path: root/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim')
1 files changed, 520 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim b/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
index 4d448dc2b..8cb4db036 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim completion script
" Language: PHP
" Maintainer: Mikolaj Machowski ( mikmach AT wp DOT pl )
-" Last Change: 2006 Mar ---
+" Last Change: 2006 Apr 05
" - Class aware completion:
@@ -47,400 +47,594 @@ function! phpcomplete#CompletePHP(findstart, base)
" We can be also inside of phpString with HTML tags. Deal with
" it later (time, not lines).
- else
- " If exists b:php_menu it means completion was already constructed we
- " don't need to do anything more
- if exists("b:php_menu")
- return b:php_menu
- endif
- " Initialize base return lists
- let res = []
- " a:base is very short - we need context
- if exists("b:compl_context")
- let context = b:compl_context
- unlet! b:compl_context
- endif
- if !exists('g:php_builtin_functions')
- call phpcomplete#LoadData()
- endif
+ endif
+ " If exists b:php_menu it means completion was already constructed we
+ " don't need to do anything more
+ if exists("b:php_menu")
+ return b:php_menu
+ endif
+ " Initialize base return lists
+ let res = []
+ let res2 = []
+ " a:base is very short - we need context
+ if exists("b:compl_context")
+ let context = b:compl_context
+ unlet! b:compl_context
+ endif
- let scontext = substitute(context,
- \ '\$\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*$', '', '')
+ if !exists('g:php_builtin_functions')
+ call phpcomplete#LoadData()
+ endif
- if scontext =~ '\(=\s*new\|extends\)\s\+$'
- " Complete class name
- " Internal solution for finding classes in current file.
- let file = getline(1, '$')
- call filter(file,
- \ 'v:val =~ "class\\s\\+[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("')
- let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
- let jfile = join(file, ' ')
- let int_values = split(jfile, 'class\s\+')
- let int_classes = {}
- for i in int_values
- let c_name = matchstr(i, '^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*')
- if c_name != ''
- let int_classes[c_name] = ''
- endif
+ let scontext = substitute(context, '\$\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*$', '', '')
+ if scontext =~ '\(=\s*new\|extends\)\s\+$'
+ " Complete class name
+ " Internal solution for finding classes in current file.
+ let file = getline(1, '$')
+ call filter(file,
+ \ 'v:val =~ "class\\s\\+[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("')
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
+ let jfile = join(file, ' ')
+ let int_values = split(jfile, 'class\s\+')
+ let int_classes = {}
+ for i in int_values
+ let c_name = matchstr(i, '^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*')
+ if c_name != ''
+ let int_classes[c_name] = ''
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " Prepare list of functions from tags file
+ let ext_classes = {}
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
+ if fnames != ''
+ exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:base.'.*\tc\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ for field in qflist
+ " [:space:] thing: we don't have to be so strict when
+ " dealing with tags files - entries there were already
+ " checked by ctags.
+ let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
+ let ext_classes[item] = ''
+ endif
- " Prepare list of functions from tags file
- let ext_classes = {}
- let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
- if fnames != ''
- exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:base.'.*\tc\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
- let qflist = getqflist()
- for field in qflist
- " [:space:] thing: we don't have to be so strict when
- " dealing with tags files - entries there were already
- " checked by ctags.
- let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
- let ext_classes[item] = ''
- endfor
+ call extend(int_classes, ext_classes)
+ for m in sort(keys(int_classes))
+ if m =~ '^'.a:base
+ call add(res, m)
+ endfor
- call extend(int_classes, ext_classes)
+ let int_list = res
- for m in sort(keys(int_classes))
- if m =~ '^'.a:base
- call add(res, m)
- endif
- endfor
+ let final_menu = []
+ for i in int_list
+ let final_menu += [{'word':i, 'kind':'c'}]
+ endfor
- let int_list = res
+ return final_menu
- let final_menu = []
- for i in int_list
- let final_menu += [{'word':i, 'kind':'c'}]
- endfor
+ elseif scontext =~ '\(->\|::\)$'
+ " Complete user functions and variables
+ " Internal solution for current file.
+ " That seems as unnecessary repeating of functions but there are
+ " few not so subtle differences as not appending of $ and addition
+ " of 'kind' tag (not necessary in regular completion)
- return final_menu
+ if scontext =~ '->$' && scontext !~ '\$this->$'
- elseif scontext =~ '\(->\|::\)$'
- " Complete user functions and variables
- " Internal solution for current file.
- " That seems as unnecessary repeating of functions but there are
- " few not so subtle differences as not appending of $ and addition
- " of 'kind' tag (not necessary in regular completion)
- if a:base =~ '^\$'
- let adddollar = '$'
+ " Get name of the class
+ let classname = phpcomplete#GetClassName(scontext)
+ " Get location of class definition, we have to iterate through all
+ " tags files separately because we need relative path from current
+ " file to the exact file (tags file can be in different dir)
+ if classname != ''
+ let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname)
- let adddollar = ''
+ let classlocation = ''
- let file = getline(1, '$')
- let jfile = join(file, ' ')
- let sfile = split(jfile, '\$')
- let int_vars = {}
- for i in sfile
- if i =~ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*=\s*new'
- let val = matchstr(i, '^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*').'->'
- else
- let val = matchstr(i, '^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*')
- endif
- if val !~ ''
- let int_vars[adddollar.val] = ''
- endif
- endfor
- " ctags has good support for PHP, use tags file for external
- " variables
- let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
- let ext_vars = {}
- if fnames != ''
- let sbase = substitute(a:base, '^\$', '', '')
- exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.sbase.'.*\tv\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
- let qflist = getqflist()
- for field in qflist
- let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
- " Add -> if it is possible object declaration
- let classname = ''
- if field['text'] =~ item.'\s*=\s*new\s\+'
- let item = item.'->'
- let classname = matchstr(field['text'],
- \ '=\s*new\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze')
+ if filereadable(classlocation)
+ let classfile = readfile(classlocation)
+ let classcontent = ''
+ let classcontent .= "\n".phpcomplete#GetClassContents(classfile, classname)
+ let sccontent = split(classcontent, "\n")
+ " YES, YES, YES! - we have whole content including extends!
+ " Now we need to get two elements: public functions and public
+ " vars
+ " NO, NO, NO! - third separate filtering looking for content
+ " :(, but all of them have differences. To squeeze them into
+ " one implementation would require many additional arguments
+ " and ifs. No good solution
+ " Functions declared with public keyword or without any
+ " keyword are public
+ let functions = filter(deepcopy(sccontent),
+ \ 'v:val =~ "^\\s*\\(public\\s\\*\\)\\?function"')
+ let jfuncs = join(functions, ' ')
+ let sfuncs = split(jfuncs, 'function\s\+')
+ let c_functions = {}
+ for i in sfuncs
+ let f_name = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
+ let f_args = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)\_s*{')
+ if f_name != ''
+ let c_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " Variables declared with var or with public keyword are
+ " public
+ let variables = filter(deepcopy(sccontent),
+ \ 'v:val =~ "^\\s*\\(public\\|var\\)\\s\\+\\$"')
+ let jvars = join(variables, ' ')
+ let svars = split(jvars, '\$')
+ let c_variables = {}
+ for i in svars
+ let c_var = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
+ if c_var != ''
+ let c_variables[c_var] = ''
- let ext_vars[adddollar.item] = classname
- endif
- " Now we have all variables in int_vars dictionary
- call extend(int_vars, ext_vars)
+ let all_values = {}
+ call extend(all_values, c_functions)
+ call extend(all_values, c_variables)
+ call extend(all_values, g:php_builtin_object_functions)
- " Internal solution for finding functions in current file.
- let file = getline(1, '$')
- call filter(file,
- \ 'v:val =~ "function\\s\\+&\\?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("')
- let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
- let jfile = join(file, ' ')
- let int_values = split(jfile, 'function\s\+')
- let int_functions = {}
- for i in int_values
- let f_name = matchstr(i,
- \ '^&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
- let f_args = matchstr(i,
- \ '^&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)\_s*{')
- let int_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args
- endfor
+ for m in sort(keys(all_values))
+ if m =~ '^'.a:base && m !~ '::'
+ call add(res, m)
+ elseif m =~ '::'.a:base
+ call add(res2, m)
+ endif
+ endfor
- " Prepare list of functions from tags file
- let ext_functions = {}
- if fnames != ''
- exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:base.'.*\tf\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
- let qflist = getqflist()
- for field in qflist
- " File name
- let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
- let fname = matchstr(field['text'], '\t\zs\f\+\ze')
- let prototype = matchstr(field['text'],
- \ 'function\s\+&\?[^[:space:]]\+\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\s*{\?')
- let ext_functions[item.'('] = prototype.') - '.fname
+ let start_list = res + res2
+ let final_list = []
+ for i in start_list
+ if has_key(c_variables, i)
+ let class = ' '
+ if all_values[i] != ''
+ let class = i.' class '
+ endif
+ let final_list +=
+ \ [{'word':i,
+ \ 'info':class.all_values[i],
+ \ 'kind':'v'}]
+ else
+ let final_list +=
+ \ [{'word':substitute(i, '.*::', '', ''),
+ \ 'info':i.all_values[i].')',
+ \ 'kind':'f'}]
+ endif
+ return final_list
- let all_values = {}
- call extend(all_values, int_functions)
- call extend(all_values, ext_functions)
- call extend(all_values, int_vars) " external variables are already in
- call extend(all_values, g:php_builtin_object_functions)
+ endif
- for m in sort(keys(all_values))
- if m =~ '\(^\|::\)'.a:base
- call add(res, m)
+ if a:base =~ '^\$'
+ let adddollar = '$'
+ else
+ let adddollar = ''
+ endif
+ let file = getline(1, '$')
+ let jfile = join(file, ' ')
+ let sfile = split(jfile, '\$')
+ let int_vars = {}
+ for i in sfile
+ if i =~ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*=\s*new'
+ let val = matchstr(i, '^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*').'->'
+ else
+ let val = matchstr(i, '^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*')
+ endif
+ if val !~ ''
+ let int_vars[adddollar.val] = ''
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " ctags has good support for PHP, use tags file for external
+ " variables
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
+ let ext_vars = {}
+ if fnames != ''
+ let sbase = substitute(a:base, '^\$', '', '')
+ exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.sbase.'.*\tv\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ for field in qflist
+ let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
+ " Add -> if it is possible object declaration
+ let classname = ''
+ if field['text'] =~ item.'\s*=\s*new\s\+'
+ let item = item.'->'
+ let classname = matchstr(field['text'],
+ \ '=\s*new\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze')
+ let ext_vars[adddollar.item] = classname
+ endif
- let start_list = res
+ " Now we have all variables in int_vars dictionary
+ call extend(int_vars, ext_vars)
- let final_list = []
- for i in start_list
- if has_key(int_vars, i)
- let class = ' '
- if all_values[i] != ''
- let class = i.' class '
- endif
- let final_list += [{'word':i, 'info':class.all_values[i], 'kind':'v'}]
- else
- let final_list +=
- \ [{'word':substitute(i, '.*::', '', ''),
- \ 'info':i.all_values[i],
- \ 'kind':'f'}]
- endif
- endfor
+ " Internal solution for finding functions in current file.
+ let file = getline(1, '$')
+ call filter(file,
+ \ 'v:val =~ "function\\s\\+&\\?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("')
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
+ let jfile = join(file, ' ')
+ let int_values = split(jfile, 'function\s\+')
+ let int_functions = {}
+ for i in int_values
+ let f_name = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
+ let f_args = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)\_s*{')
+ let int_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args.')'
+ endfor
- return final_list
+ " Prepare list of functions from tags file
+ let ext_functions = {}
+ if fnames != ''
+ exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:base.'.*\tf\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ for field in qflist
+ " File name
+ let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
+ let fname = matchstr(field['text'], '\t\zs\f\+\ze')
+ let prototype = matchstr(field['text'],
+ \ 'function\s\+&\?[^[:space:]]\+\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\s*{\?')
+ let ext_functions[item.'('] = prototype.') - '.fname
+ endfor
- if a:base =~ '^\$'
- " Complete variables
- " Built-in variables {{{
- let g:php_builtin_vars = {'$GLOBALS':'',
- \ '$_SERVER':'',
- \ '$_GET':'',
- \ '$_POST':'',
- \ '$_COOKIE':'',
- \ '$_FILES':'',
- \ '$_ENV':'',
- \ '$_REQUEST':'',
- \ '$_SESSION':'',
- \ '$HTTP_ENV_VARS':'',
- \ '$HTTP_GET_VARS':'',
- \ '$HTTP_POST_VARS':'',
- \ '$HTTP_POST_FILES':'',
- \ '$php_errormsg':'',
- \ '$this':''
- \ }
- " }}}
+ let all_values = {}
+ call extend(all_values, int_functions)
+ call extend(all_values, ext_functions)
+ call extend(all_values, int_vars) " external variables are already in
+ call extend(all_values, g:php_builtin_object_functions)
- " Internal solution for current file.
- let file = getline(1, '$')
- let jfile = join(file, ' ')
- let int_vals = split(jfile, '\ze\$')
- let int_vars = {}
- for i in int_vals
- if i =~ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*=\s*new'
- let val = matchstr(i,
- \ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*').'->'
- else
- let val = matchstr(i,
- \ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*')
- endif
- if val != ''
- let int_vars[val] = ''
- endif
- endfor
+ for m in sort(keys(all_values))
+ if m =~ '\(^\|::\)'.a:base
+ call add(res, m)
+ endif
+ endfor
- call extend(int_vars,g:php_builtin_vars)
- " ctags has good support for PHP, use tags file for external
- " variables
- let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
- let ext_vars = {}
- if fnames != ''
- let sbase = substitute(a:base, '^\$', '', '')
- exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.sbase.'.*\tv\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
- let qflist = getqflist()
- for field in qflist
- let item = '$'.matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
- let m_menu = ''
- " Add -> if it is possible object declaration
- " How to detect if previous line is help line?
- if field['text'] =~ item.'\s*=\s*new\s\+'
- let item = item.'->'
- let m_menu = matchstr(field['text'],
- \ '=\s*new\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze')
- endif
- let ext_vars[item] = m_menu
- endfor
+ let start_list = res
+ let final_list = []
+ for i in start_list
+ if has_key(int_vars, i)
+ let class = ' '
+ if all_values[i] != ''
+ let class = i.' class '
+ endif
+ let final_list += [{'word':i, 'info':class.all_values[i], 'kind':'v'}]
+ else
+ let final_list +=
+ \ [{'word':substitute(i, '.*::', '', ''),
+ \ 'info':i.all_values[i],
+ \ 'kind':'f'}]
+ endfor
+ return final_list
+ endif
- call extend(int_vars, ext_vars)
- let g:a0 = keys(int_vars)
+ if a:base =~ '^\$'
+ " Complete variables
+ " Built-in variables {{{
+ let g:php_builtin_vars = {'$GLOBALS':'',
+ \ '$_SERVER':'',
+ \ '$_GET':'',
+ \ '$_POST':'',
+ \ '$_COOKIE':'',
+ \ '$_FILES':'',
+ \ '$_ENV':'',
+ \ '$_REQUEST':'',
+ \ '$_SESSION':'',
+ \ '$HTTP_ENV_VARS':'',
+ \ '$HTTP_GET_VARS':'',
+ \ '$HTTP_POST_VARS':'',
+ \ '$HTTP_POST_FILES':'',
+ \ '$php_errormsg':'',
+ \ '$this':''
+ \ }
+ " }}}
+ " Internal solution for current file.
+ let file = getline(1, '$')
+ let jfile = join(file, ' ')
+ let int_vals = split(jfile, '\ze\$')
+ let int_vars = {}
+ for i in int_vals
+ if i =~ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*=\s*new'
+ let val = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*').'->'
+ else
+ let val = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*')
+ endif
+ if val != ''
+ let int_vars[val] = ''
+ endif
+ endfor
- for m in sort(keys(int_vars))
- if m =~ '^\'.a:base
- call add(res, m)
+ call extend(int_vars,g:php_builtin_vars)
+ " ctags has support for PHP, use tags file for external variables
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
+ let ext_vars = {}
+ if fnames != ''
+ let sbase = substitute(a:base, '^\$', '', '')
+ exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.sbase.'.*\tv\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ for field in qflist
+ let item = '$'.matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
+ let m_menu = ''
+ " Add -> if it is possible object declaration
+ if field['text'] =~ item.'\s*=\s*new\s\+'
+ let item = item.'->'
+ let m_menu = matchstr(field['text'],
+ \ '=\s*new\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze')
+ let ext_vars[item] = m_menu
+ endif
- let int_list = res
+ call extend(int_vars, ext_vars)
+ let g:a0 = keys(int_vars)
+ for m in sort(keys(int_vars))
+ if m =~ '^\'.a:base
+ call add(res, m)
+ endif
+ endfor
- let int_dict = []
- for i in int_list
+ let int_list = res
+ let int_dict = []
+ for i in int_list
+ if int_vars[i] != ''
+ let class = ' '
if int_vars[i] != ''
- let class = ' '
- if int_vars[i] != ''
- let class = i.' class '
- endif
- let int_dict += [{'word':i, 'info':class.int_vars[i], 'kind':'v'}]
- else
- let int_dict += [{'word':i, 'kind':'v'}]
+ let class = i.' class '
- endfor
+ let int_dict += [{'word':i, 'info':class.int_vars[i], 'kind':'v'}]
+ else
+ let int_dict += [{'word':i, 'kind':'v'}]
+ endif
+ endfor
- return int_dict
+ return int_dict
- else
- " Complete everything else -
- " + functions, DONE
- " + keywords of language DONE
- " + defines (constant definitions), DONE
- " + extend keywords for predefined constants, DONE
- " + classes (after new), DONE
- " + limit choice after -> and :: to funcs and vars DONE
+ else
+ " Complete everything else -
+ " + functions, DONE
+ " + keywords of language DONE
+ " + defines (constant definitions), DONE
+ " + extend keywords for predefined constants, DONE
+ " + classes (after new), DONE
+ " + limit choice after -> and :: to funcs and vars DONE
- " Internal solution for finding functions in current file.
- let file = getline(1, '$')
- call filter(file, 'v:val =~ "function\\s\\+&\\?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("')
- let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
- let jfile = join(file, ' ')
- let int_values = split(jfile, 'function\s\+')
- let int_functions = {}
- for i in int_values
- let f_name = matchstr(i,
- \ '^&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
- let f_args = matchstr(i,
- \ '^&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\_s*{')
- let int_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args.')'
+ " Internal solution for finding functions in current file.
+ let file = getline(1, '$')
+ call filter(file,
+ \ 'v:val =~ "function\\s\\+&\\?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("')
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
+ let jfile = join(file, ' ')
+ let int_values = split(jfile, 'function\s\+')
+ let int_functions = {}
+ for i in int_values
+ let f_name = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
+ let f_args = matchstr(i,
+ \ '^&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\_s*{')
+ let int_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args.')'
+ endfor
+ " Prepare list of functions from tags file
+ let ext_functions = {}
+ if fnames != ''
+ exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:base.'.*\tf\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ for field in qflist
+ " File name
+ let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
+ let fname = matchstr(field['text'], '\t\zs\f\+\ze')
+ let prototype = matchstr(field['text'],
+ \ 'function\s\+&\?[^[:space:]]\+\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\s*{\?')
+ let ext_functions[item.'('] = prototype.') - '.fname
+ endif
- " Prepare list of functions from tags file
- let ext_functions = {}
- if fnames != ''
- exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:base.'.*\tf\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
- let qflist = getqflist()
- for field in qflist
- " File name
- let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
- let fname = matchstr(field['text'], '\t\zs\f\+\ze')
- let prototype = matchstr(field['text'],
- \ 'function\s\+&\?[^[:space:]]\+\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\s*{\?')
- let ext_functions[item.'('] = prototype.') - '.fname
- endfor
- endif
+ " All functions
+ call extend(int_functions, ext_functions)
+ call extend(int_functions, g:php_builtin_functions)
- " All functions
- call extend(int_functions, ext_functions)
- call extend(int_functions, g:php_builtin_functions)
+ " Internal solution for finding constants in current file
+ let file = getline(1, '$')
+ call filter(file, 'v:val =~ "define\\s*("')
+ let jfile = join(file, ' ')
+ let int_values = split(jfile, 'define\s*(\s*')
+ let int_constants = {}
+ for i in int_values
+ let c_name = matchstr(i, '\(["'']\)\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze\1')
+ " let c_value = matchstr(i,
+ " \ '\(["'']\)[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\1\s*,\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)')
+ if c_name != ''
+ let int_constants[c_name] = '' " c_value
+ endif
+ endfor
- " Internal solution for finding constants in current file
- let file = getline(1, '$')
- call filter(file, 'v:val =~ "define\\s*("')
- let jfile = join(file, ' ')
- let int_values = split(jfile, 'define\s*(\s*')
- let int_constants = {}
- for i in int_values
- let c_name = matchstr(i, '\(["'']\)\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze\1')
- " let c_value = matchstr(i,
- " \ '\(["'']\)[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\1\s*,\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)')
- if c_name != ''
- let int_constants[c_name] = '' " c_value
- endif
+ " Prepare list of constants from tags file
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
+ let ext_constants = {}
+ if fnames != ''
+ exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:base.'.*\td\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ for field in qflist
+ let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
+ let ext_constants[item] = ''
+ endif
- " Prepare list of constants from tags file
- let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
- let ext_constants = {}
- if fnames != ''
- exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:base.'.*\td\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
- let qflist = getqflist()
- for field in qflist
- let item = matchstr(field['text'], '^[^[:space:]]\+')
- let ext_constants[item] = ''
- endfor
+ " All constants
+ call extend(int_constants, ext_constants)
+ " Treat keywords as constants
+ let all_values = {}
+ " One big dictionary of functions
+ call extend(all_values, int_functions)
+ " Add constants
+ call extend(all_values, int_constants)
+ " Add keywords
+ call extend(all_values, g:php_keywords)
+ for m in sort(keys(all_values))
+ if m =~ '^'.a:base
+ call add(res, m)
+ endfor
- " All constants
- call extend(int_constants, ext_constants)
- " Treat keywords as constants
+ let int_list = res
- let all_values = {}
+ let final_list = []
+ for i in int_list
+ if has_key(int_functions, i)
+ let final_list +=
+ \ [{'word':i,
+ \ 'info':i.int_functions[i],
+ \ 'kind':'f'}]
+ elseif has_key(int_constants, i)
+ let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind':'d'}]
+ else
+ let final_list += [{'word':i}]
+ endif
+ endfor
- " One big dictionary of functions
- call extend(all_values, int_functions)
+ return final_list
- " Add constants
- call extend(all_values, int_constants)
- " Add keywords
- call extend(all_values, b:php_keywords)
+ endif
- for m in sort(keys(all_values))
- if m =~ '^'.a:base
- call add(res, m)
- endif
- endfor
- let int_list = res
+function! phpcomplete#GetClassName(scontext) " {{{
+ " Get class name
+ " Class name can be detected in few ways:
+ " @var $myVar class
+ " line above
+ " or line in tags file
- let final_list = []
- for i in int_list
- if has_key(int_functions, i)
- let final_list +=
- \ [{'word':i,
- \ 'info':i.int_functions[i],
- \ 'kind':'f'}]
- elseif has_key(int_constants, i)
- let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind':'d'}]
- else
- let final_list += [{'word':i}]
- endif
- endfor
+ let object = matchstr(a:scontext, '\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze->')
+ let i = 1
+ while i < line('.')
+ let line = getline(line('.')-i)
+ if line =~ '^\s*\*\/\?\s*$'
+ let i += 1
+ continue
+ else
+ if line =~ '@var\s\+\$'.object.'\s\+[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+'
+ let classname = matchstr(line, '@var\s\+\$'.object.'\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+')
+ return classname
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
- return final_list
+ " OK, first way failed, now check tags file(s)
+ let fnames = join(map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " \\")'))
+ exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.object.'.*\$'.object.'.*=\s*new\s\+.*\tv\(\t\|$\)/j '.fnames
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ if len(qflist) == 0
+ return []
+ endif
+ " In all properly managed projects it should be one item list, even if it
+ " *is* longer we cannot solve conflicts, assume it is first element
+ let classname = matchstr(qflist[0]['text'], '=\s*new\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze')
+ return classname
+" }}}
+function! phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname) " {{{
+ " Get class location
+ for fname in tagfiles()
+ let fhead = fnamemodify(fname, ":h")
+ if fhead != ''
+ let psep = '/'
+ let fhead .= psep
+ endif
+ let fname = escape(fname, " \\")
+ exe 'silent! vimgrep /^'.a:classname.'.*\tc\(\t\|$\)/j '.fname
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ " As in GetClassName we can manage only one element
+ let classlocation = matchstr(qflist[0]['text'], '\t\zs\f\+\ze\t')
+ " And only one class location
+ if classlocation != ''
+ let pset = '/' " Note: slash is potential problem!
+ let classlocation = fhead.classlocation
+ return classlocation
+ endfor
+" }}}
+function! phpcomplete#GetClassContents(file, name) " {{{
+ let cfile = join(a:file, "\n")
+ " We use new buffer and (later) normal! because
+ " this is the most efficient way. The other way
+ " is to go through the looong string looking for
+ " matching {}
+ below 1new
+ 0put =cfile
+ call search('class\s\+'.a:name)
+ let cfline = line('.')
+ " Catch extends
+ if getline('.') =~ 'extends'
+ let extends_class = matchstr(getline('.'),
+ \ 'class\s\+'.a:name.'\s\+extends\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze')
+ else
+ let extends_class = ''
+ endif
+ normal! %
+ let classc = getline(cfline, ".")
+ let classcontent = join(classc, "\n")
+ bw! %
+ if extends_class != ''
+ let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(extends_class)
+ if filereadable(classlocation)
+ let classfile = readfile(classlocation)
+ let classcontent .= "\n".phpcomplete#GetClassContents(classfile, extends_class)
+ endif
+ return classcontent
+" }}}
function! phpcomplete#LoadData() " {{{
" Keywords/reserved words, all other special things {{{
" Later it is possible to add some help to values, or type of
" defined variable
-let b:php_keywords = {
+let g:php_keywords = {
\ 'PHP_SELF':'',
\ 'argv':'',
\ 'argc':'',