diff options
authorSébastien Helleu <>2019-10-05 18:18:07 +0200
committerSébastien Helleu <>2019-10-05 18:18:07 +0200
commitc5213922071972e2783ca73f4c214a66b3556a0e (patch)
parent1da5b9126e30870a9dd351ac3822b4511d4caa0b (diff)
core: add quotes around commands with arguments in ChangeLog
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog.adoc b/ChangeLog.adoc
index 7eda96ad5..eec8234be 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.adoc
+++ b/ChangeLog.adoc
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ New features::
* core: add repeat of string in evaluation of expressions with "repeat:count,string" (issue #958)
* core: allow specifying buffer number/name for /buffer localvar (issue #1259)
- * core: allow multiple arguments in command /buffer close
+ * core: allow multiple arguments in command "/buffer close"
* core: allow multiple options "-r" (or "--run-command") in command line arguments (issue #1248)
* core: add command line option "-P" (or "--plugins") to customize the plugins to load at startup
- * core: allow partial buffer name in command /buffer close (issue #1226)
+ * core: allow partial buffer name in command "/buffer close" (issue #1226)
* api: add function hook_line
* irc: display a warning when the value of option is set to an invalid value
* relay: add real IP in client description (issue #1256)
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ New features::
* core: add flag "input_get_empty" in buffer
* core: add signals "buffer_filters_enabled" and "buffer_filters_disabled"
* core: support loading of plugins from path in environment variable "WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR" (issue #971, issue #979)
- * core: make value optional in command /buffer set (issue #746, issue #1088)
+ * core: make value optional in command "/buffer set" (issue #746, issue #1088)
* core: allow floating point and hexadecimal numbers in comparison of evaluated values
* core: add option weechat.look.save_config_with_fsync (issue #1083)
* api: add support of prefix "quiet:" in function key_unbind to quietly remove keys
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ Build::
New features::
- * core: add optional argument "lowest", "highest" or level mask in command /input hotlist_clear
+ * core: add optional argument "lowest", "highest" or level mask in command "/input hotlist_clear"
* core: add option "cycle" in command /buffer
* core, irc, xfer: display more information on memory allocation errors (issue #573)
* api: add "extra" argument to evaluate extra variables in function string_eval_expression (issue #534)
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ New features::
* core: add options weechat.look.word_chars_{highlight|input} (issue #55, task #9459)
* core: remove WeeChat version from config files (issue #407)
* core: display a warning on startup if the locale can not be set (issue #373)
- * core: allow "*" as plugin name in command /plugin reload to reload all plugins with options
+ * core: allow "*" as plugin name in command "/plugin reload" to reload all plugins with options
* core: add option "-s" in command /eval to split expression before evaluating it (no more split by default) (issue #324)
* core: add priority in plugins to initialize them in order
* api: add support of environment variables in function string_eval_expression and command /eval
@@ -1663,14 +1663,14 @@ New features::
* core: allow name of buffer for command /buffer clear (task #11269)
* core: add new command /repeat (execute a command several times)
* core: save and restore layout for buffers and windows on /upgrade
- * core: add option "-all" in command /buffer unmerge
+ * core: add option "-all" in command "/buffer unmerge"
* core: add number in windows (add optional argument "-window" so some actions for command /window)
* core: allow buffer name in /buffer close
* core: add support of mouse: new command /mouse, new key context "mouse", new options weechat.look.mouse and weechat.look.mouse_timer_delay (task #5435)
* core: add command /cursor (free movement of cursor on screen), with key context "cursor"
* core: automatic scroll direction in /bar scroll (x/y is now optional)
* core: add optional delay for key grab (commands /input grab_key and /input grab_key_command, default is 500 milliseconds)
- * core: allow plugin name in command /buffer name
+ * core: allow plugin name in command "/buffer name"
* core: add context "search" for keys (to define keys used during search in buffer with kbd:[Ctrl+r])
* core: add new option weechat.look.separator_vertical, rename option weechat.look.hline_char to weechat.look.separator_horizontal
* core: add local variable "highlight_regex" in buffers
@@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@ New features::
* core: add option weechat.look.hotlist_buffer_separator
* core: add messages counts in hotlist for each buffer, new options: weechat.look.hotlist_count_max, weechat.look.hotlist_count_min_msg and weechat.color.status_count_{msg|private|highlight|other}
* core: add tag "notify_none" (line with this tag will not update hotlist)
- * core: add optional bar name in command /bar default
+ * core: add optional bar name in command "/bar default"
* core: add new option weechat.look.highlight_tags (force highlight on tags)
* core: allow list of buffers in command /filter (exclusion with prefix "!") (task #10880)
* core: allow relative size for command /window resize