path: root/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer')
33 files changed, 10663 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcGIS93Rest.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcGIS93Rest.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5bac36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcGIS93Rest.js
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest
+ * Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest are used to display data from
+ * ESRI ArcGIS Server 9.3 (and up?) Mapping Services using the REST API.
+ * Create a new ArcGIS93Rest layer with the <OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest>
+ * constructor. More detail on the REST API is available at
+ * ;
+ * specifically, the URL provided to this layer should be an export service
+ * URL:
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * Constant: DEFAULT_PARAMS
+ * {Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs
+ */
+ format: "png"
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} Default is true for ArcGIS93Rest layer
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest
+ * Create a new ArcGIS93Rest layer object.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * (code)
+ * var arcims = new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest("MyName",
+ * "",
+ * {
+ * layers: "0,1,2"
+ * });
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer
+ * url - {String} Base url for the ArcGIS server REST service
+ * options - {Object} An object with key/value pairs representing the
+ * options and option values.
+ *
+ * Valid Options:
+ * format - {String} MIME type of desired image type.
+ * layers - {String} Comma-separated list of layers to display.
+ * srs - {String} Projection ID.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
+ var newArguments = [];
+ //uppercase params
+ params = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(params);
+ newArguments.push(name, url, params, options);
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+ OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params,
+ OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(this.DEFAULT_PARAMS)
+ );
+ //layer is transparent
+ if (this.params.TRANSPARENT &&
+ this.params.TRANSPARENT.toString().toLowerCase() == "true") {
+ // unless explicitly set in options, make layer an overlay
+ if ( (options == null) || (!options.isBaseLayer) ) {
+ this.isBaseLayer = false;
+ }
+ // jpegs can never be transparent, so intelligently switch the
+ // format, depending on the browser's capabilities
+ if (this.params.FORMAT == "jpg") {
+ this.params.FORMAT = OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack() ? "gif"
+ : "png";
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest>} An exact clone of this layer
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest(,
+ this.url,
+ this.params,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ * Return an image url this layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A bounds representing the bbox for the
+ * request.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the map image's url.
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ // ArcGIS Server only wants the numeric portion of the projection ID.
+ var projWords = this.projection.getCode().split(":");
+ var srid = projWords[projWords.length - 1];
+ var imageSize = this.getImageSize();
+ var newParams = {
+ 'BBOX': bounds.toBBOX(),
+ 'SIZE': imageSize.w + "," + imageSize.h,
+ // We always want image, the other options were json, image with a whole lotta html around it, etc.
+ 'F': "image",
+ 'BBOXSR': srid,
+ 'IMAGESR': srid
+ };
+ // Now add the filter parameters.
+ if (this.layerDefs) {
+ var layerDefStrList = [];
+ var layerID;
+ for(layerID in this.layerDefs) {
+ if (this.layerDefs.hasOwnProperty(layerID)) {
+ if (this.layerDefs[layerID]) {
+ layerDefStrList.push(layerID);
+ layerDefStrList.push(":");
+ layerDefStrList.push(this.layerDefs[layerID]);
+ layerDefStrList.push(";");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (layerDefStrList.length > 0) {
+ newParams['LAYERDEFS'] = layerDefStrList.join("");
+ }
+ }
+ var requestString = this.getFullRequestString(newParams);
+ return requestString;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setLayerFilter
+ * addTile creates a tile, initializes it, and adds it to the layer div.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * id - {String} The id of the layer to which the filter applies.
+ * queryDef - {String} A sql-ish query filter, for more detail see the ESRI
+ * documentation at
+ */
+ setLayerFilter: function ( id, queryDef ) {
+ if (!this.layerDefs) {
+ this.layerDefs = {};
+ }
+ if (queryDef) {
+ this.layerDefs[id] = queryDef;
+ } else {
+ delete this.layerDefs[id];
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clearLayerFilter
+ * Clears layer filters, either from a specific layer,
+ * or all of them.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * id - {String} The id of the layer from which to remove any
+ * filter. If unspecified/blank, all filters
+ * will be removed.
+ */
+ clearLayerFilter: function ( id ) {
+ if (id) {
+ delete this.layerDefs[id];
+ } else {
+ delete this.layerDefs;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: mergeNewParams
+ * Catch changeParams and uppercase the new params to be merged in
+ * before calling changeParams on the super class.
+ *
+ * Once params have been changed, the tiles will be reloaded with
+ * the new parameters.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newParams - {Object} Hashtable of new params to use
+ */
+ mergeNewParams:function(newParams) {
+ var upperParams = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(newParams);
+ var newArguments = [upperParams];
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.mergeNewParams.apply(this,
+ newArguments);
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcGISCache.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcGISCache.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99f7dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcGISCache.js
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache
+ * Layer for accessing cached map tiles from an ArcGIS Server style mapcache.
+ * Tile must already be cached for this layer to access it. This does not require
+ * ArcGIS Server itself.
+ *
+ * A few attempts have been made at this kind of layer before. See
+ *
+ * and
+ *
+ *
+ * Typically the problem encountered is that the tiles seem to "jump around".
+ * This is due to the fact that the actual max extent for the tiles on AGS layers
+ * changes at each zoom level due to the way these caches are constructed.
+ * We have attempted to use the resolutions, tile size, and tile origin
+ * from the cache meta data to make the appropriate changes to the max extent
+ * of the tile to compensate for this behavior. This must be done as zoom levels change
+ * and before tiles are requested, which is why methods from base classes are overridden.
+ *
+ * For reference, you can access mapcache meta data in two ways. For accessing a
+ * mapcache through ArcGIS Server, you can simply go to the landing page for the
+ * layer. (ie.
+ * For accessing it directly through HTTP, there should always be a conf.xml file
+ * in the root directory.
+ * (ie.
+ *
+ *Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: url
+ * {String | Array} The base URL for the layer cache. You can also
+ * provide a list of URL strings for the layer if your cache is
+ * available from multiple origins. This must be set before the layer
+ * is drawn.
+ */
+ url: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: tileOrigin
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The location of the tile origin for the cache.
+ * An ArcGIS cache has it's origin at the upper-left (lowest x value
+ * and highest y value of the coordinate system). The units for the
+ * tile origin should be the same as the units for the cached data.
+ */
+ tileOrigin: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: tileSize
+ * {<OpenLayers.Size>} This size of each tile. Defaults to 256 by 256 pixels.
+ */
+ tileSize: new OpenLayers.Size(256, 256),
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: useAGS
+ * {Boolean} Indicates if we are going to be accessing the ArcGIS Server (AGS)
+ * cache via an AGS MapServer or directly through HTTP. When accessing via
+ * AGS the path structure uses a standard z/y/x structure. But AGS actually
+ * stores the tile images on disk using a hex based folder structure that looks
+ * like "". Learn more
+ * about this here:
+ *
+ * Defaults to true;
+ */
+ useArcGISServer: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: type
+ * {String} Image type for the layer. This becomes the filename extension
+ * in tile requests. Default is "png" (generating a url like
+ * "").
+ */
+ type: 'png',
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: useScales
+ * {Boolean} Optional override to indicate that the layer should use 'scale' information
+ * returned from the server capabilities object instead of 'resolution' information.
+ * This can be important if your tile server uses an unusual DPI for the tiles.
+ */
+ useScales: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: overrideDPI
+ * {Boolean} Optional override to change the OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH setting based
+ * on the tile information in the server capabilities object. This can be useful
+ * if your server has a non-standard DPI setting on its tiles, and you're only using
+ * tiles with that DPI. This value is used while OpenLayers is calculating resolution
+ * using scales, and is not necessary if you have resolution information. (This is
+ * typically the case) Regardless, this setting can be useful, but is dangerous
+ * because it will impact other layers while calculating resolution. Only use this
+ * if you know what you are doing. (See OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale)
+ */
+ overrideDPI: false,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache
+ * Creates a new instance of this class
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * url - {String}
+ * options - {Object} extra layer options
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (this.resolutions) {
+ this.serverResolutions = this.resolutions;
+ this.maxExtent = this.getMaxExtentForResolution(this.resolutions[0]);
+ }
+ // this block steps through translating the values from the server layer JSON
+ // capabilities object into values that we can use. This is also a helpful
+ // reference when configuring this layer directly.
+ if (this.layerInfo) {
+ // alias the object
+ var info = this.layerInfo;
+ // build our extents
+ var startingTileExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+ info.fullExtent.xmin,
+ info.fullExtent.ymin,
+ info.fullExtent.xmax,
+ info.fullExtent.ymax
+ );
+ // set our projection based on the given spatial reference.
+ // esri uses slightly different IDs, so this may not be comprehensive
+ this.projection = 'EPSG:' + info.spatialReference.wkid;
+ this.sphericalMercator = (info.spatialReference.wkid == 102100);
+ // convert esri units into openlayers units (basic feet or meters only)
+ this.units = (info.units == "esriFeet") ? 'ft' : 'm';
+ // optional extended section based on whether or not the server returned
+ // specific tile information
+ if (!!info.tileInfo) {
+ // either set the tiles based on rows/columns, or specific width/height
+ this.tileSize = new OpenLayers.Size(
+ info.tileInfo.width || info.tileInfo.cols,
+ info.tileInfo.height || info.tileInfo.rows
+ );
+ // this must be set when manually configuring this layer
+ this.tileOrigin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(
+ info.tileInfo.origin.x,
+ info.tileInfo.origin.y
+ );
+ var upperLeft = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
+ startingTileExtent.left,
+ );
+ var bottomRight = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
+ startingTileExtent.right,
+ startingTileExtent.bottom
+ );
+ if (this.useScales) {
+ this.scales = [];
+ } else {
+ this.resolutions = [];
+ }
+ this.lods = [];
+ for(var key in info.tileInfo.lods) {
+ if (info.tileInfo.lods.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ var lod = info.tileInfo.lods[key];
+ if (this.useScales) {
+ this.scales.push(lod.scale);
+ } else {
+ this.resolutions.push(lod.resolution);
+ }
+ var start = this.getContainingTileCoords(upperLeft, lod.resolution);
+ lod.startTileCol = start.x;
+ lod.startTileRow = start.y;
+ var end = this.getContainingTileCoords(bottomRight, lod.resolution);
+ lod.endTileCol = end.x;
+ lod.endTileRow = end.y;
+ this.lods.push(lod);
+ }
+ }
+ this.maxExtent = this.calculateMaxExtentWithLOD(this.lods[0]);
+ this.serverResolutions = this.resolutions;
+ if (this.overrideDPI && info.tileInfo.dpi) {
+ // see comment above for 'overrideDPI'
+ OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH = info.tileInfo.dpi;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getContainingTileCoords
+ * Calculates the x/y pixel corresponding to the position of the tile
+ * that contains the given point and for the for the given resolution.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
+ * res - {Float} The resolution for which to compute the extent.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The x/y pixel corresponding to the position
+ * of the upper left tile for the given resolution.
+ */
+ getContainingTileCoords: function(point, res) {
+ return new OpenLayers.Pixel(
+ Math.max(Math.floor((point.x - this.tileOrigin.lon) / (this.tileSize.w * res)),0),
+ Math.max(Math.floor(( - point.y) / (this.tileSize.h * res)),0)
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: calculateMaxExtentWithLOD
+ * Given a Level of Detail object from the server, this function
+ * calculates the actual max extent
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * lod - {Object} a Level of Detail Object from the server capabilities object
+ representing a particular zoom level
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The actual extent of the tiles for the given zoom level
+ */
+ calculateMaxExtentWithLOD: function(lod) {
+ // the max extent we're provided with just overlaps some tiles
+ // our real extent is the bounds of all the tiles we touch
+ var numTileCols = (lod.endTileCol - lod.startTileCol) + 1;
+ var numTileRows = (lod.endTileRow - lod.startTileRow) + 1;
+ var minX = this.tileOrigin.lon + (lod.startTileCol * this.tileSize.w * lod.resolution);
+ var maxX = minX + (numTileCols * this.tileSize.w * lod.resolution);
+ var maxY = - (lod.startTileRow * this.tileSize.h * lod.resolution);
+ var minY = maxY - (numTileRows * this.tileSize.h * lod.resolution);
+ return new OpenLayers.Bounds(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: calculateMaxExtentWithExtent
+ * Given a 'suggested' max extent from the server, this function uses
+ * information about the actual tile sizes to determine the actual
+ * extent of the layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The 'suggested' extent for the layer
+ * res - {Float} The resolution for which to compute the extent.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The actual extent of the tiles for the given zoom level
+ */
+ calculateMaxExtentWithExtent: function(extent, res) {
+ var upperLeft = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(extent.left,;
+ var bottomRight = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(extent.right, extent.bottom);
+ var start = this.getContainingTileCoords(upperLeft, res);
+ var end = this.getContainingTileCoords(bottomRight, res);
+ var lod = {
+ resolution: res,
+ startTileCol: start.x,
+ startTileRow: start.y,
+ endTileCol: end.x,
+ endTileRow: end.y
+ };
+ return this.calculateMaxExtentWithLOD(lod);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getUpperLeftTileCoord
+ * Calculates the x/y pixel corresponding to the position
+ * of the upper left tile for the given resolution.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * res - {Float} The resolution for which to compute the extent.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The x/y pixel corresponding to the position
+ * of the upper left tile for the given resolution.
+ */
+ getUpperLeftTileCoord: function(res) {
+ var upperLeft = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
+ this.maxExtent.left,
+ return this.getContainingTileCoords(upperLeft, res);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getLowerRightTileCoord
+ * Calculates the x/y pixel corresponding to the position
+ * of the lower right tile for the given resolution.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * res - {Float} The resolution for which to compute the extent.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The x/y pixel corresponding to the position
+ * of the lower right tile for the given resolution.
+ */
+ getLowerRightTileCoord: function(res) {
+ var bottomRight = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(
+ this.maxExtent.right,
+ this.maxExtent.bottom);
+ return this.getContainingTileCoords(bottomRight, res);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMaxExtentForResolution
+ * Since the max extent of a set of tiles can change from zoom level
+ * to zoom level, we need to be able to calculate that max extent
+ * for a given resolution.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * res - {Float} The resolution for which to compute the extent.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The extent for this resolution
+ */
+ getMaxExtentForResolution: function(res) {
+ var start = this.getUpperLeftTileCoord(res);
+ var end = this.getLowerRightTileCoord(res);
+ var numTileCols = (end.x - start.x) + 1;
+ var numTileRows = (end.y - start.y) + 1;
+ var minX = this.tileOrigin.lon + (start.x * this.tileSize.w * res);
+ var maxX = minX + (numTileCols * this.tileSize.w * res);
+ var maxY = - (start.y * this.tileSize.h * res);
+ var minY = maxY - (numTileRows * this.tileSize.h * res);
+ return new OpenLayers.Bounds(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ * Returns an exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [obj] - {Object} optional object to assign the cloned instance to.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache>} clone of this instance
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache(, this.url, this.options);
+ }
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: initGriddedTiles
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ initGriddedTiles: function(bounds) {
+ delete this._tileOrigin;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.initGriddedTiles.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMaxExtent
+ * Get this layer's maximum extent.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ getMaxExtent: function() {
+ var resolution =;
+ return this.maxExtent = this.getMaxExtentForResolution(resolution);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getTileOrigin
+ * Determine the origin for aligning the grid of tiles.
+ * The origin will be derived from the layer's <maxExtent> property.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The tile origin.
+ */
+ getTileOrigin: function() {
+ if (!this._tileOrigin) {
+ var extent = this.getMaxExtent();
+ this._tileOrigin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(extent.left, extent.bottom);
+ }
+ return this._tileOrigin;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ * Determine the URL for a tile given the tile bounds. This is should support
+ * urls that access tiles through an ArcGIS Server MapServer or directly through
+ * the hex folder structure using HTTP. Just be sure to set the useArcGISServer
+ * property appropriately! This is basically the same as
+ * 'OpenLayers.Layer.TMS.getURL', but with the addition of hex addressing,
+ * and tile rounding.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} The URL for a tile based on given bounds.
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ var res = this.getResolution();
+ // tile center
+ var originTileX = (this.tileOrigin.lon + (res * this.tileSize.w/2));
+ var originTileY = ( - (res * this.tileSize.h/2));
+ var center = bounds.getCenterLonLat();
+ var point = { x: center.lon, y: };
+ var x = (Math.round(Math.abs((center.lon - originTileX) / (res * this.tileSize.w))));
+ var y = (Math.round(Math.abs((originTileY - / (res * this.tileSize.h))));
+ var z =;
+ // this prevents us from getting pink tiles (non-existant tiles)
+ if (this.lods) {
+ var lod = this.lods[];
+ if ((x < lod.startTileCol || x > lod.endTileCol)
+ || (y < lod.startTileRow || y > lod.endTileRow)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var start = this.getUpperLeftTileCoord(res);
+ var end = this.getLowerRightTileCoord(res);
+ if ((x < start.x || x >= end.x)
+ || (y < start.y || y >= end.y)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Construct the url string
+ var url = this.url;
+ var s = '' + x + y + z;
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(s, url);
+ }
+ // Accessing tiles through ArcGIS Server uses a different path
+ // structure than direct access via the folder structure.
+ if (this.useArcGISServer) {
+ // AGS MapServers have pretty url access to tiles
+ url = url + '/tile/${z}/${y}/${x}';
+ } else {
+ // The tile images are stored using hex values on disk.
+ x = 'C' + OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad(x, 8, 16);
+ y = 'R' + OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad(y, 8, 16);
+ z = 'L' + OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad(z, 2, 10);
+ url = url + '/${z}/${y}/${x}.' + this.type;
+ }
+ // Write the values into our formatted url
+ url = OpenLayers.String.format(url, {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z});
+ return OpenLayers.Util.urlAppend(
+ url, OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(this.params)
+ );
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: 'OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache'
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcIMS.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcIMS.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e19584c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/ArcIMS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/ArcXML.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Request.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS
+ * Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS are used to display data from ESRI ArcIMS
+ * Mapping Services. Create a new ArcIMS layer with the <OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS>
+ * constructor.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * Constant: DEFAULT_PARAMS
+ * {Object} Default query string parameters.
+ */
+ ClientVersion: "9.2",
+ ServiceName: ''
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: featureCoordSys
+ * {String} Code for feature coordinate system. Default is "4326".
+ */
+ featureCoordSys: "4326",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: filterCoordSys
+ * {String} Code for filter coordinate system. Default is "4326".
+ */
+ filterCoordSys: "4326",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: layers
+ * {Array} An array of objects with layer properties.
+ */
+ layers: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: async
+ * {Boolean} Request images asynchronously. Default is true.
+ */
+ async: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: name
+ * {String} Layer name. Default is "ArcIMS".
+ */
+ name: "ArcIMS",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} The layer is a base layer. Default is true.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * {Object} Default layers properties.
+ */
+ tileSize: new OpenLayers.Size(512, 512),
+ featureCoordSys: "4326",
+ filterCoordSys: "4326",
+ layers: null,
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ async: true,
+ name: "ArcIMS"
+ },
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS
+ * Create a new ArcIMS layer object.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * (code)
+ * var arcims = new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS(
+ * "Global Sample",
+ * "",
+ * {
+ * service: "OpenLayers_Sample",
+ * layers: [
+ * // layers to manipulate
+ * {id: "1", visible: true}
+ * ]
+ * }
+ * );
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer
+ * url - {String} Base url for the ArcIMS server
+ * options - {Object} Optional object with properties to be set on the
+ * layer.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, options) {
+ this.tileSize = new OpenLayers.Size(512, 512);
+ // parameters
+ this.params = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ {ServiceName: options.serviceName},
+ );
+ this.options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ options, this.DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+ );
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(
+ this, [name, url, this.params, options]
+ );
+ //layer is transparent
+ if (this.transparent) {
+ // unless explicitly set in options, make layer an overlay
+ if (!this.isBaseLayer) {
+ this.isBaseLayer = false;
+ }
+ // jpegs can never be transparent, so intelligently switch the
+ // format, depending on the browser's capabilities
+ if (this.format == "image/jpeg") {
+ this.format = OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack() ? "image/gif" : "image/png";
+ }
+ }
+ // create an empty layer list if no layers specified in the options
+ if (this.options.layers === null) {
+ this.options.layers = [];
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ * Return an image url this layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A bounds representing the bbox for the
+ * request.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the map image's url.
+ */
+ getURL: function(bounds) {
+ var url = "";
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ // create an arcxml request to generate the image
+ var axlReq = new OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML(
+ OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.options, {
+ requesttype: "image",
+ envelope: bounds.toArray(),
+ tileSize: this.tileSize
+ })
+ );
+ // create a synchronous ajax request to get an arcims image
+ var req = new OpenLayers.Request.POST({
+ url: this.getFullRequestString(),
+ data: axlReq.write(),
+ async: false
+ });
+ // if the response exists
+ if (req != null) {
+ var doc = req.responseXML;
+ if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {
+ doc = req.responseText;
+ }
+ // create a new arcxml format to read the response
+ var axlResp = new OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML();
+ var arcxml =;
+ url = this.getUrlOrImage(arcxml.image.output);
+ }
+ return url;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURLasync
+ * Get an image url this layer asynchronously, and execute a callback
+ * when the image url is generated.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A bounds representing the bbox for the
+ * request.
+ * callback - {Function} Function to call when image url is retrieved.
+ * scope - {Object} The scope of the callback method.
+ */
+ getURLasync: function(bounds, callback, scope) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ // create an arcxml request to generate the image
+ var axlReq = new OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML(
+ OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.options, {
+ requesttype: "image",
+ envelope: bounds.toArray(),
+ tileSize: this.tileSize
+ })
+ );
+ // create an asynchronous ajax request to get an arcims image
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST({
+ url: this.getFullRequestString(),
+ async: true,
+ data: axlReq.write(),
+ callback: function(req) {
+ // process the response from ArcIMS, and call the callback function
+ // to set the image URL
+ var doc = req.responseXML;
+ if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {
+ doc = req.responseText;
+ }
+ // create a new arcxml format to read the response
+ var axlResp = new OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML();
+ var arcxml =;
+, this.getUrlOrImage(arcxml.image.output));
+ },
+ scope: this
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getUrlOrImage
+ * Extract a url or image from the ArcXML image output.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * output - {Object} The image.output property of the object returned from
+ * the ArcXML format read method.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A URL for an image (potentially with the data protocol).
+ */
+ getUrlOrImage: function(output) {
+ var ret = "";
+ if(output.url) {
+ // If the image response output url is a string, then the image
+ // data is not inline.
+ ret = output.url;
+ } else if( {
+ // The image data is inline and base64 encoded, create a data
+ // url for the image. This will only work for small images,
+ // due to browser url length limits.
+ ret = "data:image/" + output.type +
+ ";base64," +;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setLayerQuery
+ * Set the query definition on this layer. Query definitions are used to
+ * render parts of the spatial data in an image, and can be used to
+ * filter features or layers in the ArcIMS service.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * id - {String} The ArcIMS layer ID.
+ * querydef - {Object} The query definition to apply to this layer.
+ */
+ setLayerQuery: function(id, querydef) {
+ // find the matching layer, if it exists
+ for (var lyr = 0; lyr < this.options.layers.length; lyr++) {
+ if (id == this.options.layers[lyr].id) {
+ // replace this layer definition
+ this.options.layers[lyr].query = querydef;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // no layer found, create a new definition
+ this.options.layers.push({id: id, visible: true, query: querydef});
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getFeatureInfo
+ * Get feature information from ArcIMS. Using the applied geometry, apply
+ * the options to the query (buffer, area/envelope intersection), and
+ * query the ArcIMS service.
+ *
+ * A note about accuracy:
+ * ArcIMS interprets the accuracy attribute in feature requests to be
+ * something like the 'modulus' operator on feature coordinates,
+ * applied to the database geometry of the feature. It doesn't round,
+ * so your feature coordinates may be up to (1 x accuracy) offset from
+ * the actual feature coordinates. If the accuracy of the layer is not
+ * specified, the accuracy will be computed to be approximately 1
+ * feature coordinate per screen pixel.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * geometry - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} or {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon>} The
+ * geometry to use when making the query. This should be a closed
+ * polygon for behavior approximating a free selection.
+ * layer - {Object} The ArcIMS layer definition. This is an anonymous object
+ * that looks like:
+ * (code)
+ * {
+ * id: "ArcXML layer ID", // the ArcXML layer ID
+ * query: {
+ * where: "STATE = 'PA'", // the where clause of the query
+ * accuracy: 100 // the accuracy of the returned feature
+ * }
+ * }
+ * (end)
+ * options - {Object} Object with non-default properties to set on the layer.
+ * Supported properties are buffer, callback, scope, and any other
+ * properties applicable to the ArcXML format. Set the 'callback' and
+ * 'scope' for an object and function to recieve the parsed features
+ * from ArcIMS.
+ */
+ getFeatureInfo: function(geometry, layer, options) {
+ // set the buffer to 1 unit (dd/m/ft?) by default
+ var buffer = options.buffer || 1;
+ // empty callback by default
+ var callback = options.callback || function() {};
+ // default scope is window (global)
+ var scope = options.scope || window;
+ // apply these option to the request options
+ var requestOptions = {};
+ OpenLayers.Util.extend(requestOptions, this.options);
+ // this is a feature request
+ requestOptions.requesttype = "feature";
+ if (geometry instanceof OpenLayers.LonLat) {
+ // create an envelope if the geometry is really a lon/lat
+ requestOptions.polygon = null;
+ requestOptions.envelope = [
+ geometry.lon - buffer,
+ - buffer,
+ geometry.lon + buffer,
+ + buffer
+ ];
+ } else if (geometry instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon) {
+ // use the polygon assigned, and empty the envelope
+ requestOptions.envelope = null;
+ requestOptions.polygon = geometry;
+ }
+ // create an arcxml request to get feature requests
+ var arcxml = new OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML(requestOptions);
+ // apply any get feature options to the arcxml request
+ OpenLayers.Util.extend(arcxml.request.get_feature, options);
+ arcxml.request.get_feature.layer =;
+ if (typeof layer.query.accuracy == "number") {
+ // set the accuracy if it was specified
+ arcxml.request.get_feature.query.accuracy = layer.query.accuracy;
+ } else {
+ // guess that the accuracy is 1 per screen pixel
+ var mapCenter =;
+ var viewPx =;
+ viewPx.x++;
+ var mapOffCenter =;
+ arcxml.request.get_feature.query.accuracy = mapOffCenter.lon - mapCenter.lon;
+ }
+ // set the get_feature query to be the same as the layer passed in
+ arcxml.request.get_feature.query.where = layer.query.where;
+ // use area_intersection
+ arcxml.request.get_feature.query.spatialfilter.relation = "area_intersection";
+ // create a new asynchronous request to get the feature info
+ OpenLayers.Request.POST({
+ url: this.getFullRequestString({'CustomService': 'Query'}),
+ data: arcxml.write(),
+ callback: function(request) {
+ // parse the arcxml response
+ var response = arcxml.parseResponse(request.responseText);
+ if (!arcxml.iserror()) {
+ // if the arcxml is not an error, call the callback with the features parsed
+, response.features);
+ } else {
+ // if the arcxml is an error, return null features selected
+, null);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS>} An exact clone of this layer
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS(,
+ this.url,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Bing.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Bing.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0615285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Bing.js
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Bing
+ * Bing layer using direct tile access as provided by Bing Maps REST Services.
+ * See for more
+ * information. Note: Terms of Service compliant use requires the map to be
+ * configured with an <OpenLayers.Control.Attribution> control and the
+ * attribution placed on or near the map.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Bing = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ, {
+ /**
+ * Property: key
+ * {String} API key for Bing maps, get your own key
+ * at .
+ */
+ key: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: serverResolutions
+ * {Array} the resolutions provided by the Bing servers.
+ */
+ serverResolutions: [
+ 156543.03390625, 78271.516953125, 39135.7584765625,
+ 19567.87923828125, 9783.939619140625, 4891.9698095703125,
+ 2445.9849047851562, 1222.9924523925781, 611.4962261962891,
+ 305.74811309814453, 152.87405654907226, 76.43702827453613,
+ 38.218514137268066, 19.109257068634033, 9.554628534317017,
+ 4.777314267158508, 2.388657133579254, 1.194328566789627,
+ 0.5971642833948135, 0.29858214169740677, 0.14929107084870338,
+ 0.07464553542435169
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Property: attributionTemplate
+ * {String}
+ */
+ attributionTemplate: '<span class="olBingAttribution ${type}">' +
+ '<div><a target="_blank" href="">' +
+ '<img src="${logo}" /></a></div>${copyrights}' +
+ '<a style="white-space: nowrap" target="_blank" '+
+ 'href="">' +
+ 'Terms of Use</a></span>',
+ /**
+ * Property: metadata
+ * {Object} Metadata for this layer, as returned by the callback script
+ */
+ metadata: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: protocolRegex
+ * {RegExp} Regular expression to match and replace http: in bing urls
+ */
+ protocolRegex: /^http:/i,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: type
+ * {String} The layer identifier. Any non-birdseye imageryType
+ * from can be
+ * used. Default is "Road".
+ */
+ type: "Road",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: culture
+ * {String} The culture identifier. See
+ * for the definition and the possible values. Default is "en-US".
+ */
+ culture: "en-US",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: metadataParams
+ * {Object} Optional url parameters for the Get Imagery Metadata request
+ * as described here:
+ */
+ metadataParams: null,
+ /** APIProperty: tileOptions
+ * {Object} optional configuration options for <OpenLayers.Tile> instances
+ * created by this Layer. Default is
+ *
+ * (code)
+ * {crossOriginKeyword: 'anonymous'}
+ * (end)
+ */
+ tileOptions: null,
+ /** APIProperty: protocol
+ * {String} Protocol to use to fetch Imagery Metadata, tiles and bing logo
+ * Can be 'http:' 'https:' or ''
+ *
+ * Warning: tiles may not be available under both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
+ * Microsoft approved use of both HTTP and HTTPS urls for tiles. However
+ * this is undocumented and the Imagery Metadata API always returns HTTP
+ * urls.
+ *
+ * Default is '', unless when executed from a file:/// uri, in which case
+ * it is 'http:'.
+ */
+ protocol: ~window.location.href.indexOf('http') ? '' : 'http:',
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Bing
+ * Create a new Bing layer.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * (code)
+ * var road = new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
+ * name: "My Bing Aerial Layer",
+ * type: "Aerial",
+ * key: "my-api-key-here",
+ * });
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * options - {Object} Configuration properties for the layer.
+ *
+ * Required configuration properties:
+ * key - {String} Bing Maps API key for your application. Get one at
+ *
+ * type - {String} The layer identifier. Any non-birdseye imageryType
+ * from can be
+ * used.
+ *
+ * Any other documented layer properties can be provided in the config object.
+ */
+ initialize: function(options) {
+ options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults({
+ sphericalMercator: true
+ }, options);
+ var name = || "Bing " + (options.type || this.type);
+ var newArgs = [name, null, options];
+ OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArgs);
+ this.tileOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
+ crossOriginKeyword: 'anonymous'
+ }, this.options.tileOptions);
+ this.loadMetadata();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: loadMetadata
+ */
+ loadMetadata: function() {
+ this._callbackId = "_callback_" +\./g, "_");
+ // link the processMetadata method to the global scope and bind it
+ // to this instance
+ window[this._callbackId] = OpenLayers.Function.bind(
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Bing.processMetadata, this
+ );
+ var params = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults({
+ key: this.key,
+ jsonp: this._callbackId,
+ include: "ImageryProviders"
+ }, this.metadataParams);
+ var url = this.protocol + "//" +
+ this.type + "?" + OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(params);
+ var script = document.createElement("script");
+ script.type = "text/javascript";
+ script.src = url;
+ = this._callbackId;
+ document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: initLayer
+ *
+ * Sets layer properties according to the metadata provided by the API
+ */
+ initLayer: function() {
+ var res = this.metadata.resourceSets[0].resources[0];
+ var url = res.imageUrl.replace("{quadkey}", "${quadkey}");
+ url = url.replace("{culture}", this.culture);
+ url = url.replace(this.protocolRegex, this.protocol);
+ this.url = [];
+ for (var i=0; i<res.imageUrlSubdomains.length; ++i) {
+ this.url.push(url.replace("{subdomain}", res.imageUrlSubdomains[i]));
+ }
+ this.addOptions({
+ maxResolution: Math.min(
+ this.serverResolutions[res.zoomMin],
+ this.maxResolution || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
+ ),
+ numZoomLevels: Math.min(
+ res.zoomMax + 1 - res.zoomMin, this.numZoomLevels
+ )
+ }, true);
+ if (!this.isBaseLayer) {
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ this.updateAttribution();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Paramters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ getURL: function(bounds) {
+ if (!this.url) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var xyz = this.getXYZ(bounds), x = xyz.x, y = xyz.y, z = xyz.z;
+ var quadDigits = [];
+ for (var i = z; i > 0; --i) {
+ var digit = '0';
+ var mask = 1 << (i - 1);
+ if ((x & mask) != 0) {
+ digit++;
+ }
+ if ((y & mask) != 0) {
+ digit++;
+ digit++;
+ }
+ quadDigits.push(digit);
+ }
+ var quadKey = quadDigits.join("");
+ var url = this.selectUrl('' + x + y + z, this.url);
+ return OpenLayers.String.format(url, {'quadkey': quadKey});
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: updateAttribution
+ * Updates the attribution according to the requirements outlined in
+ *
+ */
+ updateAttribution: function() {
+ var metadata = this.metadata;
+ if (!metadata.resourceSets || ! || ! {
+ return;
+ }
+ var res = metadata.resourceSets[0].resources[0];
+ var extent =
+ new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326")
+ );
+ var providers = res.imageryProviders || [],
+ zoom = OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.serverResolutions,
+ this.getServerResolution()),
+ copyrights = "", provider, i, ii, j, jj, bbox, coverage;
+ for (i=0,ii=providers.length; i<ii; ++i) {
+ provider = providers[i];
+ for (j=0,jj=provider.coverageAreas.length; j<jj; ++j) {
+ coverage = provider.coverageAreas[j];
+ // axis order provided is Y,X
+ bbox = OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray(coverage.bbox, true);
+ if (extent.intersectsBounds(bbox) &&
+ zoom <= coverage.zoomMax && zoom >= coverage.zoomMin) {
+ copyrights += provider.attribution + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var logo = metadata.brandLogoUri.replace(this.protocolRegex, this.protocol);
+ this.attribution = OpenLayers.String.format(this.attributionTemplate, {
+ type: this.type.toLowerCase(),
+ logo: logo,
+ copyrights: copyrights
+ });
+ &&"changelayer", {
+ layer: this,
+ property: "attribution"
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setMap
+ */
+ setMap: function() {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+"moveend", this, this.updateAttribution);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Bing>} An exact clone of this <OpenLayers.Layer.Bing>
+ */
+ clone: function(obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing(this.options);
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ &&
+"moveend", this, this.updateAttribution);
+ OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Bing"
+ * Function: OpenLayers.Layer.Bing.processMetadata
+ * This function will be bound to an instance, linked to the global scope with
+ * an id, and called by the JSONP script returned by the API.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * metadata - {Object} metadata as returned by the API
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Bing.processMetadata = function(metadata) {
+ this.metadata = metadata;
+ this.initLayer();
+ var script = document.getElementById(this._callbackId);
+ script.parentNode.removeChild(script);
+ window[this._callbackId] = undefined; // cannot delete from window in IE
+ delete this._callbackId;
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Boxes.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Boxes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd605a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Boxes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Boxes
+ * Draw divs as 'boxes' on the layer.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Markers>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Boxes = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Markers, {
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Boxes
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ /**
+ * Method: drawMarker
+ * Calculate the pixel location for the marker, create it, and
+ * add it to the layer's div
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * marker - {<OpenLayers.Marker.Box>}
+ */
+ drawMarker: function(marker) {
+ var topleft ={
+ lon: marker.bounds.left,
+ lat:
+ });
+ var botright ={
+ lon: marker.bounds.right,
+ lat: marker.bounds.bottom
+ });
+ if (botright == null || topleft == null) {
+ marker.display(false);
+ } else {
+ var markerDiv = marker.draw(topleft, {
+ w: Math.max(1, botright.x - topleft.x),
+ h: Math.max(1, botright.y - topleft.y)
+ });
+ if (!marker.drawn) {
+ this.div.appendChild(markerDiv);
+ marker.drawn = true;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: removeMarker
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * marker - {<OpenLayers.Marker.Box>}
+ */
+ removeMarker: function(marker) {
+ OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.markers, marker);
+ if ((marker.div != null) &&
+ (marker.div.parentNode == this.div) ) {
+ this.div.removeChild(marker.div);
+ }
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Boxes"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/EventPane.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/EventPane.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15a852f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/EventPane.js
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane
+ * Base class for 3rd party layers, providing a DOM element which isolates
+ * the 3rd-party layer from mouse events.
+ * Only used by Google layers.
+ *
+ * Automatically instantiated by the Google constructor, and not usually instantiated directly.
+ *
+ * Create a new event pane layer with the
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane> constructor.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: smoothDragPan
+ * {Boolean} smoothDragPan determines whether non-public/internal API
+ * methods are used for better performance while dragging EventPane
+ * layers. When not in sphericalMercator mode, the smoother dragging
+ * doesn't actually move north/south directly with the number of
+ * pixels moved, resulting in a slight offset when you drag your mouse
+ * north south with this option on. If this visual disparity bothers
+ * you, you should turn this option off, or use spherical mercator.
+ * Default is on.
+ */
+ smoothDragPan: true,
+ /**
+ * Property: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} EventPaned layers are always base layers, by necessity.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isFixed
+ * {Boolean} EventPaned layers are fixed by default.
+ */
+ isFixed: true,
+ /**
+ * Property: pane
+ * {DOMElement} A reference to the element that controls the events.
+ */
+ pane: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: mapObject
+ * {Object} This is the object which will be used to load the 3rd party library
+ * in the case of the google layer, this will be of type GMap,
+ * in the case of the ve layer, this will be of type VEMap
+ */
+ mapObject: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane
+ * Create a new event pane layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (this.pane == null) {
+ this.pane = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv( + "_EventPane");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: destroy
+ * Deconstruct this layer.
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.mapObject = null;
+ this.pane = null;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setMap
+ * Set the map property for the layer. This is done through an accessor
+ * so that subclasses can override this and take special action once
+ * they have their map variable set.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ = parseInt( + 1;
+ =;
+ if (OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "msie") {
+ =
+ "url(" + OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation("blank.gif") + ")";
+ }
+ if (this.isFixed) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ // once our layer has been added to the map, we can load it
+ this.loadMapObject();
+ // if map didn't load, display warning
+ if (this.mapObject == null) {
+ this.loadWarningMessage();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: removeMap
+ * On being removed from the map, we'll like to remove the invisible 'pane'
+ * div that we added to it on creation.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ removeMap: function(map) {
+ if (this.pane && this.pane.parentNode) {
+ this.pane.parentNode.removeChild(this.pane);
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.removeMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: loadWarningMessage
+ * If we can't load the map lib, then display an error message to the
+ * user and tell them where to go for help.
+ *
+ * This function sets up the layout for the warning message. Each 3rd
+ * party layer must implement its own getWarningHTML() function to
+ * provide the actual warning message.
+ */
+ loadWarningMessage:function() {
+ = "darkblue";
+ var viewSize =;
+ var msgW = Math.min(viewSize.w, 300);
+ var msgH = Math.min(viewSize.h, 200);
+ var size = new OpenLayers.Size(msgW, msgH);
+ var centerPx = new OpenLayers.Pixel(viewSize.w/2, viewSize.h/2);
+ var topLeft = centerPx.add(-size.w/2, -size.h/2);
+ var div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv( + "_warning",
+ topLeft,
+ size,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ "auto");
+ = "7px";
+ = "yellow";
+ div.innerHTML = this.getWarningHTML();
+ this.div.appendChild(div);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getWarningHTML
+ * To be implemented by subclasses.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get
+ * it working.
+ */
+ getWarningHTML:function() {
+ //should be implemented by subclasses
+ return "";
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: display
+ * Set the display on the pane
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * display - {Boolean}
+ */
+ display: function(display) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.display.apply(this, arguments);
+ =;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setZIndex
+ * Set the z-index order for the pane.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * zIndex - {int}
+ */
+ setZIndex: function (zIndex) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setZIndex.apply(this, arguments);
+ = parseInt( + 1;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveByPx
+ * Move the layer based on pixel vector. To be implemented by subclasses.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * dx - {Number} The x coord of the displacement vector.
+ * dy - {Number} The y coord of the displacement vector.
+ */
+ moveByPx: function(dx, dy) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveByPx.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (this.dragPanMapObject) {
+ this.dragPanMapObject(dx, -dy);
+ } else {
+ this.moveTo(;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ * Handle calls to move the layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ * zoomChanged - {Boolean}
+ * dragging - {Boolean}
+ */
+ moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (this.mapObject != null) {
+ var newCenter =;
+ var newZoom =;
+ if (newCenter != null) {
+ var moOldCenter = this.getMapObjectCenter();
+ var oldCenter = this.getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat(moOldCenter);
+ var moOldZoom = this.getMapObjectZoom();
+ var oldZoom= this.getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom(moOldZoom);
+ if (!(newCenter.equals(oldCenter)) || newZoom != oldZoom) {
+ if (!zoomChanged && oldCenter && this.dragPanMapObject &&
+ this.smoothDragPan) {
+ var oldPx =;
+ var newPx =;
+ this.dragPanMapObject(newPx.x-oldPx.x, oldPx.y-newPx.y);
+ } else {
+ var center = this.getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat(newCenter);
+ var zoom = this.getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom(newZoom);
+ this.setMapObjectCenter(center, zoom, dragging);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Baselayer Functions */
+ /* */
+ /********************************************************/
+ /**
+ * Method: getLonLatFromViewPortPx
+ * Get a map location from a pixel location
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat which is the passed-in view
+ * port OpenLayers.Pixel, translated into lon/lat by map lib
+ * If the map lib is not loaded or not centered, returns null
+ */
+ getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx) {
+ var lonlat = null;
+ if ( (this.mapObject != null) &&
+ (this.getMapObjectCenter() != null) ) {
+ var moPixel = this.getMapObjectPixelFromOLPixel(viewPortPx);
+ var moLonLat = this.getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel(moPixel);
+ lonlat = this.getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
+ }
+ return lonlat;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getViewPortPxFromLonLat
+ * Get a pixel location from a map location
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel which is the passed-in
+ * OpenLayers.LonLat, translated into view port pixels by map lib
+ * If map lib is not loaded or not centered, returns null
+ */
+ getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
+ var viewPortPx = null;
+ if ( (this.mapObject != null) &&
+ (this.getMapObjectCenter() != null) ) {
+ var moLonLat = this.getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat(lonlat);
+ var moPixel = this.getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
+ viewPortPx = this.getOLPixelFromMapObjectPixel(moPixel);
+ }
+ return viewPortPx;
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Translation Functions */
+ /* */
+ /* The following functions translate Map Object and */
+ /* OL formats for Pixel, LonLat */
+ /* */
+ /********************************************************/
+ //
+ // TRANSLATION: MapObject LatLng <-> OpenLayers.LonLat
+ //
+ /**
+ * Method: getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat
+ * Get an OL style map location from a 3rd party style map location
+ *
+ * Parameters
+ * moLonLat - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat, translated from the passed in
+ * MapObject LonLat
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in
+ */
+ getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
+ var olLonLat = null;
+ if (moLonLat != null) {
+ var lon = this.getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
+ var lat = this.getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
+ olLonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
+ }
+ return olLonLat;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat
+ * Get a 3rd party map location from an OL map location.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * olLonLat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} A MapObject LonLat, translated from the passed in
+ * OpenLayers.LonLat
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in
+ */
+ getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat: function(olLonLat) {
+ var moLatLng = null;
+ if (olLonLat != null) {
+ moLatLng = this.getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat(olLonLat.lon,
+ }
+ return moLatLng;
+ },
+ //
+ // TRANSLATION: MapObject Pixel <-> OpenLayers.Pixel
+ //
+ /**
+ * Method: getOLPixelFromMapObjectPixel
+ * Get an OL pixel location from a 3rd party pixel location.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moPixel - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel, translated from the passed in
+ * MapObject Pixel
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in
+ */
+ getOLPixelFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
+ var olPixel = null;
+ if (moPixel != null) {
+ var x = this.getXFromMapObjectPixel(moPixel);
+ var y = this.getYFromMapObjectPixel(moPixel);
+ olPixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(x, y);
+ }
+ return olPixel;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMapObjectPixelFromOLPixel
+ * Get a 3rd party pixel location from an OL pixel location
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * olPixel - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} A MapObject Pixel, translated from the passed in
+ * OpenLayers.Pixel
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in
+ */
+ getMapObjectPixelFromOLPixel: function(olPixel) {
+ var moPixel = null;
+ if (olPixel != null) {
+ moPixel = this.getMapObjectPixelFromXY(olPixel.x, olPixel.y);
+ }
+ return moPixel;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/FixedZoomLevels.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/FixedZoomLevels.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f647238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/FixedZoomLevels.js
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels
+ * Some Layers will already have established zoom levels (like google
+ * or ve). Instead of trying to determine them and populate a resolutions[]
+ * Array with those values, we will hijack the resolution functionality
+ * here.
+ *
+ * When you subclass FixedZoomLevels:
+ *
+ * The initResolutions() call gets nullified, meaning no resolutions[] array
+ * is set up. Which would be a big problem getResolution() in Layer, since
+ * it merely takes map.zoom and indexes into resolutions[]... but....
+ *
+ * The getResolution() call is also overridden. Instead of using the
+ * resolutions[] array, we simply calculate the current resolution based
+ * on the current extent and the current map size. But how will we be able
+ * to calculate the current extent without knowing the resolution...?
+ *
+ * The getExtent() function is also overridden. Instead of calculating extent
+ * based on the center point and the current resolution, we instead
+ * calculate the extent by getting the lonlats at the top-left and
+ * bottom-right by using the getLonLatFromViewPortPx() translation function,
+ * taken from the pixel locations (0,0) and the size of the map. But how
+ * will we be able to do lonlat-px translation without resolution....?
+ *
+ * The getZoomForResolution() method is overridden. Instead of indexing into
+ * the resolutions[] array, we call OpenLayers.Layer.getExent(), passing in
+ * the desired resolution. With this extent, we then call getZoomForExtent()
+ *
+ *
+ * Whenever you implement a layer using OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels,
+ * it is your responsibility to provide the following three functions:
+ *
+ * - getLonLatFromViewPortPx
+ * - getViewPortPxFromLonLat
+ * - getZoomForExtent
+ *
+ * ...those three functions should generally be provided by any reasonable
+ * API that you might be working from.
+ *
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels = OpenLayers.Class({
+ /********************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Baselayer Functions */
+ /* */
+ /* The following functions must all be implemented */
+ /* by all base layers */
+ /* */
+ /********************************************************/
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels
+ * Create a new fixed zoom levels layer.
+ */
+ initialize: function() {
+ //this class is only just to add the following functions...
+ // nothing to actually do here... but it is probably a good
+ // idea to have layers that use these functions call this
+ // inititalize() anyways, in case at some point we decide we
+ // do want to put some functionality or state in here.
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: initResolutions
+ * Populate the resolutions array
+ */
+ initResolutions: function() {
+ var props = ['minZoomLevel', 'maxZoomLevel', 'numZoomLevels'];
+ for(var i=0, len=props.length; i<len; i++) {
+ var property = props[i];
+ this[property] = (this.options[property] != null)
+ ? this.options[property]
+ :[property];
+ }
+ if ( (this.minZoomLevel == null) ||
+ (this.minZoomLevel < this.MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL) ){
+ this.minZoomLevel = this.MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL;
+ }
+ //
+ // At this point, we know what the minimum desired zoom level is, and
+ // we must calculate the total number of zoom levels.
+ //
+ // Because we allow for the setting of either the 'numZoomLevels'
+ // or the 'maxZoomLevel' properties... on either the layer or the
+ // map, we have to define some rules to see which we take into
+ // account first in this calculation.
+ //
+ // The following is the precedence list for these properties:
+ //
+ // (1) numZoomLevels set on layer
+ // (2) maxZoomLevel set on layer
+ // (3) numZoomLevels set on map
+ // (4) maxZoomLevel set on map*
+ // (5) none of the above*
+ //
+ // *Note that options (4) and (5) are only possible if the user
+ // _explicitly_ sets the 'numZoomLevels' property on the map to
+ // null, since it is set by default to 16.
+ //
+ //
+ // Note to future: In 3.0, I think we should remove the default
+ // value of 16 for map.numZoomLevels. Rather, I think that value
+ // should be set as a default on the Layer.WMS class. If someone
+ // creates a 3rd party layer and does not specify any 'minZoomLevel',
+ // 'maxZoomLevel', or 'numZoomLevels', and has not explicitly
+ // specified any of those on the map object either.. then I think
+ // it is fair to say that s/he wants all the zoom levels available.
+ //
+ // By making map.numZoomLevels *null* by default, that will be the
+ // case. As it is, I don't feel comfortable changing that right now
+ // as it would be a glaring API change and actually would probably
+ // break many peoples' codes.
+ //
+ //the number of zoom levels we'd like to have.
+ var desiredZoomLevels;
+ //this is the maximum number of zoom levels the layer will allow,
+ // given the specified starting minimum zoom level.
+ var limitZoomLevels = this.MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL - this.minZoomLevel + 1;
+ if ( ((this.options.numZoomLevels == null) &&
+ (this.options.maxZoomLevel != null)) // (2)
+ ||
+ ((this.numZoomLevels == null) &&
+ (this.maxZoomLevel != null)) // (4)
+ ) {
+ //calculate based on specified maxZoomLevel (on layer or map)
+ desiredZoomLevels = this.maxZoomLevel - this.minZoomLevel + 1;
+ } else {
+ //calculate based on specified numZoomLevels (on layer or map)
+ // this covers cases (1) and (3)
+ desiredZoomLevels = this.numZoomLevels;
+ }
+ if (desiredZoomLevels != null) {
+ //Now that we know what we would *like* the number of zoom levels
+ // to be, based on layer or map options, we have to make sure that
+ // it does not conflict with the actual limit, as specified by
+ // the constants on the layer itself (and calculated into the
+ // 'limitZoomLevels' variable).
+ this.numZoomLevels = Math.min(desiredZoomLevels, limitZoomLevels);
+ } else {
+ // case (5) -- neither 'numZoomLevels' not 'maxZoomLevel' was
+ // set on either the layer or the map. So we just use the
+ // maximum limit as calculated by the layer's constants.
+ this.numZoomLevels = limitZoomLevels;
+ }
+ //now that the 'numZoomLevels' is appropriately, safely set,
+ // we go back and re-calculate the 'maxZoomLevel'.
+ this.maxZoomLevel = this.minZoomLevel + this.numZoomLevels - 1;
+ if (this.RESOLUTIONS != null) {
+ var resolutionsIndex = 0;
+ this.resolutions = [];
+ for(var i= this.minZoomLevel; i <= this.maxZoomLevel; i++) {
+ this.resolutions[resolutionsIndex++] = this.RESOLUTIONS[i];
+ }
+ this.maxResolution = this.resolutions[0];
+ this.minResolution = this.resolutions[this.resolutions.length - 1];
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getResolution
+ * Get the current map resolution
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Float} Map units per Pixel
+ */
+ getResolution: function() {
+ if (this.resolutions != null) {
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getResolution.apply(this, arguments);
+ } else {
+ var resolution = null;
+ var viewSize =;
+ var extent = this.getExtent();
+ if ((viewSize != null) && (extent != null)) {
+ resolution = Math.max( extent.getWidth() / viewSize.w,
+ extent.getHeight() / viewSize.h );
+ }
+ return resolution;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getExtent
+ * Calculates using px-> lonlat translation functions on tl and br
+ * corners of viewport
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A Bounds object which represents the lon/lat
+ * bounds of the current viewPort.
+ */
+ getExtent: function () {
+ var size =;
+ var tl = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx({
+ x: 0, y: 0
+ });
+ var br = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx({
+ x: size.w, y: size.h
+ });
+ if ((tl != null) && (br != null)) {
+ return new OpenLayers.Bounds(tl.lon,, br.lon,;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getZoomForResolution
+ * Get the zoom level for a given resolution
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * resolution - {Float}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Integer} A suitable zoom level for the specified resolution.
+ * If no baselayer is set, returns null.
+ */
+ getZoomForResolution: function(resolution) {
+ if (this.resolutions != null) {
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getZoomForResolution.apply(this, arguments);
+ } else {
+ var extent = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getExtent.apply(this, []);
+ return this.getZoomForExtent(extent);
+ }
+ },
+ /********************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Translation Functions */
+ /* */
+ /* The following functions translate GMaps and OL */
+ /* formats for Pixel, LonLat, Bounds, and Zoom */
+ /* */
+ /********************************************************/
+ //
+ // TRANSLATION: MapObject Zoom <-> OpenLayers Zoom
+ //
+ /**
+ * Method: getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom
+ * Get the OL zoom index from the map object zoom level
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moZoom - {Integer}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Integer} An OpenLayers Zoom level, translated from the passed in zoom
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in
+ */
+ getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom: function(moZoom) {
+ var zoom = null;
+ if (moZoom != null) {
+ zoom = moZoom - this.minZoomLevel;
+ if ( !== this) {
+ zoom =
+ this.getResolutionForZoom(zoom)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return zoom;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom
+ * Get the map object zoom level from the OL zoom level
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * olZoom - {Integer}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Integer} A MapObject level, translated from the passed in olZoom
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in
+ */
+ getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom: function(olZoom) {
+ var zoom = null;
+ if (olZoom != null) {
+ zoom = olZoom + this.minZoomLevel;
+ if ( !== this) {
+ zoom = this.getZoomForResolution(
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return zoom;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/GeoRSS.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/GeoRSS.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..564d071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/GeoRSS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS
+ * Add GeoRSS Point features to your map.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Markers>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Markers, {
+ /**
+ * Property: location
+ * {String} store url of text file
+ */
+ location: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: features
+ * {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature>)}
+ */
+ features: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: formatOptions
+ * {Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is
+ * created. Must be passed in the constructor.
+ */
+ formatOptions: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: selectedFeature
+ * {<OpenLayers.Feature>}
+ */
+ selectedFeature: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: icon
+ * {<OpenLayers.Icon>}. This determines the Icon to be used on the map
+ * for this GeoRSS layer.
+ */
+ icon: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: popupSize
+ * {<OpenLayers.Size>} This determines the size of GeoRSS popups. If
+ * not provided, defaults to 250px by 120px.
+ */
+ popupSize: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: useFeedTitle
+ * {Boolean} Set to the first <title> element in the feed. Default is true.
+ */
+ useFeedTitle: true,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS
+ * Create a GeoRSS Layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * location - {String}
+ * options - {Object}
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, location, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [name, options]);
+ this.location = location;
+ this.features = [];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ // Warning: Layer.Markers.destroy() must be called prior to calling
+ // clearFeatures() here, otherwise we leak memory. Indeed, if
+ // Layer.Markers.destroy() is called after clearFeatures(), it won't be
+ // able to remove the marker image elements from the layer's div since
+ // the markers will have been destroyed by clearFeatures().
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.clearFeatures();
+ this.features = null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: loadRSS
+ * Start the load of the RSS data. Don't do this when we first add the layer,
+ * since we may not be visible at any point, and it would therefore be a waste.
+ */
+ loadRSS: function() {
+ if (!this.loaded) {
+ OpenLayers.Request.GET({
+ url: this.location,
+ success: this.parseData,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ this.loaded = true;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ * If layer is visible and RSS has not been loaded, load RSS.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {Object}
+ * zoomChanged - {Object}
+ * minor - {Object}
+ */
+ moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, minor) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ if(this.visibility && !this.loaded){
+ this.loadRSS();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: parseData
+ * Parse the data returned from the Events call.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * ajaxRequest - {<OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest>}
+ */
+ parseData: function(ajaxRequest) {
+ var doc = ajaxRequest.responseXML;
+ if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {
+ doc =;
+ }
+ if (this.useFeedTitle) {
+ var name = null;
+ try {
+ name = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS('*', 'title')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ name = doc.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+ }
+ if (name) {
+ this.setName(name);
+ }
+ }
+ var options = {};
+ OpenLayers.Util.extend(options, this.formatOptions);
+ if ( && !this.projection.equals( {
+ options.externalProjection = this.projection;
+ options.internalProjection =;
+ }
+ var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS(options);
+ var features =;
+ for (var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; i++) {
+ var data = {};
+ var feature = features[i];
+ // we don't support features with no geometry in the GeoRSS
+ // layer at this time.
+ if (!feature.geometry) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var title = feature.attributes.title ?
+ feature.attributes.title : "Untitled";
+ var description = feature.attributes.description ?
+ feature.attributes.description : "No description.";
+ var link = ? : "";
+ var location = feature.geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat();
+ data.icon = this.icon == null ?
+ OpenLayers.Marker.defaultIcon() :
+ this.icon.clone();
+ data.popupSize = this.popupSize ?
+ this.popupSize.clone() :
+ new OpenLayers.Size(250, 120);
+ if (title || description) {
+ // we have supplemental data, store them.
+ data.title = title;
+ data.description = description;
+ var contentHTML = '<div class="olLayerGeoRSSClose">[x]</div>';
+ contentHTML += '<div class="olLayerGeoRSSTitle">';
+ if (link) {
+ contentHTML += '<a class="link" href="'+link+'" target="_blank">';
+ }
+ contentHTML += title;
+ if (link) {
+ contentHTML += '</a>';
+ }
+ contentHTML += '</div>';
+ contentHTML += '<div style="" class="olLayerGeoRSSDescription">';
+ contentHTML += description;
+ contentHTML += '</div>';
+ data['popupContentHTML'] = contentHTML;
+ }
+ var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature(this, location, data);
+ this.features.push(feature);
+ var marker = feature.createMarker();
+'click', feature, this.markerClick);
+ this.addMarker(marker);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: markerClick
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * evt - {Event}
+ */
+ markerClick: function(evt) {
+ var sameMarkerClicked = (this == this.layer.selectedFeature);
+ this.layer.selectedFeature = (!sameMarkerClicked) ? this : null;
+ for(var i=0,; i<len; i++) {
+ }
+ if (!sameMarkerClicked) {
+ var popup = this.createPopup();
+ OpenLayers.Event.observe(popup.div, "click",
+ OpenLayers.Function.bind(function() {
+ for(var i=0,; i<len; i++) {
+ }
+ }, this)
+ );
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clearFeatures
+ * Destroy all features in this layer.
+ */
+ clearFeatures: function() {
+ if (this.features != null) {
+ while(this.features.length > 0) {
+ var feature = this.features[0];
+ OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.features, feature);
+ feature.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e85fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/SphericalMercator.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/EventPane.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/FixedZoomLevels.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Google
+ *
+ * Provides a wrapper for Google's Maps API
+ * Normally the Terms of Use for this API do not allow wrapping, but Google
+ * have provided written consent to OpenLayers for this - see email in
+ *
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator>
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane>
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Google = OpenLayers.Class(
+ OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane,
+ OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels, {
+ /**
+ * Constant: MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL
+ * {Integer} 0
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constant: MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL
+ * {Integer} 21
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constant: RESOLUTIONS
+ * {Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely
+ * tied with the standard wms projection
+ */
+ 1.40625,
+ 0.703125,
+ 0.3515625,
+ 0.17578125,
+ 0.087890625,
+ 0.0439453125,
+ 0.02197265625,
+ 0.010986328125,
+ 0.0054931640625,
+ 0.00274658203125,
+ 0.001373291015625,
+ 0.0006866455078125,
+ 0.00034332275390625,
+ 0.000171661376953125,
+ 0.0000858306884765625,
+ 0.00004291534423828125,
+ 0.00002145767211914062,
+ 0.00001072883605957031,
+ 0.00000536441802978515,
+ 0.00000268220901489257,
+ 0.0000013411045074462891,
+ 0.00000067055225372314453
+ ],
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: type
+ * {GMapType}
+ */
+ type: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: wrapDateLine
+ * {Boolean} Allow user to pan forever east/west. Default is true.
+ * Setting this to false only restricts panning if
+ * <sphericalMercator> is true.
+ */
+ wrapDateLine: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: sphericalMercator
+ * {Boolean} Should the map act as a mercator-projected map? This will
+ * cause all interactions with the map to be in the actual map
+ * projection, which allows support for vector drawing, overlaying
+ * other maps, etc.
+ */
+ sphericalMercator: false,
+ /**
+ * Property: version
+ * {Number} The version of the Google Maps API
+ */
+ version: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Google
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer.
+ * options - {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set
+ * on the layer.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ if(!options.version) {
+ options.version = typeof GMap2 === "function" ? "2" : "3";
+ }
+ var mixin = OpenLayers.Layer.Google["v" +
+ options.version.replace(/\./g, "_")];
+ if (mixin) {
+ OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, mixin);
+ } else {
+ throw "Unsupported Google Maps API version: " + options.version;
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, mixin.DEFAULTS);
+ if (options.maxExtent) {
+ options.maxExtent = options.maxExtent.clone();
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.initialize.apply(this,
+ [name, options]);
+ OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels.prototype.initialize.apply(this,
+ [name, options]);
+ if (this.sphericalMercator) {
+ OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator);
+ this.initMercatorParameters();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Google>} An exact clone of this layer
+ */
+ clone: function() {
+ /**
+ * This method isn't intended to be called by a subclass and it
+ * doesn't call the same method on the superclass. We don't call
+ * the super's clone because we don't want properties that are set
+ * on this layer after initialize (i.e. this.mapObject etc.).
+ */
+ return new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
+, this.getOptions()
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setVisibility
+ * Set the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show & redraw
+ * accordingly. Fire event unless otherwise specified
+ *
+ * Note that visibility is no longer simply whether or not the layer's
+ * style.display is set to "block". Now we store a 'visibility' state
+ * property on the layer class, this allows us to remember whether or
+ * not we *desire* for a layer to be visible. In the case where the
+ * map's resolution is out of the layer's range, this desire may be
+ * subverted.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * visible - {Boolean} Display the layer (if in range)
+ */
+ setVisibility: function(visible) {
+ // sharing a map container, opacity has to be set per layer
+ var opacity = this.opacity == null ? 1 : this.opacity;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.setVisibility.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.setOpacity(opacity);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: display
+ * Hide or show the Layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * visible - {Boolean}
+ */
+ display: function(visible) {
+ if (!this._dragging) {
+ this.setGMapVisibility(visible);
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.display.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ * zoomChanged - {Boolean} Tells when zoom has changed, as layers have to
+ * do some init work in that case.
+ * dragging - {Boolean}
+ */
+ moveTo: function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
+ this._dragging = dragging;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ delete this._dragging;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setOpacity
+ * Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * opacity - {Float}
+ */
+ setOpacity: function(opacity) {
+ if (opacity !== this.opacity) {
+ if ( != null) {
+"changelayer", {
+ layer: this,
+ property: "opacity"
+ });
+ }
+ this.opacity = opacity;
+ }
+ // Though this layer's opacity may not change, we're sharing a container
+ // and need to update the opacity for the entire container.
+ if (this.getVisibility()) {
+ var container = this.getMapContainer();
+ OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(
+ container, null, null, null, null, null, null, opacity
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: destroy
+ * Clean up this layer.
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ /**
+ * We have to override this method because the event pane destroy
+ * deletes the mapObject reference before removing this layer from
+ * the map.
+ */
+ if ( {
+ this.setGMapVisibility(false);
+ var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
+ if (cache && cache.count <= 1) {
+ this.removeGMapElements();
+ }
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeGMapElements
+ * Remove all elements added to the dom. This should only be called if
+ * this is the last of the Google layers for the given map.
+ */
+ removeGMapElements: function() {
+ var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
+ if (cache) {
+ // remove shared elements from dom
+ var container = this.mapObject && this.getMapContainer();
+ if (container && container.parentNode) {
+ container.parentNode.removeChild(container);
+ }
+ var termsOfUse = cache.termsOfUse;
+ if (termsOfUse && termsOfUse.parentNode) {
+ termsOfUse.parentNode.removeChild(termsOfUse);
+ }
+ var poweredBy = cache.poweredBy;
+ if (poweredBy && poweredBy.parentNode) {
+ poweredBy.parentNode.removeChild(poweredBy);
+ }
+ if (this.mapObject && && google.maps &&
+ google.maps.event && google.maps.event.clearListeners) {
+ google.maps.event.clearListeners(this.mapObject, 'tilesloaded');
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: removeMap
+ * On being removed from the map, also remove termsOfUse and poweredBy divs
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ removeMap: function(map) {
+ // hide layer before removing
+ if (this.visibility && this.mapObject) {
+ this.setGMapVisibility(false);
+ }
+ // check to see if last Google layer in this map
+ var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
+ if (cache) {
+ if (cache.count <= 1) {
+ this.removeGMapElements();
+ delete OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
+ } else {
+ // decrement the layer count
+ --cache.count;
+ }
+ }
+ // remove references to gmap elements
+ delete this.termsOfUse;
+ delete this.poweredBy;
+ delete this.mapObject;
+ delete this.dragObject;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.removeMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ //
+ // TRANSLATION: MapObject Bounds <-> OpenLayers.Bounds
+ //
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getOLBoundsFromMapObjectBounds
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moBounds - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} An <OpenLayers.Bounds>, translated from the
+ * passed-in MapObject Bounds.
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in.
+ */
+ getOLBoundsFromMapObjectBounds: function(moBounds) {
+ var olBounds = null;
+ if (moBounds != null) {
+ var sw = moBounds.getSouthWest();
+ var ne = moBounds.getNorthEast();
+ if (this.sphericalMercator) {
+ sw = this.forwardMercator(sw.lng(),;
+ ne = this.forwardMercator(ne.lng(),;
+ } else {
+ sw = new OpenLayers.LonLat(sw.lng(),;
+ ne = new OpenLayers.LonLat(ne.lng(),;
+ }
+ olBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(sw.lon,
+ ne.lon,
+ );
+ }
+ return olBounds;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getWarningHTML
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get
+ * it working.
+ */
+ getWarningHTML:function() {
+ return OpenLayers.i18n("googleWarning");
+ },
+ /************************************
+ * *
+ * MapObject Interface Controls *
+ * *
+ ************************************/
+ // Get&Set Center, Zoom
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectCenter
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} The mapObject's current center in Map Object format
+ */
+ getMapObjectCenter: function() {
+ return this.mapObject.getCenter();
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectZoom
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Integer} The mapObject's current zoom, in Map Object format
+ */
+ getMapObjectZoom: function() {
+ return this.mapObject.getZoom();
+ },
+ /************************************
+ * *
+ * MapObject Primitives *
+ * *
+ ************************************/
+ // LonLat
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moLonLat - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Float} Longitude of the given MapObject LonLat
+ */
+ getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
+ return this.sphericalMercator ?
+ this.forwardMercator(moLonLat.lng(), :
+ moLonLat.lng();
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moLonLat - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Float} Latitude of the given MapObject LonLat
+ */
+ getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
+ var lat = this.sphericalMercator ?
+ this.forwardMercator(moLonLat.lng(), :
+ return lat;
+ },
+ // Pixel
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getXFromMapObjectPixel
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moPixel - {Object} MapObject Pixel format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Integer} X value of the MapObject Pixel
+ */
+ getXFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
+ return moPixel.x;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getYFromMapObjectPixel
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moPixel - {Object} MapObject Pixel format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Integer} Y value of the MapObject Pixel
+ */
+ getYFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
+ return moPixel.y;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Google"
+ * Property: OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache
+ * {Object} Cache for elements that should only be created once per map.
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache = {};
+ * Constant: OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v2
+ *
+ * Mixin providing functionality specific to the Google Maps API v2.
+ *
+ * This API has been deprecated by Google.
+ * Developers are encouraged to migrate to v3 of the API; support for this
+ * is provided by <OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v3>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v2 = {
+ /**
+ * Property: termsOfUse
+ * {DOMElement} Div for Google's copyright and terms of use link
+ */
+ termsOfUse: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: poweredBy
+ * {DOMElement} Div for Google's powered by logo and link
+ */
+ poweredBy: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: dragObject
+ * {GDraggableObject} Since 2.93, Google has exposed the ability to get
+ * the maps GDraggableObject. We can now use this for smooth panning
+ */
+ dragObject: null,
+ /**
+ * Method: loadMapObject
+ * Load the GMap and register appropriate event listeners. If we can't
+ * load GMap2, then display a warning message.
+ */
+ loadMapObject:function() {
+ if (!this.type) {
+ this.type = G_NORMAL_MAP;
+ }
+ var mapObject, termsOfUse, poweredBy;
+ var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
+ if (cache) {
+ // there are already Google layers added to this map
+ mapObject = cache.mapObject;
+ termsOfUse = cache.termsOfUse;
+ poweredBy = cache.poweredBy;
+ // increment the layer count
+ ++cache.count;
+ } else {
+ // this is the first Google layer for this map
+ var container =;
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ = + "_GMap2Container";
+ = "absolute";
+ = "100%";
+ = "100%";
+ container.appendChild(div);
+ // create GMap and shuffle elements
+ try {
+ mapObject = new GMap2(div);
+ // move the ToS and branding stuff up to the container div
+ termsOfUse = div.lastChild;
+ container.appendChild(termsOfUse);
+ = "1100";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ termsOfUse.className = "olLayerGoogleCopyright";
+ poweredBy = div.lastChild;
+ container.appendChild(poweredBy);
+ = "1100";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ poweredBy.className = "olLayerGooglePoweredBy gmnoprint";
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw(e);
+ }
+ // cache elements for use by any other google layers added to
+ // this same map
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[] = {
+ mapObject: mapObject,
+ termsOfUse: termsOfUse,
+ poweredBy: poweredBy,
+ count: 1
+ };
+ }
+ this.mapObject = mapObject;
+ this.termsOfUse = termsOfUse;
+ this.poweredBy = poweredBy;
+ // ensure this layer type is one of the mapObject types
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.mapObject.getMapTypes(),
+ this.type) === -1) {
+ this.mapObject.addMapType(this.type);
+ }
+ //since v 2.93 getDragObject is now available.
+ if(typeof mapObject.getDragObject == "function") {
+ this.dragObject = mapObject.getDragObject();
+ } else {
+ this.dragPanMapObject = null;
+ }
+ if(this.isBaseLayer === false) {
+ this.setGMapVisibility( !== "none");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: onMapResize
+ */
+ onMapResize: function() {
+ // workaround for resizing of invisible or not yet fully loaded layers
+ // where GMap2.checkResize() does not work. We need to load the GMap
+ // for the old div size, then checkResize(), and then call
+ // layer.moveTo() to trigger GMap.setCenter() (which will finish
+ // the GMap initialization).
+ if(this.visibility && this.mapObject.isLoaded()) {
+ this.mapObject.checkResize();
+ } else {
+ if(!this._resized) {
+ var layer = this;
+ var handle = GEvent.addListener(this.mapObject, "load", function() {
+ GEvent.removeListener(handle);
+ delete layer._resized;
+ layer.mapObject.checkResize();
+ layer.moveTo(,;
+ });
+ }
+ this._resized = true;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setGMapVisibility
+ * Display the GMap container and associated elements.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * visible - {Boolean} Display the GMap elements.
+ */
+ setGMapVisibility: function(visible) {
+ var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
+ if (cache) {
+ var container = this.mapObject.getContainer();
+ if (visible === true) {
+ this.mapObject.setMapType(this.type);
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ cache.displayed =;
+ } else {
+ if (cache.displayed === {
+ delete cache.displayed;
+ }
+ if (!cache.displayed) {
+ = "none";
+ = "none";
+ // move ToU far to the left in addition to setting display
+ // to "none", because at the end of the GMap2 load
+ // sequence, display: none will be unset and ToU would be
+ // visible after loading a map with a google layer that is
+ // initially hidden.
+ = "-9999px";
+ = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMapContainer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {DOMElement} the GMap container's div
+ */
+ getMapContainer: function() {
+ return this.mapObject.getContainer();
+ },
+ //
+ // TRANSLATION: MapObject Bounds <-> OpenLayers.Bounds
+ //
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * olBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} A MapObject Bounds, translated from olBounds
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in
+ */
+ getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds: function(olBounds) {
+ var moBounds = null;
+ if (olBounds != null) {
+ var sw = this.sphericalMercator ?
+ this.inverseMercator(olBounds.bottom, olBounds.left) :
+ new OpenLayers.LonLat(olBounds.bottom, olBounds.left);
+ var ne = this.sphericalMercator ?
+ this.inverseMercator(, olBounds.right) :
+ new OpenLayers.LonLat(, olBounds.right);
+ moBounds = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng(, sw.lon),
+ new GLatLng(, ne.lon));
+ }
+ return moBounds;
+ },
+ /************************************
+ * *
+ * MapObject Interface Controls *
+ * *
+ ************************************/
+ // Get&Set Center, Zoom
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setMapObjectCenter
+ * Set the mapObject to the specified center and zoom
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * center - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
+ * zoom - {int} MapObject zoom format
+ */
+ setMapObjectCenter: function(center, zoom) {
+ this.mapObject.setCenter(center, zoom);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: dragPanMapObject
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * dX - {Integer}
+ * dY - {Integer}
+ */
+ dragPanMapObject: function(dX, dY) {
+ this.dragObject.moveBy(new GSize(-dX, dY));
+ },
+ // LonLat - Pixel Translation
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moPixel - {Object} MapObject Pixel format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject LonLat translated from MapObject Pixel
+ */
+ getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
+ return this.mapObject.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(moPixel);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moLonLat - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject Pixel transtlated from MapObject LonLat
+ */
+ getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
+ return this.mapObject.fromLatLngToContainerPixel(moLonLat);
+ },
+ // Bounds
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moBounds - {Object} MapObject Bounds format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject Zoom for specified MapObject Bounds
+ */
+ getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds: function(moBounds) {
+ return this.mapObject.getBoundsZoomLevel(moBounds);
+ },
+ /************************************
+ * *
+ * MapObject Primitives *
+ * *
+ ************************************/
+ // LonLat
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * lon - {Float}
+ * lat - {Float}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject LonLat built from lon and lat params
+ */
+ getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat: function(lon, lat) {
+ var gLatLng;
+ if(this.sphericalMercator) {
+ var lonlat = this.inverseMercator(lon, lat);
+ gLatLng = new GLatLng(, lonlat.lon);
+ } else {
+ gLatLng = new GLatLng(lat, lon);
+ }
+ return gLatLng;
+ },
+ // Pixel
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectPixelFromXY
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * x - {Integer}
+ * y - {Integer}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject Pixel from x and y parameters
+ */
+ getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function(x, y) {
+ return new GPoint(x, y);
+ }
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google/v3.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google/v3.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..067b7a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google/v3.js
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js
+ */
+ * Constant: OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v3
+ *
+ * Mixin providing functionality specific to the Google Maps API v3.
+ *
+ * To use this layer, you must include the GMaps v3 API in your html.
+ *
+ * Note that this layer configures the object with the
+ * "disableDefaultUI" option set to true. Using UI controls that the Google
+ * Maps API provides is not supported by the OpenLayers API.
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v3 = {
+ /**
+ * Constant: DEFAULTS
+ * {Object} It is not recommended to change the properties set here. Note
+ * that Google.v3 layers only work when sphericalMercator is set to true.
+ *
+ * (code)
+ * {
+ * sphericalMercator: true,
+ * projection: "EPSG:900913"
+ * }
+ * (end)
+ */
+ sphericalMercator: true,
+ projection: "EPSG:900913"
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: animationEnabled
+ * {Boolean} If set to true, the transition between zoom levels will be
+ * animated (if supported by the GMaps API for the device used). Set to
+ * false to match the zooming experience of other layer types. Default
+ * is true. Note that the GMaps API does not give us control over zoom
+ * animation, so if set to false, when zooming, this will make the
+ * layer temporarily invisible, wait until GMaps reports the map being
+ * idle, and make it visible again. The result will be a blank layer
+ * for a few moments while zooming.
+ */
+ animationEnabled: true,
+ /**
+ * Method: loadMapObject
+ * Load the GMap and register appropriate event listeners.
+ */
+ loadMapObject: function() {
+ if (!this.type) {
+ this.type = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP;
+ }
+ var mapObject;
+ var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
+ if (cache) {
+ // there are already Google layers added to this map
+ mapObject = cache.mapObject;
+ // increment the layer count
+ ++cache.count;
+ } else {
+ // this is the first Google layer for this map
+ // create GMap
+ var center =;
+ var container = document.createElement('div');
+ container.className = "olForeignContainer";
+ = '100%';
+ = '100%';
+ mapObject = new google.maps.Map(container, {
+ center: center ?
+ new google.maps.LatLng(, center.lon) :
+ new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0),
+ zoom: || 0,
+ mapTypeId: this.type,
+ disableDefaultUI: true,
+ keyboardShortcuts: false,
+ draggable: false,
+ disableDoubleClickZoom: true,
+ scrollwheel: false,
+ streetViewControl: false
+ });
+ var googleControl = document.createElement('div');
+ = '100%';
+ = '100%';
+ mapObject.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT].push(googleControl);
+ // cache elements for use by any other google layers added to
+ // this same map
+ cache = {
+ googleControl: googleControl,
+ mapObject: mapObject,
+ count: 1
+ };
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[] = cache;
+ }
+ this.mapObject = mapObject;
+ this.setGMapVisibility(this.visibility);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: onMapResize
+ */
+ onMapResize: function() {
+ if (this.visibility) {
+ google.maps.event.trigger(this.mapObject, "resize");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setGMapVisibility
+ * Display the GMap container and associated elements.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * visible - {Boolean} Display the GMap elements.
+ */
+ setGMapVisibility: function(visible) {
+ var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
+ var map =;
+ if (cache) {
+ var type = this.type;
+ var layers = map.layers;
+ var layer;
+ for (var i=layers.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
+ layer = layers[i];
+ if (layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Google &&
+ layer.visibility === true && layer.inRange === true) {
+ type = layer.type;
+ visible = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var container = this.mapObject.getDiv();
+ if (visible === true) {
+ if (container.parentNode !== map.div) {
+ if (!cache.rendered) {
+ var me = this;
+ google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(this.mapObject, 'tilesloaded', function() {
+ cache.rendered = true;
+ me.setGMapVisibility(me.getVisibility());
+ me.moveTo(;
+ });
+ } else {
+ map.div.appendChild(container);
+ cache.googleControl.appendChild(map.viewPortDiv);
+ google.maps.event.trigger(this.mapObject, 'resize');
+ }
+ }
+ this.mapObject.setMapTypeId(type);
+ } else if (cache.googleControl.hasChildNodes()) {
+ map.div.appendChild(map.viewPortDiv);
+ map.div.removeChild(container);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMapContainer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {DOMElement} the GMap container's div
+ */
+ getMapContainer: function() {
+ return this.mapObject.getDiv();
+ },
+ //
+ // TRANSLATION: MapObject Bounds <-> OpenLayers.Bounds
+ //
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * olBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} A MapObject Bounds, translated from olBounds
+ * Returns null if null value is passed in
+ */
+ getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds: function(olBounds) {
+ var moBounds = null;
+ if (olBounds != null) {
+ var sw = this.sphericalMercator ?
+ this.inverseMercator(olBounds.bottom, olBounds.left) :
+ new OpenLayers.LonLat(olBounds.bottom, olBounds.left);
+ var ne = this.sphericalMercator ?
+ this.inverseMercator(, olBounds.right) :
+ new OpenLayers.LonLat(, olBounds.right);
+ moBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
+ new google.maps.LatLng(, sw.lon),
+ new google.maps.LatLng(, ne.lon)
+ );
+ }
+ return moBounds;
+ },
+ /************************************
+ * *
+ * MapObject Interface Controls *
+ * *
+ ************************************/
+ // LonLat - Pixel Translation
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moPixel - {Object} MapObject Pixel format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject LonLat translated from MapObject Pixel
+ */
+ getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
+ var size =;
+ var lon = this.getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(;
+ var lat = this.getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(;
+ var res =;
+ var delta_x = moPixel.x - (size.w / 2);
+ var delta_y = moPixel.y - (size.h / 2);
+ var lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(
+ lon + delta_x * res,
+ lat - delta_y * res
+ );
+ if (this.wrapDateLine) {
+ lonlat = lonlat.wrapDateLine(this.maxExtent);
+ }
+ return this.getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat(lonlat.lon,;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moLonLat - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject Pixel transtlated from MapObject LonLat
+ */
+ getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
+ var lon = this.getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
+ var lat = this.getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
+ var res =;
+ var extent =;
+ return this.getMapObjectPixelFromXY((1/res * (lon - extent.left)),
+ (1/res * ( - lat)));
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setMapObjectCenter
+ * Set the mapObject to the specified center and zoom
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * center - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
+ * zoom - {int} MapObject zoom format
+ */
+ setMapObjectCenter: function(center, zoom) {
+ if (this.animationEnabled === false && zoom != this.mapObject.zoom) {
+ var mapContainer = this.getMapContainer();
+ google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(
+ this.mapObject,
+ "idle",
+ function() {
+ = "";
+ }
+ );
+ = "hidden";
+ }
+ this.mapObject.setOptions({
+ center: center,
+ zoom: zoom
+ });
+ },
+ // Bounds
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * moBounds - {Object} MapObject Bounds format
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject Zoom for specified MapObject Bounds
+ */
+ getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds: function(moBounds) {
+ return this.mapObject.getBoundsZoomLevel(moBounds);
+ },
+ /************************************
+ * *
+ * MapObject Primitives *
+ * *
+ ************************************/
+ // LonLat
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * lon - {Float}
+ * lat - {Float}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject LonLat built from lon and lat params
+ */
+ getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat: function(lon, lat) {
+ var gLatLng;
+ if(this.sphericalMercator) {
+ var lonlat = this.inverseMercator(lon, lat);
+ gLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(, lonlat.lon);
+ } else {
+ gLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon);
+ }
+ return gLatLng;
+ },
+ // Pixel
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getMapObjectPixelFromXY
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * x - {Integer}
+ * y - {Integer}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} MapObject Pixel from x and y parameters
+ */
+ getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function(x, y) {
+ return new google.maps.Point(x, y);
+ }
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a94075f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1343 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/HTTPRequest.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Tile/Image.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
+ * Base class for layers that use a lattice of tiles. Create a new grid
+ * layer with the <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid> constructor.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Grid = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: tileSize
+ * {<OpenLayers.Size>}
+ */
+ tileSize: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: tileOriginCorner
+ * {String} If the <tileOrigin> property is not provided, the tile origin
+ * will be derived from the layer's <maxExtent>. The corner of the
+ * <maxExtent> used is determined by this property. Acceptable values
+ * are "tl" (top left), "tr" (top right), "bl" (bottom left), and "br"
+ * (bottom right). Default is "bl".
+ */
+ tileOriginCorner: "bl",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: tileOrigin
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} Optional origin for aligning the grid of tiles.
+ * If provided, requests for tiles at all resolutions will be aligned
+ * with this location (no tiles shall overlap this location). If
+ * not provided, the grid of tiles will be aligned with the layer's
+ * <maxExtent>. Default is ``null``.
+ */
+ tileOrigin: null,
+ /** APIProperty: tileOptions
+ * {Object} optional configuration options for <OpenLayers.Tile> instances
+ * created by this Layer, if supported by the tile class.
+ */
+ tileOptions: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: tileClass
+ * {<OpenLayers.Tile>} The tile class to use for this layer.
+ * Defaults is OpenLayers.Tile.Image.
+ */
+ tileClass: OpenLayers.Tile.Image,
+ /**
+ * Property: grid
+ * {Array(Array(<OpenLayers.Tile>))} This is an array of rows, each row is
+ * an array of tiles.
+ */
+ grid: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: singleTile
+ * {Boolean} Moves the layer into single-tile mode, meaning that one tile
+ * will be loaded. The tile's size will be determined by the 'ratio'
+ * property. When the tile is dragged such that it does not cover the
+ * entire viewport, it is reloaded.
+ */
+ singleTile: false,
+ /** APIProperty: ratio
+ * {Float} Used only when in single-tile mode, this specifies the
+ * ratio of the size of the single tile to the size of the map.
+ * Default value is 1.5.
+ */
+ ratio: 1.5,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: buffer
+ * {Integer} Used only when in gridded mode, this specifies the number of
+ * extra rows and colums of tiles on each side which will
+ * surround the minimum grid tiles to cover the map.
+ * For very slow loading layers, a larger value may increase
+ * performance somewhat when dragging, but will increase bandwidth
+ * use significantly.
+ */
+ buffer: 0,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: transitionEffect
+ * {String} The transition effect to use when the map is zoomed.
+ * Two posible values:
+ *
+ * "resize" - Existing tiles are resized on zoom to provide a visual
+ * effect of the zoom having taken place immediately. As the
+ * new tiles become available, they are drawn on top of the
+ * resized tiles (this is the default setting).
+ * "map-resize" - Existing tiles are resized on zoom and placed below the
+ * base layer. New tiles for the base layer will cover existing tiles.
+ * This setting is recommended when having an overlay duplicated during
+ * the transition is undesirable (e.g. street labels or big transparent
+ * fills).
+ * null - No transition effect.
+ *
+ * Using "resize" on non-opaque layers can cause undesired visual
+ * effects. Set transitionEffect to null in this case.
+ */
+ transitionEffect: "resize",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: numLoadingTiles
+ * {Integer} How many tiles are still loading?
+ */
+ numLoadingTiles: 0,
+ /**
+ * Property: serverResolutions
+ * {Array(Number}} This property is documented in subclasses as
+ * an API property.
+ */
+ serverResolutions: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: loading
+ * {Boolean} Indicates if tiles are being loaded.
+ */
+ loading: false,
+ /**
+ * Property: backBuffer
+ * {DOMElement} The back buffer.
+ */
+ backBuffer: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: gridResolution
+ * {Number} The resolution of the current grid. Used for backbuffer and
+ * client zoom. This property is updated every time the grid is
+ * initialized.
+ */
+ gridResolution: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: backBufferResolution
+ * {Number} The resolution of the current back buffer. This property is
+ * updated each time a back buffer is created.
+ */
+ backBufferResolution: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: backBufferLonLat
+ * {Object} The top-left corner of the current back buffer. Includes lon
+ * and lat properties. This object is updated each time a back buffer
+ * is created.
+ */
+ backBufferLonLat: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: backBufferTimerId
+ * {Number} The id of the back buffer timer. This timer is used to
+ * delay the removal of the back buffer, thereby preventing
+ * flash effects caused by tile animation.
+ */
+ backBufferTimerId: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: removeBackBufferDelay
+ * {Number} Delay for removing the backbuffer when all tiles have finished
+ * loading. Can be set to 0 when no css opacity transitions for the
+ * olTileImage class are used. Default is 0 for <singleTile> layers,
+ * 2500 for tiled layers. See <className> for more information on
+ * tile animation.
+ */
+ removeBackBufferDelay: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: className
+ * {String} Name of the class added to the layer div. If not set in the
+ * options passed to the constructor then className defaults to
+ * "olLayerGridSingleTile" for single tile layers (see <singleTile>),
+ * and "olLayerGrid" for non single tile layers.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *
+ * The displaying of tiles is not animated by default for single tile
+ * layers - OpenLayers' default theme (style.css) includes this:
+ * (code)
+ * .olLayerGrid .olTileImage {
+ * -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+ * -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+ * -o-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+ * transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+ * }
+ * (end)
+ * To animate tile displaying for any grid layer the following
+ * CSS rule can be used:
+ * (code)
+ * .olTileImage {
+ * -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+ * -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+ * -o-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+ * transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+ * }
+ * (end)
+ * In that case, to avoid flash effects, <removeBackBufferDelay>
+ * should not be zero.
+ */
+ className: null,
+ /**
+ * Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
+ * (code)
+ *, obj, listener);
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
+ * properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
+ *
+ * All event objects have at least the following properties:
+ * object - {Object} A reference to
+ * element - {DOMElement} A reference to
+ *
+ * Supported event types:
+ * addtile - Triggered when a tile is added to this layer. Listeners receive
+ * an object as first argument, which has a tile property that
+ * references the tile that has been added.
+ * tileloadstart - Triggered when a tile starts loading. Listeners receive
+ * an object as first argument, which has a tile property that
+ * references the tile that starts loading.
+ * tileloaded - Triggered when each new tile is
+ * loaded, as a means of progress update to listeners.
+ * listeners can access 'numLoadingTiles' if they wish to keep
+ * track of the loading progress. Listeners are called with an object
+ * with a 'tile' property as first argument, making the loaded tile
+ * available to the listener, and an 'aborted' property, which will be
+ * true when loading was aborted and no tile data is available.
+ * tileerror - Triggered before the tileloaded event (i.e. when the tile is
+ * still hidden) if a tile failed to load. Listeners receive an object
+ * as first argument, which has a tile property that references the
+ * tile that could not be loaded.
+ * retile - Triggered when the layer recreates its tile grid.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Property: gridLayout
+ * {Object} Object containing properties tilelon, tilelat, startcol,
+ * startrow
+ */
+ gridLayout: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: rowSign
+ * {Number} 1 for grids starting at the top, -1 for grids starting at the
+ * bottom. This is used for several grid index and offset calculations.
+ */
+ rowSign: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: transitionendEvents
+ * {Array} Event names for transitionend
+ */
+ transitionendEvents: [
+ 'transitionend', 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'otransitionend',
+ 'oTransitionEnd'
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
+ * Create a new grid layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * url - {String}
+ * params - {Object}
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.initialize.apply(this,
+ arguments);
+ this.grid = [];
+ this._removeBackBuffer = OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.removeBackBuffer, this);
+ this.initProperties();
+ this.rowSign = this.tileOriginCorner.substr(0, 1) === "t" ? 1 : -1;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: initProperties
+ * Set any properties that depend on the value of singleTile.
+ * Currently sets removeBackBufferDelay and className
+ */
+ initProperties: function() {
+ if (this.options.removeBackBufferDelay === undefined) {
+ this.removeBackBufferDelay = this.singleTile ? 0 : 2500;
+ }
+ if (this.options.className === undefined) {
+ this.className = this.singleTile ? 'olLayerGridSingleTile' :
+ 'olLayerGrid';
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setMap
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} The map.
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+, map);
+ OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.div, this.className);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeMap
+ * Called when the layer is removed from the map.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} The map.
+ */
+ removeMap: function(map) {
+ this.removeBackBuffer();
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: destroy
+ * Deconstruct the layer and clear the grid.
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.removeBackBuffer();
+ this.clearGrid();
+ this.grid = null;
+ this.tileSize = null;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: mergeNewParams
+ * Refetches tiles with new params merged, keeping a backbuffer. Each
+ * loading new tile will have a css class of '.olTileReplacing'. If a
+ * stylesheet applies a 'display: none' style to that class, any fade-in
+ * transition will not apply, and backbuffers for each tile will be removed
+ * as soon as the tile is loaded.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newParams - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * redrawn: {Boolean} whether the layer was actually redrawn.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Method: clearGrid
+ * Go through and remove all tiles from the grid, calling
+ * destroy() on each of them to kill circular references
+ */
+ clearGrid:function() {
+ if (this.grid) {
+ for(var iRow=0, len=this.grid.length; iRow<len; iRow++) {
+ var row = this.grid[iRow];
+ for(var iCol=0, clen=row.length; iCol<clen; iCol++) {
+ var tile = row[iCol];
+ this.destroyTile(tile);
+ }
+ }
+ this.grid = [];
+ this.gridResolution = null;
+ this.gridLayout = null;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: addOptions
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newOptions - {Object}
+ * reinitialize - {Boolean} If set to true, and if resolution options of the
+ * current baseLayer were changed, the map will be recentered to make
+ * sure that it is displayed with a valid resolution, and a
+ * changebaselayer event will be triggered.
+ */
+ addOptions: function (newOptions, reinitialize) {
+ var singleTileChanged = newOptions.singleTile !== undefined &&
+ newOptions.singleTile !== this.singleTile;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.addOptions.apply(this, arguments);
+ if ( && singleTileChanged) {
+ this.initProperties();
+ this.clearGrid();
+ this.tileSize = this.options.tileSize;
+ this.setTileSize();
+ this.moveTo(null, true);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object} Is this ever used?
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Grid(,
+ this.url,
+ this.params,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ if (this.tileSize != null) {
+ obj.tileSize = this.tileSize.clone();
+ }
+ // we do not want to copy reference to grid, so we make a new array
+ obj.grid = [];
+ obj.gridResolution = null;
+ // same for backbuffer
+ obj.backBuffer = null;
+ obj.backBufferTimerId = null;
+ obj.loading = false;
+ obj.numLoadingTiles = 0;
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ * This function is called whenever the map is moved. All the moving
+ * of actual 'tiles' is done by the map, but moveTo's role is to accept
+ * a bounds and make sure the data that that bounds requires is pre-loaded.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ * zoomChanged - {Boolean}
+ * dragging - {Boolean}
+ */
+ moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ bounds = bounds ||;
+ if (bounds != null) {
+ // if grid is empty or zoom has changed, we *must* re-tile
+ var forceReTile = !this.grid.length || zoomChanged;
+ // total bounds of the tiles
+ var tilesBounds = this.getTilesBounds();
+ // the new map resolution
+ var resolution =;
+ // the server-supported resolution for the new map resolution
+ var serverResolution = this.getServerResolution(resolution);
+ if (this.singleTile) {
+ // We want to redraw whenever even the slightest part of the
+ // current bounds is not contained by our tile.
+ // (thus, we do not specify partial -- its default is false)
+ if ( forceReTile ||
+ (!dragging && !tilesBounds.containsBounds(bounds))) {
+ // In single tile mode with no transition effect, we insert
+ // a non-scaled backbuffer when the layer is moved. But if
+ // a zoom occurs right after a move, i.e. before the new
+ // image is received, we need to remove the backbuffer, or
+ // an ill-positioned image will be visible during the zoom
+ // transition.
+ if(zoomChanged && this.transitionEffect !== 'resize') {
+ this.removeBackBuffer();
+ }
+ if(!zoomChanged || this.transitionEffect === 'resize') {
+ this.applyBackBuffer(resolution);
+ }
+ this.initSingleTile(bounds);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if the bounds have changed such that they are not even
+ // *partially* contained by our tiles (e.g. when user has
+ // programmatically panned to the other side of the earth on
+ // zoom level 18), then moveGriddedTiles could potentially have
+ // to run through thousands of cycles, so we want to reTile
+ // instead (thus, partial true).
+ forceReTile = forceReTile ||
+ !tilesBounds.intersectsBounds(bounds, {
+ worldBounds: &&
+ });
+ if(forceReTile) {
+ if(zoomChanged && (this.transitionEffect === 'resize' ||
+ this.gridResolution === resolution)) {
+ this.applyBackBuffer(resolution);
+ }
+ this.initGriddedTiles(bounds);
+ } else {
+ this.moveGriddedTiles();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getTileData
+ * Given a map location, retrieve a tile and the pixel offset within that
+ * tile corresponding to the location. If there is not an existing
+ * tile in the grid that covers the given location, null will be
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * loc - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} map location
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} Object with the following properties: tile ({<OpenLayers.Tile>}),
+ * i ({Number} x-pixel offset from top left), and j ({Integer} y-pixel
+ * offset from top left).
+ */
+ getTileData: function(loc) {
+ var data = null,
+ x = loc.lon,
+ y =,
+ numRows = this.grid.length;
+ if ( && numRows) {
+ var res =,
+ tileWidth = this.tileSize.w,
+ tileHeight = this.tileSize.h,
+ bounds = this.grid[0][0].bounds,
+ left = bounds.left,
+ top =;
+ if (x < left) {
+ // deal with multiple worlds
+ if ( {
+ var worldWidth =;
+ var worldsAway = Math.ceil((left - x) / worldWidth);
+ x += worldWidth * worldsAway;
+ }
+ }
+ // tile distance to location (fractional number of tiles);
+ var dtx = (x - left) / (res * tileWidth);
+ var dty = (top - y) / (res * tileHeight);
+ // index of tile in grid
+ var col = Math.floor(dtx);
+ var row = Math.floor(dty);
+ if (row >= 0 && row < numRows) {
+ var tile = this.grid[row][col];
+ if (tile) {
+ data = {
+ tile: tile,
+ // pixel index within tile
+ i: Math.floor((dtx - col) * tileWidth),
+ j: Math.floor((dty - row) * tileHeight)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: destroyTile
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * tile - {<OpenLayers.Tile>}
+ */
+ destroyTile: function(tile) {
+ this.removeTileMonitoringHooks(tile);
+ tile.destroy();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getServerResolution
+ * Return the closest server-supported resolution.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * resolution - {Number} The base resolution. If undefined the
+ * map resolution is used.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Number} The closest server resolution value.
+ */
+ getServerResolution: function(resolution) {
+ var distance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ resolution = resolution ||;
+ if(this.serverResolutions &&
+ OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.serverResolutions, resolution) === -1) {
+ var i, newDistance, newResolution, serverResolution;
+ for(i=this.serverResolutions.length-1; i>= 0; i--) {
+ newResolution = this.serverResolutions[i];
+ newDistance = Math.abs(newResolution - resolution);
+ if (newDistance > distance) {
+ break;
+ }
+ distance = newDistance;
+ serverResolution = newResolution;
+ }
+ resolution = serverResolution;
+ }
+ return resolution;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getServerZoom
+ * Return the zoom value corresponding to the best matching server
+ * resolution, taking into account <serverResolutions> and <zoomOffset>.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Number} The closest server supported zoom. This is not the map zoom
+ * level, but an index of the server's resolutions array.
+ */
+ getServerZoom: function() {
+ var resolution = this.getServerResolution();
+ return this.serverResolutions ?
+ OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.serverResolutions, resolution) :
+ + (this.zoomOffset || 0);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: applyBackBuffer
+ * Create, insert, scale and position a back buffer for the layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * resolution - {Number} The resolution to transition to.
+ */
+ applyBackBuffer: function(resolution) {
+ if(this.backBufferTimerId !== null) {
+ this.removeBackBuffer();
+ }
+ var backBuffer = this.backBuffer;
+ if(!backBuffer) {
+ backBuffer = this.createBackBuffer();
+ if(!backBuffer) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (resolution === this.gridResolution) {
+ this.div.insertBefore(backBuffer, this.div.firstChild);
+ } else {
+ }
+ this.backBuffer = backBuffer;
+ // set some information in the instance for subsequent
+ // calls to applyBackBuffer where the same back buffer
+ // is reused
+ var topLeftTileBounds = this.grid[0][0].bounds;
+ this.backBufferLonLat = {
+ lon: topLeftTileBounds.left,
+ lat:
+ };
+ this.backBufferResolution = this.gridResolution;
+ }
+ var ratio = this.backBufferResolution / resolution;
+ // scale the tiles inside the back buffer
+ var tiles = backBuffer.childNodes, tile;
+ for (var i=tiles.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
+ tile = tiles[i];
+ = ((ratio * tile._i * tile._h) | 0) + 'px';
+ = ((ratio * tile._j * tile._w) | 0) + 'px';
+ = Math.round(ratio * tile._w) + 'px';
+ = Math.round(ratio * tile._h) + 'px';
+ }
+ // and position it (based on the grid's top-left corner)
+ var position = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(
+ this.backBufferLonLat, resolution);
+ var leftOffset =;
+ var topOffset =;
+ = Math.round(position.x - leftOffset) + 'px';
+ = Math.round(position.y - topOffset) + 'px';
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: createBackBuffer
+ * Create a back buffer.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {DOMElement} The DOM element for the back buffer, undefined if the
+ * grid isn't initialized yet.
+ */
+ createBackBuffer: function() {
+ var backBuffer;
+ if(this.grid.length > 0) {
+ backBuffer = document.createElement('div');
+ = + '_bb';
+ backBuffer.className = 'olBackBuffer';
+ = 'absolute';
+ var map =;
+ = this.transitionEffect === 'resize' ?
+ this.getZIndex() - 1 :
+ // 'map-resize':
+ map.Z_INDEX_BASE.BaseLayer -
+ (map.getNumLayers() - map.getLayerIndex(this));
+ for(var i=0, lenI=this.grid.length; i<lenI; i++) {
+ for(var j=0, lenJ=this.grid[i].length; j<lenJ; j++) {
+ var tile = this.grid[i][j],
+ markup = this.grid[i][j].createBackBuffer();
+ if (markup) {
+ markup._i = i;
+ markup._j = j;
+ markup._w = tile.size.w;
+ markup._h = tile.size.h;
+ = + '_bb';
+ backBuffer.appendChild(markup);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return backBuffer;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeBackBuffer
+ * Remove back buffer from DOM.
+ */
+ removeBackBuffer: function() {
+ if (this._transitionElement) {
+ for (var i=this.transitionendEvents.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
+ OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving(this._transitionElement,
+ this.transitionendEvents[i], this._removeBackBuffer);
+ }
+ delete this._transitionElement;
+ }
+ if(this.backBuffer) {
+ if (this.backBuffer.parentNode) {
+ this.backBuffer.parentNode.removeChild(this.backBuffer);
+ }
+ this.backBuffer = null;
+ this.backBufferResolution = null;
+ if(this.backBufferTimerId !== null) {
+ window.clearTimeout(this.backBufferTimerId);
+ this.backBufferTimerId = null;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveByPx
+ * Move the layer based on pixel vector.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * dx - {Number}
+ * dy - {Number}
+ */
+ moveByPx: function(dx, dy) {
+ if (!this.singleTile) {
+ this.moveGriddedTiles();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setTileSize
+ * Check if we are in singleTile mode and if so, set the size as a ratio
+ * of the map size (as specified by the layer's 'ratio' property).
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * size - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
+ */
+ setTileSize: function(size) {
+ if (this.singleTile) {
+ size =;
+ size.h = parseInt(size.h * this.ratio, 10);
+ size.w = parseInt(size.w * this.ratio, 10);
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.setTileSize.apply(this, [size]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getTilesBounds
+ * Return the bounds of the tile grid.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A Bounds object representing the bounds of all the
+ * currently loaded tiles (including those partially or not at all seen
+ * onscreen).
+ */
+ getTilesBounds: function() {
+ var bounds = null;
+ var length = this.grid.length;
+ if (length) {
+ var bottomLeftTileBounds = this.grid[length - 1][0].bounds,
+ width = this.grid[0].length * bottomLeftTileBounds.getWidth(),
+ height = this.grid.length * bottomLeftTileBounds.getHeight();
+ bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(bottomLeftTileBounds.left,
+ bottomLeftTileBounds.bottom,
+ bottomLeftTileBounds.left + width,
+ bottomLeftTileBounds.bottom + height);
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: initSingleTile
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ initSingleTile: function(bounds) {
+ //determine new tile bounds
+ var center = bounds.getCenterLonLat();
+ var tileWidth = bounds.getWidth() * this.ratio;
+ var tileHeight = bounds.getHeight() * this.ratio;
+ var tileBounds =
+ new OpenLayers.Bounds(center.lon - (tileWidth/2),
+ - (tileHeight/2),
+ center.lon + (tileWidth/2),
+ + (tileHeight/2));
+ var px ={
+ lon: tileBounds.left,
+ lat:
+ });
+ if (!this.grid.length) {
+ this.grid[0] = [];
+ }
+ var tile = this.grid[0][0];
+ if (!tile) {
+ tile = this.addTile(tileBounds, px);
+ this.addTileMonitoringHooks(tile);
+ tile.draw();
+ this.grid[0][0] = tile;
+ } else {
+ tile.moveTo(tileBounds, px);
+ }
+ //remove all but our single tile
+ this.removeExcessTiles(1,1);
+ // store the resolution of the grid
+ this.gridResolution = this.getServerResolution();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: calculateGridLayout
+ * Generate parameters for the grid layout.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bound>|Object} OpenLayers.Bounds or an
+ * object with a 'left' and 'top' properties.
+ * origin - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>|Object} OpenLayers.LonLat or an
+ * object with a 'lon' and 'lat' properties.
+ * resolution - {Number}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} Object containing properties tilelon, tilelat, startcol,
+ * startrow
+ */
+ calculateGridLayout: function(bounds, origin, resolution) {
+ var tilelon = resolution * this.tileSize.w;
+ var tilelat = resolution * this.tileSize.h;
+ var offsetlon = bounds.left - origin.lon;
+ var tilecol = Math.floor(offsetlon/tilelon) - this.buffer;
+ var rowSign = this.rowSign;
+ var offsetlat = rowSign * ( - + tilelat);
+ var tilerow = Math[~rowSign ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](offsetlat/tilelat) - this.buffer * rowSign;
+ return {
+ tilelon: tilelon, tilelat: tilelat,
+ startcol: tilecol, startrow: tilerow
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getTileOrigin
+ * Determine the origin for aligning the grid of tiles. If a <tileOrigin>
+ * property is supplied, that will be returned. Otherwise, the origin
+ * will be derived from the layer's <maxExtent> property. In this case,
+ * the tile origin will be the corner of the <maxExtent> given by the
+ * <tileOriginCorner> property.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The tile origin.
+ */
+ getTileOrigin: function() {
+ var origin = this.tileOrigin;
+ if (!origin) {
+ var extent = this.getMaxExtent();
+ var edges = ({
+ "tl": ["left", "top"],
+ "tr": ["right", "top"],
+ "bl": ["left", "bottom"],
+ "br": ["right", "bottom"]
+ })[this.tileOriginCorner];
+ origin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(extent[edges[0]], extent[edges[1]]);
+ }
+ return origin;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getTileBoundsForGridIndex
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * row - {Number} The row of the grid
+ * col - {Number} The column of the grid
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The bounds for the tile at (row, col)
+ */
+ getTileBoundsForGridIndex: function(row, col) {
+ var origin = this.getTileOrigin();
+ var tileLayout = this.gridLayout;
+ var tilelon = tileLayout.tilelon;
+ var tilelat = tileLayout.tilelat;
+ var startcol = tileLayout.startcol;
+ var startrow = tileLayout.startrow;
+ var rowSign = this.rowSign;
+ return new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+ origin.lon + (startcol + col) * tilelon,
+ - (startrow + row * rowSign) * tilelat * rowSign,
+ origin.lon + (startcol + col + 1) * tilelon,
+ - (startrow + (row - 1) * rowSign) * tilelat * rowSign
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: initGriddedTiles
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ initGriddedTiles:function(bounds) {
+ // work out mininum number of rows and columns; this is the number of
+ // tiles required to cover the viewport plus at least one for panning
+ var viewSize =;
+ var origin = this.getTileOrigin();
+ var resolution =,
+ serverResolution = this.getServerResolution(),
+ ratio = resolution / serverResolution,
+ tileSize = {
+ w: this.tileSize.w / ratio,
+ h: this.tileSize.h / ratio
+ };
+ var minRows = Math.ceil(viewSize.h/tileSize.h) +
+ 2 * this.buffer + 1;
+ var minCols = Math.ceil(viewSize.w/tileSize.w) +
+ 2 * this.buffer + 1;
+ var tileLayout = this.calculateGridLayout(bounds, origin, serverResolution);
+ this.gridLayout = tileLayout;
+ var tilelon = tileLayout.tilelon;
+ var tilelat = tileLayout.tilelat;
+ var layerContainerDivLeft =;
+ var layerContainerDivTop =;
+ var tileBounds = this.getTileBoundsForGridIndex(0, 0);
+ var startPx =
+ new OpenLayers.LonLat(tileBounds.left,
+ );
+ startPx.x = Math.round(startPx.x) - layerContainerDivLeft;
+ startPx.y = Math.round(startPx.y) - layerContainerDivTop;
+ var tileData = [], center =;
+ var rowidx = 0;
+ do {
+ var row = this.grid[rowidx];
+ if (!row) {
+ row = [];
+ this.grid.push(row);
+ }
+ var colidx = 0;
+ do {
+ tileBounds = this.getTileBoundsForGridIndex(rowidx, colidx);
+ var px = startPx.clone();
+ px.x = px.x + colidx * Math.round(tileSize.w);
+ px.y = px.y + rowidx * Math.round(tileSize.h);
+ var tile = row[colidx];
+ if (!tile) {
+ tile = this.addTile(tileBounds, px);
+ this.addTileMonitoringHooks(tile);
+ row.push(tile);
+ } else {
+ tile.moveTo(tileBounds, px, false);
+ }
+ var tileCenter = tileBounds.getCenterLonLat();
+ tileData.push({
+ tile: tile,
+ distance: Math.pow(tileCenter.lon - center.lon, 2) +
+ Math.pow( -, 2)
+ });
+ colidx += 1;
+ } while ((tileBounds.right <= bounds.right + tilelon * this.buffer)
+ || colidx < minCols);
+ rowidx += 1;
+ } while((tileBounds.bottom >= bounds.bottom - tilelat * this.buffer)
+ || rowidx < minRows);
+ //shave off exceess rows and colums
+ this.removeExcessTiles(rowidx, colidx);
+ var resolution = this.getServerResolution();
+ // store the resolution of the grid
+ this.gridResolution = resolution;
+ //now actually draw the tiles
+ tileData.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return a.distance - b.distance;
+ });
+ for (var i=0, ii=tileData.length; i<ii; ++i) {
+ tileData[i].tile.draw();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMaxExtent
+ * Get this layer's maximum extent. (Implemented as a getter for
+ * potential specific implementations in sub-classes.)
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ getMaxExtent: function() {
+ return this.maxExtent;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: addTile
+ * Create a tile, initialize it, and add it to the layer div.
+ *
+ * Parameters
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ * position - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Tile>} The added OpenLayers.Tile
+ */
+ addTile: function(bounds, position) {
+ var tile = new this.tileClass(
+ this, position, bounds, null, this.tileSize, this.tileOptions
+ );
+"addtile", {tile: tile});
+ return tile;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: addTileMonitoringHooks
+ * This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to
+ * the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tiles.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * tile - {<OpenLayers.Tile>}
+ */
+ addTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile) {
+ var replacingCls = 'olTileReplacing';
+ tile.onLoadStart = function() {
+ //if that was first tile then trigger a 'loadstart' on the layer
+ if (this.loading === false) {
+ this.loading = true;
+ }
+"tileloadstart", {tile: tile});
+ this.numLoadingTiles++;
+ if (!this.singleTile && this.backBuffer && this.gridResolution === this.backBufferResolution) {
+ OpenLayers.Element.addClass(tile.getTile(), replacingCls);
+ }
+ };
+ tile.onLoadEnd = function(evt) {
+ this.numLoadingTiles--;
+ var aborted = evt.type === 'unload';
+"tileloaded", {
+ tile: tile,
+ aborted: aborted
+ });
+ if (!this.singleTile && !aborted && this.backBuffer && this.gridResolution === this.backBufferResolution) {
+ var tileDiv = tile.getTile();
+ if (OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(tileDiv, 'display') === 'none') {
+ var bufferTile = document.getElementById( + '_bb');
+ if (bufferTile) {
+ bufferTile.parentNode.removeChild(bufferTile);
+ }
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(tileDiv, replacingCls);
+ }
+ //if that was the last tile, then trigger a 'loadend' on the layer
+ if (this.numLoadingTiles === 0) {
+ if (this.backBuffer) {
+ if (this.backBuffer.childNodes.length === 0) {
+ // no tiles transitioning, remove immediately
+ this.removeBackBuffer();
+ } else {
+ // wait until transition has ended or delay has passed
+ this._transitionElement = aborted ?
+ this.div.lastChild : tile.imgDiv;
+ var transitionendEvents = this.transitionendEvents;
+ for (var i=transitionendEvents.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
+ OpenLayers.Event.observe(this._transitionElement,
+ transitionendEvents[i],
+ this._removeBackBuffer);
+ }
+ // the removal of the back buffer is delayed to prevent
+ // flash effects due to the animation of tile displaying
+ this.backBufferTimerId = window.setTimeout(
+ this._removeBackBuffer, this.removeBackBufferDelay
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ this.loading = false;
+ }
+ };
+ tile.onLoadError = function() {
+"tileerror", {tile: tile});
+ };
+ "loadstart": tile.onLoadStart,
+ "loadend": tile.onLoadEnd,
+ "unload": tile.onLoadEnd,
+ "loaderror": tile.onLoadError,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeTileMonitoringHooks
+ * This function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks
+ * that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks()
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * tile - {<OpenLayers.Tile>}
+ */
+ removeTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile) {
+ tile.unload();
+ "loadstart": tile.onLoadStart,
+ "loadend": tile.onLoadEnd,
+ "unload": tile.onLoadEnd,
+ "loaderror": tile.onLoadError,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveGriddedTiles
+ */
+ moveGriddedTiles: function() {
+ var buffer = this.buffer + 1;
+ while(true) {
+ var tlTile = this.grid[0][0];
+ var tlViewPort = {
+ x: tlTile.position.x +
+ y: tlTile.position.y +
+ };
+ var ratio = this.getServerResolution() /;
+ var tileSize = {
+ w: Math.round(this.tileSize.w * ratio),
+ h: Math.round(this.tileSize.h * ratio)
+ };
+ if (tlViewPort.x > -tileSize.w * (buffer - 1)) {
+ this.shiftColumn(true, tileSize);
+ } else if (tlViewPort.x < -tileSize.w * buffer) {
+ this.shiftColumn(false, tileSize);
+ } else if (tlViewPort.y > -tileSize.h * (buffer - 1)) {
+ this.shiftRow(true, tileSize);
+ } else if (tlViewPort.y < -tileSize.h * buffer) {
+ this.shiftRow(false, tileSize);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: shiftRow
+ * Shifty grid work
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * prepend - {Boolean} if true, prepend to beginning.
+ * if false, then append to end
+ * tileSize - {Object} rendered tile size; object with w and h properties
+ */
+ shiftRow: function(prepend, tileSize) {
+ var grid = this.grid;
+ var rowIndex = prepend ? 0 : (grid.length - 1);
+ var sign = prepend ? -1 : 1;
+ var rowSign = this.rowSign;
+ var tileLayout = this.gridLayout;
+ tileLayout.startrow += sign * rowSign;
+ var modelRow = grid[rowIndex];
+ var row = grid[prepend ? 'pop' : 'shift']();
+ for (var i=0, len=row.length; i<len; i++) {
+ var tile = row[i];
+ var position = modelRow[i].position.clone();
+ position.y += tileSize.h * sign;
+ tile.moveTo(this.getTileBoundsForGridIndex(rowIndex, i), position);
+ }
+ grid[prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'](row);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: shiftColumn
+ * Shift grid work in the other dimension
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * prepend - {Boolean} if true, prepend to beginning.
+ * if false, then append to end
+ * tileSize - {Object} rendered tile size; object with w and h properties
+ */
+ shiftColumn: function(prepend, tileSize) {
+ var grid = this.grid;
+ var colIndex = prepend ? 0 : (grid[0].length - 1);
+ var sign = prepend ? -1 : 1;
+ var tileLayout = this.gridLayout;
+ tileLayout.startcol += sign;
+ for (var i=0, len=grid.length; i<len; i++) {
+ var row = grid[i];
+ var position = row[colIndex].position.clone();
+ var tile = row[prepend ? 'pop' : 'shift']();
+ position.x += tileSize.w * sign;
+ tile.moveTo(this.getTileBoundsForGridIndex(i, colIndex), position);
+ row[prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'](tile);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeExcessTiles
+ * When the size of the map or the buffer changes, we may need to
+ * remove some excess rows and columns.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * rows - {Integer} Maximum number of rows we want our grid to have.
+ * columns - {Integer} Maximum number of columns we want our grid to have.
+ */
+ removeExcessTiles: function(rows, columns) {
+ var i, l;
+ // remove extra rows
+ while (this.grid.length > rows) {
+ var row = this.grid.pop();
+ for (i=0, l=row.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var tile = row[i];
+ this.destroyTile(tile);
+ }
+ }
+ // remove extra columns
+ for (i=0, l=this.grid.length; i<l; i++) {
+ while (this.grid[i].length > columns) {
+ var row = this.grid[i];
+ var tile = row.pop();
+ this.destroyTile(tile);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: onMapResize
+ * For singleTile layers, this will set a new tile size according to the
+ * dimensions of the map pane.
+ */
+ onMapResize: function() {
+ if (this.singleTile) {
+ this.clearGrid();
+ this.setTileSize();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getTileBounds
+ * Returns The tile bounds for a layer given a pixel location.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The location in the viewport.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Bounds of the tile at the given pixel location.
+ */
+ getTileBounds: function(viewPortPx) {
+ var maxExtent = this.maxExtent;
+ var resolution = this.getResolution();
+ var tileMapWidth = resolution * this.tileSize.w;
+ var tileMapHeight = resolution * this.tileSize.h;
+ var mapPoint = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(viewPortPx);
+ var tileLeft = maxExtent.left + (tileMapWidth *
+ Math.floor((mapPoint.lon -
+ maxExtent.left) /
+ tileMapWidth));
+ var tileBottom = maxExtent.bottom + (tileMapHeight *
+ Math.floor(( -
+ maxExtent.bottom) /
+ tileMapHeight));
+ return new OpenLayers.Bounds(tileLeft, tileBottom,
+ tileLeft + tileMapWidth,
+ tileBottom + tileMapHeight);
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Grid"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/HTTPRequest.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/HTTPRequest.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccb0291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/HTTPRequest.js
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {
+ /**
+ * Constant: URL_HASH_FACTOR
+ * {Float} Used to hash URL param strings for multi-WMS server selection.
+ * Set to the Golden Ratio per Knuth's recommendation.
+ */
+ URL_HASH_FACTOR: (Math.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2,
+ /**
+ * Property: url
+ * {Array(String) or String} This is either an array of url strings or
+ * a single url string.
+ */
+ url: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: params
+ * {Object} Hashtable of key/value parameters
+ */
+ params: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: reproject
+ * *Deprecated*. See
+ * for information on the replacement for this functionality.
+ * {Boolean} Whether layer should reproject itself based on base layer
+ * locations. This allows reprojection onto commercial layers.
+ * Default is false: Most layers can't reproject, but layers
+ * which can create non-square geographic pixels can, like WMS.
+ *
+ */
+ reproject: false,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * url - {Array(String) or String}
+ * params - {Object}
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [name, options]);
+ this.url = url;
+ if (!this.params) {
+ this.params = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, params);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.url = null;
+ this.params = null;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest>} An exact clone of this
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest>
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest(,
+ this.url,
+ this.params,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setUrl
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newUrl - {String}
+ */
+ setUrl: function(newUrl) {
+ this.url = newUrl;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: mergeNewParams
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newParams - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * redrawn: {Boolean} whether the layer was actually redrawn.
+ */
+ mergeNewParams:function(newParams) {
+ this.params = OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.params, newParams);
+ var ret = this.redraw();
+ if( != null) {
+"changelayer", {
+ layer: this,
+ property: "params"
+ });
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: redraw
+ * Redraws the layer. Returns true if the layer was redrawn, false if not.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * force - {Boolean} Force redraw by adding random parameter.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Boolean} The layer was redrawn.
+ */
+ redraw: function(force) {
+ if (force) {
+ return this.mergeNewParams({"_olSalt": Math.random()});
+ } else {
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.redraw.apply(this, []);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: selectUrl
+ * selectUrl() implements the standard floating-point multiplicative
+ * hash function described by Knuth, and hashes the contents of the
+ * given param string into a float between 0 and 1. This float is then
+ * scaled to the size of the provided urls array, and used to select
+ * a URL.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * paramString - {String}
+ * urls - {Array(String)}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} An entry from the urls array, deterministically selected based
+ * on the paramString.
+ */
+ selectUrl: function(paramString, urls) {
+ var product = 1;
+ for (var i=0, len=paramString.length; i<len; i++) {
+ product *= paramString.charCodeAt(i) * this.URL_HASH_FACTOR;
+ product -= Math.floor(product);
+ }
+ return urls[Math.floor(product * urls.length)];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getFullRequestString
+ * Combine url with layer's params and these newParams.
+ *
+ * does checking on the serverPath variable, allowing for cases when it
+ * is supplied with trailing ? or &, as well as cases where not.
+ *
+ * return in formatted string like this:
+ * "server?key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3"
+ *
+ * WARNING: The altUrl parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newParams - {Object}
+ * altUrl - {String} Use this as the url instead of the layer's url
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String}
+ */
+ getFullRequestString:function(newParams, altUrl) {
+ // if not altUrl passed in, use layer's url
+ var url = altUrl || this.url;
+ // create a new params hashtable with all the layer params and the
+ // new params together. then convert to string
+ var allParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.params);
+ allParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend(allParams, newParams);
+ var paramsString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(allParams);
+ // if url is not a string, it should be an array of strings,
+ // in which case we will deterministically select one of them in
+ // order to evenly distribute requests to different urls.
+ //
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(paramsString, url);
+ }
+ // ignore parameters that are already in the url search string
+ var urlParams =
+ OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(url));
+ for(var key in allParams) {
+ if(key.toUpperCase() in urlParams) {
+ delete allParams[key];
+ }
+ }
+ paramsString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(allParams);
+ return OpenLayers.Util.urlAppend(url, paramsString);
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Image.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Image.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b96e369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Image.js
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Tile/Image.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Image
+ * Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.Image are used to display data from a web
+ * accessible image as a map layer. Create a new image layer with the
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.Image> constructor.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Image = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {
+ /**
+ * Property: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} The layer is a base layer. Default is true. Set this property
+ * in the layer options
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * Property: url
+ * {String} URL of the image to use
+ */
+ url: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: extent
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The image bounds in map units. This extent will
+ * also be used as the default maxExtent for the layer. If you wish
+ * to have a maxExtent that is different than the image extent, set the
+ * maxExtent property of the options argument (as with any other layer).
+ */
+ extent: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: size
+ * {<OpenLayers.Size>} The image size in pixels
+ */
+ size: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: tile
+ * {<OpenLayers.Tile.Image>}
+ */
+ tile: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: aspectRatio
+ * {Float} The ratio of height/width represented by a single pixel in the
+ * graphic
+ */
+ aspectRatio: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Image
+ * Create a new image layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer.
+ * url - {String} Relative or absolute path to the image
+ * extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The extent represented by the image
+ * size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size (in pixels) of the image
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, extent, size, options) {
+ this.url = url;
+ this.extent = extent;
+ this.maxExtent = extent;
+ this.size = size;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [name, options]);
+ this.aspectRatio = (this.extent.getHeight() / this.size.h) /
+ (this.extent.getWidth() / this.size.w);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: destroy
+ * Destroy this layer
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (this.tile) {
+ this.removeTileMonitoringHooks(this.tile);
+ this.tile.destroy();
+ this.tile = null;
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Paramters:
+ * obj - {Object} An optional layer (is this ever used?)
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Image>} An exact copy of this layer
+ */
+ clone: function(obj) {
+ if(obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image(,
+ this.url,
+ this.extent,
+ this.size,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setMap
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+ /**
+ * If nothing to do with resolutions has been set, assume a single
+ * resolution determined by ratio*extent/size - if an image has a
+ * pixel aspect ratio different than one (as calculated above), the
+ * image will be stretched in one dimension only.
+ */
+ if( this.options.maxResolution == null ) {
+ this.options.maxResolution = this.aspectRatio *
+ this.extent.getWidth() /
+ this.size.w;
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ * Create the tile for the image or resize it for the new resolution
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ * zoomChanged - {Boolean}
+ * dragging - {Boolean}
+ */
+ moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ var firstRendering = (this.tile == null);
+ if(zoomChanged || firstRendering) {
+ //determine new tile size
+ this.setTileSize();
+ //determine new position (upper left corner of new bounds)
+ var ulPx ={
+ lon: this.extent.left,
+ lat:
+ });
+ if(firstRendering) {
+ //create the new tile
+ this.tile = new OpenLayers.Tile.Image(this, ulPx, this.extent,
+ null, this.tileSize);
+ this.addTileMonitoringHooks(this.tile);
+ } else {
+ //just resize the tile and set it's new position
+ this.tile.size = this.tileSize.clone();
+ this.tile.position = ulPx.clone();
+ }
+ this.tile.draw();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set the tile size based on the map size.
+ */
+ setTileSize: function() {
+ var tileWidth = this.extent.getWidth() /;
+ var tileHeight = this.extent.getHeight() /;
+ this.tileSize = new OpenLayers.Size(tileWidth, tileHeight);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: addTileMonitoringHooks
+ * This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to
+ * the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tiles.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * tile - {<OpenLayers.Tile>}
+ */
+ addTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile) {
+ tile.onLoadStart = function() {
+ };
+"loadstart", this, tile.onLoadStart);
+ tile.onLoadEnd = function() {
+ };
+"loadend", this, tile.onLoadEnd);
+"unload", this, tile.onLoadEnd);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeTileMonitoringHooks
+ * This function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks
+ * that were added in <addTileMonitoringHooks>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * tile - {<OpenLayers.Tile>}
+ */
+ removeTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile) {
+ tile.unload();
+ "loadstart": tile.onLoadStart,
+ "loadend": tile.onLoadEnd,
+ "unload": tile.onLoadEnd,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setUrl
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newUrl - {String}
+ */
+ setUrl: function(newUrl) {
+ this.url = newUrl;
+ this.tile.draw();
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getURL
+ * The url we return is always the same (the image itself never changes)
+ * so we can ignore the bounds parameter (it will always be the same,
+ * anyways)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ getURL: function(bounds) {
+ return this.url;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Image"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMap.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3de2224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} KaMap Layer is always a base layer
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * Constant: DEFAULT_PARAMS
+ * {Object} parameters set by default. The default parameters set
+ * the format via the 'i' parameter to 'jpeg'.
+ */
+ i: 'jpeg',
+ map: ''
+ },
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * url - {String}
+ * params - {Object} Parameters to be sent to the HTTP server in the
+ * query string for the tile. The format can be set via the 'i'
+ * parameter (defaults to jpg) , and the map should be set via
+ * the 'map' parameter. It has been reported that ka-Map may behave
+ * inconsistently if your format parameter does not match the format
+ * parameter configured in your config.php. (See ticket #327 for more
+ * information.)
+ * options - {Object} Additional options for the layer. Any of the
+ * APIProperties listed on this layer, and any layer types it
+ * extends, can be overridden through the options parameter.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.params = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params, this.DEFAULT_PARAMS
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
+ * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
+ * parameters
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ var mapRes =;
+ var scale = Math.round(( * 10000)) / 10000;
+ var pX = Math.round(bounds.left / mapRes);
+ var pY = -Math.round( / mapRes);
+ return this.getFullRequestString(
+ { t: pY,
+ l: pX,
+ s: scale
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: calculateGridLayout
+ * ka-Map uses the center point of the map as an origin for
+ * its tiles. Override calculateGridLayout to center tiles
+ * correctly for this case.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bound>}
+ * origin - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
+ * resolution - {Number}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} Object containing properties tilelon, tilelat, startcol,
+ * startrow
+ */
+ calculateGridLayout: function(bounds, origin, resolution) {
+ var tilelon = resolution*this.tileSize.w;
+ var tilelat = resolution*this.tileSize.h;
+ var offsetlon = bounds.left;
+ var tilecol = Math.floor(offsetlon/tilelon) - this.buffer;
+ var offsetlat =;
+ var tilerow = Math.floor(offsetlat/tilelat) + this.buffer;
+ return {
+ tilelon: tilelon, tilelat: tilelat,
+ startcol: tilecol, startrow: tilerow
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getTileBoundsForGridIndex
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * row - {Number} The row of the grid
+ * col - {Number} The column of the grid
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The bounds for the tile at (row, col)
+ */
+ getTileBoundsForGridIndex: function(row, col) {
+ var origin = this.getTileOrigin();
+ var tileLayout = this.gridLayout;
+ var tilelon = tileLayout.tilelon;
+ var tilelat = tileLayout.tilelat;
+ var minX = (tileLayout.startcol + col) * tilelon;
+ var minY = (tileLayout.startrow - row) * tilelat;
+ return new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+ minX, minY,
+ minX + tilelon, minY + tilelat
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Kamap>} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap(,
+ this.url,
+ this.params,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ if (this.tileSize != null) {
+ obj.tileSize = this.tileSize.clone();
+ }
+ // we do not want to copy reference to grid, so we make a new array
+ obj.grid = [];
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getTileBounds
+ * Returns The tile bounds for a layer given a pixel location.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The location in the viewport.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Bounds of the tile at the given pixel location.
+ */
+ getTileBounds: function(viewPortPx) {
+ var resolution = this.getResolution();
+ var tileMapWidth = resolution * this.tileSize.w;
+ var tileMapHeight = resolution * this.tileSize.h;
+ var mapPoint = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(viewPortPx);
+ var tileLeft = tileMapWidth * Math.floor(mapPoint.lon / tileMapWidth);
+ var tileBottom = tileMapHeight * Math.floor( / tileMapHeight);
+ return new OpenLayers.Bounds(tileLeft, tileBottom,
+ tileLeft + tileMapWidth,
+ tileBottom + tileMapHeight);
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMapCache.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMapCache.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be6bdb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMapCache.js
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/KaMap.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.KaMapCache
+ *
+ * This class is designed to talk directly to a web-accessible ka-Map
+ * cache generated by the precache2.php script.
+ *
+ * To create a a new KaMapCache layer, you must indicate also the "i" parameter
+ * (that will be used to calculate the file extension), and another special
+ * parameter, object names "metaTileSize", with "h" (height) and "w" (width)
+ * properties.
+ *
+ * // Create a new kaMapCache layer.
+ * var kamap_base = new OpenLayers.Layer.KaMapCache(
+ * "Satellite",
+ * "",
+ * {g: "satellite", map: "world", i: 'png24', metaTileSize: {w: 5, h: 5} }
+ * );
+ *
+ * // Create an kaMapCache overlay layer (using "isBaseLayer: false").
+ * // Forces the output to be a "gif", using the "i" parameter.
+ * var kamap_overlay = new OpenLayers.Layer.KaMapCache(
+ * "Streets",
+ * "",
+ * {g: "streets", map: "world", i: "gif", metaTileSize: {w: 5, h: 5} },
+ * {isBaseLayer: false}
+ * );
+ *
+ * The cache URLs must look like:
+ * var/cache/World/50000/Group_Name/def/t-440320/l20480
+ *
+ * This means that the cache generated via tile.php will *not* work with
+ * this class, and should instead use the KaMap layer.
+ *
+ * More information is available in Ticket #1518.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap>
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.KaMapCache = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap, {
+ /**
+ * {Object} Simple hash map to convert format to extension.
+ */
+ 'jpeg': 'jpg',
+ 'gif' : 'gif',
+ 'png' : 'png',
+ 'png8' : 'png',
+ 'png24' : 'png',
+ 'dithered' : 'png'
+ },
+ /**
+ * Constant: DEFAULT_FORMAT
+ * {Object} Simple hash map to convert format to extension.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.KaMapCache
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * url - {String}
+ * params - {Object} Parameters to be sent to the HTTP server in the
+ * query string for the tile. The format can be set via the 'i'
+ * parameter (defaults to jpg) , and the map should be set via
+ * the 'map' parameter. It has been reported that ka-Map may behave
+ * inconsistently if your format parameter does not match the format
+ * parameter configured in your config.php. (See ticket #327 for more
+ * information.)
+ * options - {Object} Additional options for the layer. Any of the
+ * APIProperties listed on this layer, and any layer types it
+ * extends, can be overridden through the options parameter.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.extension = this.IMAGE_EXTENSIONS[this.params.i.toLowerCase() || this.DEFAULT_FORMAT];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
+ * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
+ * parameters
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ var mapRes =;
+ var scale = Math.round(( * 10000)) / 10000;
+ var pX = Math.round(bounds.left / mapRes);
+ var pY = -Math.round( / mapRes);
+ var metaX = Math.floor(pX / this.tileSize.w / this.params.metaTileSize.w) * this.tileSize.w * this.params.metaTileSize.w;
+ var metaY = Math.floor(pY / this.tileSize.h / this.params.metaTileSize.h) * this.tileSize.h * this.params.metaTileSize.h;
+ var components = [
+ "/",
+ "/",
+ scale,
+ "/",
+ this.params.g.replace(/\s/g, '_'),
+ "/def/t",
+ metaY,
+ "/l",
+ metaX,
+ "/t",
+ pY,
+ "l",
+ pX,
+ ".",
+ this.extension
+ ];
+ var url = this.url;
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(components.join(''), url);
+ }
+ return url + components.join("");
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.KaMapCache"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/MapGuide.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/MapGuide.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f7d979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/MapGuide.js
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide
+ * Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide are used to display
+ * data from a MapGuide OS instance.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} Treat this layer as a base layer. Default is true.
+ **/
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: useHttpTile
+ * {Boolean} use a tile cache exposed directly via a webserver rather than the
+ * via mapguide server. This does require extra configuration on the Mapguide Server,
+ * and will only work when singleTile is false. The url for the layer must be set to the
+ * webserver path rather than the Mapguide mapagent.
+ * See
+ **/
+ useHttpTile: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: singleTile
+ * {Boolean} use tile server or request single tile image.
+ **/
+ singleTile: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: useOverlay
+ * {Boolean} flag to indicate if the layer should be retrieved using
+ * GETMAPIMAGE (default) or using GETDYNAMICOVERLAY requests.
+ **/
+ useOverlay: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: useAsyncOverlay
+ * {Boolean} indicates if the MapGuide site supports the asynchronous
+ * GETDYNAMICOVERLAY requests which is available in MapGuide Enterprise 2010
+ * and MapGuide Open Source v2.0.3 or higher. The newer versions of MG
+ * is called asynchronously, allows selections to be drawn separately from
+ * the map and offers styling options.
+ *
+ * With older versions of MapGuide, set useAsyncOverlay=false. Note that in
+ * this case a synchronous AJAX call is issued and the mapname and session
+ * parameters must be used to initialize the layer, not the mapdefinition
+ * parameter. Also note that this will issue a synchronous AJAX request
+ * before the image request can be issued so the users browser may lock
+ * up if the MG Web tier does not respond in a timely fashion.
+ **/
+ useAsyncOverlay: true,
+ /**
+ * Constant: TILE_PARAMS
+ * {Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs for tiled layer
+ */
+ operation: 'GETTILEIMAGE',
+ version: '1.2.0'
+ },
+ /**
+ * {Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs for untiled layer
+ */
+ operation: 'GETMAPIMAGE',
+ format: 'PNG',
+ locale: 'en',
+ clip: '1',
+ version: '1.0.0'
+ },
+ /**
+ * Constant: OVERLAY_PARAMS
+ * {Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs for untiled layer
+ */
+ format: 'PNG',
+ locale: 'en',
+ clip: '1',
+ version: '2.0.0'
+ },
+ /**
+ * Constant: FOLDER_PARAMS
+ * {Object} Hashtable of parameter key/value pairs which describe
+ * the folder structure for tiles as configured in the mapguide
+ * serverconfig.ini section [TileServiceProperties]
+ */
+ tileColumnsPerFolder: 30,
+ tileRowsPerFolder: 30,
+ format: 'png',
+ querystring: null
+ },
+ /**
+ * Property: defaultSize
+ * {<OpenLayers.Size>} Tile size as produced by MapGuide server
+ **/
+ defaultSize: new OpenLayers.Size(300,300),
+ /**
+ * Property: tileOriginCorner
+ * {String} MapGuide tile server uses top-left as tile origin
+ **/
+ tileOriginCorner: "tl",
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide
+ * Create a new Mapguide layer, either tiled or untiled.
+ *
+ * For tiled layers, the 'groupName' and 'mapDefinition' values
+ * must be specified as parameters in the constructor.
+ *
+ * For untiled base layers, specify either combination of 'mapName' and
+ * 'session', or 'mapDefinition' and 'locale'.
+ *
+ * For older versions of MapGuide and overlay layers, set useAsyncOverlay
+ * to false and in this case mapName and session are required parameters
+ * for the constructor.
+ *
+ * NOTE: MapGuide OS uses a DPI value and degrees to meters conversion
+ * factor that are different than the defaults used in OpenLayers,
+ * so these must be adjusted accordingly in your application.
+ * See the MapGuide example for how to set these values for MGOS.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} Name of the layer displayed in the interface
+ * url - {String} Location of the MapGuide mapagent executable
+ * (e.g. http://localhost:8008/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi)
+ * params - {Object} hashtable of additional parameters to use. Some
+ * parameters may require additional code on the server. The ones that
+ * you may want to use are:
+ * - mapDefinition - {String} The MapGuide resource definition
+ * (e.g. Library://Samples/Gmap/Maps/gmapTiled.MapDefinition)
+ * - locale - Locale setting
+ * (for untiled overlays layers only)
+ * - mapName - {String} Name of the map as stored in the MapGuide session.
+ * (for untiled layers with a session parameter only)
+ * - session - { String} MapGuide session ID
+ * (for untiled overlays layers only)
+ * - basemaplayergroupname - {String} GroupName for tiled MapGuide layers only
+ * - format - Image format to be returned (for untiled overlay layers only)
+ * - showLayers - {String} A comma separated list of GUID's for the
+ * layers to display eg: 'cvc-xcv34,453-345-345sdf'.
+ * - hideLayers - {String} A comma separated list of GUID's for the
+ * layers to hide eg: 'cvc-xcv34,453-345-345sdf'.
+ * - showGroups - {String} A comma separated list of GUID's for the
+ * groups to display eg: 'cvc-xcv34,453-345-345sdf'.
+ * - hideGroups - {String} A comma separated list of GUID's for the
+ * groups to hide eg: 'cvc-xcv34,453-345-345sdf'
+ * - selectionXml - {String} A selection xml string Some server plumbing
+ * is required to read such a value.
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer;
+ * will vary depending if tiled or untiled maps are being requested
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ // unless explicitly set in options, if the layer is transparent,
+ // it will be an overlay
+ if (options == null || options.isBaseLayer == null) {
+ this.isBaseLayer = ((this.transparent != "true") &&
+ (this.transparent != true));
+ }
+ if (options && options.useOverlay!=null) {
+ this.useOverlay = options.useOverlay;
+ }
+ //initialize for untiled layers
+ if (this.singleTile) {
+ if (this.useOverlay) {
+ OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params,
+ );
+ if (!this.useAsyncOverlay) {
+ this.params.version = "1.0.0";
+ }
+ } else {
+ OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params,
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ //initialize for tiled layers
+ if (this.useHttpTile) {
+ OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params,
+ );
+ } else {
+ OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params,
+ );
+ }
+ this.setTileSize(this.defaultSize);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide>} An exact clone of this layer
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide(,
+ this.url,
+ this.params,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ * Return a query string for this layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A bounds representing the bbox
+ * for the request
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also
+ * the passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified
+ * as parameters.
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ var url;
+ var center = bounds.getCenterLonLat();
+ var mapSize =;
+ if (this.singleTile) {
+ //set up the call for GETMAPIMAGE or GETDYNAMICMAPOVERLAY with
+ //dynamic map parameters
+ var params = {
+ setdisplaydpi: OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH,
+ setdisplayheight: mapSize.h*this.ratio,
+ setdisplaywidth: mapSize.w*this.ratio,
+ setviewcenterx: center.lon,
+ setviewcentery:,
+ setviewscale:
+ };
+ if (this.useOverlay && !this.useAsyncOverlay) {
+ //first we need to call GETVISIBLEMAPEXTENT to set the extent
+ var getVisParams = {};
+ getVisParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend(getVisParams, params);
+ getVisParams.operation = "GETVISIBLEMAPEXTENT";
+ getVisParams.version = "1.0.0";
+ getVisParams.session = this.params.session;
+ getVisParams.mapName = this.params.mapName;
+ getVisParams.format = 'text/xml';
+ url = this.getFullRequestString( getVisParams );
+ OpenLayers.Request.GET({url: url, async: false});
+ }
+ //construct the full URL
+ url = this.getFullRequestString( params );
+ } else {
+ //tiled version
+ var currentRes =;
+ var colidx = Math.floor((bounds.left-this.maxExtent.left)/currentRes);
+ colidx = Math.round(colidx/this.tileSize.w);
+ var rowidx = Math.floor((;
+ rowidx = Math.round(rowidx/this.tileSize.h);
+ if (this.useHttpTile){
+ url = this.getImageFilePath(
+ {
+ tilecol: colidx,
+ tilerow: rowidx,
+ scaleindex: this.resolutions.length - - 1
+ });
+ } else {
+ url = this.getFullRequestString(
+ {
+ tilecol: colidx,
+ tilerow: rowidx,
+ scaleindex: this.resolutions.length - - 1
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return url;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getFullRequestString
+ * getFullRequestString on MapGuide layers is special, because we
+ * do a regular expression replace on ',' in parameters to '+'.
+ * This is why it is subclassed here.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * altUrl - {String} Alternative base URL to use.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url appropriately encoded for MapGuide
+ */
+ getFullRequestString:function(newParams, altUrl) {
+ // use layer's url unless altUrl passed in
+ var url = (altUrl == null) ? this.url : altUrl;
+ // if url is not a string, it should be an array of strings,
+ // in which case we will randomly select one of them in order
+ // to evenly distribute requests to different urls.
+ if (typeof url == "object") {
+ url = url[Math.floor(Math.random()*url.length)];
+ }
+ // requestString always starts with url
+ var requestString = url;
+ // create a new params hashtable with all the layer params and the
+ // new params together. then convert to string
+ var allParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.params);
+ allParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend(allParams, newParams);
+ // ignore parameters that are already in the url search string
+ var urlParams = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(
+ OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(url));
+ for(var key in allParams) {
+ if(key.toUpperCase() in urlParams) {
+ delete allParams[key];
+ }
+ }
+ var paramsString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(allParams);
+ /* MapGuide needs '+' seperating things like bounds/height/width.
+ Since typically this is URL encoded, we use a slight hack: we
+ depend on the list-like functionality of getParameterString to
+ leave ',' only in the case of list items (since otherwise it is
+ encoded) then do a regular expression replace on the , characters
+ to '+' */
+ paramsString = paramsString.replace(/,/g, "+");
+ if (paramsString != "") {
+ var lastServerChar = url.charAt(url.length - 1);
+ if ((lastServerChar == "&") || (lastServerChar == "?")) {
+ requestString += paramsString;
+ } else {
+ if (url.indexOf('?') == -1) {
+ //serverPath has no ? -- add one
+ requestString += '?' + paramsString;
+ } else {
+ //serverPath contains ?, so must already have paramsString at the end
+ requestString += '&' + paramsString;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return requestString;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getImageFilePath
+ * special handler to request mapguide tiles from an http exposed tilecache
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * altUrl - {String} Alternative base URL to use.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the url for the tile image
+ */
+ getImageFilePath:function(newParams, altUrl) {
+ // use layer's url unless altUrl passed in
+ var url = (altUrl == null) ? this.url : altUrl;
+ // if url is not a string, it should be an array of strings,
+ // in which case we will randomly select one of them in order
+ // to evenly distribute requests to different urls.
+ if (typeof url == "object") {
+ url = url[Math.floor(Math.random()*url.length)];
+ }
+ // requestString always starts with url
+ var requestString = url;
+ var tileRowGroup = "";
+ var tileColGroup = "";
+ if (newParams.tilerow < 0) {
+ tileRowGroup = '-';
+ }
+ if (newParams.tilerow == 0 ) {
+ tileRowGroup += '0';
+ } else {
+ tileRowGroup += Math.floor(Math.abs(newParams.tilerow/this.params.tileRowsPerFolder)) * this.params.tileRowsPerFolder;
+ }
+ if (newParams.tilecol < 0) {
+ tileColGroup = '-';
+ }
+ if (newParams.tilecol == 0) {
+ tileColGroup += '0';
+ } else {
+ tileColGroup += Math.floor(Math.abs(newParams.tilecol/this.params.tileColumnsPerFolder)) * this.params.tileColumnsPerFolder;
+ }
+ var tilePath = '/S' + Math.floor(newParams.scaleindex)
+ + '/' + this.params.basemaplayergroupname
+ + '/R' + tileRowGroup
+ + '/C' + tileColGroup
+ + '/' + (newParams.tilerow % this.params.tileRowsPerFolder)
+ + '_' + (newParams.tilecol % this.params.tileColumnsPerFolder)
+ + '.' + this.params.format;
+ if (this.params.querystring) {
+ tilePath += "?" + this.params.querystring;
+ }
+ requestString += tilePath;
+ return requestString;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/MapServer.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/MapServer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..713035f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/MapServer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer
+ * Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer are used to display
+ * data from a MapServer CGI instance.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * Constant: DEFAULT_PARAMS
+ * {Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs
+ */
+ mode: "map",
+ map_imagetype: "png"
+ },
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer
+ * Create a new MapServer layer object
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer
+ * url - {String} Base url for the MapServer CGI
+ * (e.g.
+ * params - {Object} An object with key/value pairs representing the
+ * GetMap query string parameters and parameter values.
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.params = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params, this.DEFAULT_PARAMS
+ );
+ // unless explicitly set in options, if the layer is transparent,
+ // it will be an overlay
+ if (options == null || options.isBaseLayer == null) {
+ this.isBaseLayer = ((this.params.transparent != "true") &&
+ (this.params.transparent != true));
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer>} An exact clone of this layer
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(,
+ this.url,
+ this.params,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ * Return a query string for this layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A bounds representing the bbox
+ * for the request
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also
+ * the passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified
+ * as parameters.
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ // Make a list, so that getFullRequestString uses literal ","
+ var extent = [bounds.left, bounds. bottom, bounds.right,];
+ var imageSize = this.getImageSize();
+ // make lists, so that literal ','s are used
+ var url = this.getFullRequestString(
+ {mapext: extent,
+ imgext: extent,
+ map_size: [imageSize.w, imageSize.h],
+ imgx: imageSize.w / 2,
+ imgy: imageSize.h / 2,
+ imgxy: [imageSize.w, imageSize.h]
+ });
+ return url;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getFullRequestString
+ * combine the layer's url with its params and these newParams.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newParams - {Object} New parameters that should be added to the
+ * request string.
+ * altUrl - {String} (optional) Replace the URL in the full request
+ * string with the provided URL.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters embedded in it.
+ */
+ getFullRequestString:function(newParams, altUrl) {
+ // use layer's url unless altUrl passed in
+ var url = (altUrl == null) ? this.url : altUrl;
+ // create a new params hashtable with all the layer params and the
+ // new params together. then convert to string
+ var allParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.params);
+ allParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend(allParams, newParams);
+ var paramsString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(allParams);
+ // if url is not a string, it should be an array of strings,
+ // in which case we will deterministically select one of them in
+ // order to evenly distribute requests to different urls.
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(paramsString, url);
+ }
+ // ignore parameters that are already in the url search string
+ var urlParams = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(
+ OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(url));
+ for(var key in allParams) {
+ if(key.toUpperCase() in urlParams) {
+ delete allParams[key];
+ }
+ }
+ paramsString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(allParams);
+ // requestString always starts with url
+ var requestString = url;
+ // MapServer needs '+' seperating things like bounds/height/width.
+ // Since typically this is URL encoded, we use a slight hack: we
+ // depend on the list-like functionality of getParameterString to
+ // leave ',' only in the case of list items (since otherwise it is
+ // encoded) then do a regular expression replace on the , characters
+ // to '+'
+ //
+ paramsString = paramsString.replace(/,/g, "+");
+ if (paramsString != "") {
+ var lastServerChar = url.charAt(url.length - 1);
+ if ((lastServerChar == "&") || (lastServerChar == "?")) {
+ requestString += paramsString;
+ } else {
+ if (url.indexOf('?') == -1) {
+ //serverPath has no ? -- add one
+ requestString += '?' + paramsString;
+ } else {
+ //serverPath contains ?, so must already have paramsString at the end
+ requestString += '&' + paramsString;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return requestString;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de848d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Markers
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Markers = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} Markers layer is never a base layer.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: markers
+ * {Array(<OpenLayers.Marker>)} internal marker list
+ */
+ markers: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: drawn
+ * {Boolean} internal state of drawing. This is a workaround for the fact
+ * that the map does not call moveTo with a zoomChanged when the map is
+ * first starting up. This lets us catch the case where we have *never*
+ * drawn the layer, and draw it even if the zoom hasn't changed.
+ */
+ drawn: false,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Markers
+ * Create a Markers layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.markers = [];
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.clearMarkers();
+ this.markers = null;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setOpacity
+ * Sets the opacity for all the markers.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * opacity - {Float}
+ */
+ setOpacity: function(opacity) {
+ if (opacity != this.opacity) {
+ this.opacity = opacity;
+ for (var i=0, len=this.markers.length; i<len; i++) {
+ this.markers[i].setOpacity(this.opacity);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ * zoomChanged - {Boolean}
+ * dragging - {Boolean}
+ */
+ moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (zoomChanged || !this.drawn) {
+ for(var i=0, len=this.markers.length; i<len; i++) {
+ this.drawMarker(this.markers[i]);
+ }
+ this.drawn = true;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: addMarker
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * marker - {<OpenLayers.Marker>}
+ */
+ addMarker: function(marker) {
+ this.markers.push(marker);
+ if (this.opacity < 1) {
+ marker.setOpacity(this.opacity);
+ }
+ if ( && {
+ =;
+ this.drawMarker(marker);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: removeMarker
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * marker - {<OpenLayers.Marker>}
+ */
+ removeMarker: function(marker) {
+ if (this.markers && this.markers.length) {
+ OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.markers, marker);
+ marker.erase();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clearMarkers
+ * This method removes all markers from a layer. The markers are not
+ * destroyed by this function, but are removed from the list of markers.
+ */
+ clearMarkers: function() {
+ if (this.markers != null) {
+ while(this.markers.length > 0) {
+ this.removeMarker(this.markers[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: drawMarker
+ * Calculate the pixel location for the marker, create it, and
+ * add it to the layer's div
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * marker - {<OpenLayers.Marker>}
+ */
+ drawMarker: function(marker) {
+ var px =;
+ if (px == null) {
+ marker.display(false);
+ } else {
+ if (!marker.isDrawn()) {
+ var markerImg = marker.draw(px);
+ this.div.appendChild(markerImg);
+ } else if(marker.icon) {
+ marker.icon.moveTo(px);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getDataExtent
+ * Calculates the max extent which includes all of the markers.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ getDataExtent: function () {
+ var maxExtent = null;
+ if ( this.markers && (this.markers.length > 0)) {
+ var maxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
+ for(var i=0, len=this.markers.length; i<len; i++) {
+ var marker = this.markers[i];
+ maxExtent.extend(marker.lonlat);
+ }
+ }
+ return maxExtent;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Markers"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/OSM.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/OSM.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49150fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/OSM.js
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM
+ * This layer allows accessing OpenStreetMap tiles. By default the OpenStreetMap
+ * hosted Mapnik tileset is used. If you wish to use
+ * a different layer instead, you need to provide a different
+ * URL to the constructor. Here's an example for using OpenCycleMap:
+ *
+ * (code)
+ * new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OpenCycleMap",
+ * ["${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ * "${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ * "${z}/${x}/${y}.png"]);
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.OSM = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: name
+ * {String} The layer name. Defaults to "OpenStreetMap" if the first
+ * argument to the constructor is null or undefined.
+ */
+ name: "OpenStreetMap",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: url
+ * {String} The tileset URL scheme. Defaults to
+ * : http://[a|b|c]${z}/${x}/${y}.png
+ * (the official OSM tileset) if the second argument to the constructor
+ * is null or undefined. To use another tileset you can have something
+ * like this:
+ * (code)
+ * new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OpenCycleMap",
+ * ["${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ * "${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ * "${z}/${x}/${y}.png"]);
+ * (end)
+ */
+ url: [
+ '${z}/${x}/${y}.png',
+ '${z}/${x}/${y}.png',
+ '${z}/${x}/${y}.png'
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Property: attribution
+ * {String} The layer attribution.
+ */
+ attribution: "&copy; <a href=''>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors",
+ /**
+ * Property: sphericalMercator
+ * {Boolean}
+ */
+ sphericalMercator: true,
+ /**
+ * Property: wrapDateLine
+ * {Boolean}
+ */
+ wrapDateLine: true,
+ /** APIProperty: tileOptions
+ * {Object} optional configuration options for <OpenLayers.Tile> instances
+ * created by this Layer. Default is
+ *
+ * (code)
+ * {crossOriginKeyword: 'anonymous'}
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * When using OSM tilesets other than the default ones, it may be
+ * necessary to set this to
+ *
+ * (code)
+ * {crossOriginKeyword: null}
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * if the server does not send Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers.
+ */
+ tileOptions: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} The layer name.
+ * url - {String} The tileset URL scheme.
+ * options - {Object} Configuration options for the layer. Any inherited
+ * layer option can be set in this object (e.g.
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.buffer>).
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.tileOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
+ crossOriginKeyword: 'anonymous'
+ }, this.options && this.options.tileOptions);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ */
+ clone: function(obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(
+, this.url, this.getOptions());
+ }
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ return obj;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.OSM"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/PointGrid.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/PointGrid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10a4d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/PointGrid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Polygon.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.PointGrid
+ * A point grid layer dynamically generates a regularly spaced grid of point
+ * features. This is a specialty layer for cases where an application needs
+ * a regular grid of points. It can be used, for example, in an editing
+ * environment to snap to a grid.
+ *
+ * Create a new vector layer with the <OpenLayers.Layer.PointGrid> constructor.
+ * (code)
+ * // create a grid with points spaced at 10 map units
+ * var points = new OpenLayers.Layer.PointGrid({dx: 10, dy: 10});
+ *
+ * // create a grid with different x/y spacing rotated 15 degrees clockwise.
+ * var points = new OpenLayers.Layer.PointGrid({dx: 5, dy: 10, rotation: 15});
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.PointGrid = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Vector, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: dx
+ * {Number} Point grid spacing in the x-axis direction (map units).
+ * Read-only. Use the <setSpacing> method to modify this value.
+ */
+ dx: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: dy
+ * {Number} Point grid spacing in the y-axis direction (map units).
+ * Read-only. Use the <setSpacing> method to modify this value.
+ */
+ dy: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: ratio
+ * {Number} Ratio of the desired grid size to the map viewport size.
+ * Default is 1.5. Larger ratios mean the grid is recalculated less often
+ * while panning. The <maxFeatures> setting has precedence when determining
+ * grid size. Read-only. Use the <setRatio> method to modify this value.
+ */
+ ratio: 1.5,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: maxFeatures
+ * {Number} The maximum number of points to generate in the grid. Default
+ * is 250. Read-only. Use the <setMaxFeatures> method to modify this value.
+ */
+ maxFeatures: 250,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: rotation
+ * {Number} Grid rotation (in degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis).
+ * Default is 0. Read-only. Use the <setRotation> method to modify this
+ * value.
+ */
+ rotation: 0,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: origin
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} Grid origin. The grid lattice will be aligned with
+ * the origin. If not set at construction, the center of the map's maximum
+ * extent is used. Read-only. Use the <setOrigin> method to modify this
+ * value.
+ */
+ origin: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: gridBounds
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Internally cached grid bounds (with optional
+ * rotation applied).
+ */
+ gridBounds: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.PointGrid
+ * Creates a new point grid layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * config - {Object} An object containing all configuration properties for
+ * the layer. The <dx> and <dy> properties are required to be set at
+ * construction. Any other layer properties may be set in this object.
+ */
+ initialize: function(config) {
+ config = config || {};
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [, config]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setMap
+ * The layer has been added to the map.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+"moveend", this, this.onMoveEnd);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeMap
+ * The layer has been removed from the map.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ removeMap: function(map) {
+"moveend", this, this.onMoveEnd);
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.removeMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setRatio
+ * Set the grid <ratio> property and update the grid. Can only be called
+ * after the layer has been added to a map with a center/extent.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * ratio - {Number}
+ */
+ setRatio: function(ratio) {
+ this.ratio = ratio;
+ this.updateGrid(true);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setMaxFeatures
+ * Set the grid <maxFeatures> property and update the grid. Can only be
+ * called after the layer has been added to a map with a center/extent.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * maxFeatures - {Number}
+ */
+ setMaxFeatures: function(maxFeatures) {
+ this.maxFeatures = maxFeatures;
+ this.updateGrid(true);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setSpacing
+ * Set the grid <dx> and <dy> properties and update the grid. If only one
+ * argument is provided, it will be set as <dx> and <dy>. Can only be
+ * called after the layer has been added to a map with a center/extent.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * dx - {Number}
+ * dy - {Number}
+ */
+ setSpacing: function(dx, dy) {
+ this.dx = dx;
+ this.dy = dy || dx;
+ this.updateGrid(true);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setOrigin
+ * Set the grid <origin> property and update the grid. Can only be called
+ * after the layer has been added to a map with a center/extent.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * origin - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
+ */
+ setOrigin: function(origin) {
+ this.origin = origin;
+ this.updateGrid(true);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getOrigin
+ * Get the grid <origin> property.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The grid origin.
+ */
+ getOrigin: function() {
+ if (!this.origin) {
+ this.origin =;
+ }
+ return this.origin;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setRotation
+ * Set the grid <rotation> property and update the grid. Rotation values
+ * are in degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis (negative values
+ * for counter-clockwise rotation). Can only be called after the layer
+ * has been added to a map with a center/extent.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * rotation - {Number} Degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis.
+ */
+ setRotation: function(rotation) {
+ this.rotation = rotation;
+ this.updateGrid(true);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: onMoveEnd
+ * Listener for map "moveend" events.
+ */
+ onMoveEnd: function() {
+ this.updateGrid();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getViewBounds
+ * Gets the (potentially rotated) view bounds for grid calculations.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ */
+ getViewBounds: function() {
+ var bounds =;
+ if (this.rotation) {
+ var origin = this.getOrigin();
+ var rotationOrigin = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(origin.lon,;
+ var rect = bounds.toGeometry();
+ rect.rotate(-this.rotation, rotationOrigin);
+ bounds = rect.getBounds();
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: updateGrid
+ * Update the grid.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * force - {Boolean} Update the grid even if the previous bounds are still
+ * valid.
+ */
+ updateGrid: function(force) {
+ if (force || this.invalidBounds()) {
+ var viewBounds = this.getViewBounds();
+ var origin = this.getOrigin();
+ var rotationOrigin = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(origin.lon,;
+ var viewBoundsWidth = viewBounds.getWidth();
+ var viewBoundsHeight = viewBounds.getHeight();
+ var aspectRatio = viewBoundsWidth / viewBoundsHeight;
+ var maxHeight = Math.sqrt(this.dx * this.dy * this.maxFeatures / aspectRatio);
+ var maxWidth = maxHeight * aspectRatio;
+ var gridWidth = Math.min(viewBoundsWidth * this.ratio, maxWidth);
+ var gridHeight = Math.min(viewBoundsHeight * this.ratio, maxHeight);
+ var center = viewBounds.getCenterLonLat();
+ this.gridBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+ center.lon - (gridWidth / 2),
+ - (gridHeight / 2),
+ center.lon + (gridWidth / 2),
+ + (gridHeight / 2)
+ );
+ var rows = Math.floor(gridHeight / this.dy);
+ var cols = Math.floor(gridWidth / this.dx);
+ var gridLeft = origin.lon + (this.dx * Math.ceil((this.gridBounds.left - origin.lon) / this.dx));
+ var gridBottom = + (this.dy * Math.ceil((this.gridBounds.bottom - / this.dy));
+ var features = new Array(rows * cols);
+ var x, y, point;
+ for (var i=0; i<cols; ++i) {
+ x = gridLeft + (i * this.dx);
+ for (var j=0; j<rows; ++j) {
+ y = gridBottom + (j * this.dy);
+ point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(x, y);
+ if (this.rotation) {
+ point.rotate(this.rotation, rotationOrigin);
+ }
+ features[(i*rows)+j] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point);
+ }
+ }
+ this.destroyFeatures(this.features, {silent: true});
+ this.addFeatures(features, {silent: true});
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: invalidBounds
+ * Determine whether the previously generated point grid is invalid.
+ * This occurs when the map bounds extends beyond the previously
+ * generated grid bounds.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Boolean}
+ */
+ invalidBounds: function() {
+ return !this.gridBounds || !this.gridBounds.containsBounds(this.getViewBounds());
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.PointGrid"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/PointTrack.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/PointTrack.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..accfac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/PointTrack.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack
+ * Vector layer to display ordered point features as a line, creating one
+ * LineString feature for each pair of two points.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Vector, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: dataFrom
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.TARGET_NODE>} or
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.SOURCE_NODE>} optional. If the lines
+ * should get the data/attributes from one of the two points it is
+ * composed of, which one should it be?
+ */
+ dataFrom: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: styleFrom
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.TARGET_NODE>} or
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.SOURCE_NODE>} optional. If the lines
+ * should get the style from one of the two points it is composed of,
+ * which one should it be?
+ */
+ styleFrom: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.PointTrack
+ * Constructor for a new OpenLayers.PointTrack instance.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} name of the layer
+ * options - {Object} Optional object with properties to tag onto the
+ * instance.
+ */
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: addNodes
+ * Adds point features that will be used to create lines from, using point
+ * pairs. The first point of a pair will be the source node, the second
+ * will be the target node.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * pointFeatures - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature>)}
+ * options - {Object}
+ *
+ * Supported options:
+ * silent - {Boolean} true to suppress (before)feature(s)added events
+ */
+ addNodes: function(pointFeatures, options) {
+ if (pointFeatures.length < 2) {
+ throw new Error("At least two point features have to be added to " +
+ "create a line from");
+ }
+ var lines = new Array(pointFeatures.length-1);
+ var pointFeature, startPoint, endPoint;
+ for(var i=0, len=pointFeatures.length; i<len; i++) {
+ pointFeature = pointFeatures[i];
+ endPoint = pointFeature.geometry;
+ if (!endPoint) {
+ var lonlat = pointFeature.lonlat;
+ endPoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lonlat.lon,;
+ } else if(endPoint.CLASS_NAME != "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
+ throw new TypeError("Only features with point geometries are supported.");
+ }
+ if(i > 0) {
+ var attributes = (this.dataFrom != null) ?
+ (pointFeatures[i+this.dataFrom].data ||
+ pointFeatures[i+this.dataFrom].attributes) :
+ null;
+ var style = (this.styleFrom != null) ?
+ (pointFeatures[i+this.styleFrom].style) :
+ null;
+ var line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([startPoint,
+ endPoint]);
+ lines[i-1] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(line, attributes,
+ style);
+ }
+ startPoint = endPoint;
+ }
+ this.addFeatures(lines, options);
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack"
+ * Constant: OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.SOURCE_NODE
+ * {Number} value for <OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.dataFrom> and
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.styleFrom>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.SOURCE_NODE = -1;
+ * Constant: OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.TARGET_NODE
+ * {Number} value for <OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.dataFrom> and
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.styleFrom>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.TARGET_NODE = 0;
+ * Constant: OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.dataFrom
+ * {Object} with the following keys - *deprecated*
+ * - SOURCE_NODE: take data/attributes from the source node of the line
+ * - TARGET_NODE: take data/attributes from the target node of the line
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.dataFrom = {'SOURCE_NODE': -1, 'TARGET_NODE': 0};
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/SphericalMercator.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/SphericalMercator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60bb2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/SphericalMercator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Projection.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator
+ * A mixin for layers that wraps up the pieces neccesary to have a coordinate
+ * conversion for working with commercial APIs which use a spherical
+ * mercator projection. Using this layer as a base layer, additional
+ * layers can be used as overlays if they are in the same projection.
+ *
+ * A layer is given properties of this object by setting the sphericalMercator
+ * property to true.
+ *
+ * More projection information:
+ * -
+ *
+ * Proj4 Text:
+ * +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0
+ * +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs
+ *
+ * WKT:
+ * 900913=PROJCS["WGS84 / Simple Mercator", GEOGCS["WGS 84",
+ * DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],
+ * PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0], UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295],
+ * AXIS["Longitude", EAST], AXIS["Latitude", NORTH]],
+ * PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP_Google"],
+ * PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 0.0], PARAMETER["central_meridian", 0.0],
+ * PARAMETER["scale_factor", 1.0], PARAMETER["false_easting", 0.0],
+ * PARAMETER["false_northing", 0.0], UNIT["m", 1.0], AXIS["x", EAST],
+ * AXIS["y", NORTH], AUTHORITY["EPSG","900913"]]
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator = {
+ /**
+ * Method: getExtent
+ * Get the map's extent.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The map extent.
+ */
+ getExtent: function() {
+ var extent = null;
+ if (this.sphericalMercator) {
+ extent =;
+ } else {
+ extent = OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels.prototype.getExtent.apply(this);
+ }
+ return extent;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getLonLatFromViewPortPx
+ * Get a map location from a pixel location
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat which is the passed-in view
+ * port OpenLayers.Pixel, translated into lon/lat by map lib
+ * If the map lib is not loaded or not centered, returns null
+ */
+ getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx) {
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getLonLatFromViewPortPx.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getViewPortPxFromLonLat
+ * Get a pixel location from a map location
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel which is the passed-in
+ * OpenLayers.LonLat, translated into view port pixels by map lib
+ * If map lib is not loaded or not centered, returns null
+ */
+ getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getViewPortPxFromLonLat.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: initMercatorParameters
+ * Set up the mercator parameters on the layer: resolutions,
+ * projection, units.
+ */
+ initMercatorParameters: function() {
+ // set up properties for Mercator - assume EPSG:900913
+ this.RESOLUTIONS = [];
+ var maxResolution = 156543.03390625;
+ for(var zoom=0; zoom<=this.MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL; ++zoom) {
+ this.RESOLUTIONS[zoom] = maxResolution / Math.pow(2, zoom);
+ }
+ this.units = "m";
+ this.projection = this.projection || "EPSG:900913";
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: forwardMercator
+ * Given a lon,lat in EPSG:4326, return a point in Spherical Mercator.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * lon - {float}
+ * lat - {float}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The coordinates transformed to Mercator.
+ */
+ forwardMercator: (function() {
+ var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
+ var sm = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
+ return function(lon, lat) {
+ var point = OpenLayers.Projection.transform({x: lon, y: lat}, gg, sm);
+ return new OpenLayers.LonLat(point.x, point.y);
+ };
+ })(),
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: inverseMercator
+ * Given a x,y in Spherical Mercator, return a point in EPSG:4326.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * x - {float} A map x in Spherical Mercator.
+ * y - {float} A map y in Spherical Mercator.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The coordinates transformed to EPSG:4326.
+ */
+ inverseMercator: (function() {
+ var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
+ var sm = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
+ return function(x, y) {
+ var point = OpenLayers.Projection.transform({x: x, y: y}, sm, gg);
+ return new OpenLayers.LonLat(point.x, point.y);
+ };
+ })()
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/TMS.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/TMS.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab76847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/TMS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.TMS
+ * Create a layer for accessing tiles from services that conform with the
+ * Tile Map Service Specification
+ * (
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * (code)
+ * var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
+ * "My Layer", // name for display in LayerSwitcher
+ * "", // service endpoint
+ * {layername: "basic", type: "png"} // required properties
+ * );
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.TMS = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: serviceVersion
+ * {String} Service version for tile requests. Default is "1.0.0".
+ */
+ serviceVersion: "1.0.0",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: layername
+ * {String} The identifier for the <TileMap> as advertised by the service.
+ * For example, if the service advertises a <TileMap> with
+ * 'href=""', the <layername> property
+ * would be set to "vmap0".
+ */
+ layername: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: type
+ * {String} The format extension corresponding to the requested tile image
+ * type. This is advertised in a <TileFormat> element as the
+ * "extension" attribute. For example, if the service advertises a
+ * <TileMap> with <TileFormat width="256" height="256" mime-type="image/jpeg" extension="jpg" />,
+ * the <type> property would be set to "jpg".
+ */
+ type: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} Make this layer a base layer. Default is true. Set false to
+ * use the layer as an overlay.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: tileOrigin
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} Optional origin for aligning the grid of tiles.
+ * If provided, requests for tiles at all resolutions will be aligned
+ * with this location (no tiles shall overlap this location). If
+ * not provided, the grid of tiles will be aligned with the bottom-left
+ * corner of the map's <maxExtent>. Default is ``null``.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * (code)
+ * var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
+ * "My Layer",
+ * "",
+ * {
+ * layername: "basic",
+ * type: "png",
+ * // set if different than the bottom left of map.maxExtent
+ * tileOrigin: new OpenLayers.LonLat(-180, -90)
+ * }
+ * );
+ * (end)
+ */
+ tileOrigin: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: serverResolutions
+ * {Array} A list of all resolutions available on the server. Only set this
+ * property if the map resolutions differ from the server. This
+ * property serves two purposes. (a) <serverResolutions> can include
+ * resolutions that the server supports and that you don't want to
+ * provide with this layer; you can also look at <zoomOffset>, which is
+ * an alternative to <serverResolutions> for that specific purpose.
+ * (b) The map can work with resolutions that aren't supported by
+ * the server, i.e. that aren't in <serverResolutions>. When the
+ * map is displayed in such a resolution data for the closest
+ * server-supported resolution is loaded and the layer div is
+ * stretched as necessary.
+ */
+ serverResolutions: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: zoomOffset
+ * {Number} If your cache has more zoom levels than you want to provide
+ * access to with this layer, supply a zoomOffset. This zoom offset
+ * is added to the current map zoom level to determine the level
+ * for a requested tile. For example, if you supply a zoomOffset
+ * of 3, when the map is at the zoom 0, tiles will be requested from
+ * level 3 of your cache. Default is 0 (assumes cache level and map
+ * zoom are equivalent). Using <zoomOffset> is an alternative to
+ * setting <serverResolutions> if you only want to expose a subset
+ * of the server resolutions.
+ */
+ zoomOffset: 0,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.TMS
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} Title to be displayed in a <OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher>
+ * url - {String} Service endpoint (without the version number). E.g.
+ * "".
+ * options - {Object} Additional properties to be set on the layer. The
+ * <layername> and <type> properties must be set here.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, options) {
+ var newArguments = [];
+ newArguments.push(name, url, {}, options);
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ * Create a complete copy of this layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object} Should only be provided by subclasses that call this
+ * method.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.TMS>} An exact clone of this <OpenLayers.Layer.TMS>
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(,
+ this.url,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
+ * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
+ * parameters
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ var res = this.getServerResolution();
+ var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.tileOrigin.lon) / (res * this.tileSize.w));
+ var y = Math.round((bounds.bottom - / (res * this.tileSize.h));
+ var z = this.getServerZoom();
+ var path = this.serviceVersion + "/" + this.layername + "/" + z + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + this.type;
+ var url = this.url;
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(path, url);
+ }
+ return url + path;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setMap
+ * When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin
+ * (if we don't have one.)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (!this.tileOrigin) {
+ this.tileOrigin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(,
+ }
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.TMS"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Text.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Text.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a4c9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Text.js
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/Text.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Text
+ * This layer creates markers given data in a text file. The <location>
+ * property of the layer (specified as a property of the options argument
+ * in the <OpenLayers.Layer.Text> constructor) points to a tab delimited
+ * file with data used to create markers.
+ *
+ * The first row of the data file should be a header line with the column names
+ * of the data. Each column should be delimited by a tab space. The
+ * possible columns are:
+ * - *point* lat,lon of the point where a marker is to be placed
+ * - *lat* Latitude of the point where a marker is to be placed
+ * - *lon* Longitude of the point where a marker is to be placed
+ * - *icon* or *image* URL of marker icon to use.
+ * - *iconSize* Size of Icon to use.
+ * - *iconOffset* Where the top-left corner of the icon is to be placed
+ * relative to the latitude and longitude of the point.
+ * - *title* The text of the 'title' is placed inside an 'h2' marker
+ * inside a popup, which opens when the marker is clicked.
+ * - *description* The text of the 'description' is placed below the h2
+ * in the popup. this can be plain text or HTML.
+ *
+ * Example text file:
+ * (code)
+ * lat lon title description iconSize iconOffset icon
+ * 10 20 title description 21,25 -10,-25
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Markers>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Text = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Markers, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: location
+ * {String} URL of text file. Must be specified in the "options" argument
+ * of the constructor. Can not be changed once passed in.
+ */
+ location:null,
+ /**
+ * Property: features
+ * {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature>)}
+ */
+ features: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: formatOptions
+ * {Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is
+ * created. Must be passed in the constructor.
+ */
+ formatOptions: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: selectedFeature
+ * {<OpenLayers.Feature>}
+ */
+ selectedFeature: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Text
+ * Create a text layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * options - {Object} Object with properties to be set on the layer.
+ * Must include <location> property.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.features = [];
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ // Warning: Layer.Markers.destroy() must be called prior to calling
+ // clearFeatures() here, otherwise we leak memory. Indeed, if
+ // Layer.Markers.destroy() is called after clearFeatures(), it won't be
+ // able to remove the marker image elements from the layer's div since
+ // the markers will have been destroyed by clearFeatures().
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.clearFeatures();
+ this.features = null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: loadText
+ * Start the load of the Text data. Don't do this when we first add the layer,
+ * since we may not be visible at any point, and it would therefore be a waste.
+ */
+ loadText: function() {
+ if (!this.loaded) {
+ if (this.location != null) {
+ var onFail = function(e) {
+ };
+ OpenLayers.Request.GET({
+ url: this.location,
+ success: this.parseData,
+ failure: onFail,
+ scope: this
+ });
+ this.loaded = true;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ * If layer is visible and Text has not been loaded, load Text.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {Object}
+ * zoomChanged - {Object}
+ * minor - {Object}
+ */
+ moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, minor) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ if(this.visibility && !this.loaded){
+ this.loadText();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: parseData
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * ajaxRequest - {<OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest>}
+ */
+ parseData: function(ajaxRequest) {
+ var text = ajaxRequest.responseText;
+ var options = {};
+ OpenLayers.Util.extend(options, this.formatOptions);
+ if ( && !this.projection.equals( {
+ options.externalProjection = this.projection;
+ options.internalProjection =;
+ }
+ var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.Text(options);
+ var features =;
+ for (var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; i++) {
+ var data = {};
+ var feature = features[i];
+ var location;
+ var iconSize, iconOffset;
+ location = new OpenLayers.LonLat(feature.geometry.x,
+ feature.geometry.y);
+ if (
+ && {
+ iconSize = new OpenLayers.Size(
+ }
+ // FIXME: At the moment, we only use this if we have an
+ // externalGraphic, because icon has no setOffset API Method.
+ /**
+ * The Text format does all sorts of parseFloating
+ * The result of a parseFloat for a bogus string is NaN. That
+ * means the three possible values here are undefined, NaN, or a
+ * number. The previous check was an identity check for null. This
+ * means it was failing for all undefined or NaN. A slightly better
+ * check is for undefined. An even better check is to see if the
+ * value is a number (see #1441).
+ */
+ if ( !== undefined
+ && !== undefined) {
+ iconOffset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(
+ }
+ if ( != null) {
+ data.icon = new OpenLayers.Icon(,
+ iconSize,
+ iconOffset);
+ } else {
+ data.icon = OpenLayers.Marker.defaultIcon();
+ //allows for the case where the image url is not
+ // specified but the size is. use a default icon
+ // but change the size
+ if (iconSize != null) {
+ data.icon.setSize(iconSize);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((feature.attributes.title != null)
+ && (feature.attributes.description != null)) {
+ data['popupContentHTML'] =
+ '<h2>'+feature.attributes.title+'</h2>' +
+ '<p>'+feature.attributes.description+'</p>';
+ }
+ data['overflow'] = feature.attributes.overflow || "auto";
+ var markerFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature(this, location, data);
+ this.features.push(markerFeature);
+ var marker = markerFeature.createMarker();
+ if ((feature.attributes.title != null)
+ && (feature.attributes.description != null)) {
+'click', markerFeature, this.markerClick);
+ }
+ this.addMarker(marker);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Property: markerClick
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * evt - {Event}
+ *
+ * Context:
+ * - {<OpenLayers.Feature>}
+ */
+ markerClick: function(evt) {
+ var sameMarkerClicked = (this == this.layer.selectedFeature);
+ this.layer.selectedFeature = (!sameMarkerClicked) ? this : null;
+ for(var i=0,; i<len; i++) {
+ }
+ if (!sameMarkerClicked) {
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clearFeatures
+ */
+ clearFeatures: function() {
+ if (this.features != null) {
+ while(this.features.length > 0) {
+ var feature = this.features[0];
+ OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.features, feature);
+ feature.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Text"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/TileCache.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/TileCache.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b336be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/TileCache.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache
+ * A read only TileCache layer. Used to requests tiles cached by TileCache in
+ * a web accessible cache. This means that you have to pre-populate your
+ * cache before this layer can be used. It is meant only to read tiles
+ * created by TileCache, and not to make calls to TileCache for tile
+ * creation. Create a new instance with the
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache> constructor.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} Treat this layer as a base layer. Default is true.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: format
+ * {String} Mime type of the images returned. Default is image/png.
+ */
+ format: 'image/png',
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: serverResolutions
+ * {Array} A list of all resolutions available on the server. Only set this
+ * property if the map resolutions differ from the server. This
+ * property serves two purposes. (a) <serverResolutions> can include
+ * resolutions that the server supports and that you don't want to
+ * provide with this layer. (b) The map can work with resolutions
+ * that aren't supported by the server, i.e. that aren't in
+ * <serverResolutions>. When the map is displayed in such a resolution
+ * data for the closest server-supported resolution is loaded and the
+ * layer div is stretched as necessary.
+ */
+ serverResolutions: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache
+ * Create a new read only TileCache layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} Name of the layer displayed in the interface
+ * url - {String} Location of the web accessible cache (not the location of
+ * your tilecache script!)
+ * layername - {String} Layer name as defined in the TileCache
+ * configuration
+ * options - {Object} Optional object with properties to be set on the
+ * layer. Note that you should speficy your resolutions to match
+ * your TileCache configuration. This can be done by setting
+ * the resolutions array directly (here or on the map), by setting
+ * maxResolution and numZoomLevels, or by using scale based properties.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, layername, options) {
+ this.layername = layername;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this,
+ [name, url, {}, options]);
+ this.extension = this.format.split('/')[1].toLowerCase();
+ this.extension = (this.extension == 'jpg') ? 'jpeg' : this.extension;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ * obj - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache>} An exact clone of this
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache>
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache(,
+ this.url,
+ this.layername,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
+ * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as parameters.
+ */
+ getURL: function(bounds) {
+ var res = this.getServerResolution();
+ var bbox = this.maxExtent;
+ var size = this.tileSize;
+ var tileX = Math.round((bounds.left - bbox.left) / (res * size.w));
+ var tileY = Math.round((bounds.bottom - bbox.bottom) / (res * size.h));
+ var tileZ = this.serverResolutions != null ?
+ OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.serverResolutions, res) :
+ var components = [
+ this.layername,
+ OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad(tileZ, 2),
+ OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad(parseInt(tileX / 1000000), 3),
+ OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad((parseInt(tileX / 1000) % 1000), 3),
+ OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad((parseInt(tileX) % 1000), 3),
+ OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad(parseInt(tileY / 1000000), 3),
+ OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad((parseInt(tileY / 1000) % 1000), 3),
+ OpenLayers.Number.zeroPad((parseInt(tileY) % 1000), 3) + '.' + this.extension
+ ];
+ var path = components.join('/');
+ var url = this.url;
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(path, url);
+ }
+ url = (url.charAt(url.length - 1) == '/') ? url : url + '/';
+ return url + path;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/UTFGrid.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/UTFGrid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..878cb4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/UTFGrid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Tile/UTFGrid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid
+ * This Layer reads from UTFGrid tiled data sources. Since UTFGrids are
+ * essentially JSON-based ASCII art with attached attributes, they are not
+ * visibly rendered. In order to use them in the map, you must add a
+ * <OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid> control as well.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * (start code)
+ * var world_utfgrid = new OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid({
+ * url: "/tiles/world_utfgrid/${z}/${x}/${y}.json",
+ * utfgridResolution: 4,
+ * displayInLayerSwitcher: false
+ * );
+ * map.addLayer(world_utfgrid);
+ *
+ * var control = new OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid({
+ * layers: [world_utfgrid],
+ * handlerMode: 'move',
+ * callback: function(dataLookup) {
+ * // do something with returned data
+ * }
+ * })
+ * (end code)
+ *
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * Default is false, as UTFGrids are designed to be a transparent overlay layer.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: projection
+ * {<OpenLayers.Projection>}
+ * Source projection for the UTFGrids. Default is "EPSG:900913".
+ */
+ projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
+ /**
+ * Property: useJSONP
+ * {Boolean}
+ * Should we use a JSONP script approach instead of a standard AJAX call?
+ *
+ * Set to true for using utfgrids from another server.
+ * Avoids same-domain policy restrictions.
+ * Note that this only works if the server accepts
+ * the callback GET parameter and dynamically
+ * wraps the returned json in a function call.
+ *
+ * Default is false
+ */
+ useJSONP: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: url
+ * {String}
+ * URL tempate for UTFGrid tiles. Include x, y, and z parameters.
+ * E.g. "/tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.json"
+ */
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: utfgridResolution
+ * {Number}
+ * Ratio of the pixel width to the width of a UTFGrid data point. If an
+ * entry in the grid represents a 4x4 block of pixels, the
+ * utfgridResolution would be 4. Default is 2 (specified in
+ * <OpenLayers.Tile.UTFGrid>).
+ */
+ /**
+ * Property: tileClass
+ * {<OpenLayers.Tile>} The tile class to use for this layer.
+ * Defaults is <OpenLayers.Tile.UTFGrid>.
+ */
+ tileClass: OpenLayers.Tile.UTFGrid,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid
+ * Create a new UTFGrid layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * config - {Object} Configuration properties for the layer.
+ *
+ * Required configuration properties:
+ * url - {String} The url template for UTFGrid tiles. See the <url> property.
+ */
+ initialize: function(options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(
+ this, [, options.url, {}, options]
+ );
+ this.tileOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
+ utfgridResolution: this.utfgridResolution
+ }, this.tileOptions);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: createBackBuffer
+ * The UTFGrid cannot create a back buffer, so this method is overriden.
+ */
+ createBackBuffer: function() {},
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object} Only used by a subclass of this layer.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid>} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid(this.getOptions());
+ }
+ // get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: getFeatureInfo
+ * Get details about a feature associated with a map location. The object
+ * returned will have id and data properties. If the given location
+ * doesn't correspond to a feature, null will be returned.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * location - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} map location
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} Object representing the feature id and UTFGrid data
+ * corresponding to the given map location. Returns null if the given
+ * location doesn't hit a feature.
+ */
+ getFeatureInfo: function(location) {
+ var info = null;
+ var tileInfo = this.getTileData(location);
+ if (tileInfo && tileInfo.tile) {
+ info = tileInfo.tile.getFeatureInfo(tileInfo.i, tileInfo.j);
+ }
+ return info;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getFeatureId
+ * Get the identifier for the feature associated with a map location.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * location - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} map location
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} The feature identifier corresponding to the given map location.
+ * Returns null if the location doesn't hit a feature.
+ */
+ getFeatureId: function(location) {
+ var id = null;
+ var info = this.getTileData(location);
+ if (info.tile) {
+ id = info.tile.getFeatureId(info.i, info.j);
+ }
+ return id;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ef4cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Renderer.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/StyleMap.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Console.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
+ * Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.Vector are used to render vector data from
+ * a variety of sources. Create a new vector layer with the
+ * <OpenLayers.Layer.Vector> constructor.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Vector = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: events
+ * {<OpenLayers.Events>}
+ *
+ * Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
+ * (code)
+ *, obj, listener);
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
+ * properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
+ *
+ * All event objects have at least the following properties:
+ * object - {Object} A reference to
+ * element - {DOMElement} A reference to
+ *
+ * Supported map event types (in addition to those from <>):
+ * beforefeatureadded - Triggered before a feature is added. Listeners
+ * will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
+ * feature to be added. To stop the feature from being added, a
+ * listener should return false.
+ * beforefeaturesadded - Triggered before an array of features is added.
+ * Listeners will receive an object with a *features* property
+ * referencing the feature to be added. To stop the features from
+ * being added, a listener should return false.
+ * featureadded - Triggered after a feature is added. The event
+ * object passed to listeners will have a *feature* property with a
+ * reference to the added feature.
+ * featuresadded - Triggered after features are added. The event
+ * object passed to listeners will have a *features* property with a
+ * reference to an array of added features.
+ * beforefeatureremoved - Triggered before a feature is removed. Listeners
+ * will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
+ * feature to be removed.
+ * beforefeaturesremoved - Triggered before multiple features are removed.
+ * Listeners will receive an object with a *features* property
+ * referencing the features to be removed.
+ * featureremoved - Triggerd after a feature is removed. The event
+ * object passed to listeners will have a *feature* property with a
+ * reference to the removed feature.
+ * featuresremoved - Triggered after features are removed. The event
+ * object passed to listeners will have a *features* property with a
+ * reference to an array of removed features.
+ * beforefeatureselected - Triggered before a feature is selected. Listeners
+ * will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
+ * feature to be selected. To stop the feature from being selectd, a
+ * listener should return false.
+ * featureselected - Triggered after a feature is selected. Listeners
+ * will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
+ * selected feature.
+ * featureunselected - Triggered after a feature is unselected.
+ * Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property
+ * referencing the unselected feature.
+ * beforefeaturemodified - Triggered when a feature is selected to
+ * be modified. Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
+ * property referencing the selected feature.
+ * featuremodified - Triggered when a feature has been modified.
+ * Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing
+ * the modified feature.
+ * afterfeaturemodified - Triggered when a feature is finished being modified.
+ * Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing
+ * the modified feature.
+ * vertexmodified - Triggered when a vertex within any feature geometry
+ * has been modified. Listeners will receive an object with a
+ * *feature* property referencing the modified feature, a *vertex*
+ * property referencing the vertex modified (always a point geometry),
+ * and a *pixel* property referencing the pixel location of the
+ * modification.
+ * vertexremoved - Triggered when a vertex within any feature geometry
+ * has been deleted. Listeners will receive an object with a
+ * *feature* property referencing the modified feature, a *vertex*
+ * property referencing the vertex modified (always a point geometry),
+ * and a *pixel* property referencing the pixel location of the
+ * removal.
+ * sketchstarted - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
+ * is started. Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
+ * property referencing the new sketch feature and a *vertex* property
+ * referencing the creation point.
+ * sketchmodified - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
+ * is modified. Listeners will receive an object with a *vertex*
+ * property referencing the modified vertex and a *feature* property
+ * referencing the sketch feature.
+ * sketchcomplete - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
+ * is complete. Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
+ * property referencing the sketch feature. By returning false, a
+ * listener can stop the sketch feature from being added to the layer.
+ * refresh - Triggered when something wants a strategy to ask the protocol
+ * for a new set of features.
+ */
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} The layer is a base layer. Default is false. Set this property
+ * in the layer options.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isFixed
+ * {Boolean} Whether the layer remains in one place while dragging the
+ * map. Note that setting this to true will move the layer to the bottom
+ * of the layer stack.
+ */
+ isFixed: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: features
+ * {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
+ */
+ features: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: filter
+ * {<OpenLayers.Filter>} The filter set in this layer,
+ * a strategy launching read requests can combined
+ * this filter with its own filter.
+ */
+ filter: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: selectedFeatures
+ * {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
+ */
+ selectedFeatures: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: unrenderedFeatures
+ * {Object} hash of features, keyed by, that the renderer
+ * failed to draw
+ */
+ unrenderedFeatures: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: reportError
+ * {Boolean} report friendly error message when loading of renderer
+ * fails.
+ */
+ reportError: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: style
+ * {Object} Default style for the layer
+ */
+ style: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: styleMap
+ * {<OpenLayers.StyleMap>}
+ */
+ styleMap: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: strategies
+ * {Array(<OpenLayers.Strategy>})} Optional list of strategies for the layer.
+ */
+ strategies: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: protocol
+ * {<OpenLayers.Protocol>} Optional protocol for the layer.
+ */
+ protocol: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: renderers
+ * {Array(String)} List of supported Renderer classes. Add to this list to
+ * add support for additional renderers. This list is ordered:
+ * the first renderer which returns true for the 'supported()'
+ * method will be used, if not defined in the 'renderer' option.
+ */
+ renderers: ['SVG', 'VML', 'Canvas'],
+ /**
+ * Property: renderer
+ * {<OpenLayers.Renderer>}
+ */
+ renderer: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: rendererOptions
+ * {Object} Options for the renderer. See {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} for
+ * supported options.
+ */
+ rendererOptions: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: geometryType
+ * {String} geometryType allows you to limit the types of geometries this
+ * layer supports. This should be set to something like
+ * "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point" to limit types.
+ */
+ geometryType: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: drawn
+ * {Boolean} Whether the Vector Layer features have been drawn yet.
+ */
+ drawn: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: ratio
+ * {Float} This specifies the ratio of the size of the visiblity of the Vector Layer features to the size of the map.
+ */
+ ratio: 1,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
+ * Create a new vector layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer
+ * options - {Object} Optional object with non-default properties to set on
+ * the layer.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} A new vector layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ // allow user-set renderer, otherwise assign one
+ if (!this.renderer || !this.renderer.supported()) {
+ this.assignRenderer();
+ }
+ // if no valid renderer found, display error
+ if (!this.renderer || !this.renderer.supported()) {
+ this.renderer = null;
+ this.displayError();
+ }
+ if (!this.styleMap) {
+ this.styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap();
+ }
+ this.features = [];
+ this.selectedFeatures = [];
+ this.unrenderedFeatures = {};
+ // Allow for custom layer behavior
+ if(this.strategies){
+ for(var i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
+ this.strategies[i].setLayer(this);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: destroy
+ * Destroy this layer
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (this.strategies) {
+ var strategy, i, len;
+ for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
+ strategy = this.strategies[i];
+ if(strategy.autoDestroy) {
+ strategy.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ this.strategies = null;
+ }
+ if (this.protocol) {
+ if(this.protocol.autoDestroy) {
+ this.protocol.destroy();
+ }
+ this.protocol = null;
+ }
+ this.destroyFeatures();
+ this.features = null;
+ this.selectedFeatures = null;
+ this.unrenderedFeatures = null;
+ if (this.renderer) {
+ this.renderer.destroy();
+ }
+ this.renderer = null;
+ this.geometryType = null;
+ this.drawn = null;
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer.
+ *
+ * Note: Features of the layer are also cloned.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} An exact clone of this layer
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(, this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ var features = this.features;
+ var len = features.length;
+ var clonedFeatures = new Array(len);
+ for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
+ clonedFeatures[i] = features[i].clone();
+ }
+ obj.features = clonedFeatures;
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: refresh
+ * Ask the layer to request features again and redraw them. Triggers
+ * the refresh event if the layer is in range and visible.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object} Optional object with properties for any listener of
+ * the refresh event.
+ */
+ refresh: function(obj) {
+ if(this.calculateInRange() && this.visibility) {
+"refresh", obj);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: assignRenderer
+ * Iterates through the available renderer implementations and selects
+ * and assigns the first one whose "supported()" function returns true.
+ */
+ assignRenderer: function() {
+ for (var i=0, len=this.renderers.length; i<len; i++) {
+ var rendererClass = this.renderers[i];
+ var renderer = (typeof rendererClass == "function") ?
+ rendererClass :
+ OpenLayers.Renderer[rendererClass];
+ if (renderer && renderer.prototype.supported()) {
+ this.renderer = new renderer(this.div, this.rendererOptions);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: displayError
+ * Let the user know their browser isn't supported.
+ */
+ displayError: function() {
+ if (this.reportError) {
+ OpenLayers.Console.userError(OpenLayers.i18n("browserNotSupported",
+ {renderers: this. renderers.join('\n')}));
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setMap
+ * The layer has been added to the map.
+ *
+ * If there is no renderer set, the layer can't be used. Remove it.
+ * Otherwise, give the renderer a reference to the map and set its size.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (!this.renderer) {
+ } else {
+ =;
+ var newSize =;
+ newSize.w = newSize.w * this.ratio;
+ newSize.h = newSize.h * this.ratio;
+ this.renderer.setSize(newSize);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: afterAdd
+ * Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence. At this point, the map
+ * will have a base layer. Any autoActivate strategies will be
+ * activated here.
+ */
+ afterAdd: function() {
+ if(this.strategies) {
+ var strategy, i, len;
+ for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
+ strategy = this.strategies[i];
+ if(strategy.autoActivate) {
+ strategy.activate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeMap
+ * The layer has been removed from the map.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ removeMap: function(map) {
+ this.drawn = false;
+ if(this.strategies) {
+ var strategy, i, len;
+ for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
+ strategy = this.strategies[i];
+ if(strategy.autoActivate) {
+ strategy.deactivate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: onMapResize
+ * Notify the renderer of the change in size.
+ *
+ */
+ onMapResize: function() {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.onMapResize.apply(this, arguments);
+ var newSize =;
+ newSize.w = newSize.w * this.ratio;
+ newSize.h = newSize.h * this.ratio;
+ this.renderer.setSize(newSize);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ * Reset the vector layer's div so that it once again is lined up with
+ * the map. Notify the renderer of the change of extent, and in the
+ * case of a change of zoom level (resolution), have the
+ * renderer redraw features.
+ *
+ * If the layer has not yet been drawn, cycle through the layer's
+ * features and draw each one.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ * zoomChanged - {Boolean}
+ * dragging - {Boolean}
+ */
+ moveTo: function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ var coordSysUnchanged = true;
+ if (!dragging) {
+ = 'hidden';
+ var viewSize =,
+ viewWidth = viewSize.w,
+ viewHeight = viewSize.h,
+ offsetLeft = (viewWidth / 2 * this.ratio) - viewWidth / 2,
+ offsetTop = (viewHeight / 2 * this.ratio) - viewHeight / 2;
+ offsetLeft +=;
+ offsetLeft = -Math.round(offsetLeft);
+ offsetTop +=;
+ offsetTop = -Math.round(offsetTop);
+ = offsetLeft + 'px';
+ = offsetTop + 'px';
+ var extent =;
+ coordSysUnchanged = this.renderer.setExtent(extent, zoomChanged);
+ = 'visible';
+ // Force a reflow on gecko based browsers to prevent jump/flicker.
+ // This seems to happen on only certain configurations; it was originally
+ // noticed in FF 2.0 and Linux.
+ if (OpenLayers.IS_GECKO === true) {
+ this.div.scrollLeft = this.div.scrollLeft;
+ }
+ if (!zoomChanged && coordSysUnchanged) {
+ for (var i in this.unrenderedFeatures) {
+ var feature = this.unrenderedFeatures[i];
+ this.drawFeature(feature);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.drawn || zoomChanged || !coordSysUnchanged) {
+ this.drawn = true;
+ var feature;
+ for(var i=0, len=this.features.length; i<len; i++) {
+ this.renderer.locked = (i !== (len - 1));
+ feature = this.features[i];
+ this.drawFeature(feature);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: display
+ * Hide or show the Layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * display - {Boolean}
+ */
+ display: function(display) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.display.apply(this, arguments);
+ // we need to set the display style of the root in case it is attached
+ // to a foreign layer
+ var currentDisplay =;
+ if(currentDisplay != {
+ = currentDisplay;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: addFeatures
+ * Add Features to the layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
+ * options - {Object}
+ */
+ addFeatures: function(features, options) {
+ if (!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(features))) {
+ features = [features];
+ }
+ var notify = !options || !options.silent;
+ if(notify) {
+ var event = {features: features};
+ var ret ="beforefeaturesadded", event);
+ if(ret === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ features = event.features;
+ }
+ // Track successfully added features for featuresadded event, since
+ // beforefeatureadded can veto single features.
+ var featuresAdded = [];
+ for (var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; i++) {
+ if (i != (features.length - 1)) {
+ this.renderer.locked = true;
+ } else {
+ this.renderer.locked = false;
+ }
+ var feature = features[i];
+ if (this.geometryType &&
+ !(feature.geometry instanceof this.geometryType)) {
+ throw new TypeError('addFeatures: component should be an ' +
+ this.geometryType.prototype.CLASS_NAME);
+ }
+ //give feature reference to its layer
+ feature.layer = this;
+ if (! && {
+ = OpenLayers.Util.extend({},;
+ }
+ if (notify) {
+ if("beforefeatureadded",
+ {feature: feature}) === false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ this.preFeatureInsert(feature);
+ }
+ featuresAdded.push(feature);
+ this.features.push(feature);
+ this.drawFeature(feature);
+ if (notify) {
+"featureadded", {
+ feature: feature
+ });
+ this.onFeatureInsert(feature);
+ }
+ }
+ if(notify) {
+"featuresadded", {features: featuresAdded});
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: removeFeatures
+ * Remove features from the layer. This erases any drawn features and
+ * removes them from the layer's control. The beforefeatureremoved
+ * and featureremoved events will be triggered for each feature. The
+ * featuresremoved event will be triggered after all features have
+ * been removed. To supress event triggering, use the silent option.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} List of features to be
+ * removed.
+ * options - {Object} Optional properties for changing behavior of the
+ * removal.
+ *
+ * Valid options:
+ * silent - {Boolean} Supress event triggering. Default is false.
+ */
+ removeFeatures: function(features, options) {
+ if(!features || features.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (features === this.features) {
+ return this.removeAllFeatures(options);
+ }
+ if (!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(features))) {
+ features = [features];
+ }
+ if (features === this.selectedFeatures) {
+ features = features.slice();
+ }
+ var notify = !options || !options.silent;
+ if (notify) {
+ "beforefeaturesremoved", {features: features}
+ );
+ }
+ for (var i = features.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ // We remain locked so long as we're not at 0
+ // and the 'next' feature has a geometry. We do the geometry check
+ // because if all the features after the current one are 'null', we
+ // won't call eraseGeometry, so we break the 'renderer functions
+ // will always be called with locked=false *last*' rule. The end result
+ // is a possible gratiutious unlocking to save a loop through the rest
+ // of the list checking the remaining features every time. So long as
+ // null geoms are rare, this is probably okay.
+ if (i != 0 && features[i-1].geometry) {
+ this.renderer.locked = true;
+ } else {
+ this.renderer.locked = false;
+ }
+ var feature = features[i];
+ delete this.unrenderedFeatures[];
+ if (notify) {
+"beforefeatureremoved", {
+ feature: feature
+ });
+ }
+ this.features = OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.features, feature);
+ // feature has no layer at this point
+ feature.layer = null;
+ if (feature.geometry) {
+ this.renderer.eraseFeatures(feature);
+ }
+ //in the case that this feature is one of the selected features,
+ // remove it from that array as well.
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.selectedFeatures, feature) != -1){
+ OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.selectedFeatures, feature);
+ }
+ if (notify) {
+"featureremoved", {
+ feature: feature
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (notify) {
+"featuresremoved", {features: features});
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: removeAllFeatures
+ * Remove all features from the layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * options - {Object} Optional properties for changing behavior of the
+ * removal.
+ *
+ * Valid options:
+ * silent - {Boolean} Supress event triggering. Default is false.
+ */
+ removeAllFeatures: function(options) {
+ var notify = !options || !options.silent;
+ var features = this.features;
+ if (notify) {
+ "beforefeaturesremoved", {features: features}
+ );
+ }
+ var feature;
+ for (var i = features.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ feature = features[i];
+ if (notify) {
+"beforefeatureremoved", {
+ feature: feature
+ });
+ }
+ feature.layer = null;
+ if (notify) {
+"featureremoved", {
+ feature: feature
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.renderer.clear();
+ this.features = [];
+ this.unrenderedFeatures = {};
+ this.selectedFeatures = [];
+ if (notify) {
+"featuresremoved", {features: features});
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: destroyFeatures
+ * Erase and destroy features on the layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} An optional array of
+ * features to destroy. If not supplied, all features on the layer
+ * will be destroyed.
+ * options - {Object}
+ */
+ destroyFeatures: function(features, options) {
+ var all = (features == undefined); // evaluates to true if
+ // features is null
+ if(all) {
+ features = this.features;
+ }
+ if(features) {
+ this.removeFeatures(features, options);
+ for(var i=features.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ features[i].destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: drawFeature
+ * Draw (or redraw) a feature on the layer. If the optional style argument
+ * is included, this style will be used. If no style is included, the
+ * feature's style will be used. If the feature doesn't have a style,
+ * the layer's style will be used.
+ *
+ * This function is not designed to be used when adding features to
+ * the layer (use addFeatures instead). It is meant to be used when
+ * the style of a feature has changed, or in some other way needs to
+ * visually updated *after* it has already been added to a layer. You
+ * must add the feature to the layer for most layer-related events to
+ * happen.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
+ * style - {String | Object} Named render intent or full symbolizer object.
+ */
+ drawFeature: function(feature, style) {
+ // don't try to draw the feature with the renderer if the layer is not
+ // drawn itself
+ if (!this.drawn) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof style != "object") {
+ if(!style && feature.state === OpenLayers.State.DELETE) {
+ style = "delete";
+ }
+ var renderIntent = style || feature.renderIntent;
+ style = ||;
+ if (!style) {
+ style = this.styleMap.createSymbolizer(feature, renderIntent);
+ }
+ }
+ var drawn = this.renderer.drawFeature(feature, style);
+ //TODO remove the check for null when we get rid of Renderer.SVG
+ if (drawn === false || drawn === null) {
+ this.unrenderedFeatures[] = feature;
+ } else {
+ delete this.unrenderedFeatures[];
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: eraseFeatures
+ * Erase features from the layer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
+ */
+ eraseFeatures: function(features) {
+ this.renderer.eraseFeatures(features);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getFeatureFromEvent
+ * Given an event, return a feature if the event occurred over one.
+ * Otherwise, return null.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * evt - {Event}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature if one was under the event.
+ */
+ getFeatureFromEvent: function(evt) {
+ if (!this.renderer) {
+ throw new Error('getFeatureFromEvent called on layer with no ' +
+ 'renderer. This usually means you destroyed a ' +
+ 'layer, but not some handler which is associated ' +
+ 'with it.');
+ }
+ var feature = null;
+ var featureId = this.renderer.getFeatureIdFromEvent(evt);
+ if (featureId) {
+ if (typeof featureId === "string") {
+ feature = this.getFeatureById(featureId);
+ } else {
+ feature = featureId;
+ }
+ }
+ return feature;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getFeatureBy
+ * Given a property value, return the feature if it exists in the features array
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * property - {String}
+ * value - {String}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
+ * property value or null if there is no such feature.
+ */
+ getFeatureBy: function(property, value) {
+ //TBD - would it be more efficient to use a hash for this.features?
+ var feature = null;
+ for(var i=0, len=this.features.length; i<len; ++i) {
+ if(this.features[i][property] == value) {
+ feature = this.features[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return feature;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getFeatureById
+ * Given a feature id, return the feature if it exists in the features array
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * featureId - {String}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
+ * featureId or null if there is no such feature.
+ */
+ getFeatureById: function(featureId) {
+ return this.getFeatureBy('id', featureId);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getFeatureByFid
+ * Given a feature fid, return the feature if it exists in the features array
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * featureFid - {String}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
+ * featureFid or null if there is no such feature.
+ */
+ getFeatureByFid: function(featureFid) {
+ return this.getFeatureBy('fid', featureFid);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getFeaturesByAttribute
+ * Returns an array of features that have the given attribute key set to the
+ * given value. Comparison of attribute values takes care of datatypes, e.g.
+ * the string '1234' is not equal to the number 1234.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * attrName - {String}
+ * attrValue - {Mixed}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}) An array of features that have the
+ * passed named attribute set to the given value.
+ */
+ getFeaturesByAttribute: function(attrName, attrValue) {
+ var i,
+ feature,
+ len = this.features.length,
+ foundFeatures = [];
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ feature = this.features[i];
+ if(feature && feature.attributes) {
+ if (feature.attributes[attrName] === attrValue) {
+ foundFeatures.push(feature);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return foundFeatures;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Unselect the selected features
+ * i.e. clears the featureSelection array
+ * change the style back
+ clearSelection: function() {
+ var vectorLayer =;
+ for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ var featureSelection =[i];
+ vectorLayer.drawFeature(featureSelection,;
+ }
+ = [];
+ },
+ */
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: onFeatureInsert
+ * method called after a feature is inserted.
+ * Does nothing by default. Override this if you
+ * need to do something on feature updates.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
+ */
+ onFeatureInsert: function(feature) {
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: preFeatureInsert
+ * method called before a feature is inserted.
+ * Does nothing by default. Override this if you
+ * need to do something when features are first added to the
+ * layer, but before they are drawn, such as adjust the style.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
+ */
+ preFeatureInsert: function(feature) {
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getDataExtent
+ * Calculates the max extent which includes all of the features.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} or null if the layer has no features with
+ * geometries.
+ */
+ getDataExtent: function () {
+ var maxExtent = null;
+ var features = this.features;
+ if(features && (features.length > 0)) {
+ var geometry = null;
+ for(var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; i++) {
+ geometry = features[i].geometry;
+ if (geometry) {
+ if (maxExtent === null) {
+ maxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
+ }
+ maxExtent.extend(geometry.getBounds());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return maxExtent;
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Vector"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector/RootContainer.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector/RootContainer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..075edaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector/RootContainer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer
+ * A special layer type to combine multiple vector layers inside a single
+ * renderer root container. This class is not supposed to be instantiated
+ * from user space, it is a helper class for controls that require event
+ * processing for multiple vector layers.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Vector, {
+ /**
+ * Property: displayInLayerSwitcher
+ * Set to false for this layer type
+ */
+ displayInLayerSwitcher: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: layers
+ * Layers that are attached to this container. Required config option.
+ */
+ layers: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer
+ * Create a new root container for multiple vector layer. This constructor
+ * is not supposed to be used from user space, it is only to be used by
+ * controls that need feature selection across multiple vector layers.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer
+ * options - {Object} Optional object with non-default properties to set on
+ * the layer.
+ *
+ * Required options properties:
+ * layers - {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>)} The layers managed by this
+ * container
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer>} A new vector layer root
+ * container
+ */
+ /**
+ * Method: display
+ */
+ display: function() {},
+ /**
+ * Method: getFeatureFromEvent
+ * walk through the layers to find the feature returned by the event
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * evt - {Object} event object with a feature property
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
+ */
+ getFeatureFromEvent: function(evt) {
+ var layers = this.layers;
+ var feature;
+ for(var i=0; i<layers.length; i++) {
+ feature = layers[i].getFeatureFromEvent(evt);
+ if(feature) {
+ return feature;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setMap
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.collectRoots();
+"changelayer", this, this.handleChangeLayer);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: removeMap
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ removeMap: function(map) {
+"changelayer", this, this.handleChangeLayer);
+ this.resetRoots();
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.removeMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: collectRoots
+ * Collects the root nodes of all layers this control is configured with
+ * and moveswien the nodes to this control's layer
+ */
+ collectRoots: function() {
+ var layer;
+ // walk through all map layers, because we want to keep the order
+ for(var i=0; i<; ++i) {
+ layer =[i];
+ if(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.layers, layer) != -1) {
+ layer.renderer.moveRoot(this.renderer);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: resetRoots
+ * Resets the root nodes back into the layers they belong to.
+ */
+ resetRoots: function() {
+ var layer;
+ for(var i=0; i<this.layers.length; ++i) {
+ layer = this.layers[i];
+ if(this.renderer && layer.renderer.getRenderLayerId() == {
+ this.renderer.moveRoot(layer.renderer);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: handleChangeLayer
+ * Event handler for the map's changelayer event. We need to rebuild
+ * this container's layer dom if order of one of its layers changes.
+ * This handler is added with the setMap method, and removed with the
+ * removeMap method.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * evt - {Object}
+ */
+ handleChangeLayer: function(evt) {
+ var layer = evt.layer;
+ if( == "order" &&
+ OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.layers, layer) != -1) {
+ this.resetRoots();
+ this.collectRoots();
+ }
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15dee2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.WMS
+ * Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.WMS are used to display data from OGC Web
+ * Mapping Services. Create a new WMS layer with the <OpenLayers.Layer.WMS>
+ * constructor.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.WMS = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * Constant: DEFAULT_PARAMS
+ * {Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs
+ */
+ DEFAULT_PARAMS: { service: "WMS",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ request: "GetMap",
+ styles: "",
+ format: "image/jpeg"
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} Default is true for WMS layer
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: encodeBBOX
+ * {Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? The WMS spec says 'no',
+ * but some services want it that way. Default false.
+ */
+ encodeBBOX: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: noMagic
+ * {Boolean} If true, the image format will not be automagicaly switched
+ * from image/jpeg to image/png or image/gif when using
+ * TRANSPARENT=TRUE. Also isBaseLayer will not changed by the
+ * constructor. Default false.
+ */
+ noMagic: false,
+ /**
+ * Property: yx
+ * {Object} Keys in this object are EPSG codes for which the axis order
+ * is to be reversed (yx instead of xy, LatLon instead of LonLat), with
+ * true as value. This is only relevant for WMS versions >= 1.3.0, and
+ * only if yx is not set in <OpenLayers.Projection.defaults> for the
+ * used projection.
+ */
+ yx: {},
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.WMS
+ * Create a new WMS layer object
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ * The code below creates a simple WMS layer using the image/jpeg format.
+ * (code)
+ * var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("NASA Global Mosaic",
+ * "",
+ * {layers: "modis,global_mosaic"});
+ * (end)
+ * Note the 3rd argument (params). Properties added to this object will be
+ * added to the WMS GetMap requests used for this layer's tiles. The only
+ * mandatory parameter is "layers". Other common WMS params include
+ * "transparent", "styles" and "format". Note that the "srs" param will
+ * always be ignored. Instead, it will be derived from the baseLayer's or
+ * map's projection.
+ *
+ * The code below creates a transparent WMS layer with additional options.
+ * (code)
+ * var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("NASA Global Mosaic",
+ * "",
+ * {
+ * layers: "modis,global_mosaic",
+ * transparent: true
+ * }, {
+ * opacity: 0.5,
+ * singleTile: true
+ * });
+ * (end)
+ * Note that by default, a WMS layer is configured as baseLayer. Setting
+ * the "transparent" param to true will apply some magic (see <noMagic>).
+ * The default image format changes from image/jpeg to image/png, and the
+ * layer is not configured as baseLayer.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer
+ * url - {String} Base url for the WMS
+ * (e.g.
+ * params - {Object} An object with key/value pairs representing the
+ * GetMap query string parameters and parameter values.
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer.
+ * These options include all properties listed above, plus the ones
+ * inherited from superclasses.
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
+ var newArguments = [];
+ //uppercase params
+ params = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(params);
+ if (parseFloat(params.VERSION) >= 1.3 && !params.EXCEPTIONS) {
+ }
+ newArguments.push(name, url, params, options);
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+ OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params,
+ OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(this.DEFAULT_PARAMS)
+ );
+ //layer is transparent
+ if (!this.noMagic && this.params.TRANSPARENT &&
+ this.params.TRANSPARENT.toString().toLowerCase() == "true") {
+ // unless explicitly set in options, make layer an overlay
+ if ( (options == null) || (!options.isBaseLayer) ) {
+ this.isBaseLayer = false;
+ }
+ // jpegs can never be transparent, so intelligently switch the
+ // format, depending on the browser's capabilities
+ if (this.params.FORMAT == "image/jpeg") {
+ this.params.FORMAT = OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack() ? "image/gif"
+ : "image/png";
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.WMS>} An exact clone of this layer
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(,
+ this.url,
+ this.params,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: reverseAxisOrder
+ * Returns true if the axis order is reversed for the WMS version and
+ * projection of the layer.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Boolean} true if the axis order is reversed, false otherwise.
+ */
+ reverseAxisOrder: function() {
+ var projCode = this.projection.getCode();
+ return parseFloat(this.params.VERSION) >= 1.3 &&
+ !!(this.yx[projCode] || (OpenLayers.Projection.defaults[projCode] &&
+ OpenLayers.Projection.defaults[projCode].yx));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ * Return a GetMap query string for this layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A bounds representing the bbox for the
+ * request.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
+ * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
+ * parameters.
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ var imageSize = this.getImageSize();
+ var newParams = {};
+ // WMS 1.3 introduced axis order
+ var reverseAxisOrder = this.reverseAxisOrder();
+ newParams.BBOX = this.encodeBBOX ?
+ bounds.toBBOX(null, reverseAxisOrder) :
+ bounds.toArray(reverseAxisOrder);
+ newParams.WIDTH = imageSize.w;
+ newParams.HEIGHT = imageSize.h;
+ var requestString = this.getFullRequestString(newParams);
+ return requestString;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: mergeNewParams
+ * Catch changeParams and uppercase the new params to be merged in
+ * before calling changeParams on the super class.
+ *
+ * Once params have been changed, the tiles will be reloaded with
+ * the new parameters.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newParams - {Object} Hashtable of new params to use
+ */
+ mergeNewParams:function(newParams) {
+ var upperParams = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(newParams);
+ var newArguments = [upperParams];
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.mergeNewParams.apply(this,
+ newArguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: getFullRequestString
+ * Combine the layer's url with its params and these newParams.
+ *
+ * Add the SRS parameter from projection -- this is probably
+ * more eloquently done via a setProjection() method, but this
+ * works for now and always.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newParams - {Object}
+ * altUrl - {String} Use this as the url instead of the layer's url
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String}
+ */
+ getFullRequestString:function(newParams, altUrl) {
+ var mapProjection =;
+ var projectionCode = this.projection && this.projection.equals(mapProjection) ?
+ this.projection.getCode() :
+ mapProjection.getCode();
+ var value = (projectionCode == "none") ? null : projectionCode;
+ if (parseFloat(this.params.VERSION) >= 1.3) {
+ this.params.CRS = value;
+ } else {
+ this.params.SRS = value;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.params.TRANSPARENT == "boolean") {
+ newParams.TRANSPARENT = this.params.TRANSPARENT ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
+ }
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.getFullRequestString.apply(
+ this, arguments);
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.WMS"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMTS.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMTS.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c41629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMTS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS
+ * Instances of the WMTS class allow viewing of tiles from a service that
+ * implements the OGC WMTS specification version 1.0.0.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} The layer will be considered a base layer. Default is true.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * Property: version
+ * {String} WMTS version. Default is "1.0.0".
+ */
+ version: "1.0.0",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: requestEncoding
+ * {String} Request encoding. Can be "REST" or "KVP". Default is "KVP".
+ */
+ requestEncoding: "KVP",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: url
+ * {String|Array(String)} The base URL or request URL template for the WMTS
+ * service. Must be provided. Array is only supported for base URLs, not
+ * for request URL templates. URL templates are only supported for
+ * REST <requestEncoding>.
+ */
+ url: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: layer
+ * {String} The layer identifier advertised by the WMTS service. Must be
+ * provided.
+ */
+ layer: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: matrixSet
+ * {String} One of the advertised matrix set identifiers. Must be provided.
+ */
+ matrixSet: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: style
+ * {String} One of the advertised layer styles. Must be provided.
+ */
+ style: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: format
+ * {String} The image MIME type. Default is "image/jpeg".
+ */
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: tileOrigin
+ * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The top-left corner of the tile matrix in map
+ * units. If the tile origin for each matrix in a set is different,
+ * the <matrixIds> should include a topLeftCorner property. If
+ * not provided, the tile origin will default to the top left corner
+ * of the layer <maxExtent>.
+ */
+ tileOrigin: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: tileFullExtent
+ * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The full extent of the tile set. If not supplied,
+ * the layer's <maxExtent> property will be used.
+ */
+ tileFullExtent: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: formatSuffix
+ * {String} For REST request encoding, an image format suffix must be
+ * included in the request. If not provided, the suffix will be derived
+ * from the <format> property.
+ */
+ formatSuffix: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: matrixIds
+ * {Array} A list of tile matrix identifiers. If not provided, the matrix
+ * identifiers will be assumed to be integers corresponding to the
+ * map zoom level. If a list of strings is provided, each item should
+ * be the matrix identifier that corresponds to the map zoom level.
+ * Additionally, a list of objects can be provided. Each object should
+ * describe the matrix as presented in the WMTS capabilities. These
+ * objects should have the propertes shown below.
+ *
+ * Matrix properties:
+ * identifier - {String} The matrix identifier (required).
+ * scaleDenominator - {Number} The matrix scale denominator.
+ * topLeftCorner - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The top left corner of the
+ * matrix. Must be provided if different than the layer <tileOrigin>.
+ * tileWidth - {Number} The tile width for the matrix. Must be provided
+ * if different than the width given in the layer <tileSize>.
+ * tileHeight - {Number} The tile height for the matrix. Must be provided
+ * if different than the height given in the layer <tileSize>.
+ */
+ matrixIds: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: dimensions
+ * {Array} For RESTful request encoding, extra dimensions may be specified.
+ * Items in this list should be property names in the <params> object.
+ * Values of extra dimensions will be determined from the corresponding
+ * values in the <params> object.
+ */
+ dimensions: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: params
+ * {Object} Extra parameters to include in tile requests. For KVP
+ * <requestEncoding>, these properties will be encoded in the request
+ * query string. For REST <requestEncoding>, these properties will
+ * become part of the request path, with order determined by the
+ * <dimensions> list.
+ */
+ params: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: zoomOffset
+ * {Number} If your cache has more levels than you want to provide
+ * access to with this layer, supply a zoomOffset. This zoom offset
+ * is added to the current map zoom level to determine the level
+ * for a requested tile. For example, if you supply a zoomOffset
+ * of 3, when the map is at the zoom 0, tiles will be requested from
+ * level 3 of your cache. Default is 0 (assumes cache level and map
+ * zoom are equivalent). Additionally, if this layer is to be used
+ * as an overlay and the cache has fewer zoom levels than the base
+ * layer, you can supply a negative zoomOffset. For example, if a
+ * map zoom level of 1 corresponds to your cache level zero, you would
+ * supply a -1 zoomOffset (and set the maxResolution of the layer
+ * appropriately). The zoomOffset value has no effect if complete
+ * matrix definitions (including scaleDenominator) are supplied in
+ * the <matrixIds> property. Defaults to 0 (no zoom offset).
+ */
+ zoomOffset: 0,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: serverResolutions
+ * {Array} A list of all resolutions available on the server. Only set this
+ * property if the map resolutions differ from the server. This
+ * property serves two purposes. (a) <serverResolutions> can include
+ * resolutions that the server supports and that you don't want to
+ * provide with this layer; you can also look at <zoomOffset>, which is
+ * an alternative to <serverResolutions> for that specific purpose.
+ * (b) The map can work with resolutions that aren't supported by
+ * the server, i.e. that aren't in <serverResolutions>. When the
+ * map is displayed in such a resolution data for the closest
+ * server-supported resolution is loaded and the layer div is
+ * stretched as necessary.
+ */
+ serverResolutions: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: formatSuffixMap
+ * {Object} a map between WMTS 'format' request parameter and tile image file suffix
+ */
+ formatSuffixMap: {
+ "image/png": "png",
+ "image/png8": "png",
+ "image/png24": "png",
+ "image/png32": "png",
+ "png": "png",
+ "image/jpeg": "jpg",
+ "image/jpg": "jpg",
+ "jpeg": "jpg",
+ "jpg": "jpg"
+ },
+ /**
+ * Property: matrix
+ * {Object} Matrix definition for the current map resolution. Updated by
+ * the <updateMatrixProperties> method.
+ */
+ matrix: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS
+ * Create a new WMTS layer.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * (code)
+ * var wmts = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({
+ * name: "My WMTS Layer",
+ * url: "",
+ * layer: "layer_id",
+ * style: "default",
+ * matrixSet: "matrix_id"
+ * });
+ * (end)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * config - {Object} Configuration properties for the layer.
+ *
+ * Required configuration properties:
+ * url - {String} The base url for the service. See the <url> property.
+ * layer - {String} The layer identifier. See the <layer> property.
+ * style - {String} The layer style identifier. See the <style> property.
+ * matrixSet - {String} The tile matrix set identifier. See the <matrixSet>
+ * property.
+ *
+ * Any other documented layer properties can be provided in the config object.
+ */
+ initialize: function(config) {
+ // confirm required properties are supplied
+ var required = {
+ url: true,
+ layer: true,
+ style: true,
+ matrixSet: true
+ };
+ for (var prop in required) {
+ if (!(prop in config)) {
+ throw new Error("Missing property '" + prop + "' in layer configuration.");
+ }
+ }
+ config.params = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(config.params);
+ var args = [, config.url, config.params, config];
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, args);
+ // determine format suffix (for REST)
+ if (!this.formatSuffix) {
+ this.formatSuffix = this.formatSuffixMap[this.format] || this.format.split("/").pop();
+ }
+ // expand matrixIds (may be array of string or array of object)
+ if (this.matrixIds) {
+ var len = this.matrixIds.length;
+ if (len && typeof this.matrixIds[0] === "string") {
+ var ids = this.matrixIds;
+ this.matrixIds = new Array(len);
+ for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
+ this.matrixIds[i] = {identifier: ids[i]};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: setMap
+ */
+ setMap: function() {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: updateMatrixProperties
+ * Called when map resolution changes to update matrix related properties.
+ */
+ updateMatrixProperties: function() {
+ this.matrix = this.getMatrix();
+ if (this.matrix) {
+ if (this.matrix.topLeftCorner) {
+ this.tileOrigin = this.matrix.topLeftCorner;
+ }
+ if (this.matrix.tileWidth && this.matrix.tileHeight) {
+ this.tileSize = new OpenLayers.Size(
+ this.matrix.tileWidth, this.matrix.tileHeight
+ );
+ }
+ if (!this.tileOrigin) {
+ this.tileOrigin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(
+ this.maxExtent.left,
+ );
+ }
+ if (!this.tileFullExtent) {
+ this.tileFullExtent = this.maxExtent;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: moveTo
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ * zoomChanged - {Boolean} Tells when zoom has changed, as layers have to
+ * do some init work in that case.
+ * dragging - {Boolean}
+ */
+ moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
+ if (zoomChanged || !this.matrix) {
+ this.updateMatrixProperties();
+ }
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS>} An exact clone of this <OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS>
+ */
+ clone: function(obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS(this.options);
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getIdentifier
+ * Get the current index in the matrixIds array.
+ */
+ getIdentifier: function() {
+ return this.getServerZoom();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getMatrix
+ * Get the appropriate matrix definition for the current map resolution.
+ */
+ getMatrix: function() {
+ var matrix;
+ if (!this.matrixIds || this.matrixIds.length === 0) {
+ matrix = {identifier: this.getIdentifier()};
+ } else {
+ // get appropriate matrix given the map scale if possible
+ if ("scaleDenominator" in this.matrixIds[0]) {
+ // scale denominator calculation based on WMTS spec
+ var denom =
+ OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH *
+ OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT[this.units] *
+ this.getServerResolution() / 0.28E-3;
+ var diff = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ var delta;
+ for (var i=0, ii=this.matrixIds.length; i<ii; ++i) {
+ delta = Math.abs(1 - (this.matrixIds[i].scaleDenominator / denom));
+ if (delta < diff) {
+ diff = delta;
+ matrix = this.matrixIds[i];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // fall back on zoom as index
+ matrix = this.matrixIds[this.getIdentifier()];
+ }
+ }
+ return matrix;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getTileInfo
+ * Get tile information for a given location at the current map resolution.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * loc - {<OpenLayers.LonLat} A location in map coordinates.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} An object with "col", "row", "i", and "j" properties. The col
+ * and row values are zero based tile indexes from the top left. The
+ * i and j values are the number of pixels to the left and top
+ * (respectively) of the given location within the target tile.
+ */
+ getTileInfo: function(loc) {
+ var res = this.getServerResolution();
+ var fx = (loc.lon - this.tileOrigin.lon) / (res * this.tileSize.w);
+ var fy = ( - / (res * this.tileSize.h);
+ var col = Math.floor(fx);
+ var row = Math.floor(fy);
+ return {
+ col: col,
+ row: row,
+ i: Math.floor((fx - col) * this.tileSize.w),
+ j: Math.floor((fy - row) * this.tileSize.h)
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A URL for the tile corresponding to the given bounds.
+ */
+ getURL: function(bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ var url = "";
+ if (!this.tileFullExtent || this.tileFullExtent.intersectsBounds(bounds)) {
+ var center = bounds.getCenterLonLat();
+ var info = this.getTileInfo(center);
+ var matrixId = this.matrix.identifier;
+ var dimensions = this.dimensions, params;
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(this.url)) {
+ url = this.selectUrl([
+ this.version,, this.matrixSet,
+ this.matrix.identifier, info.row, info.col
+ ].join(","), this.url);
+ } else {
+ url = this.url;
+ }
+ if (this.requestEncoding.toUpperCase() === "REST") {
+ params = this.params;
+ if (url.indexOf("{") !== -1) {
+ var template = url.replace(/\{/g, "${");
+ var context = {
+ // spec does not make clear if capital S or not
+ style:, Style:,
+ TileMatrixSet: this.matrixSet,
+ TileMatrix: this.matrix.identifier,
+ TileRow: info.row,
+ TileCol: info.col
+ };
+ if (dimensions) {
+ var dimension, i;
+ for (i=dimensions.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
+ dimension = dimensions[i];
+ context[dimension] = params[dimension.toUpperCase()];
+ }
+ }
+ url = OpenLayers.String.format(template, context);
+ } else {
+ // include 'version', 'layer' and 'style' in tile resource url
+ var path = this.version + "/" + this.layer + "/" + + "/";
+ // append optional dimension path elements
+ if (dimensions) {
+ for (var i=0; i<dimensions.length; i++) {
+ if (params[dimensions[i]]) {
+ path = path + params[dimensions[i]] + "/";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // append other required path elements
+ path = path + this.matrixSet + "/" + this.matrix.identifier +
+ "/" + info.row + "/" + info.col + "." + this.formatSuffix;
+ if (!url.match(/\/$/)) {
+ url = url + "/";
+ }
+ url = url + path;
+ }
+ } else if (this.requestEncoding.toUpperCase() === "KVP") {
+ // assemble all required parameters
+ params = {
+ REQUEST: "GetTile",
+ VERSION: this.version,
+ LAYER: this.layer,
+ TILEMATRIXSET: this.matrixSet,
+ TILEMATRIX: this.matrix.identifier,
+ TILEROW: info.row,
+ TILECOL: info.col,
+ FORMAT: this.format
+ };
+ url = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.getFullRequestString.apply(this, [params]);
+ }
+ }
+ return url;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: mergeNewParams
+ * Extend the existing layer <params> with new properties. Tiles will be
+ * reloaded with updated params in the request.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * newParams - {Object} Properties to extend to existing <params>.
+ */
+ mergeNewParams: function(newParams) {
+ if (this.requestEncoding.toUpperCase() === "KVP") {
+ return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.mergeNewParams.apply(
+ this, [OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(newParams)]
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WorldWind.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WorldWind.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8581289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WorldWind.js
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean} WorldWind layer is a base layer by default.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: lzd
+ * {Float} LevelZeroTileSizeDegrees
+ */
+ lzd: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: zoomLevels
+ * {Integer} Number of zoom levels.
+ */
+ zoomLevels: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} Name of Layer
+ * url - {String} Base URL
+ * lzd - {Float} Level zero tile size degrees
+ * zoomLevels - {Integer} number of zoom levels
+ * params - {Object} additional parameters
+ * options - {Object} additional options
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, lzd, zoomLevels, params, options) {
+ this.lzd = lzd;
+ this.zoomLevels = zoomLevels;
+ var newArguments = [];
+ newArguments.push(name, url, params, options);
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+ this.params = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
+ this.params, this.DEFAULT_PARAMS
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getZoom
+ * Convert map zoom to WW zoom.
+ */
+ getZoom: function () {
+ var zoom =;
+ var extent =;
+ zoom = zoom - Math.log(this.maxResolution / (this.lzd/512))/Math.log(2);
+ return zoom;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
+ * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
+ * parameters
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ var zoom = this.getZoom();
+ var extent =;
+ var deg = this.lzd/Math.pow(2,this.getZoom());
+ var x = Math.floor((bounds.left - extent.left)/deg);
+ var y = Math.floor((bounds.bottom - extent.bottom)/deg);
+ if ( <= (this.lzd/512)
+ && this.getZoom() <= this.zoomLevels) {
+ return this.getFullRequestString(
+ { L: zoom,
+ X: x,
+ Y: y
+ });
+ } else {
+ return OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation("blank.gif");
+ }
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5af5ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ
+ * The XYZ class is designed to make it easier for people who have tiles
+ * arranged by a standard XYZ grid.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * Default is true, as this is designed to be a base tile source.
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: sphericalMercator
+ * Whether the tile extents should be set to the defaults for
+ * spherical mercator. Useful for things like OpenStreetMap.
+ * Default is false, except for the OSM subclass.
+ */
+ sphericalMercator: false,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: zoomOffset
+ * {Number} If your cache has more zoom levels than you want to provide
+ * access to with this layer, supply a zoomOffset. This zoom offset
+ * is added to the current map zoom level to determine the level
+ * for a requested tile. For example, if you supply a zoomOffset
+ * of 3, when the map is at the zoom 0, tiles will be requested from
+ * level 3 of your cache. Default is 0 (assumes cache level and map
+ * zoom are equivalent). Using <zoomOffset> is an alternative to
+ * setting <serverResolutions> if you only want to expose a subset
+ * of the server resolutions.
+ */
+ zoomOffset: 0,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: serverResolutions
+ * {Array} A list of all resolutions available on the server. Only set this
+ * property if the map resolutions differ from the server. This
+ * property serves two purposes. (a) <serverResolutions> can include
+ * resolutions that the server supports and that you don't want to
+ * provide with this layer; you can also look at <zoomOffset>, which is
+ * an alternative to <serverResolutions> for that specific purpose.
+ * (b) The map can work with resolutions that aren't supported by
+ * the server, i.e. that aren't in <serverResolutions>. When the
+ * map is displayed in such a resolution data for the closest
+ * server-supported resolution is loaded and the layer div is
+ * stretched as necessary.
+ */
+ serverResolutions: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String}
+ * url - {String}
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, options) {
+ if (options && options.sphericalMercator || this.sphericalMercator) {
+ options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ numZoomLevels: 19
+ }, options);
+ }
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [
+ name ||, url || this.url, {}, options
+ ]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ * Create a clone of this layer
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object} Is this ever used?
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ>} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ(,
+ this.url,
+ this.getOptions());
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
+ * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
+ * parameters
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ var xyz = this.getXYZ(bounds);
+ var url = this.url;
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
+ var s = '' + xyz.x + xyz.y + xyz.z;
+ url = this.selectUrl(s, url);
+ }
+ return OpenLayers.String.format(url, xyz);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getXYZ
+ * Calculates x, y and z for the given bounds.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {Object} - an object with x, y and z properties.
+ */
+ getXYZ: function(bounds) {
+ var res = this.getServerResolution();
+ var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) /
+ (res * this.tileSize.w));
+ var y = Math.round(( - /
+ (res * this.tileSize.h));
+ var z = this.getServerZoom();
+ if (this.wrapDateLine) {
+ var limit = Math.pow(2, z);
+ x = ((x % limit) + limit) % limit;
+ }
+ return {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z};
+ },
+ /* APIMethod: setMap
+ * When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin
+ * (if we don't have one.)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (!this.tileOrigin) {
+ this.tileOrigin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.maxExtent.left,
+ this.maxExtent.bottom);
+ }
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ"
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Zoomify.js b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Zoomify.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c3d57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Zoomify.js
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * Development supported by a R&D grant DC08P02OUK006 - Old Maps Online
+ * ( from Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
+ */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
+ /**
+ * Property: size
+ * {<OpenLayers.Size>} The Zoomify image size in pixels.
+ */
+ size: null,
+ /**
+ * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
+ * {Boolean}
+ */
+ isBaseLayer: true,
+ /**
+ * Property: standardTileSize
+ * {Integer} The size of a standard (non-border) square tile in pixels.
+ */
+ standardTileSize: 256,
+ /**
+ * Property: tileOriginCorner
+ * {String} This layer uses top-left as tile origin
+ **/
+ tileOriginCorner: "tl",
+ /**
+ * Property: numberOfTiers
+ * {Integer} Depth of the Zoomify pyramid, number of tiers (zoom levels)
+ * - filled during Zoomify pyramid initialization.
+ */
+ numberOfTiers: 0,
+ /**
+ * Property: tileCountUpToTier
+ * {Array(Integer)} Number of tiles up to the given tier of pyramid.
+ * - filled during Zoomify pyramid initialization.
+ */
+ tileCountUpToTier: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: tierSizeInTiles
+ * {Array(<OpenLayers.Size>)} Size (in tiles) for each tier of pyramid.
+ * - filled during Zoomify pyramid initialization.
+ */
+ tierSizeInTiles: null,
+ /**
+ * Property: tierImageSize
+ * {Array(<OpenLayers.Size>)} Image size in pixels for each pyramid tier.
+ * - filled during Zoomify pyramid initialization.
+ */
+ tierImageSize: null,
+ /**
+ * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * name - {String} A name for the layer.
+ * url - {String} - Relative or absolute path to the image or more
+ * precisly to the TileGroup[X] directories root.
+ * Flash plugin use the variable name "zoomifyImagePath" for this.
+ * size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size (in pixels) of the image.
+ * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+ */
+ initialize: function(name, url, size, options) {
+ // initilize the Zoomify pyramid for given size
+ this.initializeZoomify(size);
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [
+ name, url, size, {}, options
+ ]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: initializeZoomify
+ * It generates constants for all tiers of the Zoomify pyramid
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size of the image in pixels
+ *
+ */
+ initializeZoomify: function( size ) {
+ var imageSize = size.clone();
+ this.size = size.clone();
+ var tiles = new OpenLayers.Size(
+ Math.ceil( imageSize.w / this.standardTileSize ),
+ Math.ceil( imageSize.h / this.standardTileSize )
+ );
+ this.tierSizeInTiles = [tiles];
+ this.tierImageSize = [imageSize];
+ while (imageSize.w > this.standardTileSize ||
+ imageSize.h > this.standardTileSize ) {
+ imageSize = new OpenLayers.Size(
+ Math.floor( imageSize.w / 2 ),
+ Math.floor( imageSize.h / 2 )
+ );
+ tiles = new OpenLayers.Size(
+ Math.ceil( imageSize.w / this.standardTileSize ),
+ Math.ceil( imageSize.h / this.standardTileSize )
+ );
+ this.tierSizeInTiles.push( tiles );
+ this.tierImageSize.push( imageSize );
+ }
+ this.tierSizeInTiles.reverse();
+ this.tierImageSize.reverse();
+ this.numberOfTiers = this.tierSizeInTiles.length;
+ var resolutions = [1];
+ this.tileCountUpToTier = [0];
+ for (var i = 1; i < this.numberOfTiers; i++) {
+ resolutions.unshift(Math.pow(2, i));
+ this.tileCountUpToTier.push(
+ this.tierSizeInTiles[i-1].w * this.tierSizeInTiles[i-1].h +
+ this.tileCountUpToTier[i-1]
+ );
+ }
+ if (!this.serverResolutions) {
+ this.serverResolutions = resolutions;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod:destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ // for now, nothing special to do here.
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ // Remove from memory the Zoomify pyramid - is that enough?
+ this.tileCountUpToTier.length = 0;
+ this.tierSizeInTiles.length = 0;
+ this.tierImageSize.length = 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: clone
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * obj - {Object}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify>} An exact clone of this <OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify>
+ */
+ clone: function (obj) {
+ if (obj == null) {
+ obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify(,
+ this.url,
+ this.size,
+ this.options);
+ }
+ //get all additions from superclasses
+ obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
+ // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getURL
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
+ * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
+ * parameters
+ */
+ getURL: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
+ var res = this.getServerResolution();
+ var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.tileOrigin.lon) / (res * this.tileSize.w));
+ var y = Math.round(( - / (res * this.tileSize.h));
+ var z = this.getZoomForResolution( res );
+ var tileIndex = x + y * this.tierSizeInTiles[z].w + this.tileCountUpToTier[z];
+ var path = "TileGroup" + Math.floor( (tileIndex) / 256 ) +
+ "/" + z + "-" + x + "-" + y + ".jpg";
+ var url = this.url;
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
+ url = this.selectUrl(path, url);
+ }
+ return url + path;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: getImageSize
+ * getImageSize returns size for a particular tile. If bounds are given as
+ * first argument, size is calculated (bottom-right tiles are non square).
+ *
+ */
+ getImageSize: function() {
+ if (arguments.length > 0) {
+ var bounds = this.adjustBounds(arguments[0]);
+ var res = this.getServerResolution();
+ var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.tileOrigin.lon) / (res * this.tileSize.w));
+ var y = Math.round(( - / (res * this.tileSize.h));
+ var z = this.getZoomForResolution( res );
+ var w = this.standardTileSize;
+ var h = this.standardTileSize;
+ if (x == this.tierSizeInTiles[z].w -1 ) {
+ var w = this.tierImageSize[z].w % this.standardTileSize;
+ }
+ if (y == this.tierSizeInTiles[z].h -1 ) {
+ var h = this.tierImageSize[z].h % this.standardTileSize;
+ }
+ return (new OpenLayers.Size(w, h));
+ } else {
+ return this.tileSize;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * APIMethod: setMap
+ * When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin
+ * (if we don't have one.)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
+ */
+ setMap: function(map) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.tileOrigin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(,
+ },
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify"