diff options
authorSebastien Helleu <>2012-12-05 19:38:37 +0100
committerSebastien Helleu <>2012-12-05 19:38:37 +0100
commitd544a47e2ca56e84db55acce54f5d20a531b7f14 (patch)
parent03cbb1c8f65ff910ee028d28570865c86989e76f (diff)
doc: update IRC commands in user's guide
5 files changed, 50 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt b/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
index 0c820a3b1..a5106789f 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
@@ -56,20 +56,21 @@ Ohne Angabe von Argumenten wird die Ban-Liste für den aktuellen Channel angezei
[command]*`connect`* Mit IRC-Server(n) verbinden::
/connect <server> [<server>...] [-<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] [-nojoin] [-switch]
- -all|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
- server: Name des Servers (folgende Möglichkeiten bestehen):
- - intern genutzter Servername mit dem verbunden werden soll (Der Server sollte zuerst mittels "/server add" angelegt werden)
- - Hostname/Port oder IP/Port (damit wird lediglich ein TEMPORÄRER Server erstellt), Port 6667 wird standardmäßig verwendet
- - URL mit folgendem Format: irc[6][s]://[nickname[:password]@][:port][/#channel1][,#channel2[...]]
- option: legt die Optionen für den Server fest (die Boolean-Optionen können weggelassen werden)
- nooption: stellt die Boolean Option auf "off" (Beispiel: -nossl)
- -all: Verbindung wird mit allen Servern hergestellt
- -open: stellt eine Verbindung zu allen geöffneten Servern her, zu denen aktuell keine Verbindung besteht
- -nojoin: Channel(s) werden nicht betreten (auch falls die Funktion "autojoin" aktiviert sein sollte)
- -switch: wechselt zur nächsten Server-Adresse
+ -all|-auto|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
+ server: server name, which can be:
+ - internal server name (created by /server add, recommended usage)
+ - hostname/port or IP/port (this will create a TEMPORARY server), port is 6667 by default
+ - URL with format: irc[6][s]://[nickname[:password]@][:port][/#channel1][,#channel2[...]]
+ option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted)
+ nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
+ -all: connect to all servers defined in configuration
+ -auto: connect to servers with autoconnect enabled
+ -open: connect to all opened servers that are not currently connected
+ -nojoin: do not join any channel (even if autojoin is enabled on server)
+ -switch: switch to next server address
/connect freenode
/connect -ipv6
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt b/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
index 74d40cd70..6ef458ba0 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Without argument, this command display ban list for current channel.
[command]*`connect`* connect to IRC server(s)::
/connect <server> [<server>...] [-<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] [-nojoin] [-switch]
- -all|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
+ -all|-auto|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
server: server name, which can be:
- internal server name (created by /server add, recommended usage)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ Without argument, this command display ban list for current channel.
option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted)
nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
-all: connect to all servers defined in configuration
+ -auto: connect to servers with autoconnect enabled
-open: connect to all opened servers that are not currently connected
-nojoin: do not join any channel (even if autojoin is enabled on server)
-switch: switch to next server address
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt b/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
index 1c2126951..c27645218 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Sans paramètre, cette commande affiche la liste des bans pour le canal courant.
[command]*`connect`* se connecter à un/plusieurs serveur(s) IRC::
/connect [<serveur> [<serveur>...] [-<option>[=<valeur>]] [-no<option>] [-nojoin] [-switch]
- -all|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
+ -all|-auto|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
serveur: nom du serveur, qui peut être :
- nom interne de serveur (créé par /server add, usage recommandé)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ Sans paramètre, cette commande affiche la liste des bans pour le canal courant.
option: définir l'option pour le serveur (pour une option booléenne, la valeur peut être omise)
nooption: définir l'option booléenne à 'off' (par exemple: -nossl)
-all: se connecter à tous les serveurs définis dans la configuration
+ -auto: se connecter aux serveurs qui ont "autoconnect" activé
-open: se connecter à tous les serveurs ouverts qui ne sont pas actuellement connectés
-nojoin: ne rejoindre aucun canal (même si l'autojoin est activé pour le serveur)
-switch: basculer vers l'adresse suivante du serveur
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt b/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
index 2d3820958..4512db2ec 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
@@ -55,27 +55,28 @@ Senza argomento, il comando mostra la lista dei ban per il canale corrente.
[command]*`connect`* connette ad uno o più server IRC::
-/connect <server> [<server>...] [-<opzione>[=<valore>]] [-no<option>] [-nojoin] [-switch]
- -all|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
- server: nome del server, che può essere:
- - nome interno del server (creato da /server add, uso raccomandato)
- - nome host/porta o IP/porta (in questo modo viene creato un server
- TEMPORANEO), la porta 6667 è la predefinita
- - URL con il formato: irc[6][s]://[nick[:password]@][:porta][/#canale1][,#canale2[...]]
- opzione: imposta opzione per il server (per un'opzione bool, il valore può essere omesso)
- nooption: imposta un'opzione bool su 'off' (ad esempio: -nossl)
- -all: connette a tutti i server definiti nella configurazione
- -open: connette a tutti i server aperti a cui non si è connessi
- -nojoin: non entra su nessun canale (anche se l'ingresso automatico è attivo sul server)
- -switch: passa al successivo indirizzo del server
+/connect <server> [<server>...] [-<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] [-nojoin] [-switch]
+ -all|-auto|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
+ server: server name, which can be:
+ - internal server name (created by /server add, recommended usage)
+ - hostname/port or IP/port (this will create a TEMPORARY server), port is 6667 by default
+ - URL with format: irc[6][s]://[nickname[:password]@][:port][/#channel1][,#channel2[...]]
+ option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted)
+ nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
+ -all: connect to all servers defined in configuration
+ -auto: connect to servers with autoconnect enabled
+ -open: connect to all opened servers that are not currently connected
+ -nojoin: do not join any channel (even if autojoin is enabled on server)
+ -switch: switch to next server address
/connect freenode
/connect -ipv6
/connect -ipv6 -ssl
- /connect -ssl -password=test
+ /connect -ssl -password=test
+ /connect irc://
/connect -switch
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt b/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
index 79dc003e5..14771be4a 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_commands.txt
@@ -56,20 +56,21 @@ channel: バン対象チャンネル
[command]*`connect`* IRC サーバに接続::
/connect <server> [<server>...] [-<option>[=<value>]] [-no<option>] [-nojoin] [-switch]
- -all|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
- server: サーバ名、これは:
- - 内部サーバ名 (/server add で作成されたもの、利用推奨)
- - ホスト名/ポート番号、又は IP アドレス/ポート番号 (これは一時的サーバを作る)、デフォルトのポート番号は 6667
- - 次のフォーマットに従う URL: irc[6][s]://[nickname[:password]@][:port][/#channel1][,#channel2[...]]
- option: サーバに関するオプション (ブール型オプションでは、value は無視される)
- nooption: ブール型オプションを 'off' にする (例: -nossl)
- -all: 設定された全てのサーバに接続
- -open: 現在接続されていないがオープンされているサーバに接続
- -nojoin: チャンネルに入らない (autojoin が有効化されていても)
- -switch: 次のサーバアドレスに移動
+ -all|-auto|-open [-nojoin] [-switch]
+ server: server name, which can be:
+ - internal server name (created by /server add, recommended usage)
+ - hostname/port or IP/port (this will create a TEMPORARY server), port is 6667 by default
+ - URL with format: irc[6][s]://[nickname[:password]@][:port][/#channel1][,#channel2[...]]
+ option: set option for server (for boolean option, value can be omitted)
+ nooption: set boolean option to 'off' (for example: -nossl)
+ -all: connect to all servers defined in configuration
+ -auto: connect to servers with autoconnect enabled
+ -open: connect to all opened servers that are not currently connected
+ -nojoin: do not join any channel (even if autojoin is enabled on server)
+ -switch: switch to next server address
/connect freenode
/connect -ipv6