path: root/misc/openlayers/tests/manual/select-feature-right-click.html
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authorChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
committerChris Schlaeger <>2014-08-12 21:56:44 +0200
commitea346a785dc1b3f7c156f6fc33da634e1f1a627b (patch)
treeaf67530553d20b6e82ad60fd79593e9c4abf5565 /misc/openlayers/tests/manual/select-feature-right-click.html
parent59741cd535c47f25971bf8c32b25da25ceadc6d5 (diff)
Adding jquery, flot and openlayers to be included with the GEM.v0.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openlayers/tests/manual/select-feature-right-click.html')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openlayers/tests/manual/select-feature-right-click.html b/misc/openlayers/tests/manual/select-feature-right-click.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd79d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/openlayers/tests/manual/select-feature-right-click.html
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+ <head>
+ <title>OpenLayers Ticket 3404</title>
+ <script src="../../lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <table cellpadding="10px">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="600">
+ <p><a href="">Ticket 3404</a> Test Page</p>
+ <p>This bug is only triggered by physical right mouse clicks so it is not possible to write
+ an automated js unit test</p>
+ <p>When a SelectFeature control and a Navigation control are added to a map the left-click
+ mousedown events are stopped by a Drag handler before reaching the Feature handler. However,
+ right-click mousedown events so pass through and reach the Feature handler.</p>
+ <p>The Feature handler records the xy of
+ each mousedown and mouseup events so they can be compared in the click event. Because only right-click
+ mousedown event are received the location of future left-click mouseup events are compared
+ to the location of the 'stale' right-click mousedown event resulting in the feature not being selected.</p>
+ <p>Steps to recreate the bug:
+ <ol>
+ <li>Left-click a point to select it.</li>
+ <li>Left-click the map to deselect the point.</li>
+ <li>Left-click a different point to select it.</li>
+ <li>Left-click the map to deselect the second point.</li>
+ <li>Right-click the map then left-click to close the browser context menu.</li>
+ <li>Left-click a point.</li>
+ </ol>
+ </p>
+ <p>Expected: The point is selected.</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div style="width:300; height:400" id="map"></div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
+ var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+ var wmsLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
+ "", {layers: 'basic'} );
+ // allow testing of specific renderers via "?renderer=Canvas", etc
+ var renderer = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(window.location.href).renderer;
+ renderer = (renderer) ? [renderer] : OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.renderers;
+ var vectorLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Vector Layer", {
+ renderers: renderer
+ });
+ map.addLayers([wmsLayer, vectorLayer]);
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
+ var selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
+ vectorLayer,
+ {
+ clickout: true, toggle: false,
+ multiple: false, hover: false,
+ toggleKey: "ctrlKey", // ctrl key removes from selection
+ multipleKey: "shiftKey", // shift key adds to selection
+ }
+ );
+ map.addControl(selectControl);
+ selectControl.activate();
+ map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation());
+ map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-75.1641667, 39.9522222), 10);
+ var createRandomFeatures = function() {
+ var extent = map.getExtent();
+ var features = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<10; ++i) {
+ features.push(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+ new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(extent.left + (extent.right - extent.left) * Math.random(),
+ extent.bottom + ( - extent.bottom) * Math.random()
+ )));
+ }
+ return features;
+ }
+ vectorLayer.addFeatures(createRandomFeatures());
+ </script>
+ </body>