path: root/server-beta/src/utility.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server-beta/src/utility.lua')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server-beta/src/utility.lua b/server-beta/src/utility.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85cb4105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server-beta/src/utility.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+local tableSort = table.sort
+local stringRep = string.rep
+local tableConcat = table.concat
+local tostring = tostring
+local type = type
+local pairs = pairs
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local next = next
+local rawset = rawset
+local move = table.move
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local mathType = math.type
+local mathCeil = math.ceil
+local getmetatable = getmetatable
+local mathAbs = math.abs
+local ioOpen =
+_ENV = nil
+local function formatNumber(n)
+ local str = ('%.10f'):format(n)
+ str = str:gsub('%.?0*$', '')
+ return str
+local function isInteger(n)
+ if mathType then
+ return mathType(n) == 'integer'
+ else
+ return type(n) == 'number' and n % 1 == 0
+ end
+local TAB = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (self, n)
+ self[n] = stringRep(' ', n)
+ return self[n]
+local RESERVED = {
+ ['and'] = true,
+ ['break'] = true,
+ ['do'] = true,
+ ['else'] = true,
+ ['elseif'] = true,
+ ['end'] = true,
+ ['false'] = true,
+ ['for'] = true,
+ ['function'] = true,
+ ['goto'] = true,
+ ['if'] = true,
+ ['in'] = true,
+ ['local'] = true,
+ ['nil'] = true,
+ ['not'] = true,
+ ['or'] = true,
+ ['repeat'] = true,
+ ['return'] = true,
+ ['then'] = true,
+ ['true'] = true,
+ ['until'] = true,
+ ['while'] = true,
+local m = {}
+--- 打印表的结构
+---@param tbl table
+---@param option table {optional = 'self'}
+---@return string
+function m.dump(tbl, option)
+ if not option then
+ option = {}
+ end
+ if type(tbl) ~= 'table' then
+ return ('%s'):format(tbl)
+ end
+ local lines = {}
+ local mark = {}
+ lines[#lines+1] = '{'
+ local function unpack(tbl, tab)
+ if mark[tbl] and mark[tbl] > 0 then
+ lines[#lines+1] = TAB[tab+1] .. '"<Loop>"'
+ return
+ end
+ mark[tbl] = (mark[tbl] or 0) + 1
+ local keys = {}
+ local keymap = {}
+ local integerFormat = '[%d]'
+ local alignment = 0
+ if #tbl >= 10 then
+ local width = #tostring(#tbl)
+ integerFormat = ('[%%0%dd]'):format(mathCeil(width))
+ end
+ for key in pairs(tbl) do
+ if type(key) == 'string' then
+ if not key:match('^[%a_][%w_]*$')
+ or RESERVED[key]
+ or option['longStringKey']
+ then
+ keymap[key] = ('[%q]'):format(key)
+ else
+ keymap[key] = ('%s'):format(key)
+ end
+ elseif isInteger(key) then
+ keymap[key] = integerFormat:format(key)
+ else
+ keymap[key] = ('["<%s>"]'):format(tostring(key))
+ end
+ keys[#keys+1] = key
+ if option['alignment'] then
+ if #keymap[key] > alignment then
+ alignment = #keymap[key]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local mt = getmetatable(tbl)
+ if not mt or not mt.__pairs then
+ if option['sorter'] then
+ option['sorter'](keys, keymap)
+ else
+ tableSort(keys, function (a, b)
+ return keymap[a] < keymap[b]
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
+ local keyWord = keymap[key]
+ if option['noArrayKey']
+ and isInteger(key)
+ and key <= #tbl
+ then
+ keyWord = ''
+ else
+ if #keyWord < alignment then
+ keyWord = keyWord .. (' '):rep(alignment - #keyWord) .. ' = '
+ else
+ keyWord = keyWord .. ' = '
+ end
+ end
+ local value = tbl[key]
+ local tp = type(value)
+ if tp == 'table' then
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s{'):format(TAB[tab+1], keyWord)
+ unpack(value, tab+1)
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('%s},'):format(TAB[tab+1])
+ elseif tp == 'string' then
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%q,'):format(TAB[tab+1], keyWord, value)
+ elseif tp == 'number' then
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%s,'):format(TAB[tab+1], keyWord, formatNumber(value))
+ elseif tp == 'nil' then
+ else
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('%s%s%s,'):format(TAB[tab+1], keyWord, tostring(value))
+ end
+ end
+ mark[tbl] = mark[tbl] - 1
+ end
+ unpack(tbl, 0)
+ lines[#lines+1] = '}'
+ return tableConcat(lines, '\r\n')
+--- 递归判断A与B是否相等
+---@param a any
+---@param b any
+---@return boolean
+function m.equal(a, b)
+ local tp1 = type(a)
+ local tp2 = type(b)
+ if tp1 ~= tp2 then
+ return false
+ end
+ if tp1 == 'table' then
+ local mark = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(a) do
+ mark[k] = true
+ local res = m.equal(v, b[k])
+ if not res then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ for k in pairs(b) do
+ if not mark[k] then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ elseif tp1 == 'number' then
+ return mathAbs(a - b) <= 1e-10
+ else
+ return a == b
+ end
+local function sortTable(tbl)
+ if not tbl then
+ tbl = {}
+ end
+ local mt = {}
+ local keys = {}
+ local mark = {}
+ local n = 0
+ for key in next, tbl do
+ n=n+1;keys[n] = key
+ mark[key] = true
+ end
+ tableSort(keys)
+ function mt:__newindex(key, value)
+ rawset(self, key, value)
+ n=n+1;keys[n] = key
+ mark[key] = true
+ if type(value) == 'table' then
+ sortTable(value)
+ end
+ end
+ function mt:__pairs()
+ local list = {}
+ local m = 0
+ for key in next, self do
+ if not mark[key] then
+ m=m+1;list[m] = key
+ end
+ end
+ if m > 0 then
+ move(keys, 1, n, m+1)
+ tableSort(list)
+ for i = 1, m do
+ local key = list[i]
+ keys[i] = key
+ mark[key] = true
+ end
+ n = n + m
+ end
+ local i = 0
+ return function ()
+ i = i + 1
+ local key = keys[i]
+ return key, self[key]
+ end
+ end
+ return setmetatable(tbl, mt)
+--- 创建一个有序表
+---@param tbl table {optional = 'self'}
+---@return table
+function m.container(tbl)
+ return sortTable(tbl)
+--- 读取文件
+---@param path string
+function m.loadFile(path)
+ local f, e = ioOpen(path, 'rb')
+ if not f then
+ return nil, e
+ end
+ if f:read(3) ~= '\xEF\xBB\xBF' then
+ f:seek("set")
+ end
+ local buf = f:read 'a'
+ f:close()
+ return buf
+--- 写入文件
+---@param path string
+---@param content string
+function m.saveFile(path, content)
+ local f, e = ioOpen(path, "wb")
+ if f then
+ f:write(content)
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ else
+ return false, e
+ end
+--- 计数器
+---@param init integer {optional = 'after'}
+---@param step integer {optional = 'after'}
+---@return fun():integer
+function m.counter(init, step)
+ if not step then
+ step = 1
+ end
+ local current = init and (init - 1) or -1
+ return function ()
+ current = current + step
+ return current
+ end
+--- 排序后遍历
+---@param t table
+function m.sortPairs(t)
+ local keys = {}
+ for k in pairs(t) do
+ keys[#keys+1] = k
+ end
+ tableSort(keys)
+ local i = 0
+ return function ()
+ i = i + 1
+ local k = keys[i]
+ return k, t[k]
+ end
+--- 深拷贝(不处理元表)
+---@param source table
+---@param target table {optional = 'self'}
+function m.deepCopy(source, target)
+ local mark = {}
+ local function copy(a, b)
+ if type(a) ~= 'table' then
+ return a
+ end
+ if mark[a] then
+ return mark[a]
+ end
+ if not b then
+ b = {}
+ end
+ mark[a] = b
+ for k, v in pairs(a) do
+ b[copy(k)] = copy(v)
+ end
+ return b
+ end
+ return copy(source, target)
+return m