diff options
authorSébastien Helleu <>2020-05-09 10:08:18 +0200
committerSébastien Helleu <>2020-05-09 10:08:18 +0200
commit3505324096051e14d292c17e96946358e973311f (patch)
parent7f1aeae5fb7face754203edcc6190a0ff29c31ee (diff)
api: use buffer pointer in argument "modifier_data" sent to weechat_print modifier callback (closes #42)
9 files changed, 109 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog.adoc b/ChangeLog.adoc
index 30b9bbb76..5eba5451c 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.adoc
+++ b/ChangeLog.adoc
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Bug fixes::
* core: fix WEECHAT_SHAREDIR with CMake build (issue #1461)
* core: fix memory leak in calculation of expression on FreeBSD (issue #1469)
* core: fix resize of a bar when its size is 0 (automatic) (issue #1470)
+ * api: replace plugin and buffer name by buffer pointer in argument "modifier_data" sent to weechat_print modifier callback (issue #42)
* exec: fix use of same task id for different tasks (issue #1491)
* fifo: fix errors when writing in the FIFO pipe (issue #713)
* irc: reuse a buffer with wrong type "channel" when a private message is received (issue #869)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes.adoc b/ReleaseNotes.adoc
index 5206a7144..5b5a1afa9 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes.adoc
+++ b/ReleaseNotes.adoc
@@ -20,6 +20,42 @@[ChangeLog]
== Version 2.9 (under dev)
+=== New modifier_data for modifier "weechat_print"
+The modifier "weechat_print" has been fixed and the content of "modifier_data"
+sent to the callback has changed (see issue #42).
+This is an incompatible change, therefore all plugins and scripts using this
+modifier and the "modifier_data" argument must be updated.
+The old format contained plugin name + ";" + buffer name + ";" + tags:
+The new format contains buffer pointer + ";" + tags:
+The following scripts are updated consequently to be compatible with all
+WeeChat versions:
+*[] 3.9
+*[] 27
+*[colorizer.rb] 0.2
+*[] 0.4
+*[] 1.6
+*[] 0.4.3
+*[] 0.2
+*[] 0.4
+*[] 1.9.3
+*[] 0.1.3
+*[] 0.3
=== Move of API completion functions
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.adoc b/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.adoc
index a0daa9361..ed4acb541 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.adoc
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.adoc
@@ -11518,7 +11518,7 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
New content of command line sent to buffer.
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
- plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags |
+ buffer pointer ("0x123...") + ";" + tags ^(3)^ |
Message printed. |
New message printed. +
For more information on the hooks called when a line is printed, see
@@ -11527,7 +11527,8 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
^(1)^ _xxx_ is IRC command name. +
-^(2)^ _yyy_ is bar name.
+^(2)^ _yyy_ is bar name. +
+^(3)^ With WeeChat ≤ 2.8, the format was: plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags.
C example:
diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/
index 01f38b5a4..6312c1f79 100644
--- a/doc/fr/
+++ b/doc/fr/
@@ -11756,7 +11756,7 @@ Liste des modificateurs utilisés par WeeChat et les extensions :
Nouveau contenu de la ligne de commande envoyée au tampon.
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
- extension + ";" + nom_tampon + ";" + étiquettes |
+ pointeur vers le tampon ("0x123..") + ";" + étiquettes ^(3)^ |
Message affiché. |
Nouveau message affiché. +
Pour plus d'informations sur les "hooks" appelés lorsqu'une ligne est affichée,
@@ -11765,7 +11765,8 @@ Liste des modificateurs utilisés par WeeChat et les extensions :
^(1)^ _xxx_ est un nom de commande IRC. +
-^(2)^ _yyy_ est le nom de la barre.
+^(2)^ _yyy_ est le nom de la barre. +
+^(3)^ Avec WeeChat ≤ 2.8, le format était : extension + ";" + nom_tampon + ";" + étiquettes.
Exemple en C :
diff --git a/doc/it/ b/doc/it/
index 37ceb0daf..74fd1f77a 100644
--- a/doc/it/
+++ b/doc/it/
@@ -11977,7 +11977,7 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
- plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags |
+ buffer pointer ("0x123...") + ";" + tags ^(3)^ |
Messaggio stampato. |
Nuovo messaggio stampato. +
For more information on the hooks called when a line is printed, see
@@ -11986,7 +11986,8 @@ List of modifiers used by WeeChat and plugins:
^(1)^ _xxx_ è il nome del comando IRC. +
-^(2)^ _yyy_ è il nome della barra.
+^(2)^ _yyy_ è il nome della barra. +
+^(3)^ With WeeChat ≤ 2.8, the format was: plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags.
Esempio in C:
diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_plugin_api.ja.adoc b/doc/ja/weechat_plugin_api.ja.adoc
index 044dc8a28..da0827f93 100644
--- a/doc/ja/weechat_plugin_api.ja.adoc
+++ b/doc/ja/weechat_plugin_api.ja.adoc
@@ -11511,16 +11511,18 @@ WeeChat とプラグインが使う修飾子のリスト:
| [[hook_modifier_weechat_print]] weechat_print |
- plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags |
+ buffer pointer ("0x123...") + ";" + tags ^(3)^ |
表示されたメッセージ |
表示される新しいメッセージ +
<<_hook_line,hook_line>> を参照してください
^(1)^ _xxx_ は IRC コマンド名。 +
-^(2)^ _yyy_ はバーの名前。
+^(2)^ _yyy_ はバーの名前。 +
+^(3)^ With WeeChat ≤ 2.8, the format was: plugin + ";" + buffer_name + ";" + tags.
C 言語での使用例:
diff --git a/src/gui/gui-chat.c b/src/gui/gui-chat.c
index 2aee82c8b..e68761d19 100644
--- a/src/gui/gui-chat.c
+++ b/src/gui/gui-chat.c
@@ -761,12 +761,7 @@ gui_chat_printf_date_tags_internal (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
goto no_print;
/* call modifier for message printed ("weechat_print") */
- length_data = strlen (gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (new_line->data->buffer)) +
- 1 +
- strlen (new_line->data->buffer->name) +
- 1 +
- ((tags) ? strlen (tags) : 0) +
- 1;
+ length_data = 64 + 1 + ((tags) ? strlen (tags) : 0) + 1;
modifier_data = malloc (length_data);
length_str = ((new_line->data->prefix && new_line->data->prefix[0]) ? strlen (new_line->data->prefix) : 1) +
1 +
@@ -776,9 +771,8 @@ gui_chat_printf_date_tags_internal (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
if (modifier_data && string)
snprintf (modifier_data, length_data,
- "%s;%s;%s",
- gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (new_line->data->buffer),
- new_line->data->buffer->name,
+ "0x%lx;%s",
+ (unsigned long)buffer,
(tags) ? tags : "");
if (display_time)
diff --git a/src/plugins/trigger/trigger-callback.c b/src/plugins/trigger/trigger-callback.c
index 1bb3550ce..d5bfcf8ff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/trigger/trigger-callback.c
+++ b/src/plugins/trigger/trigger-callback.c
@@ -594,10 +594,11 @@ trigger_callback_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer;
const char *ptr_string;
- char *string_modified, *pos, *pos2, *plugin_name, *buffer_name;
- char *buffer_full_name, *str_tags, **tags, *prefix, *string_no_color;
- int length, num_tags;
+ char *string_modified, *pos, *buffer_pointer;
+ char *str_tags, **tags, *prefix, *string_no_color;
+ int length, num_tags, rc;
void *ptr_irc_server, *ptr_irc_channel;
+ unsigned long value;
@@ -700,41 +701,32 @@ trigger_callback_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
* extract buffer/tags from modifier data
- * (format: "plugin;buffer_name;tags")
+ * (format: "buffer_pointer;tags")
pos = strchr (modifier_data, ';');
if (pos)
- plugin_name = weechat_strndup (modifier_data, pos - modifier_data);
- if (plugin_name)
+ buffer_pointer = weechat_strndup (modifier_data,
+ pos - modifier_data);
+ if (buffer_pointer)
- weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "tg_plugin", plugin_name);
- pos++;
- pos2 = strchr (pos, ';');
- if (pos2)
+ rc = sscanf (buffer_pointer, "0x%lx", &value);
+ if ((rc != EOF) && (rc != 0))
- buffer_name = weechat_strndup (pos, pos2 - pos);
- if (buffer_name)
- {
- buffer = weechat_buffer_search (plugin_name,
- buffer_name);
- length = strlen (plugin_name) + 1 + strlen (buffer_name) + 1;
- buffer_full_name = malloc (length);
- if (buffer_full_name)
- {
- snprintf (buffer_full_name, length,
- "%s.%s", plugin_name, buffer_name);
- weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "tg_buffer",
- buffer_full_name);
- free (buffer_full_name);
- }
- free (buffer_name);
- }
- pos2++;
- if (pos2[0])
+ buffer = (struct t_gui_buffer *)value;
+ weechat_hashtable_set (
+ extra_vars,
+ "tg_plugin",
+ weechat_buffer_get_string (buffer, "plugin"));
+ weechat_hashtable_set (
+ extra_vars,
+ "tg_buffer",
+ weechat_buffer_get_string (buffer, "full_name"));
+ pos++;
+ if (pos[0])
tags = weechat_string_split (
- pos2,
+ pos,
@@ -742,18 +734,18 @@ trigger_callback_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
- length = 1 + strlen (pos2) + 1 + 1;
+ length = 1 + strlen (pos) + 1 + 1;
str_tags = malloc (length);
if (str_tags)
- snprintf (str_tags, length, ",%s,", pos2);
+ snprintf (str_tags, length, ",%s,", pos);
weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "tg_tags",
free (str_tags);
- free (plugin_name);
+ free (buffer_pointer);
weechat_hashtable_set (pointers, "buffer", buffer);
diff --git a/tests/unit/core/test-core-hook.cpp b/tests/unit/core/test-core-hook.cpp
index 58cc32c9f..40b197ae8 100644
--- a/tests/unit/core/test-core-hook.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/core/test-core-hook.cpp
@@ -174,32 +174,43 @@ test_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
const char *string)
char **items, *new_string;
- const char *ptr_plugin, *ptr_name, *ptr_tags, *ptr_msg;
- int num_items, length;
+ const char *ptr_plugin, *ptr_tags, *ptr_msg;
+ int num_items, length, rc;
+ unsigned long value;
+ struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer;
/* make C++ compiler happy */
(void) pointer;
(void) data;
(void) modifier;
- /* split modifier_data, which is: "plugin;name;tags" */
+ new_string = NULL;
+ /* split modifier_data, which is: "buffer_pointer;tags" */
items = string_split (modifier_data, ";", NULL,
- 3, &num_items);
- if (num_items < 2)
- return NULL;
+ 2, &num_items);
+ if (!items || (num_items < 1))
+ goto error;
+ ptr_tags = (num_items >= 2) ? items[1] : NULL;
- ptr_plugin = items[0];
- ptr_name = items[1];
- ptr_tags = (num_items > 2) ? items[2] : NULL;
+ rc = sscanf (items[0], "0x%lx", &value);
+ if ((rc == EOF) || (rc == 0))
+ goto error;
+ ptr_buffer = (struct t_gui_buffer *)value;
+ ptr_plugin = gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (ptr_buffer);
+ if (!ptr_plugin)
+ goto error;
/* do nothing on a buffer different from "core.test" */
if ((strcmp (ptr_plugin, "core") != 0)
- || (strcmp (ptr_name, TEST_BUFFER_NAME) != 0))
+ || (strcmp (ptr_buffer->name, TEST_BUFFER_NAME) != 0))
- return NULL;
+ goto error;
if (strncmp (string, "\t\t", 2) == 0)
@@ -210,14 +221,14 @@ test_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
ptr_msg = strchr (string, '\t');
if (!ptr_msg)
- return NULL;
+ goto error;
length = strlen (string) + 128;
new_string = (char *)malloc (length);
if (!new_string)
- return NULL;
+ goto error;
new_string[0] = '\0';
if (ptr_tags && strstr (ptr_tags, "add_prefix"))
@@ -253,6 +264,13 @@ test_modifier_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
return new_string;
+ if (items)
+ string_free_split (items);
+ if (new_string)
+ free (new_string);
+ return NULL;