diff options
authorSebastien Helleu <>2014-03-02 09:29:14 +0100
committerSebastien Helleu <>2014-03-02 09:29:14 +0100
commit0329cb65f39735973257fdb99012546ac8d3fcee (patch)
parentcc5ab76186b6a1f842eb758a6997c54b1917c885 (diff)
doc: add trigger doc in user's guide
6 files changed, 3030 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/ b/doc/de/
index 56fbdc5f0..c9e9002c6 100644
--- a/doc/de/
+++ b/doc/de/
@@ -2916,6 +2916,509 @@ include::autogen/user/tcl_commands.txt[]
+=== Trigger plugin
+Trigger is the Swiss Army knife for WeeChat: it can hook many things (signal,
+modifier, print, ...), change the content of data, and execute one or more
+commands. A condition can be used to prevent the trigger to run in some
+Using triggers require you to know how the signals, modifiers, ... are working.
+So you might consider reading the 'Hooks' chapter in the
+'WeeChat Plugin API Reference'.
+==== Options (trigger.conf)
+| Section | Control command | Beschreibung
+| look | /set trigger.look.* | Erscheinungsbild
+| color | /set trigger.color.* | Farben
+| trigger | <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger add>> +
+ <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger set>> +
+ /set trigger.trigger.* | Trigger options
+==== Commands
+==== Anatomy of a trigger
+A trigger has the following options (names are
+| Option | Values | Description
+| enabled | `on`, `off` |
+ When option is `off`, the trigger is disabled and actions are not executed
+ any more.
+| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
+ `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
+ The hook used in trigger. For more information, see
+ 'WeeChat Plugin API Reference', chapter 'Hooks'.
+| arguments | string |
+ The arguments for the hook, it depends on the hook type used.
+| conditions | string |
+ Conditions to execute the trigger; they are evaluated (see command
+ <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| regex | string |
+ One or more POSIX extended regular expressions, to change data received in the
+ hook callback (and some stuff added by trigger plugin), see
+ <<trigger_regex,regular expression>>.
+| command | string |
+ Command to execute (many commands can be separated by semicolons); it is
+ evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| return_code | `ok`, `ok_eat`, `error` |
+ The return code of callback (default is `ok`, which should be used in almost
+ all triggers, the other values are rarely used).
+For example, the default 'beep' trigger has following options:
+trigger.trigger.beep.enabled = on
+trigger.trigger.beep.hook = print
+trigger.trigger.beep.arguments = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.conditions = "${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}"
+trigger.trigger.beep.regex = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.command = "/print -beep"
+trigger.trigger.beep.return_code = ok
+==== Execution
+When a trigger callback is called, following actions are executed, in this
+. check if triggers are globally enabled: if not, exit
+. check if trigger is enabled: if not, exit
+. check trigger conditions: if false, exit
+. replace text in trigger using regular expression(s)
+. execute command(s)
+. exit with a return code (except for hooks 'modifier' and 'focus').
+==== Hook arguments
+The arguments depend on the hook used. They are separated by semicolons.
+| Hook | Arguments | Examples
+| signal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg` +
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg;*,irc_in_notice` +
+ `signal_sigwinch`
+| hsignal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `nicklist_nick_added`
+| modifier |
+ 1. modifier name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. modifier name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat_print` +
+ `5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add`
+| print |
+ 1. buffer name +
+ 2. tags +
+ 3. message +
+ 4. strip colors (0/1) |
+ `irc.freenode.*` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice` +
+ `*;;;1`
+| command |
+ 1. command name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. description +
+ 3. arguments +
+ 4. description of arguments +
+ 5. completion |
+ `test` +
+ `5000\|test`
+| command_run |
+ 1. command (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. command (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `/cmd arguments`
+| timer |
+ 1. interval in milliseconds (required) +
+ 2. alignment on second (default: 0) +
+ 3. max number of calls (default: 0, which means "no end") |
+ `3600000` +
+ `60000;0;5`
+| config |
+ 1. option name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. option name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat.look.*`
+| focus |
+ 1. area name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. area name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `buffer_nicklist`
+==== Conditions
+The conditions are used to continue processing in trigger, or stop everything.
+They are evaluated, and data available in callback can be used
+(see <<trigger_callback_data,data in callbacks>> and command
+Example: the default 'beep' trigger uses this condition to make a beep only on
+highlight or private message:
+${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}
+==== Regular expression
+The regular expression is used to change variables in callback hashtable.
+The format is: "/regex/replace" or "/regex/replace/var" (where 'var' is a
+variable of the hashtable). +
+If 'var' is not specified, the default variable is used, it depends on hook
+| Hook | Default variable
+| signal | tg_signal_data
+| hsignal |
+| modifier | tg_string
+| print | tg_message
+| command | tg_argv_eol1
+| command_run | tg_command
+| timer |
+| config | tg_value
+| focus |
+Many regular expressions can be separated by a space, for example:
+"/regex1/replace1/var1 /regex2/replace2/var2".
+The char "/" can be replaced by any char (one or more identical chars).
+Matching groups can be used in "replace":
+* `$0` to `$99`: `$0` is the whole match, `$1` to `$99` are groups captured
+* `$+`: the last match (with highest number)
+* `$.cN`: match "N" with all chars replaced by "c" (example: `$.*2` is the group
+ #2 with all chars replaced by `*`).
+Example: use bold for words between "*":
+Example: default trigger 'server_pass' uses this regular expression to hide
+password in commands `/server` and `/connect` (chars in passwords are replaced
+by `*`):
+==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)(\S+)(.*)==$1$.*4$5
+In this example, the delimiter used is "==" because there is a "/" in the
+regular expression.
+==== Command
+The command is executed after replacement of text with the regular expression.
+Many commands can be separated by semicolons.
+It is evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>) and text replaced
+with a regular expression can be used in the command.
+Example: default 'beep' trigger uses this command to make a beep (BEL):
+/print -beep
+==== Data in callbacks
+Data received in callbacks are stored in hashtables (pointers and strings) and
+can be used in following options:
+* 'conditions'
+* 'regex'
+* 'command'
+The content of hashtables depend on the hook type.
+A convenient way to see data in a trigger is to open trigger monitor buffer,
+using the command:
+/trigger monitor
+===== Signal
+The "signal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+| tg_signal_data | string | Data sent with the signal
+If the signal contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and following data
+is added in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| server | string | Name of server (example: "freenode")
+| tags | string | Tags in message (rarely used)
+| message_without_tags | string | Message without tags
+| nick | string | Nick
+| host | string | Hostname
+| command | string | IRC command (example: "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", ...)
+| channel | string | IRC channel
+| arguments | string | Arguments of command (includes value of 'channel')
+===== Hsignal
+The "hsignal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+===== Modifier
+The "modifier" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_modifier | string | Name of modifier
+| tg_modifier_data | string | Data sent with modifier
+| tg_string | string | The string that can be modified
+| tg_string_nocolor | string | The string without color codes
+For the 'weechat_print' modifier, variables using message tags are added (see
+<<trigger_data_print,hook print>> below), and following variables:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer where message is printed
+| tg_plugin | string | Plugin of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_buffer | string | Full name of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix of message printed
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message printed
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+If the modifier contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and extra data is
+added in hashtable (see <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
+===== Print
+The "print" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_date | string | Message date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+| tg_displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered
+| tg_highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0"
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+Variables set using tags in message (they are set in modifier 'weechat_print'
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_tags | string | Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string)
+| tg_tags_count | string | Number of tags in message
+| tg_tag_notify | string | Notify level ('none', 'message', 'private', 'highlight')
+| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (from tag "nick_xxx")
+| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc")
+| tg_msg_pv | string | "1" for a private message, otherwise "0"
+===== Command
+The "command" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_argvN | string | Argument #N
+| tg_argv_eolN | string | From argument #N until end of arguments
+===== Command_run
+The "command_run" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_command | string | Command executed
+===== Timer
+The "timer" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_remaining_calls | string | Number of remaining calls
+| tg_date | string | Current date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+===== Config
+The "config" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_option | string | Option
+| tg_value | string | Value
+===== Focus
+The "focus" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| window | pointer | Window
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+==== Examples
+===== Auto pong on ping queries
+When someone sends a "ping" in a private buffer, this trigger will auto-reply
+with `pong`:
+/trigger add pong print "" "${type} == private && ${tg_message} == ping" "" "pong"
+===== Responsive layout
+Following triggers can be used to customize things displayed when the size of
+terminal is changed:
+/trigger add resize_small signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} < 100" "" "/bar hide nicklist"
+/trigger add resize_big signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} >= 100" "" "/bar show nicklist"
+The triggers catch the signal "signal_sigwinch", which is sent by WeeChat when
+signal SIGWINCH is received (when terminal size is changed).
+The condition with `${info:term_width}` checks the width of terminal (you can
+also use `${info:term_height}` if needed).
+In the example, when the terminal becomes small, the nicklist is hidden. And the
+bar is restored when the width is greater or equal to 100 chars.
+===== Automatic save of configuration
+You can automatically save configuration files (`*.conf`), for example each
+/trigger add cfgsave timer 3600000;0;0 "" "" "/mute /save"
+Arguments for the timer hook are:
+* '3600000': 3600 * 1000 milliseconds, the callback is called each hour
+* '0': alignment on second (not aligned here)
+* '0': max number of calls (0 = no end for the timer)
+The command `/mute /save` will silently save configuration files (nothing
+displayed on core buffer).
=== Xfer Erweiterung
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_user.en.txt b/doc/en/weechat_user.en.txt
index ee7fff143..430c6c8aa 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_user.en.txt
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_user.en.txt
@@ -2857,6 +2857,508 @@ include::autogen/user/tcl_commands.txt[]
+=== Trigger plugin
+Trigger is the Swiss Army knife for WeeChat: it can hook many things (signal,
+modifier, print, ...), change the content of data, and execute one or more
+commands. A condition can be used to prevent the trigger to run in some
+Using triggers require you to know how the signals, modifiers, ... are working.
+So you might consider reading the 'Hooks' chapter in the
+'WeeChat Plugin API Reference'.
+==== Options (trigger.conf)
+| Section | Control command | Description
+| look | /set trigger.look.* | Look and feel
+| color | /set trigger.color.* | Colors
+| trigger | <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger add>> +
+ <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger set>> +
+ /set trigger.trigger.* | Trigger options
+==== Commands
+==== Anatomy of a trigger
+A trigger has the following options (names are
+| Option | Values | Description
+| enabled | `on`, `off` |
+ When option is `off`, the trigger is disabled and actions are not executed
+ any more.
+| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
+ `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
+ The hook used in trigger. For more information, see
+ 'WeeChat Plugin API Reference', chapter 'Hooks'.
+| arguments | string |
+ The arguments for the hook, it depends on the hook type used.
+| conditions | string |
+ Conditions to execute the trigger; they are evaluated (see command
+ <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| regex | string |
+ One or more POSIX extended regular expressions, to change data received in the
+ hook callback (and some stuff added by trigger plugin), see
+ <<trigger_regex,regular expression>>.
+| command | string |
+ Command to execute (many commands can be separated by semicolons); it is
+ evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| return_code | `ok`, `ok_eat`, `error` |
+ The return code of callback (default is `ok`, which should be used in almost
+ all triggers, the other values are rarely used).
+For example, the default 'beep' trigger has following options:
+trigger.trigger.beep.enabled = on
+trigger.trigger.beep.hook = print
+trigger.trigger.beep.arguments = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.conditions = "${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}"
+trigger.trigger.beep.regex = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.command = "/print -beep"
+trigger.trigger.beep.return_code = ok
+==== Execution
+When a trigger callback is called, following actions are executed, in this
+. check if triggers are globally enabled: if not, exit
+. check if trigger is enabled: if not, exit
+. check trigger conditions: if false, exit
+. replace text in trigger using regular expression(s)
+. execute command(s)
+. exit with a return code (except for hooks 'modifier' and 'focus').
+==== Hook arguments
+The arguments depend on the hook used. They are separated by semicolons.
+| Hook | Arguments | Examples
+| signal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg` +
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg;*,irc_in_notice` +
+ `signal_sigwinch`
+| hsignal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `nicklist_nick_added`
+| modifier |
+ 1. modifier name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. modifier name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat_print` +
+ `5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add`
+| print |
+ 1. buffer name +
+ 2. tags +
+ 3. message +
+ 4. strip colors (0/1) |
+ `irc.freenode.*` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice` +
+ `*;;;1`
+| command |
+ 1. command name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. description +
+ 3. arguments +
+ 4. description of arguments +
+ 5. completion |
+ `test` +
+ `5000\|test`
+| command_run |
+ 1. command (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. command (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `/cmd arguments`
+| timer |
+ 1. interval in milliseconds (required) +
+ 2. alignment on second (default: 0) +
+ 3. max number of calls (default: 0, which means "no end") |
+ `3600000` +
+ `60000;0;5`
+| config |
+ 1. option name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. option name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat.look.*`
+| focus |
+ 1. area name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. area name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `buffer_nicklist`
+==== Conditions
+The conditions are used to continue processing in trigger, or stop everything.
+They are evaluated, and data available in callback can be used
+(see <<trigger_callback_data,data in callbacks>> and command
+Example: the default 'beep' trigger uses this condition to make a beep only on
+highlight or private message:
+${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}
+==== Regular expression
+The regular expression is used to change variables in callback hashtable.
+The format is: "/regex/replace" or "/regex/replace/var" (where 'var' is a
+variable of the hashtable). +
+If 'var' is not specified, the default variable is used, it depends on hook
+| Hook | Default variable
+| signal | tg_signal_data
+| hsignal |
+| modifier | tg_string
+| print | tg_message
+| command | tg_argv_eol1
+| command_run | tg_command
+| timer |
+| config | tg_value
+| focus |
+Many regular expressions can be separated by a space, for example:
+"/regex1/replace1/var1 /regex2/replace2/var2".
+The char "/" can be replaced by any char (one or more identical chars).
+Matching groups can be used in "replace":
+* `$0` to `$99`: `$0` is the whole match, `$1` to `$99` are groups captured
+* `$+`: the last match (with highest number)
+* `$.cN`: match "N" with all chars replaced by "c" (example: `$.*2` is the group
+ #2 with all chars replaced by `*`).
+Example: use bold for words between "*":
+Example: default trigger 'server_pass' uses this regular expression to hide
+password in commands `/server` and `/connect` (chars in passwords are replaced
+by `*`):
+==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)(\S+)(.*)==$1$.*4$5
+In this example, the delimiter used is "==" because there is a "/" in the
+regular expression.
+==== Command
+The command is executed after replacement of text with the regular expression.
+Many commands can be separated by semicolons.
+It is evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>) and text replaced
+with a regular expression can be used in the command.
+Example: default 'beep' trigger uses this command to make a beep (BEL):
+/print -beep
+==== Data in callbacks
+Data received in callbacks are stored in hashtables (pointers and strings) and
+can be used in following options:
+* 'conditions'
+* 'regex'
+* 'command'
+The content of hashtables depend on the hook type.
+A convenient way to see data in a trigger is to open trigger monitor buffer,
+using the command:
+/trigger monitor
+===== Signal
+The "signal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+| tg_signal_data | string | Data sent with the signal
+If the signal contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and following data
+is added in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| server | string | Name of server (example: "freenode")
+| tags | string | Tags in message (rarely used)
+| message_without_tags | string | Message without tags
+| nick | string | Nick
+| host | string | Hostname
+| command | string | IRC command (example: "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", ...)
+| channel | string | IRC channel
+| arguments | string | Arguments of command (includes value of 'channel')
+===== Hsignal
+The "hsignal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+===== Modifier
+The "modifier" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_modifier | string | Name of modifier
+| tg_modifier_data | string | Data sent with modifier
+| tg_string | string | The string that can be modified
+| tg_string_nocolor | string | The string without color codes
+For the 'weechat_print' modifier, variables using message tags are added (see
+<<trigger_data_print,hook print>> below), and following variables:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer where message is printed
+| tg_plugin | string | Plugin of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_buffer | string | Full name of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix of message printed
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message printed
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+If the modifier contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and extra data is
+added in hashtable (see <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
+===== Print
+The "print" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_date | string | Message date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+| tg_displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered
+| tg_highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0"
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+Variables set using tags in message (they are set in modifier 'weechat_print'
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_tags | string | Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string)
+| tg_tags_count | string | Number of tags in message
+| tg_tag_notify | string | Notify level ('none', 'message', 'private', 'highlight')
+| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (from tag "nick_xxx")
+| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc")
+| tg_msg_pv | string | "1" for a private message, otherwise "0"
+===== Command
+The "command" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_argvN | string | Argument #N
+| tg_argv_eolN | string | From argument #N until end of arguments
+===== Command_run
+The "command_run" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_command | string | Command executed
+===== Timer
+The "timer" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_remaining_calls | string | Number of remaining calls
+| tg_date | string | Current date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+===== Config
+The "config" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_option | string | Option
+| tg_value | string | Value
+===== Focus
+The "focus" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| window | pointer | Window
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+==== Examples
+===== Auto pong on ping queries
+When someone sends a "ping" in a private buffer, this trigger will auto-reply
+with `pong`:
+/trigger add pong print "" "${type} == private && ${tg_message} == ping" "" "pong"
+===== Responsive layout
+Following triggers can be used to customize things displayed when the size of
+terminal is changed:
+/trigger add resize_small signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} < 100" "" "/bar hide nicklist"
+/trigger add resize_big signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} >= 100" "" "/bar show nicklist"
+The triggers catch the signal "signal_sigwinch", which is sent by WeeChat when
+signal SIGWINCH is received (when terminal size is changed).
+The condition with `${info:term_width}` checks the width of terminal (you can
+also use `${info:term_height}` if needed).
+In the example, when the terminal becomes small, the nicklist is hidden. And the
+bar is restored when the width is greater or equal to 100 chars.
+===== Automatic save of configuration
+You can automatically save configuration files (`*.conf`), for example each
+/trigger add cfgsave timer 3600000;0;0 "" "" "/mute /save"
+Arguments for the timer hook are:
+* '3600000': 3600 * 1000 milliseconds, the callback is called each hour
+* '0': alignment on second (not aligned here)
+* '0': max number of calls (0 = no end for the timer)
+The command `/mute /save` will silently save configuration files (nothing
+displayed on core buffer).
=== Xfer plugin
diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/
index 72b29b7af..bf8483bc2 100644
--- a/doc/fr/
+++ b/doc/fr/
@@ -2956,6 +2956,522 @@ include::autogen/user/tcl_commands.txt[]
+=== Extension Trigger
+Trigger est le couteau suisse de WeeChat : il peut accrocher différentes choses
+(signal, modificateur, print, ...), changer le contenu des données, et exécuter
+une ou plusieurs commandes. Une condition peut être utilisée pour empêcher le
+trigger de s'exécuter dans certaines circonstances.
+Utiliser les triggers nécessite de connaître le fonctionnement des signaux,
+modificateurs, etc... Il peut être utile de lire le chapitre sur les 'Hooks'
+dans la 'Référence API Extension WeeChat'.
+==== Options (trigger.conf)
+| Section | Commande de contrôle | Description
+| look | /set trigger.look.* | Aspect/présentation
+| color | /set trigger.color.* | Couleurs
+| trigger | <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger add>> +
+ <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger set>> +
+ /set trigger.trigger.* | Options des triggers
+==== Commandes
+==== Anatomie d'un trigger
+Un trigger a les options suivantes (les noms sont
+| Option | Valeurs | Description
+| enabled | `on`, `off` |
+ Lorsque l'option est `off`, le trigger est désactivé et les actions ne sont
+ plus exécutées.
+| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
+ `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
+ Le "hook" utilisé dans le trigger. Pour plus d'information, voir le chapitre
+ 'Hooks' dans la 'Référence API Extension WeeChat'.
+| arguments | chaîne |
+ Les paramètres pour le "hook", ils dépendent du type de hook utilisé.
+| conditions | chaîne |
+ Conditions pour exécuter le trigger : elles sont évaluées (voir la commande
+ <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| regex | chaîne |
+ Une ou plusieurs expressions régulières POSIX étendues, pour modifier les
+ données reçues dans le callback du "hook" (et d'autres choses ajoutées par
+ l'extension trigger), voir <<trigger_regex,expression régulière>>.
+| command | chaîne |
+ Commande à exécuter (plusieurs commandes peuvent être séparées par des
+ points-virgules); elle est évaluée (voir la commande
+ <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| return_code | `ok`, `ok_eat`, `error` |
+ Le code retour du callback (`ok` par défaut, qui devrait être utilisé dans
+ quasiment tous les triggers, les autres valeurs sont rarement utilisées).
+Par exemple, le trigger 'beep' par défaut a les options suivantes :
+trigger.trigger.beep.enabled = on
+trigger.trigger.beep.hook = print
+trigger.trigger.beep.arguments = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.conditions = "${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}"
+trigger.trigger.beep.regex = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.command = "/print -beep"
+trigger.trigger.beep.return_code = ok
+==== Exécution
+Lorsque le callback d'un trigger est appelé, les actions suivantes sont
+exécutées, dans cet ordre :
+. vérifier si les triggers sont globalement activés: si non, sortir
+. vérifier si le trigger est activé: si non, sortir
+. vérifier les conditions du trigger: si faux, sortir
+. remplacer du texte dans le trigger en utilisant des expressions régulières
+. exécuter la/les commande(s)
+. sortir avec un code retour (sauf pour les "hooks" 'modifier' et 'focus').
+==== Paramètres du hook
+Les paramètres dépendent du type de "hook" utilisé. Ils sont séparés par des
+| Hook | Paramètres | Exemples
+| signal |
+ 1. nom de signal (priorité autorisée) (obligatoire) +
+ 2. nom de signal (priorité autorisée) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg` +
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg;*,irc_in_notice` +
+ `signal_sigwinch`
+| hsignal |
+ 1. nom de signal (priorité autorisée) (obligatoire) +
+ 2. nom de signal (priorité autorisée) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `nicklist_nick_added`
+| modifier |
+ 1. nom de modificateur (priorité autorisée) (obligatoire) +
+ 2. nom de modificateur (priorité autorisée) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat_print` +
+ `5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add`
+| print |
+ 1. nom de tampon +
+ 2. étiquettes +
+ 3. message +
+ 4. suppression des couleurs (0/1) |
+ `irc.freenode.*` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice` +
+ `*;;;1`
+| command |
+ 1. nom de commande (priorité autorisée) (obligatoire) +
+ 2. description +
+ 3. paramètres +
+ 4. description des paramètres +
+ 5. complétion |
+ `test` +
+ `5000\|test`
+| command_run |
+ 1. commande (priorité autorisée) (obligatoire) +
+ 2. commande (priorité autorisée) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `/cmd paramètres`
+| timer |
+ 1. intervalle, en millisecondes (obligatoire) +
+ 2. alignement sur la seconde (par défaut : 0) +
+ 3. nombre maximum d'appels (par défaut : 0, qui signifie "sans fin") |
+ `3600000` +
+ `60000;0;5`
+| config |
+ 1. nom d'option (priorité autorisée) (obligatoire) +
+ 2. nom d'option (priorité autorisée) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat.look.*`
+| focus |
+ 1. nom d'aire (priorité autorisée) (obligatoire) +
+ 2. nom d'aire (priorité autorisée) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `buffer_nicklist`
+==== Conditions
+Les conditions sont utilisées pour continuer l'exécution du trigger, ou tout
+Elles sont évaluées, et les données disponibles dans le callback peuvent être
+utilisées (voir <<trigger_callback_data,données dans les callbacks>> et la
+commande <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+Exemple : le trigger 'beep' par défaut utilise cette condition pour faire un
+beep seulement sur un highlight ou un message privé :
+${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}
+==== Expression régulière
+L'expression régulière est utilisée pour modifier des variables dans la table de
+hachage du callback.
+Le format est : "/regex/remplacement" ou "/regex/remplacement/var" (où 'var' est
+une variable de la table de hachage). +
+Si 'var' n'est pas spécifiée, la variable par défaut est utilisée, elle dépend
+du type de hook :
+| Hook | Variable par défaut
+| signal | tg_signal_data
+| hsignal |
+| modifier | tg_string
+| print | tg_message
+| command | tg_argv_eol1
+| command_run | tg_command
+| timer |
+| config | tg_value
+| focus |
+Plusieurs expressions régulières peuvent être séparées par un espace, par
+exemple : "/regex1/remplacement1/var1 /regex2/remplacement2/var2".
+Le caractère "/" peut être remplacé par tout caractère (un ou plusieurs
+caractères identiques).
+Les groupes de correspondance peuvent être utilisés dans le "remplacement" :
+* `$0` à `$99` : `$0` est la correspondance complète, `$1` à `$99` sont les
+ groupes capturés
+* `$+` : la dernière correspondance (avec le numéro le plus élevé)
+* `$.cN` : la correspondance "N" avec tous les caractères remplacés par "c"
+ (exemple : `$.*2` est le groupe n°2 avec tous les caractères remplacés par
+ `*`).
+Exemple : utiliser du gras pour les mots entre "*" :
+Exemple : le trigger par défaut 'server_pass' utilise cette expression régulière
+pour cacher le mot de passe dans les commandes `/server` et `/connect` (les
+caractères des mots de passe sont remplacés par `*`) :
+==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)(\S+)(.*)==$1$.*4$5
+Dans cet exemple, le séparateur utilisé est "==" car il y a "/" dans
+l'expression régulière.
+==== Commande
+La commande est exécutée après le remplacement du texte avec l'expression
+Plusieurs commandes peuvent être séparées par des points-virgules.
+Elle est évaluée (voir la commande <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>) et le texte
+remplacé avec l'expression régulière peut être utilisé dans la commande.
+Exemple : le trigger par défaut 'beep' utilise cette commande pour produire un
+beep (BEL) :
+/print -beep
+==== Données dans les callbacks
+Les données reçues dans les callbacks sont stockées dans des tables de hachage
+(pointeurs et chaînes) et peuvent être utilisées dans les options suivantes :
+* 'conditions'
+* 'regex'
+* 'command'
+Le contenu des tables de hachage dépend du type de hook.
+Une manière pratique de voir les données dans le trigger est d'ouvrir le tampon
+moniteur des triggers :
+/trigger monitor
+===== Signal
+Le callback "signal" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | chaîne | Nom du signal
+| tg_signal_data | chaîne | Données envoyées avec le signal
+Si le signal contient un message IRC, le message est analysé et les données
+suivantes sont ajoutées dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| server | chaîne | Nom du serveur (exemple : "freenode")
+| tags | chaîne | Étiquettes dans le message (rarement utilisées)
+| message_without_tags | chaîne | Message sans les étiquettes
+| nick | chaîne | Pseudo
+| host | chaîne | Nom d'hôte
+| command | chaîne | Commane IRC (exemple : "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", ...)
+| channel | chaîne | Canal IRC
+| arguments | chaîne | Paramètres de la commande (inclut la valeur de 'channel')
+===== Hsignal
+Le callback "hsignal" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | chaîne | Nom du signal
+La table de hachage contient toutes les clés/valeurs de la table de hachage
+reçue (type : chaîne/chaîne).
+===== Modifier
+Le callback "modifier" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_modifier | chaîne | Nom du modificateur
+| tg_modifier_data | chaîne | Données envoyées avec le modificateur
+| tg_string | chaîne | La chaîne qui peut être modifiée
+| tg_string_nocolor | chaîne | La chaîne sans les codes couleur
+Pour le modificateur 'weechat_print', les variables en utilisant les étiquettes
+du message sont ajoutées (voir le <<trigger_data_print,hook print>> ci-dessous),
+ainsi que les variables suivantes :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointeur | Tampon où le message est affiché
+| tg_plugin | chaîne | Extension du tampon où le message est affiché
+| tg_buffer | chaîne | Nom complet du tampon où le message est affiché
+| tg_prefix | chaîne | Préfixe du message affiché
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | chaîne | Préfixe sans les codes couleur
+| tg_message | chaîne | Message affiché
+| tg_message_nocolor | chaîne | Message sans les codes couleur
+Si le modificateur contient un message IRC, le message est analysé et des
+données supplémentaires sont ajoutées dans la table de hachage (voir le
+<<trigger_data_signal,"hook" signal>>).
+===== Print
+Le callback "print" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointeur | Buffer
+| tg_date | chaîne | Date/heure du message (format : `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+| tg_displayed | chaîne | "1" si affiché, "0" si ligne filtrée
+| tg_highlight | chaîne | "1" si highlight, sinon "0"
+| tg_prefix | chaîne | Préfixe
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | chaîne | Préfixe sans les codes couleur
+| tg_message | chaîne | Message
+| tg_message_nocolor | chaîne | Message sans les codes couleur
+Variables définies avec les étiquettes du message (elles sont définies aussi
+pour le modificateur 'weechat_print') :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_tags | chaîne | Étiquettes du message (avec une virgule en début/fin de chaîne)
+| tg_tags_count | chaîne | Nombre d'étiquettes dans le message
+| tg_tag_notify | chaîne | Niveau de notification ('none', 'message', 'private', 'highlight')
+| tg_tag_nick | chaîne | Pseudo (depuis l'étiquette "nick_xxx")
+| tg_tag_prefix_nick | chaîne | Couleur du pseudo dans le préfixe (depuis l'étiquette "prefix_nick_ccc")
+| tg_msg_pv | chaîne | "1" pour un message privé, sinon "0"
+===== Command
+Le callback "command" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointeur | Tampon
+| tg_argvN | chaîne | Paramètre n°N
+| tg_argv_eolN | chaîne | Depuis le paramètre n°N jusqu'à la fin des paramètres
+===== Command_run
+Le callback "command_run" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de
+hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointeur | Tampon
+| tg_command | chaîne | Commande exécutée
+===== Timer
+Le callback "timer" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_remaining_calls | chaîne | Nombre d'appels restants
+| tg_date | chaîne | Date/heure courante (format : `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+===== Config
+Le callback "config" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_option | chaîne | Option
+| tg_value | chaîne | Valeur
+===== Focus
+Le callback "focus" définit les variables suivantes dans la table de hachage :
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| window | pointeur | Fenêtre
+| buffer | pointeur | Tampon
+La table de hachage contient toutes les clés/valeurs de la table de hachage
+reçue (type : chaîne/chaîne).
+==== Exemples
+===== Pong auto sur les requêtes ping
+Lorsque quelqu'un envoie un "ping" dans un tampon privé, le trigger répondra
+automatiquement avec un `pong` :
+/trigger add pong print "" "${type} == private && ${tg_message} == ping" "" "pong"
+===== Disposition réceptive
+Les triggers suivants peuvent être utilisées pour personnaliser l'affichage
+lorsque la taille du terminal change :
+/trigger add resize_small signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} < 100" "" "/bar hide nicklist"
+/trigger add resize_big signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} >= 100" "" "/bar show nicklist"
+Les triggers attrapent le signal "signal_sigwinch", qui et envoyé par WeeChat
+lorsque le signal SIGWINCH est reçu (lorsque la taille du terminal a changé).
+La condition avec `${info:term_width}` vérifie la largeur du terminal (vous
+pouvez aussi utiliser `${info:term_height}` si besoin).
+Dans l'exemple, si le terminal devient petit, la liste de pseudos est cachée.
+Et la barre est restaurée lorsque la largeur du terminal est supérieure ou
+égale à 100 caractères.
+===== Sauvegarde automatique de la configuration
+Vous pouvez sauvegarder automatiquement les fichiers de configuration
+(`*.conf`), par example chaque heure :
+/trigger add cfgsave timer 3600000;0;0 "" "" "/mute /save"
+Les paramètres pour le minuteur sont :
+* '3600000' : 3600 * 1000 millisecondes, le callback est appelé toutes les
+ heures
+* '0' : alignement sur la seconde (pas d'alignement ici)
+* '0' : nombre maximum d'appels (0 = pas de fin pour le minuteur)
+La commande `/mute /save` sauvegarde silencieusement les fichiers de
+configuration (rien n'est affiché sur le tampon "core").
=== Extension Xfer
diff --git a/doc/it/ b/doc/it/
index c2bacafa2..52f2280e8 100644
--- a/doc/it/
+++ b/doc/it/
@@ -2989,6 +2989,509 @@ include::autogen/user/tcl_commands.txt[]
+=== Trigger plugin
+Trigger is the Swiss Army knife for WeeChat: it can hook many things (signal,
+modifier, print, ...), change the content of data, and execute one or more
+commands. A condition can be used to prevent the trigger to run in some
+Using triggers require you to know how the signals, modifiers, ... are working.
+So you might consider reading the 'Hooks' chapter in the
+'WeeChat Plugin API Reference'.
+==== Options (trigger.conf)
+| Section | Control command | Description
+| look | /set trigger.look.* | Look and feel
+| color | /set trigger.color.* | Colors
+| trigger | <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger add>> +
+ <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger set>> +
+ /set trigger.trigger.* | Trigger options
+==== Commands
+==== Anatomy of a trigger
+A trigger has the following options (names are
+| Option | Values | Description
+| enabled | `on`, `off` |
+ When option is `off`, the trigger is disabled and actions are not executed
+ any more.
+| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
+ `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
+ The hook used in trigger. For more information, see
+ 'WeeChat Plugin API Reference', chapter 'Hooks'.
+| arguments | string |
+ The arguments for the hook, it depends on the hook type used.
+| conditions | string |
+ Conditions to execute the trigger; they are evaluated (see command
+ <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| regex | string |
+ One or more POSIX extended regular expressions, to change data received in the
+ hook callback (and some stuff added by trigger plugin), see
+ <<trigger_regex,regular expression>>.
+| command | string |
+ Command to execute (many commands can be separated by semicolons); it is
+ evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| return_code | `ok`, `ok_eat`, `error` |
+ The return code of callback (default is `ok`, which should be used in almost
+ all triggers, the other values are rarely used).
+For example, the default 'beep' trigger has following options:
+trigger.trigger.beep.enabled = on
+trigger.trigger.beep.hook = print
+trigger.trigger.beep.arguments = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.conditions = "${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}"
+trigger.trigger.beep.regex = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.command = "/print -beep"
+trigger.trigger.beep.return_code = ok
+==== Execution
+When a trigger callback is called, following actions are executed, in this
+. check if triggers are globally enabled: if not, exit
+. check if trigger is enabled: if not, exit
+. check trigger conditions: if false, exit
+. replace text in trigger using regular expression(s)
+. execute command(s)
+. exit with a return code (except for hooks 'modifier' and 'focus').
+==== Hook arguments
+The arguments depend on the hook used. They are separated by semicolons.
+| Hook | Arguments | Examples
+| signal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg` +
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg;*,irc_in_notice` +
+ `signal_sigwinch`
+| hsignal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `nicklist_nick_added`
+| modifier |
+ 1. modifier name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. modifier name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat_print` +
+ `5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add`
+| print |
+ 1. buffer name +
+ 2. tags +
+ 3. message +
+ 4. strip colors (0/1) |
+ `irc.freenode.*` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice` +
+ `*;;;1`
+| command |
+ 1. command name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. description +
+ 3. arguments +
+ 4. description of arguments +
+ 5. completion |
+ `test` +
+ `5000\|test`
+| command_run |
+ 1. command (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. command (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `/cmd arguments`
+| timer |
+ 1. interval in milliseconds (required) +
+ 2. alignment on second (default: 0) +
+ 3. max number of calls (default: 0, which means "no end") |
+ `3600000` +
+ `60000;0;5`
+| config |
+ 1. option name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. option name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat.look.*`
+| focus |
+ 1. area name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. area name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `buffer_nicklist`
+==== Conditions
+The conditions are used to continue processing in trigger, or stop everything.
+They are evaluated, and data available in callback can be used
+(see <<trigger_callback_data,data in callbacks>> and command
+Example: the default 'beep' trigger uses this condition to make a beep only on
+highlight or private message:
+${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}
+==== Regular expression
+The regular expression is used to change variables in callback hashtable.
+The format is: "/regex/replace" or "/regex/replace/var" (where 'var' is a
+variable of the hashtable). +
+If 'var' is not specified, the default variable is used, it depends on hook
+| Hook | Default variable
+| signal | tg_signal_data
+| hsignal |
+| modifier | tg_string
+| print | tg_message
+| command | tg_argv_eol1
+| command_run | tg_command
+| timer |
+| config | tg_value
+| focus |
+Many regular expressions can be separated by a space, for example:
+"/regex1/replace1/var1 /regex2/replace2/var2".
+The char "/" can be replaced by any char (one or more identical chars).
+Matching groups can be used in "replace":
+* `$0` to `$99`: `$0` is the whole match, `$1` to `$99` are groups captured
+* `$+`: the last match (with highest number)
+* `$.cN`: match "N" with all chars replaced by "c" (example: `$.*2` is the group
+ #2 with all chars replaced by `*`).
+Example: use bold for words between "*":
+Example: default trigger 'server_pass' uses this regular expression to hide
+password in commands `/server` and `/connect` (chars in passwords are replaced
+by `*`):
+==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)(\S+)(.*)==$1$.*4$5
+In this example, the delimiter used is "==" because there is a "/" in the
+regular expression.
+==== Command
+The command is executed after replacement of text with the regular expression.
+Many commands can be separated by semicolons.
+It is evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>) and text replaced
+with a regular expression can be used in the command.
+Example: default 'beep' trigger uses this command to make a beep (BEL):
+/print -beep
+==== Data in callbacks
+Data received in callbacks are stored in hashtables (pointers and strings) and
+can be used in following options:
+* 'conditions'
+* 'regex'
+* 'command'
+The content of hashtables depend on the hook type.
+A convenient way to see data in a trigger is to open trigger monitor buffer,
+using the command:
+/trigger monitor
+===== Signal
+The "signal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+| tg_signal_data | string | Data sent with the signal
+If the signal contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and following data
+is added in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| server | string | Name of server (example: "freenode")
+| tags | string | Tags in message (rarely used)
+| message_without_tags | string | Message without tags
+| nick | string | Nick
+| host | string | Hostname
+| command | string | IRC command (example: "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", ...)
+| channel | string | IRC channel
+| arguments | string | Arguments of command (includes value of 'channel')
+===== Hsignal
+The "hsignal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+===== Modifier
+The "modifier" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_modifier | string | Name of modifier
+| tg_modifier_data | string | Data sent with modifier
+| tg_string | string | The string that can be modified
+| tg_string_nocolor | string | The string without color codes
+For the 'weechat_print' modifier, variables using message tags are added (see
+<<trigger_data_print,hook print>> below), and following variables:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer where message is printed
+| tg_plugin | string | Plugin of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_buffer | string | Full name of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix of message printed
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message printed
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+If the modifier contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and extra data is
+added in hashtable (see <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
+===== Print
+The "print" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_date | string | Message date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+| tg_displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered
+| tg_highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0"
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+Variables set using tags in message (they are set in modifier 'weechat_print'
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_tags | string | Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string)
+| tg_tags_count | string | Number of tags in message
+| tg_tag_notify | string | Notify level ('none', 'message', 'private', 'highlight')
+| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (from tag "nick_xxx")
+| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc")
+| tg_msg_pv | string | "1" for a private message, otherwise "0"
+===== Command
+The "command" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_argvN | string | Argument #N
+| tg_argv_eolN | string | From argument #N until end of arguments
+===== Command_run
+The "command_run" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_command | string | Command executed
+===== Timer
+The "timer" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_remaining_calls | string | Number of remaining calls
+| tg_date | string | Current date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+===== Config
+The "config" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_option | string | Option
+| tg_value | string | Value
+===== Focus
+The "focus" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| window | pointer | Window
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+==== Examples
+===== Auto pong on ping queries
+When someone sends a "ping" in a private buffer, this trigger will auto-reply
+with `pong`:
+/trigger add pong print "" "${type} == private && ${tg_message} == ping" "" "pong"
+===== Responsive layout
+Following triggers can be used to customize things displayed when the size of
+terminal is changed:
+/trigger add resize_small signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} < 100" "" "/bar hide nicklist"
+/trigger add resize_big signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} >= 100" "" "/bar show nicklist"
+The triggers catch the signal "signal_sigwinch", which is sent by WeeChat when
+signal SIGWINCH is received (when terminal size is changed).
+The condition with `${info:term_width}` checks the width of terminal (you can
+also use `${info:term_height}` if needed).
+In the example, when the terminal becomes small, the nicklist is hidden. And the
+bar is restored when the width is greater or equal to 100 chars.
+===== Automatic save of configuration
+You can automatically save configuration files (`*.conf`), for example each
+/trigger add cfgsave timer 3600000;0;0 "" "" "/mute /save"
+Arguments for the timer hook are:
+* '3600000': 3600 * 1000 milliseconds, the callback is called each hour
+* '0': alignment on second (not aligned here)
+* '0': max number of calls (0 = no end for the timer)
+The command `/mute /save` will silently save configuration files (nothing
+displayed on core buffer).
=== Plugin Xfer
diff --git a/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.txt b/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.txt
index 06a1504a0..f2f067a47 100644
--- a/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.txt
+++ b/doc/ja/weechat_user.ja.txt
@@ -2860,6 +2860,509 @@ include::autogen/user/tcl_commands.txt[]
+=== Trigger plugin
+Trigger is the Swiss Army knife for WeeChat: it can hook many things (signal,
+modifier, print, ...), change the content of data, and execute one or more
+commands. A condition can be used to prevent the trigger to run in some
+Using triggers require you to know how the signals, modifiers, ... are working.
+So you might consider reading the 'Hooks' chapter in the
+'WeeChat Plugin API Reference'.
+==== Options (trigger.conf)
+| セクション | 操作コマンド | 説明
+| look | /set trigger.look.* | 外観
+| color | /set trigger.color.* | 色
+| trigger | <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger add>> +
+ <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger set>> +
+ /set trigger.trigger.* | Trigger options
+==== Commands
+==== Anatomy of a trigger
+A trigger has the following options (names are
+| Option | Values | Description
+| enabled | `on`, `off` |
+ When option is `off`, the trigger is disabled and actions are not executed
+ any more.
+| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
+ `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
+ The hook used in trigger. For more information, see
+ 'WeeChat Plugin API Reference', chapter 'Hooks'.
+| arguments | string |
+ The arguments for the hook, it depends on the hook type used.
+| conditions | string |
+ Conditions to execute the trigger; they are evaluated (see command
+ <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| regex | string |
+ One or more POSIX extended regular expressions, to change data received in the
+ hook callback (and some stuff added by trigger plugin), see
+ <<trigger_regex,regular expression>>.
+| command | string |
+ Command to execute (many commands can be separated by semicolons); it is
+ evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| return_code | `ok`, `ok_eat`, `error` |
+ The return code of callback (default is `ok`, which should be used in almost
+ all triggers, the other values are rarely used).
+For example, the default 'beep' trigger has following options:
+trigger.trigger.beep.enabled = on
+trigger.trigger.beep.hook = print
+trigger.trigger.beep.arguments = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.conditions = "${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}"
+trigger.trigger.beep.regex = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.command = "/print -beep"
+trigger.trigger.beep.return_code = ok
+==== Execution
+When a trigger callback is called, following actions are executed, in this
+. check if triggers are globally enabled: if not, exit
+. check if trigger is enabled: if not, exit
+. check trigger conditions: if false, exit
+. replace text in trigger using regular expression(s)
+. execute command(s)
+. exit with a return code (except for hooks 'modifier' and 'focus').
+==== Hook arguments
+The arguments depend on the hook used. They are separated by semicolons.
+| Hook | Arguments | Examples
+| signal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg` +
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg;*,irc_in_notice` +
+ `signal_sigwinch`
+| hsignal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `nicklist_nick_added`
+| modifier |
+ 1. modifier name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. modifier name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat_print` +
+ `5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add`
+| print |
+ 1. buffer name +
+ 2. tags +
+ 3. message +
+ 4. strip colors (0/1) |
+ `irc.freenode.*` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice` +
+ `*;;;1`
+| command |
+ 1. command name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. description +
+ 3. arguments +
+ 4. description of arguments +
+ 5. completion |
+ `test` +
+ `5000\|test`
+| command_run |
+ 1. command (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. command (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `/cmd arguments`
+| timer |
+ 1. interval in milliseconds (required) +
+ 2. alignment on second (default: 0) +
+ 3. max number of calls (default: 0, which means "no end") |
+ `3600000` +
+ `60000;0;5`
+| config |
+ 1. option name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. option name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat.look.*`
+| focus |
+ 1. area name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. area name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `buffer_nicklist`
+==== Conditions
+The conditions are used to continue processing in trigger, or stop everything.
+They are evaluated, and data available in callback can be used
+(see <<trigger_callback_data,data in callbacks>> and command
+Example: the default 'beep' trigger uses this condition to make a beep only on
+highlight or private message:
+${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}
+==== Regular expression
+The regular expression is used to change variables in callback hashtable.
+The format is: "/regex/replace" or "/regex/replace/var" (where 'var' is a
+variable of the hashtable). +
+If 'var' is not specified, the default variable is used, it depends on hook
+| Hook | Default variable
+| signal | tg_signal_data
+| hsignal |
+| modifier | tg_string
+| print | tg_message
+| command | tg_argv_eol1
+| command_run | tg_command
+| timer |
+| config | tg_value
+| focus |
+Many regular expressions can be separated by a space, for example:
+"/regex1/replace1/var1 /regex2/replace2/var2".
+The char "/" can be replaced by any char (one or more identical chars).
+Matching groups can be used in "replace":
+* `$0` to `$99`: `$0` is the whole match, `$1` to `$99` are groups captured
+* `$+`: the last match (with highest number)
+* `$.cN`: match "N" with all chars replaced by "c" (example: `$.*2` is the group
+ #2 with all chars replaced by `*`).
+Example: use bold for words between "*":
+Example: default trigger 'server_pass' uses this regular expression to hide
+password in commands `/server` and `/connect` (chars in passwords are replaced
+by `*`):
+==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)(\S+)(.*)==$1$.*4$5
+In this example, the delimiter used is "==" because there is a "/" in the
+regular expression.
+==== Command
+The command is executed after replacement of text with the regular expression.
+Many commands can be separated by semicolons.
+It is evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>) and text replaced
+with a regular expression can be used in the command.
+Example: default 'beep' trigger uses this command to make a beep (BEL):
+/print -beep
+==== Data in callbacks
+Data received in callbacks are stored in hashtables (pointers and strings) and
+can be used in following options:
+* 'conditions'
+* 'regex'
+* 'command'
+The content of hashtables depend on the hook type.
+A convenient way to see data in a trigger is to open trigger monitor buffer,
+using the command:
+/trigger monitor
+===== Signal
+The "signal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+| tg_signal_data | string | Data sent with the signal
+If the signal contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and following data
+is added in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| server | string | Name of server (example: "freenode")
+| tags | string | Tags in message (rarely used)
+| message_without_tags | string | Message without tags
+| nick | string | Nick
+| host | string | Hostname
+| command | string | IRC command (example: "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", ...)
+| channel | string | IRC channel
+| arguments | string | Arguments of command (includes value of 'channel')
+===== Hsignal
+The "hsignal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+===== Modifier
+The "modifier" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_modifier | string | Name of modifier
+| tg_modifier_data | string | Data sent with modifier
+| tg_string | string | The string that can be modified
+| tg_string_nocolor | string | The string without color codes
+For the 'weechat_print' modifier, variables using message tags are added (see
+<<trigger_data_print,hook print>> below), and following variables:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer where message is printed
+| tg_plugin | string | Plugin of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_buffer | string | Full name of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix of message printed
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message printed
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+If the modifier contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and extra data is
+added in hashtable (see <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
+===== Print
+The "print" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_date | string | Message date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+| tg_displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered
+| tg_highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0"
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+Variables set using tags in message (they are set in modifier 'weechat_print'
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_tags | string | Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string)
+| tg_tags_count | string | Number of tags in message
+| tg_tag_notify | string | Notify level ('none', 'message', 'private', 'highlight')
+| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (from tag "nick_xxx")
+| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc")
+| tg_msg_pv | string | "1" for a private message, otherwise "0"
+===== Command
+The "command" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_argvN | string | Argument #N
+| tg_argv_eolN | string | From argument #N until end of arguments
+===== Command_run
+The "command_run" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_command | string | Command executed
+===== Timer
+The "timer" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_remaining_calls | string | Number of remaining calls
+| tg_date | string | Current date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+===== Config
+The "config" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_option | string | Option
+| tg_value | string | Value
+===== Focus
+The "focus" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| window | pointer | Window
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+==== Examples
+===== Auto pong on ping queries
+When someone sends a "ping" in a private buffer, this trigger will auto-reply
+with `pong`:
+/trigger add pong print "" "${type} == private && ${tg_message} == ping" "" "pong"
+===== Responsive layout
+Following triggers can be used to customize things displayed when the size of
+terminal is changed:
+/trigger add resize_small signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} < 100" "" "/bar hide nicklist"
+/trigger add resize_big signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} >= 100" "" "/bar show nicklist"
+The triggers catch the signal "signal_sigwinch", which is sent by WeeChat when
+signal SIGWINCH is received (when terminal size is changed).
+The condition with `${info:term_width}` checks the width of terminal (you can
+also use `${info:term_height}` if needed).
+In the example, when the terminal becomes small, the nicklist is hidden. And the
+bar is restored when the width is greater or equal to 100 chars.
+===== Automatic save of configuration
+You can automatically save configuration files (`*.conf`), for example each
+/trigger add cfgsave timer 3600000;0;0 "" "" "/mute /save"
+Arguments for the timer hook are:
+* '3600000': 3600 * 1000 milliseconds, the callback is called each hour
+* '0': alignment on second (not aligned here)
+* '0': max number of calls (0 = no end for the timer)
+The command `/mute /save` will silently save configuration files (nothing
+displayed on core buffer).
=== Xfer プラグイン
diff --git a/doc/pl/ b/doc/pl/
index 30a717669..79a221219 100644
--- a/doc/pl/
+++ b/doc/pl/
@@ -2881,6 +2881,509 @@ include::autogen/user/tcl_commands.txt[]
+=== Trigger plugin
+Trigger is the Swiss Army knife for WeeChat: it can hook many things (signal,
+modifier, print, ...), change the content of data, and execute one or more
+commands. A condition can be used to prevent the trigger to run in some
+Using triggers require you to know how the signals, modifiers, ... are working.
+So you might consider reading the 'Hooks' chapter in the
+'WeeChat Plugin API Reference'.
+==== Options (trigger.conf)
+| Sekcja | Komenda | Opis
+| look | /set trigger.look.* | Wygląd
+| color | /set trigger.color.* | Kolory
+| trigger | <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger add>> +
+ <<command_trigger_trigger,/trigger set>> +
+ /set trigger.trigger.* | Trigger options
+==== Commands
+==== Anatomy of a trigger
+A trigger has the following options (names are
+| Option | Values | Description
+| enabled | `on`, `off` |
+ When option is `off`, the trigger is disabled and actions are not executed
+ any more.
+| hook | `signal`, `hsignal`, `modifier`, `print`, `command`, `command_run`,
+ `timer`, `config`, `focus` |
+ The hook used in trigger. For more information, see
+ 'WeeChat Plugin API Reference', chapter 'Hooks'.
+| arguments | string |
+ The arguments for the hook, it depends on the hook type used.
+| conditions | string |
+ Conditions to execute the trigger; they are evaluated (see command
+ <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| regex | string |
+ One or more POSIX extended regular expressions, to change data received in the
+ hook callback (and some stuff added by trigger plugin), see
+ <<trigger_regex,regular expression>>.
+| command | string |
+ Command to execute (many commands can be separated by semicolons); it is
+ evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>).
+| return_code | `ok`, `ok_eat`, `error` |
+ The return code of callback (default is `ok`, which should be used in almost
+ all triggers, the other values are rarely used).
+For example, the default 'beep' trigger has following options:
+trigger.trigger.beep.enabled = on
+trigger.trigger.beep.hook = print
+trigger.trigger.beep.arguments = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.conditions = "${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}"
+trigger.trigger.beep.regex = ""
+trigger.trigger.beep.command = "/print -beep"
+trigger.trigger.beep.return_code = ok
+==== Execution
+When a trigger callback is called, following actions are executed, in this
+. check if triggers are globally enabled: if not, exit
+. check if trigger is enabled: if not, exit
+. check trigger conditions: if false, exit
+. replace text in trigger using regular expression(s)
+. execute command(s)
+. exit with a return code (except for hooks 'modifier' and 'focus').
+==== Hook arguments
+The arguments depend on the hook used. They are separated by semicolons.
+| Hook | Arguments | Examples
+| signal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg` +
+ `*,irc_in_privmsg;*,irc_in_notice` +
+ `signal_sigwinch`
+| hsignal |
+ 1. signal name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. signal name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `nicklist_nick_added`
+| modifier |
+ 1. modifier name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. modifier name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat_print` +
+ `5000\|input_text_display;5000\|history_add`
+| print |
+ 1. buffer name +
+ 2. tags +
+ 3. message +
+ 4. strip colors (0/1) |
+ `irc.freenode.*` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat` +
+ `irc.freenode.#weechat;irc_notice` +
+ `*;;;1`
+| command |
+ 1. command name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. description +
+ 3. arguments +
+ 4. description of arguments +
+ 5. completion |
+ `test` +
+ `5000\|test`
+| command_run |
+ 1. command (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. command (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `/cmd arguments`
+| timer |
+ 1. interval in milliseconds (required) +
+ 2. alignment on second (default: 0) +
+ 3. max number of calls (default: 0, which means "no end") |
+ `3600000` +
+ `60000;0;5`
+| config |
+ 1. option name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. option name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `weechat.look.*`
+| focus |
+ 1. area name (priority allowed) (required) +
+ 2. area name (priority allowed) +
+ 3. ... |
+ `buffer_nicklist`
+==== Conditions
+The conditions are used to continue processing in trigger, or stop everything.
+They are evaluated, and data available in callback can be used
+(see <<trigger_callback_data,data in callbacks>> and command
+Example: the default 'beep' trigger uses this condition to make a beep only on
+highlight or private message:
+${tg_highlight} || ${tg_msg_pv}
+==== Regular expression
+The regular expression is used to change variables in callback hashtable.
+The format is: "/regex/replace" or "/regex/replace/var" (where 'var' is a
+variable of the hashtable). +
+If 'var' is not specified, the default variable is used, it depends on hook
+| Hook | Default variable
+| signal | tg_signal_data
+| hsignal |
+| modifier | tg_string
+| print | tg_message
+| command | tg_argv_eol1
+| command_run | tg_command
+| timer |
+| config | tg_value
+| focus |
+Many regular expressions can be separated by a space, for example:
+"/regex1/replace1/var1 /regex2/replace2/var2".
+The char "/" can be replaced by any char (one or more identical chars).
+Matching groups can be used in "replace":
+* `$0` to `$99`: `$0` is the whole match, `$1` to `$99` are groups captured
+* `$+`: the last match (with highest number)
+* `$.cN`: match "N" with all chars replaced by "c" (example: `$.*2` is the group
+ #2 with all chars replaced by `*`).
+Example: use bold for words between "*":
+Example: default trigger 'server_pass' uses this regular expression to hide
+password in commands `/server` and `/connect` (chars in passwords are replaced
+by `*`):
+==^(/(server|connect) .*-(sasl_)?password=)(\S+)(.*)==$1$.*4$5
+In this example, the delimiter used is "==" because there is a "/" in the
+regular expression.
+==== Command
+The command is executed after replacement of text with the regular expression.
+Many commands can be separated by semicolons.
+It is evaluated (see command <<command_weechat_eval,/eval>>) and text replaced
+with a regular expression can be used in the command.
+Example: default 'beep' trigger uses this command to make a beep (BEL):
+/print -beep
+==== Data in callbacks
+Data received in callbacks are stored in hashtables (pointers and strings) and
+can be used in following options:
+* 'conditions'
+* 'regex'
+* 'command'
+The content of hashtables depend on the hook type.
+A convenient way to see data in a trigger is to open trigger monitor buffer,
+using the command:
+/trigger monitor
+===== Signal
+The "signal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+| tg_signal_data | string | Data sent with the signal
+If the signal contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and following data
+is added in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| server | string | Name of server (example: "freenode")
+| tags | string | Tags in message (rarely used)
+| message_without_tags | string | Message without tags
+| nick | string | Nick
+| host | string | Hostname
+| command | string | IRC command (example: "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", ...)
+| channel | string | IRC channel
+| arguments | string | Arguments of command (includes value of 'channel')
+===== Hsignal
+The "hsignal" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_signal | string | Name of signal
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+===== Modifier
+The "modifier" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_modifier | string | Name of modifier
+| tg_modifier_data | string | Data sent with modifier
+| tg_string | string | The string that can be modified
+| tg_string_nocolor | string | The string without color codes
+For the 'weechat_print' modifier, variables using message tags are added (see
+<<trigger_data_print,hook print>> below), and following variables:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer where message is printed
+| tg_plugin | string | Plugin of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_buffer | string | Full name of buffer where message is printed
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix of message printed
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message printed
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+If the modifier contains an IRC message, the message is parsed and extra data is
+added in hashtable (see <<trigger_data_signal,hook signal>>).
+===== Print
+The "print" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_date | string | Message date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+| tg_displayed | string | "1" if displayed, "0" if line filtered
+| tg_highlight | string | "1" if highlight, otherwise "0"
+| tg_prefix | string | Prefix
+| tg_prefix_nocolor | string | Prefix without color codes
+| tg_message | string | Message
+| tg_message_nocolor | string | Message without color codes
+Variables set using tags in message (they are set in modifier 'weechat_print'
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_tags | string | Tags of message (with comma added at beginning/end of string)
+| tg_tags_count | string | Number of tags in message
+| tg_tag_notify | string | Notify level ('none', 'message', 'private', 'highlight')
+| tg_tag_nick | string | Nick (from tag "nick_xxx")
+| tg_tag_prefix_nick | string | Color of nick in prefix (from tag "prefix_nick_ccc")
+| tg_msg_pv | string | "1" for a private message, otherwise "0"
+===== Command
+The "command" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_argvN | string | Argument #N
+| tg_argv_eolN | string | From argument #N until end of arguments
+===== Command_run
+The "command_run" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+| tg_command | string | Command executed
+===== Timer
+The "timer" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_remaining_calls | string | Number of remaining calls
+| tg_date | string | Current date/time (format: `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`)
+===== Config
+The "config" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| tg_option | string | Option
+| tg_value | string | Value
+===== Focus
+The "focus" callback sets following variables in hashtable:
+| Variable | Type | Description
+| window | pointer | Window
+| buffer | pointer | Buffer
+The hashtable contains all keys/values from hashtable received (type:
+==== Examples
+===== Auto pong on ping queries
+When someone sends a "ping" in a private buffer, this trigger will auto-reply
+with `pong`:
+/trigger add pong print "" "${type} == private && ${tg_message} == ping" "" "pong"
+===== Responsive layout
+Following triggers can be used to customize things displayed when the size of
+terminal is changed:
+/trigger add resize_small signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} < 100" "" "/bar hide nicklist"
+/trigger add resize_big signal signal_sigwinch "${info:term_width} >= 100" "" "/bar show nicklist"
+The triggers catch the signal "signal_sigwinch", which is sent by WeeChat when
+signal SIGWINCH is received (when terminal size is changed).
+The condition with `${info:term_width}` checks the width of terminal (you can
+also use `${info:term_height}` if needed).
+In the example, when the terminal becomes small, the nicklist is hidden. And the
+bar is restored when the width is greater or equal to 100 chars.
+===== Automatic save of configuration
+You can automatically save configuration files (`*.conf`), for example each
+/trigger add cfgsave timer 3600000;0;0 "" "" "/mute /save"
+Arguments for the timer hook are:
+* '3600000': 3600 * 1000 milliseconds, the callback is called each hour
+* '0': alignment on second (not aligned here)
+* '0': max number of calls (0 = no end for the timer)
+The command `/mute /save` will silently save configuration files (nothing
+displayed on core buffer).
=== Wtyczka xfer