path: root/system
diff options
authorThijs <>2023-11-16 09:09:54 +0100
committerThijs Schreijer <>2024-04-30 09:28:01 +0200
commitbd994461ef7c2553da9a6945c685152bad50eb8f (patch)
tree28adc32712f00a200a34357e731a570bf1a359dc /system
parent47c24eed0191f8f72646be63dee94ac2b35eb062 (diff)
feat(term): getting/setting terminal config flags
Diffstat (limited to 'system')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/system/init.lua b/system/init.lua
index 77e0c3b..c3ea94d 100644
--- a/system/init.lua
+++ b/system/init.lua
@@ -1,2 +1,210 @@
-local system = require 'system.core'
-return system
+--- Lua System Library.
+-- @module init
+local sys = require 'system.core'
+local global_backup -- global backup for terminal settings
+local add_gc_method do
+ -- feature detection; __GC meta-method, not available in all Lua versions
+ local has_gc = false
+ local tt = setmetatable({}, { -- luacheck: ignore
+ __gc = function() has_gc = true end
+ })
+ -- clear table and run GC to trigger
+ tt = nil
+ collectgarbage()
+ collectgarbage()
+ if has_gc then
+ -- use default GC mechanism since it is available
+ function add_gc_method(t, f)
+ setmetatable(t, { __gc = f })
+ end
+ else
+ -- create workaround using a proxy userdata, typical for Lua 5.1
+ function add_gc_method(t, f)
+ local proxy = newproxy(true)
+ getmetatable(proxy).__gc = function()
+ t["__gc_proxy"] = nil
+ f(t)
+ end
+ t["__gc_proxy"] = proxy
+ end
+ end
+--- Returns a backup of terminal setting for stdin/out/err.
+-- Handles terminal/console flags and non-block flags on the streams.
+-- Backs up terminal/console flags only if a stream is a tty.
+-- @return table with backup of terminal settings
+function sys.termbackup()
+ local backup = {}
+ if sys.isatty(io.stdin) then
+ backup.console_in = sys.getconsoleflags(io.stdin)
+ backup.term_in = sys.tcgetattr(io.stdin)
+ end
+ if sys.isatty(io.stdout) then
+ backup.console_out = sys.getconsoleflags(io.stdout)
+ backup.term_out = sys.tcgetattr(io.stdout)
+ end
+ if sys.isatty(io.stderr) then
+ backup.console_err = sys.getconsoleflags(io.stderr)
+ backup.term_err = sys.tcgetattr(io.stderr)
+ end
+ backup.block_in = sys.getnonblock(io.stdin)
+ backup.block_out = sys.getnonblock(io.stdout)
+ backup.block_err = sys.getnonblock(io.stderr)
+ return backup
+--- Restores terminal settings from a backup
+-- @tparam table backup the backup of terminal settings, see `termbackup`.
+-- @treturn boolean true
+function sys.termrestore(backup)
+ if backup.console_in then sys.setconsoleflags(io.stdin, backup.console_in) end
+ if backup.term_in then sys.tcsetattr(io.stdin, sys.TCSANOW, backup.term_in) end
+ if backup.console_out then sys.setconsoleflags(io.stdout, backup.console_out) end
+ if backup.term_out then sys.tcsetattr(io.stdout, sys.TCSANOW, backup.term_out) end
+ if backup.console_err then sys.setconsoleflags(io.stderr, backup.console_err) end
+ if backup.term_err then sys.tcsetattr(io.stderr, sys.TCSANOW, backup.term_err) end
+ if backup.block_in ~= nil then sys.setnonblock(io.stdin, backup.block_in) end
+ if backup.block_out ~= nil then sys.setnonblock(io.stdout, backup.block_out) end
+ if backup.block_err ~= nil then sys.setnonblock(io.stderr, backup.block_err) end
+ return true
+--- Backs up terminal settings and restores them on application exit.
+-- Calls `termbackup` to back up terminal settings and sets up a GC method to
+-- automatically restore them on application exit (also works on Lua 5.1).
+-- @treturn[1] boolean true
+-- @treturn[2] nil if the backup was already created
+-- @treturn[2] string error message
+function sys.autotermrestore()
+ if global_backup then
+ return nil, "global terminal backup was already set up"
+ end
+ global_backup = sys.termbackup()
+ add_gc_method(global_backup, function(self)
+ sys.termrestore(self) end)
+ return true
+ local oldunpack = unpack or table.unpack
+ local pack = function(...) return { n = select("#", ...), ... } end
+ local unpack = function(t) return oldunpack(t, 1, t.n) end
+ --- Wraps a function to automatically restore terminal settings upon returning.
+ -- Calls `termbackup` before calling the function and `termrestore` after.
+ -- @tparam function f function to wrap
+ -- @treturn function wrapped function
+ function sys.termwrap(f)
+ if type(f) ~= "function" then
+ error("arg #1 to wrap, expected function, got " .. type(f), 2)
+ end
+ return function(...)
+ local bu = sys.termbackup()
+ local results = pack(f(...))
+ sys.termrestore(bu)
+ return unpack(results)
+ end
+ end
+--- Debug function for console flags (Windows).
+-- Pretty prints the current flags set for the handle.
+-- @param fh file handle (`io.stdin`, `io.stdout`, `io.stderr`)
+-- @usage -- Print the flags for stdin/out/err
+-- system.listconsoleflags(io.stdin)
+-- system.listconsoleflags(io.stdout)
+-- system.listconsoleflags(io.stderr)
+function sys.listconsoleflags(fh)
+ local flagtype
+ if fh == io.stdin then
+ print "------ STDIN FLAGS WINDOWS ------"
+ flagtype = "CIF_"
+ elseif fh == io.stdout then
+ print "------ STDOUT FLAGS WINDOWS ------"
+ flagtype = "COF_"
+ elseif fh == io.stderr then
+ print "------ STDERR FLAGS WINDOWS ------"
+ flagtype = "COF_"
+ end
+ local flags = assert(sys.getconsoleflags(fh))
+ local out = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(sys) do
+ if type(k) == "string" and k:sub(1,4) == flagtype then
+ if flags:has(v) then
+ out[#out+1] = string.format("%10d [x] %s",v:value(),k)
+ else
+ out[#out+1] = string.format("%10d [ ] %s",v:value(),k)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(out)
+ for k,v in pairs(out) do
+ print(v)
+ end
+--- Debug function for terminal flags (Posix).
+-- Pretty prints the current flags set for the handle.
+-- @param fh file handle (`io.stdin`, `io.stdout`, `io.stderr`)
+-- @usage -- Print the flags for stdin/out/err
+-- system.listconsoleflags(io.stdin)
+-- system.listconsoleflags(io.stdout)
+-- system.listconsoleflags(io.stderr)
+function sys.listtermflags(fh)
+ if fh == io.stdin then
+ print "------ STDIN FLAGS POSIX ------"
+ elseif fh == io.stdout then
+ print "------ STDOUT FLAGS POSIX ------"
+ elseif fh == io.stderr then
+ print "------ STDERR FLAGS POSIX ------"
+ end
+ local flags = assert(sys.tcgetattr(fh))
+ for _, flagtype in ipairs { "iflag", "oflag", "lflag" } do
+ local prefix = flagtype:sub(1,1):upper() .. "_" -- I_, O_, or L_, the constant prefixes
+ local out = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(sys) do
+ if type(k) == "string" and k:sub(1,2) == prefix then
+ if flags[flagtype]:has(v) then
+ out[#out+1] = string.format("%10d [x] %s",v:value(),k)
+ else
+ out[#out+1] = string.format("%10d [ ] %s",v:value(),k)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(out)
+ for k,v in pairs(out) do
+ print(v)
+ end
+ end
+return sys