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authorSébastien Helleu <>2015-06-29 22:33:41 +0200
committerSébastien Helleu <>2015-06-29 22:33:41 +0200
commite92a63427f2f3d45646cf0ffc107cf3f0a279f84 (patch)
parent7fabe8c2a28d973b24e7d952562bdfb340cbb541 (diff)
doc: add question about unicode chars and libc (wcwidth) in FAQ
6 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/ b/doc/de/
index b0e001fbb..406e1fb88 100644
--- a/doc/de/
+++ b/doc/de/
@@ -124,6 +124,19 @@ Für Weechat wird die Nutzung von UTF-8 locale empfohlen. Nutzt Du jedoch ISO
oder andere locale, bitte vergewissere Dich, dass *alle* Deine Einstellungen
(Terminal, screen, ...) sich auch auf ISO beziehen und *nicht* auf UTF-8.
+=== Some unicode chars are displayed in terminal but not in WeeChat, why?
+This may be caused by a libc bug in function 'wcwidth', which should be fixed
+in glibc 2.22 (maybe not yet available in your distribution).
+There is a workaround to use the fixed 'wcwidth' function:
+See this bug report for more information:
=== Weshalb haben Bars, z.B. Titel und Status, keine Hintergrundfarbe bzw. diese endet direkt nach dem Text?
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.asciidoc b/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.asciidoc
index 0de8ba0a3..5c6bc07c2 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_faq.en.asciidoc
@@ -108,6 +108,18 @@ UTF-8 locale is recommended for WeeChat. If you're using ISO or other
locale, please check that *all* your settings (terminal, screen, ..) are ISO
and *not* UTF-8.
+=== Some unicode chars are displayed in terminal but not in WeeChat, why?
+This may be caused by a libc bug in function 'wcwidth', which should be fixed
+in glibc 2.22 (maybe not yet available in your distribution).
+There is a workaround to use the fixed 'wcwidth' function:
+See this bug report for more information:
=== Bars like title and status are not filled, background color stops after text, why?
diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/
index d3ad30c56..4d412161b 100644
--- a/doc/fr/
+++ b/doc/fr/
@@ -113,6 +113,19 @@ La locale UTF-8 est recommandée pour WeeChat. Si vous utilisez ISO ou une autre
locale, assurez-vous que *tout* soit configuré en ISO (terminal, screen, ...)
et *pas* en UTF-8.
+=== Certains caractères unicode sont affichés dans le terminal, mais pas dans WeeChat, pourquoi ?
+Cela peut être causé par un bug de la libc dans la fonction 'wcwidth' et
+devrait être corrigé dans la glibc 2.22 (peut-être pas encore disponible dans
+votre distribution).
+Il y a un moyen de contournement pour utiliser la fonction 'wcwidth' corrigée :
+Voir ce rapport de bug pour plus d'informations :
=== Des barres telles que le titre et le statut ne sont pas remplies, la couleur de fond s'arrête après le texte, pourquoi ?
diff --git a/doc/it/ b/doc/it/
index 692060879..7b89805e5 100644
--- a/doc/it/
+++ b/doc/it/
@@ -122,6 +122,19 @@ Si raccomanda il locale UTF-8 per WeeChat. Se si utilizza ISO o un altro
locale, per favore verificare che *tutte* le impostazioni (terminale, screen)
siano ISO e *non* UTF-8.
+=== Some unicode chars are displayed in terminal but not in WeeChat, why?
+This may be caused by a libc bug in function 'wcwidth', which should be fixed
+in glibc 2.22 (maybe not yet available in your distribution).
+There is a workaround to use the fixed 'wcwidth' function:
+See this bug report for more information:
=== Barre come quella del titolo e di stato non sono complete, il colore di sfondo si ferma dopo il testo, perché?
diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.asciidoc b/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.asciidoc
index 973a27115..d793ed9d6 100644
--- a/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/ja/weechat_faq.ja.asciidoc
@@ -112,6 +112,19 @@ WeeChat は UTF-8 ロケールを推奨します。ISO 又はその他のロケ
*全ての* 設定 (ターミナル、screen、..) が ISO であり、
UTF-8 *でない* ことを確認してください。
+=== Some unicode chars are displayed in terminal but not in WeeChat, why?
+This may be caused by a libc bug in function 'wcwidth', which should be fixed
+in glibc 2.22 (maybe not yet available in your distribution).
+There is a workaround to use the fixed 'wcwidth' function:
+See this bug report for more information:
=== タイトルやステータスバー等の背景色が行末ではなくテキストの最後で終わってしまいます。
diff --git a/doc/pl/ b/doc/pl/
index 8da434286..3fc32a1e6 100644
--- a/doc/pl/
+++ b/doc/pl/
@@ -113,6 +113,19 @@ UTF-8 jest zalecany dla WeeChat. Jeśli korzystasz z lokalizacji ISO lub innych,
sprawdź czy *wszystkie* twoje ustawienia (terminal, screen, ..) są ISO,
a *nie* UTF-8.
+=== Some unicode chars are displayed in terminal but not in WeeChat, why?
+This may be caused by a libc bug in function 'wcwidth', which should be fixed
+in glibc 2.22 (maybe not yet available in your distribution).
+There is a workaround to use the fixed 'wcwidth' function:
+See this bug report for more information:
=== Paski jak tytuł i status nie są filtrowane, kolor tła zatrzymuje się po tekście, czemu?