.
+Default keys to scroll _buflist_ bar are kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1]
+and kbd:[Alt+F2].
+For script _buffers.pl_, you can define keys, similar to the existing keys to
+scroll nicklist. +
For example to use kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] and kbd:[Alt+F2]:
diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.adoc b/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.adoc
index da5949b44..98fe05cd6 100644
--- a/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.adoc
@@ -174,32 +174,40 @@ _ウィンドウ_
それぞれのウィンドウは 1 つのバッファの内容を表示します。バッファを隠す
(ウィンドウで表示させない) ことや 1 つ以上のウィンドウに表示させることも出来ます。
=== どうすれば左側にバッファリストを表示できますか。
-_buffers.pl_ スクリプトを使ってください:
+With WeeChat ≥ 1.8, the plugin "buflist" is loaded and enabled by default.
+With an older version, you can install script _buffers.pl_:
/script install
+To limit size of bar (replace "buflist" by "buffers" if you're using the script
-/set 15
+/set 15
+To move bar to bottom:
-/set bottom
+/set bottom
-バーをスクロールするには: マウスが有効化されているならば
-(キー: kbd:[Alt+m])、マウスホイールでバーをスクロールできます。
+To scroll the bar: if mouse is enabled (key: kbd:[Alt+m]), you can scroll the
+bar with your mouse wheel.
+Default keys to scroll _buflist_ bar are kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1]
+and kbd:[Alt+F2].
-kbd:[F1]、kbd:[F2]、kbd:[Alt+F1]、kbd:[Alt+F2] を定義しています:
+For script _buffers.pl_, you can define keys, similar to the existing keys to
+scroll nicklist. +
+For example to use kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] and kbd:[Alt+F2]:
/key bind meta-OP /bar scroll buffers * -100%
diff --git a/doc/pl/ b/doc/pl/
index 66bd11efb..296d2bec4 100644
--- a/doc/pl/
+++ b/doc/pl/
@@ -175,32 +175,40 @@ ekranu na wiele okien.
Każde okno wyświetla jeden bufor. Bufor może być ukryty (nie wyświetlany przez
okno) lub wyświetlany w jednym lub więcej oknach.
=== Jak wyświetlić listę z buforami po lewej stronie?
-Użyj skryptu _buffers.pl_:
+With WeeChat ≥ 1.8, the plugin "buflist" is loaded and enabled by default.
+With an older version, you can install script _buffers.pl_:
/script install
-W celu ograniczenia rozmiaru paska:
+To limit size of bar (replace "buflist" by "buffers" if you're using the script
-/set 15
+/set 15
-Żeby przenieść pasek na dół:
+To move bar to bottom:
-/set bottom
+/set bottom
-Aby przewinąć pasek: jeśli mysz jest włączona (key: kbd:[Alt+m]), możesz przewinąć pasek
-za pomocą rolki myszy.
+To scroll the bar: if mouse is enabled (key: kbd:[Alt+m]), you can scroll the
+bar with your mouse wheel.
+Default keys to scroll _buflist_ bar are kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1]
+and kbd:[Alt+F2].
-Możesz też zdefiniować skróty klawiszowe, podobne do tych od przewijania listy nicków.
-Na przykład użyć kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] i kbd:[Alt+F2]:
+For script _buffers.pl_, you can define keys, similar to the existing keys to
+scroll nicklist. +
+For example to use kbd:[F1], kbd:[F2], kbd:[Alt+F1] and kbd:[Alt+F2]:
/key bind meta-OP /bar scroll buffers * -100%