BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
feature-tcp-listenerWIP: stuck here with getting the client to handle TCP with same code.Stefan Midjich4 years
masterMore user friendly: check for KMS feature earlier in roughenough-kmsStuart Stock4 years
remove_red_paintRemove some unnecessary ugly red paintcos4 years
rust_assistanceMake roughenough-client code compilecos4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-09-27More user friendly: check for KMS feature earlier in roughenough-kmsHEADmasterStuart Stock
2020-09-27Simplify ctrl-c check; check only in outer server loopStuart Stock
2020-09-27Eliminate use of deprecated simple_logger methodsStuart Stock
2020-09-21Merge pull request #26 from int08h/try-github-actionsStuart Stock
2020-08-28Update dockerfile to rust 1.48 and roughenough 1.1.8Stuart Stock
2020-07-12Try Gitbub actions for buildsStuart Stock
2020-06-20cleanups: tidy server code; extract configuration display to own functionStuart Stock
2020-06-20cleanups: rustfmt, import tidyingStuart Stock
2020-06-20stats: sort status update in actual descending orderStuart Stock
2020-06-20refactor: extract health check and status update methods out of event loopStuart Stock