path: root/test/diagnostics/assign-type-mismatch.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/diagnostics/assign-type-mismatch.lua')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/assign-type-mismatch.lua b/test/diagnostics/assign-type-mismatch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc55a7da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/assign-type-mismatch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+local config = require 'config'
+TEST [[
+local m = {}
+---@type integer[]
+m.ints = {}
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x A
+---@type A
+local t
+t.x = {}
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x integer
+---@type A
+local t
+<!t.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x integer
+---@type A
+local t
+---@type boolean
+local y
+<!t.x!> = y
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local m
+m.x = 1
+---@type A
+local t
+<!t.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local m
+---@type integer
+m.x = 1
+<!m.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local mt
+---@type integer
+mt.x = 1
+function mt:init()
+ <!self.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x integer
+---@type A
+local t = {
+ <!x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = {}
+t[5] = nil
+TEST [[
+---@type table<string, true>
+local t = {}
+t['x'] = nil
+TEST [[
+---@type [boolean]
+local t = { <![1]!> = nil }
+t = nil
+TEST [[
+local t = { true }
+t[1] = nil
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local t = {
+ x = 1
+<!t.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local t
+t = 1
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local t
+---@type integer
+local y
+t = y
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local m
+---@type number
+m.x = 1
+<!m.x!> = {}
+TEST [[
+local n
+if G then
+ n = {}
+ n = nil
+local t = {
+ x = n,
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = {}
+---@type boolean?
+local x
+t[#t+1] = x
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local n
+---@type integer
+local i
+<?i?> = n
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.castNumberToInteger', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local n
+---@type integer
+local i
+i = n
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.castNumberToInteger', false)
+TEST [[
+---@type number|boolean
+local nb
+---@type number
+local n
+<?n?> = nb
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number|boolean
+local nb
+---@type number
+local n
+n = nb
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
+TEST [[
+---@class Option: string
+---@param x Option
+local function f(x) end
+---@type Option
+local x = 'aaa'
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local <!x!> = 'aaa'
+TEST [[
+---@class X
+---@class A
+local mt = G
+---@type X
+mt._x = nil
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakNilCheck', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number?
+local nb
+---@type number
+local n
+n = nb
+TEST [[
+---@type number|nil
+local nb
+---@type number
+local n
+n = nb
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakNilCheck', false)
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+---@class B
+local <!b!> = a
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+---@class B: A
+local b = a
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+a.__index = a
+---@class B: A
+local b = setmetatable({}, a)
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+---@class B: A
+local b = setmetatable({}, {__index = a})
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+---@class B
+local <!b!> = setmetatable({}, {__index = a})
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x number?
+local a
+---@class B
+---@field x number
+local b
+b.x = a.x
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x number?
+local a
+---@type number
+local t
+t = a.x
+TEST [[
+local mt = {}
+mt.x = 1
+mt.x = nil
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local x = G
+TEST [[
+---@generic T
+---@param x T
+---@return T
+local function f(x)
+ return x
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
+TEST [[
+---@alias test boolean
+---@type test
+local <!test!> = 4
+TEST [[
+---@class MyClass
+local MyClass = {}
+function MyClass:new()
+ ---@class MyClass
+ local myObject = setmetatable({
+ initialField = true
+ }, self)
+ print(myObject.initialField)
+TEST [[
+---@class T
+local t = {
+ x = nil
+t.x = 1
+TEST [[
+---@type {[1]: string, [10]: number, xx: boolean}
+local t = {
+ <!true!>,
+ <![10]!> = 's',
+ <!xx!> = 1,
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = { <!1!>, <!2!>, <!3!> }
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = { true, false, nil }
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean|nil
+local x
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = { true, false, x }
+TEST [[
+---@enum Enum
+local t = {
+ x = 1,
+ y = 2,
+---@type Enum
+local y
+---@type integer
+local x = y
+TEST [[
+---@type string|string[]|string[][]
+local t = {{'a'}}
+TEST [[
+local A = "Hello"
+local B = "World"
+---@alias myLiteralAliases `A` | `B`
+---@type myLiteralAliases
+local x = A
+TEST [[
+local enum = { a = 1, b = 2 }
+---@type { [integer] : boolean }
+local t = {
+ <![enum.a]!> = 1,
+ <![enum.b]!> = 2,
+ <![3]!> = 3,
+TEST [[
+---@class SomeClass
+---@field [1] string
+-- ...
+---@param some_param SomeClass|SomeClass[]
+local function some_fn(some_param) return end
+some_fn { { "test" } } -- <- diagnostic: "Cannot assign `table` to `string`."
+TEST [[
+---@type string[]
+local arr = {
+ <!3!>,
+TEST [[
+---@type (string|boolean)[]
+local arr2 = {
+ <!3!>, -- no warnings
+TEST [[
+local t = {}
+t.a = 1
+t.a = 2
+return t