path: root/doc/it
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authorSebastien Helleu <>2011-08-01 18:33:13 +0200
committerSebastien Helleu <>2011-08-01 18:33:13 +0200
commit217e9683d21c754a932407c7ddcafa4ca88f5649 (patch)
tree330e5b8eb8a570e40aa8e1d11b73d65a082acffb /doc/it
parent95b179dd0801ccb4b0068d1c2e2c04aa2264e912 (diff)
core: add info about position where mouse button is released in hook_focus (for mouse gestures)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/it')
3 files changed, 60 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.txt b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.txt
index 756b288a8..cff831ebb 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.txt
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/plugin_api/infolists.txt
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
| weechat | hotlist | elenco dei buffer nella hotlist | - | -
-| weechat | key | elenco di tasti associati | - | contesto ("default" oppure "search") (opzionale)
+| weechat | key | elenco di tasti associati | - | context ("default", "search", "cursor" or "mouse") (optional)
| weechat | nicklist | nick nella lista nick per un buffer | puntatore al buffer | nick_xxx o group_xxx per ottenere solo xxx di nick/group (opzionale)
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
index 579ce833a..ae71503c5 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
@@ -350,6 +350,7 @@ For context "mouse" (possible in context "cursor" too), key has format: "@area:k
bar(xxx): bar "xxx"
item(*): any bar item
item(xxx): bar item "xxx"
+The key can start or end with '*' to match many mouse events.
key alt-x to toggle nicklist bar:
diff --git a/doc/it/ b/doc/it/
index ff4cb3f04..aff4db708 100644
--- a/doc/it/
+++ b/doc/it/
@@ -3257,9 +3257,14 @@ Argomenti:
*** 'buffer': buffer
*** 'time': tempo
** 'keys': stringa con la lista di chiavi (formato: "chiave1,chiave2,chiave3")
+** 'keys_sorted': string with list of sorted keys (format: "chiave1,chiave2,chiave3")
** 'values': stringa con la lista di valori (formato: "valore1,valore2,valore3")
** 'keys_values': stringa con la lista di valori e chiavi
(formato: "chiave1:valore1,chiave2:valore2,chiave3:valore3")
+** 'keys_values_sorted': string with list of keys and values (sorted by keys)
+ (format: "chiave1:valore1,chiave2:valore2,chiave3:valore3")
Valore restituito:
@@ -8308,34 +8313,65 @@ Argomenti:
** 'void *data': pointer
** 'struct t_hashtable *info': hashtable with info on focus and strings returned
- by other calls to focus callbacks (with higher priority); keys and values
- are of type "string"; info on focus (filled by WeeChat) are:
-*** '_x': column of focus on screen (first column on the left is "0")
-*** '_y': line of focus on screen (first line on top is "0")
-*** '_window': pointer of window with focus ("0x0" for a bar of type "root"
- or for unknown area)
-*** '_window_number': number of window with focus (not set for a bar of type
- "root" or for unknown area)
-*** '_buffer': pointer of buffer with focus ("0x0" for a bar of type "root"
- or for unknown area)
-*** '_buffer_number': number of buffer with focus (not set for a bar of type
- "root" or for unknown area)
-*** '_buffer_plugin': plugin name of buffer with focus (not set for a bar of
- type "root" or for unknown area)
-*** '_buffer_name': name of buffer with focus (not set for a bar of type "root"
- or for unknown area)
-*** '_bar_name': name of bar with focus (NULL for chat area or for unknown
- area)
-*** '_bar_item_name': name of bar item with focus (NULL if focus is not in a
- bar or if focus is after the end of last bar item)
-*** '_item_line': line with focus in bar item (first line of bar item is "0")
-*** '_item_col': column with focus in bar item (first column of bar item is "0")
+ by other calls to focus callbacks (with higher priority) (see table below)
** return value: either "info" pointer (hashtable completed), or pointer to a
new hashtable (created by callback, with keys and values of type "string"),
this new hashtable content will be added to 'info' for other calls to focus
* 'callback_data': pointer given to callback when it is called by WeeChat
+For a mouse gesture, your callback will be called two times: first time when
+button is pressed (here the area always matches your area), second time when
+button is released, and then the area may not match your area: so you must
+*always* test in your callback if area is matching before using info in
+Content of hashtable sent to callback (keys and values are of type "string"):
+| Key ^(1)^ | Description | Value | Value if N/A
+| _x | column on screen 2+| "0" ... "n"
+| _y | line on screen 2+| "0" ... "n"
+| _window | pointer of window | "0x12345678" | "0x0"
+| _window_number | number of window | "1" ... "n" | "*"
+| _chat | chat area indicator | "0" or "1" | "0"
+| _buffer | pointer of buffer | "0x12345678" | "0x0"
+| _buffer_number | number of buffer | "1" ... "n" | ""
+| _buffer_plugin | plugin name of buffer | "core", "irc", ... | ""
+| _buffer_name | name of buffer | "weechat", "freenode.#weechat", ... | ""
+| _bar_name | name of bar | "title", "nicklist", ... | ""
+| _bar_filling | filling of bar | "horizontal", "vertical", ... | ""
+| _bar_item_name | name of bar item | "buffer_nicklist", ... | ""
+| _item_line | line in bar item | "0" ... "n" | "-1"
+| _item_col | column in bar item | "0" ... "n" | "-1"
+| _key | key or mouse event 2+| "button1", "button2-gesture-left", ...
+^(1)^ There are same keys suffixed with "2" (ie: "_x2", "_y2", "_window2", ...)
+with info on second point (useful only for mouse gestures, to know where mouse
+button has been released).
+Extra info for bar item "buffer_nicklist":
+| Key | Plugin | Description
+| nick | core | nick name
+| prefix | core | prefix for nick
+| group | core | group name
+| host | irc | host for nick (if known)
+| server | irc | internal name of server
+| channel | irc | channel name
+^(1)^ The name of plugin which defines a hook_focus to return info for this bar
+item (so for example if plugin is "irc", such info will be available only on
+irc buffers).
Valore restituito:
* pointer to new hook, NULL if error occured