path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/WFS.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/WFS.html')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/WFS.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/WFS.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24e775d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/tests/Protocol/WFS.html
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+ <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function test_initialize(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type"
+ });
+ t.ok(protocol instanceof OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.v1_0_0,
+ "initialize returns instance of default versioned protocol")
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type",
+ version: "1.1.0"
+ });
+ t.ok(protocol instanceof OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.v1_1_0,
+ "initialize returns instance of custom versioned protocol")
+ }
+ function test_setGeometryName(t) {
+ t.plan(4);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type",
+ geometryName: "geom"
+ });
+ t.eq(protocol.geometryName, "geom", "geometryName set correctly by constructor");
+ t.eq(protocol.format.geometryName, "geom", "geometryName correctly set on format by constructor");
+ // change the geometryName on the fly
+ protocol.setGeometryName("SHAPE");
+ t.eq(protocol.geometryName, "SHAPE", "geometryName changed correctly by setGeometryName");
+ t.eq(protocol.format.geometryName, "SHAPE", "geometryName correctly changed on format by setGeometryName");
+ protocol.destroy();
+ }
+ function test_setFeatureType(t) {
+ t.plan(4);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type"
+ });
+ t.eq(protocol.featureType, "type", "featureType set correctly by constructor");
+ t.eq(protocol.format.featureType, "type", "featureType correctly set on format by constructor");
+ // change the feature type on the fly
+ protocol.setFeatureType("foo");
+ t.eq(protocol.featureType, "foo", "featureType changed correctly by setFeatureType");
+ t.eq(protocol.format.featureType, "foo", "featureType correctly changed on format by setFeatureType");
+ protocol.destroy();
+ }
+ function test_read(t) {
+ t.plan(7);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type",
+ parseResponse: function(request, options) {
+ t.eq(request.responseText, "foo", "parseResponse called properly");
+ t.eq(options, {foo: "bar"}, "parseResponse receives readOptions");
+ return "foo";
+ }
+ });
+ var _POST = OpenLayers.Request.POST;
+ var expected, status;
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST = function(obj) {
+ t.xml_eq(new OpenLayers.Format.XML().read(, expected, "GetFeature request is correct");
+ obj.status = status;
+ obj.responseText = "foo";
+ t.delay_call(0.1, function() {});
+ return obj;
+ };
+ expected = readXML("GetFeature_1");
+ status = 200;
+ var response ={readOptions: {foo: "bar"}, callback: function(response) {
+ t.eq(response.features, "foo", "user callback properly called with features");
+ t.eq(response.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.SUCCESS, "success reported properly");
+ }});
+ options = {
+ maxFeatures: 10,
+ featureType: 'type2',
+ srsName: 'EPSG:900913',
+ featureNS: 'htttp://',
+ callback: function(response) {
+ t.eq(response.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.FAILURE, "failure reported properly to user callback");
+ }
+ };
+ expected = readXML("GetFeature_2");
+ status = 400;
+ var response =;
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST = _POST;
+ }
+ function test_parseResponse_poorconfig(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ featurePrefix: "topp",
+ featureType: "tasmania_roads",
+ geometryName: null
+ });
+ protocol.parseResponse({responseText: document.getElementById("query_response").firstChild.nodeValue});
+ t.eq(protocol.geometryName, "geom", "geometryName configured correctly");
+ t.eq(protocol.featureNS, "", "featureNS configured correctly");
+ }
+ function test_exception(t) {
+ t.plan(8);
+ var url = "";
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: url,
+ version: "1.1.0",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type"
+ });
+ // mock up a response
+ var response = {
+ priv: {
+ status: 200,
+ responseText: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ows:ExceptionReport language="en" version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ows=""><ows:Exception locator="foo" exceptionCode="InvalidParameterValue"><ows:ExceptionText>Update error: Error occurred updating features</ows:ExceptionText><ows:ExceptionText>Second exception line</ows:ExceptionText></ows:Exception></ows:ExceptionReport>'
+ }
+ };
+ var log, entry, expected;
+ // test GetFeature
+ log = [];
+ protocol.handleRead(OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, response), {
+ callback: function(resp) {
+ log.push(resp);
+ }
+ });
+ expected = {
+ exceptionReport: {
+ version: "1.0.0",
+ language: "en",
+ exceptions: [{
+ code: "InvalidParameterValue",
+ locator: "foo",
+ texts: [
+ "Update error: Error occurred updating features",
+ "Second exception line"
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ success: false
+ };
+ t.eq(log.length, 1, "GetFeature handled");
+ entry = log[0];
+ t.eq(entry.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.FAILURE, "GetFeature failure reported");
+ t.ok(!!entry.error, "GetFeature got error");
+ t.eq(entry.error, expected, "GetFeature error matches expected");
+ // test a commit
+ log = [];
+ protocol.handleCommit(response, {
+ callback: function(resp) {
+ log.push(resp);
+ }
+ });
+ t.eq(log.length, 1, "commit handled");
+ entry = log[0];
+ t.eq(entry.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.FAILURE, "commit failure reported");
+ t.ok(!!entry.error, "commit got error");
+ t.eq(entry.error, expected, "GetFeature error matches expected");
+ }
+ function test_commit(t){
+ t.plan(5);
+ var url = "";
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: url,
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type"
+ });
+ = function(data) {
+ t.eq(data, "foo", "callback called with correct argument");
+ return {
+ insertIds: new Array(3),
+ success: true
+ }
+ };
+ var _POST = OpenLayers.Request.POST;
+ var expected;
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST = function(obj) {
+ t.xml_eq(new OpenLayers.Format.XML().read(, expected, "Transaction XML with Insert, Update and Delete created correctly");
+ t.eq(obj.headers, {foo: 'bar'}, "HTTP headers passed from commit to Request.POST");
+ obj.responseText = "foo";
+ t.delay_call(0.1, function() {});
+ return obj;
+ };
+ var featureDelete = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(42, 7), {has : "cheeseburger"});
+ featureDelete.fid = "fid.37";
+ featureDelete.state = OpenLayers.State.DELETE;
+ featureDelete.layer = {
+ projection: {
+ getCode : function(){
+ return "EPSG:4326";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var featureInsert = featureDelete.clone();
+ featureInsert.state = OpenLayers.State.INSERT;
+ var featureModify = featureDelete.clone();
+ featureModify.fid = "fid.37";
+ featureModify.state = OpenLayers.State.UPDATE;
+ options = {
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type",
+ headers: {foo: 'bar'},
+ callback: function(response) {
+ t.eq(response.insertIds.length, 3, "correct response passed to user callback");
+ t.eq(response.code, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.SUCCESS, "success properly reported to user callback");
+ }
+ }
+ expected = readXML("commit");
+ var response = protocol.commit([featureInsert, featureModify, featureDelete], options);
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST = _POST;
+ }
+ function test_filterDelete(t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var url = "";
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: url,
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type"
+ });
+ var filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial({
+ type: OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.BBOX,
+ value: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-5, -5, 5, 5)
+ });
+ var _POST = OpenLayers.Request.POST;
+ var expected = readXML("filter_delete");
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST = function(obj) {
+ t.xml_eq(new OpenLayers.Format.XML().read(, expected, "request data correct");
+ t.delay_call(0.1, function() {});
+ return obj;
+ };
+ var response = protocol.filterDelete(filter, {
+ callback: function() {
+ t.ok("user callback function called");
+ }
+ });
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST = _POST;
+ }
+ function test_abort(t) {
+ t.plan(1);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type"
+ });
+ var response = {
+ priv: {
+ abort: function() {
+ aborted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // call abort with mocked response
+ var aborted = false;
+ protocol.abort(response);
+ t.eq(aborted, true, "abort called on response.priv");
+ }
+ function test_fromWMSLayer(t) {
+ t.plan(9);
+ var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+ projection: "CRS:84"
+ });
+ var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("foo", "htttp://foo/ows",
+ {layers: "topp:states"}
+ );
+ map.addLayer(layer);
+ var protocol = OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer(layer);
+ t.eq(protocol.url, "htttp://foo/ows", "url taken from wms layer");
+ t.eq(protocol.featurePrefix, "topp", "feature prefix correctly extracted");
+ t.eq(protocol.featureType, "states", "typeName correctly extracted");
+ t.eq(protocol.srsName, "CRS:84", "srsName set correctly");
+ t.eq(protocol.version, "1.1.0", "version set correctly");
+ t.eq(protocol.format.geometryName, null, "format's geometryName set to null");
+ layer.params["LAYERS"] = ["topp:street_centerline", "topp:states"];
+ layer.projection = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
+ protocol = OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer(layer);
+ t.eq(protocol.featurePrefix, "topp", "featurePrefix from layer param array");
+ t.eq(protocol.featureType, "street_centerline", "first layer from layer param array as featureType");
+ t.eq(protocol.srsName, "EPSG:900913", "projection from layer preferred");
+ }
+ function test_readFormat(t) {
+ t.plan(1);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type",
+ formatOptions: {outputFormat: 'json'},
+ readFormat: new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON()
+ });
+ var request = {};
+ request.responseText = '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","id":"V_HECTOPUNTEN.108411","geometry":{"type":"MultiPoint","coordinates":[[190659.467,349576.19]]},"geometry_name":"ORA_GEOMETRY","properties":{"WEGNUMMER":"002","HECTOMTRNG_ORG":2200,"HECTOMTRNG":"220.00","bbox":[190659.467,349576.19,190659.467,349576.19]}}]}';
+ var features = protocol.parseResponse(request);
+ t.eq(features.length, 1, "the right format is used to read the request (GeoJSON)");
+ }
+ function test_outputFormat(t) {
+ t.plan(2);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ version: "1.1.0",
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type",
+ outputFormat: 'json'
+ });
+ t.ok(protocol.readFormat instanceof OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON, "the correct readFormat is used for outputFormat JSON");
+ protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ version: "1.1.0",
+ url: "",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type",
+ outputFormat: 'GML2'
+ });
+ t.ok(protocol.readFormat instanceof OpenLayers.Format.GML.v2, "the correct readFormat is used for outputFormat GML2");
+ }
+ function test_readOptions(t) {
+ t.plan(1);
+ var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
+ url: "",
+ version: "1.1.0",
+ featureNS: "",
+ featureType: "type",
+ readOptions: {'output': 'object'},
+ parseResponse: function(request, options) {
+ t.eq(options.output, "object", "Options object correctly set to pass on to Format's read");
+ }
+ });
+ var _POST = OpenLayers.Request.POST;
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST = function(obj) {
+ obj.status = 200;
+ obj.responseText = "foo";
+ t.delay_call(0.1, function() {});
+ return obj;
+ };
+ callback: function() {}
+ });
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST = _POST;
+ }
+ function readXML(id) {
+ var xml = document.getElementById(id).firstChild.nodeValue;
+ return new OpenLayers.Format.XML().read(xml).documentElement;
+ }
+ </script>
+<div id="map" style="width:512px; height:256px"> </div>
+<div id="GetFeature_1"><!--
+<wfs:GetFeature xmlns:wfs="" service="WFS" version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
+ <wfs:Query typeName="feature:type" xmlns:feature=""/>
+<div id="GetFeature_2"><!--
+<wfs:GetFeature xmlns:wfs="" service="WFS" version="1.0.0" maxFeatures="10" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
+ <wfs:Query typeName="feature:type2" xmlns:feature="htttp://"/>
+<div id="commit"><!--
+<wfs:Transaction xmlns:wfs="" service="WFS" version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
+ <wfs:Insert>
+ <feature:type xmlns:feature="">
+ <feature:the_geom>
+ <gml:Point xmlns:gml="" srsName="EPSG:4326">
+ <gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">42,7</gml:coordinates>
+ </gml:Point>
+ </feature:the_geom>
+ <feature:has>cheeseburger</feature:has>
+ </feature:type>
+ </wfs:Insert>
+ <wfs:Update typeName="feature:type" xmlns:feature="">
+ <wfs:Property>
+ <wfs:Name>the_geom</wfs:Name>
+ <wfs:Value>
+ <gml:Point xmlns:gml="" srsName="EPSG:4326">
+ <gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">42,7</gml:coordinates>
+ </gml:Point>
+ </wfs:Value>
+ </wfs:Property>
+ <wfs:Property>
+ <wfs:Name>has</wfs:Name>
+ <wfs:Value>cheeseburger</wfs:Value>
+ </wfs:Property>
+ <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="">
+ <ogc:FeatureId fid="fid.37"/>
+ </ogc:Filter>
+ </wfs:Update>
+ <wfs:Delete typeName="feature:type" xmlns:feature="">
+ <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="">
+ <ogc:FeatureId fid="fid.37"/>
+ </ogc:Filter>
+ </wfs:Delete>
+<div id="filter_delete"><!--
+<wfs:Transaction xmlns:wfs="" service="WFS" version="1.0.0">
+ <wfs:Delete typeName="feature:type" xmlns:feature="">
+ <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="">
+ <ogc:BBOX>
+ <gml:Box xmlns:gml="" srsName="EPSG:4326">
+ <gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">-5,-5 5,5</gml:coordinates>
+ </gml:Box>
+ </ogc:BBOX>
+ </ogc:Filter>
+ </wfs:Delete>
+<div id="query_response"><!--
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<wfs:FeatureCollection xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:topp="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xlink=""><gml:boundedBy><gml:Envelope srsDimension="2" srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326"><gml:lowerCorner>5450000.0 500000.0</gml:lowerCorner><gml:upperCorner>5450000.0 540000.0</gml:upperCorner></gml:Envelope></gml:boundedBy><gml:featureMembers><topp:tasmania_roads gml:id="tasmania_roads.1"><gml:boundedBy><gml:Envelope srsDimension="2" srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326"><gml:lowerCorner>5450000.0 500000.0</gml:lowerCorner><gml:upperCorner>5450000.0 540000.0</gml:upperCorner></gml:Envelope></gml:boundedBy><topp:geom><gml:MultiLineString srsDimension="2" srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326"><gml:lineStringMember><gml:LineString><gml:posList>5450000.0 500000.0 5450000.0 540000.0</gml:posList></gml:LineString></gml:lineStringMember></gml:MultiLineString></topp:geom><topp:TYPE>street</topp:TYPE></topp:tasmania_roads></gml:featureMembers></wfs:FeatureCollection>